Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Loki chuckled a little. "he'd die." he stated simply. "i doubt even his impressive system could withstand that sort of cold." he admitted simply before he groaned, hiding his face again as Tony teased him. "oh god... i wasn't mewling!" he complained. "i wasn't! and it's Helblindi's fault because he unlocked my genetics! my Jotun instincts all came out all at once and all i wanted to do was beat up Helblindi for DARING to tell me what to do and make sure my mate knew EXACTLY that he was my mate!" loki complained, sulking. "i'm going to find Helblindi and beat him up!" Loki decided, stalking off to find a person who wasn't there. "well... that's a new way of being summoned." Helblindi muttered as he suddenly appeared, looking quite dizzy as he half laid, half sat on the ground, rumpled and crumpled where Loki had apparently yanked the King of the Jotun into existence. "ugh. i take it he's remembered that he's annoyed with me then?" Helblindi asked once he managed to find his feet. "i know ordering him about was going to end badly." Helblindi grumbled as he brushed off his skirt and looked around, blinking. "where is he anyway? i thought he wanted to yell at me?" "i don't think he realizes you weren't in the building until now." Steve admitted with a grin as Helblindi chuckled. "it wouldn't surprise me. Priests are always a bit... easily distracted." he admitted with a smile. "i take it he doesn't realize he just yanked me through well over three thousand miles in a matter of a second?" "nope." "well good, at least he didn't see my less than elegant crash landing."
“You were to. It was fairly disturbing.”Tony said smirking at loki’s embarrassment before smirking. “Well, I am sure lukas knows he’s your mate. Might even be a little sore from the showing.”he snickered before watching loki stomp off.”You think he knows helblindi’s not here?”He mused looking at steve before looking at the jotun at his feet, for a moment so surprised to see him that he couldn’t think of anything to say. “Oh yes. And well, teasing him about mewling probably wasn’t a good idea, if we wanted him to be calm.”Tony snickered a little before waving a hand. “he’s wandering the halls, looking for you.”He said looking at helblindi.”Oh no, but you forget, we did. And Jarvis did. We have it on film.”Tony said.

“Why are we filming helblindi, and why is loki running around looking for him?”Lukas said as he stepped into the hallway, with Jarvis walking behind him. Both men looking sleep mussed and fuckable. “We want breakfast. Tony, you need to cook.” “What are you, three?Cook for yourself.” “…I don’t want to. Cook for me.”Lukas whined a little.
loki blinked at Tony. "why would Lukas be sore? i'm the one who gets the cock crammed up his..." "okay! no more of this talk!" Steve demanded, Loki laughing as he raced off to find Helblindi. "mewling?" Helblindi asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Loki mews? in any case, keeping a Priest calm is like trying to keep a hyper bunnysnip contained. it's not going to happen. just ply him with food and stay out of his way and he'll be happy enough." Helblindi promised the humans, looking amused. "oh. and never flirt with his mate. that's a big one." he admitted before looking confused. "what's a film and why are people on it?" he asked, looking baffled before he turned his attention to Lukas. "Loki is upset because the metal man here made fun of Loki's sex noises. since he can't be mad at himself, or you for it, he's decided it's my fault and yanked me through time and space without realizing it." Helblindi explained with a shrug. "apparently i am on film." he admitted, blinking at them all, his head cocked to the side as he watched them argue as Loki came skipping in, a pancake in one hand and a fruit smoothie in the other. "Natasha's making food." he stated happily before he narrowed his eyes at Helblindi. "you already punished me once! what more do you need!?" Helblindi complained, scowling at his little brother who pondered that question.
“He does. Its some sex noise. Its disturbing.”Tony said smirking before nodding.”I’ll make Natasha stay here then. And clint. They’re the best at cooking.”Tony said smirking. “A film is…like a picture. A moving picture that shows things that have happened.’Tony said before smiling a little and yelping as lukas punched him in the arm.”Bloody hell lukas!” “Don’t make fun of loki.”The sleepy man grumbled before looking at loki, reaching out to steal a sip of loki’s drink. “Good. I want to try this…drink you are having.”Jarvis said leaning closer to loki to look at the drink before heading for kitchen.”Don’t punish helblindi, loki. He’s not done anything.”Lukas soothed stealing a kiss before heading for the kitchen to.

