
Tony snickered a little at clint’s words nodding. “Though in clint’s case, its going to have to be a new weapon if he fails. For Jessica, just ask her out. She wants you to.”Tony snickered a little because he knew Jessica was going a little insane trying to get bruce to notice. “You do, but cat’ll like it.”Tony said smirking a little before yelping as he was shoved out of sight. “What the hell clint?!Leave me alone.”He grumbled good naturedly as he was shoved around.

Catalina smiled as clint took her hand, flushing slightly as he kissed her knuckles. “Thanks. You look dashing.”She smiled at him before laughing quietly. “I am sure its fine.Whatever you have planned.”She said sounding slightly giddy, wanting so badly to know what everyone had conspired to do for their date night. Heading for the door she wrapped a arm around his waist, shifting to snuggle under his arm, for once acting like a girly girl, feeling pretty and needy, giving into the need for a normal date night.
Clint rolled his eyes a little. "don't pick on Cat for having proper priorities. besides, i'd have to get her a weapon and a pretty bauble." he teased with a grin. "and then i'd have to watch my ass to make sure she doesn't use that weapon on me." he admitted with a laugh. "a..ask her out? but... but.." Bruce complained, trying to find a reason why he was entirely unsuitable for him to do such a thing without mentioning The Big Guy, as it would only piss the others off. "shit..." he grumbled as Clint smirked at Bruce. "Jessica does know about the Big Guy and she obviously doesn't care." he pointed out before sulking at Tony. "i look like a penguin! Cat's gonna hate it!" he complained before he was distracted by said Cat. "i don't, i look like a beast playing dress up." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "i look ridiculous." he grumbled. "but they won't let me into the restaurant without it, and i wanted to see you all pretty..." he admitted, blushing. "not that you aren't always pretty but..." he flushed harder. "i'm going to shut up now..." he muttered with a shake of his head.

"anyway, we're going to the Theater first." he admitted, hesitating a moment. he had, at first, not wanted to take her. but Natasha wouldn't want him to feel like that... so, he was taking her to the Ballet. he knew Cat loved the Ballet, and if he was being honest, he was rather fond of it as well. which Natasha had once teased him relentlessly for. so the Ballet t was, one of the most popular, and expensive to attend. he smiled as he indicated the Ferrari that Tony was letting them borrow. "i still can't drive, but the GPS will tell you where to go... if you don't mind? he did offer us a Limo, but i wasn't sure you'd enjoy that..." he admitted sheepishly. they arrived at the massive theater, where Clint produced two tickets and one of those fancy binoculars and headed up tot he best seat in the house, smiling as he held her hand and watched the fancy dancing. "you dance better." he admitted softly. "though, i might be a bit prejudiced."
“Why not?She picks on me all the time.”Tony sulked before snickering. “I thought you enjoyed it when she tried to attack you. She whines all the time that you don’t take her seriously.”Tony pointed out with amusement before looking at bruce, raising his eyebrows a little because he knew what the man wanted to say.”Just ask her out, banner.”he snickered before sulking as he was looking around and pointedly not looking at catalina. “No she wont. She’ll love you all dressed up.”he snorted amused. “No you don’t. You look amazing.”She said smiling, because it was so rare to see either of them out of their workout clothes or casual clothes, she was having no idea how to react to see him all dressed up.”You probably should. It’ll be good.’She teased a little kissing him before her eyes widened at his words, realizing where they were going.

“What?Really?”She said her eyes lighting up, pleasure at the idea of going to the ballet showing in that look. Looking amused as she took the car keys she shrugged.”I don’t. Besides, driving tony’s car is amazing. I mean, look at this thing.”She said looking the Ferrari over, knowing the car had been custom built from the frame up for the playboy. Quiet the whole time, looking a little nervous as they got to the theater, her smile both sad and happy as she realized what they were seeing. Sleeping beauty by Tchaikovsky, not only natasha’s favorite ballet, but one that her mother had danced in in Moscow before coming to the states. She had no idea how much it had taken tony and clint to manage to pull off getting the ballet here, but she was so very happy they had. Looking amused as they watched she rested her head on his shoulder, “You are biased. You enjoy me dancing cause I’ve turned it into a fighting form.”She teased her lover, though she knew he enjoyed the ballet as a simple dance to. Quiet as they watched, letting both memories of her mother dancing and her childhood joy of learning to dance fill her.

