A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

He felt Serena pull into the deep kiss, something that he returned happily as his hands pressed against her body feeling her warm body up softly his fingers moving over her legs and over her sides. He looked into the beautiful endless eyes of Serena as he moved his hand slipping his shirt from his body, before kissing her once again, his lips pressing firmly against the woman, pressing with a contentness but also a lustfulness that the half saiyan had for the woman, it was amazing to do so, as he knew that she had the same feelings for him that he had for her, even without the knowledge of the future kids they would have.
Serena did have those same feelings for him. Her cheeks tinting pink when he removed his shirt as they always did. But her fingers moved across his chest, exploring it slowly. She was enjoying the contrast that his hands gave. How strong they were but yet always so gentle with her. She looked at him curiously. "Are we gonna....." She blushed again in thought at the remainder of her question.
Gokhan looked at Serena as he saw the heated look on her face and then kissed her neck softly before he said anything to her. He smiled at her comment as he took a deep breath, "Now, perhaps, I do not want to push you any farther then you want to be go, but I was thinking that this would be a good time, we both do know we will, I mean it is how Pan and Rini are born in the future," he said with a smile as he pressed his hands over her sides gently.
Serena blushed again. "I'm ready. I just wanted to be sure we were on the same page." Her hands started trailing along his sides. "It's just...as much as your mother's looking forward to grandkids....I don't think she'd want them so soon. Unless you used that new move from your father to get some protection without my knowing." She lightly teased. She wouldn't have a problem if he had done that. But she did realize that move might be needed now."
Gohan nodded his head as he kissed her neck softly pressing his neck against her own as he got to his feet and held her close to himself, "We can wait, we don't want to wear ourselves out before tomorrow and the first round anyhow, we might have a challenging foe to go against, no one is a easy foe from no on, especially now on," he said as he looked at Serena knowing she would know just what he meant by his comment. They would have to battle only the best, who knew, he might even have to fight her the next day it was possible.
Serena nodded in understanding. She knew it meant she was likely to end up fighting him or the others. "We'll wait until after the tournament then at least." She pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, then to his cheek and finally to his lips. Gives us time to make sure we're better prepared too." She hugged him tight.
The next morning Gohan was pumped as he had the large hotel breakfast quickly with Serena, before he walked with her back to the arena, he knew that at noon they would announce the round of eight bracket and that would tell him who he was going to fight and who he would fight if he won as well. He sat down in a corner seeing the others gathered, he knew almost all of them and had battled all most likely all 8 in the past or in the future with Rini as that example. He looked around and knew that it was going to get intense.
Serena took a seat next to Gohan, anxious for the announcement of match ups. The entire time, she kept sensing something, the same something that she had felt during the previous day's matches. The fact she didn't know the source of what she was feeling had her more anxious than not knowing who she would be fighting next.
Gohan watched as the people started to pair the people up, his eyes looked at the board and he let out a soft sigh as he saw the first match up for the round of eight, him versus Yamcha, it was a fight he knew he would win, but still he figured it would be a good contest, he saw the next fight, and blinked and looked over at Serena as he saw her name and then he saw Lita's name. He looked at the next match and took a deep breath as he then let out a sigh of relief as he saw it was Rini versus Mina, which meant the last match up was Dabura versus Trunks. He knew that they would be all so very hard, especially after his own fight, he had no clue who would win each of the fights.
Serena looked at the match ups too. She was glad to see that she didn't have to fight Gohan, Yamcha or Trunks this round. Though she knew it was likely she might fight at least one the next round depending. She exchanged looks and nods with Lita, Mina and Rini. All four girls were going to make their matches a show and give it their all, in scout form.
The first match up was between Yamcha and Gohan, it was one both sides knew who would win. Yamcha went over and kissed Mina for a good long while for luck of course before he entered into the ring, it was fate, he always lost in this round. Yamcha looked at Gohan and attacked using his full power at once without using any special moves, it actually knocked Gohan onto his heals as he used the wolf fang fist the hits adding up quickly on Gohan who had to go super saiyan to push Yamcha back.
Gohan was impressed by the attack, it had been far bteter then he had thought possible from Yamcha. It was his training most likely, as he attacked, Gohan moved fast, but was blocked by Yamcha who was using some advanced form of Kaioken something he hadn't ever seen before it was different from the one his dad knew that was for sure.

