
Natasha nodded. "keep him trussed tight. i don't think Loki's around anymore." she admitted, tears glistening in her eyes. "i think he did what he wanted to." she admitted softly as she headed up the stairs, to where the Master bedroom had been. "hush now, Cat..." she murmured stroking the girls hair. "Hawk is hurt pretty bad, but he managed to tell us where you where." she promised. "he'd have come himself but i don't think he knows where he is right now." she admitted, carefully picking the girl up, wincing at how thin and frail Cat was. it had only been a few days, not even a week. she carried Catalina carefully through the doors, sighing in relief when nothing happened. Thor moved over to them and carefully settled his hands over Cat, focusing on his own tiny little ability for magic. "she had a Magic Tether at one point, but it was removed. i guess Loki grew bored with her and just left." Thor muttered softly, shaking his head. "the poor child." he muttered as he cradled Catalina in his arms like she really was a child and held her until they reached the Tower. she was given back to Nat, who carefully carried Catalina up the stairs to the makeshift hospital, where Clint was deliriously talking to some person who wasn't there. it was like when Loki was fucking with their heads all over again. then he seamed to snap to attention, as much as he could anyway and he focused on Cat and muttered the latitude and longitude again, as if trying to work out of this was really Cat, or if he was hallucinating again.
"So pretty...you're so preetty thor...."cat muttered against the broad chest she was resting against as they drove,not really aware that they were moving her,or what natasha had said. All she knew was they'd come for her,and clint hadn't. Having past out as they drove she settled into the hospital bed,looking as small as a child as she rested.

Within a hour though both tony and drayke appeared in the hospital,both looking to pleased with themselves to simply have locked up spencer. Stufying the two injured assasins he glanced at thor."in legend,frigga was the goddess of healing. Is your mother really a healer?they might benefit from bring movrd to asgard and looked after by someone who knows magical injuries.."tony said,who even if he thought it was true,had his own selfish reason for wanting to go to asgard. He needed to hold pepper before he lost his mind.
Thor snorted. "i am not." he stated simply, casting a worried glance at Natasha. "she is a very impressive healer." Thor agreed as he looked at them. "but i have to warn you, Pepper, Jane, and Erik are not in Asgard anymore." he pointed out, looking amused. "we thought it too obvious a place, Loki would look for them there first." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we'll take you all to Asgard, and then to where Pepper and the others are staying. it would be a better environment to be in for healing anyways." he admitted with a nod. "come along. Drayke? you take Cat and i'll take Clint." Thor decided, Natasha nodding her agreement. they all packed for a week long visit and with that, Thor had them standing on the Bi-Frost. the two damaged Avengers in various arms and walking towards the heart of Asgard where Odin and Frigga both seamed startled to see them. Thor explained the situation to his parents, Clint out cold in Bruce's arms this time while Jessica and Natasha gaped around them at all the amazing splendor of the home of the Gods.

they went to the Bi-Frost again, Thor not once commenting on where they where going. Frigga had joined them, and with another flash, and a dizzying trip... which had clint puking all over poor Bruce, who looked a little Green himself, they landed in an amazing forested place. "Welcome to Alfheim, home of the Elves." Thor stated with a small smile, Frigga chuckling at the open awe some of the humans where displaying. they where quickly shown to extensively lavish rooms, paired with the people they where shagging, while Clint and Cat where settled into the Hospital Area to be healed. Cat would recover faster than Clint would. she was sick, and hurt, but physically she would be fine with good sleep, good food, and plenty of time to recover. Clint had to heal a fully cracked skull and a small brain hemorrhage, which would apparently affect small portions of his memory.
"Well, then we'll go where ever they are, since loki will look in asgard for us."Tony said after a moment a frown showing on his face as he watched drayke get cat settled into his arms, the small woman looking so childlike in his arms. The man looking at a loss to what to say as he looked around asgard, for once not paying attention to his hurt sister as he stared in amazement. And when they arrived in Alfheim, the man barely refrained from throwing up over cat. "Come on...lets get some sleep.We're going to need it."He muttered to natasha once cat and clint were settled into the hospital wing, looking like he'd been beaten. it was hard on him to see catalina like this.

