
“Yes there is. Cat. She might not enjoy you biting me.”Drayke pointed out even though he did indeed move back a few feet, just to be safe. “Hm, and me. I can beat you to.”Cat grinned looking at him,taking advantage of him being memoriless. Maybe she could actually convince him she did indeed beat him? “Hm, that’s okay. I’ll come up with four awesome dates.”Drayke said looking amused. “They do. Sort of. You can pay enough money and have them donated to you.”tony said looking amused, because if there was one thing that he wasn’t short on, it was money. “It will be perfect.”Tony agreed grinning as drayke kissed her back before leading her out.

Catalina scowled a little, as she slowly went through the yoga poses. Unlike usual, the calming poses weren’t letting her calm down. The woman was still to torn up over seeing clint frightened of her. “Isnt there something we can do?I mean, he always recognized me. Even when he was a teenager.”Cat said scowling because it had freaked her out badly to know that clint was afraid of her. So much so that she was having her own problems not having a panic attack, not only because she kept seeing loki or that house, but because she was so afraid of being abandoned, to see clint not know who she was, to be frightened of her, made her come undone completely. She’d thought doing yoga as they waited to see what they could do for clint would help, but if anything, it was messing her up even more as her body relaxed her mind had enough time to give her even worse possibilities. “Don’t you two have men to jump?I mean, come on, go have sex.”She said trying to get them to leave her alone, if only because the moment they were gone she’d go sit outside clint’s door. She knew exactly what clint was seeing, what had happened as a six year old, the woman was going insane in not being able to help him.
he paused at that and then sighed. "damn." he muttered, shaking his head. "you can't beat me Trainee." Clint snarked with a smirk. "i know better. i'm as mad as a hatter but i know better than That." he teased with a smug little grin.

Natasha bent with her, doing the same Yoga poses. "i don't know." Natasha admitted as she twisted slightly, mimicking Jessica who was leading them in some more advanced poses. "he simply needs a moment to calm himself down. then, we let only Cat near that door. i'd suggest leaving him completely alone, but it's not good for him in this state, and i doubt Cat would listen to me anyway." she admitted. "i wish i'd gotten him to talk more about that mother of his." Jessica admitted with a sigh. "i know he hates her... and he's completely terrified of her too. i know he killed her, but i don't know what she did." Jessica admitted, Natasha shrugging. "i don't think Fury even knows. i certainly don't." Natasha admitted. "i'm not sure that i want to for that matter." she admitted, sighing a little as she settled into the 'corpse pose' to simply relax, closing her eyes. "i've never seen him so frightened before... never. not even when we where tied up, at Gun Point and threatening to be tortured for information we didn't have." she admitted. "i wish there was a way to calm him down and make him understand we're not going to hurt him." "Cat would have the best chance for that." Jessica admitted as she too settled into the corpse pose. "go and try. i know you want to. i won't stop you. we'll come check on you now and again."
“I don’t listen to anyone but Clint. You know that.”Cat said snickering a little, because it was true for the most part. While she might take advice and listen to other’s opinions, she rarely listened to anyone but clint’s orders without questioning why she was doing it. Listening to the other women talking she shuddered a little.”…you don’t want to know. You’ll sleep better for it.”Cat said swallowing hard as she looked at tehm, having not meant to say it, but it hurt to realize that she had been the only one clint had trusted enough to tell. Hurt because it made her realize just how alone he’d been. “…tortured is better then what the bitch did.”She growled shaking her head as she sat up from the new pose, to wired to keep up with the yoga. “And bring food when you do. I have a feeling I’m going to be sitting there for awhile.”She said offering a slight smile before heading back to their room, sighing quietly as she braced for the emotional beating she was putting herself through before moving over to the door, sitting down on the floor, cracking it just a bit, though careful to not open it to wide, just enough that he’d be able to hear her okay. “Hawk?Clint?Sweetheart, it’s catalina. Your cat…I’m not going to hurt you. Do you need anything?”She said, keeping her voice soft and quiet, like she was talking to a wild animal, trying to remember everything he'd told her about his mother. while they'd only ever really talked about her a few times, what she knew, she remembered. "Your mother's not here. I promise. You are safe, hawk."
they both snickered at that and nodded. they did know that. even Fury couldn't get the girl to do as she was told... granted, Clint rarely gave orders unless it was in training or a life and death situation. granted, they both knew she'd listen to Steve if they where in battle. even Clint, who listened to no one save Natasha and Fury sometimes... when he wanted to, listened to Steve while in battle. "...that bad?" Natasha asked, her eyes wide, breath a soft whisper. "that woman was that bad? i know she was put in one of the lowest pits. right along side Hannibal Lector, Charles Manson, Andrea Yates and Adam Lanza. and they're some of the worst crimes ever committed." she admitted, shaking her head. "torture is better... i do beleive i'm going to have nightmares. i lived in the streets, in the orphanage, even i was afraid of being tortured and he just sat there with a little smile on his face, as if laughing at the bastard who was threatening to rape us both and then hack us into little pieces!... i have to admit, i was a little bit afraid of Clint that night." she admitted, shaking her head. "we'll bring food. Clint was quite the food possessive little bastard when he finally made it to Fury. he might come out for you if you offer him food." Natasha agreed.

