
Catalina moaned around him as his fingernails massaged her scalp, whimpering in pleasure as she sucked him, yelping as she was pulled away, looking up at him with pleasure flushed features and unfocused eyes. Yelping as she was picked up she moaned, gripping the edges of the table as she squirmed, “Hawk!Please.”she whined nearly jumping out of her skin at the sound of his phone going off, whining because she didn’t want to stop, just wanting to feel him in her.”hawwwkkk,…”She whined not yelling, not yet. Struggling hard to not give him the satisfaction of hearing her beg more.

“No she doesn’t.”Drayke said before tilting her head at the idea. Looking cheered with the thought that catalina was getting help.”Good. She needs someone.”The man said before frowning, thinking over the last few minutes.”Wait. Wait. Just how close are clint and catalina?”The protective older brother coming to the front, his mind putting together the pieces she’d given him, and not liking the picture it was making. Surely his sibling couldn’t have been stupid enough to fall for her partner.Frowning slightly he sighed quietly. “I’ll tell her. When I find a good moment.”Drayke said studying the other, because he had a feeling Natasha wasn’t lying, if he didn’t tell catalina, she would. “I’m coming, there’s better computers at stark tower.”Tony said grinning a little as they left. “Natasha, call if you need anything.”Fury said watching them go, trying not to worry about what he’d set in motion. Hopefully this wasn’t going to blow up in his face.
he laughed at her whimpers and whines and yelps and grinned as she squirmed and begged. "that's right my lovely little victim, beg for me." he teased with a snicker as he dug his tongue ever deeper into her, ignoring his phone going off, he'd check it once he was finished with his Catalina. he pinned her hips down and continued, using his tongue to trace all the best parts, the ones that really made Catalina beg.

"yeah Jessica's been great for her, and Clint is always really supportive." Natasha admitted, smirking at Drayke. "well, considering they are probably in the midst of coital bliss right now, i'd say pretty close." Nat admitted, just to see the look on Drayke's face. hey, let it never be said that Nat was anything less than a bitch. "you'd better make it soon because the more you wait,l the more pissed off she's going to be." Nat pointed out as she smirked at Tony. "Stark. of course you have better computers, honestly." she complained with a roll of her eyes. "god forbid the man uses his brain for more than STD's and robots." she grumbled. "he's like an Anime Nerd with the looks to get a woman. "i will! i'll also send you video's of Clint and Cat pounding on the new guy here. just for my own amusement."
“Hawk!Come on, please.”She whined squirming, tugging at her hands as he pinned her, feeling awkward and off balance without having her hands to balance herself. Wanting to touch him, and feeling helpless all tied up. “please, fuck me, please hawk, please.”She begged squirming, wanting more. Squirming because she knew that he wasn’t going to give up until she was totally undone. It was truly unfair that she was the only one in this relationship to be totally helpless in the face of her need for him.

“Bloody hell.”Drayke paled then flushed angrily, looking annoyed with the idea of his little sister having sex. And not just because she was dating, but because clint barton was dangerous. Not that he thought clint would hurt cat, but because his job would get him killed, and it scared drayke to think his sister having a relationship with him. “I will.”Drayke said between gritted teeth swallowing hard before laughing at tony’s annoyed look. “I was just making sure fury was aware that I could get him better computers. And that is not all I use my brain for. I rebuilt my motorcycle last week you know.”Tony protested looking annoyed at her words as they headed for tower. “He does sound like a nerd, kinda looks like one to. Just needs the geek glasses and he’ll be set.”Drayke mused as they drove. “Oh, I’m supposed to wear them. Girls love the glasses.”Tony mused smirking as they headed upstairs, smirking to himself. Oh he was going to drive them both insane, pushing the button on the elevator to stop at the archery room, having every intention of paying clint back for getting that stupid male stripper for him.And well, he was going to disturb the new kid.
he grinned as she squirmed and continued to suck and kiss, lick and stroke her. he couldn't get enough of her. he never wanted her to find out just how much he needed her, or she'd always get her way. if she where to deny him sex, he'd cave faster than a deck of cards under the wrath of a two year old. "fuck Cat, i can't resist you when you start begging like that." he gasped, sliding up her body, sliding on the customary condom before slipping inside of her and here he paused, as he always did. "Hard, or gentle?" he always let her have the choice.

