
Clint offered Cat a small glare. "touch my cards and d... suffer more than suffering!" he stated with a sniff as he gave her finger a very gentle kiss. "but i want to get laid..." he complained, pouting at her. "you promised we could have sex on the shooting range." "yeah, gross. i'm bringing a bottle of bleach with." Natasha muttered, making a face. "your childhood was a lot like mine and Clint's then?" she asked. "street living." "her's was a bit more traumatic." Clint admitted, shaking his head. "i don't refuse to help you! i just..." he sighed. "i've been sick... i didn't want to hurt you." "i'd be glad to." Natasha promised, with a smile. "and i'll teach you how to trick men into telling you everything they know." she promised with a smile. "you can practice on Mr. Oblivious there." she teased, Clint sticking his tongue out at her. "i'm glad to see you again, Clint." Natasha admitted softly and Clint smiled. "it's good to see you too Nattie." he whispered softly. "for the love of God stop calling me that! it wasn't funny when i was a kid and it isn't funny now!" "sure it is." he stated with a grin as he stood up. "come on then. i know Jessica want's to talk to be about 'emotion repression' or some such crap." Jessica just sighed and rolled her eyes. "you two ladies have your talk while i have an emotional 'heart to heart' with the shrink from hell." Jessica snickered and Nat blinked, lifting an eyebrow. "wow. he's never talked to a therapist before. how'd you get him to agree to that?"
Catalina smiled a little as he kissed her finger,”I did. And we will. After dance practice. You still have to show me how to shoot a bow left handed.”She teased leaning over to steal a kiss, winking at Natasha, serious about having sex in the shooting range, even if she’d said it outloud to just tease the other man. Wincing a little at natasha’s question she shuddered a little, leaning into clint a little. “No.”She muttered simply, avoiding telling Natasha anything, because it had taken a lot for her to talk to clint, she wasn’t ready to open up to anyone else. Smirking a little at clint’s protest she nodded,”I know. Though I think it’s cause you didn’t want to do something as girly as learn ballet.”She teased, though her eyes were serious because she knew the man had really been trying to protect her. Raising a eyebrow at natasha’s words, she glanced at clint, offering a small shy smile. “Now, I think I like that idea.”She said amused watching the two before giggling. “Don’t worry. I wont be calling you nattie. I’ll think of something appropriate and cool.”She reassured grinning as they headed for the door, for the first time since last night, truly relaxing. “Have fun.Come find us downstairs, and we’ll see about having that bow practice.”She said waggling her eyebrows a little at her lover as she watched him go before looking at Natasha as they headed downstairs to the training room. “Got my shoulder dislocated, and had him nearly kill tony for kissing me. we were both taken off active duty, so we had to go.”She shrugged a little as they got to the training room, smiling as she started to show Natasha just how ballet could be turned into a dance form. Biting her lip a little, because she hadn’t had a lot of friends, the woman was totally unaware of how to make friends and do the small talk with Natasha. She wanted to, but it was hard for her.

"...Clint missed you. Terribly. For months he thought I was you half the time."She said slowly, panting slightly as they went through the fighting moves, sounding slightly out of sorts, because while she knew she should talk to Jessica, she had avoided it because she knew her friend would think she was being stupid. With Natasha, she hoped the other woman would understand why she was driving herself insane, without thinking she was being stupid.
he smirked a little. "i'll definitely teach you how to 'shoot my bow'." he teased with a snicker, Natasha making another face. "again, gross." she complained, rolling her eyes. dropping the subject of Cat's past. "what is this, pick on Clint day!?" Clint demanded, pouting at them all as Natasha smirked and nodded. "indeed it is." she stated, examining her nails. "as it is everyday." "bitch." "twink." then Natasha stared at Cat with horror. "cool? oh we have got to get you out of here, your starting to sound like Stark." she pointed out before grimacing at Cat's story. "oh man, that must have sucked ten times to hell. Jessica explained he was having... well she used really big words that i, honestly, didn't understand, but he was pretty insane." Nat muttered. "i'm glad you where here for him." Nat admitted. "that must have been pretty painful for you, him thinking you where me." Nat muttered. "especially since everyone seams to think me and Clint where... i mean it's just nasty." she complained, shaking her head. "seriously nasty, the idea of me and clint..." she shuddered and made retching noises. "we took a blood brotherhood oath you know." she admitted with a smirk. "see?" she asked, showing Cat her palm, where a long scar ran lengthwise, exactly the same as the one on Clint's. "Makes us Siblings, no matter what." she admitted. "add that to him practically raising me, teaching me right from wrong, and he's like a father, an uncle, and a big brother all rolled into one." she admitted with a smile. "you have to understand, for Clint, it's very, very hard for him to form trusting bonds. i don't really know what happened between him and his mother, but i know she betrayed him in a way that scarred him for life." Nat admitted, shaking her head. "and then that bitch Aslin... she was his partner before me. when i was still in training. she handed him over to the enemy for a few pretty gold coins." Natasha admitted. "i never thought he'd be able to love again after that. he's been through thirty two trainees. ten of them female. and he's never trusted anyone but me and fury for years. he really loves you Catalina."
“No one invited you to join in, romanoff.”Catalina teased looking amused at natasha’s gross out at the idea of them playing ‘shoot my bow’. Smirking at clint’s complaining she nodded, stealing a kiss. “Definitely. I think Tony made it an official holiday and everything.”She said before laughing, “I do not. I sound way cooler then Stark.”She said amused as she headed to the gym.

