
Frank stared at her, wide eyed and then. "oh my..." he relaxed once he realized that they weren't fucking, just sleeping. it probobly helped Clint's nightmares to cuddle up to someone. still, if Clint was paranoid about his drinks, he couldn't imagine how the man was about who he slept with. he left her alone with Fury who listened to her explanation with rapt attention. "i never realized he was that bad... i knew there was a few incidents where he mistook a few people for Natasha..." he admitted. "but i had thought them isolated, random, rare..." he admitted, rubbing the center of his forehead as if fighting off a headache. "i don't think he is grieving Agent Santana... i think he's locking it all in his head and that's why this happened... i agree though, we can't have him institutionalized. he would never survive such a thing. oh he'd be find physically, they wouldn't let him kill himself. but he'd die emotionally, he'd kill himself mentally. he would become a soulless husk and as much as i want him to be back to normal for the sake of his skills as an assassin... i'm more worried about him as a person." Fury admitted, glancing at her. "i'll deny it if you ever say anything about it of course." he admitted. "if Tony kicks Clint out... and i really can't blame Tony if he does, then i will have a home for you and him, where Frank will frequent. i will get the number of a Therapist who specializes in such things and it will be your job to make him go, and cooperate with the doctor."
Catalina flinched a little at fury's words swallowing hard."I'm sorry,director,I should have told you...but if he had found out, I would have lost his trust,nd it was the only thing keeping him together.I thouht...I thouht we could handle it."she muttered looking pained before nodding a little laughing softly."don't worry. If I ever tried to tell someone that,they woulsnt believe me."she said looking amused before growing serious."I'll talk to tony when I get back,nd let you know."she said moving to leave because she knew she was going to have a job of convincing tony.

But much ti her surprise, the narcissist had agreed easily to let them stay....as he was going to move into one of the lower apartments,so they'd virtually have the tower to themselves,but with tony and steve closeby if something should happen. Despite his injuriez,ony was more concerned about the assasin then he was hurting about his injuries. Walking back into clint's room she offered him a small smile when she realized he was awake,looking tired and worn,and still suffering from a hangover,not only feomt rh alcohol but he'd rung her bell pretty well,not that she'd ever tell him that he'd actually hit her when she tried to stop him from hurting tony along with bruce and steve."how you feeling?"she said moving to sit down in the chair next to his bed.
Fury nodded. "i can understand why you did it, i'm not happy about it, but i can understand it." he admitted with a sigh. "and your damn right they wouldn't beleive you." he stated with a huff. "i have cultivated my image ruthlessly." he stated with a smirk. "i'll be checking in every few days." he decided after a moment. "the last thing we need is a repeat. if there IS a repeat... i won't have a choice, you understand that don't you?" he demanded before nodding once he had her answer.

honestly, Pepper was even surprised that Tony had allowed Clint to stay. Bruce was too, but he was glad that tony didn't seam to be holding a grudge against Clint. Clint was staring at the ceiling, ignoring Steve who was trying to get Clint to talk about something, anything. "...i feel like i just tried to murder my freind." he stated after a moment. "i tried to kill Tony because he..." he closed his eyes. "i'm sick aren't i? sicker than we thought i was... i'm being taken off duty..." he swallowed thickly. "what purpose do i have? i got Nat killed... i hurt you because i can't stay sane long enough to see you for you, i almost killed Tony... i'm going to prison right?... or a mental ward?"
Catalina was really surprised that tony was lettinf him stay,nd wondered about it for the whole ride up. The only conxlusion she could come to was that clint was one of the few people tony cared for,it wasn't in the billionaire to leave a friend to the jackals if he could give him somewhere to heal. Glancing at steve as the man spoke she frowned before looking at clint."no. Me and you knew you were sicker then what everyone else did. The only difference now,is so does everyone else."she sighed hesitating before taking his hand."well,I guess you could call stark tiwer the mental ward. Tony said you could have the nest as long as you wanted it."she sighed softly bow calloused fingers squeslezing his."...you didn't get natasha killed,loki did. And you've managed to come up with a way to protect me when you're dangerous...yourr not useless hawk, we're just going to teach you to fly again"she blushed at the cheesy words before looking away from him."besides you have to get better. Id hate to have to break in a new teacher."she muttered trying to make him smile. Even if it was a weak and strained effort.
