
he watched her intently before looking a little annoyed. "of course i want you in my bed! but i'd prefer you actually touching me while we're in it, instead of curling up into a little fetal ball as if i'm going to hit you." he complained. "it makes me feel horrible..." he admitted as he watched her before scowling. "it would not! no sixteen year old boy with Zits is going to threaten my daughters innocence!" he growled before pausing. "ok maybe it is a little over the top..." well, he actually seamed... excited, about having a baby now. "good, i'm glad." he muttered, letting her crawl into his lap as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead as Jessica walked in, looking quite flushed. "sorry i'm late..." "...you did it, didn't you?" Clint asked, sounding amused as Jessica went bright red. "yes... yes i did... i know i shouldn't have but he was giving me these adorable panicked looks every time i talked to him! he was so cute! i HAD to kiss him!"

Natasha smirked a little. "i know right? but he did. it was awful, he looked SO mortified and confused!" she admitted, clearly fighting not to laugh. "and of course i told you, your probobly the only person in this entire damn building besides Cat who would understand what prime material this is." she admitted with a grin. "first it's blackmail for when i want something, and then it's prime teasing ammunition." she admitted with a grin. "...i read about what happened to her, in the newspaper i mean... when people where actually thinking she and Clint and Tony where in a triangle... i mean, talk about gross. Cat has WAY better taste then Stark." she admitted, looking up at th ceiling. "i wish we could find Loki, that would take a lot of the stress off of her and she wouldn't be having such an emotional breakdown i think. if i could just find that antler wearing son of a bitch, i'd make his insides his outsides."
Catalina flinched a little at his complaint, sighing quietly.”I’m sorry.”She muttered shuddering a little,”I’m trying,hawk, I am…I just cant…think…”she shuddered before giggling.”you could give tony a run for his money,drama queen.”she teased, but relaxing. “we don’t even know yet. I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon...I..made it this morning.Decided I had to get out of the tower for a bit.”she muttered blushing hard at the admittance, showing that she was indeed aware of just how cut off she’d made herself, but her desire to know if she was pregnant or not, had driven her to make it. Looking up at jessica she studied the woman before smirking. “That’s cause featherbrain and brainless told him that you were giving him the ‘look’. And that it meant you wanted him to fuck you…tony had the most interesting things to tell me yesterday, when he called.”She said, because while she hadn’t wanted to see anyone, tony stark was irresistible and demanding, and well…it was his tower, with Jarvis in it…she hadn’t been able to not listen to the man ramble for awhile. “….Drayke’s my half brother….and did clint tell you what else happened?”She muttered from her hiding place in clint’s lap, as much as she was willing to talk, she wasn’t letting go of her safety blanket, that was no longer a blanket, but a living, breathing hawk that she knew would give everything to protect her.

“Now that, truly is mortifying. Poor Clint.”Drayke said shaking his head sadly, though the wicked humor said he was as amused as she was. “Oh. Now that is a good thing. Think I could bribe him not to have sex in rooms I have to go into with it?I mean, I want to bleach the archery room. We should get him to not want to do anything in there.”Drayke said warming to the idea of blackmailing clint. Watching natasha’s face he nodded a little, “I read it to….and its not half the story. There are only three people who know everything that happened in that house, and my father is insane these days, and clint and cat aren’t talking.Whatever it is…its scarred her…and you see the results.”He sighed tiredly, pained because he knew part of the reason catalina didn’t want to see him was that now that she knew to look for it, she would be able to pick out the similiarties between her and their father. “….Its not so gross. Stark’s got the good looks, the sex appeal, and he’s richer then god…I mean, if I wanted to jump a guy-and I don’t- he’d be a good choice….if I wanted a STD.” “I heard that vahanian.”Tony scowled as he walked into the gym, dressed for his workout. While he didn’t do a as intense as workout as the assassins, he did work to stay in shape. “He does look like a reindeer doesn’t he?”Drayke mused looking thoughtful as he considered the asgardian.
he smiled. "i know you are, and i'm very proud of you." he admitted with a smile. "i just think that Jessica can help you more than i can... i... trust her." he admitted, making a face. "just, don't tell her i said that, i still don't like her." he grumbled before he offered her a grin. "yeah? can i go with?" he asked, squirming as he kissed her cheek. "they did what?" Jessica asked, looking surprised before she snorted. "well that would explain it... and it's not like it wasn't true." she admitted with a grin. "it's hard to keep Tony out isn't it? the idiot man woke me up at three in the morning last night asking me if i wanted a Panini..." she grumbled. "i nearly brained him with my Therapists award." she admitted with a grin before she sobered and looked at Cat. "Drayke told me, yes. well, Natasha told me. she was the one who demanded Drayke tell you, because she didn't want to lie to you." Jessica admitted. "and yes, Clint did tell me. he was completely terrified, and i can't blame him with the childhood he's had." "isn't there supposed to be doctor patient confidentiality? i really don't think Cat needs to know that i thought i was going to be a bad father because i had daddy/mommy issues..." he grumbled, flushing bright red.

