Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

“I don’t care, I’m cold. We should go home.”Lukas sulked a little, his breath hissing out between his teeth as the colder man nuzzled his neck, swallowing hard. “Well good. At least you know what happened now…though I think thor’s going to have a aneurysm, look at him, he’s losing his mind.”he snickered before squirming away.”I don’t care!Stay away from me!Its to cold to have sex.”

“Ah, well his helmet, has horns. A reindeer has horns, it’s a midgardian animal.”Bruce said flushing a little embarrassed because he hadn’t considered that the man wouldn’t know what a reindeer was, paling slightly as he considered just how close loki had come to dying. “I don’t know thor, but you will have a chance to ask him, when you return to asgard. And…I suggest taking lukas with you. He has a way of…talking to people.”Tony smirked, because he didn’t know how much lukas’ talent would do on a asgardian, but it would interesting to try before starting to laugh. “Well, he turned lukas there red, and turned my computer into a human. Definitely noticed the accidents.”he said snickering a little.
Loki smirked a little. "i can make you warm." he promised with a grin, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Lukas's forehead, warmth seeping into Lukas's body from head to toe, protecting him from the cold. "there, all better..." Loki paused and stared at his hand. "hey! i'm Blue!" he stated, sitting up right and gaping at his hand. "i'm BLUE! oh my god i'm DYING!"

"in case you haven't noticed, Loki himself, has horns." Helblindi pointed out, indicating the rather horrified Loki. "Loki, your a Jotun, you're supposed to be blue." Helblindi called to Loki, who looked at them with rose colored eyes. "...oh, right." Loki muttered, turning his attention back to Lukas. "so now that your not cold, we can have sex now, right?" Helblindi sighed and shook his head. "i always forget just how horny a newly mated Jotun can be..." he muttered with a chuckle before turning his attention to Thor, who looked as angry about Loki's treatment as Helblindi felt. "i will take Lukas." Thor promised, his eyes narrowed. "My father will answer my questions of i have to threaten him with a sentence to Hel!" "well there's no need to go that Far i don't think!" Helblindi stated, shocked. "you would really threaten your own father with Hel? when he's the one who imprisoned her?" "damn straight i would! no one is more important than Loki... except maybe Jane..." he mused, Helblindi snorting a little before he paused. "...did you just say he turned something into a human?" he demanded, stunned. "that shouldn't be possible! unless a Computer is already a living entity, but even then Loki's magic shouldn't have been powerful enough to manage such an extreme change while he was still fighting for his life..."
Lukas relaxed as he warmed smiling a little. “You’re not dying. Helblindi’s blue to.”He pointed out looking amused as loki relaxed, wrapping his arms around loki’s waist. “No.Even warm, I am not stripping down to have sex in the artic.”Lukas said snickering a little before looking at helblindi.”Some help here? Can we at least put him in the plane, I mean, if moving him from the cold is okay.” Tony looked shocked as he looked at thor, amazed at how much thor wanted to take care of his brother, snickering a little. “I am sure jane appreciates that she is more important. Your wife might have a problem if she wasn’t.”Tony said tilting his head a little before looking at helblindi.”Yes…well, it seems I gave my computer to many emotions, and loki’s power made him human…see?”Tony said jerking his head towards where Jarvis and steve were watching them.”The blue haired one.” “Hello.”Jarvis said looking nervous at having them inspect her so closely.
Loki pouted. "but i've always wanted to have sex in the arctic... and i'm naked, see? just... lower your pants a little." he purred, nuzzling the others belly. "i'll even let you top, you like to top.." he murmured, settling down now that he had his mate right there in close contact, "your wearing too many clooooothes..." Loki whined, scowling at his lover. "can we have sex on the..." he blinked at the contraption. "...whatever that thing is?"

