
Frank hesitated a moment longer before nodding and racing off to follow Clint. by the time she had her shoulder settled in place, Frank was waiting outside her room, looking deeply troubled as he watched her approaching. "i sent him to Stark Tower and called Tony. he's about the only one who can get Clint to talk these days." Frank admitted softly. "Cat... do you understand what happened?" he asked softly. "he called you Natasha..." he admitted softly. "he didn't mean to hurt you, he feels god awful about it... he was trying to convince Fury that he was dangerous and needed to be locked up, but Fury wouldn't do it." Frank admitted with a sigh. "he's having a pure and simple, mental breakdown... i could kill Fury for doing this to him. everyone told Fury that Clint wasn't ready to take on another apprentice, least of all one that sounds, even a little bit like Natasha... no offense but you almost have the same accent as her." Frank admitted with a sigh. "i know Fury thought it would help, but all he did was fuck everything up... i don't know if Clint can recover from this. he's having hallucinations now for fucks sake!" he ran a trembling hand through his hair. "i'll take over your training for now, i think it would be best if Clint was left with Tony for a few days..."
Catalina nodded a little."I know. He really didn't understand what he'd done. Hes a danger to himself."she said looking worried because she didn't know ehat the master assasin would do in the middle of a breakdown. And while she knew fury had the best intwnrions,it had failed spectacularly. Nodding slightly she looked disappointed but accepting."I'll see you as soon as I'm released to start training again."she said heading into her rooms trying to not worry about what was going on in stark towers.

But a few days later she did get to see what was going on in the tower as even tony's tolerance and frustration with trying to help a man who didn't want help snapped. Making the billionaire do the last thing he wanted to do,but he he was desperate enough to help clint that he reached out to catalina. And after a muttered flirting,which said just how tired the avenger was he looked exhausted, tony left her alone,ell seemingly alone with clint. Only retreating far enough into the apartment to give them the illusion of privacy.

Shifting her shoulder catalina hissed out a breath between her teeth at the stab of pain she wrinkled her nose at the stifling heat clint had it turned up to,glancing up towards the balcony apartment tony had put in simply to give clint a 'nest.' "Don't make me climb up there clint. It'll be painful for us both cause I'll kick your ass afterwards."she said in her usual teasing tone,with a underlying tone of seriousness and worry.
Frank nodded. "he really is... i don't know what he'll do in this state. it's best for him to be with Tony Stark, the man will have cameras trained on the guy 24/7. Clint won't be able to do anything stupid at least." Frank muttered. he resumed her training the day after, taking it easy on her because her arm was still in a sling, but still making her so the running, because honestly, he was just as much of a bastard as Clint was. but Clint never came back, four days had passed and no one had seen a hint of him save for Tony, because Clint refused to see anyone else. Clint loved his little 'nest'. it was up twenty feet in the air and ended at a tiny little landing. there was a mattress on the floor covered in blankets because Clint hated to be cold after he had been 'compromised'. the magic had been ice cold, and had chilled him to the soul, no he didn't like the cold anymore. there was a only a rope ladder that led up to the landing. it created the illusion that the small open landing was floating in mid air. Clint was laying on the mattress, under the blankets and shifted, turning to look down at her, glassy eyed... he was drunk, completely drunk. "...Natasha?" he narrowed his eyes, trying to focus on her and then seamed to snarl at her. "you're not Nat! go away! filthy woman..." he hissed, crawling back into his blankets, the sound of sloshing liquid letting her know that he intended to continue drinking. still at least he was able to differentiate between her and Natasha again. also thankfully, everything Cat needed to sober him up was up on the landing, a fridge full of food and a bath/shower. there where no walls of course, just railings, but Clint was never one to care about modesty.
"You pain in the fucking ass. You're drunk. I could kill you now. I really could."catalins groeled sounding both worried and annoyed with him as she slipped out of her sling. Despite her arm still being sore,she could use it. Snarling the whole way up the ladder she was glad at least he realized that she wasn't natsha, even if he was still drunk. Rolling onto the landing she laid there for a few minutes panting, trying to decide to get up,raising her head to look at the assasin."you are a hard man to be angry with. But I think I can manage."she said though the words were said to goad him as much as he goaded her in training, her tone was gentle as she rolled to her feet and set about getting him some food and water, after a few minutes sitting down on the edge of his bed and stealing the alcohol bottle and switching it with water before nudging a plate of food towards him."eat,asshole."she demanded her tone saying she had every intention of not leaving him alone until he did. After a few minutes of waiting she got up,moving arouns the nest to get rid of the rest of his alcohol, at least moving it out of easy reach.
