Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Lukas turned and stared at steve, eyes widening a little. “Steve!”He whined because he just knew loki was going to be one of those sugar high people. This was so not going to be pretty. “Its also acts like a drug to some people.”Lukas warned looking amused at loki’s interest before sighing. “Master lukas, a cake would be wonderful.”Jarvis decided smiling at the idea before frowning.”A birthday is when your parent gives birth to you. I don’t have parents to bring me into the world.” “Well, there is tony. And while he’s no one’s idea of a father, him and loki did bring you into this world, so we’ll celebrate.”lukas said rolling his eyes a little as he started to gather the things for a birthday cake.
Loki looked confused as Steve winced. "sorry Lukas. i forget people don't have as high a metabolism as i do..." he muttered sheepishly. "sugar doesn't affect me like it does other people... but seriously, it could help Loki's energy issues... that or coffee... lots of coffee." he muttered before smiling at Jarvis. "well... that's new. i've given birth to a lot of things, but a fully grown male isn't one of them... well at least i didn't get fat." Loki mused with a grin. "i'm going to introduce you as my Son from now on." he decided happily. "can i help?" Loki asked hopefully as he watched Lukas bringing out the ingredients. Loki was never much of a help, and he always tasted the mix before it was even mixed properly, and he tended to eat the other ingredients, but he had fun and that was what mattered right? plus, with a wiggle of his fingers, Loki could have the cake beautifully decorated, so long as the frosting was already made. 'one can't make something, from nothing' after all.
“You should be sorry. I’m locking him in the room with you.”Lukas sulked even as he nodded. “It could, but he’ll probably take you shopping while he’s eating sugar. Even if it helps.”Lukas said because he was torn. He wanted loki to be better, but the man didn’t want to deal with a loki who was even more hyper then he already was. “…”Lukas stared at loki, trying to decide what to say before sighing. “You have kids? And please don’t. IF you do that, tony’ll feel required to introduce him as his son, and could you imagine the newspaper articles featuring you two in whatever messed up relationship they could think of?”Lukas teased kissing loki’s cheek before sighing. He knew he shouldn’t, and the cake would probably take twice as long to do, but he couldn’t deny loki anything. Nodding he smiled. “Come on then, lets get the cake done, and you can get a sugar high.”he said looking amused as they cooked, amused even as Jarvis offered pointers on how to make it better.
Loki chuckled and nodded. "yes i have several actually. i was... desperate for affection and as i told you earlier, Asgardians aren't very touchy fealy. i have a daughter, and five sons, all well grown and old enough to be your great great great great great great..." "we get it." "ah, yes anyway. you won't be able to meet them." a look of actual rage flashed across Loki's face. "all of my children have been locked away. Odin fears their power, the vicious hypocrite that he is." Loki spat hatefully. "my poor Fenrir is the worst of them... betrayed by a man he trusted and forced to sit alone at the edge of a river." he shook his head. "at least Hela can interact with the other denizens of Hel." he admitted with a small sigh before grinning. "that would be fun. come stark, we must spin this into a properly amusing tale... you get to be the mother." he happily helped Lukas make the cake, even if he did try to eat the egg shells. soon enough they had a beautiful cake, with piles of frosting on it in red roses and yellow tulips and beautiful emerald green writing that proclaimed 'Happy Birthday Jarvis'. Loki really was good at decorating things, with only a flick of the finger too. he nearly ran off with the cake when he tasted the frosting, but Bruce seamed to anticipate this and moved it to the table before Loki could snatch it, much to the gods disgust. amazingly enough... Loki didn't get any more hyper than normal. despite eating more cake that any of them. "i LIKE sugar." Loki purred happily as devoured a second piece of cake. "it's DELICIOUS."
“I am not!I am in no way shape or form the mother!”Tony sulked looking annoyed but amused as he watched loki trying to eat the egg shells. Jarvis groaned a little in pleasure as he started eating the cake, looking amazed just how good the cake was. “This was good!”He declared looking pleased with the cake he was eating. Lukas smirked a little as he studied the other make, looking amused. “Well, it seems that we don’t have to worry. He’s going to be normal on sugar.”the doctor said relieved that he wasn’t going to have to deal with a even more hyper loki as he ate his cake. Tony nodded looking amused that loki had been denied eating the whole cake before nodding. “We’ll have to get more sugary things. It’ll probably help him feel better.”Tony said, the genius already considering how much of a energy boost loki might get from the sugar.