“Morning Jarvis.Lukas.”Clint grinned a little as he tossed some pancakes unto a plate, sliding them over. And they were perfect, he’d learned early in life that it was easier on missions to be able to cook, just in case something went wrong. Though if given the choice, he’d let Natasha cook for him.
Helblindi looked pretty disturbed himself. "a moving picture?" Helblindi asked, clearly skeptical of the man's sanity. of course, Helblindi had never left Jotunheimer before, and knew nothing of Earth's technology and advances. "yes, don't make fun of Loki." Helblindi stated. "he might turn you into something small and slimy." he pointed out with a grin as Loki appeared and he narrowed his eyes at Jarvis, clearly trying to decide of the robot could be trusted with his precious food before offering the A.I a drink. "but he DID!" Loki protested the 'order' not to punish Helblindi. "he LAUGHED when Tony was picking on me!" "i did no such thing!" Helblindi gasped, mortified by the very idea. "what? no morning for me? am i beyond your notice! Kneel before me!" Loki demanded, pointing at the floor, his emerald eyes dancing with laughter at Clint as Natasha snorted. "all that powers gone to his head again." she stated simply. "that or i put too much weed in the smoothie." " put weeds in my smoothie?" Loki asked, giving his delicious drink a wary look before shrugging and taking another drink. Asgardians ate raw heart and boiled sheep's stomach, who was he to mock a little greenery?
“I don’t care. You already punished him.”Lukas said rolling his eyes a little. Clint raised his eyebrows as he slid another fruit smoothie over to loki, “You know, I think I’ve done enough kneeling to you to last a lifetime. I’m good.”He said rolling his eyes before laughing. “It might be to much weed.”the assassin agreed. Tony snickered as he sat down and started eating his pancakes. “It’s a…drug loki. It makes you feel good and a little loopy.”Tony explained looking amused as the jotun just shrugged and ate it. Lukas smirked as he watched a slightly glazed look cross jarvis’ face as the A.I. sipped his own smoothie, “…well, at least we know whatever else Jarvis is, he is human enough to get high.” “I’m not high. I am…feeling quite pleasant, and firmly on the ground.”The A.I. said frowning a little, the drug making the usually intelligent man check out for a few minutes.
Loki pouted. "Lukas! Clint's being mean to me!" Loki complained, Natasha snorting. she never should have let him have her laced smoothie. she only drank the pot smoothie when she herself needed a pick me up. it wasn't something she let just anyone have, and most of the house knew better than to drink her smoothies. not Loki though, or Jarvis, even though the A.I knew what she had in there. "a drug?" Loki asked curiously. "but i thought it was a weed?" "no that's just what it's called. like a nickname." Steve corrected, looking amused. "no thank you, i'd rather not see what happens when i get high." he stated, waving off Natasha's offer of a doped up smoothie. "Lukas!" Loki growled suddenly, looking highly mischievous. "you'll Kneel for me? won't you? you like to kneel before me don't you?" "Too much information! Loki go be perverted somewhere else!"
“Clint alexander barton, behave. Go make out with Natasha or something.”Lukas said smirking snickering harder as the assassin followed the order and grabbed his lover to steal some kisses. It seemd lukas liked screwing with them just as much as loki did, exerting just enough of his will to make sure clint was well on his way to embarrassing himself before he snapped out of it. “Goddammit lukas!”Clint cursed as he removed his hands from under natasha’s shirt looking annoyed as he moved back to his own stool.

