
Pepper snorted a little. "it was not inferior! it was the best on the market! you're just annoyed because you couldn't 'high tech' it!" Pepper teased with a roll of her eyes. "...do you think i'm a bad freind Tony? tricking Cat like that?" she asked softly, worried that she had betrayed Cat by manipulating the girl like that.

Clint smiled a little. "thanks. i really don't care much for my birthday. i've never celebrated it. Nat tried once, a surprise party..." he grimaced a little. "it, didn't end well..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "most of the guests had to go tot he hospital." he admitted sheepishly. "well, i want to hurt my mother all the time, so don't feel bad." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm glad you where there. you might not know it, but you really helped. having you there, i knew i didn't need to be afraid." he admitted, kissing her slowly. "let's never leave bed." he decided softly. "bad things never happen when we're in bed... so let's just never get out of bed again..."
“It was to.Just because you wouldn’t let me add to it doesn’t mean I couldn’t.”Tony sulked before sighing looking at her, his look growing serious as he pulled her close, wrapping a arm around her neck and tugging her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead.”No, you are a good friend. You would have only failed in being a good friend, had you allowed her to go back, and face loki. Cause you know if she hadn’t been tricked into staying for clint, then she would go back with me.”He nuzzled her a little sighing quietly. “You’re taking care of her. That’s what she needs. I get the feeling she’s never had a lot of friends….so she doesn’t understand. She’s going to be pissed if she figures it out, but you’ll have to forgive her, she’ll eventually admit that it was for the best.”He said trying to reassure her.

“Ahhh I see. Well that’s okay. We’ll just celebrate mine, with tiramisu and cake.”She decided giggling a little. “That’s insane. Wow. Poor clint.”She muttered pressing a kiss to his cheek, shifting a little to relax, “Good. Because even if you weren’t you, I knew I was safe to.”She muttered rubbing a hand over her face, “I missed adult clint, but seeing you as a kid was interesting and painful to.”She muttered before laughing, raising a eyebrow. “Hmm I’m sure there’s something that could happen in bed badly. I mean, you are getting older, and things start to…flop unbecomingly....as you get older, old man.”She teased kissing him back.
well i came up with the idea, and my wrist doesn't hurt so bad right now so i thought i'd try to get a post in. so long as i rest when it gets tired, i should be fine, right?)

Pepper snickered a little and shook her head, sighing as she kissed his forehead. "thank you Tony." she muttered softly. "i hate lying and tricking her like that... but if i didn't, she'd go off and get herself hurt, or killed..." Pepper mumbled. "i had to do it. for her own good..." she still felt bad about it though.

he smiled a little. "i like that idea. i wonder if these Elves know about Tiramisu?" he mused, his head tilted. "i'll make Tony make it for me, he knows how. it's not as good as the restaurants, but it's pretty darn good." he admitted before smiling. "she caught me on a bad day, that's all. just back from a mission and one of the people i was sent to kill managed to escape so i was still on high alert." he admitted with a grin. "at least no one's tried it again." he admitted with a nod before he scowled at her. "oh, flop do i?" he demanded with a playful growl as he gently pinned her beneath him. "i'll show you flop!" and with that he gave her a thorough and sound kissing.
(Lol good ideas are good.and yes as long as you rest and don't be to hard on your arm,you will be okay.:) and yaaay for posts.something to break up my morning.,)

Tony smiled."you're wrlcome.just glad I can be of service besides your personal boytoy."he muttered blushing ever so slightly as he looked down at her. Because whilr some might call him a sex addict,it was nice sometimes to know his wife found him useful beyond what he could build or what was between his legs."I know you do.I feel bad for not letting them have the revenge they should get,but I won't let them get killed when I could save them...just remind yourself yourr saving them when you start feeling bad."

"If they don't,we'll inform them about it."catalina said giggling a little before smiling."you can't ever tell him that.tony'll never forget you told him he was good at something."she snickered before giggling as he pinned her, swallowing hard. "Yes, definitely a flopper."she teased looking up at him trembling a little. Struggling hard to push the thoughts away from her father. While it hadn't been actual assault,having her father treat her like her father with the groping and kissing,had left its own scars.but this is clint,her hawk, she trusted him."definitely old man."she teased kissing him back as she ran her fingers throuh his hair.
she smiled a little and shook her head. "you have many uses." she teased with a smile. "and cooking, and talking sense into me when i need it, is only part of your services." she teased, offering him another kiss. "you're right. they need to be safe. and she'll forgive me, eventually... especially if we can manage to keep Loki alive so she can have her shot at him, right?" she asked with a smile.

