A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Gohan landed on Serena's rooftop and smiled as he looked at her, he knew from here they couldn't be seen or figured they couldn't at least. He leaned in and kissed her lips softly and quickly, "Well remember, tomorrow the arcade," he said with a huge grin on his face as he looked at Serena. He was so very happy about how things were turning out between himself and the beautiful woman, that he flew a bit faster home then he would normally, fast enough to get home in half the time before he headed to bed. It was such a wonderful day, he would have to meet her at school and than after school head to this arcade place she had talked about with her.
Serena watched him fly off, her fingers touching her freshly kissed lips. She smiled before hopping down to her window. Luna of course was waiting on her bed and of course nagging at her to explain where she had been. She gave the cat a short run-down, minus her now dating Gohan, before getting ready for bed. An early bedtime for the teen sure but to her, it would be worth it in her excitement for her date with Gohan the next day.
For Gohan, the next day at school was a kin to some kind of horrible torture. He so wanted this day to be over, he wanted each moment to pass faster then it was that much was for sure. He looked at the clock from time to time and then he looked down for a moment longer before he took a deep breath, nothing made time move faster, he knew things that made time move slower but nothing faster. He focused as best as he could on his work though out the day, it was group work, and of course he wasn't ever in the same group as Serena either. It was rather right out annoying for the saiyan. He helped out showed people what they could do to answer question, the basic stuff, while keeping a low profile as well. He was so overjoyed though when the day had ended, it meant that it was near time for that date with Serena, the one he on his mind all day, now he just had to go and find the beauty.
The day had seemed to move extra slow for Serena as well. She had been tempted many a point to use the powers over time she gained from Sailor Pluto to make the time move faster, even since it didn't seem that she was restricted by the taboos that had restricted Setsuna. The only thing that held her back from using those powers was the fact she wasn't sure she'd be able to get away with it without being noticed. She was just as excited when the day was finally over and waited for him outside the school
Gohan finished school, and looked around, he figured that he would followed Serena out and than enjoy this arcade place that Gohan had heard about from her. He smiled as he found her in front of the school. He walked up and kissed her cheek as he than smiled at his new girlfriend. Gohan looked at Serena and smiled, "So, time for the arcade right," he said with a happy look on his face. He had been looking forward to this moment for the whole entire night. He wasn't sure how good he be at arcade games, but he figured he had some pretty good reflexes, and it would be fun if he was good or even if he was horrible as well.
Serena nodded happily. "Yep. Time for the arcade." She was excited, both for the arcade and for the time with Gohan. "Are we taking Nimbus this time?" She secretly hoped he was going to fly them there on his own rather than use the nimbus. She had really enjoyed flying in his arms but she didn't want to sound quite so eager for it. She would be happy anyway even if they did take the Nimbus just because she was going to be with him.
Gohan smiled as he shook his head, he like the reason cause he could hold the platinum blonde in his arms. He grabbed her around her waist firmly pressing her back to his chest as he held her tightly, "I will need to know the direction of where I happen to be going," he commented with a smile, he knew he would have to find an area nearby where he could land to so they wouldn't draw to much attention either. Still, he knew that this date was going to be a whole hell of a lot of fun, and he was looking rather forward to it as well. He was so very attracted to Serena, and he was so happy with how things were breaking for them, to have her as his girl, that was awesome.
Serena smiled, her cheeks tinting a light pink when he pulled her close against him. As they flew, she gave directions to the arcade. It was nice to be able to admire the view from up high rather than missing it due to this thing happening or another. She was even able to point out a place he could land safely that she had used to transform when she needed to. She couldn't wait to play some of her favorite games again.
Gohan made sure to keep out of sight, it was not something that would help either to have question about what they were doing flying to the arcade, he slipped into an ally and landed carefully as he put Serena down carefully on the ground and smiled at her, "Well now, it seems that we were able to make it here pretty quickly, now it is your turn to show me the games that this place has," he commented with a smile on his face as he looked at the beautiful princess. He took Serena's hand as Gohan walked with her over to what he was sure was the arcade. He could tell the place had a lot of different types of games and would be rather interesting too. He smiled slight feeling excited about this possible fun time he was going to have.
