
Catalina swallowed hard, pressing her head into his hand. She really was frantic. Now that she’d given into actually feeling something, she was being overwhelmed by it. Quieting at his words she shuddered a little, pressing her face into his chest. “Really?You don’t?”She muttered quietly, relaxing. Quieting at the idea that he wasn’t angry with her. That this wasn’t her fault, only loki’s. and even if thor had told her the baby was well, it was still hard for her to hear. Quiet as she clung to him she shuddered a little, frowning slightly, “….we were supposed to be on a date. A fun date.”She muttered sniffling, but calm again as she sighed. “I’ve had the emotional roller coaster today… I’m sorry…”She muttered sighing quietly because she was tired and relaxed now, but she didn’t want things to end now, because if it did it meant she was going to have to face whatever emotional trauma was waiting for clint next, and she didn’t want to put either of them through it.

“Of course I have. Marshmellows are marshmellows, no matter how you cook them.”Tony said frowning a little before sulking, “I have.”He said not about to admit that it had been a disaster the one time his father tried to take him camping. It had been a utter disaster, for both of them. “Don’t rub them, you’ll make your eyes hurt more.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “Now that would have been dramatic. Loki would have believed you were truly grieving a lot then.
“he snickered a little.
he smiled as he held her, shaking his head. "of course i don't." he promised softly. "how could i ever blame you, when you're more upset about it than i am?" he asked softly. "we can have a fun date later." he promised with a smile. "right now, i'm more concerned with making sure you're happy and healthy." he admitted as he gently kissed her neck. "and it's not like i didn't start this roller coaster ride." he pointed out with a small smile. "now then, what say we relax a little in the cool water, and trade silly stories?" he offered with a smirk. "i got Natasha drunk once you know." he admitted, eyes dancing with wicked laughter. he loved to pick on Natasha.

Natasha shook her head. "you, my freind, are so wrong it hurts. a proper fire adds flavor to a marshmallow." she admitted with a smirk. "and i'm pretty sure that whatever fuel you're suit runs on, it's can't be good for you to ingest." she admitted with a small snicker. "and how much of a horrible disaster was it?" Natasha asked with a smirk, calling the others bluff. "oh yes, screaming in agony would really have led credence. you don't have to laugh at me!" Bruce complained as he settled a damp, cold rag over his eyes and sighed as the singing and burning eased a little.
Catalina swallowed hard, going limp in his arms, snuggling into his chest. “…well..that makes sorta sense.”She snickered a little amused at his logic before shuddering, calm mostly. “I’ll be okay. I’m fine…for the moment anyways.”She muttered before laughing.”You did. I’ll tell Jessica. She’ll be mad at us for doing the emotional moments without her. I think she enjoys making sure we’re doing the adult responsible thing and feeling like normal people.”She snickered a little before pulling away from him, slipping into the deeper water before turning to look at him. “I know. You ended up with a tattoo on your ass from it, remember?”She teased, her expression bright with laughter, for the moment putting everything behind her. “Did I ever tell you about the time I had tony convinced him and steve had sex? Man was totally plastered. It wouldn’t have been nearly as amusing as it was if Pepper hadn’t been there adding to it.”She grinned, enjoying their date as they swapped embarrassing stories. “Or the time Drayke had to shave his head cause he needed to try being the bubble blowing champion with bubble gum, while drunk, and got it stuck in his hair?”

“Well, considering it runs on the arc reactor, and it’s already in my body, I figured it wasn’t that bad.”Tony said before twitching a little at natasha’s words, flushing ever so slightly. “….”He stared at her for a moment refusing to answer before drayke smirked. “Hey Jarvis, just how bad was this camping trip?” “No Jar-“ “He burned down the castle rock area forest.”Jarvis supplied. “What?”Drayke stared at the genius. “….I was trying to build a campfire okay?Without a lighter. Or anything. My father should have known better then to drag me away from the city. It really was howard’s fault.”Tony sulked refusing to admit that left on his own, and eager to prove to his father that he was indeed worth spending time with, he’d tried lighting a fire with a small amount of gasoline and rubbing sticks together like he’d learned in gym class. Granted, at 10 he hadn’t really considered the ramifications of doing so. He’d just wanted his father to pay attention. Glancing at bruce he sighed a little, “It would have. Mourning that strongly would have been interesting to see. And I’m sorry, I’ll stop laughing.”Tony said struggling to not laugh, and still sulking over being made fun of for catching things on fire.