"It is good to see this, Yamcha has always had bad luck, he has no chance here, but he has grown, it is so nice to see," Goku commented as he looked down at the match, "there is no doubt this training has made him the strongest human ever though," he said proud of his friend as he looked down, "Now Gohan, I am not sure if he can with the tournament, but I know he will give it his best try."

Yamcha was pressed by all the attacks holding the Super Kaioken attack to conter the strikes, he managed to get in three punches and two kicks, but he took a good bit more strikes, still to hit a super saiyan and knock him back for a moment was a bit of w in for the human. Yamcha pressed his full energy into a single wolf fang fist, going all out and hitting Gohan knocking him to the edge of the ring.

Gohan saw that he was in trouble, and powered up and as the last strike of the combo came out him, he used the power of the strike with his own power to grab and throw Yamcha out of the ring. Gohan smiled as he slipped down from the ring, "good job, you have gotten way better," he said to Yamcha before sitting back backstage to watch the next fight with great interest.
Queen Serenity was quite impressed with the match between Gohan and Yamcha as well. "Your friend will continue to grow with Mina at his side. And your son will do his best, just as the others will." She sat up straight, anxious to see the next match.

Serena kissed Gohan for luck without any idea who between herself and Lita was more likely to win. By the time she stepped out in the ring, she had transformed into Sailor Cosmos. It wasn't long after, that with a kiss for luck with Trunks, Lita stepped out, having transformed into Sailor Jupiter. The two warriors nodded at each other in understanding before Serena moved in to attack first.

The two were a flurry of lights due to the speed of their movements, though at times they broke apart for distance attacks. It wasn't until after a combo of planetary attacks from Serena that took Lita down, causing the brunette to detransform, the win going to Serena, who detransformed as well, before helping her friend from the ring
Gohan smiled as he hugged Serena and picked her up, "you were amazing great, really, that was good stuff you did there," he said as he hugged her close to himself, he knew he would have to fight her the next day and that while it was troublesome, he wasn't going to avoid it at all. He was ready now to just spend some quality time with the woman as he and she watched the next rounds together.

Trunks also helped Lita up and smiled as he walked over and sat with her an arm wrapped around her, "I am so proud, you were so impressive, good job," he said to her as he kissed her lips before waiting for his own match which was still one more fight away, as he looked at the little one first Mina, who was making out with Yamcha most likely for luck or something, he shook his head as he relaxed and waited for the fight between the next to happen.
Serena blushed at Gohan's praise. She was glad to have won her match. It showed how far she had come as far as being a match to Lita. "Thanks." She kissed him and settled down to watch the match between Rini and Mina.

Lita smiled and leaned against Trunks before returning his kiss. "Thanks. I can deal with having lost that fight, especially since it was to Serena. She's really come a long way as a fighter."

Just like with Lita and Serena, Mina and Rini both stepped into the ring in scout forms. But unlike Serena, Rini had been able to pinpoint the familiar energy and grinned when she saw her late grandparents in the crowd before turning back to face Mina. The fight between the two was a show of lights and speed that went on for a half-hour. Until Rini used a special variant of the kamehameha wave, one that took the shape of a crescent moon rather than the usual beam. Not only did that turn the tide, it ended the match. Rini smiled as she walked back out with Mina. "The only time I've beat you."
Gohan smiled as he watched the fight, he couldn't believe that Rini was as good as she was, but he felt proud, he could tell she had been trained so well in the skills needed for protecting the world. He felt good, he looked at her and hugged Rini as he looked at his future daughter.

Yamcha congradulated MIna proud of her no matter what had happened, he smiled as he looked at her, "yet us go for a walk," he said with a plan in his mind for what he was going to do, walking down to the beach from the arena with an idea that would very much cheer Mina up.