inside the closet, Clint whimpered as the door opened just a crack, and he cringed away, waiting for his mother to come bearing in at him with a beating stick. it wasn't her though. it was the pretty lady with the soft voice. he liked her, though he wasn't sure why. he was too afraid to ask her for something to drink though, frightened it was a trap. frightened that she was maybe testing him? he didn't deserve a drink after all, he had not earned one yet. he had to do various chores to earn food and water, cleaning the house, cooking the meals, and doing the laundry was only part of his duties. he was sometimes ordered to 'entertain' some of the men. he was good at that, he wiggled in some weird dance that his mother had taught him, and the men clapped, but didn't touch, and gave him money to give to his mother, and then he would go back tot he closet to wait until morning when he would do most of his chores and then go back tot he closet. but the pretty lady with the soft red hair and the pretty voice, would she make him do the laundry? he didn't like to do the laundry. the soap made his fingers hurt, and the Washboard was even worse. he finally decided to ask her, and he moved a little closer to the door, peering out at her. wondering if she wasn't an angel come to make him better. if he was better, then maybe his mommy wouldn't hate him so? "c..." he cringed at the first noise he made, but continued. "C'n i have water?"
Catalina was quiet for a few minutes as she considered what the other was saying before offering a small nod as she pushed up off the ground. “….take everything you know about my past, about my father.”She shuddered swallowing hard. “His mother was worse.”she offered simply before nodding. “He scared me at times to, when he was like that, so you’re not alone. But I also know he’d never hurt me.”She sighed quietly, even without knowing who she was, she knew clint would never hurt her, knew it down to her bones, which spoke of more trust then she’d ever given anyone. Because of her own past, she’d never trusted anyone to not hurt her, ever. Not even drayke, growing up, she’d always been prepared to be hurt, even if they’d never shown any signs of wanting to. Only clint, was trusted to a depth that she never questioned his place in her life. “I’ll definitely offer some food then.”She said looking amused as she left.

Catalina offered him a small smile as he crept closer, tears misting her eyes as she was face to face with clint, pained because it hurt her to see him acting like he had as a child. Hurt her badly to know exactly what kind of nightmare he had to be reliving. “Yea, hold on, okay?”She said smiling at him, moving slowly as she stood, moving away from the door. Wiping her eyes she returned in a few moments, crouching down again, “I’m gonna open the door okay? I’ll give you the drink and just sit out here in case you want anything else.”She said smiling at him as she cracked the door a little more, holding the glass out to him even as she sat on the ground, waiting to see what he’d do next.
they both cringed, horrified that something WORSE than what happened to Cat was possible. oh Jessica knew there where worse things, but she'd never dealt with any of it herself. "Clint is highly aware at all times, of who is around him and who he likes and who he perceives as a threat. he could be in a room full of people and kill only the three targets who are trying to harm him or others." Natasha stated simply. "even not remembering any of us, he knows he can trust us, which is probobly highly confusing to the poor guy right now."