he snorted a little. "like i would ever admit such a thing to Tony stark, do i look insane?" he demanded, lifting an eyebrow at her. "besides he's not 'good' at it. he's mildly adequate." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "and i am SO not a flopper! just wait until YOU get old and start to sag!" he teased with a smirk, nuzzling her neck. but he was well used to gauging Cat's, and other's moods. he knew very well that she wasn't in the mood. he nibbled on her neck and then flopped next to her, offering her a smile. "we should have a date while we're here." he decided, taking her hand. "reaffirm our love..." he paused and looked at her. "i was talking to one of the elves... they have a marriage ceremony, a magic one that will only work if both of us love each other... would you, maybe... want to get married here?" because he knew she doubted sometimes, his emotions for her, and he was often worried that she didn't love him the way he loved her. a magical ceremony that would prove their love to one another... would be ideal. especially after the loss of the baby.
“Ahh, well I’m glad you know services I can offer.”He kissed her back looking amused before raising his head. Looking amused before nodding. “I’m definitely keeping him alive. Not only for them….but…”He fidgeted. “Because I wont let Thor be there.”He said embarrassed that he could care about anyone enough to care about their emotional well being. It was hard for him, to admit that he had widened his group of friends from simply pepper and Rhodes, to include all the avengers, and cat. It was good, and hard for him all at once. “I’ll drag his ass back here, send thor away…then we’ll deal with loki.”he said looking worried about his blond friend, who knew loved his brother, despite everything loki had done, it was hard for thor to be between them and his brother.

“Well, yes actually.”She teased looking at him, “He’s probably good, you’re just spoiled cause we always get teritoria’s.”She snickered a little before laughing, punching him playfully in the shoulder, “I am not going to sag!I’ll be young and amazing forever. Cause I’ll always be younger then you. You’ll sag and flop first.”She giggled laughing as he flopped down next to her, shifting to snuggle against him, a leg resting over his hips, a arm across his chest. Not to get in the mood for sex, but because she just needed to be wrapped around him, smiling as she shifted, resting their joined hands on his chest she looked back up at him, looking curious.”…Are you serious?I mean…that would be nice. I…I don’t think we should go home yet…the nest is still torn apart…but…Yes.”She said blushing ever so slightly at her rambling, because she so wanted to believe that he loved her, that he wouldn’t be her father, that love wouldn’t destroy them. But some days were better then others, but she was better then she had. She had faith in him, in them. “Yes. Lets.”
she grinned a little. "that's a good idea." she admitted. "i honestly didn't think about how Thor was feeling about all of this." she admitted with a grimace. "it's so easy to forget that they are brothers, you know?" she muttered, shaking her head. "i hope Frigga is going to be alright. Odin is a right bastard about all of this, but Frigga really loved Loki like he was her own. i wish there was a way we could, i dunno, render him helpless without actually killing him..." she admitted with a sigh. "but you can't strip a sorcerer of their magic or it will kill them, so no matter what, it ends with Loki being dead. not that the bastard doesn't deserve it, but you can't help but feel bad for Thor and Frigga."

he snickered a little and shook his head a little. "no, you do realize the only reason he can cook, is because he tried to make Pepper an Omelet and failed, and took it to heart and attended several cooking classes until he could make anything he wanted, right?" he asked with a grin. "before that, he burned everything, even water." Clint admitted with a sagely nod. he wrapped his entire body around her and grinned a little. "i have you now, my Pretty, and you shall never be free." he teased with a smile, simply holding her. "of course i'm serious, i'm always serious you know that. the only time i have a sense of humor is when i'm mocking Tony." he stated with another sniff. "i don't think i CAN go home right now..." he admitted. "my brains all scrambled..." he admitted, frowning suddenly. "...how did we meet? i can't seam to remember." he admitted, biting his lip. still having memory issues then. "we'll get married once my brain heals." he decided with a smile. "we'll have everyone come. even Stephan."
“Neither did I, really, until I met frigga, and realized that loki might be a man now, a monster…but once he had been someone’s child. Someone’s brother. It never had really occurred ot me…that thor would be suffering.”Tony sighed quietly before frowning thoughtfully. “Maybe there is. I mean…thor was able to handcuff and muzzle him when they left earth…maybe there’s a way to improve on that…”Tony said looking thoughtful before nudging Pepper. “Now. Do you have a thought on what I should do to the nest when I get back?I don’t want to change it all the way back to the orginial, cause you know they’ll have kids sometime, but I don’t want it to be a nursery either.”He said leaning down to kiss her slowly, groping her as they entered their room.”….don’t we have better things to do then to talk about loki?”He muttered looking amused.

