
Cat grinned zs she looked at the thunder god."hes a brilliant warrior. No one said he had to be good at anything else.though I think jane agrees hes good using his hammer."cat teased waggling her eyebrows at thor's blushing girlfriend. Tony made a face smiling slightly."I have to make fun,otherwise you're going to start expecting me to do cute and sweet things."the billionaire muttered to his wife kissing her head.

"I'll get a bird when I'm not pregnant.it'll be a bonding moment,nat, we'll both have something for hawk."cat teased smiling at her sister in law laughing as she cried clinging to clint, though it had upset her to find Natasha's mark on her boyfriend, she had known it was her insecurities speaking, and not their actual relationship."perfect. Definitely want one thing at a time."she muttered snuggling him before leaning back for a moment.studying his fave before gently tucking his hair out of his face."you need a haircut.."she muttered already soumding like a mother before hugging him again."I'm going to get your shirt soaking wet...can't stop crying.."she complained annoyed with her hormones, and despite his reassurances that she'd be loved even if she cried a ocean, she was still disliking being out of control of herself.

"I should get to com-what?"drayke choked on his drink causing mountain dew to come out of his nose,nd for everyone to stare at him as he fought for control after jessica's bombshelll of a annoucement
Pepper went bright red too. "Catalina! now that's just wrong!" she complained, her eyes twinkling. "although it would explain that cracked pelvis Jane had before we 'went on vacation'." Pepper teased with a wicked little grin as she took a sip of her sparkling water. "and you can too be nice Tony Stark, or do i have to get the leather outfits out again?" she demanded, narrowing her eyes. "more information than ANY of us EVER wanted to know!" Natasha complained to Pepper.

Clint chuckled a little and shook his head. "you'd look really cute with 'Clint's Wife, Hands Off!' Tattood on your forehead." he stated with a grin. "i'm having mine removed." Natasha admitted with a grin. "i don't know what i'm going to put there instead, but it's certainly going to be cooler than my annoying big brother." she teased, smiling as she watched Cat sob all over Clint. "it's alright, i hate this shirt anyway." he promised her with a smile as he kissed her forehead. "how about some chocolate?" he offered, indicating the 'years' supply of chocolate that someone had gotten her, he couldn't remember who.

Jessica just laughed at him. "you hadn't noticed? really?" she asked with a smirk. "now that is sad."
"It does explain things doesnt it?"Catalina smirked. "Shut up both of you. Don't you have better things to do then think about my sex life?"Jane whined looking flushed as she looked towards her boyfriend, looking amused at his yelling at the tv. "Hm, I'm definitely not nice when you're wearing those, remember?Besides, I'm remodeling the nest for them, isn't that my good deed for the week?"Tony muttered in her ear looking amused at natasha's complaint. "Just because you're not getting any, doesn't mean I cant woo my wife before I have to send her away again."he whined a little.

"Nooo, I can't get that. I'll think of something."She said smiling. "You could put 'drayke's.' on your ass. I'm sure he'd apperciate it."Catalina said leaning back to talk to natasha, quiet enough so drayke couldnt hear her, sniffling as she got the crying under control, resting her cheek on his shoulder before nodding. "Chocolate would be good.....and orange juice. Tony!" "What?" "Get me some orange juice."Catalina ordered as she leaned over to get a box of chocolate, nibbling on it as she watched her brother.

"...Shut up Jessica. It's been awhile, okay?"he grumbled annoyed because he tuned out flirting for the most part. Because so many women wanted to jump him, he tuned everything out, along with so many years in the special forces, surrounded by men, he couldn't usaully tell when someone was flirting. Glancing around the room he smirked looking at his trainer. "well. This will be fun."he smirked looking amused.

"Hey hawk...thanks."Cat muttered nuzzling her lover, thanking him for more then just the party, but for everything he'd done since they'd met. loving her like this, needing her just as much as she needed him. Cuddling into his arms, pressing her face into his chest as she nibbled on the chocolate, content with both family and friends.
Natasha and Jessica both smirked at Jane. "no, not really." they chorused as Pepper snickered at the rather green expression on both Steve and Bruce's face at the mention of leather and Tony. Stephan looked like he was getting wicked ideas, from the way he was looking at Steve. "oh, is that what you where doing?" Pepper asked with a small little smirk. "i thought you where being a pest."

"...i'd rather not. although, a Dragon, that would be rather cool." she admitted with a grin. "you have to admit, you're brother needs to get laid rather desperately." she teased with a smile. "maybe that way he'll get that stick out of his ass?" she mused, smiling as she watched Clint fuss over his future bride and examined the orange juice and chocolates for anything 'not normal' before he stole a tiny piece of the gummy worms that someone else had given them. nope, he didn't like those either. "your welcome my love." he murmured, kissing her forehead.

