A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

The three girls giggled at the guys' amazement over the communicators. They were all excited over all of them getting together the next day. Mina also gave her news about doing the show and of course Serena and Lita squealed in delight at the news. Soon after they said their goodbyes.

Serena was giggling still as she walked with Gohan. "How did you think we let each other know when youma attacked? Especially if we were in separate areas at the time."
"Well, I never thought about it, I guess," Gohan replied rubbing the back of his neck as the others disappeared as she put way the communicator. "My father and his friends always just powered up, and we could sense the increase in power and knew they were in trouble or something," he admitted as he smiled walking with her. "Well baseball game tomorrow, should be fun, and Mina is on tv, and I am sure Lita and Trunks are doing well, it seems that everything is going great for all of us, won't you agree," he said with a smile as he looked at Serena, "I have no doubts about there being a future mini-Jupiter and Venus," he added as he could tell the others were doing well.
Serena giggled. "But remember, Lita, Mina and I didn't have that luxury when we started as sailor scouts." She smiled and leaned against him as they walked. "Sure seems like it. And I wouldn't doubt a mini-Jupiter and mini-Venus either one day."

Lita was excited and giggled at Trunks. "And here I thought you'd be used to seeing technology like the communicators."
Gohan walked Serena to her home and smiled as he looked at her, "Well now, here we are, I shall see you tomorrow," he said with a kind tone as he took her hand and kissed it softly before kissing her quickly afterwards. This was going to be strange, it had been so strange the day before too, to sleep without her by his side was going to take time adjusting to. He had a spot in his arms that was just about right for her to fit into but for now this was fine, independence wasn't a bad thing anyways.

Trunks smiled as he nodded his head, "well I have seen them before, just didn't know you had any," he said slipping his arms around her waist and kissing her deeply, "perhaps we should go work off some of this food," he said looking right at Lita a small grin on his lips as he looked at the beautiful brown haired woman.
Serena nodded to Gohan, kissing him with a smile. "Yeah. I will see you tomorrow." She still wasn't used to sleeping at night without him next to her after so long of sharing a bed with him. "I'll be thinking of you until then." She kissed him once more before heading inside.

Lita grinned and kissed him back. "Perhaps we shall. What did you have in mind?"
Gohan smiled as he walked home, he was happy, as he knew that he would see her the next day and he would have fun with her that day too. He thought about something and slipped off to get something on his way home. He had a plan, he was going to work on said plan to make the date as good for Serena as it was possible. He smiled as he then flew home with a happy smile on his lips.

Trunks nodded his head as he picked her up and carried Lita into her room, his lips never leaving her own the whole time that he carried her in his arms. He held her firmly in his grasp as he kissed the brunette, his lips pressed up against her as the deep passionate kiss went on longfully as the two of them continued for a good long moment before he sat her down in the room. He had told her what he had on his mind without saying a single word.
Serena was happy that she would get to see Gohan and the others the next day. She told her family about the outing the next day so they would know where she was in case something happened. She also knew if they needed her, they'd be able to reach her. Afterwards, she went up to her room, giggling with thought and talking to the two guardian cats.