When catalina woke the girl frowned a little, looking around her with wide eyes, and while she was still a little warmer then normal, with the elves and frigga's healing, her body had recovered from the abuse loki's magic and her father's attention had left her in. "...Hawk?"She called her voice sounding panicky, not recognizing anything around her. "Hey, cat. Shush, its okay. We're here."Tony muttered as he moved out of the couch he'd been cuddling with pepper, the avengers having taken turns staying in the hospital wing so that when they woke, they wouldnt be alone with no one they didn't know. "...tony?" "Yea, its me sweetheart."Tony muttered his voice soft, and for once, fatherly sounding as he looked down at her, gently brushing her face out of her hair, relieved to feel that she was cooler.
Thor nodded. "i'll show you all to your rooms." he promised, smiling a little. "mother will heal them. Clint won't even have a scar, and the Miscarriage won't leave cat unable to have more later on." Thor promised. "it's going to be alright, Jessica can help them both through the loss... but maybe they had both better stay here for a while." Thor mused, shaking his head. Clint shifted on the bed as he heard his name and opened his eyes, sluggish and confused. his skull had been healed as much as possible, but the brain damage had to be healed slowly, over time, naturally. "...Natasha?" Clint asked, looking stunned. "aren't you dead?!" he demanded, wide eyed and stunned, turning to stare at Cat. "Cat! are you alright!? i'm sorry.. i..>" he paused, confused. "i don't know why though... Christ my head hurts. what happened?!" "Loki cracked your skull open when he kidnapped Cat, you've been in a mild off and on coma for the last week or so." "Shit! i remember that. Loki was fucking LAUGHING at me! did he hurt Cat!? are you alright!? i'll fuckin kill him... seriously though, i thought Nat was dead?" he asked, still very out of it. but at least he was aware now. "how come Cat's all the way over there?" Clint complained, sulking. "the beds are too small to snuggle in, you should move our beds together. Cat get's nightmares if she sleeps alone." and Clint did too for that matter.
"I think we all should stay here for a bit. We need teh rest, and we know Loki can't get here. But you're right, they should stay here longer...even after the others return to earth."Tony said thoughtfully, knowing there was a limited amount of time they could stay without loki realizing they'd skipped out. And he knew loki wasn't above starting to hurt humanity to get their attention.
Jane smiled slightly as she looked at the confused assassin."It seems the hit caused damage to his memory loss...but it also doesn't seem to be horrible either."She said looking concerned but not horribly, as clint was aware of who they were, of what was going on. "Only you could forget Natasha coming back from the dead. You don't remember me trying to get her to watch the walking dead with me, and asking her how she felt about it?"Tony said snickering a little before growing serious, not sure how to explain why cat was all the way over there. "Hawk."Catalina muttered in a relieved voice, growling at pepper as the woman kept her from moving to get up. While she was healed from the late term miscarry, the woman was still weaker and more fragile,and like clint, she would just need time to recover. "Let me up."She demanded, wanting her lover. "Be careful. We'll move the beds, don't move."Tony ordered, for once completely serious and no teasing as him and drayke carefully pushed the beds together so clint and catalina could snuggle, not sure how to inform the parents to be that they were no longer parents to be.
Clint scowled a little. "memory loss? is that why i can't remember most of the last... uhm, what's the date?" he asked, looking baffled. "the last thing i really remember is kissing Cat for the first time." he grinned. "that was fun, we should do it again." he muttered, smiling at her. "wait. no i remember other things too... Steve is gay and is dating the stripper i sent to torment him and Tony..." he muttered, scowling hard in thought. "was that yesterday?" he muttered. "what in the hell is the walking dead?" he asked, looking shocked. "and how do people rise from the dead?" he gave Nat a strange look. "you aren't craving brains and human flesh at all are you?" Nat smirked and glanced at Drayke. "i might be craving a bit of human flesh." "who the hell are you!?" Clint demanded, gaping at Drayke. "and for that matter, we are where?" "you are in the land of Elves." Thor explained with a grin. "it's a place for peace, relaxation and healing mostly." Thor admitted as he helped them move the beds together, Clint immidiatly wrapping Cat into a tight hug, snuggling her happily as he rolled them both carefully onto their sides so he could get maximum contact with her, his knees tucked behind hers, the arches of his feet touching her heals and his chest tight to her back. "she was hurt bad, wasn't she?" Clint asked softly. "Loki hurt her bad..."
"It's almost my birthday. You've forgotten most of the last year, if you think that just happened."Tony supplied, remembering that it had been just weeks after valetine's that they'd gotten together. Wrinkling his nose a little at the reminder that he was going to be 36 this year. Definitely not looking forward to being that old. "It's a tv show. You need to watch more tv."Tony decided looking amused as he glanced at natasha. "Hey, none of that." "Why not?We all know you're jumping your wife."Drayke pointed out, knowing tony was only harassing them to focus on something normal, and not worrying. "Thanks Drayke....my half brother."Catalina muttered a little looking up at thor, relaxing, realizing that they were indeed safe. Wincing a little as she was snuggled she shifted to get comfortable, relaxing all the more as she was surrounded by her lover, letting him lull her into a peaceful daze, content to just be with him, and not really paying attention to the other's talking, and for the moment refusing to consider why her stomach ached like she'd been gutted. the woman refusing to consider that she'd lost the baby, not wanting to confront that emotional mess yet. Tony winced at Clint's question, sharing a look with thor and pepper, not sure how to explain how badly hurt the woman was, if he didn't know she had been pregnant. Nodding hesitantly because he wasnt sure how clint would respond to the knowledge he swallowed hard. "yes..he did.He...let her father take her back to their house."The billionaire said quietly, not wanting to break the soft quiet mood, and not wanting to upset either of them, not sure how they'd react.
Clint looked so stunned that Natasha nearly started to laugh. "good lord your old." Clint teased with smirk as he gently nuzzled Cat, well aware that she wasn't paying any attention at all. "i hate TV, i only watch movies with Cat because i get to be all snuggly with her and because there are usually explosions." he admitted with a grin. "so Natasha is finally getting laid?" Natasha sighed. "no." she complained mournfully. "every-time i try, Tony interrupts." "that bastard." "completely so." there was no need to admit they'd only tried for it the once so far. "Drayke? what kind of cocked up name is Drayke?" Clint asked, looking amused as Natasha glared at him. "it's a sophisticated and original name you overgrown neanderthal!" Natasha complained, watching Cat doze with a small smile. they all winced at Clint's question and when Clint didn't outwardly seam to react, it was Jessica who realized what he was doing. he was gritting his teeth so hard she thought he might break one, so that he didn't disturb or wake up Cat. "give him a moment." Jessica ordered softly when Bruce stepped forward to make sure Clint hadn't passed out.