When it was over she leaned back to look up at the man sitting next to her, standing, waiting until he stood to wrap him in a hug tightly, burying her face against his chest, holding onto him almost painfully tight.”Thank you. This was amazing.”She muttered her voice muffled before leaning back to look at him, tugging him down for a kiss, for the moment the emotional turmoil she’d been in for the last few days forgotten in her joy of being on a date with him.
Clint snickered. "your easy to pick on." he pointed out with a smug little grin. "and i don't take her seriously when she's fighting, i'm too busy watching her boobs." he admitted with a shrug, Bruce uttering a strained little laugh at that. well aware that if Cat had heard him say that, she'd be utterly pissed. not because Clint had said something she didn't like, but because she couldn't beat him even when he was highly distracting by bouncing boobage. he smiled as she realized where they where going and at the delight of being able to drive the Ferrari. "it is pretty." he agreed. "i'll deny it to his face, but it's a gorgeous damn car and i've decided i'll let you teach me how to drive, simply because i do know how to hot wire a car without doing it damage... that and i know where he keeps the keys." Clint admitted with a grin as he let her drive.

Sleeping Beauty was Clint's favorite as well, and he smiled as he watched, remembering the last time he'd been there, Natasha hissing whenever the bad guy showed up and clapping at the end so hard she nearly gave him a black eye. "well, that and i can stare at your ass all i want and not be a pervert." he admitted with a grin. "what, did you think this was it?" he asked with a grin at her, feeling very glad that he'd brought her here. the GPS was already telling them where to go next, and they stopped in front of the hottest Italian restaurant in the city. "Party of two, Barton." Clint informed the Waiter who bowed and led the way. Tony had already written a 'blank check' for Clint, so they could have whatever they wanted. "this is my favorite restaurant." he admitted with a smile. "this is the place with the Tiramisu." he admitted with a grin. "Order anything you like, Tony's paying." he paused and spoke in brief Italian to the waiter, who nodded and headed off. who knew, Clint Barton knew italian.
“That can be our next date. We’ll steal his car so I can teach you to drive, then go parking.”She said a perverted little smirk teasing her lips as she looked at him, laughing quietly at the idea of him stealing the car, either by taking the keys or hotwiring it. “…you watch me walking across the room. You ARE a pervert. Comes with being friends with tony.”She muttered teasing him a little before tilting her head a little. “I-I did.”She stuttered a little wondering what they could be doing next, looking over at him in bemusement as they went to the restaurant, looking around her in quiet amazement. The place was beautiful, and while crowded, the lighting and the way the tables were set up made it seem like each were totally alone. “Ohhh, that tiramisu was amazing.”She said groaning in pleasure at the memory of it as she settled at the table, looking over the menu. Raising a eyebrow,”Italian? Along with Russian. Just how many languages do you know?And are you willing to give lessons?”She teased though completely serious about the lessons. Looking bemused as the waiter left.”What did you ask him?”She asked after a moment before smiling. “I think I’m going to get the tiramisu and the cheese ravoli.”She said smiling slightly,looking around her in quiet wonderment, amazed that he’d gone through so much trouble to make a good night out for her.
Clint snorted. "i am a pervert because i am a sexually primed male. it's insulting to be labeled as a 'freind' to Tony stark." he complained with a smile. "but, considering he paid for all of this... i guess i could call him that." Clint admitted with a smile. "besides, your butt wiggles when you walk, how can i be blamed for that?" he asked, pouting at her. "i love the Tirimisu here." he admitted with a smile. "ah, well... my mother was Italian." he explained with a slight flush. he never wanted to think about his mother again, let alone during a date, but... well she had asked and he wasn't about to lie. "most of the people i spoke to, spoke in Italian. it took me a while to learn English." he admitted with a smile. "even longer to speak Russian. not that Nat made it any easier, she kept changing the words to fuck with me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'd be glad to teach you." he admitted with a smile. "it will be fun. it's easier to focus on only the one language though, so we'll start with Italian. Fury doesn't speak that. it will be fun to insult him and him have no idea." he admitted with a grin. "i asked him for a sampler. they don't have menus here, the waiters all have it memorized." he admitted. "so i asked for a sampler of the appetizers and a sweet red." he admitted with a smile. "as well as some water and some iced raspberry tea." he admitted looking up as their sampler platter, with grilled asparagus, calamari, and a dozen other various delicious delights for them to taste of while they waited for their dinner. they where also given a whole, fresh baked loaf of bread and various styles of olive oil for them to dip it in.

