
he continued to stroke her hair and smiled a little as he shook his head. "no i'm not still naked." he promised her with a chuckle. "Tony got a good sight of my ass though." he admitted with a small chuckle. "but Jess didn't get to see me naked, i'm wearing jeans and a T, i promise." he helped her to sit up and chuckled a little. "we can go into the bathroom you know." he pointed out, helping her to her feet and Jessica smiled. "hello Cat. go ahead and take a shower." she assured the woman, Clint nodding. "a shower might help." he agreed, helping Cat into the bathroom and he sat on the toilette while she took a shower and got clean and got dressed. "how are you feeling?" he asked, once she was dressed, offering her his arms to snuggle into, pulling her into a tight hug. "i love you, you know that right?" he asked, smiling at her. "come on... we'll go talk to Jessica, you like her, why, i have no idea...." he grumbled. "but she's here to keep us company while Tony figures out how... 'he', was able to call you here..." he glanced at her. "...do you want me to... you know... deal with him?" he knew she was going to understand. he wanted to know if she wanted him to kill her father, or leave him alone.
“Good. Tony should see there’s other good looking bastards in the world besides himself.”She said snickering a little before smiling. “even better. Jessica hasn’t gotten permission to see such a amazing sight.”She grinned a little at the idea, enjoying the idea of everyone being jealous of her good looking lover, leaning against clint a little, not wanting to lose the sense of being protected, using him as a touchstone to keep herself from losing it. “A shower would be nice.”She agreed before heading to the bathroom. Quiet the whole time she showered and dressed, she snuggled into his chest when he pulled her into a hug, holding onto him just as tight.”I’m…”She stopped before the lie could escape, remembering what jessica had said, that she needed to deal with the emotions, and that she had people she could rely on to help. Starting a little at his confession, she blushed as he admitted to loving her, while she’d known it, it was something different to hear it. a woman who’d had everything she loved taken from her, clung tighter to him, burying her face in his shoulder, relaxing at the idea that she had someone who wanted her, needed her as much as she needed him.”I know. I love you to.”She muttered before laughing.

“She’s amusing. And just because you don’t like talking, doesn’t mean you should dislike her. She did buy you magic cards.”She teased a little before shuddering at the mention of her father, thinking it over. “I…I don’t know.”She said truthfully leaning back to look up at him, the terrified and needy child who had loved her father looking out of a world weary adult who hated him. Torn between the emotions, and trusting clint, despite how many problems he had himself, to help her keep it together.

Stepping back she stepped back into the living room, holding onto clint's hand, needing the contact, looking at Jessica."Do you want something to eat? We still have birthday cake..."She said blushing ever so slightly, feeling awkward that everyone knew she'd had a meltdown.
he chuckled a little. "i think he was too angry that you where in pain to notice how much more amazing i am." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i know she can't see me naked." he promised, sounding rather amused. "if she had seen me naked, would you hate her?" he asked curiously, wondering if he couldn't corrupt his lover after all. he smiled as she showered and sighed as she snuggled into him and shook his head a little as she blushed. "your so adorable sometimes." he admitted with a grin. "i don't understand how someone as... naughty and skilled as you can still be so damn innocent." he muttered with a chuckle as he sulked at her. "i just don't like her." he grumbled. "and it took more than just a deck of cards before i liked Tony." Clint pointed out. "and everyone likes Tony eventually. you hate him, but you like him..." Clint paused. "it's like he's a Disney villain." he mused with a grin. "in any case, Jessica needs to buy me at least four more before i'll consider liking her." he stated with a sniff. "and even then, i probobly won't."

he gently stroked her hair, kissing her forehead. "it's alright." he promised. "i won't do a thing to him until you make up your mind, no matter how long it takes." he promised, nuzzling her neck before leading her back out to Jessica, who smiled around a cup of hot tea. "from what i understand, you never got around to even getting cake last night." she admitted with a smile. "was it as amazing as you wanted it to be?" she asked, smiling at Cat, her head tilted. "Tony, in all his idiocy, claims to have heard you screaming at Clint to 'fuck you harder' all the way in his lab." Jessica teased, her eyes glittering with laughter, breaking the ice as Clint went bright red. "i'm gonna kill that bastard..." never mind that Cat had never said any such thing. Jessica knew that Cat wouldn't think she was making fun of her... though, Jessica might have been teasing Clint.
“Good. No one but me…and maybe tony…gets the privilege of seeing you naked.”Catalina said, a thread of jealousy to the words even as she leaned back to look up at him, punching him in the shoulder.”No, but I might not consider letting you see me naked for awhile if she does.”She said glaring at him before sulking as he teased her. “I am not adorable!”She sulked before giggling. “…tony built you the nest, and a whole floor for yourself. I don’t think Jess can do something like that.”She said snickering before nodding.”He is sort of the villain isnt he?”She said sounding amused as she nodded. “Good. Cause I…I don’t know. I want to know how he called here.”She muttered moaning quietly as he nuzzled her, arms tight around his waist.