Natasha grinned a little and nodded. "my thoughts exactly. we might not be able to stop them from... fornicating, but at least we can keep them out of the public areas." she mused before she sobered and nodded. "i know that she left a good deal of it out, and i honestly don't think we need to know. when she trusts us more, she might be willing to share, but i don't know if i really want to know what that man is capable of. no offense but your father is a psychopath." she admitted with a sigh. "your too gorgeous for Tony, he'd have a complex." she teased with a grin. "he can't date people who are prettier than him." she admitted with a smirk. "good morning Stark, did you sleep well, or did the Chloroform i gave you for waking me up at three thirty in the morning asking me if i wanted a panini not do it for you? what the hell is a panini anyway?"
“I wont. Though she is trained to help people, she might have figured it out.”She giggled before nodding, “You can.We have a few hours. Thought we could have lunch out or something.”She muttered before giggling at jessica’s surprised look. “Wait…how did tony say it…oh yea. “It was that look cat gives me when I walk out of the shower, like I’m her favorite dessert.’ It seems they had the most interesting things to help your oblivious scientist to figure out what to do.”catalina snickered amused because she knew she was getting both her boyfriend and tony in trouble before nodding. “He deserves brained sometimes. I sometimes think his intelligence gets in the way of normal behavior.”She griggled before sighing softly, resting her head on clint’s chest. “Oh. Well…that makes sense. It just annoys me he didn’t tell me earlier. For god’s sake, I lived in his house for 4 years…you’d think somewhere in there he would have thought to tell me…”She sulked, because she knew why drayke hadn’t told her, even if she was sulking over it. Because it scared her to death now, years later. She knew what it would have done to her at 16, she just didn’t want to admit it. Leaning back to look up at clint, she raised a eyebrow. “I already knew you had issues, hawk. We’re good together. I have daddy issues to.”She muttered leaning up to kiss him, before sighing, looking at jessica as she leaned back into his arms. “…what if he’s as bad as my father jess?I cant…I don’t want to…I mean…”She struggled to get the thoughts sorted, trying to explain why and how she’d freaked out so badly that not even clint could get to her, before huffing out a sigh in frustration.

“Good. Cause not even stark has enough money to cover the cost of that much bleach if they keep it up.”She grumbled before studying Natasha nodding slowly. “I don’t want to know honesty, it’ll mess my head up even more then already knowing some of it.”He grumbled before snickering. “None taken. I’m perfectly aware of what my father is.”he said before laughing. “I am gorgeous aren’t I?”Drayke mused. “And you say I have a ego.He’s not prettier then me.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he started working out on the punching bag before smirking. “I slept fine. Actually better then I have in months.”he said and it was true, even before the stress of the last few months, he’d been a insomniac, his brilliance keeping him moving, keeping him thinking to much that it often kept him up for days on end. Stress just made it worse. Smirking at her question he looked over at her.”Do you want one?I can make one. It’s a toasted sandwich.”
he smiled a little. "i'd like that." he agreed with a nod. "a nice normal date... well, as normal as you can get with us." he muttered with a smile. "we'll get some Tiramisu." he promised with a smile before he smirked and licked his lips. "i love that look." "i don't look at him like that! do i?" Jessica asked, looking shocked as Clint laughed and nodded. "you SO do." he admitted with a grin. before snuggling with Cat, offering her all the comfort he could. "i don't think that your mad that they didn't tell you. i think your made because you know they made the right decision in lying to you." Jessica stated. "you know they where right, because they knew you would panic." Jessica said calmly as Clint grimaced. "yeah well... i had horrible horrible images in my head of me going insane like my mother and selling my only child to be a whore on the street..." he grumbled. "i'm not known for my intelligence you know..." Clint complained before Jessica smiled. "Cat, tell me. do you think that the young man who protected you from those school yard bullies, who taught you how to fight when you where afraid, who showed you where the best place to get hot chocolate from, who showed you how to cook, and how to use a bow... do you really think that young man, could be anything like your father?"

"i know, it's really gross." Natasha grumbled. "i never wanted to know that my big brother has a tattoo on his ass." she grumbled, shaking her head, wondering if Cat had even noticed the blue rose on Clint's left ass cheek. "well, at the risk of inflating that Ego of yours, you are rather beautiful for a man." she admitted with a smirk. "and he is SO prettier than you Stark. hell, the Hulk is prettier than you." Natasha teased with a grin. "keep it up stark, and i'll dose you again." Natasha warned, rolling her eyes before sighing as her stomach growled. "actually that does sound kind of good. alright lets go make Panini then." she decided as she unwrapped her hands and wiped the sweat off with a towel. "sometimes Stark, i worry that your more insane than normal insanity." because apparently there was a 'normal' kind of insane... maye it was Natasha who was insane?
“hmmm…tiramisu sounds amazing.”She muttered laughing as he mused on the look. Grinning at jessica she nodded.”Definitely. its quite amusing…and brings up a disturbing question of how awesome the sex would be. I mean. He’s like a green beast half the time. That would be awkward somehow. Though not as awkward as Stark having sex….did you know stark’ll answer the phone in the middle of sex?Its fairly disturbing.”Catalina said smiling a little, trying to not think about things before sighing. “…am not….”She sulked because she knew they were right. Nuzzling her boyfriend she smiled a little. “I know. But you’d never do that. You know that. We all know that.”She smiled slightly, hugging him. Looking thoughtful before sighing. “…no.”she sulked because she knew that jessica was right, she was angry because they’d lied, and that she knew it had been the right decision. “…he showed me how to fight back….”She muttered realizing why the 24 year old had done what had seemed at the time a huge favor, to a girl who’d had no friends, having Drayke Vahanian show up at school to teach her how to use a bow during gym class had been a treat because it was the first time anyone had ever wanted to be her friend. Only looking back now, did she realize it had been a brother’s only option in protecting his hurting sister. Sighing quietly she nodded.”I’ll talk to him…later. We have a doctor’s appointment to go to and I want to get a shower first.”She muttered turning to look up at clint smirking a little, giving him that look, the one they’d been talking about before looking at jessica.”And yes, that’s the look you give bruce. Its quite endearing and cute, really.”She teased her best friend.

