A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Serena grinned with pride. "It's definitely easier on me than the crystal." She turned her hands palms up and watched as the energy dispersed. "I'm glad you were able to teach me too." She walked over and kissed Goku's cheek before sitting down. "I believe it's your turn Gohan."

Mina smiled, her hands linked behind his neck. She was enjoying the kisses as well. "There's something I have to tell you. You don't really have to worry about meeting my parents. I've been emancipated from them since I first started the show as Sailor V. We didn't really see eye to eye on that. I've been on my own ever since. The closest I have to a father is Artemis and if he didn't approve, you would've known by now."
Gohan walked up and talked to his father, as he worked over the new skill, it wasn't so hard, but he had to stay calm, which he did after a dozen minutes or so as he felt his body relax, as he went over the words for the skill in his mind. He then tired it with no luck, and then tried it again and again. It wasn't till his 13 try that he managed to pull off the trick, as he suddenly disappeared from view for a good three minutes before reappearing with a box of cookies from a store, to show that he had gotten them and had moved that fast with the skill. He looked over at his father who was happy with his son, and then over at Serena.

"Well, good, that makes this much easier for us," he said as he looked at her for a long moment. He then kissed her lips for a moment longer. Yamcha couldn't help but know that this was going to somehow work out right. He pressed his lips against Mina's neck softly as he held her. "Well, I was actually a orphan since a young age," he admitted as he had no parents for Mina to talk to or never had even in his youth.
Serena watched as Gohan tried the instant transmission technique repeatedly. She grinned when he finally got the technique. She giggled when she saw the cookies in his hand. "I do hope you left money behind." She teased playfully. Seeing the technique in play, she understood how it could be a big help in battle. "Not even the Sailor Teleport works that fast."

At hearing Yamcha had been an orphan from a young age, Mina hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry." She murmured and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I promise you won't be alone again."
"Well of course," Gohan said with a smile as he looked at Serena, he remember when his dad showed it off the first time, he had stolen Master Roshi's glasses, it was rather funny when he saw Krillin then take and wear them. He smiled and thanked his father and then nodded to Serena, "Well, it moves at the speed of light, the trick is to think about where you are going to go and to of course get to the speed which is not so easy," Gohan admitted as Goku nodded his head and smiled at the young ones, it was easy to tell that they were right for each other. He would be the push over if anyone had to ask for approval of the couple.

"Well it is okay, I have Puar and now you," Yamcha said with a smile as he kissed Mina in reply, "Let he show you something," he said as he put out a photo of him when he had a bowl cut and when he had spiky hair, "so what do you think should I go back to one of these or just keep my hair long," he asked as he looked at her, his hair was very long for a man, to the mid of his back actually.
Serena giggled. "So I noticed. I think the closest I've seen anything get to that speed would be Amara in her car." She looked at the sky and realized they still had some time before dinner. "Well, we've still got some time before dinner. Knowing Lita, she'll do a huge full spread. Least she's got Trunks in there to help her." She looked to Goku with a smile. "What kind of things have you heard about?"

Mina kissed Yamcha back with a smile. She looked over the two photos and back to him, thinking over her answer. "Honestly, it's up to you. I'll be happy whichever way you decide to have it. You'll still be the same person and that's what matters."
Goku looked at her, "Your the reincarnation of the great Princess Serenity, or at least her daughter in a sense," Goku said with a kind tone as he looked at her, "I meet her actually, she was allowed to keep her body for the brave things she did to help protect her people," he explained as he looked at Serena. "She was a very kind nice lady, I meet her at one of the events up there, it was fun, they had lots of food," he commented with a huge smile on his face as he looked at her. "I am guessing you know what I am too, well, I am not a expert of my own race, I don't like my race to be honest," he added as he smiled.

"Good then I think I am going to go with the bowl cut again, this is such a pain in the morning," Yamcha commented softly as he smiled at Mina. He continued to look though his things and found something that caused him to smile a bit. He handed Mina over a baseball card of him playing for the Titans, it showed how he was player of the year that year, "I gave up baseball cause it was just to easy, I got bored with it honestly," he said as he let her look at the card.
Serena nodded. "I am the reincarnation of Princess Serenity. You probably met my mother Queen Serenity then. It's a thing I think of the family to name the daughter Serenity as well in some respect. She's always been watching me and the other scouts." She looked up at the sky with a smile. The last time she'd actually interacted with Queen Serenity, it had been when she'd briefly lost the ability to transform into Sailor Moon. "Yes I know. Between Gohan telling me and Lita briefing me on what she'd known of the race from the Silver Millennium. Saiyans were a complete opposite to the Lunarians. Where Saiyans loved to fight, Lunarians were peaceful."

