Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Steve lifted an eyebrow at Tony. "i wasn't being mean i was being honest. Jarvis isn't about to tell you that he feels like crap." he pointed out with a smile. "didn't Tony's father make you Jarvis? originally i mean?" indeed he had. Jarvis was just as old, if not older that Steve was. only Jarvis had been awake and functioning for most of it, while Steve had slept for about fifty... or was it seventy years? "...that's a real lovely image there Tony..." Steve complained, shaking his head. "i hate being celibate... imagine, a virgin at sixty plus years old..." he grumbled. "i hate myself sometimes." he admitted, well aware that Tony was going to have an aneurism at the thought of Steve being a virgin... not that it was entirely unexpected. he had been a skinny freak as a child and in the military there hadn't been many women to, entertain himself with. when he woke up, he was too terrified of the much, much bolder women and now he realized he was gay, so yeah, still a virgin.

Loki smirked. "Excellent." he murmured happily as he sat up and stretched. he loved being magical, any soreness he should have felt had been healed. he still felt a bit stiff and a bit tender, but Loki rather enjoyed that sort of sensation. "why can't i have cake? it's delicious!" he complained as he followed the other out of the room after dressing himself. "oh! Steve hello..." Loki blinked as Steve walked over to him and the two got into a whispered conversation and Loki smirked. "oh yes, i can manage that, no problem." he promised, clapping Steve on the shoulder. "leave it to me. you just pick the place." Steve nodded, looking pleased as he sat down next to Jarvis while Loki looked around for Natasha, sulking when he realized she wasn't there. "i want Waffles..."
Jarvis smiled as he listened to tony and steve nodding a little."yes. But tony corrected a lot of the problems with the first programming, and updated everything."jarcis said snickering as tony shrugged, for a moment steve's words not sinking in. "Its not my fault. Yiu asked where he-"tony sropped turning to stare at the captain."....I'm taking you out."he decided rolling his eyes and trying to not have a heart attack.

"Its not a breakfast food. You can't have it for breakfast."lukas said smiling a little as he shook his head looking curious as the two men talksd. Tilting his head at loki's sulking he sihed."tou could go wake her up." "That's not a advisable thing to do."clint said walking out of their bedroom, his hair sticking up every which way before turning to look back into the room."tasha?loki would like to request you to make some pancakes."
Steve nodded. "it's amazing what a bunch of ones and zero's can do..." he admitted, still a bit out of his depth when it came to technology. but hey, Jarvis was one sexy bastard. "i'm not going out, i don't sleep with people i don't have an emotional attachment to." he stated with a sniff. "i just... haven't found the right one yet." he stated with a shrug. "virginity should be cherished, not tossed off a fast moving truck."

Loki sulked. "but i want cake." he complained again before looking amused at Steve's comment on virginity. "i'm sure someone in the Tower would love to help you with that little virginity problem you have." "stay away from me Loki i'm not letting you fuck me." "...gross. definitely not me Spangles." Loki assured the captain with a small snicker. "no! not Pancakes! Waffles!" Loki corrected as Natasha chuckled and groaned as she hauled herself out of bed to get ready for the day.
"..why assume it was a fast moving truck?I'll have you know my first time was in thr penthouse at the ritz."the billionaire scowled though amusement shown in his eyes as he watched steve and jarvis. "...yea but at like 14."lukas supplied rolling his eyes before frowning at steve."do you really think he'd need to screw you spangles, when he has me?"he said with a flirty smirk just to watch steve blush.