“….I could have lived without knowing that. Thanks Nat.”Drayke grumbled. “I know. People keep telling me. Not that many people could be lying.”he smirked before laughing at tony and natasha’s bantering. “The only person who thinks the hulk is prettier then me, is Jessica. And she just wants to jump banner.”Tony said rolling his eyes before raising a eyebrow. “Would you?I could totally get some sleep. The regular sleeping drugs quit working years ago.”He chirped before rolling his eyes, toweling off himself before tossing his boxing gloves down.”Come on then.I’ll cook.”he said as the three headed for the kitchen."...Normal insanity?Are you sure its not you who’s insane?”drayke teased looking amused as tony set about making the Panini
he grinned. "Tiramisu is always amazing. and i know this little Cafe that sells it next to their cakes and custards." he admitted with a grin. "ok, gross. now your just trying to make me green with nausia." "...oh yes, you two are so funny." Jessica complained with a roll of her eyes. "so funny i forgot to laugh." she muttered dryly before grinning at Cat. "there, you see? Drayke has always tried his best to protect you. even now, he's doing his best to help you. did you know it was him who asked Fury to give you more traning?" she asked with smile as Clint looked up, shocked. "how does Fury know Drayke?" he asked, Jessica shrugging. "i don't know." she admitted. "you'll have to ask Drayke or Fury." she admitted before smiling at Cat. "no more hiding?" she asked hopefully. "because we've missed our movie night, and i really want someone to talk girly things to. Nat is... well, not all that girly." she admitted with a pout. "she doesn't even understand why Cocoa butter lotion is better than the others are." she complained. "and she hates romance movies." she paused. "i wonder if Bruce would watch romance movies with me?" she wondered before shrugging. "go take your shower, i'm going to go kiss Bruce again and make him take me to the movies." Clint had to snicker at that.

Nat smirked. "your most welcome." she teased before she shrugged. "well, we could be playing one massive prank on you, being the new guy and all, but i doubt Clint would go that far just to screw with your head." she teased with a grin. "sure i can get you another dose of Chloroform. you can't use it too much or it could cause permanent brain damage, but since your already brain damaged you have to be even more careful." she warned with a smirk. "good because i'm hungry, oh Jessica! how did things go?" "much better." Jessica admitted with a smile. "Clint used the guilt trip to get her to talk to me and i think we worked out most of the issues she's been having." she admitted. "Stark's cooking? great, i'm hungry, Clint and Cat are going out for lunch to try and reconnect." she left out the pregnancy scare, no need to worry anyone until Cat knew for sure. and even then, she couldn't really say anything because they had only talked about it in her capacity as a therapist, not as a freind. it wasn't her secrete to share. "of course i'm insane. i've lived with Clint all my life, how could i not be insane? hand me the milk would you?"
“What?”Cat sputtered looking surprised that drayke had been the one to get her in her before looking at clint, shrugging a little. “He was special forces. I would bet good money he met him while in the service.”She muttered before nodding slighjtly, “No more hiding.”She said resting her head against clint’s shoulder, giggling. “…what?We’re going to have to educate her on why its better. And watch good movies with.”She decided before smirking, “I’m sure he would. If you would stop giving him those ‘fuck me’ looks, you might even get all the way through one.”She teased before nodding.”I’ll talk to you after we get back.”She said smiling as she hustled her boyfriend into the shower. Content to just shower, but after, while she was dressing she paused, tilting her head a little as she stared at his ass.”…is that a tattoo?Of a flower?”she said her voice holding laughter, for the first time in a week truly calm and back to herself. Shuddering a little she smiled.”…ready to go?”She asked, nervous about actually going to the doctor’s.

“Nah, barton wouldn’t miss just to screw with me.”He snickered looking amused. Looking up at jessica, pleased with the fact that catalina had indeed talked, even if it hadn’t been to him. “Good.”He said smiling slightly before looking at tony as the man set the panini’s in front of them.”Who said I was cooking for you?”Tony said smirking at the therapist looking amused as he past over the milk before smirking.”very true. Putting up with him has been driving me up the walls.”He said still studying jessica, sensing she wasn’t telling them something, but not sure what.
Clint grinned a little. "well, Fury does do a lot of scouting in the military forces, he probobly tried to recruit Drayke, but he refused for some reason. Fury never did take 'no' very well. he's probobly been sniffing Drayke's tail for a while now." he mused. "as long as you leave me out of the Feng shui and Yoga and why Lufa are better than whatever, i don't care what torture you subject Natasha to." he admitted with a grin. "and you know, she might stop giving him those looks if he just stopped being a pansy and screwed her." "Clint Barton!" Jessica complained. "i am a lady!... we use proper words..." she smirked at Cat. "i want him to fuck me into the mattress and..." "OK! i'm out!" Clint declared, carefully setting Cat to her feet and leaving before Jessica got anymore vulgar. "huh? oh, yeah." he admitted with a blush. "it was for Nat's twenty first birthday. we got completely hammered and we each got a Tattoo. i got the rose and she got the very tasteful ankle chain." he admitted with a chuckle. "the blue rose is Nat's favorite flower." he admitted. "i was actually thinking of getting another one." he admitted. though he didn't say what he wanted to get. "totally ready to go."

