A Romance across the Universes (Yajirobe and blakkatt07)

Serena was shocked when the flying nimbus showed up after he whistled. She'd never seen a cloud do that before. She couldn't help but blush as he picked her up and got on the cloud. She smiled softly when he explained the cloud had once belonged to his father. She knew what it was like having something that once belonged to a parent and how precious that item could be, as she still had the crescent moon wand that once belonged to Queen Serenity. She glanced up at him when he asked about her being the woman fighting the youma. Her eyes widened as she put two and two together. For him to know about that fight.....he would have had to be there. And the only other person there was Saiyaman. She knew there was no point lying to him now. "Sailor Cosmos...yes that was me. I'm assuming that means you are the Great Saiyaman?"

She'd gone years without civilians being able to make that connection between her civilian form and her senshi form without her having to transform in front of them or in one case her civilian name being called out while she was transformed. The fact he made the connection so quickly on his own meant there was something else about him that allowed him to see that much past the magic.
"Yes, that is correct, that would be me," he said as he held her, "um, well that really isn't all I am either though, I guess I should be honest with you after all," he said as he thought how to explain who he was, it wasn't the easiest thing to tell a female about being half alien and all. "Well you see, my father was a great man, he was a martial artist, the world champion when he was not much older then me," he said starting off simple to explain the situation, He figured that it would be easiest to start there with the basics, "Anyhow, my father is a Saiyan, an alien, he came to the world sent right before the destruction of his people, there are only two saiyans in the whole world left. Anyhow he became the planet's guardian battling evil, here and on other planets. I grew up his son, I battled many of these fights with him, up till he died to safe the planet," he said to her softly as he continued on the way they were headed. "I am half saiyan, half alien," he said as he waited to see just what reaction she had to his reveal would be.
And there it was. The something else. She listened attentively and with obvious interest. Especially hearing more about his father along with him directly. At the end of his reveal, she smiled brightly. "Well that explains some things. Half alien...explains how you made the connection between me and Sailor Cosmos on your own and so quickly. There's actually a sort of magic around me when I'm Sailor Cosmos that normally prevents innocents from recognizing me or making such connections. But I think I've got something that might just catch your interest. I'm a reincarnated Lunarian. A reincarnated Lunarian princess actually. My people were destroyed over a millennium ago, my guardians and myself killed in the combat. My mother, Queen Serenity, used the last of her energy and the silver crystal to send myself and my court to be reincarnated here on Earth. We've had our share of big battles to protect the planet too...the last one...I watched my guardians taken from me yet again. In the end, I won...but at a price. I was to take up the mantle of Sailor Cosmos....from my old title as Sailor Moon. In doing that, my friends would live again...but have normal lives. Their powers and attacks transferred to me."
"Yeah, I have dealt with aliens before, lots of them, most not so nice," he said thinking back to his time having to deal with Freeza, or the Ginyu Force. So she was a Lunarian, a reincarnated woman from long ago. He thought about it and smiled, interesting really, the story, he thought about how interesting she was. It was a neat story that she had. He thought about it for a moment, and smiled, "It is to bad that we didn't meet back than, if you had, you would of most likely been able to stay as Sailor Moon and not needed to have your friends give up their powers to live again," he said knowing this would shock the heck out of Serena. "You see, there are things called Dragonballs, there are seven of them, when they are brough together, you can make a wish for anything, so you would of been able to wish for your friends back to live and well, they would be now," he explained, "my father has actually been killed twice, this last time he choose not to come back," he explained.
"Lending me their powers when I needed it has often been a part of the deal. A few times it helped give me strength against some of our enemies. But they've even done it before when I needed an upgrade in sort in power. Becoming Sailor Cosmos was that last upgrade. Having their abilities...gives them a way to still protect me in a way but still have normal lives. As much as I miss having them fight alongside me...I'm happy for them. Even if I can never have a normal life, at least they can. They died once during our battle on Earth against the very evil that destroyed the Moon Kingdom...when I wished on the silver crystal to revive them....I had made it so we all forgot being sailor scouts and had our normal lives again. But that normalcy didn't last and our advisors had to bring our memories back again. They're alive and living normal lives. That's what matters." She listened to him explain the Dragonballs. She couldn't say anything about the immense power of the Dragonaballs. After all, she walked around with one of the most powerful crystals in her possession. "He must have felt his work was done then."
"Well I see, I am happy they are here for you, it is good to have such good friends," he said with a soft tone as he looked at her, "I have other skills I haven't shown you, my father was the first to do it, when he defeated the evil who destroyed his homeworld, now I can as well as the husband of the owner of Capsule Corps, he is a Saiyan too, he is very powerful too," he mentioned as he smiled, "He left actually for another reason, he was sent here to destroy the earth, he hit his head and lost his memories as a baby, thus he never destroyed the earth and became its protector, but everyone always wanted to come here to fight him from across the universe, so he figured by not being here the earth could know peace," he said softly as he thought about it, "When we battle evil, we normally evolve find new levels of power, with lots of practice," he said to her as he powered up quickly into super saiyan form, his hair now spiky and blonde his eyes a green color as he looked at her, "this is the super saiyan form, I could at one time go to the next level, but I am way to out of practice to do it anymore."

