
“I did not!”She protested looking amused though before snickering at clint’s reaction, shaking her head. “No, I picked them up for you, nerd.”She muttered. “Of course. I’ve already been beating up once, I don’t want to get beaten up again over a dessert.”Tony whined before smiling. “I’m enjoying it. I just hadn’t expected everyone to be so eager to celebrate.”Catalina said looking around at her friends as she ate, before laughing.”I like it. Good idea.”She said smiling before relaxing as she realized he wasn’t upset with her. “No, it wouldn’t have.”She said frowning at him a little, because while she was interested in celebrating, and maybe next year she’d be open to the idea of a surprise party, if he’d surprised her for this first birthday, she would have probably freaked out. Raising a eyebrow as she was offered a bite she smirked at him.”So, I’m special enough to share magic cards and tiramisu?”

“Of course. You’re a beautiful woman, there’s nothing more special then that.”Tony said smirking, flirting just a little because it amused him to watch her blush, but he wasn’t even looking at her really, and there was more teasing then intention in his voice, he’d rather be her friend then sleep with her. Which was really saying something, since he so rarely had women friends that he didn’t want to screw. The fact that she was clint’s girl just made her even more precious to him, since his friend loved her, it meant tony would go beyond his normal desire to protect.

Catalina smiled as she took the bite, moaning quietly as she closed her eyes."Oh man, that's amazing."She said looking up at him with wide eyes, having never had tiramisu before.
he pouted at her. "am not a nerd." he complained, sulking before he winced at the reminder of beating Tony up before he smirked at the other, glad that Tony was joking about it really. "of course Tony's eager to celebrate your birthday, it's an excuse to get drunk, why wouldn't he celebrate it?" he asked with a smirk. "well no, maybe not... next year perhaps." he decided with a grin. "yes, we'll surprise you on your birthday next year." he decided with a grin before offering her a smirk at her cheeky comment about being special. he narrowed his eyes at Tony and growled at him, but it was clear Clint was trying not to laugh. "we're going to put Silver Nitrate in your food you utter pervert." "silver nitrate?" "oh, it's one of those conspiracy theories that the military puts it in the soldiers food to drop their libido. we'll do a running test on Tony to see if it actually works." he paused at her groan and turned to stare wide eyed at her, glanced down at his dessert, glanced at her, glanced at his dessert before he groaned and shoved the whole thing to her, how could he resist such a face? she looked like heaven had come early.
“Are to.”Catalina reassured her nerd of a boyfriend, before laughing at his words.”Tony needs no excuses to get drunk.Besides, he’s not allowed drinking. He’s still on painkillers.” “Yes, so I’ve been told.”Tony said sulking a little because both his wife, catalina, and Jessica had yelled at him for mixing alcohol and painkillers.Smirking wider at clint’s words he scowled. “You cant do that. Not only will you disappoint most of the women innew York, you'll disappoint pepper, which could make life uncomfortable."Tony pointed out sulking at the idea of silver nitrate. Laughing at catalina’s reaction to the dessert, he looked surprised as clint actually gave it away. He had never seen clint willing to share his tiramisu before, especially when it was from trattoria l’incontro.

Catalina stared at clint for a moment, before grinning, starting to dig in, little happy moans escaping every once in awhile as she ate. Tony snickered, swallowing hard.”Maybe she wont need you clint, it seems she’s enjoying that dessert way to much.”he snorted amused because the woman looked to be in orgasmic bliss. “…what?Noo.I need him.”Catalina frowned in confusion as she finished, pushing the last few bites back to clint for him to eat, before leaning over to kiss him hard.”Thank you. That was a amazing birthday present.”She said amused as she pulled away, assuming that the man had given it to her as a gift, and not because she was just so adorably cute eating it.
Clint narrowed his eyes at her. "i'm making you run for an extra hour tomorrow." he grumbled before he blinked, surprised. "you can't drink?" he asked, surprised. "well that's gotta suck." he teased, smirking a little at him. "i'm sure Pepper would forgive me, it's a matter of public safety after all, and you're all about that aren't you?" he asked with a snicker before he glared at tony. "bring two next time." he demanded, a little unhappy that he had given it away, because hell, it was Tiramisu from New York's number ONE five star restaurant! but he was enjoying the look on her face and the sounds of pleasure she was making much more than some silly tongue orgasm he could be having otherwise. he looked delighted when she pushed the last few bites to him and he laughed into her kiss, humming happily. "i'm glad you liked it, because it costs 30$." he admitted with a smile as he carefully took a few slivers, savoring each little bite with a happy moan. "i love this stuff." he sighed before he grinned.

