
he beamed and fetched her a pillow and ever so carefully helped her prop her leg up on it. "i am in love with you." he promised with a grin. "your my favorite, don't you know?" he asked with a sly grin before paling as he looked from Nat to Cat, confused beyond all belief. he held her tightly, silent tears streaming down his face as he mourned losing Nat all over again. he ignored the tears, focusing entirely on Cat. not realizing later that night, that he had been drugged to sleep.

the woman laughed and smiled as she led Catalina up to the roof, grinning at her as she danced with her Kitten. all hints of Tony and Jessica where hidden from Cat, so the woman didn't hear Tony demanding what had happened. "i don't know! i think she's having a flashback! like Clint was having! she can't see us, she doesn't know she's in danger. i don't know if we CAN get her attention but maybe... maybe we can gently guide her away from the edge?" she asked, moving forward to step into the dancing woman, so she could maybe dance the woman away from the edge. as soon as Cat's attention shattered, the woman who had been her mother smiled sadistically, still there even though everything else was gone, and shoved Catalina, hard, launching her off the roof. "Come home to me Kitten!" her mother called, smiling at her. "come to heaven with me! it's wonderful there!" the woman's voice cajoled even as Tony caught her, Bruce racing into the room. "i can't wake up Clint! somethings wrong!"
“Fuck!”Tony cursed as he plunged over the edge of the building after the falling woman, catching her even as bruce ran out. Landing on the roof he wrapped his arms around the flailing woman who was still trying to go after her falling mother, screaming and crying. It was a good thing the man was suited up, otherwise he’d be bruised and bleeding as catalina tried to get away from him. She might not be as strong as clint, but without the suit tony was still human to, and not nearly as combat trained as the two assassins. “Yea!I can see that!Something’s definitely wrong.”Tony growled as he carried catalina into the apartment, holding her easily in one arm as he dug through the dresser to find one of clint’s sedatives, swallowing hard as she went limp before looking at bruce. “Take her down to the medical lab. I’ll get clint. There has to be a medical reason for this. This is not normal, especially clint. The man’s never not aware.”He scowled pissed because the man had no idea what to think of the usual very easily awoken assassin not being able to wake up.

When they got down to the lab he looked up at Jessica, “He’s been drugged. Did you drug him?I mean, asleep.”Tony scowled as he read the results of bloodwork, looking at clint as he laid on the medical table, glancing over the medical scanners that were making sure that neither him or catalina were in any real danger until they could figure out what was going on. “There’s nothing in her blood work that should have made her act like this.”Tony said sounding frustrated, glad that both assassins were down for the count for the moment, needing to figure out what to do, before he woke them up again.
Jessica cringed as she watched Jessica freaking out and she shook her head hard, looking frantic as she followed Tony. she'd never felt so helpless in her life. Bruce didn't even bother getting upset at being snapped at. they where all terrified about what was happening to Cat and Clint. when they all reached the medical bay, Jessica looked calm and composed once more, and Bruce was working on finding a way to 'Cat proof' the house. "i didn't, no." Jessica admitted shaking her head. "there was no need to... he wasn't a danger to himself and he wasn't having any trouble sleeping." she admitted, setting a hand on Cat's shoulders. "oh what am i going to do? they're getting worse and i don't know how to help them..." she whispered before sighing. "i'll be back, i need to check something from my office, maybe there's a hint in the recordings..." she recorded every session she had with her patients, so she could listen to them later if she had to.

she came back an hour later and smirked when she saw that Tony was sleeping, instead of watching the two. good, that little sleeping dust she'd slipped him was working. he'd sleep long enough. she gently slid a needle into both Clint and Cat's arm, injecting them with the hallucinogenic drug that made them fully loose touch with reality. this was Cat's first dose, Clint had been getting a dose ever since that 'new medicine' which had been replaced with nothing more than a placebo. this would be the last thing it took, to completely snap Cat and Clint's minds. and then, the rest of the Avengers would follow. once she got rid of the evidence, she left again, she couldn't afford to be seen after all.

in the morning, Clint was talking to Natasha again, calmly chatting to her as he made some mess at the stove in the kitchen, complaining that he shouldn't have to cook. Cat seamed trapped in her own delusions. Bruce seamed utterly panicked, Steve looked like he wanted to cry, and Jessica looked... triumphant as Tony woke. "it's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked suddenly, her eyes glittering with laughter. "it was so easy to break their poor little minds." she admitted, Bruce gasping as he stared at her. "Jessica!? you... you did this!? you... i just..." "oh it wasn't even hard. you pathetic little idiots trusted me so perfectly." she grinned viciously. "it was so easy to slip them drugs, which made the, so much more open to the images i sent them. you see, Clint wasn't simply imagining Natasha, she was really there, i MADE her there..." the door slid open and a second Jessica, this one looking exaughsted and strung out walked in and froze, gaping at her copy. "you never suspected Jessica, it made it SO easy. all i had to do was make her sleep. come in her place and drug the pathetic assassins, and then walk right back out and you, nor Jessica had any idea." the fake Jessica laughed. "and now, there is no fixing them. they are broken, i broke them, and it's so glorious to see them like this." he stated with a laugh. "the rest of you will be next. it's just a pity your precious whores are in Asgard, i can't get to them just yet, but it won't be long. you'll find your dead loved ones soon enough, and then i'll start killing off you, one by one." and with that the fake laughed, and vanished and the real Jessica slid to the floor, her hands pressed to her lips in horror as she realized that she had been used.
Tony started staring at Jessica, the genius for a moment at a loss for what he was seeing,”Jess-wha-“he stuttered a little looking at the real Jessica. Looking torn between figuring out which one was real. “Loki.”The iron man spat looking pissed even as he lunged for the other, slamming into the wall just as loki vanished, snarling as he pushed up off the floor. Beyond pissed that none of them had considered that loki was capable of creating a illusion so strong they wouldn’t be able to see through it. Already moving to the work station he called fury, even as he used the talisman thor had left with him to summon the man, needing to tell him that loki was on his way to deal with them. That loki was closer then they had ever considered. The busy work of informing the others, keeping him from listening to the delusions of the two assassins, and what would happen to them.