“It was. And Jessica does that a lot. I’ve learned that the best thing to do is nod and go along with it, eventually she’ll say enough stuff that you can piece together what she’s trying to say. Listening to her and Bruce is amusing. Especially since she wants to jump him.”She snickered before looking away swallowing hard. “It..was.I mean, even before I fell for him, it was hard. After…”she shrugged before giggling a little. “You know, clint had about the same reaction when jessica suggested you two were sleeping together….though he broke the furniture.”She giggled before looking amused at the blood oath, “Yes that would make sex weird to think about with him.”She said looking amused before biting her lip a little. Looking thoughtful before nodding. “It took forever to convince him to trust me. Though Stark locking us in the tower together gave us little choice but to figure out how to work together.”She said before her eyes snapped up to natasha’s face, anger darkening her features at what she was hearing. She wanted to bash the woman’s face in.”What happened to her?”She muttered her voice going dangerous, wanting to hurt the woman before blushing at natasha’s words, looking down, her shoulders slouching a little.

“I know….”She shuddered. “Loki’s…illusions. It wasn’t just my past I saw.Alot of it, was. But as I learned to deal with that they changed…”She swallowed hard, tears filling her eyes, struggling for control. “Loki… loki had me convinced that he had left me, abandoned me to go with you…that he’d lied about the relationship between you to…and..”She trailed off, rubbing a hand over her face. “My heart tells me that loki’s illusions is the lie, but my head…”She shrugged helplessly. Just as much as clint’s past scarred him, her’s had left her unable to trust being in love, or anyone’s love for her. After all, her father had said he loved her and yet…
Natasha shuddered. "i should hope not!" she complained, shaking her head. "we should make it a national holiday." Natasha agreed with a smirk. "every day on the calendar has something on it. national clock day for example. i mean, why in the hell do we need to celebrate clocks?" she looked at Cat with a smile. "from what i was able to get out of her, he was insane. and then when Loki started screwing with him, he was a victim." she shrugged. "which i could have worked out myself with a lot less words. and much less headache. but i guess she's been a doctor so long she's used to explaining things to other doctors." she mused. "he broke furniture? really?" she asked with a grin, well aware that Clint would have reacted badly to 'taking Nat's innocence'. "you know that's the only thing i regretted about dying... i died a damn virgin." she complained with a shake of her head. "there's not an abundance of good men in shield you know. at least, none that are hygienic and willing to date a woman capable of kicking their ass."

"oh no ones sure what happened to her." Natasha stated with a smirk, proving that it was a lie. she knew exactly what had happened to that woman. "she was found three days after with severe torture marks." she admitted with a smirk. "it was a bloody and painful death. the people she betrayed us to are suspected of her death." she turned and looked at Cat, pain in her eyes as she carefully wrapped Cat into a hug. "oh you poor thing..." she muttered, simply holding Cat. "let me tell you something. Clint loves you, so much. if he had to choose between me and you, he would choose you all the time, because i'd kill him if he didn't." Nat promised. "and he should never have to, because i love the way you make him happy." Nat admitted, offering her a smile. "o-kay? no one is going to make you leave Clint, and if someone tries, i'll kill them myself."
"I agree. National make fun of haek day is better then celebrating clocks."she said looking amused before giggling."yea that's pretty much what happened. And she does overexplain. Especially to bruce.its quite amusing watching her try to flirt."she mused before her eyes widened staring at the woman in front of her."...that would suck. We'll find you someone...without asking tony. He'd be horrible with setting someone up on a date."she snickered before nodding."yep. The desk. The wall. The chair.it was fairly amusing."she snickered before sighing.