Loki smirked a little at Tony. "you are SO the woman." he teased with a small chuckle, shaking his head. "it IS good!" he agreed, looking highly pleased. "my baby takes after me... thank all the nine realms, i don't think i could have handled it if you took after your mother." he shot a wicked glance at Tony. "humping everything that moves." Loki teased, Steve making a choking noise as he struggled not to laugh, casting a glance at Jarvis to see how he was taking this. "i do feel a little bit better..." Loki admitted. "this sugar stuff seams to be giving me a bit of a boost... if i eat enough of it, i might not even need to take naps." "if you eat enough of it, you'll get Diabetes." Bruce warned, watching Loki reach for a third slice of cake. "i don't care what die-beat-us is so long as i can still eat this delicious sugar." he purred happily before he looked at Thor as he walked into the room with Natasha and pepper. " many pieces of cake did you just let Loki eat?" Natasha asked, wild eyed and half panicked. Loki launched into acting. "ohmygodnatashayouhavetotrythisit'ssoamazing!" he took a deep breath. "it'slikethemostwonderfultastingthingeverandihadanaccidentbutdon'taskaboutthat.." another deep breath. "andicoulddoanythingrightnowandthecolorstasteGREAT!" another deep breath and Steve was rolling on the floor laughing at Loki and the mortified expressions on all three newcomers faces. "what... have you.. DONE!?" Pepper demanded, horrified.
“I do not hump everything that moves!I don’t want to hump you.”Tony said frowning at loki rolling his eyes a little even as Jarvis grinned. “You do to. Well, maybe not loki, but you hump a lot of people, master tony.”The cyborg said looking pleased with informing tony of his mistake in speaking before shaking his head at loki.”You don’t want to eat to much. It will make you sicker then you already are.”The computer said looking concerned before looking at the other three. “Three.”Lukas paled wincing a little as he looked at Natasha, ignoring clint as he started to laugh, the master assassin seeing exactly what the man was up to, and while lukas was doing a good job of looking anxious and worried, playing the perfect anxious man. “We didn’t mean to!He was all calm and easy to deal with, so I didn’t see any reason to make him stop.”Lukas said looking anxiously at the women.
Loki snorted. "you do too want to hump me, you wanted to hump me the second i wore a maids dress in your lab. what, you think i didn't notice?" he asked with a wicked little smirk before he played his prank on Natasha and Pepper and most importantly Thor. "cakeisthemostamazingthingever!" Loki gasped, bouncing in place. "i'mgoingtojumpfromaplaneit'scalledskydivinganditsoundslikesomuchFUN! and you should SEE the looks on your FACES!!!" he hollered with a bright laugh, holding his belly as he dissolved into giggles. "Ow! kicked me!" Loki complained, looking shocked at Pepper who started to giggle herself at the look on Loki's face at being kicked. "oh! who is this? we have a guest?" "Jarvis?" Thor asked, blinking at the Cyborg before he glanced at his brother. "what did you DO?" "it was an accident! it's Lukas's fault!" "Jarvis? as in the A.I. Program Jarvis?" Pepper asked, staring at the blue haired man.
Lukas’ anxious look dissolved into laughter as he watched the woman and thor, looking amused before raising a eyebrow as the three realized Jarvis was in the room. “It is not my fault!”Lukas said looking annoyed before smiling slightly. “Yes, mistress pepper. It seems that my parents-“He shot a amused look at tony and loki before looking at pepper again. “It seems that master loki has created life along with master tony.” “And that’s without sex. Just imagine what they could create if they actually did it.”Lukas said snickering to himself, because tony looked so affronted at the idea, that he just couldn’t help but tease him.
Loki giggled again as Pepper glanced at Lukas with a raised eyebrow, clearly she didn't fully beleive him. she HAD raised him after all... mostly. "P..Parents?" Pepper choked, glancing from Tony to Loki before she closed her eyes. "Tony Stark. you will get up, and go get me a drink. something strong." she demanded, taking Tony's vacated chair and drinking the whiskey he brought back. "please Lukas, i DO have standards." Loki complained, rolling his eyes. "Man-whores are not on my list." he promised Lukas with a grin. "although, i am feeling unquestionably horny." he admitted, smirking as Steve started to choke on his piece of cake. "and i really would like to try Skydiving, it sounds like fun. i'm sure Jarvis must be feeling tired too, would you like to dig through the clothes now, or later?" he asked the A.I.
“It’s not!I’m serious!”Lukas said frowning at pepper. Tony pouted looking annoyed before he returned with the drink, leaning down to kiss her cheek.”It wasn’t me. I’m serious. I just created the A.I. I didn’t give birth to it, or do this. This was totally loki.”he grumbled. “….Well, I am sure I could take care of that.”The doctor said as he choked on his water, looking embarrassed and out of sorts. “Well, you’ll have to get thor to go with you. I don’t like heights.”Lukas said in response to loki’s interest in skydiving. Jarvis nodded yawning a little before smiling. “Now. I would like to see these different clothes. Master tony does not choose good clothes for himself, I would like to see what you have for me.” “Hey!I can dress myself, thank you very much.”Tony said frowning a little.
Pepper giggled a little and shook her head a little. "honestly. you think you can just kiss me on the cheek and call me 'auntie Pep' and you'll just slide out of trouble?" well it had always worked that way in the past. Pepper was a sweetheart, and was awful at trying to punish kids, because they where so cute. Loki smirked at the doctor. "you don't like heights? so giving you real, functioning wings wouldn't go over too well then?" he asked curiously before smirking at Jarvis's comment. "no you can't." Loki, Pepper, Natasha, Thor, Steve and Bruce all stated at the same time. Loki laughing as he and Steve helped Jarvis to his feet and down the hall into Loki's room, where Loki showed the A.I the glories of Fashion, and scented body lotion.