“…No I wont. you spend your time on your knees for me, not the other way around.”Lukas said with a haughty sniff, looking very amused as he stood and dragged loki out of the room, figuring the pervertedness wouldnt wear off till loki wasn’t high. “How long does this new mate horniness last, helblindi?”Tony said flicking a look towards the jotun.
Loki snickered and Helblindi stared at Lukas with wide shocked eyes. "you did something there. with your voice. how did you do that!?" he demanded, eyes narrowed. "that's not a primordial trick." "Primordial?" "oh, it's what Loki, Thor and I are. Primordial, Gods and beings of the Other Nine realms, creatures of magic and power. Gods and the like." Helblindi explained. "and no Primordial can make someone do something else like that. we can take command of a body if we have the right kind of Magic, but we can't just command someone, and they do it..." "it's amazing." Loki purred giving his lover that lustful look, laughing as he was dragged off to be fucked once more.

"oh, it will only last another day or so." Helblindi promised with a smile. "i DO hope they are remembering their contraceptive. Loki will get like this about once a month or two for about two or three days..." "...really? why?" Steve asked confused before he gasped, looking stunned. "no!" "yes." "really?" "oh yes." "mind explaining?" Natasha asked curiously, Helblindi snickering. "Jotun go into heat. Loki's horny because his body wants to breed with his mate. if, for some reason, Loki leaves Lukas and finds a new mate, it will start all over again. Loki wants Lukas to... fuck him, as often as possible, so that he can be reassured that Lukas wants him, and because Loki, like all type B Males, are driven to make babies... granted, Priest's are not usually type B. most Priest's never find a Mate, they don't need, nor want an 'earthly connection'. then again, there's never been a Priest like Loki before either." "what do you mean?" "well for one thing he's a runt. we don't normally have such things, but his small stature packs a shockingly massive punch. strongest we've ever had as far as i know. two, he's a Type B male, and we've never had a type B male Priest before. and then there's the fact that he spent his entire life thinking he was an Aeser with his genetics bound... i'm pretty sure that's going to have some interesting affects."
Lukas shrugged though he did look curious about helblindi's words."I dunno. I've always been able to use my voice like that."he said smiling as he and loki left.

Tony groaned as he to caught onto what helblindi meant sighing."well. We could all just leave the tower for those days." " subjected lukas to your sex life,you can live with his."clint said snickering a little looking amused because he knew tony was complaining just to complain. The narcissist really was happy for them. Tony tilted his head before huffing out a sigh"so you're saying that we're playing by a whole new rulebook,nd anything is to be expected?"tony groaned."well,at least life won't be boring."clint pointed out actually looking forward to seeing what loki and lukas could do together.
Helblindi chuckled a little as he watched the byplay between the Avengers. he didn't know much about people, but Loki adored these people, and it appeared to Helblindi that the affectionate feelings where returned. these where very good people. "rulebook?" Helblindi asked, his head tilted. "i am not sure what that is, but we have never had a Priest like Loki before. everything we know as 'truth' is probobly going to be tested. and not just for the Jotun." Helblindi admitted. "the Fates must have decided we needed a change, but to what end, i have no idea." he admitted before grinning a little. "think of it this way. you could be making history just by sitting here. exciting thought, is it not?" he asked before he glanced at a clock. "i should go, i don't like leaving my people alone for long. they get funny ideas when i'm not there to stop them." he admitted with a sigh. "too much inbreeding i think." Helblindi admitted with a shake of his head. "Loki still knows how to summon me if he needs it." he promised before standing up and vanishing in a swirl of black light.

in Shield Headquarters, a million sensors where going off. and not because of Helblindi's vanishing act... no, because deep in Inwood, something else had appeared. something that was most certainly not using Dark Energy, nor the energy of the Bifrost. no, this was new, and several of the people in Shield where baffled to understand what had appeared, when nothing else was showing up on their sensors.
Tony stared at the man before laughing a little.”Yes, the rulebook. Loki fits none of the usual things, so the usual rules don’t apply to him.”The man said looking amused before sighing softly. “I already made history. I’m amazing. I don’t want to include history with loki.”He said though he looked amused, “Go. We’ll look after him.”The genius said smiling a little as they watchced helblindi leave.