Startling as she was hugged she was tense in the other womans arms before relaxing,hugging her back before stepping away wiping her eyes."thanks tasha...I needed to hear that,from someone who knows him as well as you do."she muttered giving the other woman a weak smile."you'll probably have to remind me of it later okay?"she said because she knew that her nightmares would still get to her. And she didn't want to worry clint."...and don't say anything to clint...I don't want to mwke him feel worse about what happened then he already does..."he smiled again before smiling even wider as she saw clint through the glass doors.

Raising her eyebrows she looked him over."ell,you don't look to upset having spent time with jessica."she teased a little though she did look worried about him,rossing the room to steal a kiss,knowing she had to be a nice sight since he liked seeing her hot and sweaty,traight from a workout.
Natasha snickered a little. "there could be a parade, with floats depicting various humiliating poses of Clint." she mused with a grin. "there has to be Candy of course, especially since Clint hates candy and Chocolate." she stated with a smirk. "and of course we'll ban Magic Cards on that day." "i hate you." Clint grumbled. "don't touch my cards." "you know... the desk, the chair, the wall sounded very naughty." Natasha stated with a smirk. "are you sure you aren't listing all the places he screwed you senseless?" she teased with a grin/
haven't done the wall yet." clint stated simply, smirking. "but that's a good idea, thanks Nat." "crap."

Natasha made a face. "Tasha? oh god please don't call me that. call me Nat." she pleaded, shaking her head. "Tasha. ugh, the dog at the orphanage was named Tasha and it was a mangy, ratty, nasty thing." she admitted with a shudder. "i'll remind you anytime you need." she promised with a smile. "and i won't tell Clint. he'll only blame himself because he's stupid like that. come on, i'll spar with you. oh, Clint." she stated with a grin. "nah, she says i'm 'suppressing key emotions in order to deny.. well i didn't understand the rest of it but apparently in order to protect myself i'm denying that Natasha was ever dead or something." Natasha smirked. "instead, you're denying that i'm real." she muttered as Clint shrugged. "sorry, but i can't be sure your you until Loki is dead." he admitted. "i'll have a meltdown after... damn i love it when you look like that... let's go for a run i wanna see your boobs bounce." Natasha snorted at that and made gagging noises.
"Definitely a parade and no magic cards."she agreed with a serious look before flushing and sputtering a little."y-yes I'm sure that's what he broke,not where we've had sex."awww she was so cutely innocent and adorable despite being deadly.

"Okay nat it is then...though I should warn you stark will probably come up with a stupid rhyme since it'll be cat and nat as the women in clint's life."she said amused looking pleased with the woman's promise to remind her giggling a little."he is idiot isn't he?"he said amused before grinning"well,we'll deal with loki soon enough."she said smiling looking worried about how much he was repressing before shooting natasha a amused look,switching topics because she knew clint hated talking about what him and jessica discussed,t least until he had time to really think it over.

."sorry nat.my real sparring partner is here. I don't think he'll stand aside and let us have a girl on girl fight when he wants to shoe mr his 'bow'"catalins teased both older assasins even as she blushed lightly before rolling her eyes her look turning wicked."but you could come jog with us. I could use the company,so I don't feel
like a idiot when this one starts running backwards to talk to me."