he peered at her through the crack in the door and hesitantly nodded. when she returned he was waiting for her, looking much less afraid and more wary about her, as if he wasn't sure he should trust her, but wanted to. he took the water when she handed it to him and back up, chugging down the glass as if afraid she was going to take it away and then simply sat there, staring at her. after a very few, but long minutes of this, he suddenly crawled out of the closet and settled down next to her. "is your mamma mean too?" he asked softly. clearly thinking she was being nice to him, because she had a mean mother as well. "my Mamma likes to hit me. only i'm not s'posed to say that." Clint admitted, laying his head on her shoulder. "but i can tell you. because you're nice... when i get big, i'm gonna marry you." he decided, his six year old little brain already fast in love with her.
Catalina bit her lip watching him, “Don’t drink to fast, you might make yourself sick,sweetheart.”she muttered smiling softly, looking at the man as he settled on the floor next to her, with a small pleased smile. Though it was hard to not know how to deal with a six year old, she knew him, she could take care of him like this. “No, my mama wasn’t mean. My papa was though.”She said tensing a little as the man laid his head on her shoulder, before forcing herself to relax, not wanting to startle him. “It’s okay. I wont let your momma hurt you, I promise.”She said hesitating for a moment before shifting, getting comfortable and holding him gently, but loosely, so that he could get away if he wanted to. Giggling a little at his words, it seemed that even as a child, clint was in love with her. It was fairly adorable. “Well, you’ll have to grow up quickly then hawk, cause I’m not getting any younger.”She teased resting her head back against the wall.”Rest hawk, we’ll be okay. I wont let anything happen.”She muttered sighing quietly, exhaustion settling in. Even healed, even starting to exercise again, the woman didn’t have the physical endurance she had had before getting pregnant. Both of them, were starting to recover.
he blinked at her, head cocked to the side as if he didn't understand why she would call him such a silly thing as a sweetheart. even at Six, he was all boy, and considered such things as incredibly silly and not right to use in juncture with a young male. of course, his exact thoughts where 'eeew she made me sound like a Girl!'. "you're Padre was mean?" he asked softly, eyes wide. "i never had a Padre. Mamma said he was 'just some guy'... she has lots of guys over." he admitted. "i don't like them much, they give me funny looks." he admitted as he closed his eyes. "you promise?" he asked softly, voice filled with a hope, he'd probobly never, ever felt before. he snuggled into her, closed his eyes, popped his thumb into his mouth, a nasty habit that he didn't outgrow until he was eight because his mother didn't give a damn, and went to sleep with a smile as she ordered him to. Natasha damn near burst out laughing when she saw the thumb in his mouth, and how he was clutching to tightly to her shirt that there was no way Cat was gettign free. she indicated the tray of food, more soup, or rather stew in this case. this one had a cream base, and was stuffed with vegetables, fish, and other sea food. Clint woke immidiatly to the smell of food, snarled at them, snatched up both bowls, and vanished into the closet once more. "crap, i scared him." Natasha muttered with a grimace. "sorry Cat." "i don't think he was frightened." Jessica commented. "he's just food possessive. like a dog, people can get that way too. wait until he's finished eating and then see what age he is. "i'm ten!" Clint snarled through the door. "an i dunna like you friggets talkin 'bout me 's if i T'ain't here!" "did you finish that soup already?" "yeah, 't'was great! y'eh got more?" Clint asked, poking his head out of the closet and looking around, disappointed to see no more food. "Hey! Cat! y' wunna practice throwin' Knives wit me?" "well, at least he remembers you again. even if he does have that horrible accent." "hey look whose talkin yeh cockney!" "i'm Russian, not British." "..." Clint didn't seam to have a comment to that. "Cat? Where 'd 'Ell are we?" Clint asked, suddenly noticing that he was in a strange place. "This'n Aint Ol' Alk's place." he had mentioned Alk before. that was the man who'd taken Clint in after he hit the streets. pickpocket and drunk, the man was quick with a beating, and quicker with a reason to give a beating. but the man always made sure the boys always got at least a bit of food everyday.
Catalina laughed quietly, amused at his reaction to being called sweetheart, seeing the look on his face before nodding. “Yes, my padre. He wasn’t nice.”she said before sighing quietly. “Well, you wont have to worry about them anymore. I promise. I do, I’ll protect you.”she said biting her lip to keep from laughing at the sight of her 27 year old lover sucking on his thumb. It was definitely a amusing sight. Glancing up at Natasha she winced as clint snarled, sighing quietly. “It’s okay.”She said though looking disappointed that the man was hiding before glancing at the closet, raising a eyebrow. “Well, you’re hiding from us. How do you want us to talk about you?”She teased before shaking her head. “No, I don’t have any more. And you don’t want to eat to much, you’ll get fat if you don’t exercise.”She teased amused because clint was anything but fat. “That’s true.And yes, we’ll go practice.”She said smirking a little before tilting her head.”What about me?I have a accent.”She said her Russian accent just a tad more, though it sounded odder for her then Natasha, because she’d grown up speaking English with her Russian mother, so while the words were English, some of the vowels and such, sounded like Russian letters. Looking startled for a moment, scrambling to figure out what he was talking about before shaking her head.”No it isn’t. We’re visiting Thor. A friend, while we recovered from being hurt.”She smiled at him. “You want to go practice those knives,hawk? Thor said they had a large garden we could use since the weather’s nice.”She said just wanting to be outside, and knowing he might relax more outside instead of all closed up indoors.
Natasha smiled sheepishly. "i really am sorry." she muttered softly before she smirked as Clint glared at her. "i 'taint gonna get Fat, that's for Big Purse!" Natasha leaned over. "Big Purse is a term for rich people. because they always carry ridiculous amounts of money and jewelry on them." "You street?" "i was." Natasha admitted with a grin. "i wasn't aware that YOU where though." she admitted, examining the mental man who scoffed. "'Course i am! where else d'ya 'magine i get food? 't'aint gonna traips 'round in the bins!" he stated with a roll of his eyes. "Alk 's a right ol' bastard but he 't least sees we get a meal." Clint admitted with a grin as he slipped out of the cupboard. it was weird to see, how just four years, such a vast different. at six, Clint was so terrified, he was afraid to even ask for a glass of water. at Ten, he didn't bother, he just took what he wanted and had a damn ego and snark about it too.