Natasha smirked. "don't worry, Clint's incapable of hurting her, and he tends to be a lot less suicidal when he knows someone is at home waiting for him." she promised, clapping Drayke on the shoulder. "Tony, the day Fury accepts help from YOU, is the day the world is ending. and he barely accepted your help when the world WAS ending." she pointed out with a smirk. "ooooh, look at the guy who can fix a car. i bet there are car garages and oil changing businesses all over the world just begging for your attention." she stated with a roll of her eyes. "i can fix a car better than you can." she stated with a shake of her head. "oh, he is a nerd.." she admitted, not about to admit to her hidden stash of over a hundred different Manga now safely tucked away in her new room. "...yeah he's a nerd. don't worry, he grows on you... sort of like an STD that you can't really get rid of. of for gods sake Tony!" she squalled, horrified as she realized her brother was fucking her sister/freind. Clint didn't even bother answering, he just threw a throwing knife at Tony's head. unfortunately Jarvis was paying attention and closed the elevator doors before the knife could embed itself into tony's head. "that son of a bitch." Clint complained. "you son of a bitch!" Natasha echoed, beating on Tony. "i'm blind now you bastard! i just saw my brother naked. i'm going to make you suffer for this Stark!"
Catalina whimpered squirming, moaning as she looked up at him with wide unfocused eyes, totally so lost in pleasure she didn’t even realize that the others were there for a moment. “Hard, please for gods sake, hard.”She growled planting her feet on the ground, rocking her hips back into his. Whimpering quietly as clint cursed, frowning slightly, the sound of his complaining and the elevator shutting enough to startle her back to herself. “…what…”She frowned starting to come out of the lustful haze clint had had her in.

Drayke sighed, “Well good.”He said though he was still sulking because he didn’t want his sister dating. “Well, I still offered.And the world is ending. AGAIN. Or did you forget we had loki here again?”he pointed out before smirking. “Everyone wants me. I know. I just have more important things to do then rebuild cars.”Tony snorted looking amused before grinning, carefully already looking away even as he raised his arms to stop Natasha and Drayke beating on him. “Stop stop!Its clint’s fault!Go yell at him!”tony said fleeing the elevator as soon as it stopped. “…how is this clint’s fault?You’re the one who pushed the button!”Drayke yelled looking on the verge of a apocalyptic fury fit. “He bought me a male stripper. Go yell at him!”Tony demanded. “THOR!They’re beating on me. Use your hammer.”The billionaire said even as he calmly walked behind his bar to get a drink before stopping, frowning slightly.”….where is my alcohol?”
Clint moaned eagerly as he sank into her, laughing at her demand even as he nodded. "as you wish." he moaned, snarling as the elivator doors opened. "it's nothing, just someone i'm going to have to kill later." he grumbled. "now i have to start all over again. how am i going to win with all these distractions?" he complained, kissing her deeply even as he started to pump his hips. he couldn't bring himself to start over from the very beginning, he was too desperate by that point, he'd teased himself almost as much as he'd teased her.

Natasha snorted a little. "the world isn't ending. Loki's only focused on us. the world ending thing won't start until after we're dead." she pointed out. "and you'll be too dead by that point to be of any help. and the only people who want you start are blond headed bimbos who have more boob than brains." she stated before helping Drayke beat on Stark. "he bought you a male stripper?" she asked, looking highly amused. "oh that's hilarious." she stated with a snicker before shrugging. "i dunno. maybe Loki's decided that the thing you would miss most was a good drink?" she asked, her eyes glittering with laughter. "i am not going to use my hammer on the Lady Natasha." Thor stated before frowning at Drayke. "and who is this?" "new guy, he's basically here to fill in the body count and add a little bit more security." Natasha explained. "he's also the guy whose ass i get to kick regularly and claim it as training." "ah! battle! much fun!" Thor agreed with a grin.
Catalina whimpered quietly as she blinked up at him, confusion darkening her features for a moment, struggling to think clearly enough to figure out who had interrupted before laughing. “You’re not going to win. You’re not supposed to.”She growled at him as she kissed him deeply, threading her hands through his hair as she rocked her hips into his, gasping as she came, never the most vocal of lovers, but the quiet whimpers and moans were more then enough to show just how pleased she was.