"so, you have fun?" Steve asked with a smile as he helped carry all of Jarvis's new things down to Jarvis's new room. "do you, er, need any help settling in?"
“Of course.You find me to cute to punish, auntie pep.”Lukas said looking amused before frowning at loki, moving closer to pepper. “Tell him to stop being a bastard.”He grumbled looking a little sick at the idea of having wings. Definitely that was a creepy thought, hell even watching tony fly around as iron man made him sick to his stomach. “I can to.”Tony sulked watching the two men disappear down the hall.

Jarvis frowned a little as they walked into the room, looking a little anxious as he sat down on the bed, sighing quietly. “Yes please.”The A.I. said looking worried and anxious because he was feeling overwhelmed with everything that had happened. Despite having spent most of his ‘life’ as a fully functioning, emotional computer, Jarvis was feeling overwhelmed with his new status in life.
Loki chuckled a little. "gills then? i bet you'd love to dive on the reef without needing snorkeling gear." he teased with a smile. "besides, while i was a runt, my parents where happily married... by Jotun standards anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "and you cannot Tony, if we let you dress yourself you'd wear jeans and a T-shirt to those oh so important press conferences." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "how you even manage to function without Jarvis and Pepper is beyond me."

Steve smiled and started hanging up the shirts and folding the pants and putting them away. "so how are you holding up? all this must be a hell o a shock for you... i can kind of relate." he admitted. "it's not exactly the same, but waking up fifty years into the future does a hell of a thing to a persons head." Steve admitted, sitting next to Jarvis. "i know you must be a bit lost, confused, probobly even really scared, but i won't let anything happen to you, and you'll settle down and you'll start to have fun..." he smiled. "and you have to admit, it's pretty cool, being able to actively join in on the family time, as tony calls it."
“Okay, now that would be cool.”Lukas said nodding a little liking the idea. “I function perfectly fine. I’m a genius, I would figure out how to do things.”He said. “It amazes me he lived this long.”Clint mused rolling his eyes.

Jarvis frowned a little as he stared down at his hands, biting his lip.”…do you ever resent Tony for finding you in the sea?I mean…when you’re faced with this world and everything…”he said looking around him, because he was both somewhat excited about finding the world a real place for him, but the man was at a total scared loss on how to do this. Smiling he nodded a little, “It is. And it will be good to be able to do more to tony when he annoys me, then simply telling him to stop.”He mused liking the idea.
loki snorted. "you can't even visit an ATM without Pepper there to remind you what the pin code is." Bruce pointed out, looking highly amused. "what's an ATM?" Loki asked, head cocked to the side. "never mind, i don't care." he muttered, waving a hand. "i want my night cuddles." he demanded, smirking at Lukas. "and a blow job. yes, a blow job now that my energy levels aren't so low."