“…seriously?”Catalina’s eyes widened as she considered tony being so epically bad at something. She knew there were things he was horrible at, but to be so utterly bad at cooking, surely clint was lying. Not even tony could be that bad. “I don’t believe you. No one’s that bad. Not with Jarvis around anyways.”She giggled amused before laughing as he teased her, nuzzling her face into his shoulder. “Or teasing me. I think I’m jealous you enjoy teasing tony as much as you enjoy teasing me.”She teased back before nodding a little.”I know. I don’t want to go back…not yet..its…bad.”She muttered not wanting to admit that she wasn’t ready to go home and see their half finished apartment. Looking startled at his words she raised her head to look at him, “..you were my trainer. Fury assigned me to you, after Natasha died. Thought you needed someone to make sure you wouldn’t kill yourself. And a Russian American was custom ordered to be what you needed.”She muttered embarrassed to admit that fury had set them up, with the sole goal of making clint like her enough to not hurt himself, and give himself something to focus on. “I’ll talk to the elves, about planning the wedding.”She bit her lip a little, “But I think we should go on a date. Or a quiet outing or something…just to be together, and reconnect.”She smiled a little.
she nodded. "yeah. the poor woman. can you imagine, realizing you've raised a monster?" she asked softly. "it can't be Frigga and Odin though, or Thor would be the same way." she admitted. "i just wish Frigga would understand that, you know?" she asked, shaking her head a little. "yes i do have ideas on the Nest actually." she admitted with a smile as she looked at him. "where you're building a proper second floor, Clint needs an actual Nest that he can hang out in. build him a tree house." she ordered. "it might make him feel better about all the changes he's going through."

he grinned and nodded. "seriously. just ask Pepper." he admitted with another snicker. "oh he was that bad. he was covered in grease, and he got it in the water he was trying to boil. he literally set the water on fire." he admitted with a laugh. "he was banned from entering the kitchen after that, but he still tried. it wasn't until he got bored and wanted to impress Pepper that he took the cooking classes." he admitted with a small snicker. "oh, i would NEVER tease Tony the way i tease you." he promised with a smirk before he grimaced a little, remembering why they didn't want to go back. the nursery that was being built in the Nest... "...oh yeah." he muttered softly. "i threw a fit." he admitted with a grin. "i smashed half of Fury's office. i'm glad he made me do it though." he admitted. "i don't think we would have gotten together if he hadn't made me train you." he admitted kissing her. "i don't think he meant for me to fall in love with you, but it's good for him, to have plans go funny." he admitted with a smirk as he watched her and nodded. "i'd like that." he agreed with a smile. "i'd like that a lot. a date here. we could go climb trees, go skinny dipping, pick those funny berries that look like tiny little oranges..." he mused with a grin. "have sex outside."
“True. Though the big guy has his faults, nothing nearly as bad as Loki’s.”Tony snickered a little before smiling a little. “I’m sure if anyone could figure it out, you and cat can get Frigga to see it.”Tony said smiling as he pressed a kiss to her forehead before tilting his head a little, thinking about it for a moment. “I could do that. It’d be a getaway house, not in the city, but it could be theirs.”He looked thoughtful because he could see the appeal of having a house out in the forest, since right out of the city, there was forests. Places where cat and clint would be close by if needed, but far enough away to a peaceful recovering place. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it started. Then I’ll catch loki.”He grinned liking the idea.

“wow.That’s insane…”Catalina giggled looking amused with the idea of tony so totally sucking at something. “Uh-huh, that’s what you say.”She teased leaning up, kissing him slowly, running his fingers through his hair. Wincing as he did she rested her cheek on his chest, trying to relax before giggling a little, distracted at the idea of clint breaking fury’s things. “Probably not. Probably wouldn’t have either if Tony hadn’t being so demanding in giving me a room in the Tower.”She pointed out, poking him in the side. “You should thank them both.”She teased before grinning, “They do look like tiny oranges don’t they?”She snickered smirking as she raised a eyebrow. “You want to have sex outside?You never want to have sex outside.”She teased.