" still want her to cook for you."clint said rolling his eyes as he walked back in,ettling at the kitchen table to wait for his waffles.
Steve snorted. "exactly... fast moving truck." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "god Stark did you really have sex at fourteen!?" he demanded, properly horrified before he went bright red at Lukas's comment. "oh you all go to hell!" he demanded with a small pout. "i hate all of you save Jarvis, since Jarvis is clearly a proper gentleman and not an uncivilized perverted heathen." "oh, Jarvis is as perverted as us, he just hides it better. after all, he was monitored to watch us, at, all, times." Natasha commented and Steve shut down a little bit, wondering if Jarvis had been watching him when he had been... well, touching himself. "so, how many of you 'heathen's' want waffles?" she demanded, sighing when they all raised their hands. "fine..." she grumbled as she started to cook for them all, Loki snickering at Clint's rather glazed look. "i think someone has the hots for my newly created 'son'." he muttered to Lukas, but was well aware that Jarvis had heard him.
“He did. With his teacher. It was properly horrifying to hear about when I was crushing on my own teacher. He thought it would be a inspiration story.”Lukas supplied just because steve looked so horrified. “I did not!While I was programmed to make sure that you were all fine, and where you were, I did not actively watch anything!”Jarvis sputtered looking at Natasha with annoyance frowning slightly at loki’s words, looking confused as he settled in to eat the waffles in front of him, “Thank you mistress Natasha.”he muttered looking worried himself. “Oh yea. Definitely needs to get some. He’s a old man after all.”Lukas muttered back looking amused.
Steve twitched a little at that, his eyes narrowed a little. a full grown man in bed with a kid... Steve's old school beliefs almost exploded. Loki had buried his head in his arms to keep from outright laughing at poor Steve, who looked like he wanted to implode. " didn't?" she asked, blinking at Jarvis with wide eyes. "...Tony you lying sack of shit! it took Clint MONTHS to talk me into having sex because you told me Jarvis would be watching!" she complained furiously. "so you never saw me... er, uh... never mind." Steve muttered, coughing nervously. "so... uh.. Tony, your working on something new then?" hopefully that would get Tony talking about the newest technology he was working on and everyone would forget the embarrassing topic. "i don't need to 'get some!' eat your Waffles!" he demanded, Natasha snickering a little as Steve all but admitted that he was masturbating in his room.
Tony snickered, because he’d expected steve’s reaction to the idea he’d slept with his teacher. He’d always been older then his physical appearance, his genius far outpacing how fast he was growing…and he’d been a lonely kid. Tony snickered even harder at natasha’s complaing, “I know. It was great watching him figure out how to do that. Besides, just because Jarvis wasn’t watching, didn’t mean I was prepared to not watch.”Tony said snickering a little before perking up, nodding as he nodded towards clint. “I’m working on a new bow for legolas over there.”

“I am eating my waffles. And discussing this.”Lukas said refusing to be preterbed at getting yelled at.
Loki sniggered as Steve shook his head and Natasha glared at Tony again, whacking him over the head with a spatula. "pervert! you peep on me nude and i'll make sure you can't ever have children again you..." and off she went into a very impressive lecture on just how much trouble Tony was in for threatening to spy on her. Loki was taking notes on some of the language. "A new bow?" Natasha asked, lifting an eyebrow, her head cocked to the side. "you do realize that it's not just how far the arrow can go, right? there's balance, tension, aerodynamics that have to be taken into account." she stated, wondering if a bow made by Tony stark would even be a bow, or one of those silly 'toys' that did all the shooting for you. Clint wouldn't like something that had no challenge to it after all.
Tony rested his chin in his hand, his eyebrows raised as he worked hard on to keep his expression serious instead of laughing at her, wincing as he caught the look on clint’s face, shifting a little closer to steve subtly. “You know, I think she should give soldiers lessons in languages. I don’t know what some of those words.”Lukas muttered looking vaguely amused. “Of course I do.”Tony said looking affronted that he wouldn’t know clint well enough to understand what the man would want in a weapon. Clint smiled a little, though still looking unhappy with the man as he ate, glancing at Natasha.”For once, tin can is doing good. He took that bow from hansel and Gretel…seems he was bored and him and pepper watched it the other day. Thought it would be a good real weapon if he could actually get it to work.”He said looking amused that tony of all people, was going through so much effort to get a made up bow.
Natasha snorted at him and rolled her eyes as she realized he was trying not to laugh. there wasn't anything an expert information gatherer like her missed. she knew every facial expression, every lie, every emotion. she knew Tony wasn't in the least bit sorry about making her think what she'd thought. "i understood most of them, but these ones are new." Loki admitted, examining some of the words he'd written down. "i particularly like the phrase 'you stinking, lice infested, walking herpes... i'm not sure what a lice or a herpes is, but i can't imagine them being very nice." he mused with a small grin. "really?" Natasha asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Hansel and Gretal huh? interesting." she mused as she handed out another round of waffles, Loki blinking. "i thought Hansel and Gretal died decades ago?" "it's a movie." "moving? why are they moving?" "no, movie... on the screen." "oh, like the Television that tried to attack me?" "...yes."
Lukas laughed looking amused, “You’ll have to look at tony to see what they are, seeing as she refered to him by them.”He smirked before snickering. “Lice is…a bug that lives on humans and is very hard to get rid of, a pest. And herpes is a sexual disease…I’m actually surprised he doesn’t have herpes.” “Hey, I’m careful!” “…you spent new years in amsterdam. In the red light district. There is no such thing as careful.”Lukas scowled at his adopted father, for the first time a little worry breaking through his usual laughter, not about to admit that it worried him sometimes with just how much tony acted out.