she said inviting natasha not only because she enjoyed the womans compnay but because she had every intention of torturing her lover by being. A tease because she knew it drove him wild
Clint scowled at them before laughing as Cat blushed, Nat giggling a little as she shook her head. "oh i'm sure he's already working on it." Nat admitted with a roll of her eyes. "Nat and Cat, they chased a Rat, his name was Clinton Barton." Nat taunted in a sing song voice. "see? it's not that hard to come up with a crappy rhyme. i'm sure Stark will do much worse." she admitted with a grin. "i suppose it's too late to call Dibs on Loki?" she asked with a pout. "he's a real idiot. how long did it take for him to realize he was in love with you? and then how long until he realized you love him back? the only person whose a bigger idiot is Bruce." she admitted, shaking her head. "why are men so hopeless?" she asked before blinking. "ok if you two are going to be gross, i'm going to leave. apparently Stark is letting me have my own room." Natasha admitted. "he's having all my stuff moved over from the apartment i was sharing with Clint." Natasha admitted. "which is already being sold." she admitted, shaking her head. "it wouldn't help." Nat stated with a grin. "because i'd do the same thing." she teased with a laugh as she left, Clint lifting an eyebrow at Cat. "you like her then? i knew she'd love you." Clint admitted with a smile. "well... if she really is who she says she is anyway." he muttered. "i'm going to have to install a lock..."
“Ahh, now that sounds like something stark would do. Though it’ll probably worse.”She giggled a little before nodding. “Yes, but I might share loki, it would be a bonding experience as we kill him.”She teased before smirking a little.”A few months. I think he realized it sometime around when he beat the living shit out of tony for kissing me. And then it took him till he was in therapy awhile to realize it.”She shrugged blushing before snickering slightly.”Because it’s the only way they can be sure we’ll love them. If they’re hopeless, we cant stay mad at them.”She snickered before smiling at the other’s words, tilting her head.”You better go. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be a pervert.”she snickered, “Have fun moving things. I’m sure he’ll let you custom do the place like he did with the nest.”She pointed out because tony’s version of a ‘room’ would be a whole floor to herself. Watching the other woman leave she nodded a little at clint, “I do.She’s…interesting. And we’ll figure out if she’s really who she says she is. I promise.”She muttered moving closer, wrapping her arms around him, resting her forehead against his. “we’ll get locks, and we always have our weapons close. We’ll be okay.”She muttered closing her eyes, giving him a butterfly kiss, brushing her nose over his. “So, running or bow work first?”She mused stepping back from him.
Natasha chuckled a little and nodded. "just wait. he'll come up with something highly annoying, but just catchy enough that it gets stuck in your head. he's good at shit like that." she admitted with a shake of her head. "yeah i heard about that. nearly killed Tony. i mean, he always had Anger issues but he's never attacked anyone before. i blame the alcohol. so i have done my duty and hidden every drop of booze in the house." she smirked. "including Tony's." she admitted with a snicker. yeah, Natasha was back, and the first thing she did was fuck with Tony. it was definitely her. "i suppose. i just wish there was ONE cute guy not taken and not beyond all hope, you know?" she asked with a grin. "oh and... didn't turn into a hulking green Monster that tried to kill me, but... i think he's taken too, which leaves, literally, no one..." she groaned, "i'm never going to lose my virginity." she groaned before laughing as Clint went perverse and fled to set up her new room. which was more the size of a three story house all on the bottom floor.

Clint smiled a little. "she's mouthy, opinionated, and never shuts up." he pointed out. "you don't have to be nice just because she grows on you... like a fungus." he muttered, making a face. "or in starks case, like an STD." he grinned at her. "i'd rather play with my bow." he teased as he pulled her into a deep kiss, deciding to ignore his deep set paranoia for now. and ignoring the fact that Thor had returned from speaking to Frigga and Odin about Loki.
“Tony’s going to kill you. Especially when he goes to drink of his really good stuff. He spent a fortune on that alcohol.”She snickered a little.”To bad tony’s taken, otherwise you might have yourself a winner.”She said amused because she knew tony,despite his weirdness, was loyal to pepper in his own way and would never consider crossing that line with a friend, which he considered Natasha…no matter how much he teased her about it. “Hm, I shall work on this. Maybe I can find someone.”She said laughing as she watched the other woman go before making a face a little. “It amazes me he hasn’t had a STD really.”she mused before kissing the other back, wrapping her arms around him, burying her fingers in his hair, for a moment forgoing worrying about anything else. Nudging him a little as she stepped back.”Hm, and if I want to play with a actual bow?”She smirked having every intention of making him lose control. It was so rare a thing to see, clint barton not in complete control of himself during sex, that she was interested in seeing if she could indeed make him lose that iron clad control.

Tony looked up from the computer he was working on when he saw Thor coming in, worry darkening his face for a moment. “Are the girls and Slegvic okay?”he asked, wanting to know before tilting his head. “also, we had a interesting thing happen while you were away. It seems your niece is not happy with her father….we had a surprise of a lifetime show up last night.”Tony’s smirk was amused though also worried, not nearly as trusting of natasha’s return as he appeared. Sure that hela was up to some game herself. “Natasha’s back.”he said simply, sharing the news before thor had a chance to tell him what frigga and odin had said.
Natasha snickered a little. "i wouldn't have sex with tony if he was the last man on earth. i'd go lesbian before i screwed him." she pointed out with a small chuckle. "and he's hardly a winner. Clint is more of a winner and he's a veritable idiot." "i am not! i took an IQ test you know! i scored a seventy five! it might not be an A+ but it's well over passing!" Natasha stared at him and then looked at Cat. "i am, SO sorry. i'm pretty sure that's my fault... too many blows to his head i think." she admitted with a sigh. "Tony has had STD's. thankfully, penicillin cleared that up." she admitted with a smirk. "i hacked his medical files when i was 'working' for him." she admitted with a snicker. Clint just grinned at her and waggled his eyebrows. "and miss a chance to make you use those gorgeous vocal cords of yours? oh we're having sex, right here, right now. i'm horny as hell looking at you all sweaty ad gorgeous." he teased, kissing her again.

