
he huffed. "he shouldn't have been kissing you." he growled before smirking. "i'll have to pay the poor wrinkled old man double for that, i can't imagine Tony reacting all that well... course, we could always tie him down first... or do it while he's still strapped in place in the hospital so he can't get away." he mused with a grin. he wouldn't really get an old man, but a male stripped WAS a pretty good idea. "he was never very good father material, but he was the closest i had." Clint admitted with a shrug. "won't catch us talking about football or feelings, mostly it's about training techniques and how to properly torture a person." Clint admitted with a small chuckle before nodding at her. "it is easier." he agreed softly. "we're still going to have to work on your upper body strength." he breathed softly, kissing her deeply before gasping at the sharp THWAK of string on flesh. "..." he couldn't help it, he knew it was wrong, he knew it would piss her off, he knew she would punish him for it, but that didn't stop him from doing it... he laughed. a lot, bent over, leaning on his knees he laughed harder than he had in YEARS, let alone since Nat had died. "you just.... hit yourself... in the... boob!" he managed to gasp before breaking into more laughter. "the look... on your face!...."

i have too! having big boobs SUCKS! i never could aim the damn arrow, nearly shot myself in the foot. i hated that part of Gym. it was almost as bad as the freaking Bowling. not nearly as bad as the volleyball though, ugh XP)
“…that’s disturbing. Seriously.”She mused about fury being a father, shivering a little as he kissed her before whining as she watched him, eyes wide as she rubbed the side of her boob. Looking at the man as he laughed she huffed as she set the bow down before she gave into the desire to shoot him.”I’m going on in to dance class. When you’re done here, you might consider getting some sleep.”She said giving him that look that could have drawn blood as she walked out of the room, not giving him a chance to apologize before she left the tower. While it was good to see him laughing, she had no desire to be the focus of his laughter, not when her emotions were already raw.

A few hours later She walked into the tower again, tilting her head a little as she searched for him, huffing out a sigh when she realized he was asleep, glad for that at least. At least she wasn’t going to have to explain fractured ribs just yet. Breathing shallowly she mentally cursed frank for being a bastard, knowing that despite her whining, it was her own stupid fault for missing the block, and not his for fighting her with all his strength. While she usually appreciated it, because if she could fight frank, she knew she could fight anyone and she didn’t want him taking it easy on her, but Catalina was already feeling sore from getting smacked with her own bowstring, heartsore because she didn’t know what to think about getting randomly kissed, and confused because she had no idea what to do next.

Grumbling to herself she climbed up into the nest, heading into the bathroom, quiet and hoping that clint would just stay asleep, though she knew there was little chance of that. Shutting the door most of the way so she could have some privacy she stripped down to the sports bra she was wearing, undoing the bindings on her ribs, wincing at the bruises covering her side, gently feeling at the skin, trying to decide just how much she was going to beat clint for pissing her off enough that she hadn’t been as careful as she normally was in training and got herself hurt. Though she was glad she got her bow, pleased with the beautiful weapon clint had created her…..even if she was considering using it on him first.
he winced as she glared at him and opened his mouth to apologize before grimacing as he realized she'd already left. "shit." he sighed as he closed his eyes and shook off the intense feeling of shame. he knew he shouldn't have laughed, but he hadn't been able to stop himself. he took two sleeping pills and collapsed into bed, feeling quite furious with himself. he could only hope she was in a more forgiving mood. he woke only when he heard her entering the bathroom and he blinked stupidly, his head tilted. he wondered if she liked her new Compound, fold-able Bow. he had it special made, just for her. he even made, and assembled it himself, taking great care to make sure the string pulled so easily that it would barely take any effort. the compound pulled back a 5 pound resistance, but would release an arrow with enough force to punch it through a man's skull. his own Bow, he knew she wouldn't be able to pull back, his wasn't a compound at all, it was a straight up, single string short bow. which was why he had tree trunks for arms. he'd even had her bow personalized with S's, for her last name, Santana.

