A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Trunks walked up and found his seat sitting close to Lita after they arrived in the stadium. The game was going to start soon as he smiled over towards his friends who seemed as happy as he was. He slipped an arm around Lira as he smiled watching the first at bats. Gohan was having fun too relaxed watching the game start up. He could see Yamcha was up and looked over to Mina. Yamaha hit the first ball right to them to catch as if it had been in purpose.
Serena cheered when she saw Yamcha was up and even more so when he hit the first ball. However, she didn't quite try to catch the ball since her skills at catching things wasn't all that good and she knew Mina was the same way. The two blonds were really only good at catching things they used in battle like Serena with her tiara and Mina with her chain.

Mina too cheered, likely even louder than Serena had at the same instances but like Serena, she didn't try to catch the ball. She was better at hitting a ball in volleyball and a volleyball was much bigger than a baseball.

Lita cheered with the other girls but actually prepared to catch the ball, with intention of handing it to Mina.

Lita joined the other girls in cheering
Yamcha hit a home run over the right field fence with the next at bat. It was a great shot and he waved to Mina and the others as he ran the bases and came home to score. Yamcha the. Sat in the dugout and relaxed giving help to his team as they took a early led in the game. He was very happy to have a cheering section there.

Gonna smiled as he watched looking on enjoying the game as he ate some popcorn,"pretty nice day today," he mused out loud as he looked up,for a moment enjoying being with Serena and having the time to just have fun not worried about fighting some dangerous format that moment.
All three girls were excited and cheered when Yamcha got his home run, but Mina was the loudest of course. She was happy to be able to see him doing what he loved, playing baseball and helping his team.

Serena smiled as she heard Gohan. "Perfect day for a game of baseball, wouldn't you agree?"
Yamcha looked over at the teammates as he gave orders to the rest of the team, and then smiled as he looked at them. He then walked up and down the dugout and then stopped and watched as he could tell that the games were going their way. He smiled as he stopped and paused as he got a glass of water, it was great to be back and great to be able to play before his important friends.

"Well now, I agree it is amazing, I can't believe that this is so much fun," Gohan commented warmly as he looked over at Serena and then ahead at the game, "I haven't been to a game in a long time, it is so much more fun then I remember."
Serena smiled back. "Well its the girls and mine first time and we're all glad we came. Lita and I are used to showing up at Mina's volleyball games but obviously that's an entirely different sport."
Gohan smiled as he nodded his head, she had a good point, "Well, I have never been to a volleyball game myself, I bet those are a lot of fun to go to," he commented with a warm smile on his face. He figured this was the new norm for himself, getting to be around his girlfriend and his new friends more often. It was a good new norm as he knew that he had deep feelings for Serena and liked her and his friends a great deal. What Gohan didn't know was the danger that was looming in the air, hiding as it moved and started to grow in number as new people arose from the past threatening the present time.
"Oh they are. Though I'm sure Yamcha would enjoy seeing Mina in action for another reason." She giggled.

Mina blushed and elbowed Serena in the side. "Serena..."
Gohan looked at Mina and smiled, "That would mean that he hasn't seen her in action yet," he said adding to the teasing of Mina as he looked at her. He then then slipped an arm around Serena as he watched the action. "Perhaps next we can go to one of your shows Mina, it would be a great deal of fun to see how a show like yours is made," he added with a friendly tone to Mina. He leaned back as he knew that it wasn't that long till the game was over, it was the 9th inning meaning at the end of the inning he would be able to head home or go out and eat together.
Mina blushed even redder. "You guys...." She smiled. "Maybe. I'll see what I can do after shooting starts up."

Serena giggled and leaned against Gohan.

Lita too had started giggling as Gohan and Serena teased Mina.
Gohan smiled at the fact that Mina was so fun to tease, as did Trunks the pair of them watched the last out as Trunks and Gohan then got to their feet. "Well now, Mina you might as well go congratulates the player of the game, I am sure that he will be most happy to be given a congratulations from you," Trunks commented as he looked at the blonde and then slipped his arm around his own raven haired girlfriend.
Mina smiled. "We'll see you guys outside." She hurried off to go meet Yamcha. Upon finding him, she ran right to him and kissed him, not realizing that they were right in the midst of a set of reporters and photographers, cameras flashing the moment she kissed him. Soon shouts of "Yamcha!" and "Mina!" were heard as the press tried to get the attention of the latest celebrity couple.

Serena and Lita had both burst into giggles with how quickly Mina had taken off as they made their way down with their boyfriends to meet the third couple of their close group.
Yamcha smiled as he saw his blonde lover, he felt his hands around her as he held her kissing her. He knew they were the new celebrity couple, but he didn't care about that, he loved the fact he was with her. He found Mina as his fountain of youth, he found himself feeling younger around her then he had for a long time. He smiled as he walked with her walked with her out with his hands around her waist happily. Trunks and Gohan smiled, they felt happy for the blonde to finally of had found love. The danger of the future unknown to the pair at the moment and would be till the next day, when a new threat would show itself.
Mina smiled as she walked with Yamcha out of the stadium.

Serena and Lita led Gohan and Trunks out to meet the celebrity couple. "Maybe we should start wearing sunglasses when around those two. We're their entourage after all." Serena joked.