Jessica snickered at him again and shook her head. "well, at least your not as dense as Bruce was." she mused with a small laugh. "be careful with how much you tease her though." the therapist warned with a smirk. "she'll make you suffer for it."
Tony smiled resting his forehead against pepper's hair, for once not trying to seduce her, just enjoying being with her. He knew he had to send her back to asgard in the morning, he just wanted to spend time with her. Smirking at Steve and bruce's reaction he pressed a kiss to pepper's hair. "It was yes, its not my fault you can't recognize my way of seducing you."he muttered.

"He does doesn't he?He's uptight. To much time in the military."Catalina said looking amused as she rested in Clint's lap, snuggling him as she ate the chocolate, amused at playing matchmaker for her brother and sister in law. It was fairly amused. Snickering as clint ate the gummy worm, rolling her eyes a little. "They're good."She teased as she ate the gummy worms, smirking when she saw Drayke's smirk.

"I'm not smart enough to be that dense. Him and tony, definitely a whole new level of denseness."Drayke smirked before looking at natasha, tilting his head a little. "I wont. I have no desire to suffer more then I already am. She seems to enjoy kicking my ass."he smirked already working on how to seduce the woman.

3 months later Catalina smiled as she settled on the couch next to natasha, looking annoyed. "I'm not that pregnant yet. I'm perfectly capable of still sparring, or being in the room to help the guys remodel."She sulked because she was annoyed that both clint and drayke had told her that no, now that she was showing enough thaf not even a baggy shirt could hide it, she was no longer able to spar, or help remodel the nest. The fact that tony had also backed up the guys in the whole remodeling project, just annoyed her even more. Though the billionaire had given in, and let her design the nest, though she suspected the men had decided to let her do it simply so they wouldnt have to decide what to put in or not. The fact they wouldn't let her pick up a hammer or help move things now that her stomach had started to curve out just a bit, pissed her off. And even knowing that she was quicker to anger, and more prone to crying in the middle of fights, wasnt enough to cut the men some slack. It just made her angry with her own body for turning her into a emotional mess.

"....why don't you go seduce Dray, and I can see about convincing to take a break, take me to lunch, and maybe helping me do a few new dance moves?"She turned to look at natasha, amusement showing in her eyes. Because while she knew Drayke had his own reasons for waiting on sex, she also knew he wanted Natasha, which made watching the other trainer and trainee dance around what they both wanted to do, all the more amusing.


"You do realize your fiancee is going to try and bash your head in, right?I mean, you're not letting her spar anymore."Drayke snickered as he helped clint hold onto one of the new walls for the nest while they laid the boards into place. Having just recently told Catalina she wasnt allowed helping anymore she hadnt started to fight them over it yet, but he was pretty sure it was coming. While he knew Tony had enough money to hire out people to do the work on the nest, the billionaire for some reason also liked building things. Personally, Drayke thought the man was just bored and working out some sexual frustration on just hammering the shit out of things. "But she knows sparring's dangerous these days. She wont argue over it."Tony said as he pounded a nail into place, swiping his hair out of his face.

How the nest is going to look, with nursery and all at the end: nest
Pepper just snickered and shook her head as she kissed him. "you're just terrible at seduction." she teased, fully intending on getting laid that night. she was horny, and she knew he was too. she wanted the usual activities and was half tempted to take him back to the nine realms with her.

months later, Natasha and Jessica both smiled as Catalina started to complain. "you do realize they are only following the doctors order's, right?" Jessica asked with a smile. "the Doctor said once you started to show, you shouldn't lift or do anything truly strenuous because it could put stress on the baby." she pointed out. "and if Clint hit you in the wrong spot, he could also hurt the baby. he never said you couldn't dance or do Yoga." she pointed out. "we're still doing Yoga every morning." Natasha agreed. it was amazing that Natasha had been a practicing Yogi since she was ten, and she knew all the ways to really get your body limber. they where both attending Lamaze with her as well. which turned out to be 'how to give birth' classes. how to breath, how to stretch yourself to prevent tearing, how to clean the baby and how to care for it. Clint was attending a baby class as well, learning how to swaddle, change diapers, bottle feed and what to do when the baby was teething. he was really enjoying the lessons, and the woman leading the class commented to Cat that she was lucky to have such an ecstatic and eager daddy for her baby. Clint was even attending the Lamaze lessons with Cat... even if it did make him Ill a few times when they showed videos.

"i don't want to seduce him!" Natasha complained, sulking. "he's the man! he should be seducing me!" she complained, sulking. "i'm going to end up handcuffing the the Celibate bastard tot he bed and taking what i want!" she growled. "i don't want to be a freaking Virgin anymore god dammit!" she complained, sulking.