(there's nothing better, than fresh bread dipped in extra virgin Olive Oil with a few herbs mixed in. yum!)
“…does this mean I have sex to look forward to at the end of this date, since I am with a sexually primed male?”she teased looking amused at his words before flushing slightly. “I’m not sure, but I’m sure Jessica could help me find a way to blame you for it.”She snickered a little before tilting her head a little. Startled that he had brought up his mother, even if she had asked. “Ah. I see.”She said reaching across the table to squeeze his hand, offering silent comfort before laughing at the idea of Natasha changing the words. “Poor hawk.”She muttered though her words said she was more amused then sorry for him before smirking. “I like it. Definitely need to learn Italian first. We’ll make a game out of it. Something fun to help me learn.”She mused before looking over the sampler platter,”…ohhh gods. This is amazing.”She muttered as she started digging into the food, and the bread. Looking so very happy and content to be stuffing her face. Cause catalina wasn’t one of those women who worried about how much she ate, she worked out to much to truly worry about it, and she enjoyed eating to much to care what she ate. Leaning back into her seat with a content sigh after awhile, she groaned, “I’m going to be fat by the time you take me home.”She whined a little looking amused, smiling happily as the waiter brought their dinner out, digging into the ravioli with the same gutso she had the sampler platter.

(oh dammit Kris!You’re making me hungry!I want bread now, and not just any bread, but some of the good stuff I had overseas, talk about amazing bread XDD)
lol you can make your own bread you know. the reason why the overseas stuff is better is because it's baked fresh, and isn't stuffed with preservatives. if you have a bread-maker, it's as easy as pushing a button XD. you can make your own infused Olive Oil too.)

he rolled his eyes. "of course you can look forward to sex. i'm not about to say no, y'know." he pointed out with a sly little grin. "Jessica would take my side and claim your teasing me on purpose due to a feminine desire to be noticed by me at all times." he stated with a lofty little sniff before laughing a little. "yes, poor me. don't mock me i'm feeding you the best of Italian cuisine here! i'll order you Escargot if your not careful." he teased, handing her a grilled snail, still in it's shell. he grinned as he watched her enjoy the food. it was all food he'd grown up with for the most part. sure crappier quality, but every Italian, even the whores, had a fixation with food. "good, i'll be fat with you." he decided with a smile as he tucked into his Veal and stuffed spinach leaves. he loved the cheese ravioli, but it was so rare to be able to have a good piece of veal. when the waiter returned, he spoke in Italian again and the waiter nodded and left, returning with two pieces of Tiramisu. "so, are you enjoying yourself do far?" he asked with a small smile.
Hmm I know, but its to much effort tonight…maybe tomorrow. XD And I couldn’t be lucky enough to have a bread maker, but I do know how to make bread, just don’t do it a lot. XD)

“Very true. You never say no.”She snickered a little rolling her eyes before sulking, “No she wouldn’t.”He made a face before smiling, looking down at the grilled snail eating it before she realized what it was, making a face.”That was gross. And mean. You could have told me what it was.”She grumbled looking amused as she ate. Digging into the tiramisu she looked up at his question, tilting her head a little. “I am. Really.”She blushed looking down, “Though you shouldn’t have gone through so much trouble. It really is to much, no matter how much I’m enjoying it.”She said smiling, blushing as she ate because it amazed her that he loved her enough to have gone through so much effort to make sure she had a good night. A night that was perfect, and allowed her to not be plagued by the emotional crisis she’d been having in the last week. “How about you?Enjoying it?”She said offering him a small shy smile, concerned he wasn’t enjoying it as much as she was. Her face going soft and pleased as she ate the tiramisu, melting at the taste, amazed at how very good it was.
lol just be careful when you do start making it. eating too much fresh yeast product can actually give you yeast infections.)