he grunted as he sat up and headed down to the floor and knocked on the bathroom door. "Cat? Cat i'm really sorry, i shouldn't have laughed. it was really stupid of me, i didn't mean it... i was just... i was panicked because i thought you where going to be mad at me for taking advantage of you again... i was upset because of something that stupid Shrink said and i was worried you where going to hate me and i had a minor psychotic episode... and, well... the LOOK on your face..." he sighed. "i really am sorry." he assured her. "i swear i wouldn't have laughed at you if i wasn't so fucked up in the head." well, he didn't think he would have anyway. "...i'll let you play with my magic cards?"
Catalina was quiet as she listened to him apologize, swallowing hard as she rubbed a hand over her ribs. The dull throb was enough to make her see double but smiling slightly at the confusing worrying apology was so amusing that she couldn’t stay angry….well that and she was a in love with her bow. Pausing long enough to tug on one of tony’s dress shirts, having stolen it on her way up because she’d known pulling on her usual t-shirt would hurt. Smiling as she opened the door, she tilted her head a little, studying the man in front of her.”You’d seriously let me play with your cards cause you laughed at me?”She said looking amused and amazed, biting her lip as she studied the man in front of her looking nervous before swallowing hard and stepping towards him, raising a hand to touch his face, drawing him down for a gentle kiss, a nervous one before darting back, studying his reaction. The very action, and the nervous clumsy kiss showing just how very inexperienced she was. “For that bow, I’d forgive just about anything. Its amazing,hawk.”She muttered smiling nervously at him, willing to forgive him laughing, because well, tony….and frank….and bruce…had all laughed when she’d ranted to them.

Meanwhile downstairs, tony winced as he settled back into the bed, holding up the paper as he heard steve walk into the room.”Did you see todays tabloid?Pepper got them for me. Which one do you think’s going to kill the reporter first?”He said wincing a little as he shifted looking up at cap, knowing that both assassins were going to lose their minds when they saw the rumors that were flying about the love triangle going on in stark tower, not to mention the way to personal and obvious way they’d been stalked to get some of the pictures of clint and cat working out in the park, or on their way to training….oh yea, it was going to be a interesting time at stark tower.

(…drool…I want that bow…XDD)
he smiled as she opened the door, looking ever so glad that she was not mad at him anymore. "yes... no... you can look at them for ten minutes." he decided, fidgeting. "but you can't take them out of the protective packaging!" he was so obsessive it was cute. still, that did mean she could take them out of the card books. each of his cards where slipped into protective 'baggies' that where basically baggies built for cards to keep them from getting finger smudged when in use. only collectors tended to use them, not people who actually played the game. he gasped as she kissed him, flushing brightly as he looked down and fidgeted. "i really... uhm.. i kinda... ireallykindalikeyoualot..." he stated in a furious rush before cursing Jessica. muttering about how he was NOT emotionally repressed and that he could TOO admit that he was falling in love with his trainee and that Jessica could go leap off a burning mountain and die.

Steve sighed and nodded. "yeah, i saw that." he admitted. "i don't think they have yet, though Cat's gotten herself injured again." Steve admitted. "they are not going to be happy. Fury is, well, Furious for reasons i don't fully understand... he seams to get a little weird when it comes to Hawkeye, have you noticed?" Steve asked with a small frown. "anyway... i've been avoiding the Tower, i don't want to be there when Clint explodes. he's much better now, but i don't think he'll be able to handle the mental strain of this one. someone's going to get hirt, bad, and i don't want it to be me. i'm a good fighter... but i sure as hell aint a match for Hawkeye." he admitted, shaking his head. "how are you feeling anyway? any word on when you can go back home?"
“Okay. I can do that.”She said smirking a little, amused that he was so obsessed with his cards. She really didn’t care if she got to look at them, she just liked teasing him about having them. Staring at him as he muttered she flushed, stepping closer to him, shifting to look into the taller man’s face, “A burning mountain?”She muttered sounding amused as she shifted, hesitating, before wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning into him,before yelping a little and stepping back.”Bloody hell.”She muttered her ribs aching, wincing a little before she raised a hand careful to not aggravate her ribs more, before running her fingers through his hair and drawing him down for another kiss. “I like you to.”She muttered, fidgeting because she couldn’t admit to being in love with him. No matter how much she trusted him, or he was expressing the same emotions she was, that was just to much trust for the woman.Kissing him lightly she stepped back, “I need you to rebind my ribs.”She said sulking a little because she knew she was going to get a lecture about allowing emotions to make her careless.