And when all else fails, there was no better people to call then the avengers to investigate. Though fury knew that they would have no interest in helping him, it was also a security question, so after sniping with tony for a few minutes he settled into wait for news. “…it seems we are needed in Inwood. There is…something irregular.”Tony said frowning a little as he looked up at bruce. “Something arrived. But not by dark energy or bifrost, the sensors don’t know what.”
Helblindi blinked at the man of iron for a moment before shaking his head. "well, you're more guaranteed to be spoke of in legend if you pair yourself with a god or two." he pointed out with a grin before nodding. "guard yourselves well, Earthlings." he stated with a smile. "you never know what he might do to you." he teased with a chuckle.

Natasha blinked at Tony an hour later when he answered the phone. "Fury is actually calling us now? after he just lost Loki? what a dick." she complained, rolling her eyes, unaware that another signal had appeared in New York's Adirondack Park and reserve. the massive forest was definitely a good place to hide. "irregular?" Bruce asked, picking up the Stark@ Tablet that Tony had insisted he have, examining the information that Fury had sent along. "...this is strange energy signatures. it's certainly nothing i've ever come across before." he admitted as Loki strutted into the room, feeling pleased. he'd gotten Lukas on his back and had rode him like a horse! he had a sore ass now, but it was so worth it! "what's going on?" Loki asked curiously, leaning over Bruce. "oh. that looks like the energy Lukas gives off... when did Lukas get out of those ropes?" he asked, looking confused. he was sure he'd left the man tied up in bed while he went in search of the thing called whipped topping.
"He is but it seems even the dick can be humble when he has no idea what hes looking at."tony said before wincing a little as he loomed at bruce." know, I didn't want to hear that.its not a good thing when neither of us have ever seen it."tony whined a little before looking up at loki in startlement."what do you mean like lukas?"clint said after a moment as he studied the jotun, tilting his head slightly.
Bruce huffed a little. Hulk was a curious creature, the green beast was very hard to understand, and hated people. but the Hulk had finally connected to the Avengers, he was highly, highly protective of those that it saw as 'his'. Loki was one of the ones that the Hulk had claimed. so was Tony, the Hulk liked tony, Bruce did too for that matter. because Tony and Loki both liked Lukas, the Hulk decided that Lukas was 'his' as well, and he didn't like the thought that three people had been hurt because of Fury. who Hulk did NOT like. that temperament often bled into Bruce's thought patterns, so Bruce wasn't about to cut Fury any slack anytime soon. "well..." Loki muttered. "when Luka's does his voice thing, he lets off energy signatures, which i can 'see' for lack of a better word. any Sorcerer can feel different energy signatures. this one looks like the same kind of energy, or power, that Lukas uses when he Speaks." he stated calmly, examining it. "only much bigger. do we have any whipped topping?" "er, yes... but we're going to need you and Lukas to lend us a hand. make sure whoever, or whatever is letting off this signal, isn't a danger." "...but i wanted to lick whipped topping off of Lukas." Loki complained, pouting as he walked back out of the kitchen so he could untie Lukas. "
Tony stared at loki looking thoughtful and concerned. Because anything bound to what he assumed was lukas' missing family,as bound to be unpleasant. "Ill get you all the kinds of whipped cream you want later. Just go let him up now."tony bribed sighing quietly. "...I gwt the feeling this isn't going to be fun."he said sharing a concerned look with ateve, who knew that lukas had another family,that he hadn't been born human. "So what is this you need us for?"lukas said as he followed loki into the kitchen,his hair definitely in sex hair as he tried to straighten the white blond strands,rying to get his brilliant head back on serious things instead of everything loki had promised to do with that whipped cream.
Loki sighed but agreed to get Lukas. he wasn't sure what was going on, but he could imagine it wasn't anything good. "i doubt it... we never even got to yell at Fury." he complained, flexing his fingers. "i wanted to beat him to a pulp." "you and me both." Bruce admitted, sounding rather bored, which was his 'i'm trying very hard not to lose my temper all over some very deserving bastard'. it was a type of deep meditation that soothed both him, and the Hulk. Loki came in, flicking his fingers at Lukas's head, making sure the pretty white strands stayed mussed and impossible, so no matter how much Lukas tried to tame his hair, it just bounced right back into 'i just got laid' bedhead. "we're going to Inwood. Fury's sending other men to scope out Adirondack Park. same energy signature." Bruce commented as his Stark@ Tablet beeped at a new update. "let's gear up." Steve finally ordered with a sigh. "we'll stop at Shield headquarters and lay into the man when we're done." he decided, shaking his head. "into the Jet, come on people." "i distinctly dislike Fury." Loki grumbled as he magicked himself into his impressive Armor, all black leather and swirling cape. no staff this time though, and no helmet, and he was still blue. "so. to the dark, nasty, dirty woods then." Loki demanded, crossing his arms and sulking. "if my cape gets dirt on it, i'm killing someone." Steve had to bite back a smart assed comment that would really better suit Tony. the last thing he wanted was Lukas hitting him because he sounded too much like the 'metal man'. into the jet they went and out to the Inwood forest, which was creepily silent. no animals to be seen anywhere. "...this is a natural forest, yes? the trees are real? where are the animals?"
“I think everyone dislikes fury.”Lukas pointed out looking annoyed at his lover, knowing the man had spelled his hair into staying messed up no matter what he was doing. Tony smirked a little looking amused, “…drama queen.”Tony smirked slightly as the man fussed over his armor.