He landed the cloud down on the ground on a hill down below one could see a small house, and he smiled at Serena, "That trip was a trip to my house actually, I make that everyday to go to school," he said with a smile as he turned back to his normal self, "oh another things, I don't have one anymore, but when I was a kid, I had a monkey tail, serious," he said knowing it might get a good smile out of the beautiful Serena.
"Well that's probably for the best that he hit his head." She couldn't help but giggle with a sigh at hearing his father's reason for not coming home again. "If only he knew about all the evils that came after me." She watched the change in his hair and eyes and even felt the energy change. "You might need to work on that. Those youma we fought today were only the low level. Trust me, there are others stronger."

She smiled back at him and at the house. "A monkey tail, huh? I bet you were quite cute with it. And as for extra things, I've got a couple of my own to show you. While in scout uniform, I have that star tiara, well I hide something different. To do with my Lunarian heritage." She tapped her forehead in the middle and a golden crescent moon appeared on it. "Only those of Lunarian royalty or the advisors have this on their heads." She tapped her forehead again, hiding the crescent once more. "The other thing is this..." She digs in her school bag and pulls out a brooch that had been in place over her chest when he'd seen her fighting. She waved her hand over it and it opened, revealing the silver crystal underneath. "The imperial silver crystal, a family heirloom so to speak. Only one in the Lunarian royal family can wield its powers. Doesn't stop evil aliens from trying to get it though." She closed her brooch and put it away.
"Well, now, I think we, Miss Serena, besides video games and eating, do you like to do other things, um watch movies perhaps, my mother is the best cook ever, and I am sure I can get her to make us some dinner if you would like," he said with a smile as he looked over at her. He had learned a lot about her since he had been there. She was powerful, he could tell her magic was top level, but he wasn't a wimp, especial as a super saiyan. He smiled as he walked with her, "how about this too, you ran away from the scene, would you want to learn how to fly, it isn't a saiyan thing at all," he said smiling over at her, "heck, I know some of my dad's friends who can and they are as human as anyone else," he said with a smile as he made the offer to her, well both offers really.

He walked down to smell that his mother was in fact already cooking, a woman who had to put up feeding a lot of saiyans, how couldn't the woman master the art of cooking over time. He remembered the one time he tried, and man was is a failure. He looked at her and smiled, "around mom, nothing about where your from, she will freak, it is why she thought dad was a bum," he said laughing softly to himself as he knew that she did love him despite that fact.
Serena giggled. "Watch movies, read manga and of course the typical girl move of shopping but I wouldn't put you through that." She thought for a minute. "Are you sure your mom won't mind you bringing a girl home?" She playfully teased. She was having fun talking with him, having learned so much about him so quickly. But then again, she was always the type to make friends quick. "You'd teach me? Really? I'd like that. I've only really flown while transformed depending on the level I was."

She smelled the food cooking too and grinned. "Whatever she's cooking, it smells good." She fondly thought of her own failed attempts at cooking before giggling as Gohan told her not to mention about where she's from. "You don't have to worry about that. One I'm a teenager and two, my own parents and little brother don't know about me being a sailor scout, regardless of me having saved them at different points."
"Well we are going to find out, I think she will be fine as long as your a friend from school," he said with a smile as he looked over at her, "she is kind of scary, she isn't so normal either," he admitted as she looked over at Serena, "when she was our age, she fought in the world martial arts championship, it was where my parents go married," he said smiling weakly at the comment as he remembered how he had heard that story a lot of times. He walked with her and nodded his head, "my brother is half saiyan too, so um yeah, my whole family is odd and not normal, I guess that is why we live way out here," he mused to himself as much as to Serena as he walked to the door and knocked on it.

