A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Gohan put more energy into the shield, as it reflected the blast upwards, he did this on perpose as he looked across at her. He was sure she would do more then the long range attacks, and he had to be ready to deal with any other attack she might use on him.. he took a deep breath as he thought about various attacks Serena might use and tried to think up counters to each of them as he stood there. He had a couple of ideas in his mind that he could use that would perhaps confuse Serena and he hoped that he would be able to just outlast her and avoid harming the woman whom he cared for so deeply.
Serena kept her cheerful smile on her face as she sent a few more blasts his way. Again these blasts didn't even have that much power to them and weren't all that strong. She was already coming up with something he might not expect from her even if it would be a close range sneak attack. She had to hold back a smirk and a giggle that were daring to show from the thought of what she had in mind.
Gohan smiled as he looked at Serena, he knew something was up, but he wasn't going to play his next card either, he smiled as he looked at her, "Well you can always was give up, a man isn't suppose to his a woman especially his own girlfriend you know," Gohan said as he looked at her waiting for her to make her move, the attacks she was making were to light and just for show. He had been in a number of fights and he knew this fact rather well. "I can tell you like to attack at range, but could you use something with a bit more power, then this."
Serena couldn't help but laugh. "Tell that to all the other guys I've fought. But come on, we knew the chance of this fight happening from the start. If you were that unwilling to hit me, why even let me enter?" She shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh well, I won't be going down easy." Her next attack was one similar to Mina's love chain but Serena's hearts were pink and twisted in a spiral
"Yeah I know, and please don't take it personal," he said as he took a deep breath as he put his hand up and knew what moved to use against Serena. He disappeared and reappeared behind to the left of Serena using ball of compressed air that that he aimed at the back of Serena as he pushed it forward to her, he just had to knock her out of the ring, he limited his own attack to some degree to not hurt her but just knock her hopefully clear of the ring.
She did get pushed forward but managed to open a portal just in time to move her so that she would fall from high above him instead. "Nice try." She shot off a triple flame arrow before going in another portal to appear in front and sending off a neptune based attack. Her next quick movement had her using a space blaster attack in the same form as Rini on both sides. To finish it off, she pressed her hand to the ring and pushed a world shaking under in attempt to catch him from all sides, the world shaking to get him from underneath. She smirked, knowing that while the entire combo would've taken some energy since all the attacks were stronger than what she had used before, she didn't feel the least bit winded.
It was an impressive attack, Gohan looked as she attacked from all sides at once, he shook his head, this attack would do nothing against someone like Dabura, it would be swatted away like it was a fly. He used the instant transmission move to avoid the attacks putting himself instantly above Serena as he looked down at her, "That was good, but if you want to win, against me you will have to do a whole lot better than an advance attack that a little kid can use," he said calmly as he looked down at her, "You want to win so badly your going to have to do far better then that, I can't have you harmed in the next round and with attacks like that you will be killed," he said honestly as he looked down towards Serena for a moment.
She looked up at him with a glare. "And you're hoping I'll just go at my most powerful so you can knock me out easy. I'm not an idiot! But fine! You want a good attack....I'll give you one." She started glowing white, the white glow added by a layer of blue, red, green, orange, teal, yellow, purple and gray in that order, one above the previous. Her focus as she drew on the powers had her aura and energy level pick up in strength tremendously. Her hands went above her before she released a giant beam that spread the size of the ring, yet only went upward towards Gohan.

Mina and Lita looked on in shock. They had recognized the two levels of their colors but also knew she wasn't drawing on their strength. Yet they also knew she wasn't using the silver crystal. But the level of power of that attack from their normally cheerful friend had them slightly scared
Gohan looked down and could tell that Serena was pissed at him, he took a deep breath and sighed, she didn't understand he knew that at their levels she wouldn't be able to defeat Dabura at best without using her crystal far past where she should be allowed to use it. He saw the attack forming and closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he braced himself for the attack. He put his hands out and was hit backwards pushed back by the force of her attack as he flew higher. He could feel that the power behind the attack was impressive. He powered up to the slower form of super saiyan that traded power for strength and used his strength to slowly get ahold of the attack, the power for it burning most of his shirt away as he deflected it finally into the sky while he than looked around for Serena and used instant transmission to end up back in front of her, "that was good far better then anything I have see you use so far."
Lita and Mina both sat in their seats in absolute awe. "Yep. Serena's pissed. He's gonna be in for it later."

The multicolored glow remained around her as she walked closer to him with determination in her eyes. "I know. That was the point." She shot a few more blasts at him, all of these stronger than the earlier ones. All multicolored like the glow around her. Just as she gathered energy for one more big one, one more glow was added, one of gold. When she finally released it, the beam's color was completely golden.
Gohan watched the attacks at they came at him moving back away from them and up away dodging them as he looked at her finding the last one, he noticed the attacks were chasing him. he turned and put his hands over his head and focused his energy into a counter attack, he looked at Serena and powered up again to the maxium power he could get before firing off his own energy wave the Masanko. The blast his the golden beam dead on as he pushed his full power behind it. He was wondering what had gotten into Serena's mind she was out for his blood as if she didn't mind killing him to win the match. He used his beam to deflect her own before coming down breathing hard as he gathered himself, "that still won't be enough you know, you have gotten better, but this is why I don't want to attack you, hurting you would be like hurting myself."
Serena glared at him. "So what? You were holding back more often than I thought in all those spars these past six months?! So you don't fight me even properly and hope to wear me down so you can practically tap me and win! What if something happens where I'm brainwashed evil and am forced to fight you? Would you still hold back?" She sighed. "You know what, never mind. Have it your way." She de-transformed but the glows around her remained as she walked towards the entrance to the ring. She stopped at the halfway point and looked back over her shoulder at him. "Do your mom and brother a favor and try not to die." She then continued walking, knowing her leaving would be to forfeit the match. Just before the entranceway, she disappeared.

