
he smiled a little as he spread himself out on the soft sweet smelling grass and closed his eyes. "hmmm i love it here." Clint admitted after a moment. "it's so warm and relaxing and calm... when i get old, i'm going to live here." he admitted with a smile. "it's the perfect retirement hostel, don't you think Cat?" he asked with a smile at her. "it's amazing." Jessica muttered, looking so relieved. "i thought i'd be trying to stop Clint from committing Suicide after such horrid memories, but he's just fine. upset, but not depressed. you're really amazing for him Cat." she admitted, Pepper chuckling as she nudged Clint. "get up you oaf, you're going to get Grass stains on you're shirt." she complained, Clint huffing in annoyance as he sat up. "i spoke to Frigga by the way." Jessica admitted. "she said that once Loki is caught, she can take you to the Gateway, in-between Asgaurd and Valhalla and let you talk to Cain." that perked Clint right up, looking anxious, but also excited.

Bruce was, once again, the reason why Loki was muzzled and bound. he'd gone all Hulk and pounded on Loki. granted... he'd also hit Drayke... in any case. "you know... aside from the fact that he's good at hiding. he's not, really all that good at this." Bruce commented suddenly. "the only reason why he was a threat at all last time was because of his glow stick of destiny and the Army he called in.. this was... almost..." "boring?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow at Loki. "Anticlimactic? not worth the time?" he ignored the Gods glare. with the magic cuffs on him, Loki was pathetically helpless, unable to use magic at all. and he was so scrawny even Pepper could take him. "course we can go. i just have to inform Heimdall that we need to get there. come on. Clint and Cat will be delighted to take their pound of flesh... although." here he smirked. "we could gift him to them, as a wedding present, ey?"
“Oh, I do. Now I could get behind that. Retiring here. I like it.”Cat decided grinning a little looking up at Jessica in amusement, shaking her head at the sight of her lover. “Not amazing, he’s blinded by love.”She snickered a little at jessica’s complaint, before smiling softly. “see, now they have another reason to hurry. Not only because well, tony’s probably driving them all insane, and our wedding’s coming up, but you can talk to cain.”She looked amused leaning over to kiss clint lightly.

“Well, he’s so scrawny, he kinda has to be good at hiding.”tony snickered a little, “but you’re right, loki just isn’t super villain material.”He said sounding so disappointed before perking up.”Let’s. They did say they’re getting married as soon as we return. Shall we just keep him muzzled and bound, I might even get a bow to put on his head.”Tony grinned.”He’ll be such a good present for them, better then a treehouse.”He said looking pleased with the idea as heimdall took them back to alfhiem, leaving thor and the other’s in charge of getting loki hidden before anyone found out he was here, having every intention of gifting the couple with the world’s best wedding present, already going in search of pepper and the others.
Clint grinned a little as he nodded. "completely blind." he agreed as he took up a flute of that wonderful drink that made him feel like he did just after a long sleep curled up next to Cat. like he was safe and content. "i think they should take their time." Clint admitted with a grin. "then we have more time to plan the perfect wedding." he admitted. unlike most men, he was eagerly helping with all the wedding preparations. he was more than happy to lend an opinion on which fabric looked best for the table clothes and which dress looked better on her and whether they should make Tony and the other 'best men' dress in hot pink. it was a lot of fun. "besides, so long as Tony is THERE, then he can't bother US, here." he pointed out with a sniff before groaning. "speak of the devil, and he shall appear."

"Tony!" Pepper called out, delighted at the sight of all the Avengers. the Elves had already healed every scrape and cut and bruise. and was working on Drayke's ribs at the moment. "hey kids!" Natasha chirped bounding after Tony and flopping down next to clint with an impudent grin. "hows the wedding plans going?" "good. we should be done in a few days. i can't wait to get married, but i wish you had taken longer to get back." he grumbled. "Tony is an annoyance and i wanted more time to snuggle Cat and swim naked in ponds." "Naked!?"
Catalina laughed at his agreement, amused as she snuggled into him, resting her head against his. “Hm, you just want to decide on the pink tuxes before tony gets back to argue about it.”Catalina teased looking amused that her husband to be was more excited about planning the wedding then she was, having decided that Jessica and clint were more then capable of planning things, though she was helping, she didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as clint did. “ah, don’t pretend you don’t love me,barton, I might cry if you keep it up.”Tony said grinning as they walked in. Catalina giggled, pressing her cheek into clint’s chest, relaxed and happy, even more happy to see them all fine well…”Where’s drayke?” “getting his ribs taken care of. Bruce gave him a love tap.”Tony supplied as he collapsed onto the ground next to his wife, pulling her close.