he smiled a little and nodded. "don't i always make sense?" he asked with an impish grin. "as long as you feel alright now." he murmured pressing a kiss to her forehead. "ugh, do we have to?" he complained, rolling his eyes. he still didn't like Jessica much, but he didn't complain much anymore. she had grown on him a great deal, but he still didn't like it when she started asking him about his 'feelings'. pssh, what man had feelings? "...i am well aware that i have a Tattoo on my ass." he complained, rolling his eyes at her. "honestly, one would think you wanted to carve that thing off with a dull butchers knife the way you harp about it." he teased before he have her a nervous look. "...your not are you? because Natasha tried to..." probobly annoyed that Hawk would have her mark on him when they had decided to be siblings instead of lovers. "serious;y?! he had to be saved bald!? like, completely bald!?" Clint demanded with a bright laugh. "that's just epic!" he grinned. "i once woke up in nothing but a pink thong and a tutu in the middle of town." he admitted with a smirk. "that was awful. i found out later that Natasha had done it. apparently when i'm piss drunk i'm also very heavy." he admitted with a smile. "come on... my headache is getting bad." he admitted as the dull throb turned to piercing pain. he knew that only sleep would ease the pain, and if he didn't sleep when it was still a mild pain, it would develop into a massive migraine so bad he had to be drugged into sleep.

she rolled her eyes. "a valid point." she grumbled, shaking her head before laughing brightly at the thought of Tony burning down part of the national forest. "oh i bet that went down well with the Park Rangers!" she teased with a grin. "still, for a city kid, making a fire without a lighter or matches is impressive." she admitted with a grin. "we'll go camping sometime, give you a proper experience once Loki's dealt with." she promised as Bruce grunted. "shut up Tony, i can hear the laugh in you're voice. you will rue the day... rue!"
“…Could I?”She said looking up at him, smirking a little.”It seems wrong to have something for your sister on your ass, when I just get your arm.”She teased leaning in for a kiss, teasing because while it did annoy her some, it wasn’t so bad. Grinning she nodded. “Yep. Totally down to his scalp. He sulked for weeks.”She said before staring at him, “…that’s horrible. I want pictures.”She grinned looking amused at the idea of him in a tutu before concern tightened her face as she got out, quiet as they both dressed and headed back. “..I’ll be right there with you…I promise…”She muttered looking worried because she had no idea what to expect, but afraid since he was. Pausing only long enough to tell Jessica that they were back, and would need her when he woke up again before heading to bed. Praying whatever was coming, was going to be okay.

“…They thought I was adorable.”Tony said sulking as she teased him, “I’m a impressive kind of guy you know.”Tony smirked looking amused before nodding. “Well, since I’m building cat and clint a house in the woods, we’ll all go for a house warming party.”he grinned before shutting up and got to work, glad to have something to work on, a project to do. As everyone settled in to set a trap for loki.

When clint woke cat was snuggled up against him, her head resting on his chest, though asleep, she wasn’t sleeping deeply, to nervous to truly relax enough to do so, and waiting to see what was going to happen. Because she had no idea what to expect, but she knew it was going to be traumatizing for them both.
he chuckled a little. "ah yes, but i wanted your mark to be in a place that everyone would see. so that everyone would know i was yours." he stated with a smile. "therefore, my arm. where the whole world will see it." he stated, looking proud. "i would have had it on my face, but i thought it looked weird there." he admitted. "...of course you want pictures..." he groaned. "talk to Nat, i'm sure she has them somewhere." he grumbled. "she brings them out sometimes for Blackmail material to make me do things i don't want to do." he muttered, shaking his head. "which usually results in even MORE blackmail material for her." he admitted with a shake of his head.

Clint woke slowly and looked around and slowly sat up, Jessica pausing in her reading when she noticed him stir. "good morning. how old are you? what do you remember?" she asked softly and Clint stared at her, silent and frightened before. "i'm seven... my name is Able." there was a long silence after that, Jessica confused and uncertain how to respond to that. she was pretty sure Clint's name was Clint. "...have you seen Cain?" he asked softly. "Cain is always here when i wake up... has mummy hurt him again?" he asked softly, and Jessica felt her heart freeze for a long moment and then. "w...who is Cain little one?" "my big brother. he's Ten!" Able admitted, proud of his big brother, but his voice hushed and quite, as if fearing waking someone in the house. no doubt, his mother. "Have you seen him? he looks just like me. only taller." Clint had never mentioned an older brother before.