"oh! did you guys hear? they're making a new movie, of US!" he admitted, smirking at the sputtered gasps. "yeah, they're doing movies on all of us, The Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, portraying all our best sides." he paused and then sulked. "i'm not getting my own movie. completely unfair, i've done impressive things!"
Catalina whined quietly, pouting.”That’s not fair!”She whined. Tony nodded a little before sulking. “Not when I don’t get to have sex!”Tony grumbled looking amused despite his complaining before laughing. “Fine, fine. Next time I’ll bring one for each of you.”Tony said rolling his eyes in amusement. “Definitely worth each penny spent.”She said smiling as she leaned back into her seat with a happy little sigh before looking startled, before starting to laugh. “You cant do one about tony, no one will be able to have that much sex in it.”She snickered before looking over at him, “I know you have. But you’ll be in everyone else’s movie, which is better then anything. Cause you’ll be in everything.”She teased a little leaning over to kiss his cheek before yawning as she stretched.”I’m going to bed. I’m full and happy.”She said smiling pleased as she looked around the table, smiling at the sight of all the people she cared for, even if not all of them were they, these were the people she still cared for. “Thanks guys, this was amazing.”She said smiling, needing to get away from them, because no matter how much she cared for them, she was still anxious about actually celebrating her birthday.
he smirked at her. "and who said life was fair Trainee?" he asked, same as he always did. "good..." he speared the very last piece of his dessert and offered it to Catalina with a small smile. "i beleive they intend to edit out the sex." he admitted with a grin. "and it really is worth every penny." he agreed, smirking as he kissed her again. "mmm you taste like Tiramisu." he teased, licking his lips, eyes glittering with amusement as he shook his head. "this is true." he agreed. "but i'm beginning to feel... ignored." he admitted, scowling at Tony. "people are more interested in Tony, or the Hulk than they are the kick-ass assassin with his bows and arrows..." he complained with a pout, making Pepper giggle. "yeah i'm tired too." Clint admitted, pouting at his empty plate. "shall we watch a movie tonight? there's this new one that i picked up while i was out called The Hobbit. it's supposed to be really good, and i figure if a certain someone is going to call me Legolas, i might as well see what he's talking about... if you can stay awake this time anyway. you fell asleep through Hansel and Gretal." he teased.

in the morning, there was a massive bouquet of flowers sitting next to her on the bed, and downstairs there was the smell of something burning. Clint was trying to cook again, and she could hear his annoyed mutters. "it's just freaking pancakes! why are they burning!? i followed the directions perfectly! i'm gonna KILL this STUPID stove!" if she where to look, he was covered in flour, and batter, and looked adorably furious at the cookbook, the smoking pan on the stove, and the thick smoke rolling off the pan as Clint discarded another charred mess before examining the cookbook again. "place on medium heat, apply butter to the pan, spread evenly, dollop 1/4'th cup cook until golden brown and then flip..." he muttered doing as the cookbook demanded. but even on medium heat it was a Tony stove, and it was too hot, and the pancake burned. "guh!!!!"
“Ahh, okay that makes sense.”Catalina said before smiling a little, “Hm, I wont ignore you, who cares about the others?”she pointed out, smirking a little at pepper. “Besides, who can ignore such good weapons, when they’re better then stark’s?”She muttered waggling her eyebrows a little, making tony groan.”Stop, stop right there. I’ll be scarred for life if we continue talking about legolas’ weapon.”Tony whined looking amused though. “I would like that. I’ll stay awake!I’ve wanted to watch the hobbit.”She grinned before heading up to the nest to settle in and watch the movie.