"yes, he's fine now." Helblindi promised. "put him on the metal bird. he'll start to fall asleep soon enough, just keep him distracted until then." Helblindi suggested. "computer. that is what now?" Helblindi asked as he carefully examined Jarvis. "hmm... well, whatever a computer is, this man here is very impressive." Helblindi admitted, Steve scowling as he carefully maneuvered himself in between Jarvis and Helblindi. "i can't begin to imagine how Loki's magic managed such an impressive fete. "unfortunately, it cannot be reversed. from what i can see here..." Helblindi explained, motioning to Jarvis. "he gave physical life to a being that had no physical form. the soul, life, and sentience was already there, Jarvis was it? simply hasn't had a physical form. it's odd though... there are parts of him that... are not living tissue... may i?" he asked, indicating Jarvis's head before carefully brushing back the man's hair, revealing several small metal 'ports'. clearly for reconnecting his consciousness to the computer mainframe once more. Jarvis would always have his body, but he could now connect to any computer in the world. if it ran on electricity, Jarvis could connect to it now. "Loki's magic did a very good job. i think the Fates might have had their hands in this one." Helblindi admitted with a smile. "they must have wanted to reward you..." there was a pause. "or punish you. there's no telling with the Fates." Helblindi admitted, glancing back at Loki, looking worried. "will he be safe with you? there are a great many who would like to see him dead, and not just because he is a pain in the ass."
“I can see that. I’m still not revealing my dick to artic temperatures, no matter how much you beg.”Lukas said scowling right back at the other man, shifting to get up. “Yes, we can have sex on the plane.”He said standing up looking amused as helblindi promised he’d be okay if they moved him. Already heading for the plane.

“It’s a…electrical thing, a way of storing memory and stuff.”Tony said, feeling at a loss to give a simple answer to a man who’d have no idea what the computer was, raising his eyebrows a little as steve moved between the jotun and Jarvis. “Its okay. I don’t mind having a body so much, its just…kinda weird.”Jarvis said before nodding a little, “If you want to.”He said wincing a little as the other brushed his hair back, startled despite giving the man permission. “…thanks. That’s so reassuring. I’ve been punished enough by dealing with tony. I don’t need more.”The man said sulking. “I am not a punishment!”Tony said looking annoyed. “Yes, we can take care of him. But if you want to come back, and see how secure the tower is, you may.”Tony said eyeing the man.
Loki sulked before brightening at the idea of having sex on the plane and bounced after his lover, completely ignoring everyone else. thankfully he took the blanket with him, so no one got any views of Jotun physiology... which wasn't any different than human Physiology actually. he never got to have sex, he fell asleep as soon as he settled into a swiveling chair to see how fast he could spin. asleep and not being a pain anymore, it was easy for Lukas to get Loki dressed and strapped in.

"...i think i'll leave the thinking about smart things to Loki." Helblindi decided. "i'm a warrior after all. we're not meant to be great thinkers." Steve had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at Helblindi's inadvertent insult to Thor, who looked like he wanted to bash Helblindi's head in. "i mean, i'm not dumb... i'm just.. not smart." Helblindi admitted with a shrug. "and then there's Aeser... who simply have no brains." "alright!" Thor complained, advancing on Helblindi, Steve snickering. "i think mischievousness is a Jotun Trait." he muttered to Jarvis as Helblindi laughed at Thor's annoyance. "i would imagine it is highly unusual, but i'm glad that you don't mind. Loki would be rather inconsolable if he thought he'd ruined your life. Priests are always highly emotional." Helblindi admitted with a smile. "and i doubt it's a punishment, you haven't killed any unborn babes right? there's not much else that can piss a Fate off... it's probobly a reward, or more likely, they need you for something." he paused. "they probobly need you for something, because the Man of Iron, the really smart one, he would no doubt have been building you a body within the next few years anyway." he admitted before he hesitated, examining the Jet. "...perhaps i will... wait for Loki to summon me. he knows how." clearly Helblindi didn't want to get onto the Jet. "oh, and Loki wanted to warn you, but i don't think he got around to it. someone named Fury, has been asking too many questions about the one named Lukas."
Lukas smirked looking amused as loki spun himself, shaking his head a little as he got loki dressed and settled into the chair, snuggling with the man as he went to sleep to.