“I know. She stopped by to steal one of my shirts before heading home. Seems clint laughed at her for snapping a bowstring on her boob and pissed her off enough she lost concentration during a fight. Silly girl.”Tony said snorting a little because having listened to yowl over getting hurt because her best friend had laughed his ass off at her misfortune. Nodding a little he winced. “I know. Clint’s been with shield since he was a kid, fury pretty much raised him. Its weird.”Tony agreed before smirking, “Someone is, and for once I think I can live with someone getting hurt. If the paparazzi are stupid enough to stalk two people who are master assassins, then they deserve whatever they get.”Tony snorted before smiling. “Tomorrow. I’m hoping by the afternoon so I can go see the therapist. Just think, everyone in stark tower can see the same woman.”Tony smirked looking pleased with the idea of flirting with the woman without having to go out of his way to find her.
he studied her to make sure she was being honest before he nodded, as long as she didn't remove them from their protective 'gloves' she could play with them he supposed. "...yes, a burning mountain." he muttered. "hey, i know better than to think she'd just jump." he pointed out, looking amused before jerking as she yelped, looking confused. "Cat? damn, you got hurt..." he muttered as he carefully lifted her shirt, ignoring the tantalizing view of her flat stomach, hissing as he saw the massive bruise on her ribs. "you let yourself get distracted." he chastised gently as he carefully examined the ribs. "there aren't any breaks, i think it's just a bad bruise. hurts bad enough as it is i suppose. wait here i'll get the bindings." he promised, grinning at the kiss. "don't think that your getting out of a lecture." he ordered as he slid out of the bathroom, coming face to face with Bruce. "...what's wrong?" Clint asked, eyes narrowed as Bruce held out the morning paper. Clint only had to read the headline to know it was trouble. halfway through the article, he was ready to do murder and he started to rage. Bruce fled into the bathroom with the first aid kit to help Cat and deliver the bad news to her as well.

Steve winced a little. "i can't imagine her being too forgiving for that." he admitted, shaking his head. "...seriously? Fury can raise people? well... that explains some things about Clint..." Steve muttered, amused and trying to hide it as he shook his head. "anyway i think Bruce went to tell the two master assassins, so if you return home tomorrow to a destroyed tower... you know why." he rolled his eyes at Topny and looked at Pepper. "you let him get away with this?" she just grinned and shrugged and went back to running her fingers through Tony's hair. "...Tony, is pepper some sort of weird human cyborg?" Steve asked, suddenly suspicious and Pepper couldn't help it, she started to laugh.
"Of course it hurts,idiot. Getting kicked cause I was still considering how tk use my newly aquired bow on you without getting yelled at tends to be painful to both the body and the ego."she grumbled headint back to the nest,sulking because she just knew the lecture wasn't going to be pleasant. Wondering,embarrassingly enough,if she just stayed mostly undressed she could distract him from his lecture.looking up at bruce she frowned at the man, taki.g the first aid kit and frowning at the man as he held out the paper."..."cursing silently she shoved the paper back into his hands she went to find clint, the first aid kit in her hands. Hoping that everyone else was intelligent enough to stay away, because she only trusted clint to not hurt her,at least she didn't think he'd be so enraged he'd forget who she was. She wasn't counting on anyone else being safe."hawk?you promised to help."she said moving gingerly,ubtly extragrating how hurt she was,ving every intention of making him focus on her instead of the reporter who seemed intent on committing violent suicide.

"She's wasn't...until she saw thr new bow he got her....and well, shes in love with the idiot. It makes her forgiving."tony snickered a little leaning into pepper's hand,enjoying the gentle touches. Even if they hsd a odd relationship, he did love her...not that he could admit that,cause well, he was tony stark and had problems like that."I'll keep that in mind. Though if they do destroy it,pepper gets to redecorate like she wants to."he mused before laughing,wincing at the motion and amused at steve's question."no,not a cyborg, just a pervert who enjoys punishing me for being a flirt.."
he snorted a little. "you can use that nifty bow on me, you couldn't hit me with it anyway." he pointed out with a smug little smirk before he left. when she came out, Hawkeye was disemboweling his precious couch that Cat loved so much with his bare hands. it was an impressive display of ripping fabric and gutted springs, fluffy cotton laying all over the place. he turned and snarled at Cat, but slid calmly off of the completely disemboweled couch and gently pulled her into a hug, using her scent and her touch to calm himself down. finally he relaxed and settled her onto a chair and gently lifted her shirt where he carefully started to wrap her ribs. "sorry..." he muttered after a moment as he examined the couch. "i'll buy you a new one." he promised. "i had to kill something and i don't think the Hulk would have been very happy if i'd gone after Bruce... the Shrink said i should go after things that don't bleed... so i did." he admitted, looking sheepish. "i'm sorry the papers are saying such stupid crap about you... it's all my fault."