In the morning Catalina wrinkled her nose a little at the odd smell of roses and burning pancakes, smiling a little as she buried her face in the flowers as she tried not to giggle over the mutters before shifting to look over the edge of the nest, glad that the high vantage point made it easy to watch him. Laying on her stomach she watched him for a few minutes before quietly climbing down, and while she knew he’d know she was coming up behind him, she still tried, stepping in behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she leaned against his back, nuzzling his shoulder. “You know tony had his things custom made, it burns hotter. You don’t need it set higher then really low to really cook.”She muttered shifting to lean up her lips finding his neck, smirking as she tasted batter and butter, and the unique taste of his skin. “You’re such a mess.”She muttered sounding amused.
Clint felt her before she even got within ten feet. he didn't react to her hug except to lean back into her embrace and hum with a smile. "morning." he muttered, looking at her. "...i have to turn the temperature down?" he asked, blinking stupidly as he turned the heat down more, his head cocked to the side. "Pepper told me that making you breakfast in bed would be romantic." Clint admitted with a small sheepish smile. "i don't think she realized how bad i am at this." he admitted, looking sheepish as he poured more butter onto the pan, poured more batter and waited, looking shocked when the smell of burning didn't reach his nose. after a moment he flipped the pancake and looked utterly elated. "oh FUCK yes! look at that shit! i made a pancake!" he declared, looking utterly delighted. "go sit down, i'll make more!" he promised, looking oh, so very happy with himself. soon there was a stack of twenty or more pancakes sitting in front of them, and he looked positively delighted. he speared three for himself, smothered them in syrup, took a large bite and promptly started to choke. they where AWFUL! just freaking AWFUL! he had added salt instead of sugar. so instead of being nice sweet pancakes, they where saltier than hell and completely inedible. "...right, lets go out for breakfast. we'll come back after eating and you can open your presents... we'll give... these.. to Tony so he can properly dispose of them."
“Yea. Tony’s stoves burn hotter then normal stoves.”she muttered before biting her lip to keep from laughing out loud at just how very bad he was at this. “It is, but the flowers were romantic enough. I really hadn’t expected you to do anything, hawk.”She muttered smiling a little embarrassed that she’d waited so long to tell him it was her birthday, when he was going through so much effort to make it perfect. Laughing quietly she nodded looking at the pancake as she moved to sit at the table. “That is the perfect pancake.”She said amused as he cooked more before taking a bite of hers, eyes widening as she tasted it, but managing to get it down without choking, through sheer force of will. “…yes. That would probably be best.”She said guzzling down her orange juice before smiling. “Jarvis?Can you see that these are thrown out, and tell tony and pepper we are going out for breakfast?” “Yes, mistress Catalina. And happy birthday, I had some of your favorite books downloaded to your kindle as a birthday present. Have a good day, mistress.”Jarvis said, and like Jessica had said, the A.I. had taken a liking to the woman who made clint so happy. Catalina smiled looking amused, “Thank you Jarvis. Come on, lets go get breakfast. Its early enough that it wont be to busy.”She said amused that he’d gotten up early to try and cook, glancing at the window she realized it was early enough that could probably catch the sunrise over the ocean.”Lets go, we’ll eat down in the park, watch the sunrise.”She leaned over to kiss him before heading out of the nest with him, amazingly pleased at having such a normal day for her birthday.