she nodded. "good point." she agreed, shaking her head a little. "i did. or i'll psycho analyze you as well." Jessica warned, grinning at Tony because she knew the threat was barely a threat at all. "oh you love Clint and you know it." Jessica teased with a laugh, shaking her head. "i refuse to admit anything." Natasha stated as she gulped down her first glass of milk. where Clint had his fetish with Coffee, Natasha loved milk. she couldn't get enough of the stuff, and had a second glass with her panini. "well, alright i'll admit it, Panini are pretty nice." she admitted with a long suffering sigh.
“Its not nice disturbing my boyfriend.”Cat giggled as she watched clint flee from jessica rolling her eyes as she watched the woman leave. And she studied clint with amusement, raising a eyebrow before sulking. “I think I’m jealous you have another woman’s mark on you…even if its just Natasha.”She muttered sulking before sighing.”Lets go then.”She said quiet the whole way to the doctor’s, getting more nervous with each passing moment. And actually kicking clint out of the room, despite knowing it’d make him insane, for the exam and question session with the doctor. There was somethings she just couldn’t have clint around for.

Though she did let him back in the room as she waited for the doctor to return with the results of the test. Shifting to lean into his arms she snuggled into his chest, “She said it’d only be a few minutes.”She muttered trying hard to not be anxious. “So I did, ms. Santana.”The doctor smiled as she stepped back into the room, looking at the young couple in front of her, she smiled. While it was obvious that the man was older, he was completely attentive to his lover, and while it was mainly her job to take care of mother and child, she took her job seriously, and took to looking after not only her mothers physically, but making sure they were emotionally ready for the job ahead of them. “You are indeed pregnant. I have my nurse making up a bag of books about first time pregnancies. I try to give the new parents everything they need to get started.”The doctor smiled, looking amused.

“…You know I’d let you examine anything you wanted.”Tony grinned because it wouldn’t be the first time he was psycho analyzed, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. Tony was a classic narcissist, but he knew that jessica guessed there was deeper problems then his narcissism, but he was unwilling to discus them, ever. “I do not. He’s a fucking pain in my ass. I’m going to go broke buying enough bleach.” “…I agree. There’s not enough money in the world to clean everything.”Drayke whined looking annoyed before smirking as he ate his own Panini, nodding. “They are.” “Ha!you doubted. You shouldn’t have. I’m amazing in all things, not just sex.”Tony grinned looking amused as he started eating.
Clint smiled at her. "well i can't exactly have it removed you know." he admitted with a smile. "but i'll think of something." he promised, kissing her. he did indeed go insane when she kicked him out, he paced the waiting room with an almost manic derision. he practically ran back into the room once he was invited back inside and he cradled her when she leaned into him, holding her and mumbling comforting things in her ear. "...wow... we're going to be parents." he whispered, stunned and shocked and terrified and yet... overjoyed at the idea of having a baby that was a little him and Cat. "uh... there are books?" he asked, looking anxious. "are there any in there for me? like, how to take care of her? does she need to have any special food? i've heard that pregnant women need special food..." he bit his lip. "and baby books? like how to take care of babies? do you have any of those? there's something called swaddling and i know it's important i just can't... figure out why..." so he had been doing some research at least. "oh! we need to make a room for the baby... maybe we should buy a house?" he asked, looking even more anxious. "what if the baby doesn't like me? what if it, like, knows i'm a crappy father and hates me?"

Jessica smirked at him. "you couldn't handle your own insecurities Stark." she stated simply. "and don't bother getting bleach, jsut buy a machine that uses some sort of laser or something that sterilizes everything. imagine the money you could make on that. hospitals wouldn't have to worry about diseases spreading from room to room." she teased with a smile. "i will always doubt you, because you are a sick and twisted man who needs more help than i could give you in a thousand years. now if you'll excuse me, i have a man to seduce." "good luck Doc!" Natasha stated with a grin before examining Tony. "does your Ego even fit in this building?"
"Yea..we are.."cat muttered sounding a little shell shocked herself. Testing her head on his chest as she tried to come to terms with it.the doctor smiled nodding slightly. "There are. I always include what I call the 'dad' book.everything you need to know."she looked amuses and passed with clint's questions. It was always good when the father was involved. "No special food. Just healthy food, and whatever she's dancing let her have.it's her body.s way of telling her she needs something."swaddling is wrapping them in as blanket, making sure they're warm.don't worry, there's plenty of books." Catalina giggled a little playing her face into clint's chest amuses at how anxious he sounded."relax. We have time to figure out what to do....though maybe not a house...at least not with everything going on..." she sighed before pulling away smiling at the doctor."thank you.."she smiled as she headed for the door,tugging clint after her, eager to just be away and be somewhere safe and quiet enough for the woman to come to terms with being pregnant."are we still going to lunch?"she smiled slightly, nervous about his reaction now that they knew for sure she was pregnant.