“clint?”Catalina muttered tiredly as she stirred, shifting away to sit up slowly, careful to not move to quickly. Not wanting to startle a scared clint, who even without remembering how he was, could kick her ass any day of the week. Which made her worry sometimes, wondering if he’d lash out at her if he was frightened enough. Frowning slightly as she listened to him talk, her face went pale and her features tightened, already seeing where this was going. Surely…surely not. Surely if he had had a brother, lost like her own, he would have mentioned it. Surely….but he hadn’t remembered. Swallowing hard she sat up slowly, leaning back against the headboard.”no, we haven’t seen him…Able.”She said careful to use the name he’d used, swallowing hard. “You’re safe here, able..”She said softly, reassuringly looking at Jessica. Though her look was calm and peaceful, there was fear and anxiety in her eyes. “I’m sorry, we haven’t seen him.”She muttered wondering just how to handle this, so blindsided by the idea of clint having a brother, that she was at a loss on how to react.
Clint froze as he realized there was a woman in bed with him and he inched away from her, looking quite baffled as he realized he wasn't where he was supposed to be, his head tilted as he examined the walls and the two women. "oh... i see." he muttered. "i'm dead." he decided, nodding. "that's why Cain isn't here, because he's not died yet." he mused examining the two women who seamed to be Angels. "did Mummy kill me?" he asked curiously. "or was it one of the people who i dance for? they hit me sometimes, did one of them hit me too hard?" how sad was it, that at seven years old, Clint had almost been hopeful for death? "Poor Cain... now he hasn't anyone to talk to. Mama don't like us much, i don't think, but Cain takes care of me." he stated proudly. "he took me on a picknick yesterday. we got food from a dumpster from a restaurant. i couldn't read the sign, but it was pretty inside." he admitted. "Mama was really mad when she caught us sneaking back inside. Cain took all the lashes... i tried to sneak out to get him medicine for the marks on his back but Mama caught me and gave me a lashing too." he admitted sadly. "i hope Cain doesn't get sick. sometimes that happens when Mama breaks skin. and the marks get all red and purple and ucky white stuff comes out." he admitted looking at them. "are you Angels?"
Catalina flinched a little as he inched away from her, swallowing hard as she watched him examine the room. “No, you’re not dead, sweetheart.”catalina said, at a loss for what to say. Tears filling her eyes as she realized that at 7, he sounded almost hopeful he’d died. Pain tightening her chest at the idea of how close, how very close her clint had come to not making it to adulthood, to being with her. “I’m glad he took care of you.”She muttered twitching a little in the effort to not stroke his hair, wanting to reassure this boy that had had such a horrible childhood, that he had someone now to take care of him. And in that moment, she realized that if they ever had kids, she’d make sure they knew they were loved, that they’d never have to question that their parents would do anything for them. “I’m your friend, Cat. You were hurt, that’s why you don’t remember. But I’m staying here with our other friends, to help you get better.”She said her voice soft and sad, because she was at a loss on how to deal with him, awkward as ever on dealing with him like this. Not sure what was to much, or to little to say. Looking towards Jessica for help.
he frowned as he was told he wasn't dead and he looked at his hands, flxing them before he touched his back. "are you SURE i'm not dead?" he asked softly and Jessica swallowed thickly and gently took his hand, ignoring how Clint flinched rather violently. "you're not dead darling, and you're mother isn't here either. we took you away from her." she lied, offering him a smile. "you're very old now, you know." she admitted. "you've just forgotten many things. why don't you tell us more about Cain? maybe we can find him?" she asked softly as Clint pondered that, examining her intently and then. "okay! i like to talk about Cain, he's the bestest!" Clint admitted with a nod before he began to chatter. unlike at six, the seven year old Clint was much more happy to accept that he was safe. he explained how Cain protected him, taking 'Mama's' punishments for the both of them. he talked about how Cain had to go into the room with the men he danced for, and how sometimes Cain would scream and scream and scream. it frightened little Abel, but he had been trained at a very young age to not make a sound when Cain was in the bedroom with the men. it was horrific, not that little seven year old Abel understood that the ten year old Cain was being sold by his mother to pedophile men.