When they got there lukas frowned closing his eyes for a moment, shuddering a little. “Yes…it is. And they are there. Just quiet.”The changeling prince said, sounding quiet and thoughtful, not even realizing what he was doing, tapping into that other side of his nature as the man tried to sense what was going on around him. “Lukas?”Tony muttered raising a hand, glad he was wearing his iron man suit, looking worried as he considered what could make a whole forest go quiet, and not liking any of the answers he camae up with.
Loki nodded. "i wouldn't doubt it, and i can be a dramatic Queen if i very damn well please, for i, am above, all of you." he stated with a sniff, stalking out of the room. his eyes gazed around the forest once they landed, Lukas's senses where right, the animals where all there... but they where all running for the same location. not fleeing, or they would all have been scattering away from a specific spot, instead they where all running towards it. very odd. " we follow the animals then." Bruce decided, stepping out of the Jet. he felt much more comfortable where there weren't a whole lot of people, so there wouldn't be very many casualties if he Hulked out. the deeper into the woods they went, the more animals they came across, all of them ignoring the silly humans who where interfering. in the middle of a clearing, was a man, naked as the day he was born and covered in black tattoos he was ruggedly handsome, in a way that you might imagine a pirate to be, and he looked up at them from where he had been laying, playing with a Rabbit. "how odd." the man stated with a grin. "i was not aware that my elder brother would be aware enough of his Fayne magic to sense me coming."

"...elder brother?" Loki demanded, wondering if it was alright to stare at the creature in front of him... not that Loki was looking at the cock dangling between the things legs... he was more focused on the bright, shimmering, see through, Dragonfly like Wings that where connected to the things shoulder blades. "indeed. there are three brothers of the Royal line. Aelfric, the Eldest, who was given to the humans for protection. myself, Aelfdene(NSFW), Ruler of the Living creatures of the glen." the... man, swept an arm around at all the creatures that had gathered around him. "and the youngest, Aelfdane, who wishes to locate and kill Aelfric and myself to take control of the Throne, and the whole of the Faery realms. he is the prince of darkness, shadow, death and nightmares. if you feel fear, then he is behind it." Aelfdene admitted. "so, your a good guy?" Bruce asked and Aelfdene laughed. "no Fey is a 'good' guy. humans are usually beneath us. we are creatures of trickery and sin. you should never trust an Elf." he teased with a smile. "...don't suppose you elves think much about 'clothes' then do you?" "...most do. but then, i was never a proper Elf." Aelfdene admitted with a shake of his head.
Lukas growled quietly as he realized that loki was staring, not that the man thought loki would try something, but the fayne prince was just enough of a possessive mate to not want his mate ogling someone else. “You will be a proper elf. Dress.”Lukas said his voice going that dark and dangerous that had clint reaching for a bow, not because he thought lukas would turn on them, or go for the stranger, but because it was a voice that held anger like a glass held water, and promised blood being spilled. “…you better do some better explaining….aelfdene.”Tony said frowning as he flicked a glance between lukas and the elf, looking thoughtful and wondering just how bloody this was going to be.
Aelfdene shuddered at the Order and stood and grabbed the pair of pants that Bruce tossed him. Bruce always carried extra clothes, because he wasn't exactly well dressed after he hulked out. the Fey quickly pulled the pants on, but he struggled with the button and zipper until Steve, taking pity on the man, helped him. "what odd little things.." Aelfdene muttered as he fiddled with the button. "i'm afraid i can't do a shirt, wing's don't work well with it, too fragile." he admitted, hoping Lukas didn't use that 'Tone' with him again. it affected the Fey much stronger than it did humans. "i'll start from the beginning then, shall i?" he asked, settling cross legged back onto the ground, ignoring the squirrels that where using him as a playground, and the mouse who was burrowing into his hair.