A few days later Cat sighed quietly as she wrapped her arms around Tony, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let the man go, not wanting to send him back to face loki, not when she knew it was going to be dangerous. “You’ll be careful wont you? You have to get back here for our wedding after all.”She said leaning back, looking up at the man that she’d wanted to hate in the beginning, who had wormed his way into her heart, and become the older brother she had been missing. Between him and drayke, the loss of her twin brothers had lessened. “Of course. I’ll have cap, bruce, thor, Natasha and drayke with me. Its you who should worry. You just have Barton for company, and that’ll surely be boring.”Tony teased looking down at her. “Be nice tony.”Catalina smiled poking the man in the arm. “I’m always nice.”Tony smiled looking at clint, reaching out to shake his hand, “Take care of yourself, okay?”He said, his tone that of a worried older brother as he studied the assassin.
Pepper chuckled. "Thor has no more problems than you do Tony stark. an Ego too big to fit in Manhattan and a quick temper. he's nothing like Loki." she pointed out with a shake of her head. "yes, we do have that small plot of land in the forest. you could build the Treehouse there. and make sure it's modernized, you know how Clint is about hoarding food, and how much Cat loves TV." she muttered with a smile. "now... back to bed. you haven't finished you're chores yet." she purred as she dragged him off for another long round of sex.

he nodded. "yeah, Tony is pretty insane." he agreed with a grin. "i suppose so. though the only reason you where really in the tower at all was because you where the only person willing to get close to me. thanks for that by the way. when you're insane, you never really realize you're starving yourself to death." he admitted with a shake of his head. he didn't remember much of that time, but he remembered thinking it strange that he hadn't eaten all day and still wasn't hungry. "i always want to have Sex, no matter where we are, why should being outside be any different?"

Clint smiled as he watched Tony and the others get ready to head back. Nat had been strutting around, informing anyone who mattered, that being Cat, Jessica, Pepper and Jane, that she was no longer a virgin. Clint had, of course heard about this, and had warned Drayke that he was never going to get rid of her. and that he should have run while he'd had the chance, but hey, welcome to the crazy dysfunctional family anyway! Natasha had not been amused but Steve and Bruce had struggled not to show thair laughter, for fear Natasha would kick their asses. there had been two more 'episodes' during that time. the first where Clint had forgotten everything and everyone and tried to attack anyone but Cat who got closer than five feet from him. the second even more frightening, as he simple stared at everyone with terror filled eyes and flinched anytime someone raised a hand in his direction. he wouldn't speak at all during that time, but he clung to Cat anytime he caught sight of her, hiding behind her as if she was the only thing saving him. that had upset the Elves a great deal, they where not used to people being frightened of them.

"he'll be fine. Tony's an idiot but he's not suicidal." Clint promised her with a smile as he gave her a kiss to the forehead. "shut up Stark, at least she won't have to deal with you anymore. you know, you made her cry last night!" and that was true, but only because she'd been laughing too hard to breath at Tony's idiocies. Clint ignored the hand and swept Tony into a hug, a true sign that he was really healing, and that he trusted, even loved Tony. Clint was not someone who often initiated Contact. "i'll be fine. Jessica's staying after all. she'll fix my head up, right as rain. she said it's probobly even good for me, all this reliving my past thing. i can face my past in a less traumatic way than talking, and come to terms with 'repressed' feelings..." he sulked. "i honestly don't know what she means by that. just because i don't have feelings doesn't mean i 'repress' them.." he grumbled, ignoring Natasha's snickers.
“True. He's far too fond of himself for suicide.”Catalina snickered a little as she leaned into clint a bit. “I did not!Did I?”Tony paused looking anxious as he studied the woman, frowning slightly. The man looked worried about Catalina, afraid he really had upset her. “Only because I was laughing so hard at you last night.”Catalina reassured, looking amused that the man indeed look relieved to hear that. Snickering even more at Tony’s surprised yelp as he was hugged, hugging Clint back before pulling back, smiling. “Good. And I don’t think anyone but Bruce understands Jessica when she talks, but its okay. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”Tony teased before raising a eyebrow. “No feelings huh? Tell that to your fiancée, and see if it’s me who’s making her cry.”Tony teased. “You be careful okay?And take care of yourself. Don’t worry to much about clint and forget to take care of yourself.”Drayke muttered as he hugged his sister, kissing her forehead. “I’ll see you soon okay?”He said smiling softly as he stepped back, looking at thor. “ready to go?”He said wanting to go before catalina could change her mind and demand to go.Smiling slightly as Catalina hugged all of them tightly, worried about them all, not wanting to watch them go. But she did, because pepper had done a good job, and convinced her that her place was here, taking care of clint.

