A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Mina had flown off behind Yamcha, calling Serena on her communicator so the other blond could let the others know that Mina and Yamcha were ahead. Upon landing, she really was concerned and transformed right away. She kept her senses as alert as possible as they looked around.

Serena had just gotten to Trunks' room when she'd gotten the call from Mina. "Trunks!" She called as she knocked on his door. "Get up. Something big is happening!"

Of course since Serena had yelled, it woke up Lita too. The brunette peered out of her room. "Something big huh?"

"Yeah. Mina and Yamcha went on ahead. Since you're up, I'll go meet back with Gohan and we'll head out. You two catch up as soon as you can." Serena explained before heading back to Gohan. "Let's go."
A quick explosion to his left and A fist just missed Yamcha as a creature came flying past him, it was fast, really fast, as he looked at it, it wasn't anything he knew. He got ready as he felt other moving around them circling them fast he knew not who they were, but he had a rather bad feeling about this, he took up his defensive pose as he prepared the best that he could to defend against them and prepare to fight at the same time with attacks when and where he could. He also felt a feeling that was odd.

Gohan felt it too, it wasn't the strongest feeling, but it was with them. Gohan picked up his speed as he took off flying fast hoping to get to the others before they got into to much trouble.

Trunks felt it soon after he got up and looked at Lita, "we got to go, this isn't good, a lot of these and a couple are powerful," he said as he looked at her as he got dressed fast, waring a tank top saved him some serious time as he got ready, with the pants and boots on he was able to head out, walking with Lita as he felt Gohan leave, "it seems we are going to get there last," he commented to Lita as he took off following Gohan and Serena.
Even with the other attacks she learned, she went for her attacks as a sailor scout first. Quickly sending out her crescent beam and love-me chain attacks, while dodging the creatures too. "Hopefully there aren't too many of them here. And that the others show up soon."

Serena had taken off with Gohan, transforming mid flight to save time. She knew she'd have to wait until landing before she could use certain powers due to a short range. Upon landing, she immediately unleashed the power of Uranus' world shaking.

Lita nodded in determination. "Probably for the best. It's not always good for us all to arrive at the exact same time." She took off along side him, transforming before they left.
Gohan felt it and pushed forward faster, going super saiyan as he knew things were troublesome, "someone no two people pretty strong are there," he commented as he looked over at Serena telling that she was focused in on the fight already. He knew that it would be a big fight and that things would be wild. He moved down landing on a rooftop as he looked over the battlefield now shoot off a barrage of kai blast taking down a couple low level youma.

Yamcha nodded and blocked an attack before countering and throwing a low level youma though a wall. He then saw something as he blocked a second attack this was very fast as a small metal robot like thing with a tail appeared. It was faster then Yamcha, he had to be careful. A second later he was fighting fast as possible, powered up to his max, as he traded strikes but soon was knocked to the ground out cold as the metal man meta cooler smirked looking at his foes. He had gotten one of the higher powered Youma and they meet to talk a plan for the future of the universe.

Trunks powered up as he moved ahead fast moving quickly too as he found himself above the city looking around as he noticed the other meta coolers it was a small army of the powerful robots, 10 of them total, he let out a sigh as he suddenly had one behind him and had to block the attack, as he turned super saiyan, just blocking it in time.
Serena had been switching off using different powers, the other girls fighting as well until finally all three were surrounded by youma, with the three of them in a circle together. She looked to the other girls and they nodded in silent agreement. "Bubbles blast!" With the Mercurian power, came a fog that took a protective covering of the girls, blocking them from view of the youma.

Since the fog wouldn't hold long, Lita and Mina had shoved Serena between them. "Supreme thunder!" She had turned it into a ray of sorts as she maneuvered it through part of the grouping of youma, something she'd only managed one other time. "Crescent Beam!" Mina was doing the same on the other side with her attack, youma falling on both sides to the attacks just before the fog lifted.