Clint sighed a little. "no i... i didn't realize.. i mean, i knew it was wrong for me to still see her but i... i didn't think. i didn't realize..." he muttered, frowning a little. "it's good that they know now i guess... i... i never..." he closed his eyes. he had almost killed Tony, just so that he could keep working... he hadn't realized just how dependent he had made himself to Cat. when he saw Tony kissing her, he had felt betrayed, and furious... and simply assumed that Tony was taking advantage of her... well, he was pretty sure he had been even now, but he never would have attacked Tony like that if he hadn't been so dependent on Cat. if he hadn't been crippling himself. "you weren't there... i practically killed her myself." he whispered, swallowing thickly before he paused for a long moment, simply staring at her. "did you just say that Tony's not kicking me out!? i tried to kill him!" he complained, looking baffled and horrified, not at all understanding why Tony was letting him stay. clearly 'freinds' was a relatively new concept to Clint. sure he'd always had Natasha, but that was different. "...alright." he breathed softly, blinking at her, his eyes getting wet. "alright, i'll try..." he promised her. "i want to be better... i never want to... want to know that i've nearly killed someone i...er... well i can't really say i LIKE him..." Clint muttered. "but i guess he's tolerable..."
Catalins tilted her head looking at the man before smirking."nope. He said though to tell you.."she paused blushong ever so slightly as she looked around the room,embarassed at tojy's observation and not aure what to think of it. After all she knew why clint had reacted like he had, she knew he hadn't meant it like tony seemed to think he did."said it wasn't the first time a angry boyfriend's beaten him up, probably wouldn't be the last. But he wanted to tell you hes annoyed you didn't give him some warning."she muttered smiling slightly though looking out of sorts because she so knew clint didn't think of her like that, so the fact that tony thought they were sleeping together made her feel awkward."hes tolerable sometimes.tyou feel like going home?they'll probably release you now that you're calm.."she said smiling not wanting to think on tony' words,not when she knew it would never happen.
Clint choked violently and then stared at her, wide eyed. "i... but... i don't... do i?" he asked, frowning, looking baffled and confused and more than a little frightened by Tony's 'idea' of why he had been pummeled. "well...." he muttered thinking hard. he had been angry when he thought Tony had been kissing Nat... he had been red haze RAGE when he had thought Tony was kissing Cat. "...but what does that mean?" Clint muttered, lost in his own thoughts before he groaned, he didn't know. "...no. i'm still..." he bit his lip and then. "i'm all twisted up inside. leave me until morning alright?" he asked softly. "i don't know what might happen if i see Tony right now... i can't beleive i attacked him." he admitted with a sigh. "Cat?" he asked softly, looking at her. "thanks... for, being there i mean. for helping me... for not leaving. i really appreciate it." he admitted, reaching out and taking her hand tightly in his. "don't touch my cards." he ordered simply before he turned away so she wouldn't see him fighting not to cry. because he had realized that Tony was right... Cat was more than 'just' a Trainee... she wasn't a sister, or a freind... no his feelings for her where much, much deeper.
“Don’t worry, tony’s just yanking your chain. I know you don’t.”She said looking amused not realizing what he’d thought of. “Okay, well I’m going to go home, get some real sleep.”She said smiling tiredly, starting a little as he took her hand, tilting her head a little. “Your welcome,even if you are a nerd.”She said smiling as she leaned over to kiss his forehead, “I’ll leave the cards alone.”She muttered as she left.

But in the next few days, it wasn’t clint that was sleeping horribly, tossing and turning, but catalina. So out of sorts, and the violence of the fight had brought up memories she’d rather forget. But no matter how many looks clint gave her when she woke, she refused to discuss the dreams that kept driving her out of the bed that had become as much her sanctuary from the world as it was his. Whimpering quietly in her sleep she whined quietly pressing her face against clint’s chest as he held her, the soft whimpers that spoke of choked screams, much like him, training and her past had left her unable to be loud, unable to scream. So the pain was dialed down to quiet choking. Gasping quietly as she woke she froze, her face pressed into his chest as she tried to calm before easing away from him, careful to move away and hoping she wouldn’t wake him up. Knowing that if she did, he wouldn’t let it go. Having only gotten away with leaving in the middle of the night as long as she did because she hadn’t woken him up. But she knew eventually she’d run out of luck.