Mina couldn't help but laugh when Yamcha said his hair was such a pain in the morning. "You still have it easy compared to Serena. You've seen her hair. It's actually longer when its down. And yet no one on the Silver millennium seemed to pay attention to that aspect when she and I pulled a switcheroo."
"Oh yeah that was right," Goku said with a smile as he looked at her, "yeah I know Saiyans are mean, there is this one named Brolly, his is the worse of us, and there are a lot of other war like races, the only ones who are who I know are peaceful are your Lunarians, the Namekians and a couple of other minor groups while I was alive at least," Goku said as he stretched, and then waved, "I will be back later, it is good to see you both, but I am going to spend time with my wife and Goten," he said to the pair of them as he waved and then disappeared from sight.

"Your pretty much right, I couldn't ever deal with that long of hair, she seems a remarkable person, though nothing in my book in comparison to Mina, she is the best of all," Yamcha commented with a grin on his face as he looked at her. He then smiled at her for a long moment, "Now, lets just focus on the future, I am sure it is going to be bright with you in it."
Serena waved to Goku and watched as he disappeared. She looked over to Gohan with a smile. "He's a great guy. Very pure-hearted." Even though Goku only had the one day to be on Earth, she was glad to have had the chance to meet him and learn from him.

Mina blushed at Yamcha's words. "Even I have stuff to learn from Serena." She grinned. "The future looks pretty bright. Definitely."
"Yeah he is, he is the greatest person I have ever known," Gohan commented as he looked at Serena and kissed her lips once as he smiled at her, "now, I think at the rate we are going we might just have a chance at winning the tournament," he said with a huge smile on his face. "So, three months, and a lot of work to do," he said pausing, "that though can start up tomorrow, today let us have some fun," he commented as he picked her up and thought of a place and smiled as they appeared on a strange world. The sky was green and the grass was blue.
Serena giggled and kissed hm back. "We should definitely have more than just a chance." She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. She looked around at the world. "Where are we?" The switch in colors of the sky and grass compared to Earth had her interested. She wasn't surprised he'd wanted to show off his new ability more.
Gohan smiled as he walked with her over the ground and smiled as he looked at Serena, "new namek, it is where the namekians are from like Dende or Piccolo," he said with a smile as he looked at Serena before walking with her over to the water and sitting down, "I figured you would like to see what a different world looks like," he commented to her as he looked over at her, "it is a world where the Namekians have moved to since they lost their own world. what do you think?"
"This is new Namek?" She looked around in awe and sat down with him. "It's beautiful. I'm partly interested and partly afraid of what sort of wildlife might be here. "It's nice that they have a place to call their own." It really is a different world and she was glad he thought to show her this.
"Yeah, there are dragon balls here, and there isn't to much to be worried about, there is fish and frogs, but nothing deadly," he said as he looked over at Serena for a moment, "I figured this would be neat trip, but I guess you can brag to the others that you have been to an alien world," he said with a smile on his lips as he got to his feet, "now, it won't be that long, but we can walk around," he said as he looked around the land was pretty flat with round trees with blue leaves on them.
Serena giggled as she stood up. "In this life anyway. Remember, Lita and Mina are from different planets too." She smiled softly and gently grabbed his hand with hers. "Who created the dragon balls anyway?"
The clan of Namekians, Dende happens to be a member of that clan as does the person here, this dragon is way different looking he is different, and their dragon balls have a bit different powers then the ones on earth, three wishes but can only wish for one single thing with all of them, and they are bigger too, like the size of a beach ball," he explained as he walked with her. "Well, what do you think I think it is about time to head back and get ready for dinner though, I am kind of hungry myself."
She listened intently as he told her about the dragon and dragonballs of New Namek. "That's definitely some difference. " She smiled as he mentioned dinner. "I think you're right. What about your Dad though? How will he know?"

Back on the lookout, Lita had been spending the entire time in the kitchen with Trunks. She taught him some of the dishes she knew and gave him tips on certain things. It really would be a big spread but it would be worth it. That she knew.
"Well knowing my father he will most likely get back before we get back," he said with a smile as he looked at Serena and pulled her into a tight embrace as he held her tight he took a deep breath and used his skill one more time, before he appeared back where they had started. He looked around for a long moment and he smiled as he saw his father taking a nap waiting for dinner, he smiled as he showed this fact to Serena, "by the way, he eats a way lot," he said pointing towards his father.

Trunks smiled as he had a great day getting to be around Lita, he wasn't one to ever complain about time with her, doing anything. He did work hard as he was in the kitchen, helping out where and whenever he could. He had fun too, the place as fun and it was great to learn tricks to cooking from Lita, still once they were living together he would let the pro focus on her cooking skills, and mostly stay out of the way.
Serena giggled when she saw Goku napping. "Does he just happen to know when food is close to being done?" She giggled again. "Does he eat more than you and me combined?" She was honestly starting to think that her eating habits gave Lita practice for cooking for saiyans. Not that she was complaining, though with thoughts of a future with Gohan in mind, she was planning on seeing about getting in the kitchen with Lita herself someday soon.

