
"For fucks sake barton, I didn't touch anything but the covers. Your cards are safe."catalina said scowling a little,more annoyed with him worrying over the cards and her germs then she had been when she'd realized he'd dislovated her shoulder. Then she'd known he hadn't known who she was, this was just insulting."because you're incapable of taking care of yourself,o we must keep bothering you,bird brain."tony said in answer to the question why they woyldnt leave him alone before frowning."why do you assume it was me?it could have been your trainee." "...because I'm not that stupid. He was already going to be pissed I killed his vodka, no reason to take his weapons to."cat said raising her eyebrows a little. Tony huffed out a sigh jerking his head towards the living room"theyrr all down there. Which you would know,if you ever left your nest,not that I blame you with her sitting in your bed." "..stark, he said not to flirt." "...he should have known that wouldn't work when he wasn't armed yet."tony mused shaking his head."I just came up to tell you I'm heading out to see pepper, so don't go burning down the place while I'm gone."
he sneered at her, carefully wiping down the pages. he didn't even let Natasha touch his cards, why would he let some trainee brat touch them? "i am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" Clint protested... even if he knew that was a lie. he couldn't cook, couldn't shop, didn't know how to pick out his own clothes and didn't even know how to order his own weapons. Natasha had done all of that, so long as he kept the house spotless, she had done everything else. and he did, he always kept the house spotless, even his OCD collecting was spotless. hell he had a soda tab collection! all in perfectly controlled plastic containers. "...you killed my Vodka, i forgot about that." his eyes narrowed at her. "i knew there was a reason why i didn't want you touching my cards." he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at her suspiciously as Steve leaned over to Cat. "he never lets anyone touch his cards... i tried once, just to look, and i almost had my arm cut off..." he admitted. "i don't think..." here he paused and adopted a pained expression, probobly thinking about Natasha. "i don't need to be armed to hurt you Tony." Clint hissed, his voice possessive and angry. "and you aren't wearing your fancy bracelets, so you can't get armed by the time i start to pummel you." he warned, eyes narrowed. "now leave, before i push you off." he ordered before he dropped off the side of his 'nest,' catching a rope that was attached to the underside on the way down, sliding down to the floor where he moved to the living room, Steve clutching his chest. "i thought... i thought... Jesus Christ Clint! i thought we where going to have to call the ambulance!"
Catalina flinched at steve's words looking away. She hadn't even considered that, she'd just been using the cards to get the man to react. Smiling a little she shrugged."its not good for you. You'll do better without it."she said in reply to his supicious look before wincing as he disappeared down the rope. Having even expected him to make a break for it, her heart stopped for a moment as tony grumbled the whole way down abkut srupid bird brains. Wincing as she climbed down the ladder herswlf she sighed as she moved into the living room, smiling slightly at the sight of the assasin collecting his weapons from the pile tony had neatly stacked them in,"well...I'll see you later. I probably should get back."she muttered totally not expecting to see them again. After all,she'd done what tony wanted and got him sober and responsing to people again, they didn't need her for anything else now and even the idea of not getting to train with clint saddened her, becaause even sadistic sarcastic messs he was, he was still a brilliant teacher.
Steve blinked at her before he smiled. "hey, he let you touch them, that's a good thing. he might be fussing about it now, but he didn't stop you when you looked through them. that's a good thing." he promised snickering a little. "he's going to punish you for ruining his Vodka, you know that right?" Steve asked with a grin. "i bet he'll make you run for HOURS." he teased before following Clint down the rope, it was faster than the ladder... and safer. he left and Clint spun around to face Catalina, grabbing her wrist. "don't leave!" his voice had an almost panicked tone to it and he seamed to realize it because he flinched and released her hand like it had burned him and he took several steps back, as if afraid she was going to attack him. his childhood and training had instilled such a thing into him. people hurt him when he was weak, and he was incredibly weak right now, not physically, but certainly mentally and emotionally. "...please don't leave... i don't want to be alone..."
Catalina started a little as he grabbed her wrist, jerking like she was going to hit him before her head caught up with the instinctive reaction, dropping her hand as she studied the man in front of her."well. I guess being in stark tower is more entertaining then my apartment."she said simply for the moment willing to overlook the precieved weakness because she knew he wouldn't apperciate it if she commented on him wanting her to stay,even if the tiht feeling at the idea of leaving him left in her chest eased with the knowledge he wanted her there. She so didn't want to think abkut why she cared. Looking around she searched for a topic that would be easier for the to dicuss before smiling slihtly."I assume stark has a indoor pool?frank said that swimming would be better then fighting to get my shoulder back into working order cause its less strain or something...I stopped listening to the explanation after he told me swimming was good."she said rambling just a bit.
he swallowed thickly as she flinched and he shuddered and closed his eyes, fighting back the urge to apologize for frightening her. it would be a weakness, he would not apologize. "yeah i guess it's fairly entertaining here..." he agreed with a small shrug. "er, a pool?" he asked, hesitating a little. "i, uh, dunno actually i've never really been anywhere but here and the Labs..." he admitted with a shrug. "hey Jarvis!" "Yes Master Clint?" "Does Tony have a Pool?" "yes, Master Clint. there is a pool on the fifth floor, on the twelve floor, and on the forty fifth floor. are you wishing to do an experiment?" "...no i wish to swim!" "then you will want the pool on the forty fifth floor Master Clint, shall i arrange for swimming clothes to be delivered there?" "er, yeah sure why not." he waited a moment and then glanced at her. "that thing really kind of freaks me out..." he admitted. "well, we're on the forty fourth, so we only have to go up one flight." he mused. "com on then." he ordered. "the sooner we get your arm back up to shape, the sooner i can torment you." and wasn't that lovely?
“Yes, a pool.”She said before snickering, laughter showing in her face.”You poor, boring man. You need to do more stuff. He has a tower just for his personal entertainment!”She said laughing, shaking her head before yelping as Jarvis answered, having not expected it, looking a little disturbed before nodding at clint’s words.”Yea…that is vaguely creepy.”She said as they headed for the stairs, before frowning at him.”…you say that like some men say they’re looking forward to going on a date. You shouldn’t sound so excited about kicking me around the dojo, sadist.”She said rolling her eyes before her mouth fell open a little at the sight of the Olympic sized pool.”I’ll be back.Gotta change.”She said for a moment out of sorts as she disappeared into the small locker room to change, staring for a moment at the swimsuit Jarvis had given her. It seemed tony liked his women in as little clothes as possible, at least if she was reading the two small scraps of black material right. Blushing as she changed into the blue bikini, tugging on the small barely covering everything bottoms before walking out. Ignoring the man with her as she jumped into the pool, because focusing on swimming was the only way she was going to make it through this, having not actually considered it before she said she wanted to swim, just how little clothing they would be wearing.