Swallowing hard as she slid out of the bed she moved to the edge of the nest, legs hanging over the edge, leaning back against the wall so she could watch the lights of the city trying to lull herself back to peace and be able to sleep.
Clint hesitated, but let her go home, wondering where home was to her? did she have a house? or was she going to the nest? he hoped she went to the nest. it was his home, yes. but he wanted it to be her home as well. in the following days, he started to relax again. he still saw Natasha, and there was an incident where he went out to get a Pizza for dinner and he saw Natasha in the crowd and went after her and got lost. Bruce had to go get him when Clint called from a payphone to come and get him please because he didn't know where the hell he was. he was worried about her nightmares though, they where far too close to his own for comfort, and he was beginning to wonder if he could share his therapist with her. he hadn't met her yet, but he had a feeling he was going to hate her. he woke as he felt his body heat vanish and he blinked stupidly as he looked up at Cat, frowning a little. "Cat?" he asked softly, rubbing his eyes as he looked around, trying to spot her before relaxing as he finally laid eyes on her. he sighed as he got up and settled next to her.

"you alright?" he asked after a moment, studying her before he sighed, closed his eyes and decided to try something new. "my mother was a whore you know." he admitted. "there was a new man every night, it was the only way to afford the room. sometimes they'd hit me, especially if they saw me after they'd used my mom." he admitted. "she'd get annoyed with me and beat me with a belt, and then lock me in a closet until she was done with her... clients. by the time i was six, i had developed an 'extra sensitivity' disorder. a single touch could burn like fire... and i learned very early to be able to tell what moods people where in. if they where happy, i was safe, if they where mad, i hid. i always knew when someone was within a certain distance, and always knew how many where there, even in the dark closet or the deep of the night. when i was eight, my mother tried to start... selling me." he admitted. "i killed my first person that night, a man who had paid to take my precious virginity... then i killed my mother. i spent the next two years on the street. it wasn't until i was found by Fury that my life took a slight upturn. i was ten when he started to train me. he was the closest thing to a father i've ever had." he admitted. "i still have nightmares, about the closet, about being beaten with a belt... about nearly being raped." he admitted. "they aren't so common now that i have nightmares about Nat, but i still have them." he admitted. he knew Cat had been abused, maybe if she knew he understood, she'd open up to him a little.
"I'm here."she muttered in response ri her name,sighing softly at his question. Shrugging because ahe didn't know if she was alriht,if ahe ever could be. Looking startled as he started talking ahe looked horrified that his life had been so much worse then hers, feeling guilty for even getting him up for whay she saw was her own stupidity, because she knew she shouls be happy,shed had a better time of it then him. Shifting she leaned into him a bit,offering silent comfort before atarting to talk. "My...my childhood wasn't like yours. I had the family, you know that everyone sees on tv. The stay at home mom, the dad who was always home in the evning, the two older brothers who were always in trouble...but my father had fallen in love with my mother when she was a ballerina,but she didn't dance for the fame or anything. She danced for the love of dancing. She retired when she got married but he was always jealous when fans or public recognized her,even years after she left the stage."catalina shuddered looking out the window.

"Eventually, it got so bad that he couldn't stand to have us kids around, because he thought my brotheres would seduce her, and I was my mothers favorite. She would pay attentiont o us, and that was to much for him...I forget what caused thst final fight...I just remember I had been watching the fireworks for stark's birthday on tv when my brothers rushed in,bundled me up in my jacket and hat and took me outside to the shed. Hid me there,with the orders to stay silent...I did."she muttered absently rubbing her forearm where the only odd shaped scar she possessed was,ut a warrior like clint would realize he was looking at the damage she'd done to herself with her own teeth to follow her brothers orders."he killed them all...and that was when I hit the foster system...I learned quickly to defend myself...because no one else would."she muttered her voice choked with tears,for the first time telling someone what had happened that night. Not even fury,or the police had ever found out what had really happened in that suburban house that had become such a slaughter.