Trunks got into the ring next, he was focused, this was serious fight, nothing like the three that came before it, nothing friendly about the battle. He looked at the demon who was across form himself and powered up to super saiyan right away, powering up fully. He attacked and missed, badly as he turned to be hit by a back hand fo the demon causing the half saiyan to fall back hitting the ground, but bouncing up. He attacked again, this time he was blocked easily, by the demon, who grabbed his right arm and broke it with a single motion hard up and towards him dislocating his arm at the same time.

"This is all you have, pathetic, I was expecting a half decent fight from you," the demon said as he kicked Trunks in the stomach knocking him to the ground again.

Trunks got up using his one good arm now and attacked with a powerful energy wave, that Dabura blocked, but as he did Trunks got behind him and kicked him, but that two was blocked as Dabura came down with his elbow holding Trunks leg to break his leg as well. he then kicked the Saiyan in the stomach hard as he hit the ground and did so repeatedly for a good few moments before kicking him out of the ring into the wall on the outside out of it winning the match.
Rini hugged Gohan back with a grin. She was excited that she won against Mina. "Dad, Mom, guess what? Grandpa Goku and Grandma Serenity have been watching. I saw them."

Serena gasped at Rini's words. "Really? They're here? In the audience?"

Mina walked happily with Yamcha as she thought over Rini's words after the match. Rini basically gave away that Mina had some hand in her training in the future and that Rini hadn't beat her then otherwise. That alone made her feel better about losing, along with the fact that at least she lost to a friend.

Lita hugged Trunks, being sure to be careful of his injured arm. She was proud of him regardless.
Gohan's face was far more serious now and he nodded to his daughter, "good to know, we have issues next round, Rini, your going to have to be ready, the thing your fighting against was able to out fight both your mother and me some months ago," he informed her as he worried about his daughter fighting the demon. He knew that demon was the one who was the great danger, the one who was his greatest challenge or Serena's big challenge, and their real foe. Seeing Trunks being taken apart like he had with the a broken arm and leg was not pleasant for the Saiyan, and showed him the demon was far stronger now as well.

Rini, "take this to Uncle Trunks, he needs it badly, now," he said handing her a senyu bean to heal his friend up with.

"So our parents are here, that is good, I think I shall go talk to my father if I get the chance, perhaps he can give me some pointers tonight on how to deal with Dabura," Gohan mused outloud.

Yamcha walked along the beach, he was glad she had joined him, he didn't mind being out early, he had plans knowing it would possibly happen. He walked with her up to a nice café on the beach with a romantic atmosphere to it as he lead her there as if he knew it was there and had a plan the whole time.

Trunks grimaced as he looked at the ring, "that guy, is to strong, we got to be him," he murmured out loud as he could stand due to his leg, "Lita, I am going to need a been from Gohan soon, if I am going to get up," he told her honestly as he laid there for a good moment longer.
Rini nodded, taking the bean. She ran it over to Trunks, holding it out to him. "Dad told me to give you this." She was afraid though silently after what her father said about the demon that took out Trunks. She knew she'd have to fight him tomorrow and then one of her parents might have to after that.

Serena nodded. She was still reeling from the shock that Queen Serenity had been watching them in the tournament.

Mina just walked with him smiling. She was enjoying the air and was a little surprised when he led her to the cafe. She looked at him curiously. "Should I even bother to ask what is going through that head of yours?"
Trunks took the pill into his hand and ate it fast as he felt his body heal itself just as quickly, he was happy that she had gotten that for him. He got to his feet and smiled, "Well thanks Rini, you were pretty impressive in your fight, I didn't get a chance to tell you," he said as he slipped an arm around Lita for a moment smiling at her.

Gohan looked at Serena and smiled as he poked her cheek softly and pointed to them in the crowd, he had picked up them after Rini has said something, "you want to go over and talk?"

