Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Lukas snickered looking amused as the man ate, shaking his head slightly amused at just how much the man was eating before raising his eyebrows slightly snickering. “No, well yes. He has been up most of last night working on that, but at the current moment I think he’s having his usual morning meeting with pepper. I don’t know why neither of them just don’t admit they’re in a relationship,everyone knows it, but nooo it’s the open secret of the avengers.”Lukas rolled his eyes before looking thoughtful as he studied the man.”You have some weird body things. That’ll be harder to work with.”he said frowning slightly as he thought that over.
Loki snorted a little. "he's having sex." Loki corrected with a roll of his eyes as he ate another chip of the potato. "didn't they get married?" Loki asked, looking puzzled. "i had thought they to be married..." he admitted before shrugging a little and peeking into the bag of chips before deciding he was full and sat back, looking curious. "my physiology is perfectly normal." Loki stated with a sniff. "you've just never encountered a full blooded Jotun before. i might be a runt, but i am still a full blooded frost Giant." he admitted with a slight smirk before he sighed. "i know. the problem is, non of the Aeser will treat me because i am Jotun, and none of the Jotun will treat me because i am a runt, and Royal blood or not, Runt's are to be culled at birth as weaknesses to the people. they see me dying as justice to their kind." he grumbled. "the Fire Elves are the natural enemies of the frost giants, and the only way i'm getting into Hel is if i'm dead, and then it won't matter much, will it? i have sword death upon all the Dwarves for their help in incarcerating my son Fenrir, who has never done anything wrong. the Vanir won't help me, because i am neither innocent, nor pure. so who is left to help me?" Loki asked, looking quite upset. "at least i can enjoy my last days." he pointed out. "i know better than to think even an exceptionally brilliant human like you or The Man of Iron to be able to fix me." he admitted.
“They going to, just haven’t had a chance to do so yet. They’re planning it, but they prefer not being asked about it considering tony’s…relationship life.”He said rolling his eyes a little before frowning looking annoyed.”Well.”Lukas thought over his words about the realms, huffing a little. “That’s stupid. I guess your going to have to count on me being brilliant enough to pull a bunny out of a hat.”he said before stopping thinking it over, “I mean be a magican and come up with a way to save you.”He pointed a finger and shook it a little at the man.”I wont have you giving up on me because I have a chance to be my exceptionally brilliant self.”
Loki snorted a little. "i shall pester the hell out of him." he decided happily. "until he snaps and finally asks her. i am well aware that he has only bedded Pepper for some months..." he paused and then. "Thor told me, he enjoys spying on you people." Loki admitted with a small chuckle. "why would you put a rabbit in a hat?" Loki asked, looking startled. "what a waste of good rabbit. they are delicious you know." he admitted with a nod before frowning. "magician? don't shake your finger at me! i'll turn it into a newt!" that seamed to be his favorite threat. "i'm not about to give up. by my estimation, unless this is a swiftly regressing disease, i have at least two years more to live. i might be utterly miserable, but i will also have more of a life than i have ever had... Thor hopes that you will cure me, but he really brought me here to have pleasure out of life for once." Loki admitted. "i will have hope that i can be saved, but until then, i intend to do things that please me, and make me happy." he admitted simply. "starting with food!" he chirped. "and books. asgardians don't have much in the way of books. oh and theater! i have seen a few mundane plays and they are exceptional! i simply loved watching Shakespeare perform in Romeo and Juliet. and of course listening to Charles Dickens read about Ebenezer scrooge for the world, it was simply wonderful!" he admitted with a smile. wow, Loki was ooooold.
Lukas laughed a little at the other’s surprise about a rabbit, shaking his head. “It just means pulling a miracle out of no where, of being able to conjure something.”Lukas said looking amused before laughing, raising his eyebrows before shaking his finger at the other just to get his point across. “no you wont. You like me tall blond and dangerous.”Lukas snickered before looking nodding.”Well, at least I have time to look then.I’ll find something help you.”he said looking amused before laughing, rolling his eyes.”We have books. Lots of them.”he said before laughing harder as he realized just how old the man was. “You’re old, loki.You look good for your age.”He said snickering a little.