Flushing at Jessica’s words she making a face. “We had pizza. And watched a movie.”She sputtered flushing even more as she teased them,, “I did not!Tony needs to not be listening at people’s doors.”She sputtered because she knew Jessica was teasing clint…at least she hoped that was the intent. Sulking a little she nudged clint. “You need to see about getting that dildo. Not only for buying condoms, but for that picture, and for whispering things to Jessica. He needs punished.”She whined looking amused though as she moved to sit on the couch, curling up under the blanket and tugging clint down next to her, snuggling against him.

Tony paused outside the door, swallowing hard as he heard the laughter in the apartment. he so didn't want to go in there, not if she'd managed to calm enough to laugh. he knew that both of them where going to lose their minds, but he had no idea how it was going to go. Swallowing hard as he knocked on the door, "Hey is it safe to come in, or did barton convince the two beautiful women into a threesome?"Tony's leered through the door, though the teasing laughter showed he was just giving them a hard tiem.
Clint chuckled a little before he winced as she punched him, sulking at her. "but i like seeing you naked." he complained before he laughed. "you ARE adorable." he teased with a grin before he paused. "...well, i forgot about that." he admitted with a nod. "besides, Tony only built me the Nest because Pepper told him to." he admitted with a small smile. "she's good at that, telling him what to do i mean." he admitted with a small snicker. "three dildos, a male stripper, and a box of Viagra." he promised her with a smirk as he got her a massive Chocolate cake, just like she asked for. "and we'll get Pepper something nice since she gave you all those crappy romance movies that you like so much." he grumbled with a smile as he snuggled into her happily, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly as Jessica laughed in delight at having gotten Tony in trouble.

they all turned and looked at Tony when he leered through the door and as expected, Clint threw something at Tony's head. and it connected. thankfully the only think in reach had been one of Cat's stuffed animals. so it bounced off his head without any damage done to either Tony, or the stuffed animal. "keep that up, and i'll make you a doctors appointment to be neutered." Jessica warned, Clint smirking. "well... maybe i can grow to like you after all." he teased Jessica as the woman took a sip of tea and a bite of chocolate cake.
“well, you better make sure that no one else sees you naked them.”She said looking up at him before pouting.”I am not!”She said wrinkling her nose a little before laughing.”She is good at it. But he wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t wanted you staying here.”she pointed out before smiling. “Hm, I like it. Definitely a good punishment for him.”She grinned laughing softly, “I promise not to make you watch all of them with me. I’ll watch some with pepper.”She promised.

Tony winced as he looked down at the stuffed hawk he’d been hit with, shaking his head. “Again, like I told clint, you cant do that. You’ll disappoint both my wife and the rest of the women in new York.” “Except me. And Jessica.”Cat pointed out. “Well, since barton’s got you screaming loud enough to hear in my penthouse, I might have to try.”Tony leered, putting off telling why he was here, flirting because it was a anxious reaction, not that he actually wanted to sleep with her. Sighing as he collapsed down into one of the chairs he ran his fingers through his hair.”There’s no trail leading back, someone called…oliver satana…in the hospital, but there’s no trace. Jarvis is still working on it, but the signal was bounced around the world.”Tony sighed in frustration, before biting his lip. “But we have bigger problems, and one that I’m not sure how to stop, since its not exactly slander, but its not something that either of you are going to appreciate.”Tony winced before handing over the newpaper, that along with clint and cat’s pictures had a full detailed story on her, the tabloids having picked up the mystery girl with tony, and having wanted to know who she was, had dug into her past….and printed it.