“Yes naked. It was fun. You should try it sometime.”Catalina said grinning at Natasha. “Hm, you want to go swim naked in ponds?I’m sure clint would like to share his pond with me. After all, I’m battle tired, I should get some fun times in ponds.”Tony said looking amused, not about to let the surprise out that they had loki with them, having every intention of it being a surprise.
he grinned a little. "yes, yes i do." he admitted with a snicker. "you have to admit, he'd look good in Hot Pink." he teased with an impish little grin. "good, cry then." Clint grumbled, sulking at Tony. "because i refuse to admit to anything else." he stated with a sniff before looking worried. "why did Bruce go all Hulk?" he asked, glancing at said man. "Some idiot tried to mug me." Bruce explained with a shrug. "i went all Hulk and broke Harlem again." he admitted with a sigh. it was a lie, but Bruce was good at those. Jessica grinned and crawled into his lap once he was sitting down, snuggling with him, Clint grinning a little. "where's Steve?" "trying to get Stephan to calm down. he's as high as a five year old on ten cups of sugar." Natasha admitted with a snicker. "the Elves gave him something because he was tired from fighting with a wild stallion and now he's practically bouncing up and down the walls." she admitted with a laugh.

"as long as we're all in separate ponds." Natasha mused. "could be fun." she admitted with a laugh as she examined her brother. "you look much better." "yeah. i uh... had some repressed memories uncovered and i feel a lot better." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'll have to thank Loki for smashing my head in... and then i'll knock out his teeth." he decided with a grin. "what do you think love, knock out his teath or bash his skull in? or leave him with a horny squid? that could be fun." he mused, daydreaming about torturing Loki was one of his favorite pastimes. well, besides sleeping, sex, and eating.
“He would. Though, tony looks good in about anything.”Catalina said with a leer, teasing her easily made jealous fiancée, because the sex was just so good when he was staking a claim. “I missed you to, birdbrain.”Tony said rolling his eyes before smirking at bruce, looking amused because he just knew this was going to be the most perfect of wedding presents. “It was tiring to watch Stephan. So hyper.”He said rolling his eyes a little as he pressed a kiss to pepper’s hair. “It has been a tiring, but good rest since you guys have been gone.”Catalina said smiling softly, before humming quietly as she thought, thinking about what would be best. “We’ll put him in the pond with the squid. He’s a shapeshifter, he might enjoy the sex.”She mused grinning as they all started to relax and settle in as they talked.

Though by the time the wedding day came around, catalina was a nervous wreck, thinking clint might change his mind. Though she knew better, in her heart, she was so very close to having a panic attack. Straightening her dress a little she looked up at Jessica and pepper as the women joined them.”…have you told tony yet?”She asked, momentarily distracting herself from her worry over the upcoming wedding by asking pepper about her pregnancy. Though it hurt, she knew her and Jessica were the only ones who only knew so far, and since she hadn’t heard tony freaking out yet, she figured he didn’t know. But distracting herself was what she needed, desperately. Otherwise she wasn’t sure if she’d get through the ceremony without a full blown panic attack.
he growled at her, narrowing his eyes, well aware of what she was doing. "i didn't miss you at all rusty." he stated, smirking as he waited for Tony yo notice that nickname. Tony had bitched for over an hour the last time they where there, because there had been a speck of rust on one of his iron man suits. the metal it was made of couldn't rust, but it had instead been brushed on from some random rusty object. not that Tony had known that when he first saw the flakes of horrid rust on his precious suits.