"what i don't understand is why he's speaking in English. from what i understand, Clint didn't start learning English until after he was discovered by Fury." "that's a good question. perhaps the languages part of his brain wasn't injured, so he didn't forget how to speak it?" "might be." Jessica agreed as Clint took Cat's hand and dragged her outside in the sun and warmth and showed her how to throw knives 'properly'. it was pretty obvious that he was just as besotted with her at ten, as he had been at six, and sixteen, and twenty seven. he did get in trouble when he tried to pick the pockets of the local Elves... who neither had pockets, nor money. one of them, a tall male, seamed highly amused by Clint and made his way over to Cat. "you are very lucky. such a Soul Bond, it is rare." the man admitted. "he is healing very well. he might not properly remember you, but his heart with always know you." the man admitted, looking at Cat. "how fairs you?"
“Ahhh. Now that makes sense.”Cat smiled amused as Natasha explained, wincing as she looked at clint then at Natasha. “Well, no more searching in the bins. I’ll feed you.”Catalina smiled amused and relieved that as he aged, the man had gotten closer to the clint she knew. It pained her so badly to see clint so terrified. Tilting her head a little as she listened to the other.”If it wasn’t injured, and subconsciously he knows us, he might be aware enough to know I couldn’t understand Italian.”Cat said tilting her head looking amused as she was dragged outside. “I can throw knives you know, it was one of the few talents I had before I started training.”She whined amused that he was as in love with her no matter what age. Wincing when he picked pockets, she looked relieved though as she realized he wasn’t going to be punished, looking up at the elf. “I know. I feel lucky, and loved.”She said watching clint before frowning a little looking up at the elf.”I’m fine. I’m worried about him though.”She said refusing to face the soul deep screaming panic that was waiting under her calm. The only reason she was calm in fact, was because she had clint to focus on.

Tony glanced up from the drawing he was working on, watching his wife for a moment as she read before returning to the drawing. Looking thoughtful and quiet chewing on his lip for a moment before sighing. He knew Jessica thought he was being a idiot, well at least he thought she did. Most of all, he thought he was so not wanting to be this man, the one so much like his father. “Pepper?”He said quietly, running his fingers through his hair for a long moment before starting to draw again, the technical drawing simple, at least for one of his drawings, but it was obvious whatever he was making, was going to be as complex as it was simple. “…do you want kids?”he asked after a moment. “I mean..sometime.”he said, finally bringing up the topic they’d been dancing around for as long as they’d been married, something never spoken about, but always there.
Clint looked at her, his head cocked. "you got Money for food then?" he asked, looking quite delighted by the idea of having enough money to buy food. he never had enough money to buy food. of course, at ten, it never really occurred to him that stealing sixty dollars off a man, was more than enough to buy a weeks worth of food, with three meals a day. "that's probobly it." Jessica agreed with Cat. "he probobly doesn't even realize he's not speaking in Italian." "well yer pants at it!" Clint complained, rolling his eyes at her. "you have to throw like this, see? or it won't fly through the air right, 's why you never hit dead center." he stated with a sniff before he was distracted be the 'Big Purse' that where the Elves. they really did look very rich in those elegant outfits, but they had no concept of 'owning'. everything was shared, so they honestly didn't really understand what 'stealing' was, they just knew that the boy had his hands in their clothes and where unsure whether they where supposed to punish him for it or not. the ten year old in a twenty seven year body was sulking just like a petulant two year old. "perhaps you should rescue your mate?" the Elf asked to Cat with a smile. "the Body and Mind will heal. you have good freinds, and good love." he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "and with Blessing, you shall have a good life."