“He did. Though he did it only so Cap would realize he’s gay. But he still sent me a stripper.”He grumbled. “When I told him I wanted a stripper in return for getting beaten up, I thought he’d send a female one.”He sulked before smirking. “…he makes me send my wife away, and thinks the alcohol is what I’d miss? Loki’s not that stupid.”Tony frowned looking at the Russian woman annoyed before tilting her head. “Yes you will.She’s beating on me.” Drayke smiled a little. “Drayke Vahanian.”He introduced himself before looking at Natasha.”Are you so sure you’re going to be kicking my ass?”
he moaned as he tossed his head back and came, hard, unaware of the problems he might have just caused. "...oh shit..." Clint stuttered as he pulled out, watching a line of his creamy white cum run down her leg and drip off his cock. "uh... Cat?..." he asked, sounding horrified. "the... the Condom broke." he stated, looking up at her. stunned. "...i mean, i don't know much but... that, little bit isn't enough, right?" not many would know this, but Clint was ten times to terrified of being a father, because he thought he was going to be a bad one. he was so terrified he was going to end up subjecting any child he had to the same horrors he'd experienced as a kid.

"Cap didn't know he was gay?" Natasha asked, looking surprised. "i did too! it just.. i was... oh screw you Tony!" Steve complained, having walked in just in time for the running commentary. "oh and incase anyone was wondering, i too am getting more action than Tony is now." Natasha started to choke on the gulp of milk she'd had. "you're SEEING someone!?" "...well, yes... shouldn't i be? i mean... if the world is going to end, i at least want to have sex first." "oh screw you Barton." Natasha complained, Steve laughing a little. "and of course i'll beat you, because, why Thor?" Natasha asked, glancing at the man who grinned. "a warrior never hits a lady." Thor stated with a wild grin. "well he's cute." Steve stated, examining Drayke intently. "he's the new guy that Fury told me about?" "yup. and he's straight... i think." Natasha admitted, examining Drayke as Steve snickered. "that's alright, i have my man." Steve admitted with a grin. "Tony would hate him."
Catalina shuddered frowning a little as she blinked slowly back into reality, for a moment not understanding what he was saying. Sitting up on her elbows she frowned at him, before looking down, paling slightly. “Oh…yes..it could be. But…probably not. I mean…no.I dunno.”She muttered looking up at him, swallowing hard, anxiety tightening her features, studying the man in front of her as she dropped her legs from around his waist, searching for her clothes. “If…If I am…well…we’ll take care of it….”She shrugged helplessly, seeing the terror in his face, and resigning herself to the fact they’d never have kids. Not about to force him to do something he didn’t want to do, even if she longed to see a child that looked like them, someday. Not now, someday maybe but…if he didn’t want to…she could live with that. “…come on. We better get upstairs…see whoever interrupted…”she muttered.

“No he didn’t.”Tony snickered a little before raising a eyebrow.”I knew you wanted to. But sorry cap, I don’t swing that way.”he snickered before pouting, glad he wasn’t drinking anything otherwise he might have been choking as much as Natasha was. “Who?”He demanded looking interested. “…Well, doesn’t that ruin clint and cat’s fighting, we should switch partners. I’ll work with barton, and you can work with cat.”Drayke decided warming up to the idea, because despite hearing cat was happy, he still didn’t have to like that she was having sex, and she was, as he knew in to vivid detail. “I am.”Drayke said sputtering a little as Natasha looked at him. “And why would tony hate him?”The dark haired man said looking curious at steve then at tony who was digging through the cupboards behind the bar looking for a drink before settling for a glass of milk.

(oh my god, steve's seeing someone hahhahaah XDDD)
Clint blinked at her, not understanding for a moment before. "No! i mean... we can't... if.. if you are... it's... it's just a baby it didn't do anything wrong... we can't... we can't just kill it.. i just... i'm... i'm not good father material i'll make it's life a hell... if, if you are i mean... and Loki..." he swallowed thickly, biting his lip hard. "Cat i'm so sorry i had hoped.. in a few years..." he admitted softly. he wanted a baby with her. he was just terrified of it. "...oh. there's some new guy named Drayke Vahanian here. Nat says you know him?" he asked as he cleaned himself up and helped her clean up, catching her hand in his. "Cat... we don't know that your pregnant yet... but whether you are, or aren't. i love you, and we;ll be together no matter what, alright?" he asked softly. "if you are pregnant, i'll make sure to always keep chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer, because i know it's your favorite when you get the munchies. and i'll make sure to get one of those heated blankets that you plug into the wall, because you get cold at night... and we'll move out of the nest, because you won't be able to climb the ladder... i'll take care of you. i promise. and i'll do my damned best for the baby too... if there is one..." here he flushed. "now... just, out of curiosity... how does my cum make babies?" well, he had been living on the streets at the age of six. he probobly didn't have a very good education.