Clint was overly excited as he paced back and forth, ignoring Tony, who was his best man. Drayke would be walking Cat down the aisle, and Jessica, Nat, and Pepper where all her bridesmaids and where making sure she was gorgeous. Steve was the ribbon bearer, and Bruce was holding the rings. a troupe of no less than ten overly excited elvish girl/children where waiting with flowers, which would be tossed in the air to symbolize a new beginning. "well... no." Pepper admitted sheepishly. "one would think it common sense, but Tony never had any of that." Pepper admitted with a sigh and Jessica went slightly red. "uh... well i... have to confess..." Jessica admitted suddenly, setting a hand on her belly. which, now that there was attention drawn to it, there was a little swell... "i'm about thirteen weeks pregnant." she admitted, blushing furiously. "about three and a half months along." Natasha stared at her, before snorting. "you know. with as much as you and Bruce go at it, is it really a surprise?" "well considering i'm on birth control and we always wear condoms." "damn! Bruce has super sperm!"
“I am not rusty!”Tony protested looking outraged at the idea, and actually thinking about taking back his wedding present as he sulked over the newest nickname, and sulking even more as he realized what color his damned suit was going to be for the wedding.

Catalina grinned a little, “Tony’s probably trying to figure out how to ask, without getting hit. I mean, he’ll probably think you’re just getting fat or something-not that you are-“Catalina smirked reassuring the woman, before snickering. “but he’s probably trying to figure out how to ask if you’re pregnant or not without getting snacked without having his suit on.”she snorted amused before looking at Jessica, staring at the woman for a long moment before giggling a little. “Well, bruce does like to smash things. Hulk sperm probably just took care of that condom no problem.”She said giggling, happy for her friends even if a little sad before looking at Natasha with a wicked smirk.”Now. What about you, any little assassins on the way? We all know you two were jumping each other while down there. I mean, you were the only avenger on earth that had their lover with them.”She teased.

Tony sighed watching clint pace from where he was lounging on one of the chairs, glad that the wedding was outside, as it made it a little less anxious building to watch clint pace. Tilting his head back to look at steve he smirked, before looking at clint again.”You know, you’re supposed to be a master assassin, legolas. Getting married should be easy. Granted, you’re marrying another master assassin, who if you annoy her, is liable to kill you…okay maybe you SHOULD be nervous.”He smirked before huffing out a sigh. He had more common sense then his wife gave him credit for, but he was quite confused on how to ask without panicking over the idea that if she was, he was going to be a father or getting hit just in case pepper really wasn’t pregnant and had just gained a few pounds. Looking up at steve he smiled a little, “So tell me, how do you ask someone if they’re pregnant without getting hit?”
fortunetly, Clint had decided on traditional black suits for everyone, so Tony didn't have to wear Hot Pink, though the assasin had actually procured a hot pink one, just to see Tony freak out. it had been utterly hilarious. "i'm not nervous... i'm anxious and excited... and a little bit worried." he admitted. "what if she changes her mind? what if she's too scared to go through with it!? what if i stand up there in front of that freaky Elvish King of theirs and she never appears!?" he demanded before snorting at Tony. "oh shut up Rusty." he complained. "she's not good enough to kill me yet. it will take her a few years for that... of course, she does do all the cooking, she could poison me easily enough." he admitted, completely undisturbed by such things. "how do you ask..." he smirked at Tony, his head tilted a little. "finally noticed did you?" he asked with a chuckle. "who are you asking for, Pepper, or Jessica?" he asked with a smirk. "because from what i've heard from the gossiping elves, both them, and Natasha are pregnant... though i don't think Natasha knows she's two weeks pregnant yet." he admitted, biting his lip. "they can't be sure, but... they think that Cat might be pregnant again as well..." he admitted, worrying his lip. "i'm scared about that too... she only just lost... what if... she can't handle being pregnant again so soon?"

Pepper laughed, delighted by that. "you might very well be right!" she admitted with a snicker as Jessica laughed and shook her head. "my baby had better not come out green!" she complained, snickering a little as she shook her head a little, glancing at Natasha who shrugged. "probobly. i haven't tested yet if that's what you're asking." she admitted with a shrug. "but with the way Clint has been smirking at me, i'd say he knows something i don't... do you think Drayke wants a baby?" he asked softly, biting her lip. "what about you darling? you and Clint are worse than rabbits you know."
Tony smirked a little watching Clint, glad that he was in a black tux, though he was still sulking over drayke and clint having let him believe for nearly two days that he was going to be wearing a hot pink suit. “If Cat was to scared to marry you, I’m pretty sure she would have left your ass by now. And she’s probably worried you’re going to change your mind.”He pointed out before rolling his eyes.”You did show her how to use those throwing knives right, she might kill you…or poison you. You really should cook.”He said looking amused before squirming a little. “I noticed when I first got back, but I wasn’t sure how to ask pep without getting smacked.”He whined a little before raising a eyebrow before his mouth fell open a little. “Oh.Fuck. I refuse to live with any of them. The tower’s going to be filled with bitchy, whining women who are pregnant.”tony whined before paling slightly at the idea of catalina being pregnant, before huffing out a sigh.”..Well, you’ll just have to talk to her. Otherwise she’ll worry that she’s done something wrong, and you don’t want the baby.”he pointed out, looking worried a little at the idea.