“Yea. Well, legolas said he was bored with his bow.”Tony said shrugging a little looking amused. Clint smirked rolling his head.”I said it would be interesting if you could get it to work.”He said before smirking at loki’s words, nodding a little.”Yes. Though I’m pretty sure it didn’t attack you. You attacked it.”he pointed out before smiling. “We should let him watch that movie.” “…you just want to drool over the weapons.”Jarvis said smiling a little. “True, but its still a good movie. and I'm sure loki would like the witches in it."
Loki looked horrified. "a bug!?" he demanded, eyes wide. "you let Bugs live on you!? you are infested with Bugs!?" Loki demanded, squealing in horror as he raced off, Thor chuckling a little. "we do not have insects on Asgard." he explained with amusement. "when we where little, we used to come to Midgard for picnics and such, Loki has never forgiven the hoard of ants, nor the spiders, nor the bees for ruining nearly every single picnic we've ever had. he's fairly terrified of the tiny creatures now." he admitted, looking highly amused. Natasha was snickering into her hand, finding it funny that Loki had simply assumed that they where ALL crawling with lice ans shook her head. "i'm sure Loki would laugh his ass off at the portrayal of the witches." Steve corrected, looking amused. "you all realize that he took your waffles?" indeed, all the plates where empty save Steve's, who had managed to keep Loki from taking off with his food, which he slid over to Jarvis so the A.I. could enjoy the fluffy sweetness for the first time.

it was an hour without seeing Loki that Steve started to get worried. he had wanted to talk to Loki about the perfect place for Jarvis's surprise, but he couldn't find any hair of the man. "Jarvis? you're still connected to the big computer thing that runs this place right?" Steve asked, blinking at Jarvis. "i need to find him to help me with something, but i can't. can you find him?" he asked, his head tilted. hoping Jarvis wouldn't be insulted. hell, Jarvis would probobly find the familiar activity of locating someone in Stark Tower comforting. Steve felt his stomach sink into his toes when he realized... Loki wasn't in the tower.
“No, we don’t LET them live on us. We get rid of them.”Lukas sputtered looking confused before looking at thor and starting to laugh. “Poor loki. So popular that even bugs like him.”She snickered before looking at Natasha then at his own plate.”Bloody hell. Brat.”he grumbled rolling his eyes as he looked at steve giving his food to Jarvis, and both tony and lukas shared a amused look, the silent communication between the two men halfway between that of father and son, and best friends. They had a weird relationship, but it worked for them

Jarvis looked up from the book he had been reading, “Of course, steve.”Jarvis said looking annoyed that the man would ever think he wasn’t connected to the computer before nodding eagerly. “Of course I can.”He said pleased at having the task, because it was something so normal before frowning,”He is not here.Could master lukas taken him out for the day?” “Taken who out?”Lukas said as he walked into the living room, his hair sticking up every which way, obvious that the man had been helping tony out in the lab, because while he was smart enough to keep up with the task of talking to him, it sometimes frustrated the two men to actually try to work together. “Loki. He is not here, master lukas.” “What?THOR!”Lukas thundered for well, the thunder god, his face going anxious.