Steve stared at Tony. "notif you where the last creature on earth capable of fucking. and that includes cows, sheep, and pigs." "gross Cap." Natasha complained with a laugh before smirking at Drayke. "nice try. no. Cat stays with Clint. besides, Clint was never one for 'fighting honestly' like Thor is." she admitted with a smile. "he can teach her better than you can, or... are we mistaken by the thought that Clint is The top marksmen in the world?" she asked with a grin as Steve smirked. "his name is Stephan. Tony knows him well actually." Steve admitted with a smirk. "i beleive they met in the hospital... he took off all his clothes." "....you didn't." Nat gasped, looking delighted. "i did." Steve admitted with a grin. "and damn if he isn't good at what he does." Steve stated, Natasha dissolving into hysterics as she realized that Steve was dating Tony's male stripper.
Catalina looked up at him, studying his for a long moment before relief filled her eyes. “Oh. Well…yea. It would be better if I’m not, but if I am…we’ll be okay.”She muttered before frowning slightly, “I wonder what Drayke’s doing here. He’s my adopted brother. I lived with his mother through high school”She muttered looking bemused, wondering what in the world drayke could want, thoughts of the man filling her head as she dressed, jumping a little as clint caught her hand. Looking up at him, fear and worry, and the anxiety of being abandoned, of watching her life implode on itself….so badly wanting to believe they’d be okay, if she was indeed pregnant. Smiling slightly at his words she slipped her arms around his waist, leaning against his chest,”We’ll take care of each other.”She muttered before frowning a little against his chest, for a moment at a loss for what to say before smirking and started to explain how babies came about as they headed upstairs. Wanting to be with the others, to distract herself from her worry about being pregnant, if she was.

“….thats just mean.I’m telling pepper you’re mean to me.”Tony sulked. “Fiiinnnee. And he is. But it doesn’t mean he should get to date her. That’s just disturbing.”Drayke sulked making a face at Natasha. “…what?You’re dating the stripper?”Tony sputtered looking shocked as he started at steve, at a loss for words at the idea of steve dating a stripper. “There’s something wrong with cap dating a stripper…it seems wrong somehow.”Tony snickered before shifting a little to be behind the bar on one of the barstools when he saw the assassins stepping off the elevator. “Cat?”Drayke said looking at her, looking interested, looking clint over before frowning at the girl a little, trying not to think about what they’d seen. “Drayke!Whatever are you doing here?”Catalina muttered breaking off in her explanation on where babies came from, crossing the room to hug him tightly. “Its good to see you again.”She muttered as she was hugged back. And the fact that she wasn’t usually a touchy feely person showed just how much she cared for the older man. "Getting my ass kicked apparently. Fury's assigned me to be Romanoff's trainee."
he offered her a small smile. "i'm terrified..." he admitted softly. "but i'm an assassin, Fear is something i'm used to." he promised her softly. "no matter what happens. i'm with you all the way." he promised before looking baffled. "he's your brother?" he looked... highly relieved to hear that. no real contest for his lovers affections. "i love you, Cat." he murmured softly. "i do, i love you." he promised, giving her a kiss before following her to the Elevator.

Natasha smirked at Tony. "she'd give me a present." and Pepper probobly would. "why is it disturbing? no, what's disturbing is how many people thought me and Clint where an item. i mean, so gross." Nat complained. "besides, Cat and Clint? they're perfect for each other." Steve stated simply before he smirked at Stark. "you're just angry because he shook his ass in your face." Steve complained with a grin. "besides, it's not as if the people get to touch him, so long as he always comes back to me for his sex and affection, i don't give a damn what he does for work." Steve grinned. "besides it's... kinda hot." Steve admitted with a wry grin. "hey Cat? i'm going to find Jessica." Clint muttered to her, kissing her temple. "you catch up with your bro while i have a mild mental meltdown about my fucked up life." he chirped offering her a grin to let her know that he was joking. "ouch, i'm sorry. what did you do to piss Fury off?" Clint asked, Nat snorted as she smacked Clint upside the head. "i am not that bad!" "the last ten trainees quit in the first ten weeks. three of them had a mental breakdown, one went completely insane and there more left in complete hysterics." Natasha paused and then. "they just weren't up to the task. weaklings the lot of them." Clint made a face at Nat and glanced at Drayke. "again, i am SO sorry."
"His mother got me out of the system...and made sure I knew I had somewhere safe to go. He's also the first one who taught me to fight...he made sure I knew I was safe."she said smiling sligjtly amused at his realization that it was her brother and not someone to compete with."I love you to."she muttered looking so relieved that they were going to be okay. That ddespite everything,it was still hard for her to believe they would be,that he could love her deapite everything. Hoping that he'd forgive her for the doubt,and knowing he understood.