When they got to the diner she got some pancakes to go, smiling as he got his food, quiet as they walked down to the park. Spending to much time in her own head for the moment, before settling on the ground next to him on the wharf by the ocean, sitting in the grass and looking totally comfortable as she started eating, biting her lip. “…I’m sorry I didn’t give you more warning…I haven’t celebrated my birthday since…you know. So I was putting off telling you,even though I’ve wanted to tell you for weeks. I’ve wanted to celebrate, with you, and accept that just because I’m happy, doesn’t mean that its going to crash down around me as soon as I admit it.”She said quietly, smiling as she ate."I trust you, to help me make sure I wont lose everything again."She said blushing slightly at the admittance, but needing him to know just how much it meant to her that he took care of her when she needed it, and helped her take care of herself.
he huffed a little. "i'll remember that next time." he muttered, his head tilted a little. "besides, i wanted to." he admitted with a smile. "what woman doesn't like having all the attention?" he asked with a grin. "it looks terrible, it's all misshapen and weird looking..." he muttered with a chuckle as he examined his badly shaped pancakes. "..." he gulped down his own coffee, which he could thankfully make on his own and shuddered. "gross..." he grumbled before he grinned a little. "even Jarvis loves you." he teased happily. "i'll have to let you be for a few hours so you can see what books Jarvis got you." he admitted. "it's early enough that some places won't even be open." he pointed out before blinking. "sunrise? on the... beach?" Clint asked, groaning as he realized she would probobly try to get him to go swimming. oh how he hated swimming. he got himself pancakes, sausage, hash-browns, and three 'to-go' coffee cups. "...i hadn't realized that." he admitted softly, taking her hand. "i'm sorry, i didn't realize that you hadn't told me because of emotional reasons, i thought you had been playing a joke on me." he admitted, looking worried as he pulled her into a hug. "...you have a good life now, full of freinds and people who love you... don't you think i would slaughter anyone and anything that would dare try to take that away from you?" he asked, smiling impishly. "now eat your pancakes and watch the stupid sun." he ordered. "at least it didn't have the chance to wake me up this morning." he mused happily.
“Hm, true. I should get all the attention, but tony seems to steal it.”She snickered before laughing quietly. “Its not so bad. Just…not well made.”She said smiling a little, trying to make him feel better about not being able to cook before laughing. “I’ll read later. I have every intention of enjoying today. Which means going to go see sunrise. I’ve never watched it come up over the ocean.”she grinned because she did have every intention of trying to get him to swim. After all it was early enough no one would be out. Looking amused as he drank so much coffee she sipped her orange juice, squeezing his hand a little as she shifted into his hug, leaning against his chest as she ate. “No, I wouldn’t be cruel enough to not tell you if I’d been able to.”She muttered pinching him a little for thinking she could be. Giggling a little as she nodded, “Very true. You might even have to get a hansel bow, so you can slay all the wicked monsters intent on taking my good things away.”She teased him a little since he had wanted the weapons in hansel and Gretel, amused as she ate her pancakes.

“True. Though it might have been better, then trying to cook.”She teased as she finished eating, leaning back to look at him. Flushing a little as she watched his face washed in the colors of the sunrise, blushing because she wanted to watch him strip down. Despite his lack of self-consciousness about walking around the nest mostly naked, the woman was still embarrassed by the desire to watch him undress. “…you hate swimming. I’m going in for a bit, but you don’t have to.”She said smirking at him as she stood, a playful teasing smirk curling her lips, having every intention of teasing him into stripping down with her, stripping out of the capris and t-shirt she was wearing, stripping down to her bra and undies, which was really exactly the same as a swimsuit. “Coming?”She smirked as she raised her eyebrows, taking a step back towards the ocean.
he chuckled a little. "we'll tie him to peppers bed, he won't get away then." he admitted happily. "these are bad." he corrected. "awful, horrible, inedible and will probobly cause death in small animals." he admitted as he examined the pancakes. "i hate the ocean." he admitted with a shake of his head. "come on, lets go get sand in weird places then." he stated with a sigh, his eyes glittering with laughter, letting her know that he was teasing her. "ouch! don't pinch me! i thought it was revenge for making you Run!" he complained, sulking. "you'd do it, don't deny it..." he grumbled before he smirked a little. "actually, i've already started planning." he admitted. "it's an interesting process, i have to be able to disassemble, and reassemble all the pieces, but i should be able to figure out the fine motor mechanics easily enough." he admitted with a grin. "i'll be sure to test it on Tony first." he had to huff at her when she commented on his cooking skills. "alright, so Steve was right, i can't survive on my own..." he complained, pouting at her. "it's not my fault Fury never taught me how to go shopping or how to cook, he was more interested in making sure i wouldn't die."