Bruce swallowed hard to keep from laughing, looking at thor’s face, amused. “Well, not totally brainless. I mean, he’s not pounding you into the ground, when it’d just upset loki…right thor?”The hulk said amused. “I think it must be. It explains some things about loki anyways.”Jarvis muttered back before nodding a little. “Yes, he would be. He was quite upset before he realized that I was okay with it…if feeling a little weird.”He smiled a little before shaking his head.”No, no unborn babes.”He shot a look at tony, raising his eyebrows. “ was a plan I was kicking around…I mean between taking down inter-galactic badasses, and rounding up supervillians.”Tony said fidgeting a little before nodding. “Well, I am sure we will see you soon then.”Bruce said looking amused that helblindi didn’t want to get on the plane before wincing as tony’s cursing. “Fuck. Well. Damn. I’ll have to deal with him.”Tony stalked back towards the plane, annoyed that he was going to have to get fury away from lukas.
Helblindi snorted a little. "i highly doubt having my face smashed in would upset Loki. he'd probobly laugh." Helblindi muttered, making Thor laugh and nod. "he would." Thor agreed, deciding not to give either Helblindi nor Loki the satisfaction. "yes, like most beings who are connected to the webs of Fate, Loki finds toying with people's lives highly upsetting. particularly if it's something that will ruin another person's life. the Fates are geared towards making people's lives BETTER, particularly those who have gained favor. the Fates do not ruin people's lives, the very act is disgusting to them. they just let people ruin their own lives." Helblindi admitted. "have a nice... journey." Helblindi muttered, giving the jet a suspicious look, but he supposed Loki would be safe enough with the people who had tried so hard to save his life.

Loki woke after four hours, dragged Lukas into the back of the jet, and joined the mile high club. and when they finally landed in Manhattan he looked highly smug about it. so smug that Steve was starting to feel jealous. "Tony, are we going to S.H.I.E.L.D?" Steve asked, watching him. "i'm not about to let Fury hurt Lukas." Steve promised. "you and Jarvis, not to mention Pepper, you love him, so i'm going to help you get Fury out of his and Loki's hair if you need me to." he promised, watching Tony intently.
Tony tightened his hands on the controls, glancing over at the man sitting next to him, before going back to watching the sky, for once the master assassin having let him pilot his own jet without offering advice. Clint in fact was sleeping in the back snuggled up to Natasha. Lukas looked worn out and tired, but entirely pleased with himself, even as Jarvis went to sleep himself next to steve. “Good. Cause I’m pretty sure he wont listen to me. He knows I’m hiding something about lukas, he wont let it go. Maybe having you beat him, will get it through his head that it isnt just me, but that all of us will protect him.”Tony sighed in frustration, “We got lucky. Lukas didn’t lose his temper this time. That would have been hard to hide from fury.”He sighed looking older then he was, tired. He’d never tell lukas, but having adopted the man as a son, tony worried more about him, then anyone else, except maybe pepper. “….are you doing this so Jarvis will like you more?”Tony said flicking a glance towards steve looking amused.
Steve smiled a little as he watched the sky. he couldn't fly the Jet, but it was kind of fun sitting in the passengers seat. there where a lot more buttons now than there used to be. "oh, i'm sure he'll listen to me." Steve assured the man. "and if he won't listen to me, we'll send in Clint, Natasha, Thor, and Bruce. they'll beat the man to a pulp." Steve admitted with a nod. "...Tony? Lukas is... not like the rest of us, is he?" Steve asked, examining Loki. "why protect him so desperately?" he asked, worried about Lukas. "is he a danger to himself? this is the third time now, you've mentioned something about him being in danger, or dangerous when he loses his temper. i know he has powers of some sort, he can sing Loki into sleep in a matter of seconds, even when Loki is excited..." he had to blush at the Jarvis comment and he gently stroked electric blue hair. "i'm obvious huh?" he asked with a sheepish smile. "i don't know what it is, i just... he makes me feel..." he shook his head. "no, it's not just so Jarvis will like me more. it's because your my freind. it's because Loki is my freind, and both of you care for Lukas very deeply. i don't know him well yet, but i care about him a lot too, he's a great kid. he really is, and he's saved all of our lives at least once. i don't want to see him hurt just because Fury is anal."
“…I would pay good money to watch Fury get beat up by all of us. It would truly brighten my day.”Tony said before wrinkling his nose, sighing quietly. Shifting to look around before flicking the control panel to make sure this would be a completely private conversation. “Lukas does not…read as human under any genetic tests. Nor does he read as jotun or asgardian. I do not know what he is, or how he ended up living with a human family, that thought he was their birth son, but I do know that if he’s pissed his voice acts like a tuning fork rapped on glass, and can bring down anything near him.”Tony sighed a little. “..He can heal, its what makes him so amazing…but its not just that. Its like he…overlays his will, his command on the world when he wants to. He heals, because he believes he can. In a fit of rage…can you imagine what he could warp things into?”Tony shuddered a little before laughing.