Clint's only response to being called a fucking ass, was to drop an empty bottle of vodka down at her. amazingly, the glass hit the ground and didn't shatter until it bounced twice. which completely ruined his fin time. granted, it also meant that she didn't get cut, but he didn't think about that, he just wanted to see the bottle smash. "'m not a hard man..." he grumbled. "'m a teddy bear... really." he slurred as he watched her. "you gonna be sicj? don't puke on my floor." he ordered, digging through his blankets for his bottle. "no... give'it back!" he complained as he found his newly found alcohol in her hands, scowling at her. "i'm gonna push you off my floor!" he growled, staggering to his feet and taking several very sloppy swings at her before he collapsed again, groaning and pathetic. he ate the food as she demanded and drank the water, grumbling and unhappy as he started to sober up a little bit. "what the hell are you doing! that's mine!" he complained, trying to leap to his feet and failing. "do you have any idea how hard it is to get that shit up here!?" not very, he had a box attached to a rope which he used to haul up most of the crap he thought he needed. it was pretty obvious who had done the shopping, because a case of ramen and booze was not suitable things to eat. but aside from the leftover Chinese that she was making him eat, he had nothing else in the mini fridge.
Catalins stared at him taking a swig of the bottle before looking at the man as she dropped the rest of the bottles off the ledge. Tony said he didn't care how much of a mess she made,o she figured she might as well test his patience."no its mine now and I'm throwing it out."she said not even bothering to try to avoid thr punches or make him stau down since he was failing anyways."not hard considering I can see the rope you used to haul it up here. Climbing up here with a fucked up shoulder was harder,now stop being a ass."she said rolling her eyes as she eyed the food around her snorting a little."no wonder you can't get up. Your going to a proper waste eating this shit."she said poking the ramen and making a face.
he gasped in horror as she dropped the bottles and he scrabbled after her, peering down at the smashed bottles, a low whimper falling from his lips as he looked up at her, like a little kid who'd just been told his goldfish was dead. "you killed my vodka..." he accused, his lip trembling as he struggled furiously not to cry. some art of him realized he was being ridiculous, but he was drunk, and he kept seeing Natasha, and Cat was just so pretty... wait, what the fuck? yeah he was too drunk for this shit. "it's delicious! leave me alone, go away, i had Chinese!" he complained, yanking the covers over his head. "you killed my vodka and now you're killing my ramen too!" he complained. he just wanted her to go away, she sounded too much like Nat, he made the knife in his heart twist up all over again.
Catalina turned her head to stare at him.”So I did.”She said grinding her teeth to keep from laughing at the look on his face, having a feeling he wouldn’t appreciate the laughter. “Fine, I wont kill the ramen.”She said shaking her head as she watched him pull the covers over his head for a moment before shifting to lean against the wall, rubbing her shoulder absently before smirking as she spied a small collection of weapons magazines, snagging one she settled against the wall better conent to be quiet and read until he sobered up more.
he slept, he didn't even care that she was there, he just slept, making soft little huffing noises that might have been snores if he was capable of being that noisy. it was clear that Hawkeye was a bit of a pack rat. some of those magazines was from five year ago. but despite that, they where well organized, no doubt living with Natasha had forced him to be organized, lest she throw out anything that was just laying out. he had a very impressive card collection too. not your playing cards, but rather the collectable 'tournament' style cards, in two perfect bundles was a massive collection of World of Warcraft cards, and Magic the Gathering cards... who would have suspected Hawkeye was a nerd? he also had well over a thousand rubber bands contained in a plastic tote bin. what he needed rubber bands for, who knew, but he had them. at least he was a bit of a clean freak. everything had it's place.