Clint's breath hitched as she finally spoke. finally told him what was wrong, his eyes wide. "your a very strong woman, you know that don't you? it's so much harder to have love and to lose it. what they say about love, better have it and lose it, then to never have it at all? it's a load of shit, and i bet you know that. you had the love of your mother and brothers. you had the love, and admiration of a wonderful family, and you had it torn from you in a fit of horror, all because of your father... you lost that love in one fell swoop and i bet you even feel guilty about it because maybe if they hadn't been trying to protect you, they might have lived... but that's not true and i bet you know that too. your father would have done it, no matter if you had been there or not, your father would have killed your mother and brothers, because he was jealous... and i bet you know that too." he admitted softly, gently taking her hand and stroking the marks on her hand. "you had the love of your family torn away, and yet you are a fully functioning adult." he admitted, pulling her into a tight hug. "it's alright to feel guilty, it's alright to hate your father, it's alright to be sad. it's normal to have nightmares and it's alright to cry after them." he promised, stroking her hair. "i won't leave you, i promise i won't leave you alone like your father did." he promised her, stroking her hair and holding her. recognizing the trust she'd placed in him. wanting nothing more than to keep her safe for the rest of her life. he leaned down, hesitated, and then kissed her, right on the lips, a silent promise to always be hers.
"If I was stronger it wouldn't have taken me this long to talk about it."she said shuddering hard as she leaned into him,resting her head on his shoulser befor going quiet,shaking her head."if they hadn't taken the time to hide me, they could have run. They stayed behind because I had been hiding to watch tony's fireworks. I delayed them long enough."she whispered,uilt and pain in the words because she knew he was right. It would have happened, the fact that her brothers had lived the 10 year old brat she'd been enough to sarcrifice themselves to hide her, to make sure she was safe meant everything to her, because while it hurt to remember, it had been what had gotten her through the years. Knowing that she had been loved. Yelping in surprise as she was hugged,she cried as she clung to her best friend, the only man she had ever trusted enough to let be close, and knew that he understood just how much trust it had taken her to stay with him as he lost focus on reality, to stay at his side when evrrything she'd seen with her father as the man had lost it, demanded she run. Startling a little as he kissed her she sihed softly,tasting her own tears and him, huddling against his chest,taking the comfort he offered,and feeling lost as he kissed her. Because while there had been a few kisses over the years, no one had gotten more then just one. The fact that she was letting clint this close, showed just hoe much trust she held in the man.
he shook his head. "not necessarily. you've been brutally traumatized, and even more, you had no one to trust before now. sure you had a few adults who wanted to help you, but when your in 'thee system' how can you trust anyone when you know your just going to be abandoned again?" he asked. "you just needed someone who would listen, not judge, and not abandon you later, that's all. any child, any adult would have done the same thing." he admitted with a small, comforting smile. "your brothers saved you, because you where worth saving. they saved you, because they loved you more than they loved themselves and that is a good thing. they saved you, because you where meant to be saved, because you where meant to save lives. they knew you where special, of that i have no doubt. they saved you, because they knew if they didn't, then none of you would have lived." he smiled at her. "they must have been wonderful people." he admitted, stroking her hair. he loved the kiss, though he felt bad for it after. not because he didn't want to kiss her, but because he felt like he was taking advantage of her. "come on, lets go back to bed." he muttered softly. "you need to rest... and i need to try and not kill the woman whose going to ask intrusive questions about my 'feelings'." he grumbled with a slight sneer. he didn't want to see a Therapist at all, but with Tony still in the hospital, Clint knew he had to do something...
Catalina smiled slightly taking comfoet in his words before looking up at him, confusion and pain flickering over her features before she could hide it,ot knowing he felt guilty for kissing her, just knowing he was pulling away."hey, I'll be right outside. Just think we can go grab lunch and go for a jog in the park after. Cause you know,tormenting me seems to make you feel better."she teased rolling her eyes as she climbed back in bed,hifting around to get comfortable and snuggling into the man. Not aure what to expect tomorrow,but knowing whatever it was he talked about to the therapist,none of them were probably going to be happy.