Hours later catalina tugged at her bonds, after hours of screaming her need to get away from her father, to get to the mother who was begging her to join her, the screams had quieted into quiet whimpers, the tone of a abandoned child who had no one there for her. No matter that the other avengers were still there, she couldn’t see them. Couldn’t see that her friends were there, not when the only one she wanted, wasn’t. to unaware to realize that clint was having his own problems. “I am catalina Santana, shield agent…I am..”She muttered to herself, reminding herself of who she was even if she was struggling to remember who that was indeed. Losing her grip on the world around her, “hawk…?Where’s hawk?...”She questioned quietly, “…he went back to Natasha?He abandoned me for Natasha…”She muttered as if talking to someone, before frowning struggling a little. “No…no you weren’t like that for him…you didn’t have a relationship like that…”She tilted her head, turning her head, as if hearing someone. And she was. Natasha. After so many stories of the woman, and loki’s own brand of torment, he was making sure that the woman would never trust clint with her heart again, even if she did manage to put her mind back together enough to function.”…oh.Well…maybe.I believed him..he didn’t want you like that.No….”

“We need to figure out a way to make sure everyone is who they say they are.”Tony looked at bruce as the other scientist came in, running his fingers through his hair before nodding towards the two drugged assassins who were still trapped in their own delusions. “the drugs. While they’re strong now, I think once they run their course, and get out of their systems…we’ll be able to get them to see the world as it was. They’re aware that something’s not right. They’re fighting it.I don’t know…I just…don’t know.”The billionaire for the first time in his life, sounded defeated. Because he had no idea how much of the two would be left once the drugs left their systems, but hopeful.
Jessica was rather inconsolable after that, she just sat in a chair and cried, certain she had broken her freinds. Cat was the closest freind that Jessica had ever made, and she had been flirting with Bruce, because he was just so cute. Thor appeared in a flash as soon as he was summoned and looked around, his eyes widening as he was appraised of the situation by Steve, since Bruce was trying to comfort Jessica. Thor did what he could to 'Loki proof' the house, but Thor was not a sorcerer, there was very little he could do.

while Cat was trying to find Clint, Clint was doing the same. he wasn't being restrained, because he wasn't fighting like Cat was. instead, Clint was talking to Nat as he wandered from room to room looking for Cat. recognizing that Cat wasn't there and that she was probobly in danger. though he did keep getting distracted and would often follow Natasha to various repetitive locations, so long as it was far away from Cat. no matter how hard the fake Nat tried though, Clint kept returning to the room where Cat was restrained to look for her. so part of him did realize she was there, even if he couldn't actively see or hear her.

"i think your right. we need a way to tell. and i think i have one." Bruce admitted. "Thor was telling me that genetically, Loki doesn't change, just physically... so, i changed Jarvis." he smiled sheepishly at Tony. "sorry... but i was in a hurry. i already have all our blood samples in the computer. as long as it's our DNA, we can get up into the living areas. Loki won't be able to enter, without an alarm going off no matter which door, elevator or window he comes in." "you have blood samples just laying around?" "got them from Fury. you know they keep blood samples in case something weird happens. not to mention we donate our own blood every two months in case we need blood immidiatly." Bruce pointed out. "Fury was happy to help actually."
Though it took the hours for the drugs to dwindle enough for her to start hearing clint moving around, it was happening. It helped that it had been her first dose of the drug. And while she was suffering from both abandonment delusions, and her family flickering around her, she calmed every time he stepped into the room. The part of her that knew clint, knew that the man loved her, was aware that clint was present. “…hawk?Hawk, you came back?You…want me?”catalina whispered quietly as she looked up at the man as he stepped into the room with her, her voice soft and broken, needing him, and sounding scared that he wasn’t really there. That he was the illusion and that the fake Natasha really was real, and that she’d been lied to, that he really was in a relationship with his former partner. “Hawk?”she said sounding desperate, yanking at her hands, trying to get free to go to him.