Clint snorted a little. "she's welcome to... i hate how much i have to limit her now. and it's only going to get worse when she really starts to show. then she won't be able to dance either. it will just be the simplest Yoga and the Lamaze Exercises... she won't even be able to have sex... not looking forward to it. at least her Cravings are easy. honey and chocolate, ice cream and the occasional pickle. so long as i keep it in the house, she's fine." he admitted with a smile. "she looks so gorgeous though, with her belly bumped out like that... i won't tell her so, i do want to keep my balls... but she's so damn beautiful right now." he admitted with a smile. "i never thought i could be a good father, but those 'Daddy' Classes are so easy." he admitted. "i think it's really going to be alright, you know? me taking care of a baby..." he stared at Tony. "she might not Argue but she'll still bitch about it." he pointed out with a grin. "Stephan tried to make them a rocking chair you know... as amazing as the man is at making fences and mending roofs, he really sucks at carpentry. Steve sat down on it and nearly broke his tailbone when the chair came apart."
"I know, you don't have to sound so reasonable about it."Catalina scowled looking at the other two women, nibbling on the piece of chocolate she was holding. Having learned it was easier to have a candy bar every few hours, it kept the cravings from being to horrible."You know, you could just tell Drayke you're taking yoga with me, not to make me happy, but so you can bend in awesome ways to have sex."She teased her friend looking amused because as much as she complained, and hated having her life restricted, she loved being pregnant. Well...at least knowing that she carried clint's baby, not the hormonal and physical changes. Going from being active for most of the day, to being restricted to basics, was killing her. And one of the best things, was watching clint be so excited about having a baby. now that he had accepted the fact that he would be okay, he was eager and so happy. it was adorable.

Catalina smirked looking at the other woman, before looking at jessica, sharing that look, because she'd figured out quickly that Drayke knew. Someone, or he'd figured out on his own, that Natasha wanted him. And of course...drayke was enough of a sadist to be dragging it out, though she knew it was more along the lines to see if Natasha really did want him, and not because he was enjoying causing her pain. Though Catalina was sure his sulking trainer amused drayke to no end. But..."You do know he knows right? He's playing with you. He's always enjoyed playing games, and he doesn't date as a rule generally...so he's trying to figure out how to do this without having it blow up in his face."Catalina pointed out looking at natasha, because she knew it was in part because drayke liked screwing with people, but she also knew that drayke had had a problem with his last relationship-she wasn't sure what it was- but she knew enough to know he was wary of starting a relationship with someone he had to work with, no matter how good her and clint had worked out, drayke was worried about messing up his and natasha's relationship.


"She'll get over it. She's probably already feeling out of whack. She nearly fell down getting off the couch yesterday."Drayke snorted laughing a little because she knew that none of them were looking forward to catalina being restricted to just yoga and lamaze. Catalina, even as a child, had been extremely active and working. She was going to hate not being able to be able to do anything. "Poor baby. No sex. You'll just have to join the rest of us mere mortals in not having sex."Drayke teased looking at tony, amused because he knew the man was going insane. He was pretty sure the last 4 months of not having pepper at home was the longest the man had ever gone without having regular sex. Though tony would never admit it, while he enjoyed having the affairs, his affairs were restricted to having pepper particpate most of the time, the fact that pepper wasn't home, had made the man celibate. which amused everyone.

"I'm sure it'll be alright. Besides, you have Vahanian and Romanoff, they wont let you two mess up a kid to much."Tony teased looking amused. "I see you didn't include yourself on that list." "...you do realize there's a reason I have no kids myself, right?"tony said, though his father and mother had been around, he had his own mommy/daddy issues that kept him from reproducing. Even at 34 the man was still running, though he knew pepper was thinking about them, which made the man a little insane. "He does. It's fairly amusing. And I'm sure Stephan had the perfect remedy to help with steve's bruised ass."Tony snorted looking amused.
Jessia smiled. "you yelled at us the last time we tried to use false platitudes to console you." she teased with a grin. "would you like us to go back to 'it's only for a few months, it will be alright'?" Jessica asked, lifting an eyebrow at her best freind with a smirk, Natasha snickering a little as she poured Cat a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk for herself. "think about it this way. since your not training right now, you and clint will have time to do... other, things." Natasha teased, waggling her eyebrows at the girl. "plus we can have more time for girly things. like manicures and spa days." Jessica admitted with a grin. "i've always wanted to go to a spa." she admitted with a grin as Natasha made a face. she didn't see what the big deal about a Spa was. "he WHAT!?" Natasha demanded, outraged. "why that little fucker!" she complained, sulking. "oh i am going to make him SUFFER!" she decided, her eyes narrowed as she rubbed her hands together. "i'm going to go seduce the hell out of him! excuse me." she ordered as she hopped to her feet and raced out, returning wearing her usual jogging suit. only the pants where skin tight and there was nothing under the jacket but a bra, and the zipper was pulled down low enough to let them see her ample cleavage. it too was skin tight.