"..." he could only watch her as she stripped, but he refused to join her in the water, though he did admit why. "every year on my birthday, from the time i was five to the time i was seven, my mother would throw me out into the lake. i never learned how to swim, and he wasn't about to teach me. i got lucky each time. once i was saved by a rotting boat that had sunk, i was able to stand tippy toe on it and stay above the water just enough to breath. the next time a passing dog grabbed hold of me and dragged me to shore. she never did explain why she did it, probobly hoped i'd drown or something, but i've hated the water since then. Fury had a hell of a time trying to teach me how to swim, especially as that's how he first found me at ten, some of the older street punks tossed me into the lake, and Fury had to pull me out and resuscitate me. he'd been looking for me for almost a month, after i broke into Shield and stole some food from their kitchens... apparently most people aren't capable of doing that." he snickered a little. "so no, i'm not getting in the water unless you start to drown."
Catalina stared at him,open mouthed at the horror that was his mother. She wished the woman was still alive so she could kill her. Shaking her head she studied him,leaning downto kiss him lightly."I'm sorry your mother was horrible. I won't be long,it'll be cold,but its the last chance I'll have to swim this year."she said smiling as she realized that almost all of summer had past. Though she did only get to her knees before running back to his side and dressing."I was wrong. Its like seriously frigid. I'm notbputting my body in that."she said smiling as she dropped into his lap,uggling against him, sitting facing him,wrapping herself around him under the guise of getting warm."you know, with stories like tbat, you take all the fun out of seducing you by getting undressed and all wet. Totally unfair."she muttered sulking a little as she nuzzled him, so very awkward and adoranle in her clumsy way of approaching on wanting to have sex.
he smiled tightly. "my mother was an awful bitch and i killed her for her crimes against me." he stated with a shrug. "she didn't die quickly either, i'm not sure it it was the blood-loss or the flames that finally claimed her life." he admitted, looking quite pleased with himself. "have fun for me." he chirped, well aware that she was going to be back in a matter of minutes. it was too cold to swim now. "well that didn't take long." he quipped with a grin as she came back after only getting her feet wet. he wrapped his arm around her, letting her cuddle all she wanted and enjoying every second of it. "well... i can handle some of the shallow pools. you know, the ones that only come up to your hips? those aren't so bad... it's just when the water goes over my head that i have issues. and i can be talked into the ones that go up to my chest or deeper but i don't like it much." he admitted with a shake of his head, blinking as he suddenly realized what she said. "uh... are you trying to seduce me?" he asked, stunned as he blinked at her. "...i'm so sorry! i didn't notice! no one's ever. i mean i've never... flirting is a bit beyond my skills..."
"Its cold."she whined at his teading over being back within minutes. Smiling slightly she nodded."yea I know those pools. Its okay, you don't have to swim with me to still like you."she muttered wondering how long it would take him to catch up to ehat she said,giggling when he did. Leaning back to look up at him she smiled even as she flushed bright red."well it seems its beyond me to.would it help if I just said I want to have sex,with you, on my birthday?"she said looking down,embarassed now that she'd been as blunt as tony would have been about it. Shifting a little in his lap she sighed auietly."I mean, we don't have to...but it would be nice.. "she muttered rambling a bit in her nervousness over how he'd react
he chuckled a little and nodded. "good, because there's no way in hell your getting me in the ocean." he admitted with a smile before he gaped at her for a moment, stunned by the bluntness before he hesitated. "are you sure? i mean, i'd love to of course but i AM a male, with all the male curses." he pointed out. "if you don't want to, i won't make you, you know that right? i'm not dating you because i'll get physical gratification out of it." he promised her, stroking her hair gently, studying her face before he nodded and kissed her deeply. "i'll make it the best damn sex you've ever had." he promised with a smile. "and if you get frightened, or if i do something wrong, you have to tell me so i'll stop, alright?" he gave her a stern look. "and we ARE doing it in a BED, i refuse to have sane corrupting my cock."
Catalina smiled looking amused at his words, “I think I’ve noticed that you’re male. It’s a fairly attractive quality.”She teased a little before sighing softly, watching his face before nodding.”I know. And the fact that you’re saying this, makes me want to trust you to try.”She said smiling at him, smiling a little as she kissed him back, letting out a needy little whimper before snickering a little. “Well, considering it’ll be the ONLY sex I’ve ever had, I’ll have to take your word for it that it’ll be amazing.”She teased before nodding, “I will.Dont worry, I’ll tell you to stop.”She smiled as she stroked his hair, loving the feel of it between her fingers before snickering as she stood. “yea, having sand in those places would be horrible. Especially during sex.”She said thoughtfully as they headed back towards the tower.

