A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Rini couldn't help but giggle as she imagined the two Trunks fighting each other. "That would've been weird, fighting yourself."

Mina was overjoyed, hugging and kissing Yamcha back. She'd expected to be a loner for the rest of her life. Having Artemis around would've have made her a spinster cat lady for sure. But things felt right with Yamcha and she already couldn't wait for the day when they would officially pledge their commitment to each other.
"Well, if the little Trunks is the one who trained, you well, I am sure it was interesting, he is such a brat, he has a different life then I had," he said shaking his head as he knew that the younger Trunks was so spoiled by his parents and had everything he could want. Where as his future made any of that type of thing impossible for him.

Yamcha smiled as he looked at Mina for a long moment before returning to his meal. He was in a great mood though, this was such a special night for the man. He knew that he couldn't waist the second time in his life to find happiness, the time it felt most right, and he didn't. He knew that this was such a great day for himself, that he would remember it for a while. He spent most of the meal actually quiet, enjoying Mina's company as he looked at her giving her a warm smile from time to time as he ate.
Rini shook her head with a giggle. "Nope. Mom didn't want his cockiness to rub off on me and Pan. He's apparently more self-centered than your father in my time."

Mina returned to her meal too, smiling. She was happy; good friends and a great man. Today couldn't have gone any better for her in her mind, even with them out of the tournament.
"Well that doesn't really surprise me to much," Trunks commented as he smiled kindly, "Now, remember, to get some sleep tonight, I know that the youngsters before big fights tend to well forget to sleep, out of nervousness as well as the fact, and smiled as he rested sitting down before looking for Lita, "I will talk to you later, got to go find Lita," he said with a smile before he went looking for her right away.

After the meal, Yamcha slipped his hand around Mina as he walked with her onto the beach enjoying the fact that they could walk on the beech as he looked over at the sky and saw the sun just about to go below the horizon. "Well, I figure tomorrow is going to be crazy, but at least we have plenty of time relaxing watching the matches with the crowd now," he said with a small smile on his face.
Rini shook her head with a laugh. "I'll make sure to get plenty of sleep." She watched him leave and smiled.

Lita was standing outside watching the sun set. She smiled when she sensed Trunks coming near her.

Mina nodded. "I don't know how much relaxing I'll be able to do. We don't even know how Trunks did in his match yet."
Trunks walked over and sat next to Lita and smiled, "Well, it seems that we are out of the tournament, but well, I am sure there will be some way in which we can help the others out at least," he said as he looked over at Lita with a kind smile on his face as he then slipped an arm around the brown haired woman, resting after the long fight that he had with the demon which had not been fun at all for him. He looked out and took a deep breath, "I have a feeling that there is more to this then a few oddly dead people back alive and a demon."

"He lost," Yamcha said calmly as he looked at the ocean, "the power divide between Dabura and Trunks was far to great to expect anything else," he said as he looked over at her, "I could sense their power levels and Dabura is stronger then any of us right now by a pretty good bit," he mused as he looked at Mina, "it isn't something that I like at all, but honestly, there isn't so much I can do about it right now."
Lita nodded. "It's definitely something greater." She leaned on his shoulder. "It doesn't feel right at all." She was worried. Rini would be next to face Dabura and then either Gohan or Serena.

Mina grew concerned. "So we don't have a chance against him. What about Serena? If she goes against him and uses the silver crystal, could she possibly have a chance? She didn't want Serena to take that risk but if it gave her a chance against Dabura, then she would support Serena using it as she always has.
"That means we will have to keep an eye on things tomorrow as we watch with the others," Trunks commented as he looked at the brunette, and then rubbed the back of his head and blushed just a bit, "I do have a favor which I want to ask you for," he said softly as he looked into Lita's eyes, "could you come with me to get something to eat or such thing, cause I am so very hungry at this moment," he said honestly as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Perhaps, and no, if we battle him in our current states we will all lose badly, even Goku or Vegeta might lose against this foe, Serena would have to have some luck, or the silver crystal would have to be more powerful then what she used last time," he said honestly as he looked at Mina, "Now, we can win if Gohan reaches the next level of his power again, he hasn't done that seen he was battling Cell seven years ago, but at super saiyan 2, Gohan would be able to win the match, maybe even without all that much trouble, but the trick is figuring a way to get Gohan to Super Saiyan 2."
Lita nodded and smiled before bursting into giggle. "I was starting to wonder when you'd say you were hungry. You had me worried you were starting a diet." She gently slipped her hand in his. "Let's go."