Clint chuckled a little. "and then she nearly killed me when i tried to help her up." he admitted with a small grin. "we're going to have to find other things to keep her going... she is allowed to keep jogging, so we'll still do that every day... no matter that she hates it." he stated with a snicker. "...Drayke. did you just call Tony 'baby?' i think you've been spending too much time with Nat..." Clint admitted, looking highly amused. "you do realize she's starting to get pissed off? she's really going to start beating you up if you don't at least ask her on a date." he pointed out before smiling at Tony. "i think you'd be a great dad." he admitted simply. "you get so obsessive about the things you love, be it the Iron Man suit, or Pepper. i can totally see you gettign up every hour just to make sure your kids oil isn't low." Clint teased with a snicker. "er. actually i'm pretty sure Stephan probobly made it worse." Clint pointed out with a snicker before gasping as Nat stormed into the room, looking pissed... and sexy. "YOU! Room! NOW!" she demanded of Drayke, a promise of a more severe beat down than usual. usually Natasha only did this when she was annoyed at someone else, but Clint knew the glint in Natasha's eye and he ducked his head to hide his snicker. she was going to torment the hell out of Drayke now.
"No, that's fine.I'd rather here the truth, you just don't have to sound so chipper when telling it to me."She grumbled before sipping her juice, laughing quietly."That's true. even if for only a few more months.No sex, is going to definitely suck."She grumbled before nodding."Hm, we'll have to do a spa day. A massage would be amazing."She said before swallowing hard to keep from laughing at the look of outrage on Natasha's face. "He's screwing with you. He's known for awhile."she said knowing she was making it worse, but drayke deserved it. Definitely after hiding that he was her brother for so long.... even if she knew it had been for her own good. Smirking as she watched natasha walk back out she stood, "Come on. Let's go check on clint and tony, maybe I can convince them to let me hold a hammer or something."She said smiling as they headed for the nest.


"She will kill you if you just let her jog. Definitely will. She hates jogging. Maybe girly things?Surely there's something she's not gotten to do that she wants to, since she's spent so much time training. Tell her its a vacation"He said looking amused before flushing a little. "...I did not." "yes he did." "Shut up, stark."Drayke muttered lookign at Clint in annoyance, "Why don't you go deal with the pregnant one, instead of concerning yourself with my love life?"He grumbled. Tony made a face as he worked on hammering the board into place, "...."Tony scowled a little,"...kids don't have oil."He grumbled not about to admit that that very obsessive nature was one of the reasons he was avoiding kids so far. He knew pepper was going to get tired of it, but for now, he was going to concentrate on this, and catching loki, and making sure pepper was safe. "Me?What did I do now!?"Drayke sputtered even as he followed after her. Already bracing to catch the first punch as he walked into the room after her.

"hey, barton, am I allowed holding a hammer?"Catalina called as she walked into the room, looking amused as she looked around the half done apartment. "Matters. What hammer are we talking about?"Tony said leaning over the balcony to look at the cutely pregnant woman, teasing her because he knew it drove her batty. "The building one. I'm so not in the mood for sex."
Jessica chuckled a little. "but i'm always 'chipper'." she pointed out with a grin as she sipped on her fruit smoothie, which she'd gotten at the Jamba Juice that had just opened across the street. she loved fruit smoothies. "definitely... have Clint give you a few massages until then, it will be good for him." she teased with a smile, watching Cat wind Nat up, who was only getting more and more outraged.


