A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Gohan smiled as he looked over the body of the woman who he had such strong feelings. Gohan's hands pressed over her soft breasts as he smiled letting himself feel her up a bit. He knew that Serena hadn't of done anything like this, nor had he, he knew to take it slow not to rush thing to fast, and to follow his feelings as well. He pressed his hands down slowly over her body, letting his fingers trace their way down to her panties pressing against her womanhood rubbing it firmly for a good long moment as he watched her reactions. He wanted to make sure that Serena enjoyed his touches and liked what he was doing.
A soft moan escaped Serena's lips and her body slightly arched upward as his hands cupped over her breasts. She started taking deeper breaths in anticipation. Another moan passed her lips as he began rubbing her womanhood through her panties. She could feel her womanhood growing wet the more he rubbed, gradually soaking her panties.
Gohan smiled as he felt her growing anticipation of the lustful event that would follow, he could tell just by his touches that she was getting excited and was far more prepared for the act then moments before, he let his hands slide over her legs and removed her undies carefully with his hands tossing them aside to be joined by his boxers before pulling her legs up and around his waist as he looked down at her for a long moment a smirk on his lips as he was very much enjoying the moment and the idea of what was about to happened very much excited Gohan as well.
Serena's breath hitched as she watched him remove their underwear. She smiled softly and reached between them to gently cup his manhood in her hand. Her hand gently stroked it and carefully moved it so the head was rubbing against the slick lips of her womanhood. Her eyes fluttered half-way closed from the minor stimulation as she looked at him with a slightly lust-filled gaze.
Gohan's dark eyes looked at Serena seeing the look in the eyes, he knew that she was ready for this, as was he. He took her hands and moved them to her sides holding her hands in her own eyes and then pressed his lips against her own as he pressed his member into her body, pressing firmly against her and starting the lustful action. It was the first time that the two of them would be doing anything like this. He could feel himself so excited, so drawn into this as he pressed himself farther into the beautiful Serena bit by bit.
Serena kissed him back passionately, moaning into the kiss when she felt his member enter her. It was a whole new feeling for her, with new sensations. The way he fit inside her seemed to be so perfect as if they were made for each other. But of course since it was her first, she knew soon enough that her hymen would have to be broken and that it would hurt. She knew there would be nothing Gohan could do to make it not hurt but she wouldn't stop him over a little pain.
Gohan took her purity away from Serena, it was an act that was simple, but it had been a act that he paused after pressing his lips over her body covering her face with a numerous kisses as he adapted to her, and she adapted to him, no doubt this was something that was new to him as it was new to her. He pressed his lips against her own after a moment and continued to press his member into her firmly somewhat quickly as he focused on finding the joy of this and making sure that Serena was able to as well.
Serena had quickly relaxed after the initial act, his gentle kisses along her body and her face helped with that. Soon all she felt was pleasure, moaning softly as the two of them worked a rhythm. Her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck and her fingers in his hair as they enjoyed each other in this special intimate way.
Gohan could feel his heart beat faster by the moment, he felt a natural tightness in his very core as he spent more time with Serena. He hadn't felt anything like this, it was different then any feelings he had in battle or out of battle. He found it to be special, intimate as well. He felt himself having a special attachment to Serena, and he felt a greater desire for her also. He pressed his lips against her again focusing on the action as he was pressing himself in the great rhythm that the two had picked up on, he blushed as he could feel himself getting near that special end, being it was his first time he wasn't going to last long and in fact his own climax really quickly.
The longer they went on, the more she began to feel even more deeply connected to Gohan than she already had, even with the knowledge they would eventually have two daughters together. She returned his kiss, letting her love and desire for him pour into the kiss. She blushed, feeling the building pressure of her own climax reach the peak, causing her to arch against him, moaning into the kiss, her walls tightening around his member.
Gohan laid next to Serena enjoying the afterglow of the sex they had just had. He looked up as he slipped an around Serena and smiled looking at her. He never though he would be able to win a beautiful woman like her when he first meet her. Yet, here he was in bed with her, and he knew that they were so well matched. "So, I think we can sleep in tomorrow, no training at least, and pretty soon we might be able to head back to school, but with all the side learning, it might even be a bit boring for you,' He said with a smile pulling her so she could rest against him.
Serena snuggled against him with a smile. "Sleep in? I haven't done that in ages." She giggled. "I think I forgot what it was actually like to sleep in." She pressed a soft kiss to his chest before pressing another to his cheek and one to his lips. "We'll see. I might actually come to see school as a break from the fighting."
The next day they would have to return home, it was going to be strange for Gohan to return to the normal everyday stuff after the wild adventures that had happened. He made it home and was lectured about something from his mother about needing to catch up on his school work, and making sure they knew why he was out, he of course had to call the school explain himself and agree to come in and take test to make up for what he missed. He headed right to school finding himself in a room with a large combined test, he had to pass to get credit for what he had missed.