Thor nodded. "they're fine. still enjoying themselves... Selvig got laid." Thor admitted looking amused before he groaned. "i know. it took me three hours to convince my father not to go down and flay Hela and then kill Natasha. i don't know what the hell his deal is." Thor complained, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "i told him if he touched Hela, then i'd take MY fury out on HIM... he didn't like that, but i'm more powerful than him now, so he backed off. i have to pay very close attention to Natasha, in case it's all another plot from Loki. but i know better." Thor admitted, shaking his head. "Hela doesn't know this, but i HAVE been keeping a close eye on her. since i was one of the only ones to argue against her imprisonment, she doesn't hate me like she does everyone else... she hates her father most of all though. he DID betray her. sort of."
“ If you told him that, he’d so totally be ready for a threesome.”Catalina pointed out before staring at Clint for a moment before grinning, “Its okay. He doesn’t have to be brilliant, he just has to show me how to use a bow.”She smirked amused before snickering. “…that’s disturbing. Thanks for sharing tony’s history. I could have lived without knowing.”She whined a little before looking at clint. “Oh no. I think I’m going to go practice my archery. Since you broke my finger and all, I need the practice.”She grinned kissing him back before pulling away, already heading for the door, amused because she knew he was going to catch up soon enough, even as she darted into the archery room tony had set up for them. Like the one they had first met in, this one had been built just for clint, a room to hone already sharpened senses. Grinning as the dim lighting gave a almost romantic setting to the room, she turned to pick up the bow as she waited for him, knowing there was no point in hiding, since he’d know where she was right away.

“Now that, is something interesting. He needed it.”Tony snickered a little before smirking. “Probably thinking she’s helping loki. Though Natasha said she was more upset about the dead loki’s inflicting on her then anything else.”He sighed softly, “Everyone hates loki. Have you noticed this?”he snickered running a hand through his hair, “So, what did your father have to say about loki?”He asked curious. “Also, once he realizes what hela’s done, what will loki do?”He had his own supicions, but he wanted the opinion of the man who knew loki the best.
Natasha rolled her eyes. "don't you DARE tell him!" she complained, sulking a little. "well... he's not exactly average either." she pointed out with a grin. "average people tend to score at LEAST an eighty five." she pointed out. "most score at least a hundred." she admitted with a smile. "i scored a hundred and twenty." she admitted with a grin. "Tony is a hundred and forty three." she admitted with a grin. "Bruce is a hundred and fifty six." she admitted with a smirk. "i suppose it's good that Clint is dumb, there's already too much science babble in this place." she grumbled. Clint just growled as Cat fled, narrowing his eyes playfully at her as he followed, licking his lips. he loved playing these games, she got him so damn worked up he could barely think... granted... he already had a bit of trouble thinking. "you kinky girl." he groaned as he wrapped his arms around her. "now stop playing with me and let me make you scream."

Thor snorted a little. "yes, well... it's not bloody fair that he gets to have sex and i don't." Thor complained as he dropped into the chair. "Hela is a very good girl. people just think she's a demon because Loki happens to be her father and because she was tricked into helping Loki kill a few humans who just happened to be Valdir's favorites. she was six, she didn't know any better." Thor grumbled. "and as for Loki? as mad as he is now, i daresay he's half as likely to try and kill Hela, as he is Cat or Natasha." Thor admitted. "granted, Hela is a bit more protected than Catalina or Natasha is, but he's definitely going to gun for blood this time. however... i can get a word to Hela, she might be willing to... delay her acceptance of our souls until Loki is dead or dealt with."
“Hm, he’s above average in some things. It makes up for it.”Catalina grinned waggling her eyebrows a little because she knew it would gross out Natasha, giggling a little as she watched the other go. Yelping a little as she was caught she smirked as she twisted in his arms, holding onto the bow as she leaned back from him. “Hmm, but you already enjoy me playing with you.”she teased snickering a little as she leaned back to put the bow away, squirming a little in his arms, threading her hands through his hair. “Are you so sure you can make me scream?”She teased.

“True.That’s not fair. It seems wrong that neither of us are having sex, and he is.”tony pouted a little before shrugging. “She sounds interesting.”He mused tilting his head a little before snickering. “Mad enough to be careless?”he asked before nodding. “Hopefully. Natasha said hela said we were the only ones who can stop loki. Hopefully she will be willing to help.”He sighed slightly because he had no idea how they were going to deal with loki.”Fury also wants to see Natasha. I was going to take her over to shield,if you would stay here.”he said looking vaguely worried. While the tower was protected, and as loki proofed as they could make it, it also worried him to leave without having someone there to watch over clint and catalina….even if they were off by themselves and not with the company.
"ok. gross." Natasha complained, flashing the girl a wink to show she didn't really mind. it was gross, true, but she didn't truly mind that much. Clint smirked as he caught her wrists, pinning them over her head as he pressed his hips tight against her ass and nibbled on her neck, a soft chuckle falling from his lips. "that almost sounded like a challenge." he teased breathlessly, sliding his free hand down her belly and into her pants, playing with the skin just above the waistband of her panties. "if it's a challenge, what do i get if i win?"