When they were gone Catalina sighed quietly looking worried as she wrapped her arms around clint’s waist, burying her face against his chest. “I’m scared.”She muttered because it scared her to see so many of the people she cared about, going out to fight. She’d never had anyone before, besides drayke and his mother, so having so many of the people she loved in danger, made her anxious. Swallowing hard as she leaned to look up at him, she smiled slightly.”So how about that date,eh?”she said, smiling quietly because she needed the distraction from wondering what was going to go on on earth.
he chuckled a little as he shook his head at Tony's antics. honestly, why the man believed Clint was well beyond the Assassin's comprehension. he snickered at the anxiety Tony was displaying and yelped as Pepper smacked him on the arm, scowling at Clint for making Tony panic. "this is true. makes me wonder if she psycho analyzes him too?" he mused with a smirk. "it would be the ultimate Kink for braniacs like them." he mused with a snicker. he sighed as they left and let the worry he had been hiding show just a little. "i'm scared too." he admitted softly. "but they are strong, and with Loki thinking we're dead, he'll relax, thinking that the Avengers are weak." he mused. "i wouldn't be surprised if they catch him in a net, like in Scooby Doo." he mused with a smirk. "i can see Tony building some crappy elaborate trap." he admitted with a nod.

"...yeah, let's have that date." he agreed, smiling a little at her. "i can feel another attack coming on though." he admitted with a sigh. they had discovered that Clint often got a tight sort of headache in the middle of his head before he slipped into another memory. it only happened after he fell asleep though, so long as he stayed awake, they could enjoy a date all they wanted. once he fell asleep, there was no telling who he'd remember when he woke up.
"That's disturbing clint. I don't want toconsider their sex life."catalina whined as she considered what the brainiacs would get up to. Turning to stare at clint she grimaced."its a good thing tony's not here to hear you talk about scooby doo. He'd make sure he got to use a crappy net if he was."she giggled a little looking worried for him even if it wouldn't be until after he slept that the attack happened."well lets go then."catalina said quiet the whole time as they headed outside,holding a picnic basket pepper had thouhtfully thouht to get them. Quiet becauuse ss she relax,and put distance between her and what happened the more she wanted,needed to talk.but she didn't want to bother clint,who was having his own breakdown.or jessica who was busy helping clint and worrying about bruce. Bottling up everyting inside,much like she had when they first met."so where are we going?"she asked as she followed him,knowing him and jessica had found a place for them to go and relax,but she hadn't been privy to the details.
Clint smiled a little. "me either. it's pretty traumatizing isn't it?" he asked with a small snicker. "and i was very careful to make sure Tony was out of listening distance before i made that comment, i'm not stupid you know." he pointed out with a chuckle as he stroked the winged cat on his arm. it was a constant reassurance to him that Cat was real and that he was going to marry her. with the way his head was, he was constantly worried he'd forget her. "i love picnics, did you know?" he asked with a smile. "once, when i was very little, i used to sneek out of the house, and have Picnics. we'd always get caught, and get in trouble, but it's one of the few times i can ever remember being happy in my childhood." he admitted with a shake of his head. "ooh! they have those funny little leaves." he mused, examining what looked like a mint leaf, but was as soft as velvet, tasted like sugar, and melted on the tongue. Clint loved them, completely loved them. he hummed as he slipped one into his mouth and then offered her an impish grin. "i love you, you know that right?" he asked, smiling as he laid his head on her shoulder. "forever and always."
“It is!”Catalina whined before smiling, “Sometimes I wonder, but then you do something intelligent, and its okay.”She said looking amused as she kissed his cheek, loking amused as they walked. “No I didn’t. Well, we’ll just have more picnics, so you can have a lot more happy moments.”She smiled wrapping a arm around his waist, looking amused as he got the mint leaf, tilting her head a little as she nibbled on one. “I know. I love you to.”She smiled as she spread the blanket out on the ground next to the lake, sighing softly at the sound of the waterfall in a dinstance, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his, shifting to snuggle against him as she nibbled on some of the food that they’d been given. “Forever isn’t as long as you think…my father promised my mother forever….”she said quietly, starting to cry. Finally, finally allowing herself to accept that no matter how much she wanted it, her family was gone forever, and that no matter how much hope she had, her father, her loving happy father, was gone forever to. She was scared, scared of loving Clint as much as she did, because she didn’t trust forever.
he rolled his eyes. "i never claimed to be smart you know." he pointed out with a grin. "i'm barely literate, and i'm highly illegitimate..." he admitted with a snicker. "and no, i didn't come up with that all by myself, Nat helped me." he admitted with another snicker. "i have lots of happy moments now, actually. you are my happy moments. every minute i spend with you, is a happiness i never imagined i could have." he admitted with a smile. "i've never felt more safe, more happy, or more loved than when i'm with you." he admitted, smiling at her, wrapping his arm around her, holding her close. "... not forever then." he whispered softly. "i will love you for all of my life." he promised softly. "i will always love you, so long as my heart beats, and my brain thinks." he promised, holding her tightly as she cried, kissing the top of her head and simply holding her.
“I’ll make you read more. Definitely going to need you to read to tony’s kid when he have one. Cause you know if its up to him, Tony’ll read techy and science books. And being legitimate is overrated.”She giggled looking amused, before smiling ever so slightly, “I’m happy with you to. Always.”She muttered shuddering a little, clinging to him, sniffling quietly. “…Always and always.”She muttered relaxing slowly, closing her eyes as she calmed. Clinging to the promise of ‘always’. “…we’re wasting a perfectly good day with crying. Lets go swimming.”She muttered rubbing her face, trying to get rid of the tears as she pulled away from him.