“I’m always right.”Catalina smirked before giggling, “I’m sure the baby wont be green. Though you might want to talk to bruce, he’s probably freaking out.”Catalina said frowning looking worried about her friend before looking at Natasha, her mouth falling open a bit, at a loss for what to say. “Drayke’s always wanted kids. He’s just…he’s never been good with relationships, so he’s avoided having the conversation that usually leads to the discussion of kids.”Catalina said looking at her almost sister in law, nudging her shoulder a little. “you’ll be fine.”She said before paling a little, looking down tugging at the edges of her dress. “Oh…yes…I guess we are…”She said at a loss before glancing up. “Oh!It’s time to go. The boys are waiting for us.”She said avoiding the idea of what she thought about being pregnant, to anxious at the idea and not wanting to talk about it as she headed for the courtyard.
Clint nodded, anxious, and nervous and excited. more excited then he'd ever been in his entire life. "she is very good at throwing knives." he agreed, beaming, ever so proud of his soon to be wife. "i can't cook, i'm awful at it. i melted the pot..." he admitted with a grimace and a shake of his head before he laughed a little as he headed to the Aisle where he would wait for his woman. the love of his life. "i do want the baby!" he admitted, practically trembling. "what if she doesn't show up Tony?" he asked, breathless with fear as he stood on the 'stage' his eyes fixed on the archway where she would appear. "they're late... Tony what if she's been kidnapped?!" he demanded, worried. because for all he knew Loki was still on the prowl. "maybe i better go check!? she could be hurt, or something...."

"oh i know he's freaking out." Jessica admitted with a wicked little smirk. "i'm letting him stew. he's in trouble." she explained with a snicker as Natasha laughed. "what did he do?" "asked me if i had gained weight." "he didn't!" "he DID! granted it was only after i complained about my pants being too small, so maybe i shouldn't be so mean..." she mused with a small snicker. "but i'm hormonal, i'm craving anchovies and chocolate sauce, and i'm not inclined to forgive him." she stated with a sniff. they started to giggle again as the time appeared and they followed her. "oh look! he's practically STARVING for you!" Jessica breathed, grinning as Pepper smirked. "he looks frantic, we're a bit late." Pepper admitted. "ten bucks says he's terrified that she's been kidnapped." "that's a fools bet."
“…Stay away from my kitchen, barton. I wont have you burning down the tower.”Tony muttered smirking a little as he settled into his spot as best man, swallowing the snickers. “She’s not been kidnapped. Shush. I assure you, nothing to worry ab-“Tony said almost telling him that he didn’t have to worry about loki, smiling slightly as drayke and catalina appeared, looking amused. “There, see, she’s here.”he teased his friend.

“Poor bruce.”Catalina giggled shaking her head at the others making fun of the poor scientist. Giving pepper a look. “see?Tony’s probably wisely trying to figure out how to word what he wants.”She pointed out looking amused as she walked with drayke. “I love you cat.”Drayke muttered leaning down to kiss her cheek as they reached the stage, smiling slightly at clint before moving around to his place in line, offering a small smile to Natasha. Not sure what to expect from a wedding hosted by elves, but pretty sure that it was going to be interesting. “You okay?no second thoughts?”Catalina muttered looking up at her soon to be husband anxiously, worried that he was changing his mind, not realizing that he was frantic because she’d been late.
Clint snorted a little. "i don't cook in YOUR kitchen." he pointed out with a Grin. "...by the way, i need a new stove for the Nest..." but Tony already knew that, being that he'd remade the entire thing. "i do have to wo... oh my god." he gasped, staring at her as if he was dying of thirst and she was the only drink of water for miles. "she is here..." he muttered, sounding rather awestruck. as if he'd forgotten how beautiful she was.