Boredom at work, Cat’s bikini:
Clint shrugged. "i don't swim." he admitted simply. "and i don't people. and i don't fun." he complained, wrinkling his nose. what use did he have for such mundane things? they where boring, he'd much rather be out killing things... at least then he wouldn't have to think, and if he wasn't thinking then he wasn't remembering. and if he wasn't remembering then he wouldn't have to know that Natasha was dead. "i am a sadist. as i've told you before." he stated with a smirk. "besides, you're getting better... kind of." he muttered before heading into the male changing room and blinked at the swimming trunks. "...i fuckin hate you Jarvis..." he stepped outside, looking indeed very angry. he was wearing swimming trunks with kittens on them. and no shirt. you could now see every single scar. being an assasin and spy from the time you where ten, tended to amass a LOT of scars... being abused before that... yeah, Clint had them. mostly on his back, but there where bullet holes in his chest, and burns up his arms and legs, and signs of torture. yet... he wasn't, ugly, the way someone would have expected. the wounds had healed well. he didn't step foot into the water though, he just stretched out on a bench and relaxed.
Catalina turned to look at him as he walked out, her mouth falling open a little at the sight of kittens. Surely not. Swallowing the laughter that threatened to escape she smiled slightly as she considered the man, shaking her head slightly before returning to her laps. Well, at least this was going to be a interesting time as she got used to being with him.

A few weeks later Catalina smiled as she sat on the barstool, sipping her orange juice as she read the latest copy of weapons monthly, waiting for clint to get up. Having let him sleep in for once when he didn’t move when she got up, she figured he needed the sleep, over the last few weeks the two had become nearly as inseparable as him and Natasha had been, with her either staying up in the nest with him, or in the guest room tony had given her when she needed time apart. And they’d learned to take frequent breaks if he was having problems touching her as they trained, or if he was starting to forget who she was.