"it took her almost an hour to go back in that house." Clint whispered softly as he gently nuzzled Cat's hair, checking to make sure she was still dozing. "she was so scared that i had to hold her the entire time we where in there." he admitted softly, gently setting a hand on her belly as tears welled up as he felt that her belly was flat. he cried silently, not wanting to disturb Cat and Jessica gently took his free hand, holding it, comforting him the only way she could at the moment. in the morning, it would be worse. but Clint and Cat where both in severe shock, and weren't processing properly. "let them sleep." Jessica murmured softly as Bruce, Thor, Natasha and Pepper all settled into the various beds in the room. none of them wanted to leave the two hurt teammates alone.
"I am. But you must admit, I make old age look good."Tony snickered a little before smiling. "I watch the romance movies for the same reasons. Though not the explosions. I get cuddled."The billionaire smiled slightly before shooting a look at natasha. "Hey, dont blame me."Tony sulked. "Who else are we supposed to blame?"drayke grumbled wrapping a arm around natasha's shoulders, pressing a kiss to her head before loking at clint, "It's better then Hawk or Cat. What kind of names are those?"He teased looking amused before wincing as he realized clint was going to be lucky if he didn't break a tooth. "...I don't think frigga's a dentist, careful you might break a teeth."He muttered before doing his own teeth grinding as he realized just how scared Catalina had to have been at being stuck in a house it had taken her a hour to think about going into. "...Can I burn the place?"He said after a moment smiling slightly as catalina responded a little to clint's nuzzle, but she was definitely still dozing, even as she turned a little into clint's touch. "We'll be here when you get up..."Tony muttered resting a hand on the man's shoulder for a moment before moving to lay down with pepper, sighing quietly. "Clint better apperciate this, I think I'm to old for sleepovers.."He muttered in pepper's hair as he snuggled into his wife, yawning as he drifted off to sleep.