“Its okay. I trust you.”Tony said though he did look a little put out at the idea of the other messing around with his computers, in the fact that the man had had a good idea, so he wasn’t going to protest to much. Looking relieved with the idea he nodded. “Good. It wont help when we go out, but this tower will be safe for all of us.”Tony said before smirking slightly, “Of course fury was willing to help. Its his son being driven insane…he’s probably foaming at the mouth in eagerness to kill loki.”he sighed because he knew thor tried to loki proof the house, but loki had played them all. He had no doubt the man would be able to run circles around thor. He loved the big guy, but he wasn’t what one would call super smart. He was a warrior, and brilliant warrior, but just a warrior king. Glancing at the asgardian he sighed quietly. “pepper and the others are safe?”He asked sounding just as worried.
Clint was much too out of it to hear Cat calling out to him, but he was looking for her, peeking under the bed and calling for Cat and shooting scathing comments at Natasha, who was doing her best to distract him from his search. he was getting more and more frustrated that Nat was being difficult. he even walked right in front of Cat and looked under her bed, sounding frightened as he kept looking for her, staggering into people when they didn't move out of the way fast enough. he didn't see them, and he didn't seam to notice that he'd run into something either, but he was aware enough to know that Cat was there SOMEWHERE and was getting more and more angry with Natasha, who kept trying to get him to leave.

Bruce offered Tony a sheepish smile. "i wouldn't have done it at all if i hadn't thought we where running on a very short deadline." Bruce promised his 'employer'. because it was technically true. "i have my doubts that Cat and Clint will be leaving the tower anytime soon." Bruce admitted softly. "but at least we won't accidentally be bringing Loki back with us." he muttered with a shudder. "yes, they are safe, i've had them moved." Thor admitted as he walked in, slightly out of breath. "Loki will not find them, he knows nothing of where they have been taken, though." here he had to smile. "Dr. Selvig might not come back, he is quite happy now." he admitted with a snicker. "the girls are having a lot of fun too, being quite pampered. they where having mud baths last i saw." Thor admitted, watching Clint wander around the room and yell at Natasha to leave him alone so he could find Cat. "why would anyone wish to lay in mud?"
“Hawk?I’m here, I am!Clint!”catalina begged as she tugged at her handcuffs harder, frightened that she was seeing things, that the man in front of her wasn’t real, since he couldn’t see her, so he had to be the illusion, not Natasha who was interacting with her. “No, come back…I promise..I promise I’ll be good…just come back…”Catalina muttered quietly as she watched him leave, slumping back into the bed, sighing softly. The fight giving out on her as she twisted so that she could curl up on her side, looking so defeated and scared to be alone. “Hawk….”he muttered disheartened as she cried, falling apart as she couldn’t reach clint, and he couldn’t find her.

Tony huffed a little as he watched the computer screen in front of him,”I don’t think they’re going anywhere. Though if he gets much more agitated we might want to consider locking him in the room with her. Even if he cant see her, he’s calmer in there…”The billionaire frowned a little, because it was hard watching clint be so upset, and watching catalina break. He was going to kill loki, rip him apart into small bloody pieces for this. Looking amused though at thor’s words he smiled, shaking his head. “Its good for your skin or something. Who knows why women do what they do?”Tony said snickering a little at the idea of the girls being pampered, and glad that the three weren’t suffering to much. Tilting his head a little tony eyed clint, biting his lip a little. "Think he's going to get pissed enough to realize that 'natasha' is leading him away from catalina, instead of helping him?"
Clint was unaware of Cat's location, but he was starting to hear Cat, he could hear the terror in her voice and he snarled softly. "Cat? where are you? please answer me." he pleaded before he snarled again, suddenly furious, suddenly enraged and he advanced on empty space as he started to hiss and spit and snarl in Russian at the fake Cat. he was speaking too quickly for anyone but the most fluent to keep up with him, but after spending so much time with the Russian girl, Tony and Steve could at least pick out a few words. Clint was calling Nat a bitch, a traitor, and was accusing her of keeping his Cat from him. then, before their very eyes, he and the fake Nat started to beat on each other. they where fighting, and Clint was winning, which was all Clint needed to know that this Nat was not real. he had never won a skirmish against Nat. never, so now that he had her pinned to the ground, hands wrapped around her throat... he knew this was not really Nat, and squeezed harder. fully intending on killing this fake Thing that was keeping his Cat away from him.