"Hmmm..."Tony said the time making it obvious that the man want really passing attention, his mind already turning over what he'd need to do to create the machine."good luck...And stay out of public rooms!"drake called after her looking amuses as she left. "Why do you think the buildings so big? My who needed the room."Tony said absently. Drayke rolled his eyes amuses."we'll, we've lost Tony to inventing things, so what's next? Cause I'll go insane just sitting around for cat to get home."he had every intention of trying to talk to her, but for the moment willing to be distracted from worrying
he nodded a little, looking a little floored. "but, i mean, are there exercise limits because she's really going to hate it if she has to give up sparring. i mean, if i hit her in the shoulder when we're practicing our hand to hand is it going to hurt the baby or should i just... i dunno lock her in the bedroom and not let her lift a finger? can she still dance? because she's taking Ballet and she really likes Ballet. and why would wrapping a baby up in a blanket be a good thing, won't it suffocate? are you REALLY a doctor!? i want to see the little graduation thingy that Doctors get..." he demanded. he was the typical new dad. "o-kay, not a house, oh! but we could build a baby room! with hip tall walls so that the baby can crawl around when it's older, because baby's don't crawl right away right? but we can still see it, and it can sleep in there but we'll be able to see it and hear it and make sue it's always alright, right? that would be cool. with a really soft carpet and lots of soft blankets and pillows and toys that it can chew on, because babies chew on things i think..." he was just rambling now as he was tugged to the door. "oh we have to get a crip! a pretty one, one of the safe wooden ones, none of that plastic crap that shits out on you... oh! and we can't swear anymore because we don't want the baby to pick up any bad words... oh! yeah Lunch would be GREAT!" he agreed. he was in shock, but it was a happy shock. "are we going to tell anyone? i mean, do you want it to be a secrete for a while? i know that you have some things to work out with Drayke already, if you don't want me to say anything i won't... but i'll tell Jessica... and Natasha, i have to tell Natasha because she's always wanted to be an aunty, i can tell Jessica right? but we won't tell Tony because he's an ass and i don't like him... there's the Cafe up there, isn't it cute? they have great Tiramisu, and they have these grilled chicken dishes that i just love. and don't make any cannibalism jokes Tony's already all over that."

Natasha chuckled a little and shook her head. "i don't know, i could go back to kicking your ass if you like?" she offered with a grin. "or we could go spy on Jessica and Bruce, but that could end badly." "you could come with me?" Steve offered with a grin. "Stephan owns a Ranch and he was going to let me ride in the backwoods." he admitted. "i haven't been on a horse since the War..." he paused. "not very good thing to think about, but it could be fun. he's got all sorts of fun animals." "...i thought he was a stripper?" "oh the stripping is just to pay the bills. the Ranching he does because he loves it." Steve admitted with a grin.
"For a few months, she can do what she wants. As long as she feels okay doing it, let her do it." "even sparring?" "For a few months.And the ballet will be fine, but as you get farther along, you will find your balance off. You might want to stop then."The doctor smiled looking amused, "And not all the way wrapped, just the body, make sure they stay warm."The doctor said seriously, answering questions, because she was used to first time dad's. "And no, babies dont crawl right away.Good luck."She smiled at cat as the two left, looking amused. They were going to be okay. "We'll get the best money could buy. We're making tony foot the bill. Might as well."Catalina said looking amused as she wrapped a arm around clint's waist as they walked, biting her lip a little. "I...I guess we can tell everyone."She tilted her head a little. "How about we call, and tell them we have something to announce, and that we want to have dinner all together tonight?"She said biting her lip, because while she was having a hard time working her head around drayke being her brother, she could do this. and she wanted her friends, who had become family, there to celebrate this. "Oh, you dont like tony do you?"She teased as they headed into the cafe. "It is fairly cute. And...I dont think its cannibalism, really, you're a hawk. Hawkes eat everything, even chickens."She mused as she went to the counter to get a small plate of tiramisu and a plate of chicken, settling at the table with a smile even as she dialed natasha's phone."Nat?"

"no, I would like to give my ego a chance to recover."Drayke said making a face, before nodding. "I think that would be fun. Lets go."Drayke said finding something fairly amusing about a stripper owning a ranch, somehow that was just funny. Not that he was going to laugh at steve, cause the man looked so happy to have someone.Raising a eyebrow as Natasha's phone went off
Clint grinned. "great! i can still completely humiliate you." he chirped happily. "and then i get to wait on you hand and foot, it will be great!" he decided happily. "oh! and when you're too full of baby to keep doing Ballet, i've heard that Yoga and Tai Chi are things you can practice even when your nine months pregnant." he grinned. "you can't do some of the more sexy poses, but it will keep you active and it's supposed to be really good for you and for the baby." he admitted happily. "i'll even do it with you! and there's something called Lamaze... i don't know what it is, but it sounds fun." he admitted, clapping. "we have to have a baby shower! i don't know what that is but i know we get free things and a cake!" he admitted with a grin. "i'm really kind of excited, and terrified, and i feel a little sick, but excited!" he admitted happily. "no, i don't like Tony, he's to stay away, he'll corrupt our baby." he complained with a sniff before he grinned at her. "you make the call and i'll carry our food to the Table, inside or outside? oh... can Fury come? he's going to be like, the biggest support i have besides you, so... well, Nat will try but she's... not very good at it."