he grinned at her. "no man says no unless they're impotent, hurt too bad, or hiding something." he pointed out. "and sometimes the first two don't stop him either." he admitted with a smirk. "and she so would. maybe she wouldn't say it to me, but she would say it to you." he teased with a grin. "face it, she's your best freind." he teased with a smile. "i'm not even going to complain about how much i don't like her." he promised with a grin. "i wanted to. besides, Jessica set up the Ballet. Tony set up the restaurant." he smirked. "what happens next was all my idea." he admitted with a smile. "i love the Ballet." he admitted, flushing brilliantly. "sleeping Beauty was my favorite." he admitted. "i saw it once, when i was really little. and i used to pretend that i could fall asleep, and i'd wake up, and my whole life would be all better." he admitted. "and one day, it sort of did." he admitted, watching her. "the moment you stepped into my life... everything was just... better." he admitted softly as he finished off his Tiramisu and grinned as a large box was brought out held shut by a fancy silver ribbon. "Mille Grazie." he smirked at Cat. "Tiramisu to take home with us." he explained with a smile. "come on. we have one more place that i thought you might enjoy." he admitted, writing the number on the check plus fifty for a tip... just because.
“…you know, if I didn’t know you didn’t have a lot of sex before, I’d worry about you having sex while hurt.”She snickered looking amused at the idea before making a face. “She would not. And if she’s my best friend, she should side with me.”She pointed out before laughing, looking amused, tilting her head a little. “…I’m sorta worried now wondering what comes next.”She teased looking at him before smiling, amused at his words. Flushing hard at his words as she looked down at the table, looking so awkward and embarrassed, because the woman had no idea what to think as she finished off her tiramisu. “…well, it couldn’t have gotten much worse. You were a drunk, barton.”She teased a little though the look in her eyes was serious and pleased with the words, leaning over to kiss his cheek.”Life is better with you in it.”She said quietly before picking up the box, looking amused.”Good. Cause we should have this at home all the time.”She mused as they walked out, looking curiously at him as they got into the car, wondering where they were going next.
he chuckled a little. "i've only had a very few 'interests'. for the last few years i was completely celibate until you." he admitted simply. "well, unless you count that blowjob from that cute Mexican boy during the last Day of the Dead festival." he mused before he smiled at her. "oh, you'll like this." he promised her, wicked laughter dancing in his eyes. "and i never did handle my liquor well." he admitted with a shrug as he beamed at her and snuggled her a moment. "the GPS will take you there." he promised with a grin. they ended up in a military firing range, with Agent Hill waiting for them. "we, my lovely. get to test all the new toys." he explained with an impish grin as Agent Hill pulled the tarp off of all the biggest, baddest weapons Shield had developed.

back at Stark Tower, the alarms suddenly started going off. a very familiar red headed woman standing in front of the doors, ringing the doorbell and waiting to be let in. "uh... Tony. do you see what i see?" Bruce asked as he studied the security camera. "because i'm pretty sure i shouldn't be seeing that."
“...I don’t even want to know. The day of the dead just seems a little to weird.”She grumbled looking amused though. When they got to the firing range she looked around her with wide eyes before focusing on the other, her mouth falling open.”Oh!hawk, what in the world?Seriously?”She giggled happily even as she pushed past him, starting to pick up and working her way through the weapons. Though by the time she finished playing with them she was looking happy, and content, but tired. Tilting her head slightly she looked up at hawk, leaning up to kiss him. “I think I still prefer the bow. Its more comfortable then these.”She mused wrapping her arms around his neck leaning into him, snuggling her boyfriend. “You definitely deserve sex tonight. This was awesome.”she teased him a little looking amused.

Tony twisted around from the computer he was working on, pushing his goggles up off his face.”What?”The genius said, yelping as he burned himself with the welder he was using, dropping it as he moved to stand next to bruce, staring at the screen.”…Jarvis. Check to see if it’s loki.”Tony said his voice angry, not believing that the jotun could be that ballsy and walk up to the door to be let him. “Sir?IT is ms. Romanoff.”Jarvis said after a moment. “….Call Clint.And Jessica.”Tony said over his shoulder even as he headed for the elevator and heading down to let Natasha in, pausing on the other side of the glass. Not opening the door yet, because he wanted to talk to her before he let her in.”…When you worked here, how many times did you have to drag me out of bed?”He asked the Russian woman, wanting a answer that only the real Natasha would know, because despite jarvis’ confirmation it wasn’t loki, he still wanted a answer.
he chuckled a little. "i was completely drunk on Tequila and he had a very pretty mouth." Clint admitted with a grin. "very nice technique too actually." he admitted. "yes seriously!" he admitted with a laugh. "i knew you would love this part! Tony tried to talk me out of it." Clint admitted with a grin as she played with all the new guns. "oh, i do?" he asked, looking delighted. "so the Ballet and the resteraunt wasn't enough to warrent sex? i'll have to buy you some fancier date things then." he teased as he kissed her, groaning as his ass started to vibrate. "it's Tony." he groaned, turning the phone off and moving in for more kisses. "lets have sex right here..." "let's not." Agent Hill stated, Clint jumping before turning to blink at the woman. "...forgot you where here." "i get that a lot."