"he is getting highly agitated. i don't think it will take much more for him to realize that he's hallucinating." Bruce admitted softly before blinking as Clint attacked empty air. "...is he trying to kill Nat? should we stop him?" Steve asked, looking concerned. "looks like he's winning." Bruce muttered, Jessica leaping to her feet as Clint sagged and slowly got up, looking confused as he studied the floor. "...she wasn't real..." he muttered, stunned. "she wasn't anything but mist..." "no, Clint, she was an illusion..." Jessica tried, Clint blinking at her. "Jessica? where's Cat?" "over there. she's trapped in delusions set up by Loki. she needs you." Clint stared at her, looking utterly confused looking around. he was still under the effects of the drug and had lost his focus, but Jessica seamed to realize this, because she took Clint's hand and led him to Cat. she carefully unbound Cat and watched the two snuggle before she looked at the others in the room. "...he's going to have twice the guilt about Nat's death after he strangled a woman who looked exactly like her... but at least i can help with that..."
“Hawk!I’m here, please. See me!”Catalina called trying to get to him, trying to see through her own delusions before stopping, going quiet as she tilted her head at the sound of Russian. The language tripping up the woman, because she didn’t know it, so the Natasha she was seeing, didn’t know it either. While loki could force her to see things, if the knowledge wasn’t there, wasn’t present for him to build on, the illusion was that much harder to keep up. Tony tilted his head even as he stood, prepared to intervene but figuring it was probably a good thing that clint was beating on Natasha. “No, don’t. He once told me he had never beaten Natasha in a fight, she always managed to beat him. Its making him realize she’s not real.”Tony said looking concerned though as clint slumped, smiling slightly as the two snuggled. Glancing at Jessica he nodded,”You will. Now. Go rest, doc, you’re going to need it when they get up.”the man said looking amused as both cat and clint, despite being upset and delusional, had managed to shift around to snuggle and fall asleep. Exhaustion showing in the two assassins faces even asleep. After carefully bandaging catalina’s wrists to make sure she hadn’t bled herself to badly on the handcuffs, the man settled down to get some rest himself.

When catalina stirred, the woman pressed her face into clint’s chest, fingers holding onto his shirt so tightly that the woman’s hands were numb. Even asleep, she had been afraid that he wasn’t real, had sought to make sure he was staying where he was, and with her. “…hawk?”She muttered quietly, forcing her hands open to let blood get back to her fingers, whimpering quietly as the motion made her wrists ache. While the cuts weren’t deep, the sharp edges of the handcuffs had left numerous cuts along her arms. “hawk?”she whispered again, anxiety starting to creep into her voice as she woke up more, needing to know that he was actually there, and not a illusion.
Clint couldn't see her, couldn't hear her, but he knew she was there. and Natasha was keeping her from him, so Natasha had to go. this decision was only enforced when she didn't seam to understand her own language. "well... he sure as hell beat her now." Bruce muttered. "only if you wake someone else up in a few hours so you can get some sleep too." "i'll watch them." Thor ordered suddenly. "i got a few hours of sleep in Asgard... Mother insisted." Thor admitted, rolling his eyes. "she said i looked like a dead cow." he grumbled and Bruce snickered a little at that as Bruce settled into his favorite chair and watched the two love birds to make sure that no one messed with them.

he groaned as she spoke and tightened his arms around her. "shhh..." he demanded. "tired. no talking. sleeping." and it was such a normal response, that Steve, who was watching them, wanted to laugh. or maybe cry. he wasn't sure. "i don't feel well." Clint complained suddenly, pushing her carefully out of the way before leaning over the bed and barfed. he was detoxifying, he'd been getting dosed for a week, so he had a lot more drug to work through. "uuuurg.... when i get my hands on that skinny fucker i'm going to rip his spleen out and make him eat it!" he hissed, aware enough to know that Loki had been fucking with him. Jessica had tried to explain it last night, but Clint had been too out of it to really pay her any attention.
Catalina huffed out a quiet breath at the demand.”So demanding.”She grumbled shifting to get comfortable again, yelping as she was pushed away, wincing as the man threw up. “….that was disgusting. Both the throwing up, and the mental image of loki eating his own liver.”She grumbled a little looking at clint, looking a little sick to her stomach herself before scrambling to lean over the edge of the bed and throwing up herself. The smell and the drug, while she hadn’t been nearly as drugged as clint, it still had messed with her enough that she was detoxing. “I’m going to join you in killing him…”She sighed as she leaned back in the bed, smirking a little at the small clean up machine that came into the room and worked at cleaning up their throw up. It seemed tony wasn’t about to grace them with his presence, or to clean up after them, when he could have machines do it.