Meanwhile fury smirked as he stepped into the prison office/cell, tilting his head at the man in front of him. “Loki. Did you really think I would be foolish enough to question you with tony staring over my shoulder?”
Steve snickered as he shook his head, Thor laughing as Lukas teased his brother. "i do not think it was popularity that attracted the biters to my brother." Thor admitted, his eyes twinkling with laughter. "Loki has always been a mouthy little sot." he pointed out before chuckling again as everyone realized that they where now missing their precious food. Natasha glanced at Clint, laughter glittering in her eyes as she realized that Steve had not only finally realized he was gay, but was accepting it and crushing on their resident 'newborn'... even if Jarvis was older than Steve by at least ten years.

"..not here?" Steve complained, looking baffled before paling as he realized that Lukas was going to be very angry, and so was Thor for that matter. "what, what is all the yelling!?" Thor demanded, looking around. "where is Loki?" because Loki was practically glued to Lukas's side. where Lukas went, Loki went also. "has Loki fallen sick again?" "no, he's gone." "he's WHAT!?"

Loki smirked at Fury, watching the man. "of course not. you think me so stupid as to know you where going to kidnap me? i knew you where going to do this, you'll note that i never once struggled." he pointed out as he lifted his hands, the thick metal cuffs dropping off as if they had never been locked. "i find it amusing actually." Loki admitted as he pushed the cuffs away before he grimaced and coughed into his hand, making a face as he realized he was coughing up blood again. "ugh. i've missed my medication... we'll have to do this quickly Director Fury, they'll notice i'm gone in about twenty minutes when i'm due for my medication." he admitted, wiping his hand on his pants. "please, by all means ask your questions. i might refuse to answer a few, but i will answer all honestly."
“Not here. I haven’t seen him since he ran off, I had told him I was working with tony this morning, so I figured he just decided that would be boring.”Lukas said anxiously, though anxiety was quickly giving away to fury, because he knew better then to think loki left on his own. “Then these two tell me he’s not in the building.” “he’s not.”Jarvis said frowning slightly as the A.I. searched through the data on where loki was, a frown on his face. “…shield agents picked him up.” “What?What the fuck do you mean someone broke into the tower?”Tony’s fury filtered in as he came to investigate where his partner in crime had disappeared to.

“True, though I would have thought you’d go yelling for lukas. He brat has a way of causing problems.”Fury made a face, because having over the last few months having worked with the doctor as tony settled into being a avenger, lukas-while refusing a actual job- was the doctor that most of the avengers used up using when they needed doctored, trusting him to keep his own counsel more then any of the shield doctors. The youngster was a pain in the ass to the master spy, who liked knowing everything. “You really are sick then?I thought it was simply a story to get you here on earth.”the man sighed before settling in to ask his questions and assessing if the man was still a danger. And asking more questions about lukas then you’d think, since the man had discovered lukas had his own secrets to hide, but not exactly what they were.
Steve looked warily at Lukas, his head tilted as he studied the doctor before groaning as he realized that Fury had kidnapped Loki. "...and of course Loki didn't bother calling for help, which is why we didn't know." he grumbled before Tony could yell at Jarvis. "we already knew that Shield Agents could bypass Jarvis's systems. no matter how many times you updated, Fury could always get in." he pointed out. "i'm almost thinking that Loki knew this was going to happen."

Loki shrugged. "it's fun to make them panic." he admitted with a grin. "and you don't mean me any harm. i'm in no danger." he admitted simply. "yes, i'm really sick... getting better though. i was dying until the Green Beast Man figured out what i have... poisoning of the radioton or something like that." Loki muttered. "the usual cures don't work, all they can do is lock the poison in a 'stasis' of sorts until someone can figure out how to flush it from my system. apparently my system is too different from a humans." he admitted. "they have to poke me a lot, i don't much like it." Loki admitted with wrinkle of his nose before he answered the questions as best as he could... most of them he didn't know the answer to. he didn't know much about Lukas really. only what Tony and Lukas had told him, which wasn't much. he was able to answer nearly every question about the Tesseract though, explaining in great detail how it was, in fact, a sentient creature that thrived on War. Loki didn't know how it had been created, or where it came from. but he knew it's only purpose was to cause as much death, pain, and destruction as possible. it had taken easy control of Loki's mind, because Loki was so unhappy, it was easy for the Tesseract to whisper sweet lies in his ear. the Jotun, where apparently highly susceptible to the Tesseracts power. he was just about to answer yet another question about Lukas with 'i don't know' when there was a sudden sensation behind him. massive amounts of Dark Energy. Loki turned, wide eyed and terrified as a large blue hand reached out of nowhere and grabbed Loki. "Let Go!" Loki shrieked, trying to dive back, clawing at the hand. "Fury Do some...." and with a yank, Loki was gone.
Fury nodded a little, looking frustrated at the man’s inability to answer all his questions, but pleased that he could answer some of the others. Opening his mouth to answer another he didn’t have time to process what was going on before cursing, as he reached for loki a moment to late. Cursing as loki disappeared he hung his head, knowing that the next part of what he did, was going to be painful.