Clint went on to talk about how Cain often snuck out and stole food and medicine from local supermarkets and grocery stores. anyplace he could find it. if he was found, he was whipped bloody, usually with a belt. but even if he was whipped, they got to keep the food and medicine he stole, so Cain must have felt it was worth it. even if he did get bad infections. it was clear that Cain had protected the adorable seven year old Clint from being raped, even when Cain was so sick with fever he couldn't even stand. Jessica finally gave Clint food and motioned for Cat to follow her out of the room so Clint could eat in peace. "has he ever mentioned a brother before?" Jessica asked, breathless and choked from trying not to cry or rage at Clint's horrible, awful past. "i think he's in repressed memories right now, and that's why he can't remember you even a little. he's repressed these memories for a reason and i have a very, very bad feeling i know why..." she admitted with a whisper, swallowing thickly. "i don't doubt that when he wakes up from this one... they won't be so repressed... he's going to be very traumatized Cat. he's going to need a LOT of help for this one, and you're the only one who knows, really knows what happened to him. he'll talk to you where he won't talk to anyone else. try to get him to talk, it will help."
Catalina was quiet as she shifted, “I’d like to hear about this bestest brother, I had two of my own. I’m fairly sure mine were the bestest.”She teased a little, though her eyes were sad, smiling slightly though. It was adorable, to see him like this, even if it was ripping her apart to see him like this. Shaking her head she looked at Jessica, “No, and considering…”She shuddered, swallowing hard as she looked at Jessica. “considering how I lost mine, if…if he actually remembered Cain, I would have heard about it by now.”She muttered because it ripped her heart apart to know that had this, the loss of brothers who protected them, in common. “I’ll try. I will.”She nodded a little, swallowing hard, “….Go get some sleep jess. It’s late…go talk to pepper or something…You’re not going to want to know how this story ends. …”She muttered knowing that if clint went to sleep, he’d probably wake up himself. And she was protective enough to make sure that the man from being vulnerable around anyone, even Jessica who she trusted. And she didn’t want Jessica, even if she guessed, to know what happened without clint’s permission.“I’ll yell if we need anything…”She muttered quiet as she leaned back against the wall to get herself under control before heading back in. “hey sweetheart, how you feeling?”Catalian smiled tiredly as she settled on the bed next to him again, leaning down to kiss his forehead lightly before pulling away, not wanting to startle him more. “You need anything else?”
Jessica grimaced a little, shaking her head. "how could anyone do that to a child!?" she demanded, wrapping her arms around herself and closing her eyes. "i don't understand why he seams to think his name is Abel though..." she whispered. "it's just baffling." she muttered, shaking her head. "i'll get some drinks and stuff. things that should help calm him down if he gets upset... i imagine he'll need some of that disgusting alcohol he insists on drinking." though he hadn't really touched it since Nat had come back. with nothing left to grieve about, he'd realized he'd been too dependent on the liquor and had stopped drinking it... with Cat and Jessica's help anyway. "do you need anything Cat?" she asked softly, taking her freinds hands. "i'm worried about you, you're just bottling everything up..." she muttered, her head tilted. "in the end, all of this is good for Clint. it's horrific, and frightening, especially right now. but it's healing him too... there's nothing healing you..." she studied the girl and sighed. "alright, just promise you'll talk to clint, once he's feeling better." she demanded, kissing her 'sisters' forehead and walking off to get herself calmed down.

Clint had gulped down his breakfast and was licking his plate clean and he blinked at her, his head tilted. "i'm sorry i upset you." Clint muttered. "are you alright now?" he asked, worried about the pretty lady who was being so nice to him. "do you think Cain is dead?" he asked after a long pause. "i think he's dead." he admitted. "i don't know why really, it's just a feeling, right here..." he pointed at his chest. "like it's all hollow inside because i know i'll never see Cain again." he admitted looking at her. "i'm scared... where will i go if Cain is dead?" he asked, his lip trembling. "i don't wanna go back to my mama."