Serena smiled and walked with him to the arcade. "My absolute favorite has been the Sailor V game...but then again I'm a bit biased." She giggled with a wink. After all, she could be considered slightly biased in favor of her dear friend Mina who had been Sailor V aka Sailor Venus until the end of the battle with Chaos. As they walked in, she waved to the man behind the counter before looking back at Gohan. "That's Andrew, he owns the place." She looked around to all the different games, glad to see the Sailor V game still there. It was a nice spread of games over all including competitive two player games. "So, which one did you want to play first?"
"Oh yeah, I remember her, I had a friend who had the biggest crush on Sailor V," he said remembering that Mirai Trunks had this big crush on the unknown woman when he was back in this time period. He smiled as he looked at her and looked at the games. "Well now, how about we play your favorite game then, it is always best to try something you like a lot," he said walking over to the machine. He looked it over and smiled as he knew that it would be fun to play a game with her, and he figured this game would be interesting too. There were so many game around it was nice, impressive, he figured he could see why Serena like this place so much.
Serena laughed at his mention of a friend with a crush. "He probably would've been extremely starstruck if he had had the chance to fight alongside her like I did. I definitely was starstruck for a bit the first time she joined me and the other inner scouts, saving our butts from a trap." She grinned in nostalgia. "Out of scout form, people used to think we were twins or at least sisters because we looked so much alike. My hair was still the same shade of blond as hers back then." She started up the game and set it for two players, with her taking the player two spot. It shocked her at first to see that the character she would control looked like her when she was still Sailor Moon. At realizing that, she smiled.
"Yeah, he might of, but she might of too," he said with a smile on his face as he looked at the screen he decided that he would play as the one that looked like Sailor Jupiter himself. "Well, he was a interesting fellow, he was a time traveler from the future, um, and he was so very strong, he helped us defeat the last threat that attacked the earth. He was the son of the owner of Capsule Corps too, Trunks Brief, of course the one in this time period is only a year older then my little brother," he explained as he played the game. It was fun, he was getting a hang of it pretty quickly actually. "I bet you were a cutie back in those days," he said as he looked at the screen in front of him. "Of course, you are just down right beautiful now," he added in.
It was a little weird for her to be playing as Sailor Moon and using the attacks that she herself had once used, right down to the tiara attack but she was enjoying it just the same. She listened to Gohan explain about Trunks and giggled. "Oh the fun of time traveling. Must have been quite a shock to his parents when the future one showed up and said that he was their son. I know exactly how that sort of shock feels." She thought about Rini as she spoke, the little girl that was supposed to have been her daughter with Darien. She had initially began to worry when she and Darien broke up that Rini wouldn't be born but something told her that Rini would still be born, just with someone else as the father. She hadn't felt the lone tear that fell down her cheek at the memories of the pink haired little girl. She did smile and blush at Gohan's compliments. "Thank you. Remind me one day to show you a picture from when I was real little."
Gohan smiled as he used the lightning attack that Sailor Jupiter had and thought about it for a moment as she smiled at Serena, "It is so cool that you have so many friends, when I grew up, I must admit I never had any friends my own age, um, I guess cause I always lived out in the country and spent time battling evil people, from my uncle to the emperor of the universe, to a creature cloned from the dna of all the heroes and andriods, it has been a rather bloody life," he admitted, as he finished up the game and turned to see the teat on her cheek and hugged her to his body holding her firmly against himself as he looked at her, "Well, now, we can trade off pictures, I have pictures back when I had a tail and was little, even had a pet dino too."
Serena chuckled. "I've been known to touch the hearts of many and make friends with just about anyone. All that fighting can make it hard to make friends. Or make it hard to keep friends. You could end up distancing yourself from friends that wouldn't or don't understand why you fight. Or from people you can't tell. Or in my case you get the random moments where your family or friends have crushes on your alter ego. It's weird." She smiled in his embrace. "I bet you were just adorable."