Pepper snickered a little and nodded. "probobly. i might take it easy on him though and hand him the pregnancy test i used." she decided with a grin. "see if he can figure out whether one line means i'm pregnant or if it looks more like two lines." she snickered a little. "i hate pregnancy tests." she admitted with a sigh. "second thoughts?!" Clint demanded looking horrified before a twinkle lit in his eyes. "i'll show you second thoughts!" he growled, sweeping her up into a heated kiss, which caused all the guests to laugh and the King to clear his throat. "you're not married yet, you kiss at the end." the man reminded them. Clint didn't even bat an eyelid. "i'm setting a new tradition." he stated with a haughty air before he grinned at her. as promised, the ceremony was beautiful, and breif too for that matter. but as it was magical, the ribbon that was used to tie their wrists together, shone like a tiny sun, showing just how much they truly loved each other.
“Hm, poor genius. He probably does need help figuring it out.”She said looking amused at the idea of tony holding a pregnancy test.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little amused because he had indeed already taken care of the nest. Tilting his head a little at clint’s reaction he smirked at his own wife, amused at the sight of the two so very in love. Catalina flushed a little, smiling as hse kissed him back, tangling her hands in his hair, leaning into him. “Oh. Good. No second thoughts.”She muttered blushing as she leaned against clint’s chest looking up at the king sheepishly before settling into their roles. Flushed and happy as she looked down at the ribbon around their wrists, holding clint’s hand tightly as they made their way to the party, while the ribbon was slightly awkward, tradition said they had to leave it on for the party and until they got to bed that night to consummate the marriage, so she was okay with being tied to her husband.

