A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Serena would read the books as Gohan finished them, wanting to know how to work the different machines as well.

Lita, however was watching Trunks handle the juice mixer. "How much more does it make? A dozen gallons of juice might be a bit huge an amount depending on the size of the group it was for"
Trunks grabbed the book over it and then read it quickly as he looked over at the pages carefully making sure to not miss the answer. He then smiled as he looked over at Lita, "Well then, between one and 14 gallons," he informed her as he looked at Lita, "it uses the same miniaturization that the capsules use but on food and juice," he informed her as he finished reading the paper before turning his focus on her and then showed Lita the page the information was from to prove the fact.
Lita looked over the pages. "Well that's a nice use for that miniaturization." She then looked through the pages to see if there was anything that said whether or not they all had to be the same flavor of juice at the same time or if it would produce a mix. "Would be nice to mix it up without having to spend time switching something around to change it."
Trunks nodded, "We use that in a lot of the stuff in here," he commented as he looked at Lita giving her a smile as he looked at her and then walked around her and then helped show her how the other objects could miniaturize the things that were cooked with it, so that she would be able to save on space. "My mom knows you want to open a restaurant someday and well she wants to help. This is why she worked on these inventions."
Lita blushed in embarrassment. She was touched by Bulma's willingness to help. "Well I'll have to thank her definitely. It'll be an honor to test them out too. It'll definitely make it easier to cook for you, Serena, Gohan and your father." She teased.
"Yeah, I am sure it will help, and I am sure she will be excited to know that her creations are being put to good use," Trunks said as he smiled slipping his hands around her waist as he held her loosely in his arms, "Now, lets make some onigiri for all of us," he said with a smile as he knew it was a favorite of his own as well as gohan and other saiyans who werea round. He knew that Lita knew how to make the dish as well as anyone else did which was so awesome.
Lita smiled and relaxed in his arms. She gave him a quick kiss before pulling away. "Let's go ahead before I start hearing three loud stomachs growling at me." She teased.

"Hey!" Serena mock glared at Lita. "I resent that."
Gohan smiled as he looked over at Serena at her comment. He was going to say something as well, but as soon as he made the statement he could heard his own stomach start to growl as well as he stood there and looked at the people around himself rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he blushed a good bit. "Well, I guess I am pretty hungry too," he said laughing it off a moment later. "Yeah sure, well, alright I will gather up the things needed and you can start cooking, come on Trunks," Gohan commented as he looked at Trunks and worked with his old friend to gather up everything that Lita would need for the meal knowing that she would be able to cook far better then the rest of them.
Serena giggled and watched the boys go before offering to help Lita with the cooking. Better time as any to start learning again. She wanted to know anyway since she knew she couldn't count on others to cook for her forever. "How did we get so lucky Lita?" Lita only laughed. "I do believe we got lucky the day you first met Gohan. But we couldn't have found anyone better."
Gohan was a bright red color by this point having heard such kind and warm words spoken about him, his face felt warm, and he knew for a fact that he happened to be blushing a great deal at that moment. He smiled as he looked at Lita feeling his blush remain as he looked at Serena next he couldn't but feel happy about the situation that he happened to be in and the relationship he had with the beautiful Serena. Trunks smiled knowing it was friendship and his relationship with Lita which made things so much better then they had ever been in his life. He felt he was lucky too for having the chance to get to meet Lita due to Serena finding Gohan.
Lita and Serena each smiled at their respective boyfriends, both giggling at seeing Gohan blushing before they went back to work on fixing the food. As they worked, they talked between them. Girl talk mainly along with talk of Lita's plans for opening a restaurant eventually. The girls were genuinely happy and they were happy for Mina as well.
Gohan and Trunks were talking as well as they let the two girls have their talk at that moment. They both were talking about plans they had outside of fighting for normal lives. Trunks was going to help his mother and support Lita in every possible that he could know that she might need his head down the line. Gohan was talking about helping Serena find a local school and go there with her and then figure things out as they went. The both were rather excited about the food though, as they both knew that lita was a heck of a cook.
It wasn't long before Serena let out a squeal of excitement, a huge grin on her face. It seemed that Lita had gently guided Serena in some of the cooking and the blond was excited to have actually managed not to burn something. The squealing blond had Lita chuckling in amusement. "See, told ya you could do it if you actually focused."

Serena happily hugged Lita, a blush on her cheeks at the brunette's praise.
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