“…some people are just sick.”She muttered thinking about her father before sighing softly.”I don’t know. Maybe when he’s himself again, he’ll know.”She said before nodding, “alcohol would be good. To bad we’re not at home, we could have raided tony’s stash.”She said snickering a little at the idea before looking sad, because it hurt to give clint alcohol, especially when it’d taken a lot to get him to give it up. “No…I’m okay. I had…a breakdown while on our date. For the moment, I’m okay.”She promised her friend, squeezing her hand. “I’ll…I’ll deal with everything later. I promise. Seeing as you two have made me promise to talk to you both, I will.”She sulked a little.”later.”She promised watching her go before heading back in.

“I’m okay. Sorry, you just reminded me of my own brothers. I lost them when I was little.”She sighed softly before looking at him, before nodding.”I do.I’m sorry able, but I do.”She looked at him, shifting to hesitantly wrap her arms around him, not sure if he’d let her hold him. “You wont. I promise, remember you’re old, and we’re friends. We live together, you just cant remember it. You don’t have to go home to your mama, you’ll come home with me when you’re better.”She reassured the man.
Jessica nodded. "some people are." she agreed softly not entirely sure what the other girl was talking about, but knowing that Clint knew, so that was alright. "...he'll only have a limited amount. you tell him that, we don't need him being an alcoholic again." she warned, shaking her head as she smiled at Cat. "everything always happens at the same time to you." she muttered, shaking her head. "it will be alright, a few more weeks and everything should be fine again." Jessica hoped anyway.

Clint looked pained at the idea of Cat loosing her brothers too and he blinked tears out of his eyes. he didn't want to cry, crying only got him a whipping. he went tense when she wrapped her arms around him before he sagged into her comfort, clutching her back and he wept in only the way a child could weep. great heaving sobs that showed just how deep his misery was. how deep his relief was at never having to return home. he cried himself to sleep, and no doubt to Cat's amusement, had resumed sucking his thumb. most children stopped such things by the age of two or three. here was a seven year old, sucking at his thumb like a toddler. his mother probobly hadn't cared enough to make him stop, and the older brother probobly did it too for that matter. when he woke, he was crying again. "oh god... oh god i remember." he wailed. "i remember!" he trembled and shook and covered his face with his hands. "how could i forget!? Cain i'm sorry!"
Cat laughed wuietly at the woman's words."it always does.but I guess I've gotten used to everything happening."she looked amused as she headed back into the room,really hoping that the woman was right and that they'd be okay in a few weeks."its okay able,its okay."she muttered rubbing his back as clint clung to her,resting her head against his simply holding him as she shifted to get comfortable just holding him. And she did find it amusing he was sucking his thumb,though it hurt her to to know his mother hadn't cared enough to stop him./"...haek?"cat muttered startling awake,already reaching for a weapon automatically before realizing it was just him."hawk..."she muttered wrapping her arms around him,hesitantly touching his hair,stroking her fingers through it as she thought about what to tell him before she founf the words."if forgetting him,helped you survive hawk, cain found find it a good price to pay.you're remembering now because you're strong enough to survive knowing. Cain understands."she muttered talking,trying to help and knowing she was failing horribly.
Clint trembled as she touched him and reached out for her, blind in his agony. he told her the whole story in great heaving sobs. how Cain was only three and a half years older, but how he had taken every rape and every beating as if he where an adult. he had protected Clint through everything. only he hadn't been Clint back then. he had been Abel, Abel Anthony De luca. brother to Cain Maretti De Luca. son of a viscous whore. Clint explained how that night, Cain had finally pushed against their mother too much, in refusing to be raped anymore. the man was just as furious, and he raped Cain to death, not satisfied, he had turned to little Abel and that was when Abel had drawn the butchers knife that Cain had gotten for him, and had slain the man, and his mother. he took a knew name, and after a while, he forgot everything there was about Cain. "how could i do that!? how could i forget him!? he died protecting me!" Clint gasped, shuddering and trembling under the force of his tears. "he died so i wouldn't be raped!"
By the time his story was done catalins was quietly crying with him,grasping at the shreds of her control to not break down with him.maybe sending jessica away had been a bad idea...oh well. She'd deal with it now. Tightening her grip around him she sniffled a little,though his grip was painfully tight she wasn't about to tell him to loosen up."hawk,you forgot because that was the only way to survive. He woulsnt hatr you for that.its okay."she muttered scrambling for words to help and knowing she was failing and hating herself for it."he loved you,clint. He wouldn't want you to do this to yourself."