The girls were just as unaware of the new threat as the guys were.
Trunks smiled and laughed as he looked at Lita, "you might not want to speak so loudly, after all, I am a slight celebrity myself," he said with a grin on his lips, as the son of the owner of capsule corps the largest company in the world, he was a bit of a celebrity himself. "I figure that will work though," he said with a smile as he walked with Lita, "come along I want to show you our new inventions, I figure that there are some might even help you in the kitchen.

Gohan nodded his head as he looked at Serena, "Well, Serena, why don't we tag along and see if Lita will be able to get some free food," he commented to Serena knowing she loved eating as much as him. They knew that Serena and Yamcha would be busy with the media as well as having their own fun.
Lita grinned. "You're a celebrity by birth my dear Trunks. Mina and Yamcha had to work for that status. Completely different things." She teased. "Sure your Mom's going to be alright with you showing them off?"

Serena giggled at Gohan's mention of free food. "We might as well. Unless they're just speaking in code for other things." She smirked at the blush on Lita's face. "Just teasing."
Gohan blushed himself at the statement made by Serena, as did Trunks as the pair of them looked at Serena before she made her just kidding statement. Trunks then looked at Lita, "it is fine, I helped with many of them anyway, plus, you are going to be part of the family some day, so I don't see any harm in it," Trunks commented to Lita as he gave the brunette as warm kind smile. He knew that his words would cause Lita to blush most likely too as the implication would be big as well with his words. He smiled as he and Gohan walked with their ladies to Trunk's home. He held open the door for the three as he led them to the research area, where the new tech was being tested out for future use. There was so many different things that were not out yet, and all of them were amazing in their own ways.
Lita had still been blushing from Serena's teasing comment. But hearing Trunks say that she was going to be part of the family some day had her blushing until her cheeks had turned a bright red. But she continued walking with him with a smile, amazed as she saw some of the different inventions.

Serena was just as amazed at all the tech. She glanced to Lita and the two girls shared a knowing look of nostalgia.
"Well now for food," Trunks commented as he lead the group though the area for a while till he came to a small room, the room was filled with inventions with the single purpose of Bulma finding ways for their cooks to be able to make more food for Vegeta, little Trunks as well as potentially any other kids she and Vegeta had or any of the other saiyans who came. It was important to be able to make lots of food, and the inventions that they were testing were done to be able to mass produce great food or help in making a lot of one type of food or a mix of different types of food. "Well, seems we are here, so Lita look around, I am sure my mother can let you borrow something from here if you want."
Lita looked around intrigued. "These would be good for use in a restaurant, especially at really busy times. Or even for catering big events." She then thought for a moment. "Are all recipes pre-programmed into them or could a cook program a certain recipe. Like different cooks might cook the same dish different ways. Could they be adjusted for such a difference?"
"Well, I am sure you can adjust them however you want, they are made to be flexible as sometimes different meals are needed. I am sure that we can or you can use them in a restaurant if you wish, that will work well for us, I think," Trunks commented as he looked at her, "I can get some stuff too cook with and then you can try everything out, if you like it I am sure I can talk my mother out of it, and then we can start planning for someday when we have our own restaurant and all," he said with a warm smile on his face as he looked at Lita. "Well I am sure Serena and Gohan would also love to see you try this thing out and cook for all us, I know I would."
Lita cocked an eyebrow. "Oh really? Y'all just using it as an excuse to get me to cook. I'm gonna have to start teaching Serena again. Cause otherwise, you three are going to be in trouble if I ever get sick." She grinned. "I would like to try it out. Just not all at once. Go on and talk to your mom Trunks. Before I change my mind and make you three be on your own for food." She was kidding about making the three on their own for food but they didn't need to know that.
Trunks looked in the direction of Lita a bit worried as was Gohan, neither of them were good cooks at all, Trunks had Lita to cook for him, and Gohan still had his mother to cook for him as well. They were horrible cooks. The pair of them quickly went up to talk to Bulma about getting supplies and testing out the cooking device they left so very fast it would most likely cause Lita to laugh at the comedy of the reaction the pair gave to the brunette. The pair also returned just as fast carrying a build of supplies for cooking and a couple of books to explain how the various machines worked so that Lita could look over them.
Serena couldn't help but giggle along with Lita at how fast the guys had gone to talk to Bulma. She herself didn't mind the idea of learning from Lita. She knew she wouldn't be able to rely on her mom or Lita all the time to cook and eating out could get expensive.

Lita of course had moved from just giggles to full out laughter by the time the guys returned with the supplies and the books. "Let's get going huh?"
Trunks nodded as he looked over the devices he read though them as he turned on one of them and started to put them in order, "Well this one is for mixing juice of all things, it says it can make a dozen gallons of juice or stuff," Trunks said as he read through the manual as he did what it said trying it out as he ended up making some orange juice that would flow into two tanks that were below it, "this is interesting, it makes more then it should," he mused as he was interested in the tech of it all. Gohan stood back watching as he read over a different book, the book nerd reading over each thing that he could get his hands on doing his best to figure the stuff out before he passed on the books to someone else.
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