In the morning cat stirred a little, waking in the quiet. Shifting she hid more under both clint's muscular arm-knowing where she was, there was no mistaking the body wrapped so tightly around hers- and the blanket. making a quiet little hiding place for herself. "Hawk?"She muttered after a moment shifting turning to face him, wincing as the move made her whole body ache, even as she snuggled against his chest.Glad that they were alone....well as alone as you could get with a roomful of sleeping avengers.
Clint rolled his eyes. "not really." he admitted with a snort. "i refuse to sit through romance movies. the girls can watch those on their own." he grumbled, shaking his head. "my name is Clint, and Catalina is a beautiful name you jerk. don't pick on your sister." Clint chastised, Natasha snickering. "you didn't even know who he was ten minutes ago." "and you have then since informed me. don't pick on your sister." he ordered before grinding his teeth. "you don't know what happened there, do you?" Clint asked, watching Drayke. "no, i guess you don't. not many do from what i understand, it's all very covered up." he admitted softly. "she's never really forgiven herself for it." Clint admitted, shaking his head. "no you can't burn it. not yet, when Cat's feeling better you can make her the offer, but i think she'll want to do it herself, if she wants to at all... there are many bad memories there, but there are many good ones too." he admitted before he offered Tony a small smile, gripping the man's hand suddenly. "you're my best freind... you know that don't you?" Clint asked softly. "i hate your guts, but you've always been there to help me, and Cat too... thank you." he whispered softly before he hunkered down for sleep.

he shuddered as she spoke and he blinked at her stupidly for a long moment, as he normally did when she woke him before he was ready to be woken. it took his brain a lot longer to catch up in the mornings. "uhmmm, whussit?" he asked sluggishly, yawning a little. "want Coffee." he groaned as he tucked himself a little tighter around her. "love you... g' back 'sleep. head hurts." he grumbled. "'s early."
Drayke grinned looking amused at clint's words. "No, I don't. I know what it cost her to survive...but..."Drayke looked away, "she's my half sister. I didn't know she existed until she was 16. By then she refused to talk about it, and no one could ever tell me what happened. After awhile...I just set it aside, in favor of taking care of her."He shrugged guilt showing in his face, hating himself for having not known his little sister for so long, or the brothers he had lost even before he'd known they existed, before smiling a little. "I'll ask her." Tony started a little looking down at clint, smiling slightly. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I hate you to, birdbrain,you're welcome...and get some sleep."Tony said offering him a amused smile, because while he might say the words, he at least didn't mean them. Clint might annoy him some days, especially when he wouldn't leave the kid thing alone, but he loved the man like a brother....not that he'd ever admit it.

"Nothing...just making sure its you."She muttered shifting, getting comfortable again yawning."Love you to..."She muttered settling back in to get some sleep, content to just doze and snuggle. Stirring though when she smelled food, "Food...clint...get me food..."She grumbled not about to leave her hiding spot, but having not eaten well since she'd been in loki's care, the woman was starving.
Clint smiled at Drayke. "you where there for her when she needed you the most. it doesn't matter if she knew her relation to you at the time. you gave her the love and support she needed, and that's a lot more than some could say. she might tell you someday, she might not, but it's not something you need to be so concerned about. just be there for her. that's what she needs the most." he promised Drayke. he would never admit it, but he loved Tony like he was the big brother he'd never had, but had always wanted. it might be late in life, but Clint truly loved Tony like family, and he looked up to and respected the Iron man a great deal. not that he'd ever admit that either.