The next day catalina smiled as she settled on the couch in the lower level of the tower,the therapiat having decided to come to them instead of making them go to her office,but also getting them to lsave their normal rooms. Neutral grounD. Nudging clint with her shoulder as she sat down she smoled."I'll be out here okay?if you want to leave,leave. They said you had to see her, but no one expects you to be able to do everything all at once."she said offering him a small encouraging smile,genuinely worried about how he was going to handle this.
he smiled at her. "well.. alright." he agreed with a huff. "...you won't leave? maybe she might be evil..." he muttered, nervous. "and tormenting you is always fun..." he admitted with a shrug. "it's the way you glare at me after, always fun." he admitted with a smirk as he snuggled her in bed. in the morning he stared at the therapist, a pretty woman who was entirely wrong. Tony would be all over her if he was there. she was all legs, all boobs, as blond as a ditz and was smiling at him. he hated it when people smiled at him, he glared back. her name was Jessica, an ugly normal name that he also hated. all in all... he hated his therapist. but she seamed to expect that because she pulled Cat to the side and explained that Clint was probobly going to break things the first few sessions but that she wasn't to interfere until the mans rage subsided, and that Jessica would be evacuating as soon as Clint started to break things as well. as Jessica had anticipated, a half an hour into the session, she left the room, shut the door behind her and locked it before smiling at Cat. "he did better than i thought he would." she admitted simply. "there's good hope for him. he wants help, he just doesn't know how to ask or accept it." she didn't mention that he didn't know how to grieve. he wanted to, he just didn't know how, and how could he when Natasha was the first person he'd ever lost that had actually meant something to him. there was the sounds of smashing wood inside and Jessica sighed. "i forgot about the chair." she had insisted on an empty room with no windows, so that Clint couldn't accidentally break something and hurt himself with it. apparently he could still break chairs. "so, you've been with him for the last several weeks, when he started to really deteriorate?" Jessica asked, joining cat on the couch. "i would like, if your willing, to help with some of the sessions. having someone he truly trusts there, could really help. he wont want to... cry, in front of someone like me, but we can't leave him to do such things alone. it would be bad for him to grieve on his own once he gets to that point."
Cat nodded as she looked up at the woman, really wanting to dislike her for upsetting clint, even if she knew it was for the best."I have been."she said looking a little nervous because she knew just how dependant her and clint had become to each other, and she was worried the woman would try to seperate them because some would see such a dependancy unhealthy. Tilting her head slihtly she studied the other woman before nodding."I'll help. As long as you don't make me talk. This is his therapy,ot mine."she said scowling a little and being up front about it. Because while she knew she should probably tslk to someone, at the moment the only person she trusted enough to have a glimpse at her emotions was having his own breakdown, so she had no desire to try and oprn up to anyone,not until she got clint through this, and maybe thrn she'd consider getting help for herself. The past that she'd buried so long ago,nd only shared with clint, was to raw,to painful to consider sharing with someone she didn't know well enough. May e in time, but not now, when she was trying to help clint."he'll keep brsking things until you stop him. Even walls aren't safe."she said looking amused as she glanced at the other woman. A assasin as skilled as clint was sure to kedp breaking things until the rage or his body gave out.
Jessica nodded. "it's a little unhealthy, how dependent he is on you, but right now that might be exactly what he needs." she admitted. "once he's not so... volatile, we'll try to carefully ween him off of you and branch him out to a few others as well. Tony perhaps would make a good dependent. you should try to find others you can depend on as well." Jessica admitted, studying Cat intently. "i can't 'make' anyone talk Cat, but i will have you know that my 'oath of silence' does in fact extend to you." she promised. "i cannot tell anyone, not even fury, not even the president about what you, or Clint tells me. it's patient confidentiality." she admitted. "so if you ever need to talk, and can't go to clint, i am here for you." she promised before smiling. "and i'm on call 24/7 as well, anytime you or clint need me, i will be here. alright?" she asked, her head tilted before turning her attention to the sounds of splintering wood. "...so he's not going to calm down even though he's probobly completely obliterated the chair and desk in there?... do you think you can calm him down without getting hurt?" Jessica asked, looking worried. "or should i start offering bribes? i've heard he's fond of magic cards? we could promise him a pack if he stops smashing things..." she mused, her head cocked to the side.