Steve hesitated a moment and then. "honestly? sometimes, yes i do." he admitted softly. "sometimes i hate the world for changing while i was asleep. sometimes i hate that i ever woke up. but, honestly... i am glad too, i've met some great people, and made some even better freinds. the longer i stay here, the less angry and afraid i am." he admitted with a smile. "the longer i stay here, the more happy i am that i was frozen in the ice." he smirked at Jarvis. "smacking him upside the head tends to work, and it's satisfying too. and now you can get some pleasures in life as well, instead of working for tony 24/7. there's all kinds of things i'm sure you'll find great! books for example, and food as you've discovered. i'm sure Loki's already shown you the glories of feminine products, but there's other things too. like art, and music, and not that crap that Tony listens to either, i'm talking about REAL, proper music. and there's animals too, and just wait until you feel the sun Jarvis. and the wind, and a kiss. there's nothing better than a kiss. or looking up at night at the stars... only you can't watch the stars here... it's too bright."
“W-what?”Lukas sputtered looking at loki as they walked towards their bedroom.”A blowjob huh?”he said blushing ever so slightly as he walked into the room, settling on the bed as he looked up at the man in front of him. Looking adorably nervous.

Jarvis nodded a little thinking over the man’s words as he stared down at his hands before smiling slightly. “Yes, it would be enjoyable to go see movies, or listen to music that tony doesn’t choose. Sometimes…you must wonder if he has any sense of the world around him.”He said before laughing and nodding a little. “Yes…loki had some good things to show me.”He said looking amused at the jotun’s sense of pleasure products, before smiling.”I would like to see the stars. I have seen pictures from when tony flies as iron man, but it is not the same.”he said thoughtfully, because he had experienced the world as iron man as he helped tony with the suit, but it was a unique and saddening experience, one that he could correct now, as he enjoyed the world by himself.
Loki smirked. "i'll give you one first if you'd like?" he offered with a small chuckle. "it will never cease to amaze me that someone who lived with Tony for most of his life, could be so virginal." Loki admitted with a shake of his head. "come on, i'll show you the joys of sex."

Steve smiled a little. "yes, i think you'd like a softer kind of music... you know, the kind that doesn't make your ears bleed." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i'm pretty sure that he's ignoring the world, a person like Tony... they are shockingly sheltered. Tony hides his trauma of his life behind his narcissistic attitude, but i don't think he realizes he's doing it." he admitted before he grinned at the other. "well, i might know a great place for Star Gazing. i could take you tomorrow?" he offered, his head tilted. "in the meantime... i could loan you some of my music? Tony got me a little bit of everything, i've been working my way through each genre of music to see what i do and don't like... some of the crap these people think is music... i mean honestly, who cares about some kid whose whipping her hair back and forth?"
“That would be nice, if you want.”Lukas said flushing a little before sulking. “I saw so much that I’ve religiously avoided having a life like his.”He grumbled looking embarrassed and annoyed at the other’s teasing, tugging him down for a kiss.

“Yes, that kind of music does sound good.”He mused before tilting his head a little. “…Tony?Shocking sheltered?Are you sure we’re talking about the same man?”He said snickering a little before sighing, nodding a little.”I would like that.”He said before laughing, nodding.”I am sure you have better music then tony.”he said before laughing quietly.”…what?Why would anyone want to listen to music about hair? I mean…not even tony could like that…”
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "makes sense." he admitted as he snuggled into the other and kissed him happily before he did just as promised and showed Lukas the amazing thing known as physical pleasure. Loki did make sure that Lukas wore a condom, Loki sure as hell didn't want to be pregnant while he was sick.

