Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Loki snickered a little and shook his head as he let the other lead him away for a good night story and a nap. he woke up, normal as always and played with his new clothes, trying to decide which one to wear first. he sat down and ate breakfast, three times more than what a normal person would eat. it was a good thing Tony was a billionaire or Loki might have eaten him out of house and home. literally. Loki was just settling in to watch a Movie with Natasha and Pepper when it happened. he went sort of limp and stared at nothing. not even in the direction of the TV, he was staring at the wall, or maybe the ceiling, his eyes blank and unseeing. it didn't take long for both Pepper and Natasha to realize something was very, very wrong, and got Lukas and Bruce and Thor. the Thunder god cursing as he motioned for everyone to stay back. "don't touch him, he'll panic and go mad, he'll still panic when he snaps out of it, but it won't be as bad. watch him close, when he starts coming out of it, he'll start to blink. that's when you have to grab him and pin him down. he'll hurt himself if you don't. he'll scream bloody murder, but you mustn't let him go or he'll hurt you, himself, and anything else he can get his nails and teeth on."

(and yes, there is an explanation for this as well ;))
“bloody hell, that’s creepy.”tony said looking worried about him even as he settled on one of the arms of the arm chair, watching loki. Though eh had every intention of letting lukas pin him, he was standing by the watch just in case. “How long will it last?”Lukas said his voice worried as he sat on the floor in front of loki, hovering close by to be close to the man as he resisted the urge to grab him. “Here. They’re Velcro, but they’ll pin his hands.”Clint said dangling a pair of sturdy handcuffs in front of lukas’ face, smirking as the man took them, standing ready to grab loki, because he knew that between him and lukas, they were the most physically fit besides thor.
Thor hesitated a little. "it varies. this part can last anywhere from five to fifteen minutes." he admitted. "the next part can last anywhere from twenty minutes to five hours..." he admitted softly, tensing as Loki blinked slowly. "Grab his arms!" he demanded, grabbing his brother's shoulders, Loki immidiatly shrieking in rage as Bruce grabbed the man's legs to keep him from kicking. it wasn't hard to restrain Loki, who raged and shrieked, snarled and hissed and spat and struggled like he was some sort of viscous wild beast. there was no thought, no emotion, just pure, wild fury and the desperation to hurt something or escape. as soon as Bruce was certain they had him pinned properly, he backed off, and then Thor did as well, though his retreat was punctuated with a howl of pain after Loki bit him, hard on the arm. "Dammit!" Thor complained, shaking his hand where perfect Loki teeth prints could be seen. "i always forget to leave my hands out of reach." Thor grumbled as he shook his hand and watched his brother snarling and fighting against the two men still trying to contain him. "it's so strange..." Bruce muttered, scowling. "it's like he's not even human anymore." "he was never human." "you know what i mean." "this is a short one, he's already starting to calm down." Thor muttered, kneeling next to his brother, who was still snarling, but he wasn't struggling anymore. his body was relaxing under the force of Lukas's 'special powers'.
Lukas smirked even as he held the man, muttering quiet things to loki, not caring what he said, as long as the words were tinged with his gift, while him and clint held the man, lukas held loki. Glancing towards thor he nodded a little, glad to see the man calming before frowning slightly. “I think he gives tasha a run for his money when she’s in a mood.”Clint muttered panting ever so slightly as he shifted his hold, his eyes flickering up to look at bruce. “Any ideas what this is?”he said looking interested, and wondering if the man who had the most knowledge of rage and out of control episodes, could think about this.
Loki shuddered and writhed, hissing and snarling even as he snuggled into Lukas, recognizing the man as his mate, even in his furious condition. "i have a few theories..." Bruce admitted as he pulled out his portable MRI and ran a scan on Loki's head, his eyes narrowed at the readings. "...well... that's... unusual." Bruce muttered as he glanced at Loki, his head cocked to the side. "how did we miss this on the original scan?" he asked, showing Lukas the scan. it was a blood clot in the brain... Loki was having a stroke, and even as Bruce continued to run the scan, Loki's magic dissolved the clot, and healed the damage, leaving Loki sleeping in Lukas's lap, breathing softly as he rested from his latest medical disaster. "well... that explains how we missed it, but what's causing it? has he always done this?" "no, not since the tesseract, as far as i know." Thor admitted. "Clint, did Loki ever do this while you, under his control?" Thor asked, worried. but no, Loki hadn't done that. whatever this was, it was new. "still, it seams like the return of his magic is a cause of this... he's been without incident for so long, it's too much to be a coincidence..."
Lukas frowned leaning his head up to look at the scan, before frowning down at the man he was holding. “Bloody hell. What in the world…”he muttered thinking it over, and coming up with no reasonable ideas. “No. He was…as normal as he ever was. You know, insane, but in perfect health.”Clint said frowning as he sat back on his heals. “…what if his magic is causing it, along with healing it?I mean, his blood pressure is lower, thicker blood…humans have issues, and we have a lot thinner blood. Jotun’s blood is thicker.”Lukas said frowning as he thought over the idea trying to figure it out.
"yes but if it was just too thick of blood, he would always have had this problem. something has to be setting it off." Bruce complained as he studied Loki. "i wonder if maybe the beat down he got caused a malfunction in his system somehow?" Bruce muttered as he carefully peeked into Loki's eyes, checking the man's pupil's... which reacted normally, even if Loki did groan and turned his head away from the 'green doctor' to hide his face into Lukas's belly, intent on sleeping. "i think he's alright now. lets get the cuffs off him and him into bed. it doesn't look like there's any trouble now. any sign of clots are gone." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "i don't know how an anticoagulant would work on a Jotun. i'll need to do some more living blood tests." he admitted with a shake of his head. "get him settled and i'll draw some blood later." he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "if it's not one thing, it's another..." he muttered watching Lukas carry Loki out of the room.