Looking up at tony when he came in she smiled a little,”Morning.”She muttered returning to her reading and nibbling on the double chocolate muffin she was eating. “Morning beautiful.”Tony grinned at her as he got himself some waffles and orange juice, settling on the other side of the island from her, watching her for a moment before smirking. “My birthday party’s tonight.” “I know. You haven’t shut up about it for weeks.”Catalina said smiling slightly. “Come as my date, it’ll be fun.”Tony said smiling, having waited to ask because he didn’t want her to have any time to think about it, or have clint have time to convince her to back out. “W-what?”Catalina stuttered finally looking up from the magazine to stare at the billionaire, frowning a little.”Well…okay.”She said wondering just what the man was up to, but she was going to the party anyways, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to show up with tony instead of with clint. Not realizing tony was playing with them both.
Clint had been having nightmares again, of Natasha accusing him of forgetting her, and he was finding it hard to train her again. there was a 'safe word' employed now at his insistence. anytime he saw Natasha, he automatically said 'orange' and froze, because he KNEW she was dead and seeing her so often was really freaking him out. in the last few weeks he had woken up screaming the word, gasping in fright at yet another nightmare of how Natasha might have died. thankfully, with the safe word in place, Cat always knew when she had to leave because he was seeing Nat instead of Cat and there hadn't been another training accident... though he was still an ass and he did indeed punish her by making her run three hours instead of two. for a week. but he didn't try to buy more Vodka, he seamed to realize that being drunk didn't stop the hallucinations. at least when she stayed in his bed at night, he never woke up thinking she was Nat. for some reason, when they slept together, he always knew she was Cat.

he groaned as he slid out of his nest and kicked his couch, grouchy because he had overslept... not that he hadn't needed it, he'd slept poorly last night, dreaming of Natasha accusing him of leaving her behind just because he had a crush on his new Trainee. he scrubbed his face furiously and headed out to the kitchen so Tony would feed him and blinked at Natasha sitting in the kitchen talking to Tony. "Orange..." he stated simply before turning to the fridge, ignoring Natasha until she turned back into Cat. it was about all he could do. Steve, who walked in at that moment looked baffled. "...Cat, why did Clint just call you an orange?" he asked looking baffled as Clint staggered for the coffee. "Nat, you want some?" Clint asked, too sleepy to remember that he was supposed to completely avoid Natasha when he saw her. "...uh... Cat... just how bad is Clint?" Steve asked softly, looking shocked, and worried.
“Shut up.”Catalina growled softly at Steve, for a moment ignoring captain America as she focused on clint, having learned that while they had precautions in place, if he was startled by the others it could lead to a all day meltdown, so she was trying to stop it before it happened.. Hopefully steve would forgive her for it as she stood,”Hey, you know I dislike coffee, Hawk. Remember, you made me run last week for dumping it in your lap, and telling you that the sludge was going to get you killed.”Catalina said, though careful to move slowly and carefully, not wanting to startle clint, but also not wanting to leave him with two men who hadn’t known just how bad clint was, trying to remind him of the present, and not of Natasha or the past.

While she knew she was going to get yelled at for not leaving the room as soon as he’d said orange, she couldn’t leave him alone with tony and steve either.”How about we both have some orange juice?”She asked already digging into the fridge to look for the drink, holding out one of the individual bottles for the man,”Here, hawk.”She muttered using the nickname she’d tagged him with, hopefully it reminded him of who she was. While Natasha had called him barton or Clinton, or hawkeye, she hadn’t called him simply hawk, and since he reminded her so much of the bird of prey, catalina called him hawk. Much to tony’s amusement because they had a Cat and Hawk working together.