Mina sat back with a sigh. "That's quite a conundrum now. She won't be on earth and she won't be at the lookout." She looked over at Lita and Queen Serenity, both confirming her suspicion with silent nods.
Gohan looked at her and sighed as he was a good deal shocked by what had just happened. He blinked as he looked at the spot where she was and sighed to himself softly and walked over and sat down, he hated that he had to fight her, he just couldn't hurt her, she meant to much to him. He looked down and sighed as he wasn't sure what to do at that moment other then just sit there. He had no way of knowing were she had gone. He leaned back in his seat as he couldn't sit still and slipped off to the area behind the arena to at least try to take a nap for a moment or two feeling rather down and depressed by what had just happened.
Rini had watched from the sidelines with a sad sigh. She hated that her parents had argued like that but she had a good idea of how Serena felt. Her only consolation was the fact that she and Pan weren't flickering from a threat to their existence so she knew they'd make up. She sighed and headed on into the ring, already knowing that she didn't really stand a chance but she'd go down fighting anyway.
Dabura walked into the ring and looked at his foe, "Well now a little girl, we can't have this, why don't we just have you forfeit and join your papa backstage," the red demon commented as he looked at Rini, he was charge up but he figured that this fight was below him. He powered up a dark red aura appearing around his whole body as he looked at Rini, "now come on, show me what you got," he said as he looked at her charging up for what would be his first attack if Rini didn't attack him first.
Rini glared at Dabura in response to his comment before powering up to super saiyan 2. "I'm not just any little girl." She powered up a pink aura of her own and tried to determine how to block or dodge the attack sure to come from him.
Dabura was taken aback by the power that the girl had, she was a threat, he could feel that the combination of her genes made her highly dangerous. He changed are her, aiming a attack at her, his spit. It was his spit which was the most dangerous of all of his attacks whatever it hit, would turn to stone right away. He hoped that his attack would turn the pink haired woman into stone, he would then be in the clear, otherwise this would be a hard and very challenging fight for him.
She used a time portal to move out of the way and behind him. "Spitting at people? Didn't no one teach you respect?" She gathered energy in her hands and sent off a deadly scream attack. And to think, she hadn't even tapped into her crystal's power yet.
Dabura turned and braced himself taking the hit which drove him back a bit before firing off a powerful hell blast at Rini hoping that he would hit her with the powerful ki shot. He wasn't done yet, but this girl was so far from what he could tell somehow stronger then both of her parents greatly so too. It was troublesome how someone could be so young and so overpoweringly strong at the same time.
Rini used a ki shield to deflect the blast upward. She fired off a deep submerge attack, the wave conjured being quite tall. It was immediately followed by a shine aqua in attempt to freeze him even a little bit.
Dabura looked at the attack and used his sword on it cutting it at the middle giving him just enough room to avoid the powerful attack, using ki wave from his sword to cut though and aiming it at Rini as he hoped to land the strike. He was going to have to think of something fighting this girl wasn't easy, and he was going to be in serious trouble if it kept going the way that it was going.

Goku was in awe of the girl, "she is powerful, seriously I think she might be the most powerful thing alive," he said honestly, as a super saiyan 2, she was more powerful then he was, as well as Vegeta and Gohan, which would place her at the top of the charts for power. He was amazed as he watched the fight go on, surprised but also very impressed by how the pink haired girl was fighting.
Rini countered with a space blaster attack, canceling out his attack. She then smirked before unleashing a fire dragon similar to Lita's thunder dragon both in form and size. "Good luck dodging this baby."

Queen Serenity was proud of her granddaughter. "She might just be. Now if only Gohan and Serena could see this."
Dabura knew he couldn't and used his full power to counter the move before he pushed his full power into his attack and launched it right at the dragon. It was enough to counter it but just barely, the demon was still pretty wounded from the attack as he stood there. He took his powerful ki and tossed it into a single powerful attack at her throwing a massive ki ball at Rini as he knew that this would seriously need to hit and to some damage or he was out of luck.

"Yeah, but something is wrong too, she is way to young to have such power, I only hope it doesn't control her," Goku said pausing as he looked out at her fighting a bit worried as he watched. He was proud, but normally one had to be pushed to reach this level, that she hadn't been at all worried him a great deal, perhaps there was some dark force behind it. He wasn't sure but it just gave his gut a bad sorta feeling mostly.
Rini used a ki shield to block the attack. Though the attack did push her back and she struggled to hold the shield, causing her to drop back down to super saiyan level one. She was barely holding that by the time the attack broke the shield. Without the shield, it still did her a lot of damage, blasting away part of her clothing in some spots, bruising her in others.

Queen Serenity chuckled a bit. "If the silver crystal gave her the boost without the risk of her life being drained for it, I'm sure she'll be fine. Though it is a chance that genetics are helping her."
Dabura looked at the effects of the attack and fell over out of it, he had put to much power into the attack. The first attacks were draining on him. He worked his way to his feet and looked at Rini, Dabura was weakened from her attacks as she was too. He went for a straight punch for it was pretty much all he had left in his bag to even try against Rini, it wasn't all that strong either, it was just his natural power alone behind it.

"I see that does make sense, she would get a boost from that, hmm, it is to bad her parents are fighting, they should be most proud of her, and I am sure if she can pull this off, Gohan will forfeit and give her the title, that will cause her to smile really big, I bet."
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