Loki woke with a high pitched keening cry, a sound of terror, his magic practically exploded out of him, sinking into the building and causing a massive electrical surge that left the building completely with power and Loki sitting on the bed, panting. "...gods... i haven't had a nightmare since i was a child." Loki muttered, running a hand through his hair, frowning. "why is it so dark in here?.. Lukas?" he paused as there was another pulse of power, where J.A.R.V.I.S's mainframe was. "...that was my fault...wasn't it?"
Lukas started, actually falling out of bed when the man woke, scrambling to his feet and holding the gun loosely in his hand, like tony and clint, he rarely went anywhere unarmed. Looking sleepily around him he frowned before he focused on the man on the bed, setting the gun aside, huffing out a sigh as he slumped back down to the bed, looking tired and worried. “You okay?”He muttered before looking up as the room went dark, “It was.”he said flashing a grin as he heard tony’s cussing even rooms away, oh yea, the man wasn’t happy at finding his tpwer without power.

The cyborg standing in the mainframe room looked around him, so utterly confused at suddenly finding himself with a body, that he sat down on the floor and tried to become one with the mainframe computer again. Not even realizing when tony walked in, took one look at him and walked out again, the technical genius so out of sorts at seeing someone sitting in the computer room that he’d forgotten what he’d gone in to investigate."...there's someone in there. Go investigate."Tony growled at steve as he saw captain America walking towards him, squinting in the low level emergency lights, so out of sorts he couldn't think.
Loki grimaced a little. "oh dear..." he muttered. "i'm sorry, i really am... i didn't mean to.. do whatever i did." he admitted, biting his lip. "i'm alright, a bit of a headache. did i fall asleep watching the movie?" he asked sluggishly as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. "i dreamed you killed me." he stated suddenly, scowling at Lukas. "how dare you use such uncouth methods of murder!" he complained. "if your going to kill me, at least be personal about it, jerk." he complained, sulking because Lukas hadn't killed him properly in his dream. yeah, Loki was one twisted puppy.

Steve blinked at Tony, his eyebrows lifting as he watched the other squint at things. the Cyborg would find accessing the mainframe and computers just as easy ass he always had, he just... was physical now. "Who are you and what do you want here." Steve demanded, gun up, aimed at Jarvis, his eyes narrowed. "and how did you cut the power?" he demanded, staring at the beautiful man. pretty blue white hair, skin as smooth as silk... naked as the day he was born.... "where the hell are your clothes?!"
“Its okay. Tony’ll figure out what’s wrong. It’ll give him something to do, he’s bored so much of the time.”Lukas said before staring at the man as he sat down on the bed, trying to sort out what the man had just said.”….I didnt kill you….”He frowned before pausing thinking about it and giving into the curiousity.”How did I kill you?”

“I am jarvis. I am trying to see what happened, master steve, I feel oddly.”Jarvis frowned at the man in front of him as he shifted, before frowning.”I am a computer, I do not need clothing. Why would I need clothing?” “…Here. Dress.”Tony demanded as he walked back in with a pair of jeans, staring at the man, because well, there was something so weird about this, that he had to act normal. “Thank you master tony.”He paused, “How do I put them on?”Jarvis asked after a moment.
Loki chuckled a little. "i'm sure i just blew the fuses." man didn't know what an iron was, and couldn't work a toaster, but he could tell you exactly how Electricity was made after a few lessons with Tony. Loki was incredibly smart, when he was interested in something anyway. "well no, not really." he agreed before he sulked at the other. "you shot me in the head with a gun." he complained. "you didn't even look at me, it was awful." he wrapped his arms tightly around the other. "it was as if you'd never cared about me at all."