Catalina choked on the piece of cake she was eating, staring at it with wide eyes, for a moment having no idea what to say as she stared at the frightened eyes of the 10 year old she'd been, still covered in blood, because they'd printed the pictures of her leaving her house. Trembling as she shut down, the plate falling from boneless fingers. At least she wasn't having a violent reaction, but she'd checked out for the moment.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i suppose." he muttered with a shake of his head. "i can't see him just doing that though." he admitted. "he's a good guy, sometimes i guess..." he muttered with a shrug. "when he doesn't open his mouth..." he grumbled, chuckling a little. "good, make sure you and Pepper have a girls night out, just for you two... and maybe Jessica if you insist on liking her." he complained with a smile.

he lifted an eyebrow at Tony and snorted. "Tony, face it, most people don't give a damn about you, only stupid women and Pepper like you." he pointed out. "i still think you have some sort of blackmail on Pepper to make her love you like that." he teased before sobering as he watched Tony flop... Tony never flopped... ever. "so in other-words, this was done on purpose, with the expressed intent to do Cat emotional Harm." he hissed, his eyes flashing before he looked at the paper, a low snarl falling from his lips as he tossed the paper away and pulled Catalina tight into his arms, worried she might start raging again as she had before. but she didn't, she just sat there, limp. "Call Fury." Clint demanded, trembling. "call him now. i want him here..." there was a trembling note to his voice. Fury and Natasha where the only people Clint had trusted before Catalina. he needed Fury there, to fix things, to tell him how to fix this. he needed Fury there to tell him how to make everything alright.
“Ha!you don’t know your city well enough if you think no one cares for me. I’m loved.Though not as much as you and thor these days. Seems women like elves and demi-gods.”Tony said rolling his eyes. “Exactly. Someone’s playing a dangerous game…but I don’t think she’s the main target. Its us, you, me…the others. She’s just the weakest link to lash out at.”Tony said worry in his eyes as he looked at catalina, “I’ll get him. And the others.”Tony stood, crossing over, and rested a hand on clint’s shoulder. “you wont have to do this alone, clint. We got your back.”He muttered before walking out into the kitchen, and soon enough the avengers and fury were circling the wagons, pulling together to protect one vulnerable woman.

Glancing up as first pepper, then steve, and bruce, and even thor-fresh back from spending time in asgard, walked in, followed close by fury. While they were probably overcrowding the couple, tony wasn’t about to shoo everyone away, not when he was as worried about clint as he was catalina. “Clint?”Fury said quietly as he sat down on the couch next to the assassin, wincing as catalina kicked him, responding to having someone near her that wasn’t clint, not even realizing she’d just kicked her boss. And even as fury took care of catalina, tony, bruce and Jarvis was setting up computers in the kitchen to get work done, intending and tracking down exactly who was behind this.
he rolled his eyes. "i know my city just fine." he stated with a smirk. "your just delusional." he commented simply before he shook his head. "you think someone's hurting her, to hurt us all?" he asked, biting his lip as he examined the woman who was curled up at his side. "thanks Tony." Clint whispered, feeling emotionally shattered. every time he had something truly good in his life, it was taken away. he didn't know if he could handle loosing Catalina on top of Nat.

Clint only snapped to attention when Fury walked in and he examined his adoptive father intently. "stay back... she's... not well." he muttered, stroking her hair as he tucked her tighter to him, nuzzling her neck and whispering soft comforting things to her. "sit on the other side." Clint suggested, indicating a chair that was close, but not in range of Catalina's terror. Steve was working at the stove, making a glass of Catalina's favored Orange juice and working on making hot Coffee and hot Tea. "thanks for coming Director." Clint muttered, paying his head on Fury's upper arm, just as he had done as a child after a vivid nightmare. Clint was not often so 'affectionate'. Cat was the first person he'd ever been 'touchy fealy' with, so that simply movement, would tell Fury everything he needed to know about how upset Clint really was.
“Yes, I do.”Tony said watching the other man before nodding.”We’ll figure this out clint.”The genius said looking annoyed with himself and the world in general as he settled in to get some work done.

“So I can see.”Fury grumbled a little as he rubbed his shin, moving to sit in the other chair before looking down at the man leaning on his shoulder. For a moment at a loss for words on how to respond before huffing out a sigh.”I wont let anyone take her from you clint, I promise.”the director said softly looking down at the emotionally shattered woman. “…No coffee…clint doesn’t need it.”Catalina said wrinkling her nose as she pressed her face into his side, coming up just enough to smell the scent of coffee, a small frown on her face,”…I ruined my cake.”Catalina muttered frowning a little down at the floor, for the moment distracted from the emotional turmoil as she focused on the silly things.