Looking up in bemusement at the avengers standing before them she looked at them standing all in a line, as if hiding something.”Hm. Well,we were going to wait to give you this present, but we thought we better give it to you before you got so distracted by sex that you didn’t come up for air for days.”Tony grinned, amused because they hadn’t even told pepper or Jessica, clearing his throat a little as he stepped to the side, putting a hand in the middle of loki’s back and shoving him towards the newly wedded couple. “We thought you’d appreciate this more then anything else we could give you.”
"no second thoughts." he agreed with a smile. he loved the ceremony, which was little more than promising that they loved each other and making promises to each other. equal promises. he grinned as he held her hand, the ribbon pulsing, bright and dim, bright and dim as if it couldn't decide if it was supposed to stop glowing or not. apparently it was a good thing, because the Elves would often point to it and clap in glee. "i have a bad feeling about this..." he muttered as he watched the Avengers hiding. "if that's Stephan in there wearing a Bikini i'm going to kill you all." "sorry, it's not me." Stephan promised with a laugh as he approached, looking just as curious. he stared at Loki and then he smirked viciously and glanced at his lover. "well. whatever shall we do with our new toy? do remember that we promised not to kill him." he mused. "granted... they never said he had to have all of his limbs." he mused, examining Loki who looked rather frightened now. "we could cut off his fingers... or cut out his tongue! i always hated the way he spoke." Clint admitted, watching Loki sweat was simply delicious. "we could burn his feet off. there's a pool of Lava around here somewhere i'm sure. oh i know! we'll rent him out as a stud! there's plenty of fat disgusting humans who'd pay good money to fuck the God of Mischief."
"As if id ever scar my retinas by seeing stephan in a bikini.no thanks."tony snickered looking amused at clint's reaction to the god of mischief,watching catalina's eyes fill with the same bloodthirsty glee as her husbands."indeed.we don't have to keep him in one piece."she mused watching loki,enjoying watching the god sweat before nodding."men and women both would pay for the privledge. Not me of course,but others."she mused."I like the way they think. Though thor might have a problem with you using him like that"drayke said stealing a glance towards the thunder god. Ctalina glanced up at her friend,tightening her hold on clint's hand her eyes softening slightly as she studied the frightened god. She was hard,nd bitter eith the man in front of her....but she wasn't hard enough to cold bloodily condemn him to such a life despite what he had donr. Looking at him she gestured to his muzzle."is that the only way to kedp him from using magic,or is there a more permanent way of stripping it from him?"she asked a merciful plan already shaping if she could do it...she was cold,but he hadn't destoyed her enough,do would not let loki's actions turn her into something little better then him. She could do this....not tht she wouldn't enjoy screwing with his mind first of course.
Stephan smirked and tossed his head. "i'm gorgeous and you know it Stark!" he stated in his most 'gay' tone of voice yet. Stephan was shockingly bad at it. "not women, we wouldn't want to risk this bastard taking his fair share of pleasure now would we?" but he would never submit Loki to such a fate. not after what he had seen as a child, hearing Cain screaming through the walls of the mud hut they had lived in as men, strangers took their pleasure from him. he would never submit someone to that hell. Clint glanced at Thor, who was looking quite nervous, though Frigga seamed to know that the two assassins where blowing hot air, because she was hiding her mirth behind a fan. "His magic is already forever bound." she explained, snapping her fan closed and indicating his wrists with said fan, revealing heavy black tattoos in ruinic markings. "he can never use magic again. he is no longer any sort of danger to anyone. although, he has been known to bite, so watch your fingers." "mother!" Thor complained, blushing brightly at the idea of his mother making an innuendo.
“I’d sooner admit that I want to sleep with loki.”Tony said snickering a little at stephan’s voice before looking at loki, amused to see just how loki was reacting to the two assassins. “This is true. Definitely worth considering anyways.”Catalina mused brushing her arm against clint’s because she knew that they were just torturing loki with the idea, that neither of them would ever submit someone to such a fate. Looking at frigga she frowned a little, realizing frigga didn’t believe that they were being serious. Pouting a little that she hadn’t fooled the older woman she moved forward, tugging loki’s muzzle off after having the reassurance that he wasn’t dangerous, raising a eyebrow. “He better not bite me, I might bite back.”She said smirking at her lover….so there were no bounds to who she’d use to drive him into a jealous headset…the sex was just that much better, and it amused her, even though she always made sure he knew she was just giving him a hard time, and that she had no desire to really be with anyone else. Studying loki for a long moment she turned looking at Clint. “We should send him to earth. Make him get a real job. Live among humans….in new York. Where we can keep a eye on him.”She mused because while she wanted to torture the man, she was also willing to let him try to have some sort of life still. Looking at loki she pointed a finger at the former sorcerer. “Now. If you harm anyone, I mean anyone, or come near me without calling first, I will kill you, and deal with the consquences later. Clear?”She asked before looking at clint, tugging on his hand. “Come on. While this was the world’s best present, I want to enjoy our party, and I want to know why the elves keep clapping and being happy at the sight of our ribbon glowing and dimming.”She said before dragging clint towards the elf king, to emotional to stay and deal with loki anymore. Hurting because the last time she’d seen loki had been when she was with her father, and feeling out of sorts suddenly confronted with his presence, though it was equally good to know that the man was here and no longer free to hurt anyone.
Stephan smirked a little. "well he is a bit beautiful. feminine like." Stephan admitted, leering at Loki who tried to sneer and glare back at Stephan. how dare that human indicate that he was feminine! "better not bite him love, you don't know where he's been." Clint warned. "you might get rabies. Salmonella, or syphilis." he pointed out, Loki turning his impressive glare on Clint. but as he was magically helpless, physically bound, and still trembling, it wasn't all that intimidating. Loki looked even more panicked at the thought of being forced to live with humans and WORK for a living. he was a prince! he'd never worked a day in his life! "that is a good idea Lady Catalina." Thor stated, grinning viciously. "can't you just kill me now?" Loki complained, sarcastic as hell, but... relieved to not be dead, or tortured, or turned into a whore. "Come then Loki." Thor stated, yanking Loki to his feet and shoving him down the hall, it was his turn for his pound of flesh as it where.

"it is a good sign. you see, most times, the ribbon stops glowing immidiatly after the ceremony, the glow is an indication of how much you love each other, and if it doesn't glow, then you don't get married." The King explained. "but, there are a very few, very rare cases such as now. the love you feel for each other is so deep, that the magic around you is still attracted to the physical manifestation of you're attachment." he grinned. "only one in about a million or so creatures finds a connection this deep and this powerful. i've never seen human's achieve this level of love before. it is what you would call, Soul Bond, or Soul mates. one half of a whole soul. incomplete without the other."
"He is fairly pretty isn't he?I think its the hair."catalina agreed before making a face."...urgh...clint I didn't want to think about that..."she groaned thinking about loki's sex life before looking up at thor and loki's horrified look and snickering a little.."don't worry,ou can work at stark tower.it'll be good for you."tony called after thr brothers as they left.