Pepper smiled a little as she read her story, content in simply being there with Tony. she had missed him desperately, and had already enjoyed a threesome with a VERY handsome female Elf. it wasn't often that Pepper actually joined in. "...hmm?" she asked, looking up at him, her head tilted at him. "kids?" she asked, looking stunned before she closed her book, stood up and joined him on the bed, wrapping her arms around him as she lay her head in-between his shoulder-blades. "to be perfectly honest Tony, i would be happy either way." she admitted with a smile. "would i like a little bundle of you and me? sure. of course i would. but i can be just as happy without a baby." she admitted, kissing the back of his neck. "i honestly never really thought about it, because i knew you didn't want any, and i was, and am, fine with that."
“Me?No. But Tony’s around here somewhere. I’ll make him pay for everything. He usually does.”Catalina said looking amused at the idea.”I’m perfectly capable of throwing a knife!”Catalina sputtered smaking her hand against his shoulder, looking annoyed even if she was laughing. Looking bemused at the elves as they tried to figure out what clint was doing, “I think I probably should.”She said starting a little as she was kissed, stepping back before heading towards clint. “Are you sulking,hawk?”She teased wrapping her arms around him, looking at the elves.”I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you.”She reassured them looking amused as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Hey cat, Natasha said you were-“Drayke started as he walked into the garden, yelping as she turned towards him, barely recovering enough to smack her hand out of the air as she started beating on him. Quickly realizing that he’d startled her into a panic attack, looking enough like his father that since she hadn’t expected it, it had messed with the emotional woman. “Hey clint, some help here?”Drayke panted as he fought with her, but it was clear that he was letting her beat on him, as he was only keeping her from getting his face or using one of the small throwing knives in her hand. Pretty sure that in her panic she’d gut him. But he was also letting her work out some of the emotions that he’d been afraid she’d lose control of, which she had. And while he was willing to let her beat on him for a bit, he also knew they had to stop her before she went insane. And he knew better then to grab her to stop, he needed clint’s help for that.

“Yes. You know, the miniature humans.”Tony said flushing a little at the surprise in her voice, forcing solely on the drawing board resting across his legs, smiling slightly as she rested against his back, leaning into her a little. “…I didn’t want any because I knew I’d be just as bad as my father. I’m fairly certain the happiest day of his life was when he’d shipped me off to boarding school. And he was obsessive. Like me. I mean…I get consumed with projects. Don’t eat. Don’t pay attention. Don’t have sex…which is saying something. I’d be horrible.”He explained, shivering a little as she kissed his neck, closing his eyes, sounding more like he was trying to convince her of the truth as he knew it. While it had taken Jessica awhile to get through to the man, telling him he needed to talk to pepper, it had taken him even longer to be able to get it out. Maybe there would be something good to come from catalina miscarrying, even if it was only tony admitting that he wanted to be good. That he wanted to have a chance to be better then his own father.
Clint sulked at her. "No! i'ma NOT!" he complained, even though he clearly WAS. "they' ws't s'posed to CATCH me!" he complained, stomping his foot. "i'm t' best pickpocket on earth!" he complained. "an then they aint even got nuthin t' LIFT! 't just T'aint right!" he complained, shaking his head before grinning as he watched Cat attack Drayke, his head tilted. "Nuh, I T'ink i'll let 'Er beat on yeh a lil. 's Yer own faul fer sneekin round." he pointed out with a snicker as he watched her beat on the man for a little before catching her hand in his. "C'mon Cat, 'm 'Uungry, Les go see what the pointy eared buggers 'Ave for eats." he ordered, leading her away from Drayke, Natasha laughing from a doorway as Clint led her towards the smell of delicious food. he got himself another bowl of that wonderful fish stew, and sat with Cat while he devoured it.

she chuckled a little. "well at least you didn't call them midgets." she mused with a smile. "how could you possibly think that you could be like your father?" she asked curiously. "yes, you get obsessive about things, but don't i always berate you out of it? don't i always make you stop? i usually only allow a few days of such nonsense before i smack you out of it." she teased with a smile. "it's not like i'd let you ruin your life anymore than i'd let you ruin a childs." she pointed out with a chuckle. "you'd be a perfectly wonderful Father." she promised him with a smile. "is that why you asked? you want one?" she asked softly, waiting for his answer.
“Well then, as long as you’re not sulking, how about you just show me how to do more knife throwing.”She said looking amused even as she turned towards drayke. “It’s not my fault!”Drayke whined looking annoyed as cat hit him. “Let go, please!”Catalina whined jerking her hand harder as clint grabbed her before pausing. Frowning in confusion as she realized he wasn’t hurting her, and that it was clint. “…ohhh..they have stew.”Cat said looking thoughtful as she followed after Clint. “Its not kind to laugh at me.”Drayke scowled at his girlfriend as he walked towards her, wrapping a arm around her waist,”Has she talked to Jessica yet?”He muttered nuzzling her a little looking worried because he knew catalina was bottling up everything. Meanwhile catalina rested her head against clint’s shoulder, closing her eyes. Having been snapped out of the panic attack the woman was feeling weary, and heartsore. Wanting clint back, the growup one, because she knew didn’t want the younger clint to be more upset then he already is. “We should probably rest after you eat.”She said smiling a little.