“Ha!I found it.Sort of.”Tony shouted from the kitchen, sounding pleased with himself, even if he looked confused.”It’s coming from new York.The call was, but not the original source..i’ve never seen a single like this…its like its not…from here.”Tony frowned as he watched the signal ping around new York, a memory trace of a call that had been made wasn’t being currently made, before disappearing for a few moments, then starting the pattern all over again. He didn’t understand it, and that frustrated the technical genius even more. "Someone's playing games. I'm going to kill them for making me feel stupid."The man sulked even as he got working on figuring out what the hell was going on. "There might be a reason it bears no human trace....Loki is missing."Thor said simply, a slight frown on his face before nodding towards fury. "That is what I returned to tell you. He disappeared from his prison and the guards...despite knowing he was a illusionist with no equal, still managed to let him walk out without them knowing. Only when I returned from muselihiem did anyone know he was gone."
Clint offered Fury a timid little smile. "she didn't mean to. she doesn't recognize anyone." he admitted. "that and i think she hates you for putting her with me. apparently i am 'a demon from hell'. i beleive that's what she called me... it's not MY fault she annoyed me enough to make her run four hours instead of two." he mused, simply comforting himself with Fury's close presence before sulking down at her. "why must you interfere with my addictions?" he demanded of her. "and don't mind the cake, it was a gross cake anyway. completely unfitting of you. we'll get you a better one." he promised with a smile before looking up at Tony, lifting an eyebrow. the signal was so close... their enemy was so close. he nearly had a heart attack when he heard Thor say that Loki was free and he choked on terror and fear. Loki who had stolen his mind, Loki who had controlled him like a puppet. Loki who had made him kill innocent people... Loki who had ruined his life, who had killed Nat, who had destroyed everything he held dear. he shivered, and then blackness took him, fainting on the spot.

he woke with a groan, laying on the bed where Steve had oh so carefully placed him. he didn't notice that, all he knew was his racing pulse and the single thought repeating in his mind. Loki was free, Loki was free Loki was free, Loki was free Loki was FREE![/i] he unleashed a sound that was more animal than human, blind to everything but the fact that Loki was free, he was in danger, Cat was in danger. Loki could be there now, Loki could be anyone, Loki was going to kill them all but Clint was going to kill him first! he barely even noticed it when Fury moved to restrain him, all he knew was that he had to stop Loki, had to FIND Loki, had to KILL Loki!
“Hm, you are a demon sometimes. Especially to your trainees.”Fury mused looking down at the man next to him. “…its not good for you.Drink orange juice.”Catalina muttered quietly rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, shifting to press closer to him, as if trying to merge into one body, giggling a little. “We should make tony find the most expensive place he can find.”Cat decided yelping as clint freaked out, jolting out of her own emotional response by his, already moving to grip his shoulders as he fainted, between fury and steve getting him into bed.