Steve looked amused. "i haven't seen the bow yet, is it really so amazing?" "it's state of the art... it's like..." here she paused and then. "it's like if i gave you a phone from a store, compared to a hand crafted, above the technology phone built specifically by Tony." Steve lifted his eyebrows. he understood that one. he'd seen the amazing phones that Tony could pull out, without hardly any effort too. "don't make me punish you while your hurt Tony." Pepper warned with a smirk. "you won't like it nearly as much." she wasn't about to mention that tony didn't 'just' flirt, but Steve's old fashioned moral's wouldn't be able to handle a thing like an 'open' relationship. after all, Tony wasn't the only one who slept outside of their marriage. Pepper was just a lot more subtle about it.
Catalina stared eyes widening,and because of the emotionally day,illed with tears as she looked at the ruins of the couch. She knew she was being stupid,but it was so comfortable,and big enough to hold both her and clint to snuggle. Wincing a little as he wrapped her ribs she sighed, "well...yea I don't think bruce would have appricated that either."she muttered before sighing wincing a little,tears filling her eyes at his words. She'd worked so hard to have a reputation as a archer, worked hard to be able to have a good rep,but at the end of the day, she'd been labeled simply as tony's newest slut."w-what?its not your fault. I'm the one who got drunk with him at his party."she pointed out sihing quietly as he wrapped her ribs,shuddering a little as his fingers brushed against her skin,eyes closing as she enjoyed that simple touch.

"Exactly. It was a bow,crafted for her,by a man who has no rival when it comes to creating weapons. He gave her everything she needed in it...now as long as she doesn't use it on him for laufhing at her, it'll be okay."tony snickered before pouting at pepper."that's just unkind. Just becausee I was to stupid to realize he was in love with her, doesn't mean I should be punished forever more...though life will get interesting shen they finally realize it themselves."he snickered becauae he was so looking forward to watching the tao clueless assasins figure out how to have a relationship
Clint winced at her tear filled eyes and swallowed thickly. "i'll even let you pick the new one, hows that?" he offered her before smiling a little. "eh, Bruce would have been fine, i couldn't have hurt him." he admitted simply. "granted, i probobly would have ended up in the hospital right next to Tony for trying." he admitted before he shook his head. "no, it's my fault. if i hadn't made such a scene about it, you never would have been noticed. or did you think every woman that Tony flirts with, or sleeps with ends up in the news?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow because honestly, Tony slept with so many people, it was impossible to keep up with all of them. Clint hesitated and then leaned forward, gently pressing a kiss to her ribs. "there, hows that feel, better?" he asked, his head tilted.

Pepper chuckled a little as Steve rolled his eyes. "i really don't think she could hit Hawk with her special made bow anyway. she's still too green." Steve admitted before biting his lip. "do you think she's going to be brought into the Avengers?" he asked softly before he snorted at Tony. "even if he WASN'T in love with her, do you REALLY think he would have let you fuck his apprentice tony? i mean really, that's just common sense. he would have handled it better if he wasn't insane though." Steve admitted. "he was thinking of buying you something nice as an apology for..." here Steve adopted a confused expression. "for 'flipping his lid all over your ass', whatever that means."
Catalina smiled nodding a little.”We’ll go get one in the morning. Its movie night tomorrow, we need a couch.”She muttered smiling a little as she wiped her eyes, because the woman was as much as a nerd as him, at least about movies. Having bullied the man into agreeing to watch movies with her once a week. “Well..thats true. Though he probably makes the papers every time he gets his ass kicked.”She muttered blushing a little before gasping as his lips brushed over her ribs, bolting to her feet, already twisting to drive the knife home before she could check the instinctive reaction. Shuddering as she backed away from him, looking embarrassed and pained.”…sorry…”She muttered fidgeting. Having not expected the kiss, it had startled her into reacting without thinking, so very virginal that the woman had never considered that he’d want to kiss her everywhere.