Steve chuckled. "think about it. until he ended up kidnapped in Iraq, he was never hungry, he never experienced true pain, he never lost anything important to him save for his father. if he wanted something he got it. he never knew suffering, or agony... he was sheltered, and was allowed to do whatever he wanted. but he was bitterly lonely. that has led to a lot of his actions as an adult. becoming Iron Man was good for him, but he was never taught, or raised, to be a good, functioning adult." Steve admitted with a small smile. "and no, tony doesn't like Willow Smith, thank heavens. hold on, i'll go get some of my favorite music!" he promised, leaving the room and returning ten minutes later with a portable CD boombox and a pile of CD's. Steve introduced the other to the joys of The Beatles, Johnny Cash, Styx, and even Lincoln park, Green-day, and even one of the country music singers called Reba.
“Huh.I never really thought about it that way.”Jarvis said frowning thoughtfully before smiling a little. “It’s a good thing he’s had pepper then. She’s a functioning adult, even if she has just as weird tastes in sex as he does.”He said thoughtfully before laughing.”Okay okay.”The man said looking curious, listening to the other’s music, looking amazed. “They are so different. They all sound different.”he said, experiencing music with actual ears was very different from just processing it as a computer. It was a weird experience, that actually managed to draw tears to his eyes as he listened, overwhelmed by his new status in life.
Steve smiled a little before he made a face. "i'd rather not think of Pepper having sex, thanks." he stated dryly before he smiled as Jarvis reacted to the glory that was music. "yeah, music really is amazing. i was stunned when i woke up and realized there where hundreds of different kinds of music out. "you'd love the classical, but i don't have any of that. you look like you'd love some Vivaldi, Beethoven, Wolfgang. there's all kinds of music out there for you to enjoy." he admitted with a smile, looking worried when he realized Jarvis was crying, but he understood. he'd cried a lot at first too. he gently wiped away a tear and pressed a kiss to the other's forehead. "come on... you need to get some sleep. i wonder if you'll have dreams? dreams can be wonderful." he admitted with a smile as he gently urged Jarvis into bed. "do you want me to stay until you fall asleep?"
“I have listened to some classical. When I tried to expand tony’s horizons.”Jarvis muttered before sighing as the other pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Yes, please. I don’t want to be alone.”he muttered as the man shifted to get comfortable, snuggling down into the bed.

In the morning lukas smiled a little as he shifted, gently running his fingers through loki’s hair as he sat up, pressing a kiss to his forehead.”How you feeling?”He muttered looking the man over, looking interested because he just knew that if loki felt well enough he was going to end up shopping again, he just knew it. After all, the man had given a lot of his stuff to Jarvis, so he’d feel the need to shop again. Not that he really minded, it was amusing to see loki so excited.

“Well..damn. I had thought it was a dream…then I saw him.”Tony said waving a fork of food at Jarvis as the A.I. walked into the kitchen looking at steve as the man came in after. “How are you?”he said looking at the A.I. because for so many years, pepper and Jarvis had been the only friends he’d had. “I am…well.”Jarvis said frowning slightly.
he smiled a little and nodded. he never meant to fall asleep as well, but he did, he fell asleep to the dulcet tones of Styx-come sail away and woke in the morning with a shocked grunt, realizing that he had fallen asleep on the floor. he followed Jarvis into the kitchen and had to chuckle at Tony. "of course he's not well, he's adjusting." Steve stated simply. "he's traumatized, frightened, and upset, but i think he's calming down and coming to terms with things fairly well... a lot better than i did anyway. i nearly killed thirteen people in a fit of furious rage because they hadn't just left me buried in the ice... i never did handle severe stress too much." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "any sign of Loki? i wanted to ask him for a favor."

Loki hummed softly. "i feel suitably sore in the nether regions and particularly sated." he admitted with a grin. "all in all i feel wonderfully ravished. can we do it again?" he asked hopefully. "we should probobly check up on Jarvis though... and get more cake, i like cake." he admitted happily, licking his lips. "and food of course, i particularly like those fluffy flat things that Natasha made, the one with the squares." waffles.
Tony made a face looking annoyed. “You don’t have to be mean, I was just asking.”The man said, and like steve had said, the man wasn’t used to dealing with emotions, even after the last few years of having actual friends, the man was still at a loss how to express worry for another person, when he usually was amazing with words. Jarvis smiled a little.”Well, it helps that I have lived in this world for as long as I is just a new sense of everything be able to interact with it directly, instead of relying on tony to do it for me.”Jarvis said smirking as tony made a face. “Probably fucking lukas against a wall. They were up most of last night.”The man said rolling his eyes.

“Good. And yes, we can. After breakfast.”the man said blushing as he looked down at loki, leaning down to kiss him lightly before snickering. “Come on. You cant have cake for breakfast but you can ask tasha if she’ll make waffles for you. I cant make waffles, I always end up burning them.”He said amused as he got up to get dressed.
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