Lukas ground his teeth even as Jarvis nodded.”And they can bypass it in a way I did not sense it. I am sorry.”Jarvis huffed a little hanging his head.”But I think he knew that Agent fury would not consent to questioning him here, which is why he didn’t ask for help.” “I am going to hurt him. Them both. Really.”Lukas growled. “I’ll help, kid.Dont worry, I know where he-“Tony started resting a hand on lukas’ shoulder, wanting to calm the 24 year old, wanting him to have control, because he knew better then to let Lukas lose control, because it would have devastating consquences. Wincing a little as the phone went off, he glanced at Jarvis and nodded, letting the A.I. put the call through, wincing at fury’s voice. “stark, someone has kidnapped loki.” “We know that, you idiot. Where did you put him?”Lukas ground out through clenched teeth. “I do not mean me.Someone used dark energy to grab him.”Fury said shuddering a little as he was glad the avengers were far away from him, because he knew things were about to get messy.
Steve and Thor where both watching Jarvis. "it's not your fault Jarvis. Fury was cheating and i have a feeling Loki was helping them mask their entrance." Thor admitted, Steve looking surprised. "you mean he HELPED them kidnap him?" "most likely. he would find the whole thing rather amusing." Thor admitted with a sigh. "he's always loved watching me panic, the little Fautherfin!" he grumbled, annoyed with his brother. "and i'll help you hurt them too. Loki needs a punishment for this one." he grumbled, crossing his arms and sulking. Thor blinked as he realized that Fury had lost Loki and he started cursing in some dark language. "Nicholas Fury! You had best be glad that you are miles away or i would make sure that you are DEAD for this! do you have any idea how many people want my brother DEAD!?" Thor demanded, his voice low and Dark. "if my brother dies because of your idiocy, i will rave you, and your entire building to the GROUND!" Thor roared before he turned to Bruce. "you should be able to locate the high concentration of Dark Energy. it will give us a starting point." Thor admitted before blinking and turning to Jarvis. "actually, you would be faster. can you pinpoint the surge of Dark Energy? it will pop up as 'a high powered anomaly' similar to what happens when a nuclear power plant starts overheating."

it was easy to locate. one because there was no nuclear plants near it, and two... it was in the middle of nowhere. right, smack dab in the center of Antartica. the temperature there was -119 at the moment. bitterly cold, too cold for most people to handle... and the Avengers where going to have to go there. even with Tony's fastest Jet... which he'd built just for the Avengers, it would take over twelve hours to get to Antarctica. and who knew what could be happening to Loki in that time?
Fury paled before nodding at thor’s words, “I will stand by, on call, should you need anything.” “I think not. I have more then enough gadgets to play with.”Tony growled signing off, cursing as he looked at bruce. “We’ll go find him.” Bruce nodded a little out of it, his mind already working on the best way to track loki. “Oh.Yes, I am sure I can do that.”Jarvis said looking up at the asgardian’s words, a small frown on his face as he concentrated on the source of the power. “He is…sirs…he is in Antarctica…”Jarvis said slowly, sounding confused, yelping a little as lukas got him to his feet, already hustling them towards the plane. With both tony and Jarvis on the plane, it meant that they could keep track of loki, just in case he was moved again. Letting his fury hiding mountains of fear.