Serena jumped up at that moment. "Cosmos Revolution!" She aimed her staff towards some of the remaining youma, spinning in a circle to make the attack catch as many as possible.
Gohan and Trunks were not as lucky as the girls were at this point, they were battling 2 on 9 versus two people who were nearly as strong as they were. It wasn't good, they had no idea how there were suddenly so many random Coolers around. They battle pressing back to back as they wouldn't have anyone get behind them before splitting going opposite directions, each time they had one of the coolers lined up, the meta cooler would disappear, it seemed they knew his father's instant transmission skill, Gohan just blocked one of the attacks throwing the Meta Cooler towards Trunks, but the thing disappeared again before Trunks could finish it off. The fight was so very intense as both saiyans held there ground, but they couldn't counter or put a end to the enemies they were battling. The coolers were so powerful, and when Gohan hit one, it was able to heal itself rapidly too.
Serena looked around and narrowed her eyes as she and the other girls saw the Meta Coolers. Her staff turned into the garnet rod staff of Pluto. "Deadly Scream Revolution!" She sent the attack towards a couple of Meta Coolers, the attack bursting with the power of pluto and her own power. She was shocked when they disappeared. She paid close attention as they reappeared along with others and focused before using the Garnet Rod to stop time in attempts to freeze the Meta Coolers but give the others a chance at them. "Now! I can't hold it too long!"
Gohan powered up, but Trunks powered up this power weighted form, his muscles getting massive as he charged up. The two of them knew they had to get rid of the Meta Coolers in the moments after this or they would be risking to much. Each one of them pressed their kai into their hands, Trunks powerful up a buster cannon, and Gohan a Masanko. Each of the attacks were aimed to be full sized in radius, he looked over at the Serena, "Okay, just don't get to close," he called out as he and Trunks focused on their foes with the attacks, leveling them all with the single combination energy strike taking out each Cooler fully.
Serena focused on maintaining the stop on time long enough to give the guys a chance to destroy the Coolers. Mina and Lita had both lifted out of harm's way and watched the single combination strike take out the Coolers fully. The last Cooler was destroyed just in time as the garnet orb at the top of the staff stopped glowing, returning time to normal. The two guardian scouts were glad Serena had thought of doing that where in the past she might have considered the silver crystal instead.
Gohan grabbed Yamcha and went back to the lookout with the others, if it hadn't been for the help of Sailor Cosmos and her friends, they would of been in serious trouble. It was amazing to thing that the battle had been so hard, but Gohan and Trunk each knew that they had a lot of work to do and that they only had half the time to work on it. It also showed how well they worked with the females. Gohan was glad to see Serena fight again, and Trunks was impressed by all of them and how they handled the fight. It was a great moment for the group who soon was back at the look out. Yamcha having come to somewhere along on the trip as well. Gohan started to have an idea some kind of celebration perhaps the following day.
Lita and Mina had had to help Serena get back to the lookout, for the use of Pluto's power had taken a strain on her, especially since she had supplemented the ability with some power from the silver crystal. Her transformation had undone itself halfway there. While Mina and Lita hadn't known at the time that Serena had tapped the crystal's power, they recognized the tell-tale signs of fatigue she normally had after using the crystal and both looked at their friend in concern as they landed softly on the lookout. "Now I know why Setsuna didn't use that ability that often." Serena murmured as she barely had the strength to stand and probably wouldn't if Lita and Mina weren't holding her up.
Gohan saw that Serena was worn out and walked over to the group and took her from Lita and Mina, "I got her it will be fine," he said softly to the pair of them as he carried held her in his arms, "Now, Serena, I guess we found out how much work we have to still do," he said as he looked at the other two, "I am going to head to bed too, that was a tiresome fight," he said looking at the two of them, "triple date tomorrow, into town, a break and celebration for our victory," he said to the pair of them as he gave them a smile, "you both did great today," he commented before carrying Serena off to get some sleep as well as to get sleep himself.
Serena smiled up at Gohan gratefully when he took her from Lita and Mina. "Guess we do have some major work to do still. I'll need to practice more on using that time stop ability so I don't feel I need the silver crystal to help sustain it. It's why I'm so drained. I used the crystal to boost the length of time it could hold." Her eyes closed and she snuggled against him in sleep.