"yeah i guess that's true... maybe i should take her to another Ballet?" he mused. "she'd really enjoy that. ad we could take a few trips to somewhere, a beach or something. maybe we could even go up to Asgard for a while and hang out with Pepper and Jane, i think she'd like that too." he admitted as he stuck a nail in his mouth to hold it while he worked on getting the board in just the right place. "the pregnant one is mad at me because i wouldn't let her play with the sledgehammer." he pointed out. "she's bitching about it to Natasha and Jessica." he admitted with a grin as he watched Natasha storm in and demand Drayke get his ass moving. "Yes you can hold the hammer." Clint promised with a roll of his eyes. "Nat finally realized what Drayke was doing did she?" he asked with a small little smirk. "i did warn him." he mused, shaking his head. "here, hold these for me a moment would you?" he asked, holding out a pile of nails. "i can't hold these and hammer at the same time." he grumbled as he fidgeted the Board just perfect before he started to hammer. "i was thinking of making another date plan." he admitted with a smile at her. "maybe go to another Ballet. Swan Lake is supposed to be in town this weekend." he admitted. "what do you think?"
"She'd enjoy that. Take tony with you if you go to asgard. Everyone could be happy."Drayke amused then worried as he left the room. "Well, no. She had help realizing it."Catalina said smiling a little as she moved over to clint, making a face as she cupped her hands to take the nails from him. Perking up at the idea of the ballet. "Really?I havent seen swan lake before."She said looking interested. "I'll get tickets. And call Terrtoria's for dinner reservations. Anything else you two want?"Tony said looking amused though he was glad that the woman seemed to be in a more pleasant mood. "Loki?I mean, if you could get rid of him..." "I'm trying sweetheart, he's here somewhere in the city. But he's not making it easy to find him."Tony scowled a little, annoyed that the jotun had gone to ground so well, that he was managing to hide from them all, even with all of them looking. "It's okay tony. I shouldn't really be killing the reindeer until after the little hawk comes anyways."Catalina smiled slightly looking at clint, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "We should go on a date. We dont have classes or anything this weekend."
Clint grinned. "i might have to." he agreed with a chuckle. "just like Drayke had help realizing she wanted him?" he asked with a smirk. "yeah, it would be lots of fun. i was thinking of taking a trip to Asgard to see Pepper and Jane too. i know you need more girly freinds. Natasha isn't very girly." he stated with a shake of his head. "i think all the 'girl' was driven out of her as a child." he admitted with a smile. "even before i found her i mean." he admitted smiling gratefully at Tony. glad the man was so happy to spend money on Cat because there was no way he'd be able to afford Ballet, let alone eating at one of the best restaurants in the world. "it sucks that he's a shapeshifter." Clint grumbled, shaking hi head. "but we can't scan every person in Manhattan for DNA matches." Clint grumbled, he knew that because Bruce had explained to him exactly why they couldn't do that. "no... but i bet you'd have fun torturing him so long as we have him properly restrained." he teased with a smile. "we'll definitely go on a date." he promised, unaware that Natasha had gotten bored of pushing various sexy body parts against Drayke in the guise of sparring and had pinned him to the floor and was now kissing him senseless.
"Yes, just like that."Catalina smiled a little before smiling. "I would like to visit asgard. The girls keep telling me about it, but it would be nice to go see it....as long as you don't try to make me stay there.We'll just have to make her do some girly things with us then. She'll enjoy it."She said making a face at him. Tony shrugged a little amused at Clint's look, he spent the money on them all, not just clint and cat, because he had so much of it that he wouldn't be able to spend what he'd inherited from his father in a lifetime, not to mention the money he made every day simply by running stark corp. He had wayyy to much money to play with. "Hmmm I could go for that."she said looking amused at the idea of beating loki,handing tony as she handed over a nail to tony as the man worked. Settling on teh floor next to clint to watch them work. "hawwwwkkk....I want tiramsu."Cat whined after a few minutes, bored with just watching and holding the nails,looking up at the man cutely, "And not just any tiramsu. I want some from Territoria's.Can we go tonight?"She said looking up at him.

Drayke grinned as he kissed her back, plunging his fingers in her hair and rolling her under him, looking down at the woman he pinned."Now, are you done punishing me for knowing you wanted to jump my bones?"He growled a little looking down at her, figuring that was what this was about. Having already gotten warned by cat, clint, and jessica, he figured the woman had finally snapped.
he smiled a little. "we'll make a point of going then." he agreed. "i wouldn't mind seeing Asgaurd as well." he admitted, nodding. "i doubt it." he admitted. "Natasha doesn't 'enjoy' things she just tolerates some of them." he admitted, picking on his sister even though she wasn't there. "OUCH! damn Cat!" he complained when she whined, it having startled her and he smashed his thumb before he started to laugh and nod. "well considering i think i just broke my thumb, i think your right. tiramisu it is." he agreed, smiling at Tony. "we'll bring you back some of that frachetta you love so much." he promised. "let me just finish this last beam?" he asked, smiling at Cat as he gave her a small kiss. finished the beam and headed to the closet so he could get changed into proper clothing for Territoria. he grinned as he fiddled with his tie, making a face. "i hate wearing this suit, i feel like an idiot every time." he admitted to Cat with a smile. "no matter Tony's assurance that i look great and the Suit fits perfectly and blah blah blah." he grumbled, smiling at her. "and as always, you look so beautiful i think i might melt."