the Natasha looked like hell, she had dark circles under her eyes and she was sickly pale and as filthy as hell. she was even still wearing the suit she'd been buried in. "you think i'd risk my eyesight to drag your ass out of bed Stark? everyone knows you go to bed naked." she complained. "let me in, i'm tired as hell... did you people have to bury me so deep? i guess i shouldn't complain, you could have cremated me... tell you one thing, trying to dig my way out of my own grave is a hell of an experience, thank god Hela was nice enough to help me once she realized i was suffocating to death... are you going to let me in? i'm tired and i've been mostly dead for... how long now? time goes by a bit different when your dead."
“Well, the ballet and restaurant was worth a blow job, letting me play with weapons is worth really good sex.”She teased looking amused, whining a little as his phone went off,”Let’s-“Catalina started yelping a little as she looked over at agent hill before huffing out a sigh.”…Let’s go home. We have a private firing range there. We can go play with bows and have sex.”She said snickering a little as she stole another kiss, smiling at agent hill.”Thanks.”She muttered smiling as she headed for the car. Pleased and happy as they drove back towards the tower.

Tony winced as he looked her over. “You know you want to see me naked.”Tony said snickering a little because it was true, she just hounded Jarvis into waking him up. “Sorry. WE weren’t expecting the depth of your grave to be a issue.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little even if he looked a little freaked out, letting her in. “Nearly a year.”Tony winced looking at the woman, swallowing hard. Hoping bruce had managed to get ahold of the other two, not wanting either assassin to walk blindly into this. “Come on, you can use the guest shower to clean up.”he said leading her upstairs, directing her into one of the guest rooms to shower and only pausing long enough to consider it for a moment before getting some of catalina’s clothes. While catalina was shorter then the Russian, the clothes would be big enough for Natasha. “Clean up, then we’ll talk.”he said looking worried as he headed back to the living room to talk to bruce while he waited for her to shower. “It’s her. Did you get ahold of clint?”He muttered.

“We should have sex in the elevator. I mean, you’re always after me to try new things.”Catalina muttered as she leaned into clint, the two having been making out on the whole ride up from the garage. Not aware of the emotional and scarring mess they were about to walk into. Groaning quietly as the elevator stopped on their level, smiling as she stepped off, hoping both tony and bruce were wise enough to not be waiting up for them. Because she had every intention of having sex all night with her boyfriend.
he had to chuckle at that. "well, honestly, i'd rather suck you." he teased with a grin, shaking his head. "yes, let's go home." he growled, giving her another heated kiss.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "no, i really don't, you're probobly ugly as sin." she stared simply, flashing him a smug little smirk before she grimaced. "a year? no wonder i feel so god awful." she groaned, scrubbing her face as she stumbled inside. "yeah, i need a shower bad." she admitted before muttering something in Russian as she moved into the nearest bathroom. she came out clean and feeling much better and sat down where Bruce offered. "thanks Bruce." she muttered, taking a long sip of hot, very hot Coffee with a small groan. "god i missed Coffee... except God, apparently, doesn't really exist..." she admitted, shaking her head, looking up as the elevator opened and Clint and Cat stumbled out. Clint looked at her, blinked twice and then cocked his head to the side. "Orange..." he stated simply before walking inside, and ignoring Natasha completely, the woman looking entirely baffled. "this? this is Tiramisu, MY, Tiramisu.. well, Cat's, Tiramisu. anyone who eats, this Tiramisu, is going to have their hands cut off." "Clint..." Natasha stated, looking amused. "hush you, you don't exist." Clint ordered Natasha, who lifted an eyebrow and looked at Tony and Bruce. "i don't?" "it's a long story." Bruce muttered and Clint glared at the doctor. "don't encourage my hallucinations! now, i am going to go get laid. anyone who bothers me is going to die in painful ways. C'mon Cat!... Cat?... Cat what's wrong?"
Catalina laughed, stumbling a little as she walked, freezing there as she looked around her. Looking at a loss for words as she looked at clint, then at Natasha then the two men sitting at the table. “I’ll share my tiramisu with you.”Catalina muttered a little her look slipping into fear as she stared at the other female. “Clint-“Tony started, wincing at clint’s words. Not even wanting to know about their sex life. “Clint, its not a hallucination. Nor is it loki.”Tony said watching the woman. “….She’s real. Hawk, I can see her to.She’s here.”Catalina said her voice sounding hurt and confused as she looked up at the man standing next to her, torn between wanting to shove him into the nest to get away from the woman they both were seeing, and beat on Natasha until she got answers. Shuddering a little her eyes went sad as she looked between the two assassins.