"many years ago... i don't know how many, time runs differently between realms, there was a War going on. the Seelie, and the Unseelie Sidhe didn't much like having to answer to the King of the Fayn. fortunately, they couldn't work together long enough to manage to actually do any Damage to the Royal Lines." Aelfdene admitted. "the Seelie, or the 'Sun' Court, and the Unseelie, the Moon court. or Summer and Winter. same thing. they don't get along very well, but they don't like 'us' the High Elves, those of the Royal Blood, keeping the peace between them either. the Upper Fey, those are the powerful Fey who rule the Sun and Moon courts, started sending assassins, since they couldn't amass enough power to wage true war against the High Elves, those of the Royal bloodline. the Upper Fey started sending Assassins, hoping that they could kill the High Elves, and the King and Queen, my parents, feared for the life of their eldest. the younger of us three brothers weren't in danger so long as Aelfric was still alive, so they bundled him up, and placed him in a hospital. one of the little boys there, had died barely an hour after birth, they placed him in the dead babes place, and they gave the babe a proper Death Ceremony, to ease his passing. and left Aelfric in the capable hands of good human parents. only one person knew of who Aelfric really was, and checked on him every few weeks to make sure he was happy, healthy, and in no danger... when my parents died, he tried to collect the little Prince when he was sixteen, but somehow, he died, as far as we know, he never even managed to make the snatch... or even contact the little prince." Aelfdele admitted. "it's taken this long, to locate Aelfric, and Aelfdane decided that... well i'm sorry but my little brother is out of his Moonshining mind! he plans to kill Aelfric, and then me, so that he can claim the Throne, and twist both the Sun and Moon Courts so that he can wage a massive war again... well, everyone that isn't an Elf or a Fey. i have to stop him. and in order to do so, i have to collect Aelfric, teach him the True Ways, and seat him upon the Throne, where he will immidiatly lay Claim to all things in the Realms."
Tony stared, looking at the man. Trying to sort out what the elf was telling them, as lukas looked to out of sorts and confused to say anything. Frowning a little as he looked towards lukas, then at the elf. “…Aelfric…is lukas here?”He said tilting his head a little. “So the fact that his adoptive parents, died when he was young…hid him even better?”Tony said looking at a loss, for once the genius unable to actually think of what to say. Lukas shuddered a little as he sat down on the ground, to confused by what he was hearing to consider what it meant for him. Besides that he wasn’t human, that he was just as much of a outsider as thor or loki, that he’d lost the only family he had. And mourning that, because it had never occurred to him, that his oddball little family here, would accept someone so very fundamentally different. At least not yet. After the shock wore off, it would, but the man was to much of a mess to do so yet.