Natasha moaned as she felt the fingers in her hair and she chuckled at him. "not by a long shot. it will take at least two dates for me to forgive you." she ordered, biting his neck gently. "i can't beleive you've been messing with me all this time you dick... did you plan for me to walk in on you naked in the shower or was that truly an accident?" she asked with a smirk, examining him. "you're much too pretty for your own good. i hope you know that." she grumbled. kissing him again.
"Well, I'm sure Drayke's going to make her enjoy something."Tony said snickering a little. "Ewww... and we'll go soon. Before I get to big, cause I dont know if it's a good idea going close to when I'm due."Cat said looking amused before jumping as her cursed, tears filling her eyes for a moment. "I-I'm sorry."She stuttered before perking up. "Let's go get ready."She said smiling as she changed to get ready. Tony snickered a little before nodding. "Thanks. I should at least get good food."he said amused,"That's another reason not to have kids. I have enough emotional women around me without getting them all hormonal."he snickered watching the two leave. "You look amazing. I promise."She said looking amused at his complaining, kissing him lightly as she smoothed the dark blue dress down over her pregnant stomach, though not huge yet, she was definitely bigger then she had been when she'd first gotten the dress, feeling huge in the form fitting dress."Thanks. Ready to go?"She said smiling, blushing ever so slightly as she headed for the door.

Drayke grinned down at her, "Ah, well I'm sure I can take you on those two dates...though if you expect me to sit through the ballet, or something else mind numbingly boring like Barton does, you're insane."he teased shivering as she bit his neck,grinding into her a little as he tilted his head to the side, paying her back by biting her. "Hmmm..I have a dick, I'm not a dick."he muttered as he nibbling on her neck, teasingly lightly, "Definitely set up. Stark was very helpful in telling me when you were coming into my room."he teased before kissing her,"So you've told me."he muttered.
Clint laughed at that, "that's my sister you're talking about you know." he complained with a grin. "and you're right, i don't know what the Bi-Frost would do to an unborn." he admitted, gently touching her belly, his face going that gentle softness that was so rare to see. he was always affectionate and loving when he looked at her, but when he thought about such a little creature, all his and hers, it made every wall he'd ever built around himself crumble. "oh shut up Tony, you want kids and you know it, you're just too afraid of the kind of father you'll be." clint stated once Cat was out of earshot, giving Tony one of those looks that Clint was so good at. "i was there, remember? i was that man and i know it's scary as hell... but there's nothing more amazing, then knowing you gave life." he admitted with a smile. "you'd be a great Dad tony, you know?" he asked with a smile before he went to get ready, offering Cat a bright smile. "always ready for you." he promised, kissing her again before kissing the ring he had placed on her finger, which was his promise to always love her.

she grinned at him. "nah, i love the Ballet but i sure as hell aint taking YOU, i'll go with the girls." she promised with a chuckle, moaning as she ground into him, panting softly. "god you feel good." she moaned, shuddering against him. "both would be the truth. you are a dick and you have a dick. and what a pretty dick it is. do you know how much i masturbated after i saw you all naked and covered in suds?"
Tony watched the other man for a moment before sighing, "...just go, barton."He said sounding defeated, because he knew clint wouldn't let it go. If anything, once the kid was here, he was going to end up babysitting or something. Tony just knew he wasnt going to be good for a kid, but maybe...jessica could talk?perking up at the idea the billionaire smiled, resolving to put the time he was away from his wife to good use, and seek professional help. and no matter how many times she said he needed more help then she could give, he could try.

Cat grinned at the man in front of her, blushing ever so slightly. "Good. Cause I should be waited on hand and foot. The little hawk makes me decidedly uncomfortable."She said looking amused though as they left. When they got to the resturant she smiled a little, stifling a yawn as she settled into her chair, "You should take a nap when we get home. You didn't sleep well last night."She said, looking worried about him,even if it was her that hadn't slept great, but she was willing to bully clint into taking a nap with her by pretending it was him who needed sleep, because she was so vulnerable at the moment, she hated admitting weakness. She hadn't felt this vulnerable since her mother's death, so as her pregnancy wore on, and she became less able to defend herself, the less well she had slept. She grinned though as the waiter brought them their tiramisu, digging in happily.

Drayke laughed, nodding. "Good. I don't want to go."he smirked groaning as she ground into him, moving up to his knees, kneeling and pulling her with him. "Oh, no I don't know, but I'm sure Jarvis would be very helpful and get me the video of it if I asked."He snickered as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her towards his bedroom. Pausing in the doorway as he looked her over, a slight frown puckering his eyebrows."Have you done this before?"He asked sounding curious. because while he knew her and clint hadn't, he was curious to see if she had with anyone else. Not realizing he had really been playing with fire in playing with a virgin assassin.
Cliont offered Tony a smile. "i'm naming you Godfather!" he squealed with a laugh as he skipped off. granted, he was going to make sure in their will that the little Hawk was to go to Drayke first and Natasha if something happened to Drayke, and only if both Natasha and Drayke where dead or incapacitated, would the baby then go to Jessica, who was Godmother. if she was dead, THEN the little Hawk would go to tony, but Tony didn't need to know that. Jessica was delighted to have been asked to be Godmother of course, and Natasha was rather horrified at the idea of being an Aunt when she was a virgin. it just wasn't right, as she kept joking.