"I would suggest that you don't," Yamcha commented with a smile as he found a seat at the cafe, it was a nice place, he would very much approve of it on any day, he looked over at her and smiled as he looked over pointing to the sun which was setting and how it gave such a lovely view of the ocean the reds and blues shinning off the ocean waves, as it was such a nice time to be out. "You will however find out before long."
Rini blushed and smiled. "Thanks. I had some really good teachers."

Serena swatted his hand playfully before smiling. "Yeah. It's just been a while since I've seen or spoken to Mother."

Mina grinned. "I think I can handle the wait. By the look on your face, it's clearly good." She looked out at the sunset too.It really was a beautiful view. "It's beautiful."
Trunks nodded his head as he looked at her, "Well then remember this tomorrow, watch out for his speed and don't go rushing into any part of the fight, test him out a bit, even if you don't win, then well, your mother or father might be able to come up with a battle plan, and you can to if the fight goes long enough look for a weakness and if you find one then strike then and there without hesitation, and with focus on your half," a voice of a three eyed man said as he looked at he young woman and then Trunks. "Seconly use distraction techniques catch him off guard, and you might have the best chance for a edge."

"Well now, Tien what are you doing here," Trunks asked the three eyed man.

"I am a ex-champion and I felt Goku's presence so I came to talk to my old rival," he replied to Trunks.

"Well now, it is," Yamcha commented with a smile as the meal was brought to them, it was prearranged it was a lovely chicken salad with nothing but the best, Yamcha had paid for it all ahead of time for the date he was having with Mina, "I do hope that you enjoy it, I was hoping this would be in more of a celebration, but we both did well to get as far as we did," he said with a smile as he looked at her.
Rini looked at Tien and nodded. "I'll try to keep all that in mind. He's clearly going to be tough to beat. Dad said he and Mom had trouble with him the last time they encountered him." She smiled as he mentioned about sensing Goku. "My grandma Serenity is here too."

Mina smiled, gasping as the meal was brought out. "It is still a celebration. We got pretty far in the tournament. Without all that training, we might not have had that much a chance. I know I wouldn't have."
"I must say I meet her for the first time earlier, she seems rather nice," Tien said to the two of them, "Well, I have to get going make sure my wife avoids pepper and all," he said as he slipped away back up into the stands and looked for Launch for a good moment before finding her and heading off to their own hotel.

"Well, he has a point, but you just do your best, and it will be good enough," Trunks said with a smile as he looked at her, "so who is the oldest of your generation you would guess right?" he asked Rini curiously as he looked over to Lita, "though honestly, based on your teaching at least we all stay friends in that time period."

"No, this is more then just a celebration," he said as he lifted the cover from her plate which had the sandwich, but it had one other item on it as the ex-bandit looked at the Idol. "Well, Mina, I wish to ask you to be my wife," Yamcha said nervously as he turned red, it was the first time he ever managed to get those words out but it was worth the shot, as he looked over at Mina nervously, his heart beating so quickly in his chest as he looked at the blonde for a long moment waiting for her reply.
Rini nodded with a grin. "Yeah, I'm the oldest. You're all still very close friends in the obvious ways. It was weird beating Uncle Goten though." She giggled.

Mina's eyes widened and began to water as she smiled. She began nodding at first, chuckling softly. "I should make you do it properly before I give an answer. But I'm not that mean." She wiped her eyes. "Yes, Yamcha, I'll marry you."
"I am sure it was, I knew if Trunks would of joined it would of been super strange for me," he said as he looked at Rini letting out a laugh of his own thinking about how a fight between himself and Chibi Trunks would of went over. It would of been different to see, that was for sure, he wasn't sure if it would of worked well with his parents having to cheer against one of their kids.

The ex-bandit was on cloud nine as he hugged Mina, happy as he could be. He had never though that he would give up the bachelor life, he figured that he would be a bachelor for the rest of his days. He smiled as he kissed the blonde sailor for a moment letting his passions show though the kiss before slipping quietly back over towards his own spot. This had been amazing, he was so overjoyed, this was honestly to him far better then winning the tournament.
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