“She might be, but she probably would have clobbered him outside the head with it.”tony snickered frowning a little as he thought about it before sighing. “I don’t know, but I do know that even if she isnt, we’re going to have to learn to work with her. Clint’s not going to let her out of his sight, he wouldn’t have even if he wasn’t in love with her.”Tony said before pouting a little, sulking.”Shut up.”He scowled a little at the idea because he knew just how much sense it made to think clint wouldn’t have done well either way before laughing. “Your non-grasp on slang amuses me.”He said before smiling a little. “Well, he’ll think of something amusing and happy. Maybe porn.”he muttered.
he smiled a little. "ah yes, movie night. wonderful. i beleive we're watching that new movie Hansel and Gretal, which hunters aren't we?" he asked curiously. he would never admit it, but he loved watching those movies with her... even if he had needed to buy a TV specifically for that purpose. he'd not had one before. he smirked as she twisted, watching her with a smile, amused by her reaction. "your so cute that you actually think you can hurt me. come on, you need painkillers and a long nap." he ordered, ushering her to a bed in the corner. "can't sleep in the nest tonight, we'll never get you up there with bruised ribs, we'll sleep down here." he hated sleeping 'below' it made him feel all exposed. but he would for her sake. "you know... this guy looks familiar." Clint mused as he examined the Case for Hansel and Gretal.

Steve snorted again. "again... i don't think she could hit him." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "the only person i've ever seen hit Clint on a regular basis was Loki and Fury. i've seen the man fight, and train." Steve admitted. "Cat hasn't a chance. hell i don't have a chance." Steve admitted, looking amused. "and you have a point, he's not about to let her go. he needs someone to cling to i think. she'll keep him stable." he admitted before blinking as a large man poked his head into the room. "Tony Stark?" he had a rich, sexy accent and gleaming muscles that made Pepper swoon. "Compliments from Clint Barton. he's already paid... anything 'extra' will be up to you." the man promised, winking at Pepper who swooned as the man turned on the music and started to strip right there in the room, just for tony. Steve choked, fled to a corner and stared with wide eyes at the show. mortified beyond beleif but unable to look away.
“Yea. Its amusing and just think, there’s plenty of weapons for you to complain about.”She teased amused before looking at him in annoyance, her embarrassment at her overreaction fading as she stared at him.”….you’re awfully cheeky for a man who already owes me time with his cards.”She muttered before nodding, downing her painkillers even as she settled onto the bed, shifting to get comfortable. “Kinda looks like you. Not as cute, but bristling with weapons and awkward.”She teased ooking amused as he put in the movie, shifting to get comfortable on the bed, before shifting to snuggle against him as he settled onto the bed next to her, resting her head on his chest as they watched the cheesy, but very good witch hunting movie, about half way through though the woman was making quiet snuffling noise, that were just to adorable to be snores. She really was adorable, and no matter how nervous her feelings made her, the woman still clung to him,even asleep.

“Well, as long as they don’t go ins-“Tony stopped looking at the man. “yes?”He said frowning before looking startled as the man started to dance, rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m going to kill him. If he was going to get a stripper, he could have at least got a female.”he whined nudging pepper. “hey. No, no you cant look. I cant have sex, so you cant go admiring the pretty boy.”He whined but snickering a little as he looked at the corner where steve was hiding. Offering the stripper a tip when he was done,"Go. Before my wife jumps you, and I feel the need to beat yo uup for it."He grumbled looking amused.
he chuckled a little. "i do like to complain." he agreed with a nod. "i am cheeky, but isn't that why you like me so much?" he asked with a smirk. "besides... i figure if i can trust you not to gut me in my sleep, i can trust you not to smudge or bend my cards." he mused, wrinkling his nose at the movie. "he doesn't look anything like me!... those weapons though... i do like that. i wonder if there's a way to replicate that crossbow?" he wondered. typical, he was more fascinated with the weapons than he was the pretty girls on the screen getting their asses handed to them. he had to smile as she slept, turning off the movie and the TV he gently kissed her forehead before settling down to sleep as well.