“They’re not midgets. They’re small adults, until they get tall, then they’re adults.”Tony said pausing as he studied the bracelet he was drawing, “Cause if you haven’t noticed, I do a lot of things my father did. Though,granted, I’ve taken the wild child, playboy philanthropist genius to a whole new level…”he muttered before smiling slightly. “No, you berate me for drinking to much coffee, and not sleeping. And making fun of cat.”He grumbled, but he relaxed even more, realizing that yes, he could indeed trust pepper to not let him screw up a kid. His mother had died young, young enough that he barely remembered her. For so long it had been him and his father, and barely even that.”No. Yes. I mean,maybe. I mean. Sometime. Later.”He said pushing his pencil around the page a little, for once being evasive and not saying exactly what he meant. Which meant that yes, he wanted one, and that the idea scared him even more then facing loki did.
Clint rolled his eyes. " I'mma Not Sulkin!" he complained before he watched her beat on Drayke, which was highly amusing to him. "Won't let go." Clint stated. "I'mma hungry!" he complained before he gave her a grin. "I Taint never had no Stew before." he admitted with a grin, not realizing that the fishy stuff he'd had before was a stew. he swallowed down three bowl fulls, and suddenly it became obvious why Clint got upset if there wasn't food in his Nest at all times. he was so used to going hungry, that he was now a food hoarder. and who could blame him? "a Nap?" Clint asked, looking mortified. "i'm not six you know!" he complained, rolling his eyes even as he yawned. "yeah i guess i could handle a nap... but only this once! and only because i'm really tired!" he paused and fidgeted. "could i sleep with you? i don't like to sleep alone... things happen in the dark..."

Natasha snickered a little and shook her head. "it kind of is." she stated. "your the one who taught her originally, you know better than to sneak up on her when she's traumatized." Natasha chastised playfully as she nuzzled him back. it felt wonderful to just hold Drayke. "she hasn't yet, but she will soon. Jessica won't let her bottle it up much longer, she just has to wait for the right moment.

she rolled her eyes. "Tony, babies are not tiny adults." she teased with a small shake of her head. "they have cognitive developments going on that means that they really can't be treated like adults." she admitted with a smile. "i like that your a wild playboy." she admitted with a smirk. "it makes me all hot and horny. and there's nothing to say we couldn't keep doing such things even if we do have a child." she admitted with a grin. "we just have to be a lot more secretive about it." she admitted. "which could honestly make it a lot more fun. we can do some adultery plays." she teased with a grin. "women would be all over you, married and with a child and all that." she teased with a giggle as she kissed him, offering him a smile. "if you want a child, i would be ever so happy to give you one... let's start right now, shall we?"
Cat smiled a little as she listened to him grinding her terth a little.while she knew it wasn't his fault,she missed the adult clint.because as bad as it was to see the scars left by his past as a adult,it was even harder to see the child clint."just the once. And because I want a nap."she smiled as she got nodded leaning over to kiss his cheek."always clint. No need to ask."she ruffled his hair a little."you ready for that nap?"

"...its not fair when you get all logical. You're beautiful,is.t there a rule against you being smarter then me to?"the man sulked but smiled anyways just enjoying holding her."good. She didn't know eho I was nat, if clint hadn't stepped in,..."he shrugged a little because for a few minutes there he'd actually been worried cat'd kill him.