"Oh...yes.he is my soul mate."catalina looked amazed as she hugged her husband tightly amazed that anyone could love her that much.

Shen they returned to earth a few days later catalina was quiet and withdrawn, looking worried as she followed tony's directions out of the city. Shile it had been relieving to sse that the nest had bedn redone,ony had handed them keys and directions before ordering them out of the city to have a hondymoon. When she pulled into the small driveway she looked up in amazement before starting to laugh.for the first timd since she'd found out she was pregnant again truly relaxing."...he bought us a nest!hawk,we have a treehoyse!"she giggled happily scrambling out and up the stairs to go investigate because she was avoiding telling him she was pregnnt,evdn though both pepper and natasha had told her to tell him, she wasn't ready to tell him yet. And well...it was a tree house. She just had to go see.

"Pep?"tony asked hesitantly as he walked into their bedroom offering a small apologetic smile just in case he was wrong about what he thought."are you pregnant?"he asked hesitantly only asking because both bruce and steve kept making fun of him for being a chicken and avoiding the topic even after both natasha and jessica had annouced their pregencies. He just hadn't knoen how to ask pepper and now looking at her and at the other woman's laughing insistence he was pretty sure they'd all been watching him squirm just because they could.
Loki had been sent ahead of them to earth, and he was currently looking for a job, overseen by Thor to make sure Loki didn't do something stupid, like refuse to work and starve to death. so far, Loki seamed to be handling earth's intricacies with ease, and Thor kept getting annoyed when he struggled with an electronic... like the toaster, or the TV, and Loki came along, did it for him, and then left. though Loki did have a scene where he walked into a manual door. he did that often actually, because he couldn't seem to tell the difference between a manual door and the ones that opened automatically. it was hilarious to watch. Clint loved watching Loki walk into doors. Jarvis was always keeping an eye on Loki, and was all too happy to record such instances. funnily enough. Loki also had a secrete admirer. in the form of a duck, that lived in the park where Loki walked through several times a day. it followed him almost everywhere. somehow, it had even gotten into the apartment he and Thor where sharing. Thor thought it was the funniest thing in the whole damn world.

"it's a freaking tree house!" Clint stated, gaping up at it. "it's a god damned tree house!" he sounded like an overly excited little kid. ever since they had made that stop at Valhalla and Cain had hugged him and flirted with Cat, Nat, Pepper, and Jessica Clint had been soaring the skies. excited and happy and delighted with the world. "hey wait for me!" Clint demanded with a laugh as he struggled with his seat-belt. he finally got free and scampered up the ladder after her, laughing in delight once he got inside. it was amazing! completely amazing! "we could LIE in here! look, there's even electricity! and indoor heating!" he declared, looking properly amazed as he flicked a light-switch on and off. "this is amazing!"

Pepper turned to look at him with a smile. she wondered when he was going to ask, the great coward. Bruce had finally been informed, and he'd passed out cold on the floor, much to Jessica's sadistic glee. Natasha was also officially pregnant, and she'd told Drayke straight off and also gave him a list of rules he now had to follow, which included getting married 'because i'm not having a bastard baby damn you'. "yes, as a matter of fact i am. i'd wondered when you would have the guts to ask me." she admitted with a laugh before she glanced at him with a smirk. "triplets actually." that's right. Virginia 'pepper' Potts was having triplets. "it's your fault of course, you and your iron man sperm." she complained. "come help me braid my hair would you? it's in the way and i want to have sex tonight."
catalina to, enjoyed teh sight of loki walking into the doors, and being stalked by a duck. While she didnt like the man, really she hated him, it was good to see loki trying to fit in with the world, and she nearly died laughing all the time watching that damned duck. Looking at clint she nodded, looking amused that her husband was just so over the top excited since he'd seen cain. it was good to see the man so happy. "No!You have to catch up!"She grinned looking amused as she looked around the house before moving over to the table, picking up the card, smirking as she read it. "And we are to. Tony had it built as a wedding gift, for when we need to get out of the city."She smiled looking at clint, moving over to kiss him lightly."I love you, you know."She muttered muzzling him a little, sighing softly.