Nat grinned at him. "your Ego will never recover." she teased as she drank the last bit of milk. "i'd love to go horseback riding." she agreed with a smile before she answered her phone. "hey Cat, oh? alright any restaurant in particular or here at the Tower? alright here at the Tower then, i'll make sure Bruce, Jess, and Tony know. i'll have Tony pick up food from that Italian restaurant you and Clint keep drooling on about." she teased with a grin. "alright, talk to you later, buh bye." she stated, closing her phone and dialing Jessica and letting her know that they where all having Dinner that night, together. then she called Tony and Fury and told them too. she didn't bother to call Bruce, she knew he was with Jessica. "so we're having a big family dinner tonight." she admitted to Drake and Steve. "Tony's agreed to pick up the food, so we should be set. come on, let's go ride us some stallions, huh?" she asked with a grin as Steve laughed.
"...you're overly eager about that. Dont be so excited to humiliate the mother of your child."cat sulked a little before smiling. "Are you saying that any pose I do, isnt sexy?"she teased before nodding. "It'll be fun. We'll work out together, and figure out what the hell lamaze is. I'm sure its in one of these books."She said amused as she shifted the messager bag of books, amused that the doctor had given her so much before laughing. "Its a party, hawk, to celebrate."She smiled before nodding a little."I feel that way to."She said before snickering,"Uh-huh. Just keep telling yourself that. Its kinda like how you dont like jessica."She pointed out because even if he was a major pain in the ass, annoying most of the time, tony stark was one man that she was incapable of hating. He amused her to much. Smiling as she nodded."Sure. Fury's always welcome."she smiled as she talked to nat, before hanging up smiling at clint as he sat down."Everyone's coming.It'll be fun."She smiled looking nervous even as she started eating."Hmm, you're right this is good."

Drayke tilted his head looking curious. "I wonder why. I mean, cat's never been one to go out of her way to have family dinners. She used to prefer eating alone."Drayke said looking curious because he was wondering just what the two assassins were up to, before offering natasha a flirty smirk."Its always good to see a woman eager to go for a ride."he teased a little as they headed for the ranch, for the moment perfectly content to shove away the worry of what was going on with cat.
he smiled a little. "but i live to humiliate you, if only because you always get me back in the most wonderful ways... like when you tied me to the wall in those metal mechanical shackles that Tony was testing and then.... well, you know what you did." and it had been glorious. thank God Tony didn't know about it. "oooh parties are even better!" he admitted with a smile. "and i don't like Jessica, she makes me admit feelings that i don't want to feel." he complained with a sulk. "of course i'm right, i'm always right, just like you're always right." he admitted with a nod. "because we're brilliant... just don't ask me smart people questions, apparently i'm ten points away from being educationally challenged..."

later that night he was grinning as he listened to Nat sing praises about Stephan's ranch. the man had declined joining them because he had to work that night, but he and Steve, Nat and Drayke had gone for a three mile ride though some very nice woods. it had been awkwardly romantic. "Foods here!" Jessica called, having taken Bruce to go and get it herself, the man smiling shyly as he hauled in half of the parcels. "good lord Clint why are you so hyper? Cat how much candy did you give him?" Nat demanded, watching Clint squirm and bounce in his seat. he'd been reading the baby books since they got back, and he was starting to worry whether or not he was going to be able to do this properly, as many of the books contradicted each other. at least the prenatal things where all the same, for the most part. all the really important things where, and since Cat didn't drink, smoke, take chemicals or drink Coffee they didn't have to worry about that either. "...alright, out with it before Clint has an aneurism." Jessica ordered with a giggle as they started handing out the food, Fury and Tony where there, Jess and Bruce, Nat and Drayke, Steve, everyone who was needed to be there, was there. hell even thor had shown up.
"I didnt give him any. All we had was tiramisu for lunch."Cat said smiling a little looking at clint. "I think we should go back to the ranch. He's hyper, whatever's going on, he's going to be impossible to be around."Drayke said snickering a little looking amused as he watched them helping natasha hand out the food. "You're awfully bossy jess."Catalina said smirking a little looking nervous as she looked at the friends that werent family by blood, but by heart. Looking even more nervous because seh wasnt sure how drayke was going to react. "...I'm pregnant."She said quietly looking down at her food, not looking at any of them, to nervous about their reaction to the news to watch them.

Tony stared before grinning, already getting up to get alcohol before stopping, pouring them all glasses of milk. "Here. To the new family, congradulations."He said toasting them as he sipped the milk. "Are you okay with that?"Drayke said after a moment watching her face, looking worried aobut her, glancing at clint, wondering if this happy reaction was what they were truly feeling. "I'm...nervous. But okay. I promise."Catalina said smiling at him a little, not sure how to act around her newly discovered brother, and searching for a way to be totally comfortable with him. because her acceptance that he was nothing like their father, it was still awkward for her, something that she'd have to get used to.
Clint scowled at Nat who smirked at him. "yes, i agree, the Ranch was a lot less annoying." she agreed. "we'll take Cat with us this time so she doesn't have to deal with Squirmy McWormy over there." she teased as Clint scowled at her even more. it was so much fun picking on her brother. "of course i'm bossy, i'm a doctor, what else did you expect?" she asked with a smile. "Pregnant?" Steve asked, looking stunned. "you mean, like. with a baby?" "that's typically what pregnancy means Steve." Jessica pointed out as Clint started babbling to Tony about what he wanted installed into the 'Nest'. only on the ground level, the baby wasn't going to go up into the nest, because it was much too dangerous for a baby. "...i hate milk." Clint complained with a sigh as he realized he was going to have to throw out all his good booze. no more drunken binders for him. "oh! we're going to have a baby shower!" Clint demanded as he glanced at Tony. "and i need to talk to you Tony." he admitted with a smile. "in private maybe?" ooh Clint was plotting something. and from the mischievous glimmer in his eye, it was going to be something good.