Mina and Lita had both watched Gohan carry Serena to bed. They knew their princess was in good hands and they both wore matching grins at the thought of the triple date tomorrow.
Gohan knew he had to learn his fathers movement skill too, if he had known it, he would of been able to beat cooler without the extra time stop skill by Serena. He held her as he fell asleep right after her, he was tired. He hadn't battled someone that strong since the demon appeared, and that was the only other fight he had of this level in seven years. He rested as he felt himself smile a bit in his sleep.

Trunks smiled as he looked at the pair, and heard the comment, the triple date was going to be good, he figured that it was going to be fun spending time with Lita on their real first date. He too got ready for heading to bed quickly heading off and slipping into his room and laying in his bed to wait for Lita to return before he went to sleep not wanting to sleep till she joined him in bed.

Yamcha wasn't so happy about being knocked out, but it had been by someone rather strong, still the even caused him to want to push himself, and not give up, he had to be there to help Mina and work with her. He figured he needed a whole lot of work, and a break though or two along the way to help. The human stood at the entrance to the area where the rooms were waiting for said person he was going to go on a date with the next day.
Lita soon headed inside herself, stopping briefly to update Luna and Artemis before she continued on. She got ready for bed, letting her brown hair down from her ponytail, the locks gently curling over her shoulders, her first time letting it down the entire time they'd been there. She slipped into Trunks' room with a smile, climbing into bed next to him.

Mina was ready to turn in for the day herself but she was excited for the date tomorrow. She headed on in to join Yamcha with a soft smile. "Ready to turn in? We got an eventful day tomorrow for a triple date."
Yamcha nodded his head as he smiled slipping an arm around Mina before walking with her toward the room and laying down with her, "it will be fun, first date together, beautiful," he said as he laid down with her and soon he found himself asleep just like the others.

The next day, Gohan, Trunks and Yamcha all were ready for heading into town, they were going to try the arcade again, then they were going to go eat together and see a movie, it was a rather simple idea that Gohan had come up with, but it would work. All three were in casual outfits that were things that neither Gohan, Yamcha or Trunks normal wore while they were training, Yamcha had the transporter ready, it was he larger one that would be able to fit all 6 of them.
The girls had gotten together to help each other get ready for the day out with the guys. They had all chosen to wear tops and jeans over their original selections of skirts and dresses. Though there wasn't a plan for training, the girls wanted to be prepared in case something happened where they needed to fight. Each girl wore a top and hair accessories of her respective color; Lita in green, Mina in orange and Serena having a pink top but white bows at the base of her buns. Together the three girls headed out to meet the guys so they could go.
Gohan smiled as he led the group moving into the area again with Serena at his side, he was happy to have this time with her again. He liked all the time he got to spend with the beautiful Sailor Cosmos, he walked with her into the arcade and found the racing game that they had played on their first date, that had been fun when they had gotten to do it that time, "rematch," he said with a grin as he looked over at her with a smile on his lips.

Yamcha and Trunks went over to the Sailor V game, it had been updated with new things, it seemed that Sailor V was making news again somehow, and that they updated the badguys and the playable characters too. Yamcha blinked as he found himself and almost alaughed as it was so odd playing again where you played yourself, but he didn't he actually picked Sailor V to use as the game, and Trunks pick Gohan to play as actually.
Serena had noticed the racing game and grinned at his suggestion of a rematch. "You're on!" She headed over to the game, sitting in one of the seats and waited expectantly. "Best 2 out of three like last time or wanna try for best three out of five?"

Mina and Lita had followed Yamcha and Trunks over to the Sailor V game. Mina laughed when she realized just how up to date the game was. The selection of playable characters was incredible from the different levels of the sailor scouts including the three forms of Serena as Sailor Moon all the way up to Sailor Cosmos and the guys. "Looks like we've been getting spotted again." She stood behind Yamcha to cheer him on while Lita cheered on Trunks.
Gohan smiled as he looked over at Serena and raised up 3 finger as he looked at her, and got in the driver seat, he picked a different car this time, but he knew that if push came to shove on that last race he would let Serena slip by and win. It was just how he was, still he was having fun with it and he would have fun with her losing or winning. He pressed his foot down and the race started.