Meanwhile in New York, Tony smirked to himself, though the outward look on his face was sadness and anger. Pushing the dark sunglasses up a little, he looked at the reporters camped out in the lowest level of stark tower before moving to the podium waiting for him, raising a hand to get their attention and waited for the quiet. “It is with a sad heart that I announce that due to complications with her pregnancy and the attack she suffered, Catalina Santana died last night on the operating table, who’s death was quickly followed by that of her fiancée clint barton’s suicide. I would like to ask that we be allowed to grieve in peace after this announcement, as we are lighting the pyre tonight on top of the tower, and would like to do our own farewells without disturbance.”Tony said sadly already moving away from the podium and heading back up to his apartment, barely making it to the elevator before he started laughing, already wondering exactly how Loki was going to be responding to this. This was going to be a interesting match, and he wondered if Loki really would believe the game, or if he’d see through it. Grinning as he stepped into his apartment looking at the others.”So. Ready to play with fire?”
he snorted a little. "i'm not very good at reading." he admitted with a shake of his head. "although, i could read the children's books i suppose. i didn't know how to read until after fury caught me." he admitted with a grin. "i knew a little bit of Math though." he admitted smiling at her as he gently rocked her. "always." he agreed before he gave the water a distrustful look. but this pool only came up to a person's armpits. he had picked it for specifically that reason. he stripped out of his clothes, standing proudly naked in the forest and he smiled as he glanced at her and then headed into the water, loving how it was cool, but not cold. the perfect temperature. "Hey Cat?" Hawk asked suddenly, looking over at her. "would you... think me silly for..." here he hesitated and bit his lips. "do you think it's silly that i'm afraid of myself?"

Bruce and Natasha both looked at Tony and rolled their eyes. some days, it was hard not to worry about that man's sanity. Natasha, being the good actress that she was, began to weep softly as she headed up tot he roof where two dead bodies where waiting to be burned. Bruce used pepper spray, a small shot, to make himself tear up. he couldn't make himself cry. Captain used it as well but all it did was make him red eyed, but that was enough. who expected Captain America to cry anyway? they stood, and watched the bodies burn and Natasha had to bit her tongue from making a marshmallow joke. the pyre slowly burned out and Natasha rushed back inside before she started to giggle and Bruce slowly followed her as Steve moved over to Tony, swallowing thickly, hiding his own laughter at Natasha's stifled sounds. "lets go back in." Steve ordered tony, his voice cracking slightly because he was trying so hard not to laugh. which was just wrong somehow, because they had burned two, real dead people and it was wrong to laugh when you where sending the dead on... but it was really hard not to, when he knew Loki was probobly watching every second of this, and buying it, hook, line, and sinker.
“Well, kid’s books aren’t that hard. Just look at the pictures.”She smiled calming a little nuzzling him.”It’ll be fine. I’ll be right next to you. Just think, sex in odd places.”She teased him a little looking amused and excited at the idea of actually convincing him to go swimming with her. Grinning as she stripped down, turning to look at him, startled at his question as she stepped into the pool. Looking up at him she looked thoughtful wading into the water before answering. “No, I don’t. I think you’ve locked down your emotions for so long, that its natural to be afraid of what you’re going to figure out.”She smiled a little moving to his side, because she was scared to. Not because she was afraid he’d forget her, though she was, but because she was scared of what he would find in his childhood, sure that despite the traumas he remembered, their might before things he forgot about.And afraid he was going to be reliving everything. “No, I’m afraid of myself to, and I don’t even have a good excuse of not remembering things.”