“Clint, Hela, goddess of the dead, brought Natasha back.She’s real. I promise.”Tony said looking at clint, gesturing the two closer.”Sit, we need to talk.”Tony said ignoring the look he was getting from catalina as she walked across the room and settled onto the couch, near the others, but sitting on the arm of the couch looking ready to flee, which considering the way she was eyeing the nest, and gauging how long it would take her to scramble up the rope ladder, she was very very close to running away. Because no matter what anyone told her, she was truly afraid of Natasha being back, because she was afraid of losing the man she was in love with. To emotional to consider anything else, except what natasha’s return meant for her and clint.
Clint scowled at Catalina. "no you won't! don't give away my Tiramisu!" he complained before scowling at Tony, suddenly suspicious, his hand going to the Gun he kept on him at all times ever since he'd found out about Loki. "so..." Clint muttered, backing away from them. "she's real, a goddess i've never heard of brought her back and you want me to sit." he bared his teeth. "i think she's not real, and since you say she is, then that means your delusions as well." he hissed, bringing his gun up, panic in his eyes. and who could blame him? he thought one of them was Loki, and if one of them was Loki, then that meant Loki had kidnapped his freinds. Natasha moved before anyone else could, smacking the gun out of his hand before he could shoot someone he didn't really want to shoot. which started a fight, a long, violent fight full of Russian and Italian cursing as Natasha literally whooped Clint's ass, leaving him gasping on the floor clutching his belly. "...well. that was exciting." Nat stated, shaking her head. "take him to bed. there's no reasoning with him right now, he's in shock." Natasha stated softly, watching Clint with pained eyes. "Bruce, your going to tell me what the hell has happened." Natasha demanded, Jessica clearing her throat. "i beleive i would be the best one for that. Cat? take Clint to bed." she ordered. "i'll explain to Romanoff what's happened." Jessica promised, clearly suspicious of the woman who was supposed to be dead.

"she kicked my ass." Clint groaned as he followed Cat, looking baffled. "Loki isn't supposed to be able to kick my ass... your real, right CaT? you're not fake? tell me something only Cat knows!... or maybe Cat never existed? you always existed right?" well, real or not, Natasha was right, Clint was in shock.
Catalina yelped as the fighting started growling when tony grabbed her arm to keep her from interfering. Glaring at natasha a liytle he nodded."we'll explain.go get some rest cat."tony muttered hesitantly letting go of the woman not sure if she'd attack the russian eoman. giving natasha a supicious look catalina nodded slijtly before heading up to the nest with clint, starting to strip down before she turned to look at him. Moving over to her lover she wrapped her arms around him,loosely,ot sure if he'd accept the hug."I'm real,hawk. Always have been."she said before thinking about it trying to decide what a good thing to know would be before smirking."the first time you kissed me was here,when id woken from a nightmare. And you're the only one who knows that I hate you dri.king,ot because I dislike drunken people,but because drunken people frihten me. Because my father drank...you hate swimming,ecause yoyr mother tried to drown you...you love it when I give you a back massage after we've been doing bow work all day...and I know that I'll never be your equal.no matter how hard I train."she said giving him a overabundance of facts only she knew,though with each one she sounded sadder,because she guessed natasha probably knew some of this to. And despite being leery and somewhat glad his friend had come back to him somehow,it scared her to.

Tony sihed wuietly watching the teo go before settling in to help jessica explain everything. At the end he sighed wuietly,"shes going to hate you. Just beware. Shes his trainee. Shes going to hate to see his partner come back."he said sounding sligjtly amused and also worried because he really did have no idea how cat was going to handle this,whatever was going on
Natasha was panting, but looked about as tired as Clint did after he whooped on Cat. "really real?" Clint asked softly. "you promise?" he asked, sounding almost broken. "yes... i know those things, and you know those things." he agreed, looking so relieved as he kissed her gently. "i love you Cat." he whispered softly. "i do. i love you." he murmured happily as he snuggled with her.