Steve nearly choked on his tongue at being called 'master Steve' and he looked the other up and down, swallowing thickly. "er. i hate to tll you this Jarvis but your not a Computer anymore..." he pointed out. "Tony... i think Loki might be involved in this..." Steve admitted. "i heard him yell right before the power went out." he admitted before swallowing thickly as he took the pants from the Cyborg and helped him get his pants on, eyes averted and blushing furiously. "there... now your... mostly decent." Steve muttered, staring at Jarvis before he reached out and touched the others face, running his fingertips down Jarvis's face. "it's amazing, he feels completely human..." he muttered, his head tilted. "this is really weird... i mean... really weird..."
“Ah, maybe.”Lukas said snickering a little because it amused him that the man knew everything about electricity, but still wanted to eat the wrapping on tacos. “Well, would you feel better if I tell you, if I should kill you, I shall do it in the most personal way I imagine?”He teased rolling his eyes a little shaking his head.

“…not a computer. How can I not be a computer?”Jarvis frowned looking confused as he allowed steve to help him dress. “I’ll go see him, bring him down to the living room, I’ll grab the other two.”tony said already heading for loki’s room. Uelping a little as he jerked back at the touch, looking startled. “…weird. Yes master steve, that is a good word for it.”He said frowning a little as he looked up at tony.
Loki huffed a little. "if you kill me you had best do it directly after fucking me, and then you have to strangle me while looking into my eyes like a man!" he paused. "hmm. Thor's right, i need help." he admitted with a small chuckle as he nuzzled the others belly. "so what has you all upset? i've never seen you pull a weapon before." Loki admitted with a small smile. "come on. they'll want to talk to me, or Tony will at least." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i can't imagine he's too happy about being without power."

Steve swallowed thickly. "i don't know, but i think being as human intelligent as you are, you developed a unique personality, which gave way to a soul. you have emotions, don't you Jarvis? you feel annoyed with Tony all the time i'm sure. i think that whatever caused that power surge, most likely Loki somehow, it gave you a physical form. so in a way, you are still a computer program, but in another, your human." Steve mused. "good gods Loki made Life." Bruce stated, staring at Jarvis with wide eyes. "come on Jarvis, up you get, can you find your feet?" Steve had to wonder if Jarvis even knew how to walk, he wouldn't exactly need legs as a computer program.
“…you need help. Really.”Lukas said rolling his eyes before laughing.”You startled me. I usually go for a weapon when startled.”He said shrugging, blushing ever so slightly before sighing glancing at the door. “You turned my computer into a cyborg. You need to come and fix this.”Tony said as he walked into the room, looking out of sorts and seriously annoyed after stumbling around the tower and having walked into a few walls on his way here.

“I do. He is very annoying sometimes.”Jarvis said frowning a little before thinking about that shaking his head. “Loki is very powerful. You should go find out how he did that.”He said wondering indeed how loki had caused this before nodding slowly, pushing up off the wall, hesitatingly standing. He wasn’t sure about this whole walking thing, but he’d watched others do it, surely he was capable of doing that.
Steve snorted. "only sometimes Jarvis?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "come on, you can admit it, as much as you love him, he's an annoying, egotistical ass who never listens to a word you say. you want to beat him over the head half the time, and just ignore him the other half." he grinned. "now you can actually ignore him if you want to... maybe." he muttered as he helped Jarvis get to his feet, and walk up thirteen flights to the communal living room where Loki was waiting.

Loki stared at Tony. "i did what!?" he demanded, stunned. "oh dear..." he muttered, tossing his blankets off and following Tony, looking worried. "i've never done anything like this before. never on purpose and sure as hell never on accident!" Loki complained, looking highly upset as he went into the living room. "oh my god i really did." Loki muttered, horrified as he stood up and walked around Jarvis, carefully checking this and that and the other thing, asking various questions. 'can you still connect to the mainframe?' yes. 'can you receive physical information?' AKA, can you feel it when i touch you? yes. "this is... completely beyond anything any sorcerer should be capable of." Loki explained after a moment, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "this is a combination of three things... 1: my magic, which i accidentally released after a nightmare. 2: Stark's Ark Reactor, which is powering this building, as well as his own heart. and 3:... Jarvis's own Soul. Mister Stark, you literally created Life with that state of the art A.I. system you created. by allowing Jarvis his own personal thoughts and feelings, you literally grew a soul... i can't reverse this. it is against the Laws of Magic. Life has been created, the only way to 'un-create' it... would be to kill him. and that wouldn't fix the problem it would just kill him..." Loki admitted with a shudder. "he is literally, living technology now."
“He is a narcissistic asshole sometimes, yes.”Jarvis agreed before smirking and nodding. “I try to ignore him. He never listens to me anyways.”he said before following the other.