Tony to was having a hard time not making smore and marshmellow jokes, biting his lip to stay calm and sad, glad that he was wearing his sunglasses as it was a easy way to keep anyone from studying his face to much. Swallowing hard, he nodded.”And drink. There’s alcohol in there.”Tony said, his voice cracking to, sounding like steve’s, because he knew that they were real dead, and that he was being disrespectful if he laughed, but damned if it wasn’t hard to not laugh when he thought about loki buying this. Making it inside he set about pouring them drinks, looking amused, glad that the windows could be-and were-tinted right now, so no one-namely loki- could see inside as they talked.”So, how long do you think it’ll take him to think of something horrible to do to the ‘mourning’ people?”
he smiled a little. "well, i can read you know, just... not above a fifth grade level or so. i know enough to get by." he admitted. "if i drown, i'm going to be very unhappy with you." he grumbled, though he knew that even if he got into trouble, all he had to do was stand up, which was the only reason why he was in the water at all. oh how he hated water. "...there's something." he admitted softly. "something i have forgotten. i've buried it deep inside myself, like a splinter, and it's festering... i didn't know it was there until the last episode. i can feel it there now, like something very important that i know i've forgotten." he admitted. "i am frightened of it." he admitted, clutching her hand. "i want Jessica to be there, for the next episodes... i... i think i'm going to need her help." he admitted with a shudder as he looked at his lover. "i'm afraid to sleep." he admitted softly. that everyone knew. it had probobly been over a month since Clint had slept more than two hours at a time. "and i'm worried about you." he admitted, looking at her. "you're not talking to anyone about... what happened. Jessica's afraid you're going to go insane. promise me you'll talk to Jessica, when i'm asleep if nothing else. she's a professional, she's designed, and trained to handle multiple situations at once."

Natasha giggled as she sat down at the table, shaking her head. "that was... awful, horrible..." she groaned, pressing a hand to her face as Bruce filled the sink with cold water and plunged his face into it to try and wash out the burning of the pepper spray. Steve was already recovered. "it will be before the week is out. of that, i have no doubt." Steve admitted, Bruce pulling his head out of the water with a gasp before plunging his head back in and thrashing back and forth wildly. pepper spray freaking HURT. "it will probobly happen here. we should set of a few traps for him. poison darts, electrocution, something like that."
“Don’t worry. I wont let you drown.”She said swimming over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, not even really paying attention to the fact that they were naked, just offering comfort as she rested her head on his chest. “We’ll face it together.Always. And we’ll go back before we go to sleep, make sure Jessica is around.”She said leaning back to look up at him, running her fingers through his hair, looking worried about him.”I know, sweetheart. But you need to sleep. We both do.”She muttered before looking away from him, resting her head on his chest as she thought.”….I’m fine clint.”She said, for once breaking her habit of calling him hawk, showing just how upset she was with the topic of discussion before sighing softly. Because even if she knew Jessica was a professional, she still felt bad for taking the woman’s attention away from bruce or clint when they both needed her. Swallowing hard she went quiet, because only clint knew everything, and despite all the trust she had in Jessica, no matter how much she liked her, it was still hard for Catalina to talk to anyone else about her past. But now that he brought it up, the woman found the words tumbling out without her really able to stop it. “…He thought I was her you know…my mother….he thought I was her. And that his worst nightmares had come true, when I begged him to let me go back to you….he thought she’d found someone else. He couldn’t…tell us apart…”She shuddered a little.

“You only think it was awful cause you wanted to make marshallows.”Drayke teased his lover, snickering a little as he watched bruce. “Get some ice, it’ll numb them to.”he offered. “We’ll work on them. Me and you can get some techy traps, and drayke and Natasha can do some basic ones. It’ll be fun.”Tony grinned looking amused at the idea of turning stark tower into a full scale obstacle course.
he smiled a little. "good. i guess i can trust the water for a little while then." he decided with a shake of his head. honestly, he loved how they could be completely nude, and even a little turned on, and not feel the need to do anything but cuddle. it was a constant reassurance that she wasn't just using him for sex. "i don't want to sleep." he whispered, closing his eyes. "bad things will happen when i sleep." he mumbled softly, holding her tightly. "oh cat..." he whispered, horrified when he realized what she was saying, glad they where still in the shallowest part of the pool so he could sit down and cradle her, the way he knew she liked the most. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." he whispered, rocking her gently. "it wasn't your fault, what happened... and it wasn't your fathers either. Loki knew he would hurt you, and did his very best to make it as traumatic and painful as possible." he murmured softly, stroking her hair. "you're father is being taken care of, you know that right? he's not being tortured or neglected." knowing it would trouble her if she didn't know, and knowing she still loved her father, despite the pain he brought, and how insane he was.

