Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Loki smiled sheepishly. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you panic..." he muttered before moaning as he felt the hands on his legs, relaxing into the massage. "oh that feels soooo good." he moaned happily, Natasha snickering as she walked in to see what all the fuss was about. "much better." Loki agreed with a smile as he slowly stood up, testing his legs before tossing his hair like a woman and stalked into the kitchen like the Diva he was, Natasha dissolving into wild giggles at Loki's dramatics.
“Its okay. Glad that it was something simple.”Lukas said huffing out a laugh snickering a little biting his lip to keep from laughing out loud at the dramatic godling before returning to his breakfast. Clint smirked a little as he looked up from the bowl of cereal he was eating, “Are you sure you’re not a girl?Such a diva.”he teased loki looking over at him. “How are you feeling today?”Tony said as he swung into the room, looking tired but relaxed, glad to see that loki was up and moving on his own. At least they’d have good news to tell thor when the asgardian king returned.
Loki smirked a little at Clint's comment. "of course i'm a girl, you are aware that there are no such thing as 'female' Jotun right?" he asked, looking highly amused as Bruce started to choke in shock. "what!?" he demanded, his eyes wide as Loki nodded. "yes, there are only Male type A's and Male type B's. Type A is your typical fully functioning male. type B are the ones that carry the offspring. so technically... yes, i would be female." he admitted, looking highly pleased with their stunned shock. "my stomach is a little queasy this morning, but i'm not in any pain and i have more energy than i've had in a long time."
Lukas eyes went wide looking amused and startled at the idea."well that would explain things. Though does that mean your gay or just normal?"lukas asked sounding amused. "..this whole conversation is weird,an we just focus on the fact that hes feeling better and not on what he wants to do to lukas,nd what body parts are going to be involved?"tony whined looking vaguely disturbed at the information about loki being male and female. For a man who was open to a lot of things,that was just to much.
Loki smirked a little. "for the Jotun there is no such thing as Gay, we love who we love." he admitted with a shake his head. "but i suppose for Earthen components, i would be Gay, as i'm not sure human semen is capable of impregnating me." he admitted with a small chuckle. "in any case, i am fully male, there are no breasts, there is no vagina, there is no bleeding to death once a month." "hey!" Natasha complained. "i don't even really have a womb." Loki admitted with a smile. "my magic just creates a 'pocket space' in which Fetus is formed." he admitted as he took a drink of some orange juice. "i much enjoy this, what is it called?"
"Admir it natasha,you bleed other people to deah during that time. Its amazing clint's survived this long."tony said snickering a little looking amused and interested. After all he was a genius,e liked knowing things,gen things as weird as jotun mating things. Lukas smiled a little looking at loki,"so what do you want to do today?feel like trying a small walk outside?"he asked curious to see just how well the man was feeling.
Natasha snorted a little. "i'm surprised You've lived this long Tony Stark." she bit back with a snicker. "as much as you seam to piss off very female in radius." "outside?" Loki asked, looking wary all of a sudden. "where people are?" he asked, nervous about facing the city that he had nearly destroyed. "...just a little one..." he decided. he was going to be living there for some time no doubt, he'd best get adjusted. "after a nap maybe?" he decided. "so i know i won't get too tired halfway through." with that decided, he gobbled down as much food as they'd feed him, stopping only because Natasha was worried he was going to get sick if he ate anymore. it was a good sign that he was getting better at least.

he stood outside in the warm sun and just smiled for a moment. Tony had dropped them off at Central park in a car so Loki could enjoy greenery and sunshine. he had taken a single loop around the park before he had to sit down, but that was certainly better than what he had managed since he'd shown up. "i forget how wonderful the sun is." Loki admitted with a smile. "Earths sun is so much closer than Asgards. we get the light from our sun, but not the heat. Jotunheimer doesn't have a sun at all. it is always dark there." he admitted, opening his eyes. "Lukas?... when i'm better... cured... can i still stay here?"
Lukas smiled as they walked through the park,hovering at the man's side but trying to not look as worried as he felt. And while he was watching the park around thrm, he had to admit that tony had chosen well in coming to the park in the middle of the week, where they had the most privacy,with clint and natasha somewhere close by out of siht,just in case they were needed. Leaning back on the bench he enjoyed the sunlight, starting a little as the man spoke to him before smiling."if you want. Thouh you might want to move out of the tower. Tony's sex life would get tiring after awhile."he teased a little."but...if you don't want your own place you could stay with me...I mean if you want...tony made sure I have a big place,o there's really to much room for just one person..."
Loki smiled a little as he watched Lukas. "i hate the Tower." he admitted. "too many stairs." he complained with a wrinkle of his nose before he smiled at Lukas. "you would let me stay with you?" he asked, looking hopeful and excited. "really? you wouldn't mind?" he asked, taking the others hand. "i would like that... i like being with you." he admitted with a smile before he glanced around the park with a scowl. "...did you feel that?" he asked, looking around. "it felt like..." he shuddered. "we need to go back... now. someone just 'ported' in from another realm. they used Dark Energy."