For Trunks things were not that different in some ways, but he didn't have anywhere to stay or live and honestly he didn't want to return and live with his mother. He spent the morning talking his way into a job with his mother but left around noon to go apartment shopping hoping to find a place that he could live in while he worked and trained, he figured that he should have Lita come along and called her up as he called her on his phone hoping that she would agree to go apartment hunting with him, he had never done so before so he hoped she would be able to help him.

Yamcha had a different choose to make, he decided to give Mina a treat and signed a contract as a player manager for his old team the Titans, he knew it wasn't going to be hard to be good, maybe to easy. Yet, now he had someone to show off for, and to impress and have fun with in his life. He figured that it wouldn't hurt at all to play baseball again, and he figured that managing would be fun too. He was back at home, his home in the city as he relaxed thinking about his future wife and smiling happily as he did.
When Serena first returned home, she got praised for how well she had done in the tournament. Her family had also made the connection after seeing her, Lita and Mina transform during the tournament that the other girls they'd known had once been sailor scouts as well. She filled them in to an extent on the other adventures she'd had with the other girls. Her brother was ecstatic knowing that he'd been living with Sailor Moon all this time. Of course she too had to make up her schoolwork and found herself in the same room that Gohan was in, taking the big test to makeup.

Lita was happy when Trunks called her. She chuckled at hearing he wanted her to help him look for an apartment. Right then, she told him, she'd do him one better. She told him that he could move in with her. She had the room, all she'd likely need to do was stock up on some more groceries.

Mina of course had some schoolwork of her own to miss. She was surprised though when the producer of the old Sailor V show had called her wanting to bring the show back after having seen her in the tournament. She told them she had to think about it but that if she did return that she still wanted to use her old costume from the show's previous run, mentioning that she might need a new one made due to any changes in her shape.
Gohan worked though the test, it wasn't nearly that hard, actually to him it was easy, he smield though when he saw Serena, he hadn't seen her yet that day. He hoped that things were going well for her and that she didn't get into any trouble with her parents, he knew he hadn't but that mostly depended on his test as long as he did well his parents would support him and wouldn't cause him any problems at all.

Trunks blinked, why hadn't he thought of that, it was a great idea, the young man smile as he went and grabbed all his things from the look out which wasn't much and took them over to Lita's he knocked on the door with a smile, this was so great, he hadn't thought of the possibility of her having her own place. He figured that she lived with someone. He sat on his bag as he waited quietly for her to answer the door.

Yamcha smiled as he walked home, he had told Mina that she was welcomed to move in with him, as he had a small home and plenty of room for her as well. He smiled to himself as he thought about something, about getting the chance to be with her again. He felt so young again, so happy too. He walked into his home and out the newspaper telling Mina that he signed the contract for her to read.
Serena found the test to be quite easy. That side learning with Gohan came in handy. She was grateful for that since she was sure she wouldn't have had a chance of passing without it. It helped though that her family had taken her revealed secrets so well so that she was able to come in with a clear head.

Lita smiled when she heard the knock on his door. She opened the door with a big grin. "Hey. Come on in. I was just about to make lunch." She was happy to see him and that he would be here with her.

Mina had been quite happy to move in with him, Artemis would be staying with Serena and Luna. She was excited to tell him about the show. It hadn't been just that she wanted to think about it, but she was also wanting to talk with Yamcha about it to see how he felt about it. When he walked in, she ran to him and kissed him.
Gohan headed towards lunch waiting on Serena, he knew that she would be hungry too, it would be a normal date, he figure. He was pumped about it as he knew that she would be as hungry as he was at that moment. He took her hand as he walked down the street, his eyes focused ahead as he found a nice hot dog stand and got 16 hot dogs causing the man to be a bit shocked before walking with Serena to the park.

Trunks walked in and smiled as he looked around, the apartment was nice, not overally fancy but more than enough for him. He took his things into the room, and put them down before returning and sitting at the counter near the kitchen to just watch the brunette cook a meal, it was a treat to be able to watch her work, at what she was so naturally good at. "I am working for my mother now, nothing big but I should be making the good money now."

Yamcha slipped his arms around Mina as he returned the kiss, pressing his lips against her own for a good long moment before he let go of the blond. "Well, I have some rather big news for you," he said with a smile on his lips looking at Mina, "It seems I have a new job, baseball manager and player, I am going to take up playing again, figure it can't hurt anything," he said with a smile as he looked at her and hoped she approved of it.
Serena couldn't help but giggle at the look on the man at the hot dog stand when they ordered 16 hot dogs. "Poor guy doesn't know whether to faint or dance." She walked with Gohan to the park and pointed out a bench they could sit out. "That test was actually much easier than I had expected it to be.

Lita smiled as she listened to him. "Well that's good. When do you start?" The meal was something simple but something she was also able to fix enough of to account for his appetite." Eventually she turned the stove off and grabbed plates, dishing them both up before handing him the plate that was clearly his.