Pepper was giggling, Clint looked traumatized, and the stripper looked like he wanted to laugh. "thanks mate." the stripper chirped with a laugh as he headed out, tossing Tony a wink. "shame all the cute ones are straight." he complained, Pepper laughing as Steve swallowed thickly. "..i think i need to see a therapist." he finally stated, blinking as he staggered out the door, Pepper burying her face in Tony's neck to hide her laughter. "i think he's the only one who didn't know he was gay." she admitted with a chuckle. "i mean honestly, he's so obvious about it and he doesn't even seam to know it... he's like a little kid isn't he?" she asked with a smirk. "i bet you ten dollars that Clint made sure Steve was here before he sent in that stripper."
“I’m surrounded by idiots. Steve not knowing he was gay, clint and cat not knowing they’re in love with each other, fury for not knowing he’s a bastard…idiots.”He grumbled good naturedly looking amused before nodding.”He is, and I wouldn’t take that bet. It’s a fool bet, Clint’s intelligent enough to send a stripper in here on purpose with steve here.”He said snickering a little, shifting to get comfortable as he went to sleep.

The world had settled back into normal, with tony being as flirty as normal with Jessica, and back to his friendship with clint, even if the man was sulking about getting a male stripper days after getting him. The man was impossible, but not the reason cat was pacing circles around Jessica. Catalina growled as she paced around the room, ignoring the fact that clint was waiting out in the waiting room for her, or that Jessica was watching her. While she wasn’t prone to being as violent as clint was with the furniture, the woman just couldn’t sit still as emotions rode her. Rubbing a hand over her healed ribs she shot a look at Jessica, “I’m turning 24 tomorrow for god’s sake, you would think I could tell him that. Or admit that I want to have sex with him. But you know what, I tell him I’m fine when he asks whats wrong, and tease him for looking like Jeremy renner in hansel and gretal instead of telling him what’s bothering me. There’s something wrong with me.Seriously. 24 years old and a virgin, this is definitely not normal.”She growled as she paced ,looking annoyed and sulking over her incapability to talk to the man she loved.
over the next several days Clint continued to settle down, and had a proper give for Tony when the man came back. a 1960 bottle of some rare kind of Alcohol that Jarvis had suggested.(and ordered). he also gave Tony a large collection of Porn, of the male on female and the female on female variety for both Pepper and Tony to enjoy, as well as a glass of Peppers favorite red wine to apologize for nearly killing her husband. he still had.. episodes of rage, and destroyed Tony's room again after a fit of rage. why, neither he nor Jessica would say, but he calmed down soon enough once Cat went in and talked to him. he was still seeing Nat in various places though, just last night he'd gone with Bruce to get some Pizza for the Tower, and had mistaken the Cashier for his dead sister. that had been an awkward moment, Bruce had to actually drag Clint out of the Pizza place and into an Alleyway so Clint could calm down.

after that, he had to see Jessica every day, instead of every other, it really pissed Clint off, but he didn't say anything against it. he just did what he was told to. Jessica found the whole thing highly amusing, especially when Steve showed up one morning, shoved Clint out and started begging Jessica to 'fix him'. she'd nearly started laughing in his face. she was actually fighting not to laugh now. "and who says it's not normal to be a virgin at 24?" Jessica asked curiously. "i'm a virgin, and i'm thirty seven." she admitted, looking amused. "listen, Cat. don't you think your pushing yourself too hard? you wouldn't be having such problems asking him, if you where truly ready for that kind of step. you need to calm down, and think about why you want to have sex with him. once you know WHY, then maybe you won't have such issues. do you want to sleep with him because it's expected? because you want him to like you? because you're tired of being afraid?"
“Well, you’re weird. We’ve all agreed on this, even tony, who thinks all women are amazing.”Cat sulked looking annoyed and frustrated before tossing herself into the couch, laying down. Staring at the ceiling she huffed, “….I haven’t celebrated my birthday since my mother died. I just…never wanted to. It makes me panic a little thinking about telling clint that yes, I really am getting older, and that I want a fucking birthday cake, with the candles and to put that bearskin rug in front of tony’s fireplace to good use....Hawk tells me I have no other mode but to push myself to hard. Be it in here, or in the archery room.”She sighed shifting to get comfortable, sulking a little because she'd gotten scolded the day before for spending hours shooting her new bow to the point she'd fallen asleep on her feet, trying to get good enough with the bow to be even remotely close to how good clint was.