Tony flushed a little as she looked at him, tilting his head slightly. Looking relieved at her words, at least for the moment. "Well, I didnt want to get smacked for asking if you were just getting fat. I remember cat being tempermental, I wanted to figure out how to ask without getting smacked."She looked amused before paling quickly when he heard, barely registering the question as he moved over to braid her hair, to out of sorts at the idea of her having triplets that he didnt even think that he was having sex tonight. "...triplets?Are you sure I'll be better then my dad?I mean, thats alot of kids...not to mention everyone else's kids. Cat, nat, and jessica....we're going to have a whole other team of avengers at this rate..."
Clint grinned at her as he chased her, laughing in delight as he took the card so he could read it as well. "that sly old bastard! he might even get me to admit i don't hate him!" he admitted with a grin as he kissed her deeply. "i love you too, my Soul." he had taken to calling her that, to forever remind her just how much he truly loved her. "...Cat?" he asked after a moment. "i was... wondering..." he admitted, biting his lip. "i know your probobly not ready yet, but...do you think, that we could try having another baby?" he asked hopefully.

she chuckled a little at him. "well at least you learn, better than Bruce does anyway. he actually had the audacity to ask Jessica of her belly was a bit big." she snickered a little. "he had to sleep on the couch for two days." she admitted with a smile at him. "tell me, Tony. do you really think i'd let you be a bad father?" she asked, smiling at him, her head tilted a little. "besides, it's good that we have so many babies happening all at once. this way, we won't be alone, and can get help from the others. and when the children are a little older, we'll have no end of people willing to babysit."
"Oh, you know you don't hate him, you could just tell him once in awhile."Catalina teased looking amused as she kissed him back sighing softly, looking amused as she closed her eyes leaning into him, blushing ever so slightly to hear the new nickname, still getting used to being loved that much. Flushing she leaned back to look up at him, biting her lip a little. "I...uh..."She frowned slightly, "Have you been talking to jessica?"She asked supicious, wondering if the woman had told him. "....I'm already pregnant."She muttered staring at the floor. and while she wasn't completely ready, with as many babies that were going to be around them, she knew she had to deal with babies either way....she might as well fully embrace the idea of being a mother. and while it wasnt a easy emotion to deal with, she knew she could do this as long as she had clint.

"I've been in a relationship longer. Know better then to ask that."He said snickering before biting his lip looking at her nervously before shaking his head."no...I guess you wouldn't."He muttered still feeling anxious at the idea of being a father, gently tugging her hair a little as he finisehd the braid before grinning. "Very true. Definitely going to need a babysitter if I plan to have sex before they're 18."he snickered before growing serious."You think clint and cat are going to be okay?"He asked after a moment, worried about their friends.
he shook his head. "wouldn't want him getting a fat head." he pointed out with a smirk before giving her a baffled look. "well, yeah, i talk to Jessica every day, you know that." clearly, he hadn't been talking to Jessica. well he had, but she hadn't told him. while he was in much better spirits, he still needed his therapy lessons to actually deal with the trauma, and Cat now saw Jessica every day as well to help her with her past as well. "you are!?" he asked, wide eyed as he stared at her before he snorted. "oh god... four pregnant women... all at the same time... i think the cosmos is playing a joke on us men." he admitted with a laugh as he hugged her tightly.

Pepper laughed at him. "true, although, you still don't know the correct way to respond if i ask you if i look good in that color." she admitted with a grin before sighing as her email/pager went off. it was from Thor and she lifted an eyebrow and handed it to Tony. it was Thor, saying that Loki had gotten them kicked out of the apartment they'd been renting. according to the E-mail, the owner of the apartments caught the duck, now named Lucy, that had been stalking Loki and had tried to kill it for 'being a menace'. Loki had over reacted and nearly brained the owner of the Hotel, and now they where being kicked out. Thor needed to know of an apartment they could rent that accepted pets, because loki 'the stubborn son of a bitch' refused to make Lucy go back to the park. "...we are SO forwarding this to Cat and Clint!" she declared, laughing hysterically.
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