“Bloody hell clint.”Fury cursed as he held the man down, glancing towards the woman curled up against clint, wincing as a flailing fist smacked her across the face, and only cat’s furious snarl about being hit when it wasn’t training reassured him that she was okay.Holding onto clint’s shoulders even as catalina moved to straddle his waist, using her body weight to hold him down, catching his face in her hands, demanding clint’s full attention. “Hawk!Hawk! love, please.”She begged as she shifted around fury’s hands to get a clearer view on the man’s face, leaning down to rest her forehead against clint’s, knowing if he kept losing it, she was going to get hurt, but unwilling to lose even the briefest moment of connection, having no idea how to bring him back, fear and tears filling her eyes, “Hawk!Clint, come back. You’re safe. You’re safe.”She reassured wincing as she was picked up and removed as he kept fighting, fury afraid for her as much as he was for clint. Wincing as catalina screamed bloody murder and kicking and fighting the thunder god as the larger man carried her out, both fury and tony holding clint down, needing him to come back before they let catalina back into the room....and counting on Catalina's fury at being carried out being enough to drag clint back to the moment.
Clint only snarled at Fury, struggling weakly against the Grip, cautious because he didn't know who was freind and who was foe and he didn't want to hurt someone who he liked. he growled as he felt flesh against the back of his hand. he struggled harder as he was punned onto his back, fear rushing through him as he hit his back, worried that he was going to end up under the command of Loki again, waiting for the feeling of being drawn out of his own body, struggling wildly under her, aware only that he was exceptionally vulnerable right then. he could hear Catalina, his Catalina calling to him, she sounded afraid, Loki had her, Loki was going to hurt her! and then she was screaming even more and he hissed and flew straight into attack mode, he twisted, and Steve gasped, bending over as a fist planted itself in his Gut. "LEAVE CATALINA ALONE!" Clint roared, trying desperately to squirm free of the collected forces of Bruce, Steve, Fury and Tony to no avail. but he was starting to calm down, he could smell Fury's aftershave. "F...Fury!?" Clint asked, gasping for air as he trembled. "Fury..?" frightened, and confused now as he realized that Catalina wasn't screaming in fear or pain, but in anger. "L..Loki's... he's..." Clint rambled, clinging to Fury now, gripping the man's nice outfit so tightly his knuckles had turned white. "have to.. have to stop... Loki is going to kill us all!" and then he tensed as he felt something familiar slide into his arm and he turned blank eyes to Bruce, who had doped Clint with a special mix that he had made just for Clint. it wouldn't put the man to sleep, it would just really, really relax him. he slowly went limp, panting slightly as Bruce went to tell Catalina it was alright to come back in.
“Yea kid, its me.”Fury growled quietly as he panted, shifting to sit down on the edge of bed, letting clint cling to him..”No wonder your trainee wants to kill you half the time. You aren’t a easy man to hold down.”Tony scowled a little even as he relaxed his grip before smirking. “We’re going to find him, before he does that, and then turn that hellcat you’re sleeping with loose on him. I think catalina wants to have a private conversation with him.”Tony snorted a little amused because he knew just what catalina wanted to do, and it involved nothing but a bleeding and dying loki. The angry screams quieted the moment bruce walked out of the room, followed quickly by catalina’s walking back into the room, pushing steve off the bed so she could get in bed with clint, shifting to snuggle against him.”You okay?”She muttered clinging to the man.

Thor walked back in, rubbing his stomach, having gotten kicked a few times, and even the asgardian warrior was feeling sore at getting kicked around by one small human woman. “My brother knows that he will not be able to hide long, once we had discovered him gone from asgard. He knows we know he’s here, but he will…be more discreet in trying to take over things this time.” “Tony, keep a eye out for any…irregularities. Loki might want to hide out, but he is also a…what did you call him?A drama queen? He wont be able to not have a audience.” “…genius requires a audience, usually one of its own making. By focusing on hurting me…on clint..he’s chosen who he wants to watch him, and we’re playing to his game.”Catalina frowned trying to work out the tangled mess. “Are we just going to play by his rules?” “For now. Until we figure out what he really wants.”Tony said frowning down at the woman. Not sure what loki wanted, but sure that the world was going to suffer for it again.
Clint snorted a little. "Bruce drugged me, he cheated..." Clint complained, swallowing thickly. "sorry... i panicked... i haven't done that since i was sixteen..." the last time he'd done this, he'd seen the twin brother of the man who had tried to 'buy' him. Clint had nearly killed the poor man, who had known nothing of his long lost, and pedophile twin brother. "oh i'm sure cat wants to rip his spine out through his stomach." Clint muttered with a small smile. "i'm alright.. it was just a panic attack." he promised Catalina. "Loki freaks me out, what he did..." he shuddered violently. "i can still feel him, inside of me, moving me..." Clint admitted with a shudder. "it's like a forever nightmare." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "i guess the experience left me a little more traumatized than i realized." particularly since he had forgotten about it because Nat had died shortly afterwords.