"Its srill disturbing."tony stated refusing to admit that it was the male stripper that disturbed him if only because he so didn't swing that way.catalina turned her head looking up at him worriedly before nodding."come find me when you're done. We'll go get dinner or something with nat and drayke."she muttered trying to stay calm before snickering at clint's words to drayke."apparently tiving him my sister yo train deaerves punishment ...though if anyone deserves punishment its him."drayke sulked. "Why?"catalina said supiciously already having a idea considering the look drayke was giving clint."cause he knew you two would be perfect together. I so could have done without seeing ahat happened in the archery room...even if that was starks fault."he sulked before looking at natasha."I'm sure you're not that bad. Siblings are never good judges of their siblings."

Drayke bit his lip as he studied cat."hey. Can we talk?"he muttered studying her face,committing it to memory juat in case she thre him out. "Ure. We'll go to the nest. You'll like it.nat?you coming?"catalaina twisted to look at the other woman eager to both get to know her better and to catch up with drayke
Clint smiled a little. "wow, so he's a pretty good guy." he muttered, nodding a little. "he must be a pretty good fighter, to have taught you so well." he praised, interested to meet someone who had grown up with Cat.

"it is not disturbing, you just don't like him because he made you feel things when he was waving his sexy ass in the air." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes. "you know you got turned on, don't deny it." he teased witha grin as he watched Clint, who brightened. "yeah, we'll get Tony to pay." he agreed, grinning at Cat. "you might not be able to beat me with the bow, but your for certainly smarter than me." he admitted with a grin, giving her another kiss before he he narrowed his eyes at Tony. "i will make you pay for that Stark." he grumbled. "it's all his fault Cat, you start planning revenge and i'll start gathering supplies." he decided before leaving. "oh... i dunno... i did enjoy making my trainees cry." she admitted with a sadistic little smirk before she watched Drayke. "sorry Cat, i think i better let you two catch up on your own." she decided, glancing at her watch. "i have to plan his tortu... i mean, training." she mused with a grin. "is he REALLY still hanging out in treehouses?" she asked Cat, shaking her head. "i'm going to take a nap. being mostly dead for so long leaves a person exaughsted." she admitted with a shake of her head "we'll go out for dinner tonight. we'll make Tony pay." yeah, Natasha and Clint where definitely siblings.
"I do not. Stop being weird. I refuse to hsve this conversation."tony said frowning before holding up his hands in a I surrender pose."hey hey it was just payback for sending me a stripper.no need for regenge."he soothed eyeing the teo assassins who were clearly plotting."oh.okay. well we'll come find you for dinner."cat said not thinking anything of natasha not joining them before snickering."hes upgraded his 'tree'to a suite of rooms in the tower.but yes we still hsve a nest."cat snickered. "We'll be fine..."drayke said not looking as sure about his training as he had.

That evening though found drayke waiting for natasha to come back to her rooms,sporting a black eye and looking like he was sulking."...I've been forbidden from getting near her...sorry it looks like we're not having dinner after all."he said looking up from where he was leaning against the door for once the 30 year old looking younger then he was having actually not expected for cat to react as badly as she did.looking at the man with natasha he gave a half hearted smile."shes also refusing to come out of the nest...of even talk it anyone. Tony tried talking to her and she damn near took his head off with a arroe...we're leaving her alone."he explained not realizing it wasn't just finding out she had a brother but the thouht of being pregnant that had pushed the 23 year old over the edge
Clint smirked a little at Tony, a smirk that promised humiliation, and probobly a bit of pain. "hey, from what i hear, Steve is dating that Male stripper. you should be thanking me, after all, you are the prettiest guy in the room... well, except for that guy." he muttered, examining Drayke. "but i'm pretty sure he could kill us all, so obviously Steve isn't going to flirt with him." Steve snorted. "i'm not going to flirt with any of you." he stated. "your all gross in some way or another and most of you are far too feminine." there was an insult to Tony's masculinity in there somewhere. "well as long as he's happy i guess... even if he is an overgrown child." she grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