"I could go for hat.I'm iron man,plenty of secrets kept,efinitely could lead a double life...t."he grinned liking the idea of adding to their already racy sex life. Grinning as he pulled her close."lets. Since I have no desire to leave,lets work on that baby."he grinned because he was so putting off when he had to leave her behind to go back to new york and actually have that talk with clint and cat
he stared at her with wide eyes as she kissed him. most ten year olds would be squealing about cooties and complaining about being girly. Clint did none of those things. he got a dreamy grin on his face and practically bounced all the way to bed. once there, he snuggled up to her and muttered "i love you Cat." and went to sleep.

she snickered a little and shook her head. "of course there's no rule against it. in fact, one might even say i'm supposed to eb smarter, prettier, and all around better than you." she pointed out with a grin before she sighed and took his hand. "if Clint hadn't stepped in, i would have." she promised. "you know i always carry Chloroform on me." she pointed out. "i wouldn't have let her hurt you badly." she promised. "now, lets go have us a Nap. maybe we can get further along this time before Tony interrupts us." she teased with a smirk.

she laughed a little and shook her head before leaning in and kissing him, humming happily as she wriggled around, fully intending on keeping him in bed with her for DAYS. she wasn't about to let him out of her sight until she was sick of looking at him. and that would take a while.
Catalina did indeed look surprised that he didn’t freak out at her kissing his cheek, looking amused as she followed after him, snuggling close. “Love you to, hawk.”She smiled relaxing as she fell asleep.

“Hmm, no. Cause I’m pretty sure stark’s probably written a rule about it. He probably has a whole rule book or something.”He teased looking amused as he kissed her before wrinkling his nose. “Might be a good idea. Not only for cat, but for tony.”he pointed out, nudging her a little before grinning. “I could use a nap.He said grinning as he dragged her towards their bedroom.

Hours, no, nearly a day later tony groaned as he collapsed onto the bed, panting as he looked at his wife, resting a arm over her waist as he snuggled against her. “I do have to go talk to cat and clint, you know. See if Clint’s grown out of diapers yet. Come with me. Then we’ll come back to bed.”Tony said smiling as he pressed a kiss to her hair before moving away, reaching for his clothes. “Ten minutes, I promise. It’ll be a recovery break.”he teased leaning over to look at her.

Catalina sighed quietly as she looked up from the book she was reading,”…did you come to talk at me?You told me once I’d never have to talk if I didn’t want to.”She said looking annoyed, because she so didn’t want to go there, she would just wait until she had clint back, though she trusted Jessica, the woman trusted clint more, trusted him enough to share everything…which meant having the man back. She wanted him, needed him desperately to be an adult so she could get a handle on her own emotions, because she was hiding and refusing to deal with anything.
Pepper snickered a little, panting next to him. "mmm you're getting old." she teased before she sighed. "you'll have to leave soon then." she muttered softly before nodding. "alright. we'll go talk." she promised. "can't have Loki getting suspicious." she growled. she knew none of the Avengers would forgive themselves if Loki took his Ire out on the innocent population. she washed herself up, got dressed and followed Tony to the bedroom.

"of course we came to talk to you, but... not about what your thinking. Tony and Natasha had an idea as how to help get Clint and you more time to recover." Pepper admitted. "you would stay here, with me and Jane for about a month, which will give the other Avengers the time they need to plan a proper counter attack against Loki, and hopefully put him down for good." she admitted, watching Cat intently. "it would involve faking you and Clint's death. we have a plan in place for that already. it will also give an advatage for when we finally have him trapped in battle. he won't expect your superior skills." Pepper knew she was manipulating Cat, but she didn't much care. she needed to keep her 'little sister' safe. and if making Cat think this was mostly to protect Clint would keep her in place, well. she would do it again and again if she had to. suddenly Clint grunted and slowly peered out at them, narrowing his eyes. "don't care who you are, but you're being too loud." he complained, burying his face in the pillow. "it's probobly Tony." well, it looked like, for now, Clint was back.
“You’re my age. Well almost. Six months younger. WE’RE getting old.”He pointed out smiling slightly before nodding.”You always knew I couldn’t stay it was just a break..but I promise..soon you’ll be home.…”he muttered guilt and pain showing in his face as he looked at her. Because it hurt him badly to know that he had to leave here he, alone, even if it was for her own safety. He hated going home, and seeing the tower empty of her. Stealing a kiss he smiled as he followed her out. But he knew that loki would get suspicious if they were away to long, and they couldn't afford to let that happen.