Catalina studied the other woman, relief in her eyes as she realized the woman wasn't going to force them apart. Tilting her head as she nodded."I'll keep that in mind. But I'm fine."she muttered before snickering"probably not. He made me run for a fucking week cause I killed his vodka. He's a sadist, I tell you, I told him he should seek professional help. Its good hes taking my advice."she snickered making fun of her friend even if he wasn't there to hear."yea probably. If not I'll bribe him with promises of fulfilling his nerdish card habit."she smirked before getting up cracking the door."hey hawk,if you don't calm down I'm going to go home and touch all your cards. Maybe evn play a round with tony."she paused before smirking."you calm?I could use that run if your done breaking things."
Jessica smiled at her. "i am glad that you and Clint have each other." she admitted. "it makes both of your lives so very much easier." she admitted with a nod before she bit her lip, struggling not to laugh at the idea of Clint punishing her for 'killing' a thing that wasn't alive in the first place. "well... at least he's moved on from his dependency to Vodka then..." she muttered, sounding highly amused. "did he really accuse you of 'killing his Vodka!?" she asked, failing to hide the laughter in her voice. "here, this is my number." she stated, handing the girl her card before watching her move into the room where Clint was using the chair to smash apart the drywall with an almost fascinated look on his face. his head snapped up as he heard Cat's voice and his eyes narrowed in a familiar way, the way he did when he couldn't decide if she was Cat or Nat before deciding it was Cat, because only Cat would DARE to touch his cards! "you leave my cards alone! you'll soil them!" he complained, tossing the leg of the chair over his shoulder as he stalked to Cat. "Your running for Three hours today for that Trainee!..." he paused and examined the room looking almost startled. "did i do that?" he asked, looking stunned. "shit... i really do need help..." "yes you do, but that will be all for today mister Barton." Jessica assured him with a smile. "i will see you tomorrow unless you need me for something." she assured him. "try not to kill your... trainee." Jessica teased as she flounced off and Clint's eyes narrowed. "i don't like her. she accused me of having sexual relations with Natasha." he growled. which was a shock, because everyone knew that Clint and Natasha had been a couple... even Fury had thought so!... so why was Clint hinting at the opposite?
“Yes he did. And nearly cried when he said it.Of course, he was drunk at the time.”Catalina said snickering a little as she pocketed the card, smirking a little as she waited for clint to decide who she was before smirking at him as he stalked towards her. “Uh-huh. You’re already making me do my dancing today, I might die if I do running.”She said before nodding a little, “You did, but its okay. Tony’s paying for everything, it’ll do him good to use some of his money.”She snorted before turning to watch Jessica leave, frowning slightly before looking up at clint in startlement, frowning. “…you cant not like her for telling you the truth.”She hesitated in saying it because she had no idea what to think about him hinting at. Everyone in the world knew him and Natasha had been together, so why was he getting bent out of shape over her actually saying it? Nudging him a little she headed for the elevator, glad they'd worn their workout clothes down, so they were just heading to the park now. glad to just be out and enjoying the new York summer weather.
she snickered, trying to hide that she was snickering, and failing miserably at it too. "oh that poor man." she muttered, laughing softly as she shook her head and watched them interact. "fine, you'll run two hours and do your dance after." he stated with a sniff, Jessica snickering again. "don't make me make YOU run, sadist!" he hissed at Jessica, who laughed outright as she left. "...the truth!" he asked, looking horrified. "i've never fucked Natasha!" he stated, sounding mortified by the very idea. "fuck Cat, she was my SISTER." he pointed out. "i mean, granted when we where young and confused fifteen year olds we tried, but it felt... weird! we hardly even kissed! held hands, sure, snuggled yeah, but nothing... romantic! yuck!" he complained, not in the least bit aware of how much Cat's mind had probobly exploded. because it meant that the kiss he'd shared with her, had not been because he'd thought she was a replacement for Natasha. "well? are you coming!? it's time to RUN!"
Catalina stared at him before snickering. “well, that’s good to know. Even if none of the rest of the world will believe you. Everyone thinks you did.”She said laughing even as her mind scrambled to make sense of what she was hearing. Surely, she wasn’t hearing this. It was…to weird. To weird to consider she’d gotten kissed despite him thinking she was Natasha sometimes, instead of BECAUSE of it. She was just so confused, “I’m coming, don’t get your panties in a twist, sadist.”She said rolling her eyes as she started to run, letting her mind wander as she did.