Hawk smiled a little. "'t's me." he mumbled. "although..." he frowned after a moment. "my names not really Hawk but i..." he frowned harder, looking even more confused. "i can't seem to recall what my real name is..." he muttered, head cocked before shrugging and settling down. "oh, right, Clint Barton... i remember now." he mumbled sleepily, whining when she ordered him up. thankfully he didn't have to go far, as several very beautiful elves walked in with food trays. they where white as snow, had long pointed ears and eyes that looked like polished gemstones. even their hair was lily white. "good morning. how are you feeling today?" Frigga asked both Cat and Clint as the Elves deposited the food trays next to each bed before leaving. "don't mind the Ealfs. they don't speak to anyone." she explained with a smile. "they are the punished. servants and are forbidden from communicating with anyone." she admitted, gently checking Clint's pupil reaction. "still a bit slow. how is your memory?" "i forgot my name." Clint admitted. "but i remembered it when Cat said ,y first name." he assured the woman, Frigga nodding. "you'll forget some very odd things as your brain heals." she admitted. "you might even get full blown amnesia here and there, but your brain is healing perfectly well, and so is your skull." she admitted before looking at Cat. "physically, you are completely healed and can come and go as you like. Clint has to stay in bed, his head injury will make it impossible for him to stand under his own power." Clint had to grumble about that, he wanted to take a shower.
"No its not but I always call you hawk."cat said worming around under the covers until she was face to face with him worry darkening her face as she studied him.grinning when he brought backc food,looking curiously at the elves."thank you."she smiled at the serents even knowing the couldn't answer before focusing on frigga."I'm.."she stopped tears filling her eyes as she looked down at he plate she'd picked up,trembling ever so slightly. Worry on her face as she looked at clint."its okay..I'll take care of you if you forget."she muttered looking concerned on how he'd react to his condition."we'll get tony to help you into a bath. You can wash up at least.."she muttered before looking at frigga,trembling harder."...I'm not pregnant still am I?"she said quirtly voicing the truth she already knew,needing to hear it outloud
he smiled a little and nodded. "it's alright>" he promised, stroking the worry out of her face. "...i don't want to forget you." he whispered, looking frightened, nearly jumping out of his skin when Frigga gently patted him on the knee. "worry not." she assured him. "if you do forget her, it will last two or three days at the most, and will more than likely only last a few hours." she promised him. "you won't forget for very long, it's just your brain healing." she promised. "you have a great many freinds, they will help you both." she promised before her face fell and she gently took Catalina's hand. "i am very sorry, little one. the babe has joined Hela." Frigga admitted softly. "from what i understand, Hela is raising her personally, i have convinced Odin to allow special visitors only in to see Hela." she admitted with a smile. "in a few months, when the babe is properly formed, Thor will take you to Hela, so you can see your child." Friga promised. "and when you die, i am certain that you will go to Vanheim, Heaven to the warriors and the true of heart. protectors of the innocent. when you go there, the Child will follow." Frigga promised softly. "you have not lost her, she is simply far away." she promised, hoping that would help the parents. "we can still hold her?" he asked softly, voice choked with tears. "we can still see her?... why can't..." he swallowed thickly. "why can't Hela bring her back?" "oh Little One, i am sorry. but the babe's body wasn't formed enough. there is now, no body for the babe to return to. i am sorry." Clint just nodded and held Cat tightly, letting her cry into his chest.
"Well if you do forget,we'll just have to do everthing for the first time again."she teased laughing a little as he jumped. Studying the other womsn she swallowed hard even as tears slid down her face."...her?it was a little girl?"she shuddered shifting,pressing her face into his chest. Guilt of having lost the babe,pain of losing her,and fury that loki and her father had cost her so much,nearly broken the life she'd created for herself. "...I don't want to. I..I can't...I can't see her."she said quietly hoping clint would understand. She'd tried so hard to outrun her past,had been slowly dealing with it...now to have her father rob her of their child, had ripped about the fragilr strands of her sanity...she was barely holding on. Maybe with time, as she recovered,he would be able to. Butt right noe the thought of seeing their daughter crippled her. It wasn't her body that her father and loki had hurt the most,but her mind, the precious child she'd carried for months,the memoty of feeling her child, were tainted to her. She'd have to work had to be sane again...it was a good thing she had more friends this time around then she did the first time her father had destroyed her life."I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.."she cried clinging to thr only solid thing in her life anymore,clint.
Clint smiled a little. "that would be fun." he agreed with a nod before he swallowed thickly. "a little girl." he muttered softly as he rubbed her back, closing his eyes as he swallowed thickly. "hush, Cat. shh it's alright. you don't have to see her." he promised her. "i'm sure Thor can give us updates on her." he murmured softly. "Hela seams like a wonderful young woman." he admitted softly, well aware that Cat felt guilty, it wasn't her fault, but he'd never convince her of that. not now when it was so raw and fresh. "there's nothing to be sorry for." he promised softly, holding her tightly. "i love you." he mumbled softly, kissing her forehead. "always and forever, remember?" he asked her with a smile as he touched her finger, the one with the ring on it. he held her until she fell asleep, and curled up with her, too frightened to sleep himself. afraid he wouldn't remember her when he woke up. so he lay there, listening to the others as they slowly woke up and gently stroked Cat's hair, struggling to stay awake. he was so relieved when he woke up to Cat's shifting. he knew who she was!... he wasn't sure who the people around him where, but he knew Cat at least. he uttered a sharp warning snarl when a pretty man with black hair and blue eyes got too close, and a blond woman blinked at him, looking surprised. "Clint?" she asked, Clint narrowing his eyes at her as he carefully situated himself over his hurting fiance. "who are you, where am i, and why have you kidnapped us!?" "...he doesn't remember us?" Bruce asked, not that Clint knew him. "Clint, do you remember Cat?" "yes, she's my girlfriend... sorry, Fiance. now who the hell are you?" "well at least he remembers cat."
Catalina whimpered quietly pressing her face into his chest. "She does.She'll be good, and thor will make sure she's okay with the baby."She sniffled shuddering a little before relaxing, sighing softly at his question, snuggling him as she nodded,"Forever."She muttered gripping his shirt tightly even as she drifted off to sleep. When he woke,Drayke paused tilting his head slightly as he stopped a few feet from the bed, swallowing hard to keep from laughing at the man hovering over his sister to hide her from view, not that it was hard to do considering that Catalina was mostly hiding under the blanket and clint's arms anyways. "I'm Drayke. That's bruce, and Jessica. You're in elfheim, a guest of Thor's. And we haven't kidnapped you, you were hurt, so we brought you here to heal."Drayke explained smiling slightly at clint's words, glancing at jessica. "I don't think it's possible for him to forget Cat. He might not know who the rest of us are, but he knows her. He'll trust her."Drayke said looking lsightly relieved as if cat could convince him they were okay, they might not have to keep him from killing them. "...you're all being loud."Catalina muttered shifting, not protesting clint hiding her, but shifting to snuggle closer.
Clint narrowed his eyes at Drayke, baring his teeth at the man in a way Clint hadn't done since he was sixteen. "Clint, for god's sake quite that, you're not a wild animal." "...Nat?" Clint asked, focusing intently on Natasha before relaxing completely. "i was raised Wild, i'll do as i want." "...damn... how old are you Clint?" Natasha asked, lifting an eyebrow as Clint frowned. "fifteen... i think." he muttered, scowling. "no i..." he cocked his head to the side. "no i'm old now... i met Cat when i was old..." he mumbled, confused and disoriented. "i was hurt?" he asked, looking at Natasha who nodded. "took a pretty good clunk to the head." she admitted. "you're memories will be spotty for a little while, but don't worry, everyone in this room you can trust." she promised with a smile. "yeah! you're all being loud, so shut up!" "...i forgot how much of a bitch he was to deal with when he was a teen." Nat muttered, shaking her head. "he 'collected' me when i was eight, he was fourteen at the time." she admitted. "he was ever the moody little bastard." "i can hear you." "i don't care. eat your food and try not to move so much, you'll get dizzy. this is Drayke by the way, he's going to help you into a bath later." Clint paused and scowled. "when was the last time i had a bath anyway? i feel... filthy." he complained, making a face as Clint gently roused Cat, murmuring that she needed to eat before she went back to sleep. "well you've been out cold for a few days. we didn't dare move you." Nat admitted. "so you really need a bath. Bruce will help you in the actual bath if you need it." she promised and Clint nodded and sipped on his soup. both him and cat where limited to soup filled with overly soft vegetables filled with various impressive healing herbs and spices that made the soup taste far better than any meat dish Clint had ever had.
"he's acting like one though."Drayke said looking thoughtful, biting his lip to keep from laughing. Turning to look at natasha he smiled slightly. "It seems they're well matched. I got bit more by a 16 year old cat, then I ever did by the family dog."He sulked a little before snickering. "you're 27. You're birthday's coming up actually."Cat muttered stirring, not wanting to be awake, but awake enough to know that they were talking. "He is fairly bitchy. Even I'm not this bad. Can we just gag him until he's out of his teenage years?"Tony whined from his bed, shifting to look at them, even though he didn't make any more to get up. He was to comfortable cuddling his wife, to worry about getting up yet. "I am?I thought Stark was going to help him."Drayke whined looking at natasha, "I feel like this is a punishment for something." "It is. For being a bastard. You're still to loud Dray."Catalina whined, growling quietly as clint woke her up even more, not wanting to move. Sitting up she sat as close as she could to clint without disturbing his ability to eat, quiet as she ate her own food, and like clint, she agreed it was far better then anything she'd had in awhile, and momentarily distracted from the pain of their loss, by listening to tony.