When they got there she paused, staring at the boxes of condoms sitting on the table, along with his and her pleasure lubricant. There was like every kind of condom there for the picking…it seemed tony had had to much fun going shopping…or just maybe looked in his own medicine cabinet.”Damned bastard…cant mind his own business…”She muttered flushing a little as she looked up at clint, smiling slightly, wondering if he was having second thoughts. She wasn’t, but she wanted him to want it to.
Clint chuckled a little and nodded. "true, i suppose i wouldn't be able to whoop your ass into shape if i where a female." he mused with a grin. "and you wouldn't enjoy it half as much, hmm?" he teased with a sly grin as he kissed her, moaning softly. "hmm, true." he muttered softly as he gave her another kiss. "it will hurt you know. at first, when i take your virginity, it will hurt." he warned. "i'll do my best to make it hurt as little as possible, but it will still sting, or burn." he admitted as he leaned into the hands in his hair. "as long as you promise to tell me if you need me to stop." he agreed with a smirk. "and i agree, sand belongs nowhere near those places." when he got home he had to blink at the packages of condoms and lube and he had to snicker. "i'm buying Tony a pink and purple dildo." he decided, shaking his head. "and i'm getting him another male stripper." Clint had no doubt that this was revenge for the stripper incident. but hey, he'd done it more for Steve than for Toy. "well, we might as well play with the new toys.. later though." he decided, smiling at her. "for now, it's presents!" he stated, indicating the brand new couch that she had wanted days after buying the new one after Clint had gutted the old one. this brand new couch was fluffy, comfortable, was in her favorite color, and she'd seen it by chance when Clint had decided he needed a new mattress for the Nest. on the new couch was a dozen brightly wrapped packages. there was something from everyone, Bruce, Steve, Thor, Pepper, they had all gotten her something. hell even Fury had pitched in on a gift! the rest where all from Clint.

she made out like a bandit. three hundred of her favorite arrows. a dozen throwing knives, a ornate Dragon Dagger. two Glock 23 Guns with various specialized Ammo. Pepper got her a collection of romance movies. she also got a black leather bullwhip, and a set of earrings and a necklace made of pure silver with her birthstone set in, made from real gemstones, instead of that 'rhinestone crap'. she also got about fifty movies in action, horror, fantasy, and other various genre to ensure she and Clint would never be without something to watch. "happy birthday Cat."
“No, definitely wouldn’t enjoy getting my ass kicked nearly as much if you were female.”She snickered a little leaning into him, before nodding. “I know.”She muttered amused the man was so intent on making sure that she understood what she was getting into.”And I promise.”She said stealing another kiss. When they got home she gaped before starting to laugh, “I think you’re going to have to. Maybe the same stripper? It seems he enjoyed it so much, he’s just asking to be punished with a visit again.”She giggled laughing before her attention was distracted by the couch in their living room. Because sometime over the time she’d lived with him, it was no longer simply his nest, it had become hers to. Something tony teased them about, a cat making a home in a hawk’s nest. “I wasn’t sure you’d actually get it.”She said looking pleased before shoving the gifts around so she could bounce down onto the couch, looking like a little kid as she giggled her way through opening everything, putting on the necklace and practically drooling over the weapons. Laughing even harder as she opened pepper and tony’s gift-though she could tell the billionaire had more in choosing it then pepper- the 12x12 framed photo of a cat stalking a hawk on a tree branch. “It seems he thinks our walls are to bare.”She giggled before turning to look at him, flushing ever so slightly.