“…What do you mean, seat him on the throne?I’m not going anywhere.”Lukas frowned leaning against loki’s leg as the man stood next to him, resting his head against his thigh.
Aelfdene nodded. "yes, is that his name? Lukas? i'm sorry i never learned what the humans had named you. Lukas, it is a fitting name." he admitted with a smile. "you'll have your choice of course, on what to be called. we don't much care. a name is who you are as a person, how you see yourself." he admitted. "if you want to be called twinklebell then who are we to complain?" he asked with a sly grin before he sighed. "i almost didn't find you at all. it wasn't until that blue thing popped up out of nowhere that i caught sight of you." he admitted. "i hate the cold. and i've never come across a Blue man with horns before." he admitted, examining Loki. "let alone two of them." Loki snorted a little. "so because you noticed us, then this Aelfdane noticed as well?" "no.. well not really. he noticed of course, but he has a different plan... he plans on making Aelfric...erm, Lukas, go to him." he admitted. "by slaughtering as many humans as he can. fortunately, it took four to five times as much energy as it took me. i was able to use the Ley Lines, Aelfdane never learned how to do that, he thought it was pointless. so i have energy, and he will be resting for at least the next three days or so."

he looked at Lukas, looking a little shocked that the man actually wanted to stay with the gross little humans, but he wasn't about to argue with the man, not when he was so upset already. "i'm sorry. i know this is traumatizing, and not at all what you wanted to hear, let alone wanted to be true. but Aelfdane is going to make this all about himself, and all about you. the only other option is to kill him and... i just..." here Aelfdene bit his lip, looking worried and frightened and upset. "he's my baby brother. i helped raise him, i DID raise him after our parents died. i don't want to have to kill the only thing i have left in this world." granted, he didn't want to be near his insane little brother either, but... well Aelfdane did have good intentions... sort of. Aelfdene just had to make his baby brother see sense, that was all.
“Yes, it is. Though he doesn’t look up to answering any questions right now.”Tony said sounding amused, to hide just how shocked he was. “Shut up tony.” “Do that voice thing, lukas, you’ll feel better.”Clint said looking at the man who was both leaning on loki and curled up enough to rest his head on the heels of his hands, elbows on his knees. He looked like a child who had been scolded, and not sure what to do about it. “…most people hate the cold. Loki’s weird, he enjoys it.”Lukas muttered from behind his hands. “…So we have a few days to figure out where he is?”Clint said looking nervous, glancing towards the elf, before looking at lukas. Wondering if the man could pull it together enough to actually figure out a plan to deal with his new relatives.

“Well then kill him, and get the hell away from me.”Lukas scowled looking annoyed, and decidedly unpleased with actually having this whole new family thrust into his lap, with all the problems that went with it. While he was being harsh, and sounded bad, he’d see how to deal with it, once he calmed down enough to realize that he was needed, but the man was striking out because he so had enough problems as it was, with tony and his version of family, and all the trauma that came with that childhood, he didn’t want to deal with a baby brother who wanted him dead.
Loki glared at Tony. "Yes, do shut up Tony." Loki warned, his voice taking on a familair edge. one of scathing death that they had been so accustomed to when he had been trying to overtake the mortal world. "i am a Frost Giant, i'm built to live in the cold." he pointed out. "yes, we have a few days." Aelfdene promised, cutting off a probable fight. Aelfdene cringed and recoiled as Lukas told them just to kill Aelfdane and he swallowed thickly. yeah, Lukas was a Fey prince after all, most of the Fey where easily angered, and quite ruthless. "...come, Lukas." Loki ordered suddenly, picking his lover up. "we'll get some whipped cream and have us a nice nap. your in no condition to be worrying about some snot nosed little brat." Aelfdene opened his mouth to protest that, only to Cower as Loki's ruby eyes fixed on him, practically trying to make the 'Elf' burst into flames. thankfully, Loki's magic didn't act for him this time, so the Elf was left alone. Loki just sniffed and vanished with a swirl of dark shadows and black light, reappearing in their bedroom at Stark Tower and proceeded to fuss over his lover.

Aelfdene blinked a little at where his older brother and the blue man had vanished before he turned his attention to the people that where left. "so. uh, any other questions?" he asked sheepishly. "if not, i really need a nap. i'll stay here i think, most humans can't see me anyway. a high powered Glamor renders me nearly invisible to anything without the proper energy signatures. you can see me because of Lukas's powers rubbing off on you just a little bit."
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