Shifting to lay on her side, close to clint, but careful not to crowd him, not because she was worried about being close to him, but because she figured he was going to be puking for awhile, and she didn’t want puked on. Curling up she smiled up at him, looking calmer and easier with everything then she had in days, looking strained and tired, the last few days having taken it out of her. “…Do you want me to call jess?”She muttered reaching out, hesitating only briefly before brushing his hair out of his face, needing to touch him, and doing a really good job of ignoring steve for the moment. Needing to reconnect with the man who’d been lost to her.
Hawk chuckled a little. "i'm a man, i'm supposed to be demanding. wash my dishes, make me a sandwich, suck my... urg." he groaned as he puked, shaking his head, Steve blushing a bright red as he realized what Clint had been about to say. not that Clint knew he was there. "yeah, we'll kill him hard." Clint mumbled as he sagged into the bed, too weak to even open his eyes. "i hate being helpless..." he complained softly. "i hate Loki..." he mumbled, offering her a smile when she didn't crowd him. his entire body ached, and his skin was so sensitive at the moment he doubted he could handle even a brush of her hair. "no. i don't want Jess." he complained. "i want Fury." he demanded, closing his eyes. "and mouthwash...." Steve chuckled, nearly scaring the shit out of Clint, who looked even more panicked and freaked out that he hadn't realized that Steve was there. "fuck." Clint groaned, closing his eyes and swallowed thickly. "i'm really screwed up aren't i? i can't beleive i didn't realize that it was Loki..." he looked at her. "i hurt you?" he asked before going green and turning tot he edge so he could barf again. "sorry... i'd give you a morning kiss, but i doubt you'd like it." he groaned. "i feel god awful..." "here. mouthwash." Steve stated, handing it to Ana, who was in much better shape. "and both Fury and Jess are on their way."
"..I'm not your servant. I'm not doing housework....and the other thing I'd do without you being demanding.its fun."catalins teased,more Steve then clint,because she was perfectly aware the man was there even if she was ignoring him."its okay...I'm feeling pretty shaky to. We'll just be vulnerable together and let tony and steve take care of us."catalina said smiling a little wanting him to feel better about being so utterly helpless before laughing quietly."I think I can say safely that we all hate loki."she muttered wincing a little as he jumped when steve chuckled. She had hoped he'd overlook the mans presence for a bit,if only because she knew clint would hate anyone seeing him like this."not screwed up...just a little lost. None of us realized it was loki."she said trying to make him feel better and knowing it was probably hopeless as she gently brushed his hair out of his face careful not to touch his skin to much. Having noticed how sensitive he was at the moment but needing the touch to reassure herself that he was real,that she wasn't delusional."no. You didn't hurt me. I hurt myself more,with dancing around while seeing things and fighting to get away,but you,hawk,did not hurt me. Scared me,yes, but didn't hurt me."she reassured worried he wouldn't believe her. Worried he'd think he had caused some of the damage that was obviously hurting her even though she was sitting and better off then him at the moment.laughing at his words she made a face."no. barf tasting kisses would be gross."he agreed before stealing the mouth wash and guzzling some then letting him having it back."okay now you can kiss me."she said looking worried,s if not sure he would want to. Having been aware enough the day before to know he had killed 'natasha' for her and she was worried that hed hate her for it,even if it hadn't really been natasha.
he giggled a little. "but i can't do it. i'm awful at dishes. i always break them, or leave food on them." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "and Tony won't let me borrow his robots to do it for me." though why Clint was complaining when he only had paper plates was anybodies guess. "i really hate Loki." Clint groaned before he gasped a little as she brushed his hair out of his face, the sensation of touch so strong it almost hurt. "no, not physically..." Clint corrected, hesitantly touching her chest, where her heart was. "i hurt you here... you know your not a replacement, right?" he asked softly. "you where never a replacement. Natasha... she was all i had for a long time, but you where NEVER someone to fill the void she left behind." he promised, showing just what had finally caused Clint to snap and kill the fake Natasha. "i love you, and only you." he promised her softly. "she was my sister, but you are the love of my life." he promised her softly, stroking her hair, ignoring the feelings of pain he was getting in his fingers as he did so. he was an assassin, pain was his life. he chuckled at her comment of barf kissing being gross and he carefully washed his own mouth out before he leaned forward and gently brushed his lips against her, wincing at the sensations that assaulted him. "dammit... i'm too sensitive." he complained. "i can't even kiss you." he complained, moving his hands to his face and yelped. "...or touch myself." he groaned, trembling on the bed. "everything hurts..." he complained. "i hate this, it's great for when i'm on the field and trying to stay hidden, but at this point all it is is a nuisance." he complained, opening his eyes to blink at her. "how long was Loki fucking with me, do you think?" he asked softly. "was it always Loki, making me see Natasha? or... was i really sick?" "you where really sick." Jessica stated as she approached them. "it wasn't until you started seeing her without 'triggers' that Loki was screwing with you." "triggers?" "yes, things that made you think of Natasha. like certain perfumes. or the way someone talks, or a particular shade of hair. when Natasha just randomly started showing up, that's when it was Loki screwing with you. when you started getting better." Clint pondered that and then nodded. "so i'm better now?" "not entirely. you still carry a lot of grief and a lot of guilt. but how bad you are after all of this, remains to be seen."
Catalina winced as he gaspwd dropping her hand from his hair not wanrinf to huet him more. Starting a little as he touched her xhest she shuddered a little looking down before nodding."I know."she said quietly, sounding unsure enough that it was obvious that they needed to talk but equally obvious she was unwilling to do so with Steve there and fury and jessica on their way. Though she did smile a little at him saying it,wanting so badly to believe it. It would take him time and patience to undo the damage loki's illusion had done to her heart. "I love you to."she muttered leaning into his touch as he stroked her hair despite knowing it had to hurt him,it was a nice feeling. "I'm sorry.it'll pass soon.you'll be back to normal."she promisex at his complaint at being so sensitive shifting to make sure she wasn't touching him,not wanting to hurt her before laughing quietly at his inability to even touch himself."now that's going to awkward when you go to showe."she teased a little before looking at jessica tilting her head at the explanation."you'll be fine. I'll just have to remember 'oranges'"she muttered remembering their code word from when he'd started training her and needed her to leave when he was seeing natasha. The quiet pain under the words even if she didn't say anyhing showing just how hurt loki had left her.
he offered her a small smile. "i know it will pass." he muttered, sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "it's times like these that i wish there was some sort of medication i could take. but oversensitivity isn't a 'medically accepted issue'. idiots." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "i am not taking a shower, i've tried that before. it's hell. i can handle lukewarm baths, but i can't scrub myself." he admitted with a shake of his head. "even the softest sponge hurts." he admitted with a sigh. "i'll have to sit here in my own filth until it passes." and considering Hawk was hygienically, very clean, that was a bit of a pain in the ass. he took two showers a day. one after training, and one at night before he crawled into bed. he couldn't stand feeling unclean... except for sex, he loved getting dirty for sex. "yes, oranges." he agreed, looking at er with a smile. "will you hold my hand?" he asked softly. "my hand doesn't hurt as much as the rest of me." and he was desperate enough for comfort and human contact that he was willing to ignore the agony it caused him. "...hold that thought." he ordered before he rolled over, leaned over the edge of the bed, and puked again, Jessica looking very green now as she moved into the bathroom to be sick herself. "urg..." Clint groaned, closing his eyes. "i'm just going to sleep until this is all done. then i'm going to work on killing Loki." he decided. "and once that's done, i am taking Cat ona proper date with all the proper date things... after i look up what proper date things are..."
“Tell tony. He’s a genius you know. Make him and bruce research a new medication or something.”Catalina said smiling slightly at him, before wincing, “I’m sorry.”She winced a little because she knew it was going to kill him to not be able to clean up, especially with throwing up. Definitely going to be unpleasant. “Of course. Always.”Catalina said smiling slightly, blushing a little as she shifted, slipping her hand into his, gently threading her fingers through his even as he threw up. Looking sick herself but not throwing up. “Ah, well I’ll make sure to have tony stop by. So you can have the talk on what proper date things would be.”She said snickering to herself, because the idea of tony being able to tell anyone what a normal date was like was absolutely ridiculous. “Rest. We’ll be okay in a few days.”She muttered kissing his cheek even as she settled down on the bed next to him with a book, content to be in his company and holding his hand.