Chichi smiled as she opened the door, "Well, hi, I'm Chichi, Gohan's mom, it is nice for Gohan to have normal friends for one." she said seeing that the both had their school bags. She figured he brought her over to help study. It made her happy to know that her Gohan was adapting to the normal world so well. She welcomed her in and went back into the kitchen to cook for a bit as was making the last of the large noodle dish for the now four of them.

Goten walked up and smiled waving to Gohan and Serena, "Gohan, who is the girl, she looks funny, is she from your school," he asked as he looked rather adorable as he asked the question of Gohan.

"Yes, she is, um she is a classmate, and we are here to study," he said softly to Gohan as he let him run off and do whatever he was going to do, which turned out to be simply follow him around.
Serena listened to Gohan in awe of his mother. She nodded in understanding as to why they lived so far out. It made some sense really. She then smiled at Chichi. She hadn't missed the normal comment but remembered to keep quiet. She couldn't help but giggle at Goten's question.

She found it cute that Goten just wanted to follow his older brother. Reminded her of how her brother Sammy used to follow her around in the same way. She bent down until she was eye level with Goten. "Well aren't you the cutest little thing? Definitely cuter than my little brother."
Goten looked up at Serena and then looked at Gohan for a long moment, "Um, brother is she your new girlfriend," he asked causing Gohan to turn a whole lot of different shades of red at the moment. He looked at Gohan and smiled, "Goten, go help your mother, I think I hear you calling you," he said as he looked at Goten not saying that she was or wasn't to him. He looked at him and watched the little one run off ready to help his mother. He was a helpful little guy too, Gohan ooked over at Serena, "yeah, he is something else, he will start school at some point too, I was homeschooled most of my life, my mom demanded that I learn so I wouldn't just be a fighter like my dad or his friends," he explained.

He led her into his room, to keep out of earshot of his mother, "so, these Youma what are they and what are they caused by?" he asked looking at her. "I am guessing they are aliens as well, perhaps?" he asked as he remembered the saibiamen green little creep creatures that reminded him of that low level Youma he had ran into that day.
Serena had blushed too at Goten's question and was thankful that Gohan couldn't see it. She managed to recompose herself by the time Goten was running off to help Chichi and stood up. "Little brothers, they know just the questions to ask at times." She giggled. "Well I'm glad she did insist you learn or we might not have met."