Lita was happy to have had Trunks in the kitchen helping her, especially with the large amount of food that was made. Finally the last dishes were done and it was time to get the food into the dining area. "Hey Trunks, can you tell the others that dinner is ready while I start getting the food in the dining room?" She grabbed the first of several dishes and prepared to carry it out.
"Well let me put it this way, when my dad was little, he lost the finals of the world martial arts tournament to his teacher," Gohan said remembering the story, it turned out that the fall of his teacher was asking him to go out and eat. Goku then spent every bit of the prize money which wasn't small on a huge meal cause he was hungry so yeah, he most likely can out eat both of us," he said with a nod as he saw his father and motioned him to follow.

Trunks went and found Yamcha, telling him and Mina that the meal was ready, and to come down and enjoy it with them. He smiled as he walked and found a seat at the table seeing Goku pile up his food without waiting and pigging out he took his share and ate as the others did as well. Trunks smiled as he knew that this was such a great thing to have happen. He looked at Goku and then the others, things were great in this new time period he was in and he was happier than ever before in his life.
Serena's eyes widened but then she burst into giggles. "Well now, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised then. Least Lita had the heads up." She of course started filling her own plate upon reaching the dining room. Of course, she had some of everything. "Lita, you outdid yourself this time." She praised the brunette as she started eating.

Lita could only grin as she started eating as well. "Well I had some good help. Trunks cooked some of this too so I can't take all the credit." She winked at Trunks. Yes there were things that she taught him to make but the work on them was his and she had no problem giving credit where it was due.

Mina had pulled Yamcha to the dining room after Trunks had told them the food was ready. Sitting around with everyone, Mina was happy for herself and the girls. She had complete faith in everyone that not only would they win the tournament but would be able to stand against anything thrown at them.
Gohan and Goku focused mostly on eating as they were both content especially Goku who was very happy, and just a look on his face would tell anyone looking at him that he was really enjoying the meal that he was having. He smiled as he ate, he knew things on earth would be fine without him for sure now. Gohan on the other hand looked up and smiled at Serena with a small grin on his face, "Well, it seems that Lita might be the best cook in the world if nothing else."

Trunks smiled as he looked at her,"it was nothing, I figured with so much to do, you would need a extra hand to help out," he commented with a smile as he knew that as a saiyan he ate a whole lot too and it only felt right to him to be willing to pitch in himself to the meal.

Yamcha nodded, "it is good food," he said towards Lita and Trunks, he wasn't a big eater as many others were, than he was just human. He could cook too, just not nearly this good. He ate and found himself finished soon as he watched other others eat it was kind of a interesting show in and of itself.
Serena giggled. "I told you her cooking was the best." She looked back and forth between the father and son, noticing she could see resemblances between them besides the shared love of food.

Lita only grinned. "Are you always so modest Trunks?" She teased, though she was blushing from the comments all around. "I'll gladly give lessons to any of you. All you need to do is ask."

Mina wasn't all that big an eater too but she knew good food and definitely planned to take Lita up on the offer to learn, more seriously though.
Goku finished up and smiled as he looked at the cook, "thank you very much, it was wonderful, I am glad you would cook for all of us," he said with a smile as he looked at his son, "Now Gohan, remember that I will always watch over you, and keep up the good work," he said before looking at Serena, "now young lady, I expect you to watch out for my son and help him, I can tell you two will do some rather impressive things together if you do so," he said with a warm smile as he looked at the others, "you all are impressive, keep up the good work, I will be watching out over all of you as best as I can," he said before he faded away with a smile headed back to otherworld.

Gohan smiled as he felt a warmness inside as he saw his dad leave, he knew he wouldn't be able to stay forever but it was nice to see him for the small time that he had been there. Gohan looked over at Serena and kissed her cheek softly and got up, "Well thank you, I will help clean tonight," Gohan said with a smile as he took his dish and one other to the kitchen to clean them off, wanting to be a help this night.
Serena blushed with a smile from Goku's words. If she'd gotten those words from any other guy's parent, she might have felt a little threatened the way her father might do to Gohan. But she knew Goku meant the words warmly. "You don't have to worry about that." She watched as he disappeared before smiling softly after Gohan kissed her cheek. She then looked over to Lita. "You relax with Trunks. Gohan and I will handle everything." She too grabbed some dishes and headed in the kitchen to clean up.

Lita looked after Serena in shock. "Well what do you know?" She looked to Mina. "I do believe our princess has grown up. I do think I'll obey the princess's command." She winked and pulled Trunks back towards the bedrooms.

Back in Otherworld, Queen Serenity was waiting when Goku returned. "Young lady? Really Goku. If I didn't know better I would've thought you didn't trust her to take care of Gohan." She chuckled.
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