"Yea,tony is a bastard like that.having so many stairs."he snickered a little looking amused before blushing alightly nodding."I would. You're not so bad to be around,and I wouldn't mind the company."he said before looking worried."what?no I didn't but lets go now."he said looking worried as he helped loki up already calling tony to warn him something was wrong and hurrying loki towards the car as tony pulled out of the parking lot."what happened?"tony asked as he headed back towards the tower.
Loki chuckled a little at that and nodded. "yes, he is a bastard." he agreed before smiling at the other. "i'm glad i'm not annoying then." he mused with a small chuckle before going alert to the sensation of Dark Energy. "Dark Energy." Loki explained, staring at Tony. "someone has come from another realm, using the same sort of Magical Energy that it took to get ME, here, not to mention Thor before the bridge was fixed." he admitted, blinking at him. "who it is, i don't know, but i highly doubt it is for anything good. otherwise they would have taken the bridge. we need to be on alert, it could be nothing... but then again it could just as easily be another creature bent on world domination."
Tony cursed as they got back to the tower,calling natasha and clint, and bruce to warn them what loki had said even as he walked with lukas and loki upstairs glancing at loki."is there a way to get a message to thor?if it really is someone from your world,having him here would be good."tony said reasonably as they heqded inside.
Loki was pretty exaughsted by the time they got back to the Tower and he settled into bed, unable to keep to his feet anymore. "i can't get a message to him, but i can summon him if i have to." Loki admitted as he reached up and unhooked an earring that no one had noticed until now, pressing it in his fingers he broke the glass ball in his fingers easily enough without even a wince. "he'll be here within the next few hours." Loki promised. "i didn't use the emergency beacon so he knows i need him, but that it can wait until he has a free moment." Loki admitted, leaning back into his pillows. "i'm going to take another nap, i'm tired..."
Lukas smiled as he settled doen on the bed next to loki with his book. Having every intention of reting and reading."thanks loki. We'll wake you up when he gets here."tony promized as he left the two alone.

When thor arrived tony smiled slightly waving off the man's look of concern."nothings wrong with loki. He sensed someone using dark energy and we wanted to tell you."he explained before the thunder god could get worked up over the fact that loki had wanted hom here.
Loki smiled as he listened to the other read, dozing happily to the sound of Lukas's voice. it was simply delightful.

Thor sighed, relaxing as he realized that Loki was fine before he tensed, looking worried as he realized that there was someone here. "if someone used Dark Energy to get here, then they knew they wouldn't get passed Heimdall." Thor stated, his eyes narrowed. "the Bridge is used by everyone to travel to all the nine realms unless someone is intending harm. so the only reason why someone is here using Dark Energy is for a reason Heimdall wouldn't accept as 'good reason'." Thor admitted, glancing up as a sleepy loki stumbled out of his room, looking highly grumpy that his nap had been interrupted. "have you told your leader? what was his name, Fury?" "...for that matter, does the cyclops even know i'm here?" Loki asked curiously as he sat down with a yawn, Thor smiling. "your making jokes at others expense again i see. feeling better?" "no. i'm grouchy because i was having a lovely dream and Lukas thought it was alright to wake me... i turned him into a pincushion..." he paused. "it didn't work, he just turned red." Thor snorted.
Tony nodded."I told fury,but he has no leads.nothing seems to have happened yet. So hes going to keep a eye out and let us know if anything odd happens."tony said before snickering a little."he knows and only beuce's threat to bash him as hulk kept him from ordering you back to asgard."he smiled. Lukas frowned looking annoyed at the man though he did look a liytle like he'd gotten a sunburn."I thought you'd want to know thor's didn't have to get all cranky."ukas scowled a little looking annoyed but amused
Loki and Thor both nodded and Loki had to snicker a little at the idea of Bruce being used as a threat. "well, i'm sure fury will kidnap me for questioning sooner or later." he admitted with a wave of his hand. "as long as someone is there to keep him from beating me, i don't care." he admitted with a shrug before smiling sweetly at Lukas. "you startled me that's all." he admitted calmly. "you should feel lucky, i tried turning you into a pincushion." he admitted with a small chuckle. "well, i'm free for the next week or two." Thor admitted. "so i'll be here if there's trouble..." he glanced at Tony. "would you allow me a room freind tony?"
"Preferanly later."lukas said smiling a little.tony grinned looking pleased that thor would be here before nodding."well considering lukas is spending all histime in loki's room,ou can have his." "What?hey,no. You have a whole building of rooms,including rooms for clint and natasha. Give thor his own room."lukas sputtered looking amused. "Fine. There's plenty of rooms.just choose what you want."tony said having just been teasing lukas smiling at thor.