"it's pretty obvious what he wants Thor." Steve stated after a moment. "he wants his revenge and his 'rightful place' as our ruler. he's been gunning for your place as King for a long time, since he can't have his place in Asgard, he'll have it here on earth..." "no." Clint corrected. "Loki doesn't care about power." Clint stated. "he's making statements. he's punishing Thor for wrongs that he 'thinks' has been committed against him. he's angry at us for stopping him, so he's punishing us too... being connected to him..." Clint bit his lip. "i learned a lot about how his mind works." he admitted. "if we play his game, less innocents will get hurt. but we will suffer a great deal more for it. there's really no way to win." he admitted. "but at least we can keep his attention focused entirely on us."
“do you want me to beat him up for it?”Catalina muttered smirking a little at bruce as she pressed her face into clint’s chest, holding onto him tightly, like she never was going to let go, he’d probably have to tell her to let go, lest she hurt him. “I’m sure she does. I think we’re already ready to rip his spine out.”Tony smirked a little before sighing wincing at just how freaked clint looked at the idea of what loki did. “Well, its not going to happen again. I wont let him have you. You’re mine.”Catalina growled before smiling a little.”That’s why you have Jessica to talk to. Traumatizing things and stuff, you need to talk.”She muttered teasing him a little.

Thor paused tilting his head before nodding. He was a warrior, and while he was fairly intelligent, he wasn’t nearly as smart as the people who now surrounded him. But at least he was intelligent enough to know it, and actively seek out their opinions. “I am sorry you had to be connected to him, brother, but this might be the leg up we need to defeat him again.”Thor said looking down at the assassin before nodding. “we can suffer, we signed up for dealing with villians. The innocents did not.”Thor said sighing. “….If he thinks he’s taken one of us out of the game, seriously critically weakened us, would it draw him out?”Catalina said, her voice muffled a little as she talked against clint’s chest, hiding because she knew he wasn’t going to like it, definitely not. But…it might be worth it. And she was the weakest of any of them, with the most crippling weakness for loki to exploit easily, a father easily gotten to.
Clint smirked. "yes. beat him up for me." he ordered, wrapping his arms around her, not in the least bit interested in telling her to let up on her death grip. he was too relaxed to hold her as tightly as he wanted to. muscle relaxants pissed him off. "just make sure to do it slowly." Clint demanded, closing his eyes. "i want that bastard to suffer." he grumbled before he smiled at her. "i don't think Jessica can help me with this one." he admitted with a sigh. "i didn't even realize how... traumatized i was, i was more focused on... other things." he admitted, not willing to talk about Natasha in front of Cat. he didn't want Cat to think that he was just using her to replace his sister. "it wasn't as bad as you'd think. being connected to Loki, i learned a lot of things from him, as horrid as it was, i did get something out of it, and it's coming in handy now. he admitted before he gasped at Cat's suggestion. "NO! don't you even DARE!" he demanded, trying to pull her into a tight hug and groaning when he failed. "don't even think it, please." Clint pleaded softly. "it wouldn't work anyway. he's punishing us, not playing with us. he'll just laugh at your pain and turn his attention to the next weakest link. which... would be me." Clint admitted, swallowing thickly. "he will pick us off one at a time. and he will make sure that Thor suffers the most..." there was a long pause and then. "where is Jane and Doctor Selvig?" safe, off-world. Frigga had come herself, picked them up and was now giving them a grand world tour of Asgard. Loki wouldn't dare set foot in Asgard, not now. not yet. he'd worry about the two stray humans, later, after he had made Thor, and the Avengers suffer.
“I will.Slowly and painfully.”Catalina muttered smiling slightly.Raising her head she looked down at him, a slight frown on her face as she considered her lover. Him avoiding talking about Natasha did exactly what he didn’t want to do, make her think he just wanted to replace Natasha. Even if she knew they’d never had sex, she knew they had a emotional bond that eclipsed everything else in his life, and when he refused to talk to her about it, it made her feel bad. But she wouldn’t make him feel bad about it, when it was her problem to deal with. Was that loki's intent?Not only make her worry about her father, but to make her doubt the one person she trusted more then anyone? Even if she trusted him, needed him, the little girl that had had everything taken from her, couldn't fully trust that clint wanted her, for her. Despite having sex, he still had a long way to go, till she was completely secure.“Well, you can still talk to her.Even if you don’t like her.”She said leaning down to kiss him before laying down again, Sighing softly as he yelled at her, before nodding.”I wont.”She sighed biting her lip a little. “Mother moved them to asgard, they are safe.”Thor said before adding.”He is right,catalina, Loki wont fall for a simple illusion. You would really have to be vulnerable, and giving you over to loki, is not something I am willing to risk.”The lord of asgard frowned because while he didn’t want to put her in daughter, he also knew that she would be the first loki came for, and not just because was the weakest, but because clint loved her. Along with pepper she would be in the most danger, because loki would start with the people they cared for, before moving onto the avengers themselves.