Thor rolled his eyes at Tony's dramatics. "she is interesting, very smart." he admitted. "yes, but it's not anger that drives his carelessness. it's pride. even though you've beaten him once, he thinks he is above all, better than everyone else. he will gloat, make mistakes simply because he doesn't see you as a threat." Thor admitted. "i'll stay here and watch over things. Jarvis will tell me if someone who isn't authorized tries to get in." Thor promised. "then i will smash them with my hammer. if they go 'ow' i will of course apologize." Natasha snorted as she heard that. "well someone has their priorities at least." she mused. "come on Stark, lets go see fury." she ordered. "maybe he'll have something fun for me to do?"
Catalina whined a little as she tugged at her wrists, groaning as he pressed against her, shifting, bending forward ever so slightly so her ass pressed tighter into his groin, squirming a little, whining quietly as he stroked the skin of her lower stomach. “It was.”She muttered shuddering, glancing over her shoulder at him, raising a eyebrow. “Whatever you want. Since you’re not going to win.”She muttered.

Tony’s grin widened, looking interested.”You should get her to visit here. Just tell your father you have a need for her to come here.”He said interested in a beautiful, intelligent woman. he couldn’t help it. And pepper indulged his incapability to be monogamous. Was it really any surprise he was the way he was? “Damn. Well. We’ll just have to figure out how to use that pride of his against him.”he said laughing a little as he stood and pulled on his jacket. “Good.”he said looking amused that thor was going to apologize if they said ow before smirking. “Also, don’t go looking for the animal couple, they’re probably having sex that will require me to bleach my house. Just watch tv or something.”He said rolling his eyes at the thunder god, smirking because he called them animals not because of their sexual habits of going at it like bunnies, but because of their names. A cat and hawk. Looking at Natasha he smirked. “Yes mistress, I’m sure he will. Any other orders since you’re enjoying ordering me about, mistress?”He said with a devilish smirk as they headed for the door.

“Natasha.”Fury stared at the woman, and for once was at a loss for words. Despite having heard she was back, he hadn’t believed it. “You have no idea how good it is to see you.”he said after a moment looking her over, swallowing hard. Because it was amazing to see the other. And even if he wasn’t hugging her or doing a emotional reaction, it was obvious the man was glad to see her.
he smirked at her, rubbing his groin more firmly into her with a sigh. "oh, i'm going to win." he growled, smirking. "if i win, i get to tie you up, and put food on you." he ordered, grinning as he sucked on her neck and slid his hand lower, playing with the curls of hair he found there, but ignoring the place she wanted him to touch the most. he gave the curls a tug, gently ran a nail down her clit, and then sank his fingers deep into her and gave them a few wiggles.

Thor shook his head. "she cannot leave Nifielheim. she is trapped there for the rest of eternity." he admitted. "or if my father releases her, but he's not going to do that because he's a dick. and i don't really know how to use someone's pride against them, as i have a bit too much of pride myself." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i won't go looking." Thor promised, making a face. "i have no wish to see yet another person getting laid while my mate is soaking in mud." he grumbled before laughing as Natasha smacked Tony upside the head.

Natasha smiled at Fury. "i have an idea." she admitted, before doing something only two people where allowed to do. she enveloped him in a hug. only two people where allowed to hug fury. Herself, and Fury's six year old niece. Clint didn't hug. "out of all the people i know, you where one of the only ones i missed." she admitted with a smile as she kissed his forehead. "good job on assigning Clint to Cat by the way. she's a lovely girl. and she keeps him in line too. tell me what i've missed?" she knew Fury wouldn't hide things the way that Bruce and Jessica where.
“Kinky hawk.”She muttered tilting her head to the side as he sucked on her neck, whining softly as he tugged at her curls, growling quietly. Groaning as he slid his fingers into her, rubbing against him even as she moved with his fingers, shifting to pull away from him, “You know, the first time I was in here with you, I had a fantasy of screwing you in here.”She teased already starting to work on tugging off his clothes, needing the moment to recover, otherwise this game was going to be over before she was ready for it to be.