"...Did I ever tell you about the time I killed my car by landing on it?I was just learning how to use the suit, totally landed on it when the thrusters gave out. Almost as bad as Cat over there falling out of the nest."Tony said, hiding his grin against pepper's shoulder, knowing he was going to piss cat off, but he'd rather have her angry then sad. Besides, he knew what he was doing screwing with her emotions...at least he hoped he did. "I did not fall out of the nest!I fell off the ladder. And only because you were trying to get my attention and knocked me off."Catalina frowned at the narcissistic billionaire, swallowing hard. Tilting her head a little as she tried to shove the memories that surfaced, not at tony's words, but as her body healed, so did her mind, supplying her with the answers of exactly what had happened in that house. Struggling to focus on the people around her, on the people that were safe, that she trusted, instead of the house that had become her personal terror, not once, but twice.
Natasha smiled a little. "he was a bit of a Wild Animal when we first met." she admitted. "he even slept outside, much to Fury's annoyance. it was only taking care of me that calmed him enough to be mostly a person." she admitted. "you've noticed he growls when he's really angry? that's from living on the streets. he had to fight wild animals for his food." she admitted with a shrug. "i just had to fight other kids when i was on my own." she admitted. "twenty seven!? i can legally drink!" Clint declared, looking delighted as Natasha snorted. "you turned into an alcoholic and now Cat won't allow you to drink anything stronger than a flute of wine or champagne." "Damn." he grumbled, shaking his head. "oh well, that's alright then." he admitted with a yawn. "Gag me and die a horrible death." Clint stated, smirking at Tony. "you've seen what Natasha can do, yes? who do you think taught her all that?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "true she can kick my ass, but i'm still better than her at most everything." Natasha just nodded in agreement.