Tony’s eyes were wide, looking startled at the sight of clint and catalina’s interaction, shooting a look towards steve, having not realized just how bad his friend was. And feeling guilty that clint was still seeing Natasha this much. “Clint?”he said frowning a little looking at his friend.
Steve looked shocked as he was told to shut up and he swallowed thickly and watched Clint intently, realizing that Cat was doing something specific, he decided to not say a thing. "..." Clint paused, confused because Nat loved Coffee, she was more obsessed with it than he was. "ugh, i hate orange juice." he complained, sulking but letting her pour hims some anyway even as he snapped back into the present, because CAT liked Orange Juice, not Natasha. Natasha liked Coffee, not Cat. and the name Hawk just cemented the difference and in an instant Natasha was gone and Cat was there. "sorry Cat..." he muttered, looking sheepish and frustrated. "i'm sorry... it was a bad night..." he admitted, scrubbing his face again and shaking his head before he looked at Tony. "...i'm alright. i am, it's ok." he promised Tony, Steve carefully leaving the room before Clint saw him, because he knew Clint didn't want anyone to know. Clint trusted Tony and Cat, but he didn't want Steve or Fury to know, because then Hawkeye wouldn't be allowed to work... and Steve knew that Clint NEEDED to work, so he left so Clint didn't have a meltdown. Clint sighed as he sat down with his coffee and his orange juice and scowled at the Table, clearly very unhappy that he'd had an 'episode' in front of Tony.
Catalina smiled a little at clint as she relaxed as he came back, tilting her head a little."its okay. I knew you hadn't slept well."catalina ofeered him a small smile her eyes dark with worry for him. Tony smiled slightly looking worried about him but not saying anything as he ate his waffles."good. Cause you still have to come to my party tonight."tony saif moving them on, not wanting the man to obsess. "Dammit. I hwve to go find a dress."catalina whined because she really hated shopping, shooting clint a hopefully look."tell him I'm to busy with training to go shopping." "That's okay I'll have pepper pick out a dress for you. You're not getting out of it." "Wasn't trying to. After all who could turn down going on a date with the birthday boy?"she teased using the conversation as a way to hopefully get clint thinking about something beside just how bad his hallucinations were getting, because she didn't want to think about it, because it scared her that there might be a day she couldn't reach him.
he nodded a little. "i'm still sorry." he muttered softly before he glanced at Tony, relieved that the man wasn't going to press the issue, poking at his own food. not feeling all that hungry. "i think it would be best if we canceled training today." he admitted with a grimace, well aware that if he tried to train her now, he'd just have another episode. "..." and then he paused as he realized that Tony was taking Catalina to his so called birthday party... and Clint knew what that meant... it meant Tony was going to try and fuck his Trainee.

"...i'm going out." Clint decided, standing up before he gutted tony and left the room. heading out to the local liquor store to buy some more booze. he needed to be drunk. he needed to be drunk bad. very bad. he bought as much alcohol as he could with the cash he had on hand... and he headed straight for his nest where he could get drunk in peace. he even pulled up his rope ladder so that no one could bother him.
That evening catalina frowned as she stood in the living room, looking up at the nest."cat?you coming?"tony said as he walked in,looking like a proper gentleman in his tux as he walked towards her. "Go on up. I'll be up in a few minutes."he said smiling glad that the party was on the top level of the tower, at least it meant if she got drunk she wouldn't be atumbling that far. Blushing slightly as tony kissed her cheek she waited until he was gone before sighing."clinton alexander barton,if you make me figure out a way up there without the ladder,I'm going to be pissed. At least tell me your okay."catalina demanded sounding both worried and angry,angry because she didn't know what had caused this,but having a feeling it involved her,and it made her feel guilty."hawk?"
Hawkeye groaned as he heard voices, he didn't want to listen to them, he wanted to hurt Tony. how dare he lay hands on his Nat and his Cat. he'd see the bastard dead for this... he would, he just had to figure out where he was first... he paused as he heard a voice calling to him and he peeked out over the balcony. "cat! Nat! no Cat..." he shook his head hard and vanished for a moment before returning, dropping a bottle, full of amber whiskey. he knew Cat would catch it. "Tophny's 'fferday preshent." he slurred. ""he liksh it." he assured her before taking a swig of his own bottle of Vodka. he'd go down later, when all the people where gone and Tony was as drunk as him before he went and killed the little fucker.
Catalina looked up at the other before catching the bottle."okay. Well, I'll be upstairs if you need anything."she said looking at him,tilting her head. Wondering if ahe should stay before sighing"I'll see you in a few hours,hawk."she said smiling as she left.

Though by the time clint got downstairs,both his friend and the trainee were drubk, having left the party to head to tony's bedroom, cause the man had every intention of taking advantage of her drunk state and her non-relationship with clint. Kissing her as they rode the elevator down tony blinked stupidly at the assassin as they got off the elevator."hey clint"the man said smiling as he held the giggling stumbling archer at his side.