“I wasn’t suggesting going after him alone…I was suggesting…”She shuddered looking worried about the idea, and hating it, but…”He used my father to get to me. What if we use my father to get to him?If…If I see him, I’m going to freak out.In front of a lot of people, who wont be able to not gossip. Drawing loki to new York, if he’s not already here.And I wouldn't be going to the hospital alone, I'm not stupid. but it would be enough to appear vulnerable...even more emotionally unstable then he knows I am, since he set up the newspaper, and the phone call.”She pointed out sitting up on her elbow, gently stroking clint’s hair. Arguing with them despite her fear of doing it, because she didn’t know how else to help, and to do nothing was unacceptable.
Clint smiled a little at her, imagining her tearing Loki apart with her bare hands. it was a glorious, and arousing, image. "i don't like her." he grumbled. "but she does make me feel better about everything i suppose... she was the one who told me it was alright to love you, you know." he admitted with a smile. "i thought it was a bad thing, but she set me straight." he teased her with a smile before he looked at Thor. "is there any way to get Pepper to Asgard too? i'd suggest Cat go, but she'll kill me if i do, and in the state i'm in..." here he glared at Bruce who gave him a lopsided smile. "she might even succeed." he grumbled before he glared at his lover. "hell no." he stated simply. "you had a complete and total meltdown just hearing his voice. there is no way you're actually seeing Him until you're a little more stable, emotionally." he ordered. "and of course Loki is in New York, or even right here in Manhattan. he's watching us." Clint pointed out. "and he's enjoying making us panic..." he frowned, glaring at the ceiling. "he probobly expects me to have gone off the rage, and killed Cat's father, which would have upset her even more. we're already deviating from Loki's plans, but he likes that. it means we're still a challenge. we're still fun toys to play with."
“Well,good. I like a straight hawk.”Catalina teased a little shifting to rest her hands on his chest, resting her chin on her hands, looking like a small child, content with him. “Compared to a gay one?”Tony said trying to get them to relax. “Exactly. A gay clint is of no use to me. Training would be boring.”Catalina said giving a lopsided smile to match bruce's, “….that tells me more about your sex life, then I ever wanted to know. Stop.”Tony whined but looking amused, then at the asgardian, his face drawing into a worried frown. “Of course. I shall take her there myself.”Thor said nodding a little before going in search of the woman in the living room, and after a quick word, the two were leaving for asgard. “Ha!I can always succeed in killing you. Just because you have delusions of being stronger, doesn’t mean its true.”Catalina said looking down at clint.

Catalina winced as her lover glared at her, sighing as she rested her head against his chest, shuddering a little. “Well..I can live with not seeing him.”She sighed, sounding relieved desite her arguing for it, that they were going to fight her into the ground if she had tried to go. “Besides…I have other toys for loki to play with. Pepper’s going to be gone. And while he’ll expect it to be because I sent her somewhere, the public already has a thought that there’s…”Tony’s smirk couldn’t have gotten wider, and even as he stepped away from the bed, he said the words that he knew was going to make both assassins screech. “a rumor about a love triangle going on in stark tower. We’ll just let everyone think we’re all out of control here. Lots of emotional upheaval, which is loki’s intent. If we’re to busy appearing to chase our own love lives, instead of him..” “…you really have a death wish don’t you.”Catalina muttered a little, but looking amused more then annoyed at tony’s idea, for the moment to comfortable snuggled into her lover, reassuring herself that they were both fine, to be angry with the genius.
Clint huffed a little. "i wasn't aware that my gender preferences where a common subject?" he complained. "i know Natasha accused me of being Gay all the time but i..." suddenly he froze, stunned beyond belief that he had talked about Natasha so easily and he simply lay there, stock still for a long moment in a motion that Cat found very familiar. Clint was analyzing something, most likely his feelings. "oh..." he muttered softly. he still missed Natasha of course, but it didn't HURT. oh it was still a never ending ache, but it was like a slightly strained muscle, compared to thirty two broken bones. "it's not true. for one, you'd be upset if i was dead, and for two, even weak as i am, you couldn't even bruise me." he stated with a smirk. "you'll see your father when your well enough to handle seeing him, and then only if you want to." he stated. "i won't let anyone make you do anything so horrifically traumatizing, not even you." he turned to glare at Tony.