he laughed a little and nodded. "oh, i told Tony he was Godfather." he admitted with a smirk. "i yelled it as i was leaving, but i think Jarvis was recording so we could laugh about it later." he admitted with a snicker. "i didn't." he agreed, shaking his head. "i kept having weird dreams." he lied, letting her have the comfort of not having to admit it was she that was tired. "at one point i'm fairly sure a purple elephant tried to eat me." he stated simply, smiling as he watched her tuck into the Tiramisu. he was headed outside, smiling when he felt a very sharp pain in the back of his head, a smirking Loki suddenly there as he pressed a damp cloth to Cat's face. Clint was down for the count, his head bleeding all over the sidewalk as people began to scream and carry on. by the time anyone got there though, it would be too late. Cat would be in the loving hands of her father. Loki had planned this well.

Natasha snorted a little and rolled her eyes. "i'm sure he wouldn't, he tends to 'turn himself off' when us in the house are doing naughty things." she admitted with a laugh before she wrapped herself around him and kjissed him again with an eager little groan. "...oh, uhm... well... no." she admitted, looking away and flushing brightly. "i mean... me and Clint, back when we where teens, we kissed a few times, but it felt... weird." she admitted. "and no one since then.. i mean, i'm a busy girl and there's not a whole lot of men that i actually like... you know?" she asked, biting her lip. "i'm not going to get laid, am i?"
"Oh, that's just mean. You know he's scared of babies."Cat giggled looking amused, smiling. "...I'll have to make sure you're not attacked by purple elephants. Thats just weird."She said smiling a little. By the time she woke from the drug loki had given her, she was in a home she never wanted to see again, with a man she had definitely never wanted to see again. "Father?Whatever are you doing?"Catalina said as she cringed away from the man laying on the bed next to her, shifting away, squirming to get away, glad that she wasn't so pregnant that she couldn't move quickly, just awkwardly. Knowing whatever was coming, was going to break her. And so it was, as time past, she realized that her father had no idea who she was, well...not technically. Her father thought she was her mother, round with child, ready to pop out little catalina. Definitely a weird trip, and one was worrying her, because she had no idea what she had left behind her. Having a feeling that no matter what happened, clint was at home, losing his mind over what was going on. And having a feeling that if someone didn't hurry up, she was going to be out of options, because she had seen loki, knew that the man wouldn't leave her here without making sure she was well and truly trapped.

"Damn.That's just wrong."Drayke pouted as he palmed her ass, groping her even as he held her against him, looking at her. "Well good. Cause I don't share well."Drayke grinned, leaning in to kiss her. "Oh, you're getting laid. And soon."Drayke smirked kissing her slowly. "No you're not. Catalina's missing, and clint's in the hospital wing!Nat!Summon thor, and call steve would you?"Tony yelled as he stopped the elevator on their floor just long enough to yell at them and get them, before returning to the medical floor, having left clint with bruce and jessica, needing to know exactly what happened even as he was using his tablet-working as he walked- to try and trace catalina. Focusing on finding her, since he figured finding a human woman, even if she was with loki, was easier then trying to find the jotun.
he snickered. "i know... though, he's not actually scared of them, he just thinks he's too bad to have, hold, or be near one, that's all. Jessica will fix him. after all, she fixed me." he pointed out with a smile before his life went to hell. Loki indeed had made it impossible for her to leave. anytime she got a foot outside the front door, agony ripped through her. a Glowing Tattoo on her stomach, just under her belly button prevented her from leaving the house, from any exit, ad threatened to harm her baby. who knew what that kind of magic could do to an unborn?

Natasha snorted a little. "you'd rather him watch us?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow. "you don't hmm?" she asked with a smirk. "i do." she admitted with a laugh. "but for this, i think i'll make an exception." she admitted, kissing him hard again before groaning as Tony burst in and then gasped as she realized her brother was in the hospital. with a concussion. severe brain trauma and a cracked skull, the Doctors said that if it had happened in a more remote location, he would have died. Clint had only woken once to weakly explain that Loki had Cat. mumbled something about Catalina's pretty house, complained that he'd gotten blood on his suit and growled at something only he could see before he was out again.
Tony winced as clint growled,wondering just how they were going to do this. Cause if they'd had a idea where loki had been hiding out,that was one thing but this left the whole city,if she was still in the city,to hide a single pregnant woman. And he knew they had to find her fast,cause who knew what would happen to a woman that pregnant left in loki's care?