he finally woke a few hours later with a loud groan, signifying that yes, he was sober... if only because his head and stomach where killing him. he had a hell of a hangover. "if you are not tony, get the fuck out of my room... if you are Tony... bring me more booze..." he ordered suddenly. "...and food... Ramen is bad for me maybe..." he muttered sluggishly. "someone said so... and someone else... they killed my Vodka... remind me to have them tortured."
“….you are quite a nerd, did you know that?”Catalina said softly ignoring the order to get out as she looked through the magic cards, having gotten bored with looking at magazines she’d read years before. Keeping her voice to a low mutter, knowing the man had to have a killer headache from existing on booze and ramen. “Definitely not tony, though you could have warned me just how much of a flirting narcissist he was."She said rolling her eyes a little because she knew as nycg as he'd flirted in the few moments she'd seen him, that if the man was more awake and less worried, it would have been so much worse. “There’s bread and some ginger ale sitting on the floor next to you.”She said returning to looking through his cards.
he huffed and peeked at her. "don't touch my magic cards! you'll get your germs and nasty sticky child shit all over them!" he barked before groaning as he made his own headache worse. "oh god..." he groaned, burrowing deeper into his blankets. "why are you here? go away damn you, i want to be miserable in peace! go flirt with Tony!" he demanded. "consider it a training exercise!" even as he picked up the dry bread and swallowed it down, all too happy to have something in his belly. he didn't touch the ginger ale though, instead he reached out, tipped it over and smirked as someone at the bottom started cursing violently as they where soaked with Ginger ale. "god Clint!" Steve complained. "was that necessary!? jeez look at this mess!" "shut up... she killed my Vodka!" Clint complained, blinking when there was a pause and then. "...she?" Steve asked, sounding very startled, and very worried. "yes, she, my trainee whose too much of a card slut to stay out of my things!" there was a pause and then. "Clint that made no sense. i'm coming up." "i'm cutting down the rope ladder!" Clint stated, reaching around for one of his knives, forgetting that Tony had removed them all, just in case Clint went suicidal. of course, Tony conveniently forgot that Clint could just as easily pitch himself off his nest...
“I am not a child!”Catalina sputtered, though 5 years his junior at the tender age of 23, the girl wasn’t a child. Snickering quietly as he burrowed deeper into the blankets she set aside the book of cards before rolling her eyes. “That would require climbing down, and it hurt like a bitch getting up here. I have no desire to get down yet.”She said absently before looking startled at the violent cursing, “…a card slut?What in the world…”Catalina frowned at the other archer before leaning over the edge, looking down at captain america.”Hello. I wouldn’t come up. He’s serious. He’d probably cut the rope while your on it, the sadistic brute he is.”She mused looking amused, because while tony had indeed overlooked the fact that clint could just fall out of his nest, he gambled that if he had fallen, it was less likely to be a deadly fall, merely crippling.
Clint grunted. "i could always just shove you off... you probobly wouldn't die, but it would hurt like a bitch." he pointed out sluggishly. "and you are a child. a snot nosed, spoiled brat of a little girl." he stated smugly before he frowned. "why did it hurt... oh..." he shuddered. "that's right i..." he went pale again and he looked away from her. "i'm sorry... i must have hurt you pretty bad..." he muttered. "it's just.. i just..." he frowned. "i could have sworn..." and then he fell silent, not wanting to talk anymore. he'd apologized, that would be enough, right? Steve was looking up at her, surprised that there was actually someone else up there. "is he alright? Tony was afraid he'd managed to drown himself or something..." Steve lied. he had been worried, but he didn't want to admit it.
“Well, you’re not any more pleasant hungover then you are sober, old man.”She said making a face at him before sighing, rubbing her shoulder a little, refusing to get more annoyed with being called a snot nosed brat then she had at being told she was useless in training. “Dislocated it. Spent the hour in the hospital promising to shove you off the nearest tower I could find. But you know what?I think you suffering a hangover is enough punishment.”She said smirking a little, because she knew what he’d seen, and was willing to overlook it for now, and not talk about it. Laughing at the look on steve’s face the woman smiled, shifting to get comfortable as she looked down at him. “Hm, he’s pissed I’m up here, and that I killed his vodka. I figured we’ve made progress. I might even convince him that ramen and leftover Chinese are bad.”She said looking amused and not about to rat steve out because she knew tony had sent her up here because he was worried.