A few days later Tony glared as he pulled the sulking assassin into the room after him, looking at Jessica. “Now. You are going to figure out what is wrong with her, while I go help clint bathe.”Tony smirked looking at catalina, who was indeed sulking over not being allowed to help clint wash up. “Why cant I do that?” “Because you’re hiding something, so you get to talk to her, while I go instruct your boyfriend on what to do for a date.”the billionaire snickered a little though he did look worried, but after a few days better rested. Watching tony leave catalina frowned after the other man before sighing sitting down on the couch, frowning slightly at Jessica. “I’m fine. He’s just being demanding because he doesn’t want me to know what him and clint are planning.”She said though there was things she needed to talk about, she was sore and hurting, and not in the mood to talk about anything.

“I’m so glad you can shower by yourself. It saves us both the scarring experience of me helping you.”Tony said snickering as he walked into the apartment, glancing at the man as he walked out of the bathroom. No matter what he had told catalina, he had no intention of ever helping clint take a shower, having left the man to his own devices on getting clean. “Does she know that you’re taking her on a date tonight?”He said amused, having conspired with the other man for the last few days in setting up the perfect quiet night, having even gone through the effort and gotten Trattoria L'incontro to deliver food, and set up one of the lower levels in the tower as a dining room and a small dancefloor for them if they wanted to dance. While it wasn't exactly a proper date as they weren't actually going out somewhere, it was a date as close as they could get one because of loki not being dead yet. while it wasn't something they should be doing yet, tony knew that the two needed to talk, and planning it had been the only break any of them had taken from trying to track down loki.And since neither assassin was in any shape to fight anyways so they might as well have a quiet date.
Clint huffed a little. "i'm not asking Tony for anything. if i do that he'll think i like him and then i'll NEVER get rid of him.' Clint groaned playfully. "and i'm certainly not stupid enough to ask HIM about dating techniques. i'll ask Pepper." he decided, eyes closed and simply enjoying the way she was holding his hand, uncaring that it hurt.

Jessica lifted an eyebrow at Tony when he dragged Cat in and she sighed a little and shook her head. "i think he misunderstands what i do." Jessica admitted with a smile. "you being dragged here against your will, isn't going to help whatever problems your having." Jessica admitted. "i think i'll hit him." Jessica liked to hit Tony, he was always so overly dramatic about it. "Clint's been asking everyone about how to make a perfect date." Jessica admitted with a giggle. "he's getting frustrated because everyone keeps giving him different answers." she admitted with a smile. "so, you do realize that he's going to screw up right? he's a man after all." Jessica teased, well aware that Cat didn't want to talk about what was bothering her, so she'd do shameless girl talk instead. "oh! i got Bruce to blush this morning!" Jessica stated, looking highly amused. "all i did was ask him if my boobs looked alright... i didn't think i could be even more blunt than that, but he still didn't get it. he's really cute, awkward and shy, but cute."