Nat smiled a little. "Clint and i make very good partners." she admitted. "but Cat has given him something i never could." she admitted shaking her head. "don't think that just because i was dead for a year, means i'm blind." Natasha teased with a grin. "Clint's finally found a bit of Happiness. i'm not about to risk that." she admitted. "once Cat is suitably trained, it will be easy for a decision to be made." if Clint was more focused on protecting Cat, then he couldn't be partners with her, but if he let Cat do her thing, then Nat knew they would work brilliantly together. "so Loki has been tormenting Clint with me for over a year? shit no wonder he panicked like that." Nat groaned as she swallowed down an entire Pizza by herself. being dead for so long, her body was severely lacking nutritional support. she needed to eat as much as she could until her body stabilized.

in the morning, Clint, Cat, and Natasha where sitting at opposite ends of the table. Clint was holding Cat's hand tightly while Natasha ate her weight in eggs. "so your really alive?" Clint finally asked, Nat nodding. "Loki's daughter, Hela. is the ruler of the underworld. some place called nif elf heim of something. she's super pissed at her daddy for the shit he's pulling. apparently he's killed more people in the time he was here, than the last natural disaster." Natasha admitted. "the Avengers are the only hope of defeating Loki, something about celestial guidance or some shit. Hela let me return once she realized that the Avenger's weren't 'functioning' properly without me... i don't think she realized Loki was fucking with your heads because frankly, you all seam to be functioning just fine." Nat admitted.
Catalina smiled a little as she pulled on her pj’s, looking amused as she kissed him back.”I love you to.”She said smiling as they settled down to sleep.

“Hm, I was wondering if you were as oblivious as clint or not. It took him FOREVER to realize she was in love with him.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Yea. He was seeing you before loki escaped, but when loki started screwing with them…yea. It’s been bad.”Tony said smiling a little amused as she ate.

Catalina smiled slightly as she held clint’s hand, not about to tell him to loosen up, even though she could feel the bones grinding together painfully. More then willing to deal with the pain if it made him feel better. Looking thoughtful before laughing quietly. “Maybe we should see if Thor has spoken to his niece. Maybe she would have some insight on tracking him down.”Catalina muttered a little, “Loki’s here in the city, he came into stark tower before we realized who it was really.”The woman sighed eating, glad that the other’s had had the foresight to give the three assassins the time to come to terms with the fact that Natasha really was alive. “We are functioning fine. Now. When loki first started screwing with us, we didn’t realize that was what it was. We thought we were going insane…and the others were so busy nursing us through one delusional episode after another that they couldn’t look for loki.”She said sighing quietly, quieter then she normally was, because she had no idea how to act with the other woman there. And despite clint loving her, and saying it, and her knowing it, her heart was battered enough by loki’s illusions that she was just waiting for him to abandon her now that Natasha was back. Clint really did need to get her to talk, otherwise she'd never get better, but until she was ready to talk, it was going to be hard....maybe Natasha, who was wiser then most people would give her credit for, would be more help?
Natasha sighed a little. "none of the Aeser are allowed to see her." Natasha admitted. "she is being punished because she was born from Loki." she admitted, shaking her head. "she is trapped in niffle whatever, and has no contact with anyone, but the Dead. she does what she can to offset her father's evil, but it isn't much." Natasha admitted, feeling bad for poor Hela, who had done nothing wrong but have a crappy father. "i'm sorry i was used to hurt you." she whispered, looking at Clint. "your the only family i've ever known." she admitted and Clint nodded, mute because he didn't trust himself to speak. "i can't believe Loki would do such shit..." Natasha muttered, setting a hand over her eyes, too full to eat anymore. "i can't imagine the hell you two must have gone through." she muttered. "probobly would have been better if i'd stayed dead..."