Mina nodded. "Serena only tapped into it for that one fight we had to prolong the time stop. She didn't push its full power out. If she did...we would know. It would've been a lot more obvious." She sighed. "What made him reach that point back then? Just training or did he reach it during the battle?"
Trunks blushed a bit at her comments, he was so very hungry and he was looking forward to having a meal, and one that he could share with Lita as well. He held her hand firmly in his own as he walked with her, and looked around before he pointed out a buffet, "Well that place might work, it will save us some serious money if we eat there as well," he mused as he pointed at the place knowing that an all you could eat place would be a great idea given how much Trunks could eat at one time.

"Well, anger actually, he has to get angry and let out his rage, if he can channel and control his anger and let it all out, I am sure he can hit super saiyan 2 again," Yamcha replied as he looked at her, "the last time against Cell it was after Cell killed a peaceful android who was helping us and he just kind of lost it, and then it was over, he defeated Cell and saved the world after a few other details. Now, this guy isn't as strong as Cell, so it should give him the strength to win."
Lita chuckled and kissed his cheek. She looked to the place he pointed out. "That works for me. As much as I enjoy cooking, I don't mind a break now and then." She pulled him inside the buffet with her.

Mina thought about what Gohan said. The only things she could see as possibly causing Gohan enough anger to work would be some serious damage to Rini, Pan, Serena, Chichi or Goten. "Then that's not looking all that good."
Trunks went inside and got a plate and put lots of food on it of all type from steak to seafood to veggies all on the plate that he had and carried to the table. Trunks saw the look people gave him but said nothing as he knew that it was common for people to be shocked by the sheer amount of food that he ate. He sat down and rested against the back of the bench and looked across at Lita and then looked at his foot taking some and eating it happily as he was more glad about the company he happened to have at that moment.

Yamcha nodded his head, "yeah that sounds about right, it is to bad we can't fight together, the only way I know otherwise is if he pushes himself somehow. I don't know though it is dicey anyway we look at it, we will just have to trust one of them to come how come out on top, otherwise we will have a lot to worry about," he said as he walked with her along the beach, enjoying the sand and the sounds of the surf in the background.
Lita giggled as she watched Trunks load his plate while she loaded hers. She too saw the looks people gave him but said nothing either. Instead she sat across from him and smiled before she started eating her food.

Mina sighed. "It is too bad. All we can do is hope and pray that they manage somehow to beat him."
Goku walked up to Gohan and smiled, as he looked at Serena, "Well, sorry, but I have to borrow him for tonight," he said with a smile as he put his arm around Gohan and disappeared from site as to take his son and work with him and train him intensely that night to be ready more for Dabura than for Serena, but he knew that his son needed the work, and that Goku would need to work with him if he was going to defeat Dabura.

Trunks ate quickly as he didn't mind the look that people gave him till he noticed his father walking up and sitting across form himself and looking at Lita, "I am sorry, but my son here has to train tonight, he won't be able to finish the meal with you," he said to her respectfully as he grabbed his son and dragged him off to train with him upset by the fact that his son hadn't been able to win and having talked to his own rival earlier with an idea that could work to deal with Dabura.

"Yep, sounds about right, but we can focus on other thing too you Mina like how beautiful you are and tomorrow we can worry about anything that comes up and we have to worry about," Yamcha said as he started to head to the hotel with Mina.
Serena nodded in understanding. She easily figured that Goku was taking Gohan to train in preparation for Dabura. She headed back to the hotel room on her own, in thought of what she might be able to do if she were to face Dabura tomorrow. There was the spirit bomb but it was risky to use that. It could miss entirely or dissipate or she would have to use time to help her get a chance to bounce it back. There was also the problem of managing to build up enough energy to make it worth it before he could stop her. There was also the silver crystal but it also had drawbacks of draining her.

Lita nodded and watched as Vegeta dragged Trunks off. Rather than continue eating alone, she got up and left for the hotel. It wasn't long after that she got ready for bed and went to sleep."