Loki chuckled a little. "why not just let Fury come here and question me as he pleases?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i can't imagine he's too happy about having me here without seeing for himself that i'm harmless...well, more harmless than the last time i was here anyway." he muttered with a grin as he leaned against Lukas and turned him back to his normal colors. "i will just have the one i was in last time then." Thor decided with a small snicker. "still, Loki is looking much, much better. i am glad you have been able to help him." thor admitted, smirking as Loki huffed. "i'm going to live here you know." Loki stated imperiously, Thor blinking. "when i'm all better i mean. i'm going to live here." "well good. you seam to really like it here. maybe you can even find something to do, something to earn money and keep you entertained." "i'm going to sell Tacos." he stated with a nod and Thor snickered.
“Well.That would work to.”Tony said frowning, disliking the idea of fury in his house, but knowing that it was probably their best option. “Don’t look so worried. He’ll only be here for a little while tony, he wont be staying.”Lukas said rolling his eyes a little before looking down at the man leaning on him, absently pressing a kiss to his head before raising a eyebrow.”You’re going to sell tacos?” “Oh, don’t get him started. He’ll go on and on about how awesome tacos are.”Tony snorted looking amused but pleased that loki was intending on having a life after this, it meant he hadn’t given up on them finding a way to fix all of this.
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "yes, and with all of you here, he wouldn't dare try to peek into your impressive toys." Loki admitted. "we could even settle me into a room on the first floor, just so he doesn't have a chance to poke around." Loki admitted before glaring at them all. "Tacos ARE amazing! how dare you spout such blasphemy against them!" "you do realize that selling Tacos doesn't make much money?" "why do i need money? Tony refuses to let me buy anything with the money i have anyway." Loki pointed out and Natasha snickered a little, she had to admit... Loki was right, Tony... for all his egocentrics, was buying Loki everything, even things Loki neither needed, nor wanted, like the TV that had found it's way into Loki's room... which had frightened him so bad when it turned on, all by itself, that he'd smashed it to pieces, screaming that there was a THING in his room. that had been an amusing morning.
"Maybe I should let you deal with fury more often. It seems you have the best ideas on how to deal with him."tony mused before making a face."tacos are disgusting. Everythings touching and all."who knew tony could be so pickily about his food?and while thr man was egocentric, his love for lukas,his friendship for thor,nd geniune interest in seeing what loki would do if given the chance, was making the billionaire be fairly nice. "Tony has more money then he knows what to do with. We couldn't spend it all if we tried. We miht as well use it while hes being nice and offering it."lukas said snickering a little totally okay with loki selling tacos, as long as he was happy.
Loki rolled his eyes. "it's not that hard to deal with a man like Fury. let him think he's having his way, and he's happy." Loki stated simply. "next time he brings it up, pretend that your giving in because your tired of him asking, and we'll set things up so that it's in our control. yet he'll think he's the one in control, easy, and Tacos are NOT disgusting how DARE you!" Loki complained, narrowing his eyes at Tony. "i'll turn you into a newt!" he paused. "i bet i could spend all his money." Loki admitted with a smirk. "i'll buy Hawaii first i think." he admitted with a nod. "then i'll buy Australia, but only the part with the beach. the rest of it is ugly." Loki stated with a sniff, making Natasha snicker. Loki was just as picky as Tony was on some things. "and Tacos are the food of GODS and i will hear no words against them!" "...i thought pop-tarts where the food of the gods?" Thor asked, sounding amused as Loki turned and hissed at Thor like an angry cat. "Sugar coated cardboard is NOT food of Gods!" "it is NOT sugar coated Cardboard! pop-tarts are delicious!" and off the brothers went, bickering about pop-tarts and Tacos.
“You cant go buying those islands. They wont let you, I’ve tried.”Tony said smirking because it seemed both tony and loki had similar ideas of how to try to spend money. Lukas rolled his eyes,”But we could spend a week there, go on vacation.”he said sounding thoughtful. “No they’re not. I mean, they’re just chips with disgusting food in it. pizza is the food of the gods.”Tony decided looking amused as the brothers bickered before sighing, knowing there was something he should be doing, but being here listening to them, relaxing, was just to amusing to go and do actual work instead.
Loki sulked at that, he wanted an island. but... he wouldn't mind visiting, that's what a vacation was right? a visit to another place? "they are not! shut up! they are delicious and holy and i will hurt you for slandering the name of the all glorious Taco!... whats a Pizza?" he asked after a moment, his head cocked to the side as Thor paused. "...yes, what IS a Pizza?" Thor asked, highly suspicious after the Shawarma incident. while it had tasted... alright, for the most part, it had left ever single avenger sick for three days, even the almighty Thor! he wasn't about to trust Tony's word on food like that ever again. "...oh yes..." Loki muttered, highly amused by Thor's wariness. "you know, i've never heard a God get sick until Thor did after we returned home. Frigga was most distressed. it was Tony's decision, was it not, to eat poisoned food? therefore, his idea of good food, simply cannot be trusted, therefore, i win, and Tacos are all glorious." he stated loftily, getting snickers from various sources.
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