"a baby, wow." Bruce muttered after a moment, looking shell shocked as he watched her. "Clint seams really excited, i never knew he wanted to be a father." "he's terrified of it actually." Jessica admitted with a smile. "but he's excited because Cat is excited. after all, there's going to be a little her running around. it took a lot of work to get him to understand that he was not going to be an awful dad just because his mother was a horrible ugly bitch, demon of a human being, and a stain on the earth." Jessica admitted simply. "he wouldn't tell me what she did to get such a glowing recommendation, but it had to have been bad." "i don't even know what she did to him." Nat admitted with a shrug. "i think Fury knows, but i doubt he's going to spill the beans." Natasha admitted, smiling at Cat. "your not alone, you know that right? you have me, and all the people in this building to help you, and when they return, Pepper and Jane will help too. i don't know if Selvig will help, but he'll try at least." she smiled and held Cat's hand. "and Clint has always wanted a family of his own. he's going to be a great father, and your going to be a wonderful mother."
Cat laughed at natasha's words nodding slightly."id like that. Hes been hyper all this afternoon."she smiled before flushing a little at steves question."yes a baby.and i do,so you can have some milk.its good for you."cat said smiling at clint.tony smirked even as he listened,amused because he had a feeling thst the project to redo the nest was going to become a avenger projrct to get things rewdy.raising a eyebrow he studied the man before shaking his head."clint,if you need someone to explain where babies ckme from you better as cat not me."he said even as he waved the man over to the other side of the room so they could talk.grinning the whole time as they plotted.

Cat smiled a little looking strained and worried about clint.because even this excited she was worried he'd crash later and hate it."hes going to drive me insane if he doesn't calm down."she smirked looking amused though before nodding reaching over to grip natasha's hand."I know. And I know you won't let us be our parents,so this isn't so bad."she smiled yrlping in surprise as drayke hugged her tijtly before letting her go."okay,kit kat, eat.you need it."drayke teased."don't call me that!"cat whined at the use of her high school nickname glaring at the man.
Natasha grinned. "i bet." she admitted, shaking her head. "he was always obnoxious when he got excited." she admitted with a small snicker. "i hate milk." Clint grumbled again as he sipped on the stuff, sulking about all his good stuff being taken away. first his coffee, then his soda, now his booze. was nothing sacred? "shut up stark, Cat already explained how babies where made... i think." he admitted. "it was confusing. i don't know what an ovaries is, but they sound painful." he admitted, shaking his head. "listen, i need a blank check, for a surprise for Cat." he explained, offering Tony a grin. "i want to get a Tattoo, she was a bit upset when she realized i basically had Natasha stamped on my ass." he admitted. "and i need some for, a little extra." he explained. "and you have to keep it a secrete or i'll kill you!"

Natasha chuckled a little. "he's not going to calm down for days, you know that right? he's going to cycle through overabundant excitement and terror over being a dad. all men do this." Jessica explained. "the idea of having to care for something that tiny is a frightening thought to most men. most men have issues when they get a puppy." she admitted with a smile. "oh, i think the men have finished plotting." she admitted with a grin as she watched Clint come back over to Cat and give her a heated kiss. "God i love you." he breathed, smiling at her.

two weeks later, the Baby Shower was finally there. there was music playing and there where piles of presents laying everywhere and Jessica was laughing at Tony, who had somehow gotten tape on himself everywhere. Pepper and Jane and Selvig had come back just for the occasion and Stephan was even there with piles of flowers and a jar of honey with the honeycomb inside from his honeybees. Clint had done exactly as Jessica said he would and had cycled through joy, terror, and anxiety over the oncoming baby. they had food from various restaurants and a massive plate of Tiramisu and all sorts of fun things. "well Clit seams excited again today." Jessica mused with a grin as she sipped sparkling water. it was grape flavored, they also had sparkling apple water, sparkling strawberry, and pear. since they couldn't have champagne. "look at him hopping all over the place like a hot wired rabbit." she teased, grinning at Cat. "you're going to love my present." she teased with a grin. "but not as much as you like Clint's... only don't tell him i already know." she ordered with a grin. "or that i'm teasing you about it." she ordered with a laugh as Pepper and Natasha demanded Cat over to cut the cake so they could watch her open presents.
Catalina grinned a little looking amused that tony stark of all people, was putting up baby decorations...and making a mess of himself as he did it. Looking at jessica she smiled nodding a little as she nibbled on a piece of bread lathered in honey, quite pleased that stephan had come, not only because she wanted steve to be happy, but because he always brought her honey. "He's been driving me insane. He woke me up way to early."She grumbled sulking over the fact that she hadnt gotten to sleep in on what they'd decided was a day off from training, since they'd had so much to do to get ready for the party, but oh no, clint had to wake her up bright and early. Looking amused she sulked. "...what is it?"She said looking bemused before looking at clint as she nodded."Tell her to stop teasing me, she's being mean."she said crossing the room, looking amused as she cut the cake."Know that I'm only cutting this now because I want to know what clint got me."She teased looking at the other woman as she served cake.