“Thank you. This was amazing.”She said looking so amazed, so happy with having such a good birthday. It was the first time in all the years since her mother died, that she had been truly happy on this day. Leaning over she kissed him slowly, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, “Thank you. Thank you so much, this was perfect.”She muttered nuzzling him.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "of course the same stripper, what fun would it be otherwise?" he asked with a sly little grin. "this time we'll have him go in during a meeting!" he decided, nodding. "that will teach him!" he stated ever so happily. "i really am going to have to kill Tony." Clint grumbled, glaring at the painting. "this is insinuating that you have any chance at all in hitting me." he teased, smirking as he carefully settled it onto one of the blank walls. "i'm glad you had a good birthday." he murmured softly as he hugged her back, letting out a shaky breath as he tried to control himself. he wanted the sex to be utterly perfect. so he plied her with good Pizza and a romantic movie... which he didn't comment on for once. and then pulled her into a hot bath with him, filled with foaming bath soap. then up into the nest where he gave her a full body massage before finally, finally he touched her in the most intimate of ways. being careful not to frighten her, as well as give her the most pleasure she'd ever felt before in her life.
“Maybe a avengers meeting, so you can also tease steve to?”she said snickering a little before puniching him in the shoulder.”Hey. I can hit you all I want.I just let you think I cant.”She said sulking a little as she cuddled into him, smiling at him. Amused that he was being so careful when she could tell he was having problems controlling himself. By the time they finished the bath the woman was in a state of bliss and happiness, so hazed out in happiness that she wasn’t even considering being scared over what was happening. And when they were done, and he’d wrung out all the pleasure possible from her body she laid on her side, shifting to snuggle against him, and even though her body was sore and achy, it wasn’t any worse then anything she’d had in training, and she was so very happy with herself and him. “I love you.”She muttered softly, pressing her face into his neck, shuddering a little. Because it’d first time she’d given in and actually spoken the words that everyone had known she’d felt. Feeling lazy and content as she laid half draped over her lover.

“Mistress cat?I am sorry to interrupt, but there is a phone call for you, and he keeps calling back when I said you were busy.”Jarvis’ apologetic words sounded softly, as if not wanting to break the mood over the two assassins. “Its okay Jarvis.”Catalina sighed a little, “Put it through, I’ll get it.”She said sounding more interested then worried about whoever could be calling her so late, shifting to reach across clint to slap the phone over to speaker phone that she’d made tony put up here so she wouldn’t have to keep running down the ladder to use the phone. “Hello?”Catalina asked as she shifted, snuggling back into clint. “Hello darling.I wanted to wish you a happy birthday.”

And with those words, the world shattered around catalina before she’d even processed that she was hearing her father’s voice, that he’d jolted her back to a house 13 years in her past. Because while he had asked to see her, the woman hadn’t heard his voice, or seen him since that night. And whoever had told him where to find Catalina was going to have most of the avengers to deal with soon enough…at least once they managed to force catalina to calm, and to see them again, instead of seeing them as enemies to hurt. Like clint had feared, she’d pushed herself to hard, and despite having wanted, needed to have sex, the sound of her father’s sickly sweet voice had pushed her to breaking. Fighting against the man holding her she snarled, blind with both anger and fear, because while she had been to weak to defend herself as a child, over the years the anger and rage had built up, and now she was a warrior able to give it a outlet.

It was a very good thing clint was so much better then her, because it meant she wasn’t going to hurt either him, or herself to badly, though he couldn’t force her to see him, only to see that someone was trying to hold her, and in her mental break, she couldn’t recognize clint. “Clint?Jarvis said you might need help…”Tony said his voice sounding worried as he rushed down into the bottom of the apartment, panting and half dressed, having left bed himself to find out what was going on, and the sounds of fighting wasn’t reassuring him any.
Clint smiled a little as he shook his head. "Denial is not just a river in Egypt my dear." he teased with a grin before he did his duty to her by making her forget everything. he froze as she told him she loved him and he looked almost... confused. as if he'd never heard the words before. "i love you too." he said after a moment of analyzing how he felt, offering her a sheepish smile. "no ones ever told me they loved me before." not even Nat, of course, they'd bickered about not loving each other, typical sibling arguments, but both had thought it too... weird, to declare love for one another. but he did Love Cat, and he would say it, no matter what. he would tell her every day, simply because he liked the way she smiled when he said it. "oh for..." he grumbled as Jarvis interrupted. "he better not have been watching..." he grumbled as he let her grab the phone he was now regretting letting Tony place in his Nest.