Clint clung to her like she was the only thing from keeping him from drowning. part of him seamed to realize he was hurting her, because his grip slackened just enough that he was certain he would not be bruising her. he trembled against her, swirled in dark, miserable memories as he remembered the way his brother used to scream as those massive men had their way with him... and how he'd settle back into their little closet and comfort him, instead of tending himself. Clint could only cling to the woman he loved, and suffer the memories as they practically whipped him the way his Mama had often done. it took a long time for him to calm down, and eve longer for him to let her go, and he only did so because Jessica came in with a shot of strong elvish alcohol for the both of them. "he's in a state of emotional shock.." she muttered after one look at Clint's blank eyes. "trying to come to terms with memories forgotten. how are you doing?" she asked, gently pulling Cat into a tight hug. "here... it's very sweet, and it will settle you're nerves." Jessica promised, settling a flute of something that looked like a very dark wine, into the woman's hands. it tasted almost like a banana strawberry smoothie with a touch of citrus, Kiwi, and watermelon. it had the most amazing sensation, as if calm had been made into a liquid form that could be spread throughout her body. "try and get Clint to drink one. it should knock him out of shock..." she paused as she settled the glass into Clint's hand. he needed no further urging to knock back the drink and he stilled and blinked, looking at the glass. "...that was the weirdest thing i have ever tasted." he muttered softly.
Catalina smiled a little as she stroked his hair, glad he had loosened his grip, going quiet as she tried to take care of him, offering Jessica a weak smile when she came in. “I can tell.”She muttered looking down at her shocked lover before looking up at Jessica again, shifting her hold on clint so she could cling to Jessica tightly, “I’m….shell shocked. Numb.I cant really…feel his emotional pain or my own…”She sighed looking up at Jessica, nearly as out of it as clint was, just to many emotional blows in to short of a time. Looking at the liquid she smiled slightly.”Ohhh….that was good.”She muttered as she downed it, shuddering a little as she relaxed.”Clint, sweetheart…”She muttered as they gave the drink to clint, smiling softly as he relaxed. “…A good weird, or a bad weird?”She muttered smiling softly, “how do you feel?”She muttered.
he relaxed a little more as she stroked his hair, reacting to her touches, even if he wasn't fully aware of what was happening. lost in memories, grief, and anguish. "yes i can imagine." Jessica admitted softly to her. "too much has happened. once things calm down, you'll start feeling it." she admitted. "just know that you can comfort him, and cry at the same time." she promised. "it won't make either of you worse than you already are, i promise." she muttered, patting Cat's hand. "... dunno. just weird." Clint muttered, staring at the glass in his hand. "makes me feel strange. i don't like it." he complained, Jessica snorting. "it's good for you! you're probobly all torn up with guilt for something that was never you're fault!" "it WAS my..." Shut up Clint Barton!" "Abel... my name was Abel." Clint corrected, shaking his head. "Abel or Clint, it doesn't matter. the fact is, is that you and your brother are not, and never where at fault!" she stated. "it was that horrid Bitch of a mother and the men she had over. and you made them pay, didn't you!?" Jessica demanded. "you made them pay for hurting you're brother! i read a story, several years ago. it would have been the right time. about two dozen men where admitted to the hospital because they'd had their dicks chopped off. no one found out who did it, but then, no one looked too hard because it was found that each man was a pedophile." she stated and Clint grinned viciously. "i'd forgotten about that. it took me a whole year to find all those bastards. there where twenty two of them... they used to stare at me, they liked me more because i was smaller, but Cain protected me." he muttered, baring his teeth. "i made them pay..." and then he was crying again, weeping into his fingers.
Catalina sighed softly looking at Jessica, tilting her head. “Oh, believe me, I’ve been crying enough to make one think I was pregnant again.”She muttered her voice light and teasing, though there was a tone of grief to it, because it was true. The woman had cried at the drop of a hat when she was pregnant. Laughing quietly at clint’s words she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Well, its better then alcohol. Don’t need you to be a drunk again….you don’t want that do you?”she muttered looking at him anxiously, before sighing.”It’s hawk, not either of those. You’re my hawk.”she decided, because it was rare for her to call him anything else, before wincing as she considered what he had done to his abusers. Tightening her grip a little she rested her head against his, crying with him,silently, struggling to think of anything to help. Before just letting him cry, because there was nothing else to do. After awhile catalina sighed quietly, “Hey…you want to go for a walk….going out into the garden might help…”She muttered stroking his hair, because she thought maybe the sunlight and warmth might help him relax.