Cat looked startled as the woman spoke, frowning slightly. While she wanted to say that they didn’t need time, that she could be okay going back to new York. But looking down at the man sleeping next to her she bit her lip a little. “…how?” “You doubt my genius?”Tony said looking fake wounded. “Always. Now how would you fake it? The last thing you need if for anyone to figure out that it’s faked.”she pointed out, but her voice was already saying she was giving in, because pepper was right in playing it off as protecting clint more then herself. Him she’d stay put to protect. “Fake a funeral pyre, you’re going to go up in a ball of flames. No body, no way to know its not you two. Besides, watching loki get his ass kicked by two dead…wait three dead people if we count nat, is well worth doing this.” Catalina was quiet, absently stroking clint’s hair, jumping a little as he spoke. “It’s definitely tony. The old man had to stop having sex, so he came to bother us.”She grumbled sounding amused as she shifted to snuggle into her fiancée, glad that they hadn’t come to talk about her, and that clint was back.”How old are you now?”She muttered nuzzling his shoulder, sounding curious and amused. For the moment distracted from deciding what to do. Though it was obvious that neither of them were in any shape to return to new York.
Pepper snorted a little. "women age much slower than men do. you are ancient in man years and i'm just hitting my prime." she teased with a grin. she smiled as she kissed him. "you'll just have to kick Loki's ass quickly then." she murmured, comforting him. she didn't want him to ever feel bad about keeping her safe. "don't worry Cat, i doubt Tony's genius all the time." Pepper admitted with a chuckle. "i assure you, he has it planned very well." she promised.

"i hate Tony." Clint grumbled, Pepper stuffing her fist in her mouth to keep from laughing aloud at Clint's statement. "have you been smoking something Cat? i'm Twenty six... wait, Twenty seven, i just had my birthday didn't i?... hell what's the date?" he groaned sleepily, uncaring. he never remembered his own birthday. "your birthday isn't for another two days yet." "ah. well Twenty six then. why's it matter anyway?" "you've been having a few memory issues." Pepper explained to him and Clint scowled, trying to remember before he went bright red, looking mortified as he buried his head in the pillow. clearly he was mortified by the things he had said and done in the last few days. "well, we'll let you two catch up." Pepper promised with a grin as she stood up and headed back out. "Tony hasn't finished his chores yet." she stated, dragging him off for more sex as Clint snorted. "could she be any less subtle?"
‘N o you don’t.”Tony grinned looking amused that clint thought at of them would believe he hated Tony,before looking at his wife.”I’m always a genius.”He pouted. “No you’re not.but this is a good idea,we can't go back yet...”Cat snickered a little as she snuggled clint, “No, I haven’t. You know I don’t do those things.”She said making a face before smiling .”we’ve been dealing with…a younger you.”She muttered rubbing his back as he hide, pressing a kiss to his head as she smiled. Trying so hard to not laugh at him, because it was as adorable as it had been annoying to deal with him. “…Bye!It seems I have to be punished for not doing my chores. See you two later.”Tony grinned as he looked at the two waving goodbye as he was dragged off. “Hm, I’m pretty sure tony could be less subtle. At least she tried to be subtle.”Cat snorted looking amused as she nuzzled her face into clint’s neck, shifting to get comfortable, swallowing hard. “Do you want to do anything for your birthday?I mean, we’re staying here for your birthday, but I’m sure we could do something…”She muttered just wanting a sense of normalcy, desperate to get her footing again in a world gone crazy.
Pepper rolled her eyes. "if you where always a genius, i wouldn't have had to show you how to put together that..." she fell silent suddenly. the baby carousel. which had a hundred pieces and was impossible for a man like Tony to put together. they had managed to get it together in time to give to Cat and Clint during the baby shower... but Pepper didn't dare make mention of it now. "never mind." she muttered. Clint blinked blearily at Cat. "...did Tony drug you with something then?" he asked sleepily. "i made a complete fool of myself..." he groaned before he grinned. "although, i'm not in the least bit surprised i wanted to marry you when i was six." he teased with a snicker as he smiled at her before he groaned. "i hate my birthday. do we have to?" he whined. "can't we just lay in bed all day and have sex or something equally enjoyable?" he asked with a pout, clearly having not thought about why they would still be in the land of Elves on his birthday. or he simply didn't care, it was hard to tell with him. "...how are you feeling? it must have been hard... seeing me like that." Clint muttered once he was sure they where alone, pulling her gently into his arms.
"I am a genius.that was just a inferior piece of shit...and don't worry ill put the nest back to order before they come back."tony muttered to his wife as they left."tony knows better. You'd kill him if he did."she pointed out before giggling."it was adorable and cute."she smiled before relaxing nodding."we can do whatever you want.if you want a sex marathon stuck in bed,fine with me."she offered him a small smile before snuggling into him as he held her."it was...hard seeing you so young...defenseless...and made me want to hurt your mother."she shuddered starting to break down noe that she knew she didn't have yo keep it together for the 'child' clint,she was finally letting everything that halpened hit her."it was cute you wanted to marry me even when you weren't sure who I was."she sniffled a little trying not to cry
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