“You are, and its fairly…cute.”Tony smirked a little, a teasing amused look before nodding. “I wouldn’t let him hear you call him a kid, I get beat up fairly regularly over it.”He snorted amused before nodding. “Fury will use him to his own ends…can you see what fury would do, given a weapon that can walk through a town and change the fundamental sense of everything, simply because Lukas believes that’s what is going on.”
Steve chuckled a little. "we'll take a vee-dee-oh of it and post it on facetube." Steve agreed with a grin before looking startled at Tony, his head cocked to the side. "not human? do you suppose that might be why Loki is so attracted to Lukas?" he asked curiously before listening intently. " you think Thor and Loki know? about Lukas i mean." he muttered, examining Lukas intently. "i once read a fairy story, about these little creatures called Changelings. they would take a human baby, and leave their own in it's place... i don't think it was ever explained why. maybe this is something similar?" he mused softly. "he's powerful i'd imagine." Steve muttered. "now that i remember, that last battle we had, where the shrapnel caught me in the neck... i never even got a scar, i didn't think anything of it until now." he admitted, licking his lip. "we can't let Fury have him. i'll kill Fury before i let that bastard use Lukas or Loki." Steve promised. "they are my freinds..." he promised before flushing brilliantly red. "i didn't even know i was gay..." Steve muttered, shaking his head. "and i don't think Lukas would beat me up, he likes me because i gave him that triple chocolate cheesecake."
“Oh yes, we can definitely do that.”Tony said snickering a little at steve’s use of the modern word, but not teasing him about it as he landed the jet, nodding slightly. “IT might be. I don’t know.And Loki probably suspects, if either of them do. I just know I’ve never found another like him.”Tony said frowning slightly before nodding, “He could be a changeling though. A changeling of what, I don’t know…but it is a reasonable thought.”He said before snickering a little.”You didn’t scar, because he believed you wouldn’t. I saw that wound, you should have had a least a deep wound scar.”He sighed before smirking slightly. “…well it’s a good thing you figured it out. Cause you’ll have to help Jarvis figure out whatever he is. He’s confused.”Tony said as he smirked. “….thats unfair. I buy him everything.” “…and scar me for life to. Come on you two.”Lukas said rolling his eyes as he paused outside the cockpit, carrying the sleeping loki inside.
Steve smirked a little. "i like Facetube. Natasha showed me. i can see some really amazing things on there." he admitted, impressed with technology. "we might ask Thor, he'd know and he'd be willing to tell us. i think Loki suspects because he's talked to Lukas about 'expanding his powers'. so Loki at least suspects Lukas is more powerful than he lets on." Steve admitted as he rubbed his neck. "Tony, be honest, i shouldn't even have SURVIVED, despite the Serum, that wound should have killed me." he muttered. "i knew i was going to die and then i woke up and i didn't even have a scar." he smiled. "Lukas is too good of a kid to just walk into a town and twist everything..." he didn't mention that Fury could easily twist the way Lukas thought, or reacted just to get a weapon out of him. "i know he is, poor Jarvis... but he's adjusting well, he doesn't flinch at the sensation of touch anymore." Steve admitted, looking highly pleased as he moved to gently urge Jarvis awake before shaking his head and picking the A.I up when it became clear that Jarvis wasn't going to wake up. "poor guy, he's exaughsted." Steve muttered, smiling at Jarvis as he carried the man inside, shaking his head. carrying Jarvis was a bit awkward because the A.I was rather tall. but Steve was strong enough. he tucked Jarvis in and then went back out to talk with Tony about when they where going to face Fury.
“there are fairly amazing things on there.”tony snickered amused at steve’s fascination with the technology before nodding. “we’ll ask him.”He mused before nodding, “okay, that’s true. I was trying to be less traumatizing for once you know.”He said rolling his eyes a little because he knew steve shouldn’t have, having seen the man minutes after he’d been hit, he’d known that only person who could have saved him was lukas, because lukas would have simply not believed that failure to save him was a option. “He is good, but he’s still young…and he’s in love.”tony said wincing a little as he considered it. ahhh, so that was his real fear. Not that lukas would change, but that fury would use loki to use lukas, lukas who had so rarely formed relationships that went past the surface, that threatening loki would break something fundamental in him. “For now. Though I am sure he’ll eventually hit that wall and crash into a unknowable mess.”Tony said snickering a little as steve picked up Jarvis, not even bothering to try and help him. Smiling as he settled in for a drink, having every intention of figuring out everything tonight. “I vote we go after him tomorrow. After all, he did kidnap loki, and I am sure loki, and lukas, will want to have words with him.”he snorted amused.