“I’m tired jess. I really am. I’m tired of thinking everything can be taken away if I celebrate, if I’m happy.”She calmed slowly as the realization of what she wanted settled on her. “I want hawk, cause I’m in love with him, and I want him to know just how much I trust him.And well…tony goes on and on about it, I want to know what the big deal is.”She muttered a small smile tugging at her lips, hiding a truth in a joke. She wanted to have sex yes, but more then that she wanted clint to know just how much she trusted him to not hurt her, and because she didn’t think she could explain that with words, she wanted the act to show it.
Jessica chuckled a little. "Tony is going to loose his balls if he tries to touch my ass again." Jessica admitted with a grin before she cocked her head to the side. "well that might very well be true. you're simply trying to prove yourself to the harshest critic in the world, yourself. but you can't push yourself so hard, because if you do, you might damage yourself irreparably." she admitted. "Clint claims that you are advancing at an extraordinary rate, but he is very worried about you. i'm slightly bending the rules here, but he thinks you are approaching a massive psychological breakdown. he's worried that your going to go insane and he won't be able to help you, particularly since he's 'a bag full of cats'. becoming better is good, but you have to take care of yourself as well. Clint has been training since he was eight years old, your not going to measure up to him, ever. just like i am never going to be as good as my own teacher." she smiled at the girl. "then stop thinking that way. get out there, tell him you want a birthday cake, tell him you want a present, tell him you want to trust him. he won't feel badly if you want sex, he's a man. but he is also a GOOD man, and he will stop if you tell him to. he will stop if you ask him to. if you need him to. that is why you trust him so much, because you know that he will stop, and he won't hate you for it afterwords. just like he stopped Tony... granted, it was... a bit over the top, but he meant well."
Catalina sat up, slouching over her knees, pressing the heels of her hands into her forehead as she rested her head in them, anxious and nervous, and she knew she was quickly approaching that mental breakdown, not because of how hard she pushed herself, but because the woman wanted to be normal so badly that she was breaking herself. Having locked her heart and mind down when her family died, the woman was finally dealing with what had happened, instead of just ignoring it. “I’m not going insane, though I’m pretty sure that breaking some furniture is in my future soon.”She sighed shuddering a little. She knew she needed help, she knew it was going to be hard, but the woman was trusting both Jessica and clint to help her when she eventually hit that wall.”He’ll help simply by being himself. And I have you. I’ll be fine.”She muttered before sulking, realizing that she was right, she was never, ever going to be as good as clint, and she just had to accept that.

“It was a little over the top wasn’t it?”Catalina snickered a little running her hand through her hair amusement showing in her face before standing.”I can do that.”She said her stomach growling at the idea of having cake, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Hopefully after I have birthday cake.”She grinned as she walked out of the room, pausing as she looked at clint, smirking. She knew she was going to surprise him, but she couldn’t help it. it was such a rare occasion that she could actually surprise the man, she was going to enjoy it. “I turn 24 tomorrow. I want cake. And presents.”She said walking over to him, leaning down to kiss him lightly. “And a private party.No tony, or the others, just us and movies.”She said smiling as she met his eyes before dancing out of his reach before he could respond to the kiss.
Jessica smiled a little at the woman. "you are going insane, but i think it will be alright now. you don't handle stress well..." there was a pause and then. "thank god you're not the hulk..." she mused with a small smile. "your finally facing the biggest source of trauma in your life, it's alright to feel the way you feel." Jessica promised her. "you also have your other freinds to help you, Tony is an asshole, but he'd stop a bullet for you. Pepper adores you, Bruce thinks your amazing, even Steve the wonder-boy thinks your 'pretty alright i guess'. Jarvis thinks your god on earth too." she admitted with a smile. "and Nick Fury would do anything to make you happy, simply because it makes Clint happy. you have a very large circle of support now Cat. a large circle of freinds. try not to push them away, O-Kay?"

she had to smile at the cheeky comment. "nothing is over the top." she stated with a smile. "make sure to specify the KIND of cake you want or he'll get the wrong kind." she teased, chuckling as she realized that Clint was carefully examining the new Cards Jessica had brought him as a bribe. they where all copies, but Clint didn't care, they where Magic cards! they'd go into the Copies book, right next to their fellow copies. "...cake?" he asked before his eyes widened. "your birthday is tomorrow!? that's not fair! how am i supposed to get you a kick-ass present in such short time!? get off i have to go shopping!" he demanded, fleeing the room, leaving his precious cards behind because he had to get the perfect gift and Jessica started to laugh. "well, at least you know your more important than his cards." she commented, indicated the pile of scattered cards he had dropped.
"I'll try not to."she smiled a little because she knew she had a lot of people,but after so many years of having no one,it was hard for her to open up and let them help."chocolate cake."she said to clint as he looked at her, startled as he got away from her, having not considered that he'd freak out over presents, having figured he'd just go to the weapons store and pick out a few things, not want the perfect gift. Huffing ablittle at being abandoned she laughed as she knelt done to gather the cards carefully."I can't wait till he realizes he left me in charge of getting them safely into his book."she snickered as she left shaking her head as she headed upstaurs,wondering what in the world clint was going to get.