"Hawk!how are you?"catalina slurred leaning into tony,for once totally out of sorts since she so rarely drank, the woman was totally undone with the alcohol in her system. Leaning on tony's arm she smiled a little at clint, pulling away,already moving away and towards clint, looking worried despite being so intoxicated that her usual calm and balance was destroyed. Despite being plastered, she was worried about her friend.
Clint just waved her off, he didn't much like parties anyway. he finally got out of his nest once he was halfway to sober and staggered off to see how Cat was doing. he didn't like the idea of her being up there with all those drunken people. he blinked as he watched the elevator doors opened. just in time for him to see Tony kissing His Cat. he saw red, he saw bright violent red. he was moving before he even knew what he was doing. "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF NATASHA AND CATALINA!" he roared. and just as he promised, he hurt Tony... he hurt tony bad. broken arm, leg broken in two places, broken ribs, and it took both Bruce and Steve to pull the screaming Clint off of Tony. they had to hog tie the Assassin, using zip ties because he kept squirming out of the ropes. Bruce was already calling an ambulance while Steve worked on emptying out the building Frank was on his way there to contain Clint properly, and Pepper was carefully making sure Tony was as comfortable as he could be. it took Frank, Steve, and Bruce to get Clint strapped down properly so that he couldn't keep striking Tony, since the Zip Ties didn't work either.

Tony was taken to the hospital straight away, lest he be hurt even more than he already had. Clint was struggling, blind with rage, alcohol, and the image in his head of Tony kissing Cat, only Cat was flickering between her and Natasha, so in Clint's mind... Tony had kissed both Cat and Nat, one woman he thought he might love, the other was his sister, or good as... it was really no wonder that Clint had freaked out. "Cat? you ok?" Frank asked softly once they had Clint drugged and asleep and locked in a room that Natasha had designed to contain assassins they might catch. including herself and Clint should the need arise.
Catalina looked shaken as they drugged clint,leaning against the door to clint's room, the adrenaline of dealing with clint beating the shit out of tony having sobered her up quickly, even if she was a little unsteady on her feet."I'm fine. Worried,but okay."she said looking pale and shaken, her own dress torn where she'd gotten between the fighting men,but the woman hadn't been strong enough to drag clint off,and she was feeling guilty. Feeling stupid for not even considering clint wouldn't want her dating his friends,not realizing that it was her that clint was trying to protect and not tony."don't worry. I'm okay frank, I'll stay here until he wakes."he muttered sadly because she had a feeling that soon enough everyone would be aware of just how many times clint confused her with natasha. Sad because it hurt her heart to see the man she cared for so confused and hurting.

When clint woke catalina was curled up in one of the chairs near his bed,looking decidely uncomfortable still dressed in her small black party dress and hih heels.her shortish brown hair a mess around her face, starting to fall out of the braids she'd had it in. Stirring at the sound of him waking she blinked stupidly,her head aching with a hangover."hawk?"shw muttered.
Frank grimaced a little. "he's bad isn't he?" he asked softly, biting his lip. "i didn't realize... i mean... he's really bad..." Frank whispered. "he's going to be pulled off duty completely because of this... i don't know if he can handle..." he admitted biting his lip before he closed his eyes. "i'll go and check on Tony. you check on Hawkeye ok?" he asked softly. Clint groaned as he woke, delirious but able to understand enough to know that it was Cat, Nat? next to him. "he touched you.. your mine... he touched you, i'll kill him." Clint slurred stupidly as he tried to sit up, yanking at the ties around his wrists, electronic lock cuffs. he couldn't pick the locks, he couldn't squirm free, he was well and truly stuck on that bed until he calmed down. "Cat... Nat, no, i have to save you, Tony is bad... can't let him..." Clint pleaded, yanking a little at the cuffs, wanting to get free so he could kill Tony and protect his Natasha and Catalina.
Catalina flinched at frank's words pain on her face, because she had thought theys be okay. She hadn't considered that this could happen. Pain on her face for both getting tony hurt,and for getting clint pulled off duty."...he is...but I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying to help him.."she muttered before stepping into the room.