"Cat? shoot him in the ass for me and then castrate him." Clint demanded. "we are NOT pretending to be in a threesome you Foul mouthed, womanizing, drunkard!" well, at least Clint wasn't throwing things this time... though, that might have been because of the muscle relaxant. he scowled at Cat. "you could help you know! go beat him up! no don't get up!" he complained, scowling at Bruce. "what the hell did you give me!?" Bruce just chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's basically a bit of weed mixed with muscle relaxant. not enough of either to really mess with your head." he promised. "your just overly upset because Cat and Tony keep suggesting stupid things."
“Ah, well it is when you don’t have sex. Its weird.”Tony said smirking a little at the man in front of him. “Hawk?”Catalina muttered as she sat up to look down at him, her face shifting from amusement to worry as she gently touched his face leaning down to kiss him lightly, not pressing him about mentioning Natasha just yet, smiling as she nodded.”True. But its fairly amusing to tease you about…especially when you start making me run.”She muttered looking amused before relaxing, shuddering as she snuggled into him, despite having known he’d protect her, it was heart touching and amazing to know that he would protect her.

“No. I’m to comfortable.”Catalina muttered before sighing.”Fine fine,”She grumbled moving to get up even as tony ran out of the room laughing, before pausing at the demand she didn’t leave. “Would you make up your mind?”She grumbled before smirking at bruce, “Well, I’ll just have to stop suggesting stupid things.”She said looking down at her lover, lust and amusement darkening her eyes, for a moment, considering the helpless man in front of her, “You might want to go bruce. I’m going to get him naked.”She said her voice turning wicked, needing a distraction from the stupid things….and he was helpless. Waiting till bruce was gone she swallowed nervously, biting her lip, remembering what she’d seen on tv, squirming down to undo his jeans.”Now…you can just lay there and relax.”She said smirking, amused because he had no choice as she lowered her mouth towards his cock, hesitant and nervous, looking fairly innocent as she explored him with her tongue and lips.
Clint smiled sheepishly. "startled myself..." he admitted softly as he shook his head. "i've not been able to talk about her in so long i shocked myself." he admitted before scowling at her. "it is NOT fun to tease me! your running for another hour tomorrow!" he growled as he wrapped his arms around her as best as he could. "no i won't make up my mind! i'm mentally and emotionally traumatized!" he complained, sulking. "Bruce said so!" then he smirked at the suggestion before hesitating. he'd never been near someone so helpless before. part of him was a little worried what she might do to him. he should have known better. "holy fucking great green earth!" he gasped, trying, and failing to arch, or thrust. "oh son of a bitch... this is cruel... god don't stop! you cheating son of a... oooh hell yesss...." well, at least she knew she was doing it right. Clint always told her she was cheating when she was being a particularly vindictive tease.
“Ah, I see.”She said smiling, looking pleased that he was okay before pouting. “You cant make me do that!Thats unfair.”She pointed looking amused. Sitting back on her knees as she looked at him, wanting him to trust her with him so helpless. Needing him to.”Great green earth?”She teased a little,snickering as she played with him, amused that he was failing to move at all, looking pleased though to know that she was doing okay. Jerking back as he came, she flushed as come splattered her face, a startled look on her face, having not expected it, though she was glad she hadn’t had him in her mouth, otherwise she might have embarrassingly thrown up on him. Sitting up she wiped her face before collapsing down next to him, content to just be with him, not expecting any return in favors. Just having enjoyed watching him come undone, and know that he trusted her.”You okay?”She muttered panting a little.
he smirked. "i can, i will, and you'll do it!" he paused. "mostly because i love the way your boobs bounce when you run." he mused with a grin. "yes! great green earth! less talking more sucking!" he demanded, panting hard. he moaned eagerly as he came, and came hard, shuddering and jerking and trembling before he pouted at her. "no i'm not o-kay. i just ejaculated my brains." he complained, chuckling a little. "fuck Cat, that was the best orgasm i've ever had. who knew being helpless could be such a turn on? gods above i love you." he admitted with a smile. "i never thought i'd ever trust anyone like this. hell not even Nat... hell not even Fury..." he paused. "granted, neither of them are likely to get anywhere near my cock in the first place, but that's besides the point."
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