he huffed. "i am never pleasant. go jump off a bridge." he ordered. he winced as she informed the damage that he had caused and quickly hid himself under the blankets again, unable to face the reality that he was going mad. Nat was dead, he knew she was dead just as he knew it was hid fault... and yet... and yet. he still SAW her... especially in crowds, as if she was taunting him, playing the old 'you can't catch me' game... "your the one that tossed his booze?" Steve asked, his eyes dancing with laughter. "he nearly gutted me when i tried that." he admitted, glad that she was letting him pretend. Clint would appreciate the captain worrying about him. "is THAT what he's been living on!?" Steve asked, utterly horrified. "booze, Chinese and Ramen!?" he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, annoyed that no one realized that Clint really wasn't capable of taking care of himself. Clint could clean... but he couldn't cook, he didn't really know how to shop, and he spent most of his money on magic cards and alcohol... and weapons of course. "i'll go and get him some groceries." Steve decided, sounding exasperated. "something that even HE can cook!" "i hate you all." Clint grumbled from under his massive covers. "and i'm turning down the heat! you're going to die of roasting in here!" "don't you dare! leave my thermostat alone you tight wearing peacock!"
“I am.He was drunk when I did it, nearly fell out of his nest trying to stop me.”She snorted laughing, amused the clint had been so miserable before nodding. “It is. Its fairly gross.”She agreed before smiling a little because it amused her to see captain America so worried about what clint was eating. “Frut would be amazing. I want some.”She said agreeing to steve going to go and get food before turning to look at the mound of blankets that was clint. “I'm going to go take a nap captain.”She said smiling a little as she moved to the edge of the bed, sitting down next to clint, poking him a little.”Hey, peacock, can I lay down and take a nap?”
Steve snorted a little and shook his head a little. "wow... that's so sad, in so many ways..." Steve muttered before nodding. "he's going to get scurvy eating like that. and wouldn't that be fun!? his teeth and hair falling out..." "fuck you." Clint yelled back. "i'll eat whatever the hell i want! i HATE fruit!" "i'll get a little bit of whatever i see that's in season." Steve promised. "anything specific you want me to pick up?" once he had her reply he left to get groceries, content in the knowladge that Clint was being taken care of. "no! go find your own damn bed! this one is mine!" but yet, he slid to the side, letting her in. the poor bastard was trying to shove her away, but he couldn't hide the truth from someone who knew to look for it... he didn't want to be alone, even as he did. he wanted to be miserable, yet he wanted to be comforted. he didn't know what he wanted.
“No.just whatever they have.”Catalina said smiling a little as she watched steve go before moving over to the bed, looking bemused because she didn’t know what to think about his words before smiling. Not saying anything as she settled into the bed next to him, not getting under the covers, just taking a corner of it to curl up with and settle down to take a nap, asleep within moments. Despite him worrying about her safety with him, the woman trusted her teacher, and even if he worried her, the woman trusted huim at her most vulnerable as she was sleeping to know that she was there, and who she was.
Clint too fell asleep, and he woke a few hours later, feeling a lot less miserable, but still fairly awful as he blinked stupidly. while he was sleeping he had adopted a position he had often used on Natasha after one, or both of them had a nightmare. he had pressed his chest tight to her back, his forehead on the top of her head and his arm hung loose over her belly, a snuggly position that he desperately missed... though, Cat seamed to fit into his body much better than Nat had. he groaned as Clint walked in, calling that he had the groceries and he grabbed one of the noodle packages and hurled it onto empty air, smirking as Steve yelped as the package beaned him. Ramen was light, and not that dangerous, but even it would hurt when flung at you from twenty feet in the air.
Catalina was snugged right back against his chest, the woman was smaller and though tall, not nearly as tall as Natasha or clint were. She indeed did resemble the child compared to them that clint had called her. A willful determined child who wanted to take care of him. Whining quietly as he moved she shifted, burying her face in the pillow, before tensing as she woke, for a moment confused on where she was as she felt the man laying behind her. Surely not….”….clint?”she muttered not pulling away just tense and trying to figure out if he actually knew who she was or not. Not about to startle him if he was still mostly asleep.