Clint sighed as he watched Drayke walk i, Jessica lifting an eyebrow at him. "...rock paper scissors?" Jessica offered Clint who chuckled and shook his head. "nah, it's my turn. i'll go. at least we can be sure she won't murder me. maim me maybe, but not kill me." Clint admitted, Jessica chuckling a little. "so, what did you say that has her so angry?" Clint asked Drayke before grimacing as Natasha answered for him. "yep. that would do it." Clint admitted as he shook his head and stood up. "wish me god speed." Clint stated. "for i go into the Belly of the beast." and with that he headed to the Nest. Steve grinned suddenly. "by the way, Stephan is coming over for Dinner... and there he is! come in Seph!" "and hello to you too Steve." the Male stripper chirped as he walked in, fully clothed thankfully, but all too sexy. "so this is the gang?" "most of it. we seam to be missing two people. but in their defense, it's been a bit of a hellish month for them." Steve admitted, sharing a kiss with the man as he introduced Stephan to everyone.

Clint took a deep breath before he walked into the room, looking up at the nest. "Cat? you up there? your not drinking my booze are you? because Tony's all went missing and i don't want to have to share with him." Clint complained as he scaled the ladder and slipped up onto the platform, offering her his arms so she could have her breakdown with him holding and comforting and keeping her safe.
"You make it sound like shes a fire breathing dragon."drayke said looking as amused as he did upset. Wincing because ifthe man she was sleeping with was worried about getting maimed he figured catalins was just going to kill him. Startled out of his thoughts as the stripper arrived he smiled a little as he wqtched tony sulk."sorry steve. Gotta tell you its unfair. Me and thor have to suffer without our significant others,nd the animal pair are humping like bunnies. This is to much,you'll just have to senf him away."tony sulked because while he might have affairs, he usually didn't when pepper wasn't home,or with him. He was oddly loyal in that way.and this whole being seperated was killing him."nat?want to help me cook?I'm making Italian.its cats favorite,igured she could use it."

Catalina didn't answer his question of whether she was up there,though if he listened closely he could hear her moving. Rustling the blankets,having reaorted to a childhood habit of hiding in bed when she was upset.and when he came up,for the first time ever,cat didn't dive into his arms,instead just nestled deeper into his sife of the bed.taking comfort in his scent even if she didn't want him himself af the moment"...go away clint."she grumbled upset and torn up enouh that she didn't want him to see her like this,because she was stuck once again in a loki induced panic as she fouht to figure out what was real and what wasn't. Not eanting him to see just how messed up loki had left her...she thouht drayke wasn't real.couldn't sort it out in her head,and she was having a full blown panic attack. Which resulted in her hidding
"oh i am. a fire breathing bitch of a lizard." she teased, hissing at him in a snake like fashion. "oh shut up stark, considering you and Pepper are worse than Rabbits on Viagra you're not one to talk." he smirked. "besides, now you know how us 'mere mortals' feel, all the time." he teased with a grin as he turned to Stephan as the man whispered something in his ear, Steve going bright red. "NO!" Stephan just pouted, but looked highly amused too, so the pout wasn't working. "it's NOT gonna happen Seph. no way." Steve stated. "and don't blink those baby blues at me, because that's not going to work either. i'm the girl in this relationship, pouty looks don't work on me." "damn." Natasha started to choke again. she'd always known Cap was gay, but a bottom!? really!? that was so wrong in so many ways. "ooh Italian! I'd love to help." Nat admitted with a smile. "i only hope she recovers..." Nat admitted with a sigh. "and don't blame yourself for this Drayke. it's not your fault... Cat's been... well... sick, for the last week or so. she's just not handling news very well."

Clint sighed a little as she didn't rus into his arms. this was worse than he thought... at least she hadn't attacked him. instead of going away, he started to sing. "Fa la ninna, fa la nanna. Nella braccia della mamma. Fa la ninna bel bambin, Fa la nanna bambin bel, Fa la ninna, fa la nanna Nella braccia della mamma." he soothed her with this lullaby as he crawled into bed with her, holding her close to him. "Fa la ninna, fa la nanna. Nella braccia della mamma. Fa la ninna bel bambin, Fa la nanna bambin bel, Fa la ninna, fa la nanna Nella braccia della mamma." he repeated softly. it was the only lullaby he knew, but hopefully it would be enough."
"I am no mere mortal,capsicle."tony smirked before choking on the water he'd been drinking turning to stare at his friend."...this is wrong...in so many ways..."he grumbled because he so didn't want to consider one of his best friend's sex life. It was bad enough he was subjected to hearing about clint and cats."really?what happened?"drayke frowned looking at them all,those dark blue eyes demanding to know what happened even as he settled at the table to watch tony and nat cook.