When he got home he found tony and steve sitting down to dinner with her, having bullied her into eating a good meal instead of just ceral like she did if left on her own. And well, after they'd been told about her birthday, tonys gone over the top and had one of the italian resturants in town deliver both clint and catalina's favorite meals."hey, how was shopping?"catalina said smiling a little as she looked up at the man. Her fear of celebrating her birthday shoved away as she enjoyed just how ridiculous her friends and boyfriend where going to be over it.
Clint didn't even pause, he just shouted an 'ok' and raced off, Jessica giggling the entire time. "you realize that was unnecessarily cruel to him?" Jessica countered with a grin. "he wants to make your birthday perfect and you gave him less than a few hours to do it, naughty girl." but Jessica was laughing, so clearly she thought the whole thing was funny. "the cards are all copies anyway i think." she admitted, not bothering to help because A: Clint would kill her and B: Cat wouldn't let her.

later that night Clint sagged into a chair and sulked. "it was awful! people are idiots!" Clint complained, scowling. "you should have given me at LEAST a weeks warning Cat! i shouldn't have given you your bow, it would have been the perfect birthday present; why didn't you TELL me?!" he complained, smacking his head on the table, Pepper giggling a little at Clint's dramatics. "i'm surprised he could say all that in one breath." she admitted, looking amused as Clint sulked. "i couldn't find a good birthday present so i bought a lot of little things..." he admitted softly. "next year will be better." he promised before pausing. "...is that Chicken Gnochi and Three cheese Ravioli?" he asked, looking delighted as he dragged his meal over to himself, taking a happy bite of his soup. "oh god, you got this from Trattoria L'incontro." he purred. it was New Yorks #1 Italian restaurant. five star, and only Tony could get a restaurant like THAT to deliver food. it was Clint's favorite restaurant, even if he couldn't go but once a year.
Catalina flushed at clint's words, swallowing hard."I'm sorry."she muttered in a small voice as she picked at her lasagna, looking upset now. It had been hard for her to even admit that she wanted to do something for her birthday, she hadn't considered how upset he'd be over it. Smiling slightly she winced as he hit his head on the table,"I collscted your cards by the way,you left them with jessica."she teased a little not about to tell him shy it had taken her thia long to tell him about her birthday, at least not in front of the others, sharing that much made her nervous.

Tony grinned as he nodded,"yep. Called on short notice and delivered for catalins's eating pleasure. My birthday present to her,since she didn't give me time to design something awesome." "..you really didn't have to do anything...I had planned on pizza and cake.." "cat, I can get trattoria's to deliver. Whats the use of knowing clint's favorite resturant if I can't do this every once in awhile?" "Thanks tony."catalina smiled nudging clint a little,"hey. Don't be upset."she muttered kissing his cheek,worried he really was upset with her for not telling him earlier.
he narrowed his eyes at her. "you are not. you did this on purpose so you could see me running about like a chicken with it's head cut off! cruel cruel woman." he complained, sulking as Pepper snickered as Clint gasped. "she touched my cards?!" he demanded, wide eyed and mortified before relaxed as he realized that Cat was teasing him. he could only pout at her now, sulking because he hadn't been able to find her the perfect gifts. "well, good. did you remember my Tiramisu?" he asked with a grin. "i feel bad that i'm enjoying Cats birthday present more than she is." he admitted with a chuckle. "we'll have Pizza tomorrow." he promised Cat. "from Tony's favorite Pizza joint." he decided with a snicker. "so that he'll eat the Pizza and leave us alone." he promised with a smile. "i'm not upset. just a little annoyed that i wasn't smart enough to look into your records to find out your birthday for myself. it would have been a great surprise party material." he admitted with a chuckle as he finished off the last of his soup and ravioli. "Tiramisu now please." he demanded, holding his hands out and Pepper laughed and shoved Clint's favorite dessert over to the man, who grinned and offered Cat a bite, so she could see if she liked it or not.
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