"Nest?" Clint asked, his head cocked tot he side curiously. "i have a tree-house? sweet, i always knew i was going to be a kick ass adult." "watch your language." Pepper scolded, Clint making a face but not arguing. "you shouldn't pick fun of Cat." Clint complained, glaring at Tony. "i'd hate to have to hurt you." "i forgot how possessive and protective he was as a teenager." Natasha muttered. "once, some boy kissed me, it upset me... Clint put the guy in traction for a month." "i have anger issues." Clint stated with a shrug. he gently kissed Cat's forehead and nuzzled her gently, smiling a little. "you know... this could be an advantage." Natasha muttered suddenly. "Clint really should have died... we can claim he died. claim Cat killed herself... it would keep Loki from trying to hurt them again, and keep him focused on us..." Natasha murmured softly to Tony, low enough that neither Cat nor Clint could hear them. "we'd just have to get them to agree to it..."
"...oh gods. Can we make him younger? It's bad enough he's annoying sober. If we let him drink, he'll be more annoying then stark."Drayke whined a little before frowning, realizing just how bad off Clint had been before Cat had found him. "You can drink. Just not try to compete with Tony. You two were in the running to see who was the worst drunk. I don't tell you not to, I just don't spend tiem with you when you are drunk..."Catalina muttered not about to admit to the deep rooted fear behind that, at least not with everyone watching them. "I'm pretty sure I'm still the one who can stand up on my own, unlike you."Tony pointed out before smirking. "Well, she's probably better at sex. She's prettier." "...Tony. You have issues. Your wife is sitting in your lap, and you're hitting on someone else."Cat muttered rollign her eyes looking amused.

"You do. Sort of. It's in Stark tower, but you have a nest."Tony said looking amused before making a face. "You pick on her all the time." "Liar."Cat muttered sulking a little before giggling at natasha's story. "No wonder you died a virgin."She quipped looking amused, turning her head slightly, shuddering as she rested her cheek on clint's shoulder, letting his scent ground her into the present, in the knowledge that she wasn't in her home, that her hawk was there, and was keeping her safe.

"Do we have to ask them?I mean, I do alot of things without telling them."Tony muttered though he looked curious about it, frowning. "Loki's not stupid. He'd expect something like this....but maybe we can fool him..."He said looking curious, the genius already starting to try to figure out how to make it work, because he had a sense of loki, and he wouldn't put it past the man to show up-even with the avengers attending- at the 'funeral' of the two assassins. "We need a body. I mean we cant bury a empty casket, and he'd recognize machine..."he muttered to himself, wondering if there was a way to make this work, because tony agreed, the two needed to die, he knew they couldn't take much more of a pounding. And aware enough of what had happened in that house, to know cat was functioning through sheer force of will to not acknowledge what happened.
Clint scowled at the other. "actually, he was worse when he was younger. i only knew him from fourteen and onward. Fury told me once that he was even worse when he was ten." Natasha admitted with a grin. "from what i hear, when they first brought him in he bit thirteen people and they all had to get rabies shots because they thought he had it." she admitted with a grin. "they never did get him the rabies shots because he nearly killed anyone who came at him with a needle." she admitted with a shrug. "so let's not go any younger unless he's in diap.... well, no, not that young either because i sure as hell am not changing him." she admitted, smirking at Tony and Pepper, the woman of said couple chuckling a little as she shook her head. she didn't care who Tony flirted with so long as his freinds didn't take exception to it. and since Tony didn't actually intend to bed any of them, she knew they wouldn't care. "Stark Tower?" Clint asked, looking baffled. "so long as i have someplace high." he stated with a shrug. "i would NEVER pick on Cat!" Clint stated, sounding quite horrified by the idea. "oh, hush." Natasha demanded. "i was TRYING to lose my virginity you know, but Tony makes it impossible."