“You heard me. I have a newly made Jarvis in my lab.”He whined looking annoyed as they headed into the living room frowning as he watched loki interrogate the cyborg who was looking more and more upset with each question. “This is weird. Seriously. I hadn’t meant to do that.”Tony said frowning a little, weirded out that the A.I. he’d created was so intelligent, so much its own person it had created life. “This is so weird.”He muttered. “Just think tony, he can now do what he’s probably wanted to do for years. Smack you around for being a asshole.”Lukas supplied smirking as Jarvis snorted a laugh, a small smile on the cyborg’s face. Which had been lukas’ intent, because he hated to see the…computer that had raised him as much as tony and pepper did, upset. It was weird, but they could come to terms and live with it.
Loki snorted at Tony. "you never mean to do a lot of things. idiot. where did you think Souls come from? conception? no, Souls are formed upon the birth of emotions. even some trees have souls and you though an A.I. programmed to FEEL wouldn't have a soul?" "you know, this might not be such a bad thing." Steve pointed out once the A.I. cracked a smile. "yes, Jarvis is in a form he probobly never wanted or needed... but this could be the start of a new life for him." "and he can still interface with, well, everything." Bruce commented. "i can't imagine he was too happy juts... floating about. i'll need to run a few scans on him, to see if he has any health issues or missing organs." "he's a computer." Loki stated suddenly. "he doesn't really 'need' to eat. he get's most of his energy straight from the systems he is constantly in communication with. he's probobly already located the power problem." Loki admitted. "he CAN eat, if he wants to, but he doesn't have to..." he looked at Jarvis, looking upset and worried and guilty. "i AM sorry, i never meant... i didn't mean to." he promised softly. he had practically ruined the A.I's life. "i'll look after you Jarvis." Steve promised, setting a hand on the other man's, gently holding Jarvis's hand, hoping to calm him somewhat. "it's not like anything has been taken away, right? you can still do everything you used to be able to do... think of it as a massive, major upgrade." Bruce suggested. "the upgrade was an accident, but you will be able to do a lot more things now, some for Tony, and some for yourself even."
Jarvis frowned a little as he watched the others talk, trying to decide just hos freaked out tony was,snickering a at the billionaire's obvious distress at having one of his projects go in a direction he'd never considered."I can still doball that,yes..."he said as the man realized that he hadn't lost anything just gained a new way of interacting. Smiling a little at loki he nodded."I have. It is already being fixed,you just blew a breaker. Someone just needs to go flip the switch now."he said relaxing more as steve rubbed his back before perking up a little."....I would like to try food." "Well lets go get some."lukas said heading for the kitchen."we have to feed loki anyways,he'll get grouchy if we don't. And jarvis?" "Yes?" "Never,ver let tony cook for you. Hes horrible at it."
Loki chuckled weakly as he watched Tony. "i'm sorry Tony... i really didn't mean to, it's Lukas's fault!" he complained, sulking. "shooting me in the head. i mean really..." he muttered softly before he offered Jarvis a relived smile, Bruce and Steve smiling at Jarvis. "it will take a bit for you to get used to the new interfacing program." Bruce commented, using terminology that Jarvis would be used to. "but i think you'll get the hang of things, you're already walking quite well." he admitted. "it seams like your new body came with built in instructions on how to use it. which is great, because potty training you would have been mortifying." Bruce admitted before freezing. "oh my god i opened my mouth and TONY came out!" he complained, looking utterly horrified. Loki couldn't help it, he started to laugh, the look on Bruce's face! "Oh! Me! i want to flip the switch!" Loki demanded, bouncing in his seat. he loved tony's technology... even if he wasn't allowed to touch most of it. for good reason apparently. Bruce and Steve both snickered as they watched Loki rush out of the room to get the switch and the power flickered back on without another issue. "And i do NOT get grumpy!" Loki complained as he strode back into the room, nose in the air. "now feed me you cretin!" "and never let him choose the dining place either." Steve commented. "i don't know if you can get sick, but i wouldn't test it."