Mina couldn't help but smile because of Yamcha's words. "You're right. We'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow." She leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked back to the hotel.
Yamcha smiled as he got to the hotel and kissed Mina quickly as he pulled her against his strong body for a moment before letting go of Mina and pulling down the covers to the bed, taking off his turtle school gi, boots and socks and laying down on the large very comfortable bed. He looked over to Mina, "Well, now this is a nice bed, we will have to think about getting one like it when we move in together," he mused to her with a warm smile on his face.
Mina smiled. "Maybe if you ask nicely, the hotel will give us one." She teased as she removed her fighting gear, leaving herself in just a long t-shirt and her underwear. She slid in the bed next to him. "It really is a nice bed." She cuddled close with a smile.
The next morning Yamcha walked with Mina to the stadium and found their seats and looked over at Queen Serenity, wondering if Goku happened to be around. Goku, had been training with Trunks and Gohan with Vegeta's help non-stop since the day before in otherworld. It was odd for them to be gone, but he knew that Gohan only had a small amount of time maybe twenty minutes before he would be forfeit and would lose his match against Serena. Yamcha looked down to look for the others and see what they were doing and if they were worried.
Queen Serenity was also concerned for the match, knowing the time limit before Gohan would be forfeit. She nodded with a smile to Yamcha and Mina and to Lita when she sat down on the other side of Mina.

Serena was waiting for Gohan, concerned. She knew he just had to be here soon. Especially with Goku having once fought and knowing the tournament rules. She just hoped her instinct was right.
Gohan showed up at the very last moment with Trunks and Goku, each of them looked a bit tired as Gohan got into the ring and laid down and rested his eyes till the start of the match, it could be seen looking at either Gohan or Trunks that a lot of training had gone down and both of them were worn down a great deal. Goku smiled as he sat down with Serenity and looked over and smiled at her, "Well, how is it going, oh hey Yamcha, Mina, good to see you both again," he said turning his attention to the ring, "man yesterday was a killer, but I think it will pay off," he said with a huge smile on his face.
Queen Serenity looked between Goku and Gohan. "Are you sure? He doesn't really look like he could handle the match with Serena right now without some sort of energy boost."

Serena looked at Gohan with a soft smile. "Rough night, huh?"
"Well, he will be fine, he is tougher then he looks," Goku said with a smile as he looked over at Queen Serenity, and smiled for a good moment before he looked back down at the fighters. "I had to get the kid prepared for what he would face if he won anyhow, plus I don't think he could try to harm Serena in anyway, so she would have the same edge in a way against him with or without training on his part," Goku explained as he looked at the fighters again, he knew that this was going to be a hard fight for Gohan to win.

"I am good," Gohan said, "yeah really rough night, dealing with the greatest warrior of the afterlife," he explained as he looked at her and took a deep breath, "The warriors in hell have been let out and are here on earth, a lot of them from both of our groups of enemies," he said as he took up a stance, he would dodge, he had the idea of dodging and letting Serena wear herself out. He turned Super Saiyan quickly and then he pushed to full powered super saiyan a moment after gaining a large amount of power as he was able to hold his form easily.
Mina was listening to Goku and Queen Serenity talk and frowned when she heard Goku. "I don't know though. Serena might pick up that he's holding back. She wasn't fond of when he did that at times while we were preparing for the tournament. She'll want him to be fair in that she'll want him to give his all. Even if just to keep face in front of the audience."

"Well, least things will be interesting after this." She didn't plan to make this easy for him, regardless of his extra training last night. There were some techniques she had that she hadn't shown him and had yet to use in the tournament. Stuff she'd learned how to do of her own from Lita and Mina. She transformed to Sailor Cosmos and sent her first couple of energy blasts his way.
Gohan smiled as he looked at her, he couldn't go all out on her, Serena meant to much, and if he lost cause of that so be it. He took a deep breath as he created a ki shield around himself blocking her blast and deflecting them up into the air before he let it go. He smiled as he would defend and he would wear her down and hopefully wear her out to the point that he could defeat her with a single strike. It was the tactic that his father used against his mother in their one match in the tournament and he figured he would use the tactic against Serena here.
Serena only smiled in return, her usual bubbly smile. So that's the way he wanted to play it. That was just fine with her. She sent off a few more light blasts, easy to dodge ones, on purpose. He thought he could wear her down by making her use her energy up attacking him. Well, she'd just keep him on his toes a bit then.
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