Lita smiled, having gotten the gist of what Trunks had in mind. She laid back on the bed, pulling him with her for another passionate kiss.
Trunks pushed his hands over the body of the beautiful brunette, in his view no one had nearly as good of a body as her. He let his hands touch her sizable mounds feeling them up though her shirt as he broke the kiss, his hands pressing and groping, he wasn't experienced at all, but he had been given the lesson about the birds and the bees from his mother before. He let his hands rub over her body enjoying the touch of her soft skin against his strong hands, he looked into her green eyes as he smiled happily.
Lita blushed as his hands roamed over her body before letting her own hands do the same to him. Her hands explored every muscle of his chest as if she were trying to commit them all to memory.
Trunks looked down at the brown haired woman and pulled her shirt off and he looked at her body as he let his fingers slide over her skirts soft material, his eyes focused on her green eyes as he slipped the skirt slowly down pressing his fingers against her soft legs as he caressed them and removed the skirt at the same time. He looked at her curvy body, and grinned proudly. He knew that Lita had the best body of her friends by such a large degree it wasn't funny, she had a body that could drive a man crazy, it drove him somewhat crazy now with the need to be with her even.
Lita smiled up at him as he removed her clothes, revealing her lavender bra and matching boyshorts. She blushed under his approving gaze before reaching to pull his shirt off. Her fingers gently caressed his chest as she moved her hands down to his waistband, pushing down at his pants, while leaning upward to kiss him once more.
Trunks blushed as he looked at her underwear, it is cute on her, he was a bright red color as he looked down softly at Lita for a long moment, before his lips pressed against her own for a good moment his lips pressing softly up against her own lips. He let the kiss deepen slowly as he pressed down against Lita's soft curvy body. He slipped his hands around to press against her backside and pull her up a bit into his, pressing more down against her body as he could smell the sweet scent that Lita had about herself.
Lita matched his kiss, giving him just as much passion as he gave. Her arms went around his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to her. With her legs around his waist, it caused their hips to be closer, rubbing slightly together, giving just a little friction.
It was wonderful, straight up blissful to be with her, near her and enjoyable as pressed his member over her clothed area enjoying being with her, having her so close as he teased her so well. He knew that the sexy well endowed brunette was the most sexy woman he would ever see. He moved her legs so that he could remove her underwear before moving her legs back to were they were with quick movements not wanting to move her long as he than returned to erasing her softly for a good long moment as he grinned looking down at her.
She was already feeling like she was in heaven with him and they were still at the point of removing clothes. He was always just so gentle with her. Her womanhood was already growing wet from all the touching and kissing they were doing. She reached under herself and undid her bra, pulling it off her shoulders and tossing it to the side.
Now trunks was smiling as he leaned down and pressed his lips to her breasts and sucked on her breasts as he let himself press enjoyed sucking on the large breasts as he looked at her and than smiled at her as he then pressed himself into her as he took her with a single thrusts as he held her kissing her neck softly as he held her took her but he knew that as he pressed himself into her with a quick pace as he knew it being his first time he would last very long at all.
As he sucked on her breasts, she felt the pull. Her womanhood growing wetter with arousal from the simple action, her nipples becoming hard from the stimulation. She held him tight as he pressed himself into her. Her hips raised to meet his, keeping in time with his thrusts. Her moans filled the air, his name passing her lips at times in a half whisper, half moan
The next morning Trunks was in bed with Lita pressed up to her close as they were in each others arms, they had such a wild and crazy night, he smiled in his sleep as she laid there comfortable as he let his brown haired lover rest against him. He could remember the night all so well. He remembered that this day was a big one, and that it would be fun. He opened his eyes slowly and stretched quietly as he looked up at the ceiling for a moment letting Lita rest against him as she slept.

Yamcha woke up in a similar situation as Trunks, he had shown or taught Mina many things the night before in the art of passion and love. He found it amazing to be with the blonde, he was now in the shower getting ready for the day for his game to show off just how much fun baseball could me. He was sure she was pumped up about it as well, or he hoped so at least. He got out of the shower and dried off thinking about something when he had a odd thought pass him but he let it go thinking nothing about it.
Lita slowly awoke next to Trunks, her hand absently running slowly up and down his chest. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she arched her back slightly as she stretched. "Morning."

Mina was just waking up, sliding out of bed and stretching. Her hair was down from last night, but she quickly slipped in a ribbon, orange rather than her usual red and tied it into a bow.
A bad guy was standing looking down at the city from a large hill, he smiled as he looked at the others gathered. "Well now, this is our time to rise, to show them that the dead can have their day," the cold voice of the man said as he looked at the town, the person was none other than Cell as he had been given life again, it was his chance to have his fun with these people to take over the world, and defeat those who stood in his way once and for all. He had an army to help him to handle those who might get in his way. His perfection would be seen this time as he would show the world just how great he truly was.
Serena had tossed and turned all night, dreaming of shadows and figures. She had no idea what it meant but had a feeling it was bad. She shook it off as she got ready for the day to meet up with the others. She'd decided to go for something practical as far as clothing choice; t-shirt and jeans with gym shoes. She started humming as she got ready, which instantly picked her mood up. She didn't want to dwell on her dream since her worry would show on her face. Today was a day they were all going to have fun and relax. She wasn't going to be the reason the mood of the day was dampened.
Gohan got ready quickly as he went to go meet with Serena, he knew that Trunks and others would be busy. Yamcha went to go meet with his team most likely before the game, he had no idea of the gathering danger that would be coming at them this time. It just seemed like a normal day. He felt like he should enjoy the day for some reason, as thought it was special or something. He wondered his way slowly into town, wearing something akin to his school clothes, as he got to Serena's home pretty quickly before knocking on the door.
Hearing the knock at the door, Serena said her goodbyes to her family and Luna and Artemis. She then grabbed her communicator and brooch before going to the door with a grin. She opened it and kissed him happily before stepping out and closing the door behind her. "This is going to be so much fun." She slid her hand in one of his.
Gohan smiled as he walked with Serena and than walked with her. It was a nice day, he looked up and saw that the sun was hanging in the air and that it wasn't to warm or to cold either. He walked with her down the street seeing numerous people out enjoying their days. He smiled as he walked up and got the tickets and headed into the stadium. It was packed this day as everyone was their to watch the return of a great player who they knew well. Gohan found the group of seats behind the home team dugout that was for them. He led Serena there finding her a seat before he got some hot dogs and some drinks and popcorn and returned a moment later.
Mina was already in the set of seats when Gohan and Serena got there. She beamed happily and with pride as well as a bit of anxiety. She had her own snacks too.

Serena giggled at the multitude of emotions on her friend and smiled at Gohan when he returned with snacks. All they were missing now were Trunks and Lita.
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