"It is not my fault!I didn't do anything!"lukas sputtered looking anniyed as jarvis just stared at him in bemusement,trying to figure out what loki had mwant before looking at bruce.for a moment at a loss for words before starting to laugh."you've spent to much time here,master bruce, tony's infectious like that." "I am not! And potty training really would have been horrible." "It really does amaze me with how much swx you have,that you're not infectious"lukas mused snickering as loki ran off to take care of thr breaker,mused that the man was so excited about it."you mean like eating at a shawarma place?yes I will keep that in mind."jarvis teased a little looking fascinated as he watched lukas starting to cook breakfast.
Loki snickered at Lukas's complaints as he skipped off and settled at the table to enjoy breakfast as Bruce groaned. "i'm going back to Calcutta..." he complained. "your not the only one who's stunned that he's not a walker venereal disease." Loki commented simply. "i'm amazed he even knows what a condom is." Pepper snickered again and shook her head as Steve took on a strange color, like he wanted to be sick and blush at the same time. "do we have to talk like that when food is cooking?" he demanded, Loki chuckling a little. "i think that your about my size." Loki admitted. "i'll loan you my clothes." he promised. "they are all new anyway, and Tony can get me more." he promised with a smile. glad that Jarvis wasn't too upset with him. they all watched as Jarvis took his first bite of food, waiting to see his reaction.
"Pepper,tell them to stop being mean."tony muttered as he kissed her cheek."okay okay.cap,for you we'll stop."lukas said snickering as he sat a plate of eggs and bacon in front of jarvis.biting his lip as he watched him. "Thank you master loki,that is indeed kind of you."jarvis smiled at the offer of clothes before hesitantly picking up the fork, trying to remember how the worked before taking a bite of egg his eyes widening as he swallowed."..that is indeed a powerful taste. I never thought food would be that enjoyable."
Steve sighed a little, relieved as they stopped talking about such nasty crap. "of course. really, it just gives me an excuse to go shopping again." he smirked at the volley of groans that produced. "isn't it though!? Earth food is amazing." Loki breathed, Steve chuckling a little as he shook his head. "oh dear lord now there's two of them. food obsessed the lot of you." "hush you heathen." Loki ordered. "you simply have no appreciation for the proper things in life." he stated with a sniff, Steve chuckling a little as he tucked into his own breakfast. Loki inhaled his own breakfast, enjoying it very much, but he seamed to be realizing that he would never be denied food, because he only ate twice as much food, instead of four times as much. "Tony? Jarvis is going to need a room." Steve commented suddenly. "which room will be his?" Steve hoped it would be one close to his. "yes, i'll let him dig through all those bags too, let him pick out anything he likes."
“Nooo…We’re making tony go this time.”Lukas decided smirking. “Why me?” “Cause you’re paying for it, and you didn’t go last time.”He said smirking a little as Jarvis nodded and started to dig into the food. “but its good!”Jarvis said frowning at steve before starting to eat more. “A room?Why would I need a room?There are plenty of rooms.”Jarvis said looking up. “Well, you can rest and sleep. Though you wont really need it, you should get a private space to yourself.”Tony said before looking at steve, studying the man for a long moment,”there’s a empty room near yours. He can have that one.”
Loki smiled. "apparently i am an 'overzealous' shopper." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "Thor told me he was never, ever going shopping with me ever again, i've no idea why." Loki complained with a pout and Steve chuckled a little. "i guess it does taste really good... especially for people who have never tasted it before." he mused before he flashed a look at Tony, a look filled with delight, slight fear, and confusion, as if he wasn't sure why he was so glad to have Jarvis so close. "here, eat some more Loki, your still too thin." "i will always be thin." Loki stated simply. "my magic burns off any excess body fat available to me." he explained. "part of why i eat so much, is that i need energy for myself, and for my magic. i would have to eat constantly for a year before i amassed enough 'extra' energy to start building up body fat." Loki admitted with a shrug as they stared at him again. "what?" "we need to get him more sugar. sugar and caffeine, that's pure energy right?" Steve asked, looking amused. "..sugar?" Loki asked his head cocked to the side curiously. "what's Sugar?" "candy, chocolate, ice-cream, cakes, pastries, some juice... if it's overly sweet, it's probobly sugar filled." "...i like sweet things, i desire to try sugar." "yeah Lukas! let's make a cake!" Steve decided suddenly. "it is, in a sense, Jarvis's Birthday! it should be celebrated!" "whats a birthday?" Loki asked, curious.
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