Lukas sighed softly as he nuzzled loki as he settled in the bed next to him, yawning a little.”You better?”He muttered as he woke the sleeping jotun, sitting up on a elbow to look down at the man worriedly.
Steve nodded. "a lot of amazing things." he agreed with a small smile. "some more amazing than others." he admitted, glancing at Jarvis. "well... i suppose i should be thankful for that, but i was never one to care for minced words." Steve admitted with a small smile before he grimaced. "Loki would do the same. if he thought Lukas was in danger, he wouldn't raise a finger to protect himself." Steve agreed, shaking his head. "we need to keep them both far, far away from Fury." he paused and stared at Tony. "...did you really just say 'unknowable mess'? really Tony? as smart as you are, you resort to making up new words?" he asked, snorting a little as he shook his head. "i think we should just tell Loki that Fury is a threat to Lukas and let the Smurf at him." Steve commented. pleased with himself for using a 'new age' phrase. as blue as Loki was, it suited him.

Loki hummed happily as he stretched out on the bed, smiling as he turned to Lukas. "...i feel better than i've ever felt in my life." he admitted softly. "i never even knew i was in pain, when i was in Aeser form i mean." he admitted with a smile. "i want a mirror." he muttered after a moment, standing up and stretching again before blinking as he realized he was still naked. "...oh yeah! we had sex on the Jet! wicked awesome!" he chirped, flashing his lover a smirk. well aware that using 'Tony phrases' was going to annoy Lukas. "Holy Crap!" Loki squealed as he looked at himself in the mirror. "i'm GORGEOUS!!! these are going to get in the way though..." Loki complained as he tugged on one of his horns. "i wonder what these markings are?" he mused, touching the slightly raised bumps on his skin. "you don't mind, do you Lukas? that i'm blue i mean."
“….I’m smart enough that I’m allowed making up words. Webster’s should follow me around, just so they could keep updating the dictionary.”Tony decided looking amused, before smirking slowly. “I think I will. In the morning.I’m not going anywhere near their bedroom. I’m scarred enough by listening to tehm on the plane.”Tony whined a little smirking a little clapping steve on the shoulder.”I knew you had it in you to catch up with slang.”he snickered amused as he sipped his whiskey.

“Good.”Lukas said smiling as he pressed a kiss to the other’s shoulder before he moved enough to get loki a mirror before grumbling a little as he leaned down to glare at the man, kissing him hard.”You are not allowed talking like him. Its disturbing, and annoying.”he grumbled looking amused though as he watched loki loki in the mirror, flopping down onto the bed next to him. “Probably something to do with being a high priest or something, I wasn’t really listening when helblindi was talking.”he muttered before shrugging.”You look like a smurf, but its kinda adorable.”He smirked, “Besides, if you want to, you could probably appear like you always did. But I don’t really mind. Though the horns are a little weird.”he mused.
Steve rolled his eyes a little as he watched Tony. "i don't know about that. your clever enough, but i think your certifiably insane." he admitted with a smile. "besides, you pervert, you liked listening to your son get laid." he teased with a grin. "i'm pretty sure Jarvis liked it too." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i'm getting there. i'm watching a lot of TV." he admitted. "a lot of it is really good." he admitted with a smile. "your 'Inter-Nets' is useful too. i'm learning about the last fifty years of history. Jarvis was helping me a lot, before he got turned into a physical form." he admitted. "i'm a bit worried about him. he's so freaked out... and honestly, as much as i can slightly understand... i don't really know how to help him..."