Jessica smiled. "it's fine that you are. crying is good for the soul." she admitted with a smile as she wrapped an arm tightly around her sister and gave her a small kiss to the cheek. deciding to wait to tell the news. it wasn't right to be happy in the face of such misery. "i do want to be drunk again." he complained, pouting a little before he smiled at her. "do you know where the name Hawkeye comes from?" he asked softly. "Fury gave it to me when he watched me shoot a Hawk down with an arrow through it's eye." he admitted with a smile as he let her hold and comfort him. "you got the Hawks Eye boy!" he yelled and the name stuck." he admitted, closing his eyes. "that's when i took the name Clint, because i didn't have one before. i'd forgotten it..." he admitted. "Clint Barton. Abel De Luca. i don't think it matters." he admitted softly. because i love you, and you love me, no matter my name... right?" he asked, half worried that she wouldn't want him anymore after learning what he'd done to those men. "yeah. lets go to the garden. i want to sit in the sunlight..." he muttered softly, closing his eyes. "Cat? do you think... do you think Hela has Cain with her? do you think she'd let me see him?"
"Just for now. I won't let you get out of control again though."she muttered kissing his forehead worried about him becoming a alcoholic again before giggling slightly,the sad mood broken for the moment by his story."that does sound like fury...and you. You're a amazing shot you know."she muttered before looking a little hurt,knowing why he was asking if it mattered."I don't care what you're called,as long as I can call you mine."she muttered blushing at the cheesy line before nodding. Helping him out of bed."come on then.sunlight will be good for us both."she said before thinking at his question as they entered the garden."..I would think so,hawk. I mean,ou could get thor to ask her...maybe that could be our wedding gift from her?"she said looking worried because she could only hope cain was there. Pretty sure he would be,but not wanting to get his hopes up to much just in case."when thor returns from..taking care of loki...we shall ask him to speak to hela."she decided kissing him lightly.
he huffed a little and then smiled a little at her. "i am amazing aren't i?" he asked with an impish little grin as he shook his head before relaxing as she promised him she still loved him. even though he'd basically tortured a dozen and a half men, she still loved him. "yeah i like sunlight." he agreed with a smile as he followed her, feeling god awful but glad that she was there to help him. "i bet Frigga would know." he admitted, swallowing thickly. he wasn't sure he really wanted to see his brother, what if Cain hated him? but Clint was no coward. he had to know. he had to be sure. he kissed her back and laid his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. he ended up falling asleep out in the warm summer sun and when he woke, he was still himself. and starving. something in him felt whole in a way that it hadn't in a very, very long time. it was astonishing how simply having repressed memories released could make a person feel so much better... no matter that the memories where horrific and hellish. he almost had a heart attack when Frigga told him that Cain De Luca was not in Niflehiem with Hela. but in Valhalla with the Heroes. because Cain gave his life in protection of another, he was granted the highest of honors. Clint cried for almost an hour after he found that out, both horrified that his brother had died protecting him, and overjoyed that his brother was in such a wonderful place. it was every warriors dream to go to Valhalla.
Catalina was indeed glad that Clint’s brother was in vahalla, though it was sad they couldn’t see him, it was also amazing and so good that cain was finally happy in vahalla. Looking thoughtful as she joined the others in the garden, she moved to sit next to clint, curling up on the blanket next to him, looking at jesscia and pepper as the women joined them, having set up a quiet picnic for them all, so they could just relax and try not to worry to much over their missing friends/lovers.

Meanwhile Tony grinned as he looked at the muzzled god in front of him, tilting his head as he studied loki. “We have two people who have a bone to pick with you. It seems pissing off master assassins is a bad idea.”He grinned wider as he saw loki realize what he was talking about, “I thought you liked tricks, godling?Not such a fan when you’re the target?”he snickered looking a little battered, a little bloody, but all in all, all of them were in one piece, though Drayke was nursing broken ribs. “Thor?Can we get back to alfhiem?”He said eager to see pepper, not to mention the others.
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