"...they'll be pretty pissed off if we do it without telling them." she pointed out. "even more pissed off then us suggesting it... do you really want to have both Clint AND cat pissed off at you? because i don't." Natasha pointed out to Tony, Pepper snickering a little. "...we can't just pick up a dead body Tony." she grumbled, scowling. "and further, how would we get them to look like cat and Clint, without magic?" she demanded. "we can't preform face surgery on a corpse you know." she admitted. "and i doubt a mannikin would work." she muttered, biting her lip. "we could always say we Cremated them though." she mused. "burn two bodies, then no one could really know it was Clint and Cat. even with a DNA test."
“..That’s fairly amusing actually. I’m just glad I wasn’t around for it.”Drayke said snickering at the idea of clint biting everyone who got near him. “..I’m changing him either. That’s cat’s job.”Tony said looking at Natasha before smirking. Pressing a kiss to pepper’s hair, because he knew that no matter how much they complained about the flirting, he also knew that if he stopped, they would think something was wrong. “It’s definitely high. Highest damned building in new York. It appeals to Stark’s ego to be able to be seen from everyone.”Cat said looking amused. “Speaking of sex, can we go do that?I mean, these two aren’t going anywhere, and tony and pepper are here. Since they’re all aware we want to go lock ourselves in a room and have sex, lets go do it.”Drayke said grinning unrepentant in probably embarrassing her. “…Thanks drayke. I don’t want to know when you’re getting laid.”Cat whined a little.

Tony sighed looking at the two.”…no. Not really. I’d probably get pushed off a balcony or something.”tony said making a face at the assassin before frowning.”Why not?They sell them you know. Like for science. This is better then just donating your body to science, we’re using it to save someone.”Tony said looking sulky at having them gang up on him while he was thinking. “…we could do that. Even fake the DNA. I will work on this.”Toyn said before sighing, looking at Natasha. “We’ll ask them later, I’m not going home for a few days, and the less time they have to think it over, the better.”He said knowing that the two would go back and forth on the idea if they gave cat enough time to think it through. If they gave them a limited amount of time, then it would be okay. Glancing up at Natasha he smirked, "Go. Workout. Go have sex or something, I'm working on something."he said as he worked on the mental thought, having been thinking about it since cat went missing, but this was the first time he'd been calm enough to actually figure it out.
Clint scowled at Drayke. "there's nothing saying i can't bite YOU." he warned, narrowing his eyes at the other. "and no one's changing MY nappies, thank you very much." Clint sneered, shaking his head. "i can understand that. i love to be up high." he admitted with a smile. "although, i don't have much of an Ego anymore after Natasha keeps whooping my ass." Natasha snickered a little at that. "...Drayke, honestly." Natasha complained, rolling her eyes. "that is not in the least bit romantic and now you owe me FOUR dates before i will forgive you." she stated with a sniff, flashing him an amused smirk before glancing at Tony.

"they do?" she asked, looking surprised. "they actually sell bodies?" "no. they're donated." Pepper stated simply, yawning. "but it's not a bad idea." Pepper admitted and Natasha nodded. "we'll tell them right before we leave that they need more time to recover so we're faking their deaths so that they can stay here safe for a while and give us the edge on Loki." she smirked a little. "it will be perfect." she muttered before going back over to Drayke and giving him a sound kiss.

three days later. things had gotten, tense. as Clint had woken as a timid six year old and was now hiding in a closet and refusing to come out. fearful of the 'strangers' and the strange place he had woken up to, and terrified his mother was going to come and see him out of his 'punishment'. he was so terrified of everyone, that he cringed and whimpered whenever someone opened the door, so they finally just closed it and left him be in there, hoping he'd recall them when he woke up next. Jessica and Natasha where both staying with Cat, well aware of how traumatizing it would be for Clint to be so frightened of her.
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