She followed him to his room. "The most I can tell you is that they're creatures of negative energy. I can't exactly say what they're caused by. I've seen them called by enemy generals, come from special cards, as experiments. They're low-level, usually under the order of a general or the like who then is under direction of a dark force...mostly dark queens or even a prince in my experience. They can want anything from life energy to heart crystals or dream mirrors.
Gohan nodded his head as he listened to her, these guys seemed like something rather bad, "Well then, I think that we might have to work together, and I might have to actually get back into fighting shape,' he said with a smile as he looked at her. "So, I do have to ask this question to you," Gohan said nervously as he looked at Serena, "would you happen to have a boyfriend at this moment," he asked softly as he looked at her. He wasn't going to say anything if she did, and he figured if she didn't he might as well make a offer of a date or something to the beautiful Serena. He figured that it wouldn't hurt to ask her at least. Nothing would be gained or lost form the asking of the question.
Serena nodded. "Definitely would be best if we did. It gets tiring fighting those things alone after a while." She smiled softly. She hadn't quite expected Gohan to ask about her relationship status. She briefly thought back to the times with Darien before shaking her head in response. "No. I'm single." She guessed by his nervousness that he was asking because he liked her in such a way and figured she'd try to make things a little easier. "However, if you're looking to change that..I won't refuse." Her smile was soft and reassuring.
Gohan looked at her and nodded his head, "Well if push comes to shove, I do have some friends who can help, some as strong as me even," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "I just want to be up front with you on one thing though," he said rubbing the back of his head, "um, my teacher and my father's teacher have both um blown up the moon at different times," he said blushing wondering if there was some natural hate of her race for people who blew up the moon which was where her kingdom happened to be from. "As for the later thing, yes, I am very much interested in changing that status of yours," he admitted honestly as he looked at Serena, blushing a bit as he was glad to hear that statement from her.
"Any help we can get will be appreciated." She nodded before her eyes widened at his mention of people blowing up the moon. "I'm hoping it was a very logical explanation for that right?" She sighed and rubbed her head. "How old were you when your teacher blew up the moon?" She was very sure there was a good reason behind it and she couldn't exactly hold it against him. It wouldn't be fair. She was also hoping that these events occurred a long while ago and that the moon kingdom actually had some sort of protection in place. She smiled softly at his honest admission of his feelings and bravely leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Gohan smiled as he looked at her and was glad that she had given him the kiss on the cheek. He looked at her and returned the kiss quickly but his kiss a quick kiss to her lips instead of her cheek. He smiled as he looked at her, "yes, it was when I was like um really young like 5, and yeah he had a really good reason for it, you see, saiyans have a odd connection to the moon," he said as he looked at her, "on the night of a full moon a saiyan who has a tail turns into these massive monster apes, they are dangerous, very powerful, very deadly, and when you don't know how to control such a thing, you can attack friend or foe," he explained as he thought about it, it was kind of interesting that his people did have a connection to the moon, in the way they did.
Serena blushed when he quickly kissed her cheek. "Well now that's interesting. And you just happen to find the princess of the moon. Maybe it was fate." She giggled. "Though I do believe that there's a nice little protection on the moon. I went to it myself two years ago and it didn't show any sign of having been hit by any attack like that. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some measure put in place. "I can't be upset over that. None of my people nor my court were hurt, not that they could've been." She thought for a minute. "If we're really going to be dating, we should probably wait a while before announcing it to anyone else. One of my advisors is quite paranoid at times. They're both talking cats by the way."
Gohan nodded his head as he looked at her, the moon had been wished back he figure or if he remembered long before then too, and long before that time period as well, "Yeah, when I was a kid I went to an alien world, once it was pretty cool," he said as he smiled looking at her thinking about how both of them were cosmic travelers just in different ways. "Talking cats huh, I know one too," he said with a smile, "um do they have any other powers, the one I know is a shape shifter, who can fly too, and I know a talking pig, but avoid him if you see him, he is a rather large um pervert," he said with a smile thinking about Oolong and Puar, they did have so much in common, he figured Puar would be a good advisor, he was Yamcha's adviser to some degree after all.
Serena had to think about it. "Well, Luna and Artemis can both shift to human forms and they can kinda sense danger or at least negative energy anyway. I know they can definitely feel it during the major battles we've had. Other than that, the only thing I can say about them is that they're over a millennium old. They weren't reborn like myself and my court. They were put into a deep sleep until they were to awaken us so we could fight the evil Queen Beryl." She giggled at his mention of the talking pig "A pervert huh? My friend Rei, her grandfather was quite an old pervert considering he was a priest."
"That is really cool," he said with a smile as he looked at her, "Well, now, I will keep you away from that island, your friend's grandfather and my father's master would get along so well, he is a old master of martial arts," he explained with a smile, most likely the two of them would get along famously. Gohan looked over and saw that the food was just about done, "it is time to eat, I will take you home after," he said to her softly as he looked at her. He kissed her quickly once more before he helped her to her feet, "okay, now Serena, I want to see this arcade with you tomorrow if you don't mind, call it a first date?" he suggested as he waited for her reaction before he lead her to the dinner table.
Serena giggled. "Probably best to keep me away from him then, considering my scout uniform. I'd hate to have to give him a little shock." She winked playfully. She blushed again after he kissed her. "First date it is. Sad that we have to keep it quiet for now. But it would be best since we did just meet. Plus, it'll keep my father off of you. He's overprotective." Her stomach growled a bit. "Let's go eat."
Gohan nodded his head in agreement with Serena, something about how she handled herself, made her extremely cute, and adorable. He walked behind her towards the table, as his mother and little brother were sitting down already. The meal wasn't anything of note, it went well all together, now, his mother was surprised at just the amount of food that Serena could eat, but besides that it had nothing of note really happen though out the whole time. He waved to his mother telling her he had to take his new friend home, not letting her know that she was his girlfriend for the moment either. He didn't bother to call Nimbus as he picked up Serena in his arms and held her as he flew back towards her own home. It had been such a wonderful day, he had meet such a interesting and amazing woman too, things were in short going very well for the half saiyan teen.
Serena had repressed giggles during the meal. She had a feeling that Chichi was surprised that she could eat so much. When it was time to go, she had waved to Chichi and thanked her for the meal. She blushed when he picked her up to fly her home but didn't complain. Instead, she simply enjoyed the flight. She was happy with the way things turned out today so far. As they got closer to her home, she looked out for Luna, who she knew would be looking out for her to come home. Serena burst into giggles at the thought of what the advisor cat might do in reaction to Gohan flying.
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