"Go, go sit. I can do this."Jane said looking amused as she shooed the pregnant woman over to the couch, amused that the mother to be was actually listening to orders for once, passing out pieces of cake to everyone. "You know, I dont think even the tower's big enough to handle all these presents. Where are you going to put it all?"Drayke teased amused as he looked over the room, happy his sister had found friends that loved her so much, and that had made sure she knew that she was loved. "I dunno. Tony and clint are still plotting- I mean planning- on how to set up the nest and main apartment for a nursery."
Jessica grinned at Tony, snickering a little under her breath. "how can someone so smart, be so useless at nearly everything?" she asked softly, grinning at Cat. "he's just anxious, he wants today to go perfectly for you, that's all." Jessica admitted with a smile. "i'm not going to tell you." Jessica teased with a grin. "but i will tell you it comes in two parts." she admitted with a smile as she sat down with the others and nibbled on her piece of cake. they all handed her the gifts one at a time, showering her in baby clothes, weapons, a few pieces of jewelry, and a gorgeous hand crafted wooden cradle, for rocking the newborn when it was fussy, this was given by Stephan, who admitted to having it commissioned by the Amish neighbors. finally all the gifts where done, the clothing was gushed over and the prank gifts laughed at and Clint finally stood up and cleared his throat, looking exceptionally nervous as he set a boombox on the floor and flipped on the track and started to sing to Cat.

This is the Song that he sings.

he finished off the last verse and smiled as he lifted his sleeve, revealing a new Tattoo, of a cat with wings. "it's you, my Cat, my life, with a part of me, always and forever. you have been my sole reason for living, for a long time now." he admitted as he settled onto his knee in front of her, reaching into his pocket. "i always want to be a part of your life, i always want to be there, by your side, with you always. Catalina Santana? would you do me the greatest honor, and give me the greatest joy, and be my wife?" he asked, lifting a ring to her eyes. diamonds glinting in the light as a ruby shaped as a heart sat in the middle of the gorgeous ring.
"I think its because he is so intelligent, that the simple things escape him."Cat mused before laughing a little."Thats not fair, I want to know."She sulked, "And the day will be perfect, if I can refrain from puking on anything.Kid's makes me sicker then a dog half the time."She sulked a little but looked amazed as she looked over the presents, actually ending up crying as she opened them. waving off the concern even as she laughed at the prank gifts."Dont worry, the kid's making me emotional."She smiled tilting her head as she studied clint as he set up the boombox.Eyes widening he sang, tears filling her eyes, for once, at a total loss for words, blushing and emotional.

"Can we tell him he sucks so badly, he's making her cry?"Tony muttered as he stood next to pepper, a arm wrapped around her shoulders looking amused because he'd had to suffer the last two weeks as clint got more and more nervous over what he had planned.

Catalina's eyes widened as she stared at the tattoo,reaching out, gentle fingers tracing the lines. "It's beautiful.And better then natasha's stupid rose."She muttered looking amused as she flicked a glance at natasha, making a face at the other assassin before looking startled as clint knelt in front of her. Staring at him for a long moment, such a long time that tony was actually worried she'd refuse before she pounced on clint, clinging to the man as she cried. "I will.I would love to."She cried quietly, to overwhelmed to not to.Sniffling she sighed. "I can't seem to stop crying these days."She muttered not loosening her hold on her fiancee, content to snuggle.

Drayke pouted a little looking at natasha in amusement. "Shouldn't I get some say in this?I mean, she's my sister. She's to young to get married. or have a kid."He sulked, amused though.
Jessica snickered and nodded. "that must be it... but then, what's Thor's excuse?" she asked, looking at Thor who was yelling at the TV to stop with the foul language. "nausea is natural, the doctor did tell you you would feel sick for a while." she admitted with a smile. "it will be better soon, you know it will." she promised with a smile. "shut up Tony before i smack you." Natasha demanded, glaring at the billionaire. she knew exactly what Clint was going to do, she'd known him for so long it was impossible for her not to. "honestly Tony." Pepper complained with a smile as she laid her head on his shoulder. "it's sweet. don't make fun." she complained with a small chuckle.

"it is better than Natasha's stupid Rose." "i might add that we where drunk and it's no more stupid than the bird i have Tattood on MY ass." Natasha complained with a roll of her eyes. Clint fidgeted, panic overtaking his features when she didn't respond, opening his mouth to maybe try and talk her into it when he was pounced on. "i love you so much Cat." he breathed, kissing her hard. "i thought, maybe we could have the wedding after the baby is born, so he, or she, could be in the wedding with us, yeah?" he asked with a smile. "it's also less stress for you, you know, focus on one thing at a time sort of thing..." he muttered, blushing hard as he gently wiped her tears away. "you could cry an ocean and i'd still love you with all of my heart."

"shut up and smile for her Drayken before i beat you with a stick. Jessica ordered with a grin. "they're perfect for each other and she IS an adult. besides, you won't have time to worry about your sister, when Clint's sister is contemplating jumping your bones." good thing Nat was on the other side of the room and hadn't heard Jessica, or the Therapist might have lost a few chunks of her hair.
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