Fury smiled as he hugged her back, before laughing. “Thanks. Though they all thought I was insane assigning her to him.”Fury snickered a little before smirking, and telling her everything that jessica and bruce had left out, starting from the moment she had died until now. Looking amused though as tony settled behind his desk, playing on the computer. He knew better then to protest, the genius would just go ahead and do it anyways. Glancing up when he heard the door opening he smirked a little at the sight of the dark haired man walking in. “Drayke. I was wondering if you were going to come today.” The leader of shield smiled slightly glancing at Natasha. Having called in a favor to get the mercenary in the country, he knew that Natasha wasn’t going to like it, but he was willing to deal with her unhappiness if it meant that not only her, but the others were a little safer….and he had his own more personal reasons for getting the man here.“Natasha, this is Drayke Vanhanian. Your new trainee. I know, he’s a little old, but he’s well trained. He just needs polish.”He said knowing the mercenary well enough to know drayke wouldn’t pass up the extra training.

“Natasha. It is good to see you among the living.”Drayke tilted his head studying the woman with dark blue eyes, he was that close to being almost to beautiful, almost feminine in a way, but there was a angle of his jaw, the sweep of his cheek that kept him from being female. “Also Drayke, Catalina’s here.” “What?I thought…”Drayke twisted looking at the man, fury darkening his features. “She was accepted into the training program. What did you want me to do?”Fury said shrugging, heedless of the man’s fury, he’d had his own reasons for pushing catalina through training when all drayke had asked for was to have her taught self defense. The woman’s talent for weapons had made it impossible to just let her walk away with the simple training drayke had asked for, and Clint had needed a partner, and catalina had been perfect…not that he thought the mercenary was going to be happy about it. “…Where is she?”Drayke growled, having every intent of taking care of this.
he smirked a little as he nuzzled her, loving the noises she made when she was trying to stay in control of herself. "oh i'm going to fuck you alright." he growled with a grin. "i still remember being impressed. you where the only person i've ever trained, who beat my score." he admitted with a smirk. "for a 'first time' shooter, you weren't half bad." he admitted, panting in her ear. "now now. let's not have that." he teased, grinning as he pulled out a silk tie and used it to tie her hands behind her back. "no cheating from you today. i intend to make you lose, all control."

she smirked a little. "she's a shy thing, but Clint's been good for her. whatever hell was in her past, and whatever hell was in Clint's, they are working together to overcome their horrors." she admitted with a smile watching Tony play on the Shield Database. no doubt the man was using it to try and locate Loki. "i come back from the dead and you want me to train some greenhorn?" she asked Fury, looking highly amused. "well, i'm in. it'll be nice to have some guy to kick around for a while. i'm going to assume that he's going to be my main partner once he's trained up? me and Clint be sub partners for the big things?" she asked, looking over at Drayke, lifting her eyebrow. "seksual'nyy muzhchina" (Sexy man). "it's nice to see you as well Drayke, not that i know who you are or anything..." she muttered, examining him again. maybe her virginity wasn't a lost cause after all. "uh, is there a problem with Cat?" Natasha demanded, stepping in front of Drayke. "i don't care who you are, you mess with the girl whose going to become my sister, and i'll make you wish you where never born." she warned, her eyes narrowed at Drayke before she focused on fury. "you better tell me who this guy is, and what he wants with Cat, or i'll make sure both of you can never have sex again. both Clint and Cat have suffered enough already, i won't have you circus monkeys messing with that. Vy ponimayete?" (do you understand).
“Really?Hm, I’m telling everyone I beat you. I should get a reward or something.”She muttered smiling a little as she whined, shivering as his breath ghosted over her ear, tugging at her hands even though she didn’t try so hard. “Oh?I thought it was my turn to make you lose control.”She muttered smirking as she looked up at him, dropping to her knees. Even if her hands were tied, it didn’t mean she wasn’t without options. Smirking up at him as she nuzzled his cock through his pants, mouthing him though the fabric, wondering which one of their nerves were going to break first.

“She is.But she’s better then what she was when she first arrived. And they’re…dealing. Better then I thought they would in all honesty.”Fury said before laughing. “he’s not totally new to the game.”Fury looked amused before nodding. “Since he has cat, you needed a partner of your own. At least until we discover if Cat and Clint can really work together.”Fury said having foreseen the problem of cat and clint dating, that they might not be able to work together. Raising his eyebrows as Natasha got in his face Drayke looked down at her, looking annoyed.”No, the only problem here is that she’s here.” “Natasha, he’s her half brother. Called in a favor to get her in training with clint for her own safety, but I really couldn’t let her go after she proved she was so good with weapons so I kept her on even longer then I first wanted to..”Fury said watching Drayke. “Cat’s Также ничего не известно о я ее наполовину сестрой. Я бы лучше не найти.”( also not aware I am her half sibling. I would rather she not find out.) Drayke said after a moment, studying the Russian woman in front of him.
he smirked a little. "no one would ever beleive you." he teased with a chuckle, snorting at her. "you have NEVER been able to make me loose control." that was a lie. "i just let you think you did." he teased, groaning as she nuzzled him through his pants. "fuck Cat, your cheating." he groaned as he carefully unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, grinning at her. "i'll make you scream in a moment." he decided, licking his lips. "i think your talking too much right now."