"...Cat?" he asked, yelping as she swung at him. "son of a bitch! Jarvis! get Tony!" he roared, holding Cat down in an effortless hold. he kept her there, pinned down so she couldn't hurt herself or anyone else. "Tony! Cat's gone postal! some shithead told her fucker of a father she was here! i need you to go into the third drawer of the second dresser!" he demanded, indicating with his head which dresser... because he had like, ten of them, and only one was for clothes. "take out the syringe that's Blue, and come up here!" a low dose Tranquilizer. it would put her down for about two hours, maybe less. once Tony was up there, he talked Tony through the process of 'sticking' Cat' and waited until she fell asleep before he finally carried her out of the nest, being exceptionally careful not to drop her. he didn't want her to fall out of the nest, so he moved her to her new favorite couch. "Tony. you're a smart man." Clint said, his eyes gleaming with utter, and complete fury. "you find out what fucker told that bastard where she was. and you find out what fucker let him make that call, or i will. and i promise you, it will be a lot more bloody." he hissed as he covered his lovers naked form with a blanket, uncaring of his own nudity.
“I’m coming. Hold on.”Tony growled sounding pissed and out of sorts as he scrambled for the dresser and got the syringe, cringing a little as he followed the instructions to dose her. He wasn’t a fan of needles, it was just a little to weird to see things going into his body, he had enough problems dealing with the arc reactor, and that was to save his life. This was just weird. Quiet as he watched clint carry her down to the nest he had a choke hold on his temper, “Of course I’m a smart man.”He said before nodding, “Don’t worry, I’ll find them.At least I wont kill everyone who gets near me.”Tony said knowing better then to let clint get anywhere near trying to figure out who had told. It was going to be bloody enough as it was. Fury filled his eyes as he looked down at cat, looking at the small lithe woman, and for a moment not seeing a grown woman, but a broken child. Clint was right, he was a smart man, smart enough to have looked into her past before he let her stay here, but having never let on that he knew. He knew some things, just didn’t need brought up again. “I’ll send Jessica up. She might be able to help.”He said fury in his eyes as he clapped clint on the shoulder, for once not teasing the man about wandering around naked before he went in search of steve and bruce, knowing that if they had more then one person working on it, plus Jarvis, this was going to be a quicker task. Quickly explaining what had happened when he found them he sighed as he headed for his office, having every intention of dealing with this quickly, pausing only long enough to call Jessica to.

When she woke after about two hours catalina snarled quietly as she fought against the blankets wrapped around her arms before whimpering, a low scared whimper as she pressed back into the couch, blinking slowly as she shifted so that she was hiding mostly under the blanket, acting like a child who thought that hiding would protect her from the monsters. “…hawk?”She whispered after a moment her eyes focusing as she looking around at what little of the apartment that she could see.
Clint almost smiled at Tony's snappishness. he had never dealt well with having his freinds in pain. "good." Clint muttered as Tony promised to find the leak, and how the bastard had gotten hold of a phone. from what Clint understood, he wasn't supposed to be able to contact Cat at all, unless she approached him. he gently tucked Cat in, ignoring Tony for a moment, but he knew that Tony was just as protective of the young woman as he was. everyone loved Cat. she was kickass, but she was also very innocent. it was impossible not to like Cat. even Natasha would have liked Cat. "yes, please send Jessica." Clint agreed. "Cat likes her." he didn't like Jessica at all, but he couldn't deny the calming effect the woman had on both him and Cat.

he was talking gently to Jessica when Cat woke up, and he abandoned the woman to rush to his lover, gently stroking her hair. "shh, it's alright. i'm here." he promised her softly. "i'm right here." he promised. "you're still naked." he warned softly. "i've got clothes for you here... Jessica's here too." he promised, well aware of how much Cat liked Jessica. "take a moment to calm down and then we'll work on getting you dressed, alright?"
Catalina let out a quiet little sob as he stroked her hair, shuddering a little as she pressed down into the couch, “O-okay.”She shuddered going quiet for a few minutes before frowning, shifting more to look at him, “…you’re not still naked are you?I like jess, but she doesn’t get to see you naked.”She said shifting a little, going quiet, working to be calm, closing her eyes as she relaxed, content in knowing that clint was going to make sure everything was okay. “…I need clothes.”She said shifting to sit up, smiling a little as she held the blanket up before looking at him.”I’ll need help pulling them on, cause I’m so not dropping this blanket to get dressed.”She muttered flushing and embarrassed, avoiding talking about her breakdown for just a moment, not ready to discuss it. "Hey jess."The woman said smiling a little as she looked up at the other woman.
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