
"Ahhh, I see."She said giggling a little before smiling, "So I do."She muttered looking thoughtful, glad that jessica hadnt told him before flushing, looking amused at his response, actually very, very glad at his response. So glad he wasnt freaking out. "Probably. You did turn a god of mischief loose, its bound to cause some mischief."She said grinning a little before hugging him back just as tightly. "We'll be okay...and all the guys can console each other since none of us women are going to be happy with any of you all the time."She snickered before jumping a little as he phone went off, frowning a little as she read the email before starting to laugh, passing it over to clint so he could read what tony had forwarded her, giggling happily, content to be with her lover and be happy.

"....yes I do. It's a correct way of answering to tell you to go ask Cat."Tony said pouting a little before smirking slightly, before his mouth fell open a little at the email he was reading, already forwarding it before smirking. "...lucy and loki....maybe he really is dating the duck..."he giggled snickering as he wrapped his arms around the pregnant woman, snuggling his wife contentedly, wondering just what the next months would bring...and pretty sure that no matter what, the pregnant women were going to be laughing hysterically over whatever loki did.
One Year Later:

life was going very well for the avengers. Cat and Clint had a little baby boy, Bruce almost got murdered by Cat after he told her it looked ugly. really, he should have known better. baby Cain Barton was beautiful. Natasha had two girls and a boy, and was constantly trying to get them back from Tony, who had turned out to be a pretty awesome dad... even if he was a very bad influence. case and point, little Antonin Stark's first word was 'fuck'. Pepper had NOT been amused. at least Angelica and Anise where well behaved. Natasha and Drayke got married soon after, and she delivered a healthy baby girl. during the delivery, she broke almost every bone in Drayke's hand. she was named Catrina, after the much loved Aunt Catalina. Jessica had given birth to twins, much to Bruces horror, both little boys. Fred and George, after her favorite set of story book twins... she should have known better, because they where finally beginning to walk and they where into much mischief.

Thor visited often with his two children. he had gotten Sif pregnant, not that she minded. giving birth to a very strong, healthy baby boy named Caldur. Stephan and Steve also had children, three of them which they adopted. one was five, a boy named Richard, a three year girl named Rose, and a two month old, also a boy, named Tommy. because Thomas was just too big a name for a baby. with all the children running around, the Avengers had hired two professional nannies to help them. it was necessary because none of them had a clue how to change diapers, or why burping was important.

Loki had appeared to settle in perfectly, and now had a very important job, making quite a sum of money, by coding games of all things. while his magic was bound, Loki still had a flair for it, and electronics and internet was all a form of magic. Loki could spot a glitch in a game from a mile away, and being the trickster that he was, often interested glitches. like unlimited money if you did just the right things. drove the gamers insane. he had no children, but he did have Lucy the duck, three cats, a pigeon, an African grey parrot, three snakes, all of them very poisonous, a few different kinds of lizards, and a dog named 'get off me you mutt', or also known as Gomu. all of them had been rescued from bad owners. Loki still hated people though he was starting to relax his 'i hate the world' just a little... didn't stop him from pranking the front door of Stark Tower every so often though. thankfully, the pranks never occurred when a child was in the way, and they where more annoying than anything... though Tony had almost had a stroke when he'd woken up to find that Loki had hired a crew of twenty to work through the night, spray painting Stark Tower hot pink.

all in all, it was a typical life of an Avenger.... which, wasn't typical at all.
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