Mina grinned happily. "That's great Yamcha!" She was proud of him. "I have some news of my own. I got a call from the old producer of the Sailor V show I used to do. They want to bring the show back, with me reprising my role of course. I told them they'd have to likely refit my old costume due to my changed figure and shoot the show in Japan."
"Yeah, that is so true, I guess you don't see two people buy such a number of hot dogs each and every day," he said as he split up the hot dogs giving her half of them as well as bottle of water to go with the hot dogs, "so how are things going at home, I mean, how did they take the news and everything, I am sure it was a heck of a shocker and all. He ate a hot dog and smiled, "Well of course it was easy you were studying with me for a good while, who knows you might be the smartest of your friends now."

Trunks took the plate, and sat down at the table for a moment as he looked over at Lita, "Tomorrow actually, I will start tomorrow and I will work on machines and numbers for the most part to start, it will be fun, but it will be basically starter stuff, still a job is a job," Trunks said with a smile before taking a bite, "you know you could start one yourself, like a restruant just for yourself, I could help, I can take some of your food to my mom and talk her into giving you a loan."

Yamcha smiled as he looked at Mina, "Well now, you really have been asked to do that, that is really awesome, I guess they saw you in the tournament or they played that updated game of yours," Yamcha said with a kind smile on his face as he looked at her, "I think that we will have to get gohan down so that we can learn that move of his, so that we can moved back and forth quickly," he said with a grin on his lips he was proud of her too, he didn't mind her being in the show at all.
Serena giggled before eating one of her hot dogs. "They took things better than I expected them to. I think Dad is going to finally let up on his protective streak now." She giggled. "Sammy's ecstatic. He's looked up to Sailor Moon ever since she saved him once. So for him to find out his hero was his older sister excited him. Though he said he pities the boyfriend who upset me and is happy he only faced my minor wrath." She smiled. "Even Mom was proud. The others and I had saved her once too. Though obviously I left out the parts where the girls and I died. They didn't need to know that."

Lita poured them each a glass of ice tea, passing him one before sitting down across from him with hers. She smiled softly. "I have dreamed of owning a restaurant or bakery. But come on, I'm sixteen. What person is going to take me seriously enough to let me buy a place even with your mother's backing?"

Mina smiled. "I'll call them in the morning and let them know the decision." She kissed him. "And having Gohan teach that move probably would be a good idea. The planet teleport can be a bit draining if used too much."
Gohan smiled as he looked at her and then nodded his head, "I am glad to hear that, I was worried about that a bit honestly," Gohan commented with a soft smile as he looked at her and then ate some more, "I found my mother will only be completely happy if I pass, other than that she wants me to stay around the house for a while and not go off on some silly goose chases or something."

"Well now, that is a really good point, "Trunks said with a nod of his head as he thought it over, "how about you come and work with me, you can work in the kitchen, my mother needs a new cook, and it will give you connections and experience so that when you want to make the place you will have lots of customers already."

"I am sure he will be over sooner rather than later," Yamcha said with a smile as he looked at Mina, "I am sure you will do great in this new role, I can tell you have been missing it huh," he said with a smile, he wasn't worried about her having lots of fans or anything he would too, he shook his head, they would be one of those celeb couples, he had dealt with that long before so it wasn't something that was to new to him.
Serena giggled before eating another hot dog. "You'll pass that test definitely."

Lita beamed. "I would have no problem with that. Building the connections will come in handy."

Mina giggled. "I have been missing it, a lot. Serena will get a kick out of it. Cause she can say she knows Sailor V."
"Thanks, I am sure I will pass it too, but a vote of confidence is always a good thing," he said as he looked at Serena giving her a warm smile as he looked over at her. He knew that he passed, he knew from the moment he finished. He finished the last hot dog and offered Serena his hand as he got to his feet. "Now, time to walk you home, before heading home too, maybe soon we can catch up on what everyone is up to and have another triple date or something."

"Good, plus if you are working there we can spend more time together," Trunks said as he smiled, of course that happened to be part of the reason that he wanted her to join in as well so he could spend time around her. He knew it would be a good experience and he could get to see what he was working on as well.

"Yep, I am sure she will, heck, I am sure all your friends do," Yamcha said with a smile as he reached back in his back pocket for a ticket, "now here is a ticket for the game tomorrow, I can get five others encase you think you know some people who would want to go see the game in person," Yamcha said with a smile as he handed over the tickets so that Mina could hold them.
Serena finished her hot dog and drank her water before placing her hand in his and walking with him. "We definitely should do that again."

Lita giggled. "You mean besides the time we'll be spending here?" She teased

Mina smiled and took the tickets. "Maybe we should see about getting in touch with Serena, Gohan, Lita and Trunks." Realization came to her. "We can knock out getting in touch with the girls now." She pulled out her communicator and activated it, surprised but excited when not only did she see the other girls on screen but the guys too. She held hers so the others could see both her and Yamcha.
Gohan and Trunks looked at the communicators as did Yamcha, all were amazed by the machines. They stepped back as they let their girlfriends handle it to some degree. Well expect Yamcha who went over and explained the idea of them all coming to his game the next day. Trunks was pumped, he had never seen a baseball game, mostly due to the andriods, Gohan smiled and was good with the idea too, having been to one but long before when he was still young with his father. Neither of them had any problems with the idea, and were pumped about having fun too.
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