Loki smiled as he was given a kiss, laughing as Lukas glared at him. "ah, but i cannot help but to disturb and annoy you, for you look completely adorable glaring at me like that." Loki teased with a grin. "what's a Smurf and why do i get the distinct feeling that you just insulted me?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow before he paused. "oh, right, shapeshifter." he muttered. "i had forgotten for a moment." he admitted, his horns slowly shrinking until they where only an inch long. "there, no longer in the way." he chirped happily, smirking at the other. "just think, next time i suck you off, you'll have the perfect handles to hold me down. i know you hate it when i pull back just when your ready to cum." he teased with a snicker.
“I am not. My mother had me tested.”Tony said smirking a little, using the off the wall quote from big bang theory, knowing steve wouldn’t get it, at least he didn’t think he would, but it still amused him. “And I am a pervert, but it was disturbing to listen to them. I didn’t want to know that a former intergalactic badass was capable of making mewling noises like that.”he whined before smiling slightly. “I’m worried about him to. But until he decides to open up, I don’t want to pressure him into talking… because well..what if I make it worse?”Tony said looking frustrated because it was so rarely that he didn’t know what to do. Before he smiled.”Ask him to help you with looking up things. It’s a normal thing he would have done. He needs normal.”

“I do not.And don’t do that, its bad enough I have to listen to him talk like a teenager.”Lukas grumbled as she settled back into the bed before smirking. “It’s a…blue cartoon character…hold on, Jarvis?Can I get a picture of a smurf please.”He said amused as even asleep the computer responded and flipped on the tv to play one of the smurfs cartoons. “I like it. And you do that to be cruel. You’re not getting off me next time, now that I have horns.”He said looking amused as he stole another kiss before sighing. “I’m worried about Jarvis…”The man muttered looking slightly anxious, now that the man was back, and his lover was safe, he was shifting gears into his next worry.
Steve blinked at him, his head cocked to the side. " no mean to be rude, but i thought you never knew your mother?" he asked, looking a little bit worried. "are you sure your not insane?" he asked softly before he smirked a little. "Loki can be shockingly adorable can't he? i never figured Loki to be a bottom... though, i suppose it's no less shocking than Lukas being such a badass top. i mean god, did you hear the way he made Loki beg?" he asked with a smirk before he looked at the other. "i think he would be flattered that you care about him." Steve admitted with a smile. "he won't say it, but i imagine he's felt rather... ignored, used while he was still an A.I program." he admitted softly. "no one really, noticed him until they needed something. i think Loki noticed and his magic just... helped."

Loki chuckled a little. "well, if you think about it, i am a teenager." he admitted before smiling as a picture popped up. "well, aren't they cute?" Loki asked, his head tilted as he examined the cartoon. "oh, i'll still do it." he teased. "i won't always have horns after all." he teased, his ruby eyes glittering with laughter. "there's no need to worry about Jarvis." Loki promised with a smile. "it was an accident, yes. but it is his gift. the Fates used my magic to reward Jarvis with the one thing he needed the most... attention, affection, love. even a computer program can be depressed." he admitted. "besides, Steve will take care of Jarvis, or did you not notice how the good Captain was so doting upon the A.I?"
“…you take all the fun out of quoting t.v. shows.”Tony pouted a little before smiling slightly. “He can be. And stop!Just stop there. I don’t want to think about it anymore.”Tony whined, for once feeling as weird as lukas did concerning his own sex life. Tony tilted his head a little, flinching at the others words.”…I didn’t mean to make him feel that way…”He muttered because of just how narcissistic and self centered he was, it made it difficult for him to pay attention to others, especially when it came to their emotional needs.”It’s a good thing loki did…now you can just seduce him, and help him figure out what the hell he wants to do.”He snickered a little.

“…true.A little disturbing, considering how old you are, but okay.”He said before nodding, looking amused.”They are. And they’re blue.”he smirked a little before leaning up for a kiss, “Well, as long as you say so.And..he’s probably going to get so much attention from tony now that he wont know what to do about it.”He snickered because he knew tony was on the verge of freaking out and worried about Jarvis. Smirking at loki’s words he nodded.”I did. It was fairly adorable actually.”
Steve blinked a little. "i'm still working on Gilligan's island and Doctor Who." Steve stated with a shrug. "now you know how Lukas feels." Steve teased with a smirk as he snagged a sip of Tony's drink. "i know you didn't mean to. i don't think Jarvis himself understood how he was feeling." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "after all, computer programs are supposed to be invisible, right? s he wouldn't understand why he felt upset." Steve pointed out. "and i'm not going to just seduce him Tony, he can barely handle a hug, i highly doubt he would be alright with me tossing him on the bed, kissing him senseless and then rocking his world." ah, Steve was using Tony phrases too apparently.