Yamcha had noticed odd characters, like Hercule in the game which was funny, it was when he heard Mina, he nodded, "yeah most likely someone has been keeping somewhat the tabs on us, it even has Piccolo and Dende," he said with a smile as they popped up between missions. Yamcha and Trunks worked on the levels clearing them quickly as it was fun, the game had been upgrade from before in general too.
Serena picked a different car this time as well. She grinned as she saw Gohan's answer. Best 3 out of five, so be it. As they started their first race, she was enjoying it just as she did the first time. "Fair and square all the way through. We give it our all just like training."

Both Mina and Lita grinned when between two missions, a familiar winged unicorn that they knew had popped up called Pegasus. They saw how the game mostly followed the fights the sailor scouts had gone through but also added in recent stuff that the three scouts had encountered with the guys. "I think I have a pretty good idea of how this game got updated so well." Mina spoke up grinning widely.

"I think so too." Lita had grinned in turn. She had noticed how certain people that the guys knew but they hadn't met weren't amongst the character list like both Gohan and Trunks' fathers.
Gohan nodded his head as he pushed ahead in the first one, enjoying it a great deal as he raced with Serena, he knew that she might be able to tell if he wasn't trying so hard, and he did try, but he actually still managed to lose the last race to her. He smiled as he got up, "Well that means that I get to pay the tickets to the movies," he mused outloud to her with a smile as he looked over at the others and walked up and saw that they were using characters he knew quite well.

"Well I see, that would make sense, plus, I am guessing that they had to save the savior of the world, Hercule," Yamcha said putting air quotes as he said savior of the world. Hercule had taken credit for defeating Cell and was a huge superstar for it, when it really was Gohan who had won. It was okay, Gohan didn't let it bother him and since he didn't let it bother him no one else did either. They all knew the truth after all.

"Well, I was thinking lets slip off to the movies, I am sure we will all want to watch something different," Trunks mused s he looked at the others.
Serena grinned when she looked over as well, sharing knowing looks with Mina and Lita in regards to the game. "Well boys, looks like there are a couple of kitties on the look out who have been paying more attention to us than we thought. Though Serena froze a bit when she saw the character on the screen congratulating Trunks and Yamcha or the players was none other than Sailor Mini Moon also known to the three girls as Rini. It hadn't occurred to her that Mini Moon would be amongst the players too even though it should have. "I...need some air.." She turned and hurried out of the arcade in the direction of a park.

Both the other girls were confused as to why she left and turned to look at the screen. Seeing the pink haired little girl on it, they looked back at each other. "Uh-oh." They spoke as one.
Gohan went after her, wondering what was up. He walked quickly after her unsure what was wrong with Serena. He moved fast as he wanted to help her. He needed to know though what was troubling her to be able to help as best as he could. He found her in the park and walked up putting a hand on her back and smiling, "what is wrong, never seen you react to anything like that, Serena."
Mina and Lita had meant to go after Serena but it seemed that Gohan beat them. The two girls grabbed Trunks and Yamcha and headed out after the pair.

Serena had been taking deep breaths to calm herself down after leaving the arcade and hadn't noticed Gohan following her. She'd unconsciously walked to the very spot in the park where she'd met Rini all that time ago. At hearing Gohan, she took another deep breath but didn't turn around to face him. "I miss Mini Moon....I miss Rini. Remember how a while back I'd mentioned that I'd had seen my future self at one point? That had come with meeting Rini and helping her. Her story in a way was similar to Trunks. Her time had been attacked and she'd come to the past. Not to warn...but in hopes of getting help for her time. The enemies, the Black Moon clan, followed her to this time. During the time of dealing with them, we went to the future...I found that I was to be a queen....and Rini was to be my daughter. With the way things are now....I'm not even sure if her time is now an altogether separate timeline or if she'll never exist at all or if she still will come to exist in some way."
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