"Well, thanks," the modest young man replied as he took her hand and lead her to a race car game, "lets try this one a couple of times, then we can get some snacks and share them," he said with a warm smile on his face as he looked at the sailor scout. He was sure that this was going well, he could understand why she was able to touch the hearts of so many people that she knew. She had a special talent was easy to see and notice when he spent time around her. The more time he spent around her, the more he wanted to spend more time around her. "Well, first one to win 3 races wins," he said as he put the quarters into the machine and started it off as he started the race with Serena.
Serena grinned when he suggested they race a few times before getting some snacks. "First to win 3, huh? You're on!" She started up to race him, a bit out of practice since she hadn't played in a while. Her thoughts drifted a bit to trying to imagine him as a kid, tail included. If they'd met when they were kids, she's sure they would've been good friends back then too. Of course since she was out of practice, the first race would end up going to Gohan.
Gohan smiled as he won the first match, he looked over and gave Serena a thumbs up before he turned his attention back to the race track. He looked at the race track and started the second time. He was having so much fun, he looked out of the corner of his eye and watched Serena this time watching her, he blushed horribly, she was so beautiful, so sexy. He was never attracted to anyone before he had meet her, she was his first girlfriend and this was his first date too. It was great, he couldn't of been happier, but he was so focused on her that he lost horribly the second race himself, as well as the third one.
Serena giggled after winning both the second and the third. Overall she was enjoying herself and could feel herself slowly falling for him. It was nice to actually fall for a guy on her own and not just because she'd been in love with him in a past life. Her thoughts had kept her distracted enough that she lost the fourth one. "Looks like we're tied now. Whoever wins this last one wins it all." She smiled and grinned. "Ready?"
Gohan nodded his head as he focused this time more, he wanted to win, he knew that it would take his full focus to have a chance, but as it was close at the end, he thought about it, he knew he had a chance to win, but he knew that so did Serena. It was neck and neck as they came down to the end, but he slowed down just a tiny bit which allowed for Serena to get ahead of him and win the race and thus win the series of races. It wasn't that big of a deal to him to win, and he knew that it would put Serena in a great mood if she won the race too. It was winning for losing he figured, he figured it was far better then winning some close race and having her in a bad mood cause of it.
Serena squealed in delight when she won the race, winning the series of races. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Let's go grab a booth and get some snacks." She slid out the game's seat and headed over towards the booths, looking for a good one. She was in a great mood. She would've been happy either way no matter which of them won because she'd had fun. Granted a couple years ago, she might've pouted and whined a little if she'd lost but her time as Sailor Moon had matured her.
Gohan nodded his head as he got up and walked over, he had lost so it was only right that he would pay for the snacks, he got some cotton candy for the both of them and some shakes as well, a overload of sugar would follow. Yet, he didn't mind that, he figured it would be neat to have fun and relax, this date was relaxing, very much so. He smiled as he handed her the cotton candy, and walked with her. "Sometime, I will have to take you to meet the guardian of the earth, he is a little green alien," he said with a smile as he looked at Serena, "he lives in a place that is way up high, higher then the clouds, and it is big too. It is a rather neat place in all honesty.
Serena beamed happily as she slid into one side of the booth. "A little green alien huh? I think I would like to meet him." She popped some cotton candy in her mouth before sipping some of her shake. "So, why don't you tell me more about your adventures in battle? Like that one with your uncle to start." She was genuinely interested in the sort of big battles he had been apart of. She of course knew that in kind, she would have to share hers, not that she minded doing so.
"That one isn't so pleasant, actually none of them are, um, when I was a little kid um, four years old when he came to the planet," he said looking ahead thinking about it. "He kidnapped me and my dad had to save me, he ended up giving up his own life to stop my evil uncle. Well then um I guess I got angry and I attacked him at some point, but that is really all I did," Gohan said rubbing the back of his head, "then the others came and I spent the whole next year learning to survive on my own in a jungle without anything really and how to fight, so I was 5 when the other saiyans came. They killed most of my father's friends, they killed my teacher who gave his life to save me, um then we beat them when we wished back my father and a lot of other things happened, but we had to go to a new planet to find the dragonballs to wish back the others and that let me tell you is a equally long story," he said rubbing the back of his head, not the best memory, he got his butt kicked so many times, but he lived though it somehow.
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