Loki chuckled a little. "yes, they are blue, but they are nowhere near as gorgeous as i am." he chirped happily as he kissed the other. "don't worry so much Love." Loki ordered with a smile. "everything is going to be alright now, i'm sure." he admitted. "now... i beleive i promised revenge for making me beg." he teased, smirking as he pounced on his lover... granted, he doubted the other was going to 'regret' anything, but it would still be fun. plus he had magic now, so he could do all kinds of fun things to his poor lover.
“I might have to lay off the kid. I don’t want to keep thinking about this.”Tony pouted a little before sulking as steve took his drink, rolling his eyes though as he took it back.”Well…yes. I guess I never considered the fact that I was giving him so much human emotion, that it would not be normal. I mean, none of my machines are normal, but Jarvis is different from even those.”Tony said before looking at the man, smirking a little.”Ahhh, so you admit to wanting to rock his world. Well, at least that’s a step in the right direction.”He snorted amused, rubbing a hand over his face. “we better get some sleep though.”

“Uh-huh, I wouldn’t be so sure.”Lukas teased looking amused as he was pounced on. In the morning Lukas groaned as he squirmed to get comfortable,”You’re cold. Warm up.”He ordered sleepily as he nuzzled his face against loki’s chest, despite being cold, the man had no desire to move away from the man nearly laying on him.
Steve had to chuckle at that and nodded a little. "you put a lot of work into Jarvis. even you have to admit, Jarvis was the only thing in this house you truly loved until Pepper." he smiled a little. "of course i do, who wouldn't? he's so handsome, but he's fragile too and i'm not about to hurt him." Steve admitted, smiling a little. "yeah... sleep." Steve muttered. he wasn't about to get any sleep. thinking about Jarvis had made him horny, he was going to be spending the next hour or two having a very leisurely masturbation session.

Loki groaned, mumbled something, and like the day before, Lukas found himself perfectly pleasantly warm. Loki hadn't changed his temperature, instead he'd altered Lukas's. it was easier, and it left Lukas comfortable and Loki... well Loki was always uncomfortable in the heat of the tower, but he couldn't really change that... or maybe... yes that would work. "i'm a genius!" Loki chirped, kissing the other, and carefully dumped him on the bed before humming as he got dressed, found Tony, told the man he was commandeering an empty room, and froze the whole damn things to -189* Fahrenheit. it was so cold in there, that Loki actually posted a warning on the door. thankfully, the extreme cold didn't seam out, even when the door was open. now Loki had somewhere to go when he started feeling too warm.

Steve smiled as he caught sight of Loki as he came out of the icy room he had just made. "Caution, extreme cold... instant frostbite, Probable death, do not enter?" "it's negative one hundred and ninety degrees in there. a person get's frostbite within thirty seconds at negative ninety." Loki stated with a small chuckle as he examined the man. "you look pretty good. full of pep and energy. by the way, you scarred tony." "good! he deserves to be..." there was a pause and suddenly a darker color of blue was rising up on Loki's cheeks. " wall of silence failed, didn't it?" "big time." "so you all heard." "yep." "and heard how i?" "oh yeah." "...bitch." Loki groaned, hiding his face. "i'm going to kill Helblindi, this is all his fault..." how that worked, Steve didn't know, but at least loki wasn't blaming Lukas.
Lukas groaned, whining as his lover pulled away from him. “Nooo…”he grumbled before grumbling more as he got up to get dressed. Tony meanwhile, looked thoughtful and amused as he found himself with a commandeered room, looking amused as he joined steve by the door. “You know, capsicle, you might feel at home in there.”The billionaire chirped before frowning at the jotun.”Oh yea, it failed. Epically. I never wanted to hear little mewling sounds.”he sulked a little. “…how is it helblindi’s fault?”Lukas said raising his eyebrows as he walked into the room, looking amused.
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