By the time she finished her dancing though, the woman was panting and tired, sitting in the middle of the park, pleased that the weather had been nice enough that they’d been able to work outside instead of being stuck in stark tower. Collapsing down to the ground next to him she leaned back on her hands, looking tired but pleased, glad that they’d managed to get some of the dance steps into actual combat moves. Biting her lip as she glanced at the man, her mind turning over what she’d been thinking about. Not only about him and Natasha and that damned kiss that had her wanting to take a cold shower, but confronting her own demons. Because she knew he’d stand with her, and help her come to terms with it. “I know we have to be back tomorrow afternoon, but care to take a drive with me tonight?Spend the night out in Greenwich village?”She said before returning to watching the other runners in the park, sounding…nervous, but not about spending the night away from the tower. But for what was waiting for them in Greenwich.
Clint smirked a little at that. "really, i can't beleive people thought i was fucking Natasha." he admitted, sounding baffled. "i mean... Christ that's just gross." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i am a sadist, and i don't wear underwear." he commented simply, jogging with her, simply because he liked to run. while she did her dancing, he continued to run, jogging around the park before finally collapsing onto the ground, puffing away happily. he loved pushing his limits. he had left the 'dancing' to Frank, who had joined them outside. Clint, technically, wasn't supposed to be training Cat at all, but Frank left the running, and the 'theory' exercises to Clint, as well as the bow and arrow training, because Frank still couldn't handle a bow and arrow despite Clint's best attempts. Frank left with a laugh as soon as he saw Cat collapse next to Clint. "... drive?" he asked looking suddenly very hesitant. "i... ah. you see i..." he was embarrassed, blushing hard and then. "...i don't know how to drive a car..." he could fly a jet, but he couldn't drive a car. "whats in Greenwitch?" he asked curiously, studying her for a moment. "oh..." apparently her expression had told her something. "i'll get an overnight bag packed and we'll take a Taxi if you don't drive either... there might be a Bus that goes that way too."
Cat turned and stared at him, for a moment so surprised at the idea of him not knowing how to drive that she didn’t even say goodbye to frank. “….How is it that you can fly a plane, helicopter, and a jet, but not drive a car?”She said sounding amused before smiling slightly. “It’s…my house.”she muttered. “I’ve decided I might as well admit that I’ve moved into stark tower, and clean out the place.”She said shrugging a little, not wanting to admit to the emotional landmines waiting for them in greenwich just yet, for the moment still enjoying the thought of him not being able to drive. “Don’t look so worried. I can drive.”She said shaking her head, looking amused at the idea that he couldn’t, before pushing up. “Come on, I want to shower before we go.”She said nudging him to his feet as before heading back to the tower.

“I still cant believe you can drive. I’m going to teach you while you’re on leave. It’ll do you good to learn. Even if old dogs usually don’t learn new tricks.”She teased him a little as she pulled into the driveway a hour later, looking up at the small two story tudor house, leaning back in her seat as she stared up at it. even with her hands on the wheel it was obvious she was shaking, even just parking in the driveway was enough to disturb her mental well being. And while she had gotten the house from the trust fund her mother had left her as soon as she turned 18, the woman hadn’t been back in the house more then a handful of times in 5 years, it was the first time she’d come back with someone, or had been willing to try and spend the night.
he huffed a little and looked away with narrowed eyes. "i've never had to drive... anyplace i needed to go, Shield usually dropped me from the sky." he explained. "anyplace in the city i want to go, i usually jog, or Tony has someone drive me." he explained a bit petulantly. "besides, i don't exist, no birth certificates, no I.D's, no Social Security, how do you suppose i go about getting a drivers license?" he asked, sounding like a petulant child explaining why he hadn't cleaned his room. "good. you drive then." he ordered with a sniff as he followed her back to the tower for a shower of her own. her in the bathroom, still in his room, but not in the nest, and him in the nest because he didn't give a damn if anyone saw him naked. he pouted at her when she brought the subject up and sulked at her. "and i'll get arrested for driving without a permit." he complained, sulking before looking up at the house before reaching over and taking her hand, watching her. because part of him knew... this was where it had happened.

"are you sure?" he asked softly, watching her intently before nodding, getting out, closing the door, moving over to her side, opened her door, helped her out, and then just stood there, holding her hand, waiting for her to be ready.
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