By the time they reached the coldest place on earth tony huffed as he helped lukas dress, having drugged the man half way through the flight, he was going to wake him up as soon as he dressed again. “I feel like I’ve gone back in time.”Tony grumbled as he did up lukas’ jacket as the man watched him with a insensible smile, drugged but relaxed. Looking out the window he let bruce undo the drug dose he’d given lukas, amused as the man jerked awake. “Bloody fuck.”The doctor cursed nearly falling over as he stumbled to look out the window, swallowing hard.”Is he still there?” “he is. We will be there within minutes, lukas.”Jarvis reassured looking worried about what they could expect to be down there.
Steve shook his head. "i can't beleive this, how the fuck did Fury lose a god!?" he grumbled, baring his teeth in a manner that Loki was fond of. "...did you just say Antarctica?" Steve demanded, pale. that was where he had fallen into the water and been encased in ice. he knew a normal person would have died on impact, and he should have frozen to death, but the serum had managed to keep him alive until he could be dethawed. he closed his eyes and swallowed thickly before he joined them on the jet. he wasn't about to let them go without him. he didn't much like the ride though, he was afraid that they where going to crash because the Drivers where so furious. Tony and Clint weren't the kind of people who inspired confidence in front of a wheel. frankly, he was just glad that Lukas wasn't trying to pace up and down the isle.

"he hasn't been moved." Steve agreed. "look!" he stated, pointing out the window. there was a single.. person, there. he was tall, broad, filled with muscle, wearing only a black skirt. a Jotun. he had a few gleaming gold jewelry pieces. he lifted a hand, as if greeting the Jet as it landed only a few feet away and he moved towards the jet as it tossed up huge amounts of snow, making it look as if it was snowing. he dodged out of the way as both Thor and Steve immidiatly tried to attack him, but otherwise made no move to attack, or defend himself. "Loki is over there." the... Man, stated suddenly, indicating a second figure who had been hidden by a large tuft of snow. only... the second person was Blue too, wrapped only in a blanket and with much fancier golden baubles... it was indeed Loki, who looked exotic, beautiful, and more healthy than he'd ever looked before. he was reaching out, catching puffs of snow with a look of almost awe on his face. "He's a bit... how do you earthlings call it? out of it? he's flying with the fairies, but he'll be fine after a nap." the new man promised, glancing at Thor. "Prince of the Aeser, greetings. i am Helblindi, Brother to Loki."
“Fury has a tendancy to lose important things.”Tony grumbled wincing as Jarvis nodded. “yes. They’re not moving, so they seem to be staying there.”Jarvis nodded moving to sit next to steve, offering silent comfort even as the A.I. growled about how ‘some people shouldn’t be allowed near things that can both go fast and drive” especially when they were up there arguing over how the best way to go was, and were so furious that the A.I. was afraid they’d start taking pot shots at each other.

“That’s…what in the world…”Lukas frowned looking worried his frown on his face as he tried to figure out what he was looking at. Both tony and clint stepped off the plane, clint cocking the newly finished hansel bow even as tony prepared to blast the man with a shot. “….loki?”Lukas said his words distracted from the man who had taken loki, already moving to look at loki, adding a coating of power to his words, wanting his attention, and wanting it now. “Prince helblindi, you would do well to explain this, now.”Bruce said his voice going to a lower soft growl, struggling to think through the anger of finding his friend…yes, he could call loki a friend…being kidnapped.
Steve smiled weakly at Jarvis. "please tell me you can drive this thing? if they start fighting much more, i'm going to be knocking one of them out..." he warned, shuddering as they hit a bit of turbulence. Loki turned and blinked at Lukas, his head cocked to the side as he studied his lover before he grinned, the look as impish as ever and he pounced on his lover with a familiar giggle and dragged him under the blanket, where he was naked as the day he was born and proceeded to try and suck Lukas's lips off with a searing kiss. "ah, you must be the 'Green Beast Man?" Helblindi asked with a small smile. "Loki seams to prefer to call you by... inflection, rather than by name, i can't decide if he's picking on you, or mocking me." Helblindi admitted with a small chuckle before he sobered, looking at Loki. "Loki is the most important person in our society, more important than King, or even Prince, Loki is literally our Rules, our law, our Way of Life." Helblindi looked at the group that was still there. "Loki is out High Priest. they are always tiny, always highly powerful, and are the direct connection to our Deities." Hellindi explained. "when Odin stole my little brother from the Alter, where he was to be anointed, it took every skill i had to convince my father that it could be a good thing." Helblindi shot Thor a dark look. "i was mistaken, we should have slaughtered the Aeser for the return of my brother." Thor winced.