Clint sighed, well relaxed and for once, he hadn't dreamed of Natasha, which was weird considering he was sleeping with a girl, and the only girl he'd ever slept with was Natasha... not to say he'd slept with men either, being an assassin was not conductive to love lives, even if he and Natasha hadn't been lovers. "what? shut up Trainee i'm sleeping." he ordered, Steve cursing as he started to scramble up the ladder, yelping as Clint reached over and undid the rope ladder before Steve was even a foot off the ground. "you bastard! Clint! let me up there right now! some of this shit is frozen and it's going to melt and go bad!" Clint groaned. "throw it in the damn food box and GO AWAY!" Clint demanded even as he pulled out a 'spare' rope ladder from somewhere and reattached it and tossed it so that it would whack Steve on the head.
Catalina relaxed as he called her trainee,realizing that he knew who she was before shifting and snuggling down into the bed. Despite the oddness of waking up with him curled around her, and while she had to admit he was attractive,her worry about being mistaken for someone else was keeping her from really thinking about the hard body layinf behind her...at least that's what she told herself."I'm not the one being loud. Now place nicely,children, I'm going back to sleep."she muttered as she heard steve getting the rope ladder and climbing,shifting around till all that was visble was the top of her head as she snuggled down into the blankets, quite content to go back and sleep as her pain medication made her sleepy and clint holding her made her feel safe.
Clint huffed a little as he glared at her and reached over and yanked the blankets off of her so she was no longer being protected by them. if he couldn't sleep, she couldn't either. "fuck Clint." Steve complained. "can't you find a safer way to get up here? like, i dunno, a staircase, or better yet, maybe sleeping on the ground?" "...no." Clint stated with a scowl as he tossed the blankets back on top of Cat once he realized she wasn't going to get up. the two of them yanked up the groceries and Clint spent a good long time complaining about how he didn't need 'crap like that'... mostly being vegetables, fruit, juice, milk, eggs, bread, sandwich meat, and box dinners. he managed to not complain about the toaster waffles or the bucket of ice-cream though. and in fact he opened the waffles and popped two of them into the toaster right away, muttering under his breath as he checked his magic cards to make sure that Cat hadn't messed with them. they where all very carefully placed in collectors books so he didn't think it would be too bad, but he was relieved to see that she had neither removed, nor moved the cards. "...your such a nerd..." Steve muttered, laughing as he was promptly flipped off.
Cat yelped cursing as he pulled off the blankets glaring aat him before smiling as he gave her back the blankets though she didn't go back to sleep just shifted to watch them get the food out before she moved sitting up to get a apple for herslef."thanks."she said smiling a little at steve as she moved to sit against the wall by the bed,blushing ever so slihtly at being found in her teacher's bed even if they hadn't been doing anything. Smirking a little as she saw clint looking over his cards she rolled her eyes."don't look so worried I didn't do anything to them"she said as she munched on a apple. "Is it safe to come up?I mean,he hadn't thrown either of you out of there yet,so I'm going to assume it is."tony smirked as he climbed up the ladder a flirty smirk curling his lips at the sight of the beautiful woman, he couldn't help himself,but the worry in his eyes said it was more reflex to flirt then he wanted to at the moment, though if hhe was truthful he wouldn't mind dragging her out of clint' bed and into his."hey,nerd, are you sober and ready to get back to work"tony asked smiling at clint taking up steve's teading him over the magic cards
Clint snorted a little as he watched her eat an apple. women, such health freaks. his Waffles popped out of the toaster and he coated them liberally in syrup before devouring them. he even licked the plate clean. "you might have." he stated his eyes narrowed at her. "you touched my things, i have to disinfect them. for gods sake why can't you people leave me the hell alone!?" he demanded as he realized Tony was suddenly there now. "flirt with my trainee stark and i'll cut you." he warned, looking around for a knife and scowling as he realized they where all missing. "what the hell did you do with my weapons Stark!?" he knew it wasn't Cat, she'd know better than to leave an assassin without a weapon. and it wasn't Steve because he wasn't that stupid, it could only be stark. "you tell me what you did with my sharp things or so help me god i'll break every bone in your body!"
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