Though 2 days later when tpnony ran into the medical lab, the tablet in his hand. Having just been informed about spencer santana's 'release' from the hospital he had no doubt that this was paet of loki's plan,the timing was just to perfect. Hating himself for not finding out earlier but he'd spent hours down in the lab trying to track catalina and loki,so he hadn't realized his phone was telling him about the release until jarvis had broken his concentration. Moving to the bed he grabbed clint's chin,making him look at him,careful to not hurt him."clint. Catalina's father is involved where would loki take them?"he said having found that no matter how deep he dug,the true story was hidden. So the billionaire was hoping clint knew what had happened,would know where the jotun would hide them to cause the most pain....and hope he wasn't to late.

But time was running out for the pregnant woman,who under thr strain of her father's care,had miscarried the child she carried. And was starting to get sick as a result from not being well taken care of. She needed help,and soon.
Clint had woken off and on, but was delirious and hallucinating. he wasn't sure who people where, though he had recognized Jessica at one point for a brief five minutes. Clint blinked stupidly as Tony gripped his chin and he frowned. "Catalina?" he asked, sluggish and slow. "Catalina's pretty house." Clint muttered. "such a pretty house. long drive. it's where it happened." Clint mumbled, struggling to focus, struggling to tell, but his thoughts where jumbled and confused, so he did the only thing he could think of. he listed the Latitude ad Longitude of the house. he couldn't remember the address, but he remembered the coordinates. hopefully Tony was smart enough to make sense of what Clint was trying to say. as it was highly important, Clint repeated it, over and over until he was certain Tony got it, Jessica wringing her hands, terrified for her best freind. "Thor is here." Jessica whispered, her eyes filling with tears. "he was talking to Hela... they have a new soul down there." she explained softly. "Cat hasn't joined the dead but... i don't think her baby made it." she whispered, low enough that Clint couldn't hear. he'd go mad if he found out now, and they had only just gotten him mostly fixed. "we need to find her Tony, Now!"
"I know jessica!"tony snapped,his iron self control starting to fray around the edges before frowning slightly."house.."he loked up at Jessica eyes widening slightly,his knowledge of shield training finally snapping everything into place."don't worry clint,I'm gonna go get her."he said pale because he knew if she miscarried,she probably wasn't being taken care of,which put catalina's health at risk. Talking rabidly to jessica as he ran for the door."jess. Get drayke and natasha. And the others. Tell them to take the hummer,jarvis car program it in." "Tony?what did you figure out?"drayke said looking just as worried and pale as tony as he turned to follow the other man."its not random numbers. It coordinates. He knew where she is, hes been trying to tell us in the only way he knew. I'm going to suit up and head over, get natasha, and follow."he ordered trusting drayke to get the others even as he plunged headlong into a fight he didn't know who was waiting for him.

"Clint...where...papa?"catalina whispered,just as delirious as clint as she struggled to focus through her fever,sensing her father in the house and scared, searching for the one person she trusted more then any other.clint. but the fact that she was asking for him sent her father into a rage,since he thought she was her mother,it seemed her father thought she was having a affair,ven if the woman he was punishing was a decade dead and gone.
Jessica flinched at him, she was used to being snapped at, but Tony had never really done so, not even when she was trying to get him to open up about his parents and fears. Tony was more introverted, when something came up he didn't want to talk about, he deflected, or hid it away, he didn't usually get mad about it. seeing him angry was rather frightening. "i'll get them." she agreed, snapping to attention and giving him a salute before racing off. she gathered everyone he told her to and sent them to the Hummer, even Thor joined them, gripping his hammer tightly. "Loki may very well be there." he warned them. "and i am certain he has used magic to control or contain Lady Catalina." he admitted taking a deep breath. "i will do my best against the Magic, Hela has been doing her best to show me how to defend and take down magical resistance." Thor admitted. "i cannot promise, but if all else fails, i can take Catalina straight to Hela, in her current physical body and she can remove whatever Loki did to her. no death needed." Thor promised as they started hurtling towards the house. Loki hadn't bothered sticking around once Catalina miscarried. in fact, there wasn't even magic containing her anymore. she was too weak, and too broken now, he didn't care what happened to her, he'd gotten his point across. 'i can get you anywhere'.
Tony frowned as he landed,the helmet of his suit folding back as he listened starting to walk into the house,surely loki wad still around. Barely registering when he was tackled,the physical attack taking him by surprise so much that he actually let it take him to the floor before he recovered. And soon enouh both drayke and tony had spencer santana trussed up like a christmas day goose. Jerking his head towards the stairs tony looked up at natasha with eyes barely containing the fury,and the urge to completely destroy the man he was holding onto. "Go get cat.you and drayke can get her back to the tower...me and thor can make sure this...idiot...gets back there to. I'm sure clint will have something to say to him."

Cat frowned as she looked up with blurry eyes,lushed and sweating, but oh so cold,like you do when you get a high fever."...nat..?but..where' haek?I thought.."cat frowned in delirous confusion
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