"we could tell as soon as Loki became too sick for his Magic to heal. he was dying just when we finally had the chance to inform him of his birthright. we had to find him, and heal him before he died. the search for him lessened a little when he stopped dying, we never expected him to be HERE of all places. Midgaurd... not the best place for a sick Jotun. we need the cold for one thing, this place was the closest i could find." he admitted. "your human medicine was actually making the problem worse." Helblindi admitted. "it took me three hours to purge the poisons from Loki's system, and another five to undue what that BRUTE of a 'God Did to Loki!" Thor looked baffled. "what do you mean?" "Odin actually blocked, locked, and repressed Loki's Jotun genetics." Helblindi explained. "that's why he'd..." here Helblindi paused, struggling to find the right words. "go mad? act like a wild beast. he might still have an 'episode' as he calls it, here or there as his Jotuin instincts overwhelm him and his magic attacks himself, but for the most part, he's completely healed... now you just have to worry about his new symptoms, for lack of a better word."
“Yes, if needed.”Jarvis reassured the once capsicle, looking vaguely amused. Lukas yelped as pounced on, but didn’t try to get away, shivering as he realized that loki was naked.”Are you cold, love?”Lukas muttered as he broke the kiss, frowning down at the man next to him, for once totally not paying attention to the others, figuring they could figure out what was going on.

Bruce frowned looking at helblindi, before nodding a little.”I haven’t decided on that myself. Though calling him reindeer games probably just means he’s picking me as revenge.”Bruce said his lips twitching a little. Frowning slightly at helblindi’s news the thought over what he was being told. “We were just trying to help!And lukas managed to keep him calm enough to not kill him, and mudguard was the only place we knew where to help him.”Tony growled annoyed that they were being accused of harming him more then they had helped. Even if he knew they hadn’t done well, it still pissed him off to have helblindi pointing out that they’d pretty much failed, before his temper skyrocketed at the knews on what odin had done, grinding his teeth, glad lukas wasn’t listening, otherwise the man would have probably gone nuclear by now. “Thor, you must talk to your father. This…this is deliberate. I know your father didn’t like him, but this cruelty…”The man of iron trailed off, the fury hidden under the words.

“We were wondering what was causing that. “bruce frowned a little looking at helblindi, raising his eyebrows a little as the scientist in him overtook his anger. “What symptoms do we have to look forward to?”
Loki grinned. "no, i'm not cold." Loki promised with a chuckle. "i'm a Frost Giant, i don't think i CAN get cold. remember, Jotunheimer is about a hundred degrees colder than this. this is nothing." he promised as he nuzzled his lover. "i feel so much better than i have ever felt in my entire life." he admitted happily. "Helblindi told me all about myself..." he admitted with a smile. "i wasn't abandoned as a baby at all. Odin just kidnapped me." he admitted before frowning. "though... no one but Odin seams to know why..." Loki admitted before he pounced on his lover again. "we should have sex again, i'm horny Lukas..."

Helblindi frowned, looking confused. "Reindeer games? what an odd nickname, what does it mean?" he asked, head cocked to the side. they didn't have such things where he was from. too cold. "you where trying to help, yes. and i imagine you would have been able to if you'd had more time." Helblindi admitted. "from what i understand, your group is some of the most brilliant minds that Asgard has to offer. you could have saved my brother... but for the fact that his left heart was giving out. he would have been dead in three days." Helblindi admitted, shaking his head. "i had to kidnap him, it was the only way to save his life." Helblindi admitted simply. "i just don't understand..." Thor muttered, looking stricken. "why would Father do something so... so horrid!? Loki must have had an ache his entire life, that he didn't even understand... no wonder he used to get so grumpy..." "Loki is a connection to our Deities. our Fates, our Gods. he will have visions now, when they want to speak to him, or us." Helblindi explained. "his magic will... fluctuate for a while..." here Helblindi smiled a little sheepishly. "he should be able to fix most of what he accidentally destroys. you might have even noticed his magic... causing accidents already." turning Lukas red and creating Jarvis could certainly be taken as 'accidents'.
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