Catalina flinched as clint woke,standing,wincing at thr tingling in her legs pausing and moving over to the bed,pain showing on her face as she looked at him. Not only because of what happened,because it hurt her badly to know he didn't know her, that he probably liked her because she was a stand in for natasha. Which she did.t want to consider, fir the moment shoving the thouht away as she reached out and gently brushing his hair out of his face."just relax,hawk.. Tony's not doing anything with me. I promise."she muttered looking away from him so he wouldn't see the tears filling her eyes because seeing him like this,knowing that the man didn't meant it romantically, he just meant that she was his to protect,which meant keeping her away from tony...not that she wanted to admit that it broke her heart to know that.
he groaned as he shook his head. "no. he touched you... saw it..." he complained. "he kissed Cat... can't let him... have to..." but he relaxed as he stroked his hair and he sighed, leaning into the touch. "i have to... Nat i'm sorry." he whispered. "don't hate me... i'm sorry." he whimpered before closing his eyes and going back to sleep as Frank entered, looking shaken. "Fury is... angry." he explained softly once he was certain Clint was asleep. "not at Clint though, or at you. i guess Fury didn't realize that no one told Clint that he was supposed to be seeing a therapist..." he admitted with a sigh. "no one is in trouble for this, but Clint is off duty indefinitely now. Fury wants your opinion on things before he makes a decision on what to do with Clint..." he glanced at her. "several people want Clint institutionalized, claiming that he's too dangerous... but i don't think that would help him at all... he trusts you, i know that much... do you think you could try to get him to see the therapist? if he can get some help, then maybe he won't have to be institutionalized..."
Catalina sihed softly prewsing a kiss to his forehead."shh hawk,she doesn't hate you."she muttered before looking up at frank as he came in before returning to her chair,watching clint as he slept. "Well..he trusts me,because he trusts her. Its nothing I did to earn his trust."she saud reaching out,her own bowstring calloused fingers holding onto clint's, she really was blinded by the pain of seeing clint like this, of living her life halfway between herself and natasha. It was breaking a strong woman. Looking up at frank, her eyes going dark and angry at the idea of him being institutionalized. The look in her eyes promising the moment that they tried she'd disappear with clint,using all the training they'd taight her, because she knew clint would never survive it. Shaking her head she sighed softly."I'll try frank,I will."she said needing to be able to help clint,because she didn't know what else to do. Glancing up at the man she sighed.

"If you could get me a change of clothes, id appriciate it."she said smiling slightly gesturing to her torn dress, glad that clint had been to out of it to realize that she was almost naked because he'd ripped her dress as she'd tried to stop him from attacking tony."I'm just going to rest..."she muttered sighing softly,tiredly, mentally and emotionaly exhausted as she rested her head on the bed, knowing she had a long road ahead of her in helping clint.
Frank shook his head. "Cat you know better than that." Frank accused. "he doesn't trust you because he thinks your Nat sometimes. for fucks sake he got confused three weeks ago and thought Agent Belevo was Nat because she was wearing the same perfume." he pointed out. "he spends the most time around you, and your accent triggers it, that's all it is. he trusts you outside of his 'episodes', or did you not notice how he lets you bring him drinks? he's never let me bring him something to drink, he's afraid i'll poison it with something in 'revenge' for my own training." he pointed out. "he trusts YOU, Catalina Santana and your his only hope right now." he had to smile at the dark promise in the woman's eyes. "i'll go get you something to wear." he promised, glancing at Clint who was muttering about killing Tony again even in his dreams. Frank returned with a outfit that Catalina was familiar with, the S.H.I.E.L.D uniform that she had to wear every time she went into shield headquarters for training with Frank or Clint.

"we'll leave Steve with Clint. Clint still sees Steve as his superior, so he should listen to him." Frank explained once Catalina was dressed and presentable. "we need to go see Fury." he admitted as he led the way to the car and drove her to S.H.I.E.L.D where Fury was indeed waiting for her. "Agent Sanatos. i want your report." Fury stated, voice as calm as always, but a well trained assassin like her could see the worry in Fury's eyes. he was worried he had hurt Clint beyond repair.
Catalina smiled sadly at the other's words,because she knew that. But having been alone in the knowledge that clint was this far gone,had isolated her from being able to see how much goodshewas doing. Smirking a little she laughed. "Well. I guess being allowed to slee in his ed gives me a right to bring him his drinks."she said the words out of her mouth before she thought better of it. While the others knew she spent most of her time at atark tower with clnt,only steve and tony had knwom that she spent more time in clint's bed then her own.flushing but not scrmbling to explain herself she smiled taking the clothes from frank and changing

When she walked into the office with fury her tired frown deepened before sighing quietly,moving to look out the window."...he won't survive being institutionalized. He'll kill himself first."she said sighing quietly before telling him evrrything,well almost everything.not about to tell him she was sleeping in clint's bed. Because while they'd never done anything more then cuddle,she figured it wouldn't be something he'd approve of."hes grieving director. While its not a normal form of grieving....whatever he went through...it changed him"she sighed she didn't know amything about his past,but this wasn't normal,so she assumrd something had happened."he just needs time..and it would be well for him to have as close to normal setting as he can.staying at stark tower,if tony will let him, normal things. As many as he can have. Otherwise..."she shrugged helplessly. Hopeless in trying to explain how to help the man who meant everything to her...not that she'd admit that he meant that much to her. S ared of her own feelings.
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