"Go away!go!"she screamed at him when she realized he wasntt leaving her voice hih and panicky,but even as she screamed at him she didn't fight him holding onto her,in fact turning in his arms to press closer to him. Even in her panic,she knew who he was,knew this wad her hawk."...hes not draykr...somehow loki got in here...we have to get him out of here.hawk! You have to help me."she said as her panic settled enough to plan,and try and get 'loki' away from her. Truly it was going to take skill yocalm her.
Steve smirked a little, clearly enjoying his torment of Tony. "and besides, your more mortal than the lot of us." he stated Simply, Stephan chuckling a little before glancing at Drayke. "maybe i should go? this seams like a bad time?" "...yeah." Steve muttered softly, standing up and leading Stephan out as Jessica started to explain everything that had gone on since Cat had been introduced into the Avengers.

Clint held her tightly, refusing to go, simply holding her. "it's alright Cat, it really is. Tony already has Drake in the basement under lock and key and we're running tests on him now, just to make sure he is who he says he is." Clint lied, and feeling bad for the lie. but it had to be said, if only so Cat would calm down. truth was, Jarvis had already run all those tests, checking the eyes, mind waves, and genetic code to make sure it was Drayke and he wasn't under Loki's mind bending effects. "he can't get up here now, so you just rest and relax." he murmured softly. "once Tony's done he'll call my cell." he promised, knowing Jarvis was picking up every word he said, and would relay them to Tony, Natasha, and Drayke. "just sleep. it's going to be alright, i promise."
Catalina growled at him before calming, pressing her face into the other’s chest.”Okay.”She muttered calming slowly, even though she didn’t let him sooth her to sleep until tony had called to make sure that drayke was indeed okay, and that she could relax.

But even that reassurance hadn’t been enough to get her to talk to him. Even a week later Drayke hadn’t seen his sister, having to settle for clint’s reassurance that she was okay as the young assassin hadn’t even left the nest in that whole time. Not even clint could convince her to leave, not because she didn’t trust any of them, but because she was so confused and upset over dealing with a childhood trauma of having a brother through the childhood nightmare that was her father, that she had completely had a breakdown. Having only gone out of the nest long enough to go down to the main part of the apartment, and only because she had convinced clint to move all the furniture so they could spar in the living room. She was avoiding drayke, and everyone, because she had no desire to deal with her brother, the childhood memories it brought up, or the idea that she was pregnant. Growling quietly at clint as he brought her food, but set it on the small table in the nest, annoyed that he was making her get out of bed to eat.”Cant you bring that here?”She muttered shifting, almost as bad as he was the first time they’d met, completely at a loss how to deal as she snuggled down into the bed, raising the blanket enough to look at him.

Drayke growled as he caught natasha’s wrist to avoid the punch before stepping back, moving away from her. While he wasn’t her equal, he did make sure she had to work for a win. He was both taller and heavier then clint, and he was good at using that body to make sure Natasha didn’t get to beat him down as easily as she did most people. “You got to tell clint I want to see her.”He growled with each passing day having lost even more control, truly not happy with any of this. Scared of what his sister was doing, and scared that despite clint’s reassurance, that she’d hurt herself or done something irrepairable. Because he knew parts of what her father did, knew enough to know that she’d never really dealt with happening in the house she’d grown up in.
Clint grinned a little as she growled at him. he loved it when she growled, she sounded so damn sexy. "no i can't. i can't make it up there with the food." because the box he used for that purpose had 'accidentally' been misplaced and he was too lazy to get a new one. "come on, get out of bed." he ordered. "Drayke is asking to see you again." he admitted. "i'll tell him you said no again will i?" he asked, having givin up trying to get her to talk to anyone else. "oh and Jessica is stopping by in about five minutes so eat fast." he ordered, hating that he had to trick Cat into talking to the Therapist, but he was getting desperate.