Clint rolled his eyes as he scrubbed himself for the second time, sitting on a stool under the spray of water. "as if i'd let you help me get clean, you don't even brush your teeth you nasty nasty man." he grumbled, looking nervous. he wanted everything to be perfect tonight, and how could he do that if he didn't know what the hell he was doing!? "i don't know..." Clint admitted. "i've mad hints this morning. telling her to dress nice tonight and the like." he admitted. "but i don't know if she knows.." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm so worried! god i'm more scared now than when Loki invaded!" Clint complained, shaking his head. "how bad is that? i'm more scared of Cat laughing at me than i was of imminent death..."
Catalina smiled a little shaking her head. "Tony misunderstands a lot of things. And you can't do that. He'll be dramatic and whine about it."she said smiling because she knew that jessica hit tony just because of that. Raising her eyebrows as she realized that woman wasn't going to try and get her to talk,before realizing she was probably leaving catalina alone to let clint talk to her about it. But looking relieved at not having to talk just yet she giggled a little."I know. He kept hinting at what we're doing,nd he looked so nervous when I just gave him a clueless look."she giggled before nodding."and a man who's never been on a date before. I figured id better be nice to him about it."he said and even if she was teasing she knew clint was nervous so she just wanted to help him relax,even if she had no idea how to do that.catalina grinned widely at jessica's words giggling harder."you're going to have to just ask him out. Hes so adorably oblivious...kinda like clint...they're both kinda dense about the whole girl thing."

"I do to. And I shower regularly.just because you're a freak and have to shower more then once a day doesn't mean I should get yelled at."tony said rolling his eyes a little before sighing. He wanted to reassure the man but he knew nothing he said could get clint to relax until he saw that catalina really was having fu."well shes faiely intelligent. I'm sure she'll know something is up...just relax clint. You're with her,that's all that matters to her."tony said knowing he was goijg to fail with the reassuring before snickering at clint's words."cause you trained for life and death situations,no ones ever taken you on a date. Much less someone you're in love with. Doing the dating thing is hard when you care about the other person that much."tony said smiling because he knew there was something wrong with catalina right now,but he just coulsnt put his finger on it and it worried him since he was worried on how it would effect clint
Jessica chuckled a little. "i know, it's fun. a particularly enjoyed how he walked with a pronounced limp in his left leg when i punched him in the right arm, complaining that i was trying to kill him." she admitted with a smirk. "he really should have gone into acting. orange juice?" she offered, reaching into the mini fridge for some of her favorite strawberry iced tea. "i actually know some of what he's planned. i helped him." Jessica admitted with a smile. "i do think you will enjoy at least part of the date he has planned for you tonight." she admitted with a smirk. "though, it's not really nice that you're making him think that you're clueless." she teased with a small snicker. "he's probobly having a panic attack by now." she admitted, tapping her fingers on the desk. "i was thinking of getting him some pot, he's WAY too high strung." she pouted at Catalina. "why did we have to go for clueless men?" she complained. "i'll try being a bit more bold and if that doesn't work then i'll ask the idiot out myself... the idiot."

Clint rolled his eyes. "you still don't brush your teeth." he stated simply. "don't see what showering has anything to do with brushing your teeth." he stated, tormenting Tony was always fun. "i know... but i want her to feel as special as she is, you know? i want her to know just how much i love her..." Clint admitted, staring at the rag in his hands. he glared and threw the rag, smirking as it smacked Tony in the face. "sorry." he wasn't sorry at all. he turned off the water and stood up, grabbing his dry towel and headed out to his room, ignoring his nudity completely as Bruce walked in, looking for Tony. "uh, Tony?" Bruce asked in a whisper. "what does it mean when a woman asks you how her breasts look?"
“He really did miss his calling in not going for acting.”Catalina snickered a little before nodding, taking a small bottle of orange juice looking at the other woman in curiousity.”well, now I’m even more curious then I already was.”She smirked a little, “but he’s so adorable when he’s panicking….I’m sure he’ll think of a appropriate punishment for me.”She said looking amused before shaking her head.”No, cant do that. He wouldn’t enjoy being high.”She pointed out before laughing, “because they’re so adorable clueless probably. Come on, come talk to me while I get ready. Tony said he had a dress for me in one of the guest rooms.”She explained as they walked, raising a eyebrow a little at jessica’s words. “Just try, if nothing else, being bold will make him ask clint and tony for help. And then he might get a clue.”She snickered as they stepped into the guest room, making a face at the dress, because it was so very perfect. That brilliant sapphire blue at the top, then fading to icy blue as it went down, the dress just a tad short of knee length with stiletto high heels to go with it. “…I’d worry about the man’s brilliant taste in women’s clothes, if I wasn’t aware tony knew about it from undressing girls, instead of wearing it.”She said snickering as she stepped into the bathroom to change, stepping out after a few moments looking at her.”Well?”