Natasha snorted. "can you imagine how awful marshmallows would have tasted, being toasted over burning bodies? yuck." she muttered, making a face. "but the joke was there and it was really hard not to laugh." she admitted, making a face as she shook her head. "Tony, you're the smart man who builds things here, you build the traps." Natasha demanded, rolling her eyes. "you know you'll just claim i'm doing it wrong and do it yourself anyway." "she has a point." Steve teased with a grin as Bruce nodded, sitting down and staring at them all. "...just so you know. using pepper spray to cry? bad idea. very bad idea."
Catalina smiled a little looking amused as she cuddled him. Because it was nice, to know that they were attracted to each other, but even completely naked, they could just cuddle. Like him, she found it to be a reassurance. “Well, you need to sleep. And I’ll keep my bow handy, I’ll chase the bad things away.”She muttere, because she knew that there was no hunting the bad things that were stalking him, but it was the only way to try to help, because she no way to make things better. Shuddering at his horrified whisper she shuddered a little, swallowing as he rocked her, snuggling into him. Swallowing hard as she struggled to listen to him, to know that it wasn’t her fault, or her father’s. “…I know. Tony made sure I knew…”She muttered because she knew tony of all people understood what it meant to both love and hate your father all at once. Going quiet as she just relaxed with him, guilt eating her alive, so much like her brothers saving her made her feel guilty for surviving, she blamed herself for the miscarriage. And she needed to get it out, needed to exorcise her demons so she didn’t ruin the life she had. “…I lost..I lost the baby…that first night after…I got sick…so sick. And it was so bad…he couldn’t see that I was sick, couldn’t…”She shrugged a little trying to be calm as she clung to him, now that she’d opened up, she wasn’t able to stop.

“Only if you actually think about it. I mean, does marshmellows taste like wood when you do it over a regular fire?” “….you’ve never had a fire have you? You just use the thrusters on your suit to make marshmellows.”drayke asked at the billionaire’s question, looking amused as tony flushed slightly. “,….No.”He said before grinning, already starting to draw his plan of what he wanted to do. “She does not. Anyways, I’m going to make the plans, all her and vahanian have to do is follow them.”Tony pointed out before looking at Bruce, smirking a little. “I thought you were intelligent. I might have to take back your ph.d if you thought at any point of time that was a intelligent idea.”Tony teased.
he snorted at the idea of his little Cat shooting his nightmares. he'd hate to wake up with an arrow in his skull. he decided not to make a joke about it just now, his lover wasn't in the mood for laughter. he held her tightly, rocking her back and forth, closing his eyes he simply held her, and listened to her. worried about how... frantic, she seamed to be. "shh my love. it wasn't your fault." he whispered. "it was never your fault. i don't blame you." he promised softly. "i don't blame you." he promised her, stroking her hair. "we will see Loki punished for what he did to you, this i promise." he whispered, holding her tighter and kissing her forehead. "and it's not as if our little one is in pain. she's happy, and growing well." Thor had gone to see for himself, checking on Hela and the baby, who was making funny little noises now, and beginning to move. being that the little babe wasn't even out of the fetal stage, it was very good progress. "your father loved your mother very much, and it made him sick. he didn't mean to hurt you, we both know that. he's just very sick." he murmured, trying to comfort his lover. "it's no more his fault than it is yours. it's Loki's fault, and Loki will pay for it."

Natasha rolled her eyes at Tony. "clearly you have never tasted a proper marshmallow." she grumbled, shaking her head. "yes." Natasha teased, well aware that Tony, before Iron man, had microwaved his marshmallows. or cooked them over the gas grill. so wrong. "have you ever even been in the woods Tony? save for that one time where Thor smashed you into them?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow at the man. "shut up Tony." Bruce demanded. "Hulk might not hate you anymore, but he sure as hell doesn't like you." he grumbled, rubbing at his eyes. "it burns!" he complained, rubbing again. "no wonder this shit works on rapsists and women beaters." he groaned, thunking his head on the table a few times. "i knew it was going to hurt, but not THIS bad! it was a half a squirt! i nearly started screaming in the middle of the burning pyre!"
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