Natasha nodded. "he's never been in the field before though has he?" she asked, her head tilted. "i'll give him the boost he needs. so long as he doesn't die, i guess i can work with him." she muttered with a grin. "and i'm sure Cat and Clint will work perfectly together so long as Clint's overprotective instincts doesn't kick in." she muttered before examining Drayke intently. "Cat is a brilliant young woman, who has had a hell of a life she built one here, with Clint, with the Avengers. she's happy here, happy there. keep that in mind before you get angry. she enjoys the life of an Agent. she likes the weapons, the fighting, the beating up the bad guys." Nat smiled a little. "even if she hasn't seen real battle yet, you think that she will be alone when it happens? she has a pretty impressive support system in place now. half brother or not. you can either be a part of that support system, or you can be dead." here she paused. "is she even aware of you at all? i mean, does she know you? do i need to call ahead and warn her your coming?"
“Nat would believe me.”She sulked a little looking amused before laughing.”You always accuse me of cheating. It’s not cheating. Its winning.”She muttered as she stroked her tongue over his cock, raising a eyebrow.”You have a better use for my mouth then screaming?”she teased teasing him with her teeth and tongue before sliding her mouth down over him, closing her eyes as she devoted her attention to sucking him off.

“No, he hasn’t.”Fury said looking amused before nodding.”We’ll see.”He said worried indeed about how well cat and clint would be able to work together, but that wasn’t the problem of the day. Drayke ground his teeth together and while he had no desire for his sister to be fighting, he also knew that if he tried to get her away now, he’d not only have to deal with the rest of the avengers, but with catalina who would gut him as soon as he gave her the chance. “….my mother adopted her when she was 17. By then I’d already left home, but I know her. You better call, its been a few years since I’ve seen her.”He said wincing because it pained him to consider that he only knew catalina in passing, having only been involved in her life enough to make sure she had been well taken care of. Having only learned of her existence years after their father had killed her family, drayke had done the only thing he’d been able to do. Make sure she had a good place to stay. And while Catalina had no idea that the woman she’d allowed to take care of her was really her father’s former mistress, and at 30, drayke was old enough to having known that catalina wouldn’t be able to accept the family ties that bound them. So he’d done the only thing he could, given her a safe place to go, and making sure she was never aware of the blood that tied them together. "You would have Natasha lie to catalina?Vahanian you have to know if you stay, she's going to discover who you are."Tony said startling the mercenary a little, who'd forgotten he was there before sighing. Drayke knew it, but he hoped that whatever relationship she had with clint, with how her life was now, he hoped the woman would be able to handle it.
Hawk huffed. "your not winning your... oh god yes, sucking my cock." he teased with a smirk as he tangled his fingers in her hair and massaged her scalp with his fingernails, knowing it always gave her the shivers. he moaned happily as she sucked him off, and only once he felt himself drawing close to an orgasm did he back off, panting as he studied her, picked her up, set her belly down on the table in front of the targets, and happily rid her of her pants and buried his face into her curls and showed her how a real man handled his women.

Natasha studied Drayke intently for a moment and then nodded. "so she doesn't even know that her father had a woman before her mother..." Natasha muttered, closing her eyes. "i don't know what happened to Cat. but i know it's tortured her for all this time." she admitted. "Clint and Jessica have been helping her face, and heal that trauma." she admitted as she offered Drayke a smile. "i don't know her well yet, but Clint does, and i think he'd be happy for her to have some family, you know?" she asked, watching him. "i won't lie to her, if she asks, but for now, i'll stay silent. i'll give you the chance to tell her yourself." Natasha promised. "but if i get even the slightest hint that your not going to tell her? i will." she warned Drayke. "i take my family very seriously, and Cat's the closest thing to a sister i've ever had." she admitted. "come on, i'll make the call and then we'll head to Stark Tower. Tony, are you going to stay here and play with the computers?" she asked, already tapping on her cellphone. she decided to send a text, since they weren't going to answer if they where having Sex anyway.
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