Nat followed up on him, approaching even as he moved beck, kicking at his face even as she took a pot shot at his groin with her fist. "he tells her every damn day that you want to see her. the last time he tried to talk her into it she nearly broke his arm." she stated, tired of him asking. "i can get the video profe if you need it." she admitted, standing over him with a smirk. "your not bad for a greenhorn.... Jessica's talking to her today." Natasha admitted with a sigh. "i don't know if it will help, but it's not just you that has her like this... seeing her past relived in front of her eyes over and over again... and then on top of things being paniced about... well... you where just the last thing that drove her over the edge... i'm sorry, i never should have made you tell her so soon..." she muttered, sinking into a chair and scrubbing her face. "i'm worried about her too Drayke, but we have to do things on HER time because if we force her, she could break."
Catalina frowned a little as she crawled out of the bed to look over the edge of the best down at him, “…you need to get a new box. Make Tony get it.”She frowned before nodding.”Please do.”she said even as she started to climb down ladder, twisting to look at him with wide eyes. “What?I don’t want to talk to her.Tell her that she can go away.”She growled even as she started eating, to much his student to disobey the order to eat. She might disobey orders in the middle of sex or when they were goofing off, but he could get her to do about anything simply by sounding like her teacher instead of her boyfriend.

Drayke winced as he twisted away, grimacing as her punch landed on his thigh, knocking her food to the side. “I know!I know. You told me.”he sighed softly wincing as she put him on the ground, glaring up at her with annoyance. “No, that’s okay. I believe you. Its just…I worry about her.”He muttered before smiling slightly.”Well, I’m glad you find me to not be to bad.”he snickered a little before frowning, tilting his head slightly.”I know….which just makes me feel worse for upsetting her like this…”He sighed quietly looking at her. “its not your fault. I could have waited…but I knew she was going to be angry if I was here long term, and hadn’t told her right away….I just hadn’t considered she had other things going on either.”he said looking guilty. “Fine…we’ll go on her time.”
he smiled a little. "i don't need a new box, you just have to stop hiding up there." he stated sternly. "now eat. and you WILL talk to her, because i'm tired of you hiding in my bed. i know things are confusing and highly upsetting but sitting up there under the covers is not going to make those things go away." he stated. "now i had my talk, she actually thinks i am great father material... well, unless it's a little girl. she seams to think me chasing down any possible suitors with a machete and a shotgun to be a little too extreme... but i think i'll do alright." he admitted with a nod. "now. talk to Jessica, because i'm tired of being so detached from you... i want you to be with me again Cat... instead of hiding from me."

she sighed a little as she watched him. "i know. i'm worried too. and so is Clint. he's practically ripping his own hair out. he actually missed the other day, if you cen beleive that." she admitted, shaking her head. "he's lucky no one but me saw, he'd be taking the piss right now otherwise." she admitted with a wry grin. "...i can't bring myself to tease him about it though. he hasn't loved anyone since... well, she doesn't matter. it's been years though, he was all of seventeen then." she admitted with a sigh. "so that should tell you something... Cat is his whole world." she admitted. "i know your right, but i can't help but feel guilty about it." she admitted, shaking her head. "i can only hope that Jessica can help."
Catalina flinched at his words, looking down at her plate, her shoulders slouching. For a moment her rational mind checking out as she responded to the words, and not the meaning she knew was there.”You don’t want me in your bed?”She said softly trembling a little before laughing quietly. “…yes. That would be bad.A little extreme.”She muttered quietly calming as she reminded herself that he hadn’t meant it like that before swallowing hard. Setting her plate aside she climbed into his lap, snuggling against him. “Okay…I’ll talk to her…”She sighed, shifting to look at jessica as she came in, looking like a little kid sitting in clint’s lap.”Hey jess.”She muttered.

Drayke stared, looking up at her. “…bloody hell. I didn’t think it was possible for him to miss.”He said before smirking slightly, amusement lightening his features for a moment, distracted from his words for a moment. “…you just told me. He’s going to be pissed.”he pointed out, because she should have known he wouldn’t be able to not ask clint about it….at least when cat was back to herself. Sighing a little he smirked.”So I can see. And his world’s screwed up without cat being okay…I wish I could make this better. But whatever…issues…she has with her father, means she cant consider that I’m okay. Even if she knows me, knows I love her…”He looked frustrated before nodding. “Hopefully.”he said smiling a little."Or she'll at least be able to figure out what we need to do to get her back.....think if we found loki, she'd come help?I mean, that would be enough to get her out of the nest."He mused looking pleased with the idea.
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