"Don't say that!" Clint finally burst out, trembling. "don't you dare say that." he hissed before pausing and looking at Cat's hand, realizing he'd broken her finger from the force of his grip. "crap, Cat i'm sorry!" he whispered, gently examining her finger. "Loki will strike hard and fast once he realizes i am here. Cat... your training is going to have to take top priority, or Loki will kill you, simply because it will hurt Clint more than anything else in this world." Natasha warned. "i won't insult you by suggesting you hide, your too much of a warrior for that." she admitted. "and a good one too from what i hear." she admitted with a smirk. "better than Frank anyway." "shut up! i trained Frank!" Clint complained as he carefully set and bound Cat's finger. "and he's an idiot." Natasha stated simply. "he shot himself in the foot." "...ok he's an idiot." Clint agreed softly, shaking his head. "and your right... once Loki realizes he's failed, he's going to be pissed and he's going to bring the fight straight home... he's going to try to kill one of us again, no more mind games... we need to get better." he looked up at Cat, stroking her face. "i can't lose you..."
Catalina frowned a little at the thought, “…If the aeser’s cant see her, I wonder if he could get a message to her?I mean, surely the asgardians aren’t stupid enough to turn down help from someone who knows loki. Thor isnt at least. I’ll see if I can get a message to him.”Catalina frowned feeling bad to, looking thoughtful watching the two. “Loki’s…evil. There isnt a lot he wouldn’t do.”Catalina muttered absently stroking her thumb along clint’s palm, calming herself before shuddering a little. “It was hell. And even more so because I knew he was seeing things. But that wasn’t your-Fuck!”catalina cursed her words cut off mid sentence as her index finger snapped, whimpering quietly. While it wasn’t a bad break, it was going to take time to heal. Paling slightly because she knew loki was going to come for her again, hard once he realized that hela had brought Natasha back. Tilting her head slightly at the woman’s words she smiled. “I try to be. Though I still can’t beat hawk, even if he is distracted by the bouncing boobs.”She scowled out her lover as he bound her hand. So she wasn’t totally aware that he’d been distracted, she just wasn’t totally okay with it. She still felt like a idiot trying to keep up with him, no matter what anyone else said, clint would forever be the person she compared herself to when she needed a yardstick to measure her progress. “Well, you’ve ruined bow practice for a few weeks. Cant shoot anything.Unless you want to start over again and help me learn how to shoot with my left hand instead of right.”She muttered sounding sulky, like a child, and she was. At 23, despite everything, she was young enough the idea of loki forgoing his games, and really coming for her, scared her senseless. Turning her head a little into his hand she sighed quietly closing her eyes.”I cant lose you either, hawk.”She muttered sounding worried about him.
Natasha shrugged. "i don't now about that, i only know what Hela told me." she admitted simply. "and... well, the Asgaurdians could very well be that stupid." she admitted. "they did lock her up even though she never did anything. she's such a sweet girl." Natasha admitted. "well... so long as you didn't commit a hellish sin while you where alive." she admitted, glancing at Clint. "i met your mother by the way." Clint went violently tense. "she would have given me a message to give to you, but all she could manage was a few screams. whatever she did, she's in the lowest pits being tortured." Clint had to grin viciously at that. "no one can beat Hawk." Natasha stated with a smile. "i might be able to beat him up in hand to hand, but put a bow in it and he whoops me up and down." she admitted simply.

"actually, he can beat me up in hand to hand too if he's motivated enough. he beat the shit out of me once when i traded all his crappy magic cards for a new Russian Vepr Dragunov Style Rifle 762 x 54R." she admitted, looking amused. "he sold the gun on the black market, took all the money and bought three times as many magic Cards." she admitted simply, Clint smirking viciously. "she never touched my cards again." he admitted. "you really should practice left handed." he admitted to Cat. "and work on your dance some more. it might give you a serious advantage." he admitted, Nat looking interested. "Dance?" "mmm, she's turned a dance style into a fighting style." Natasha looked highly impressed. "Street?" "Ballet." "...you can turn Ballet into a fighting style!?" Nat asked, looking shocked. "shit. i knew i shouldn't have quite those dancing lessons." "you where there for a day if i remember correctly." "the teacher was a perv. he kept touching me." "you got kicked out for breaking his arm."
Catalina shifted a little, brushing her shoulder against clint as he tensed, offering him comfort before giving a equally vicious grin.”Well, that’s good to hear.”She muttered before smiling slightly. Looking amused at natasha’s words, and more then willing to make fun of clint to distract him from thinking about his mother. “Well, that’s good to know. He drives me insane most of the time.”Catalina said looking amused before her eyes widened, her mouth falling open. “And I get yelled at for touching them? Clint!That’s not fair. She got to sell them.”She sulked, teasing him a little before smiling. “well, we better take Natasha downstairs with us, otherwise we might get distracted into the sex that was interrupted last night.”She mused before grinning at Natasha’s look, blushing ever so slightly. “My mother was a ballet dancer before she left Moscow. My childhood…made it beneficial to have a easy way to defend myself. I’d already learned to dance, it seemed like the natural next step.”She said snickering a little at their arguing. “Well, if you want…I could use a new training partner. Hawk refuses to help me, and frank’s getting predictable. Teaching someone else would liven up the excerises.”She said offering a hand of friendship, looking nervous. The girl had never had a lot of friends, and considering her reservations she had about the other woman, clint loved Natasha, which meant she had to figure out a way to have a life with her in it.
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