“I brush my teeth. Stop being mean.”Tony sulked before sighing quietly. “I know. But she’s in love with you. Whatever you do, she’ll love, clint.”He said before smiling slightly yelping as the rag hit him, glaring at the man. “No your not.”he sulked as he tossed the rag into the sink before heading into the living room, looking at bruce. Raising a eyebrow at the man’s question. “…usually that she wants to know how her breasts look…and if you’re interested in them. Hold on, we’ll ask clint’s opinion to. He might have a answer.”Tony said snickering because he knew why bruce was asking, so maybe he could give him a nudge in the right direction? “Hey clint, what would you think it means if cat asked you how her breasts looked?”
Jessica chuckled a little and shook her head a little. "he is rather adorable with that look of impending doom on his face." she agreed with a giggle. "and i don't want to know about how much you enjoy being paddled." she teased with a sly little grin. "do you really trust Tony to pick out your dress?" Jessica asked, lookign rather horrified. "i mean, if Pepper was here, sure. but she's not." Jessica pointed out. "well... i guess he does have good taste." Jessica admitted, looking amused. "wait here a moment, i need to go get something!" she raced off, and then returned with a set of Sapphire jewelry. the striking blue accented by white gold in the shape of earrings, necklace, and bracelet. "here, you can borrow these." she stated with a smile. "you look simply breathtaking." Jessica admitted. "i'm afraid you might not actually go on the date, Clint won't want anyone else to see you like this... i'l make sure to distract Tony so he doesn't set eyes on you. Clint wouldn't like that i don't think." she admitted with a giggle.

Clint smirked. "i like being mean." he stated simply before he sighed a little. "i suppose your right. but still i... i love her." he admitted, fidgeting as he started to dry off. "what if she doesn't like the date? what if i hurt her so much she doesn't like me anymore?" he bit his lip. "that's stupid. i know. completely ridiculous..." he muttered as he started getting dressed, looking up at Tony, baffled. "...it either means that she's setting me up for a trap, or she wants me to fuck her." Clint stated. "...it's probobly a trap." Bruce looked confused. "a trap?" "yeah. sometimes a girl will do that. test you i mean. she probobly wants a specific answer and will decide if your worthy dating material or beyond all hope depending on your answer." well wasn't that insightful? "Jessica probobly just wants to jump you though, she keeps giving you these looks." "looks!?" Bruce squeaked, stunned as Clint nodded. "yeah looks, like when i walk out of the shower and Cat looks at me like i'm her favorite dessert. does this look alright? i feel weird. why do i have to wear a suit?"
“I wasn’t going to tell you that!”Catalina sputtered flushing hard at the other woman’s teasing before shrugging a little. “I hate shopping enough that I’d rather let him shop for me…besides, I’m going on a date with clint. If it wasn’t a appropriate dress, tony knows he’d get killed.”She pointed out before smirking a little looking startled as the other raced off. Smiling a little as she put the jewelry on.”Thanks Jess. They’re beautiful.”She smiled before laughing. “True. But he’s tried so hard to get a good date idea, I’m going on this date. I want to see what he has planned.”She smiled a little before smirking. “No, I’m sure hawk wouldn’t like that. Tony just wouldn’t be able to help himself from flirting.”She giggled as she did her hair, settling it into the fancy do instead of her normal braid, having figured out how to do it when she’d found out tony was buying a fancier dress for whatever clint had planned. “Well…time to go put poor clint out of his misery. He’ll feel better knowing I’m prepared for a date.”She giggled heading for the nest.

“You’re being stupid.Stop. She’ll try shooting you with her fancy new bow if you even express that thought to her.”Tony pointed out amused because no matter how hurt catalina was, or feeling over clint’s relationship with Natasha, she’d try beating him up if he expressed a fear that he thought she didn’t want to beat with him. Catalina might be an emotional wreck at the moment, but she loved clint. Smirking a little at clint’s words he laughed. “Yea, the trap sucks. I usually fail when pepper tries to get me to tell her the right answer. Granted, hers usually concern when I have to show up at meetings or when things are due.”He snorted looking amused before nodding in agreement. “Definitely one of those looks. I was wondering how long it was going to take banner to figure out Jessica was giving him the ‘look’.” Sighing softly as he looked at clint he reached out straightening his tie before nodding.”You look fine. And considering what Cat’s dressed in, you have to. Cause she might strangle you if she got all prettied up, and you’re not.”Tony snickered.

“Are you making fun of my boyfriend again, tony?”Catalina frowned a little as she stepped into the apartment, blushing and nervous as she stepped into the room, her high heels making her for once nearly as tall as clint, smiling shyly as she met his eyes.

Jessica giggled at Cat's comments, looking very amused. she was so easy to embarrass even if she did have a good point about the dress. Clint had already tried to kill Tony twice after all, Tony wouldn't be eager to repeat the experience. Jessica smiled as she helped Cat to do her hair, beaming at the girl. "you look so gorgeous, he's going to freeze!" she teased with a grin. well aware that Clint was going to be brain-dead all night because of how beautiful Cat looked.

"i know i'm being stupid, i can't help it. i've never been in love with someone before." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Cat hasn't used a Trap on me yet, but i'm sure she will." he admitted. "the important thing to remember is that if you fail a trap, you can buy them a ton of chocolate or a pretty piece of jewelry, they'll usually forgive you after that." he admitted with a smile before he made a face. "i look ridiculous in a suit though... just stupid." he complained as he examined himself before looking up at Cat and forgetting what he had been complaining about, swallowing thickly as his brain shut down. "Stop looking!" he demanded of Tony, shoving him out of Cat's line of sight before he smiled. "god Cat, you look beautiful." he muttered softly, stepping to her and taking her hand, kissing the knuckles. "i have all sorts of things planned." he admitted. "everyone helped, so if it's a bad date, it's not all my fault."
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