Loki blinked at the man and then shrugged. "ah, well if anyone is capable of a miracle it would be you." he mused with a small smile. he winked at the other, and all of a sudden Lukas' hand was bright, neon, shocking yellow. "i'll agree. newts are not in the least bit pretty. i am partial to the color yellow though." he smirked. "it looks good on you." Lukas couldn't tell, but everything from his hair, to his feet, had turned sunshine yellow. "keep in mind, it is only an estimate, and like human illnesses, i could just as easily be dead in a week." he pointed out, smirking at the other. "i'm only 1345 years old. i'm not TAT old." he complained with a grin. well aware that he'd lived longer than some of the ancient trees in the forests! "now... how about we go see what Tony has figured out in my blood?" he wondered with a grin. "and let him see how my body is put together. i know you're curious about it." plus, Loki wanted to try an MRI, it looked fun.
Lukas yelped looking down at his hands, eyes widening as he considered his hand. “Loki...change me back.”He looked annoyed, and even if he couldn’t see it, he just had a feeling that the god of mischief was up to something. “Well, that’s true, but I’m going to think I’m going to go with the 2 year estimate, it’ll be easier to work with.”He said before staring at the other. “….you are that old. I’m only 24, old man.”He said rolling his eyes before nodding and getting up.”How did you know?”He said eying the man in amusement before walking down to the lab with him. “Tony!” “What?”The billionaire growled from where he was working, hunched over one of the mircoscopes he raised a eyebrow to look at loki and lukas, “I might call bruce. He’s a actual doctor, he might be better to ask about this.”
Loki just smirked. Lukas wouldn't know it, but the yellow would wash off under hot water. he was a got of mischief, not of cruelty after all. "a child then? well perhaps i had better not sleep with you then. i wouldn't want to be accused of being a pedophile." he mused with a small chuckle. "i am the god of chaos, you think i wouldn't know?" he asked, lifting an amused eyebrow as he followed the other into the lab before he sneered at the mention of Bruce. he said nothing about it though. "he is the doctor who was able to trace the energy signatures of the Tesseract?" Loki asked, impressed with the green beast man despite himself. "i suppose he would enjoy studying me as well." he agreed after a long moment. "have you been up all night Tony Stark?" Loki asked, blinking at the man. "you are aware that you will be useless if you don't rest properly? and get lot's of exercise too. i suppose Pepper would help with that though." Loki mused. "you have become married yes? she is a most beautiful woman. perfect for you, she controls your..." here his lip twitched. "Idiocies."
“I am not a child!Well…compared to you I am,but not by our standards. You’re not going to find someone your age here on earth,godling.”he teased loki before smiling as they walked into the lab. “Yes, he is.And most likely not, he’s enjoying his charity work, but he’s also a genius, and between the three of us, and thor, maybe we can hobble something together.”Tony said sighing as he ran his hands through his hair, the soft strands slightly longer, making it stick up on end as he did so, making it obvious he had indeed been down here. “I know, but I wanted to get through the first section. I was about to actually take a nap and see about getting some….excerise.”Tony said laughing,before nodding at loki’s words.”I have, and I would disagree with you-“ “Don’t. He’s right. She controls your inner idiot.” “Shut it lukas.”
he smirked a little. "you are well above the age of consent for your culture. i do beleive it will be fine." Loki promised with a small chuckle. "i would be worried if i found someone as old as myself in the mortal realms, because it would mean that they are not supposed to be here." he admitted with a small chuckle. "you really do look just like you got shagged. very nice." Loki commented with a sly grin. "since Lukas doesn't want to fuck, perhaps i could convince you, hmm?" he offered with a sly grin as he brought up an illusion of himself wearing nothing but a maid outfit, his head cocked to the side. Loki really didn't have the breasts for it, but those long, long legs where simply edible. and then the illusion was gone and Loki was smirking. "oh, it's so quiet all of a sudden..." he mused, looking... well, amused. "have you ever noticed how his sarcasm vanishes when he knows he has no argument?" Loki asked, grinning at Lukas. "it's just 'shut it Lukas'... is that not proof that he knows he's an idiot?"
“I have every intention of going to get shagged again.”Tony said looking amused at the idea before flicking a look towards lukas as the man stared at the maid’s outfit, “ohhhh I think your wrong about that loki. Lukas loves sex. And your interesting.”he said amused as he looked at the illusion, shaking his head a little as he considered the illusion before looking at loki again. “…that’s because you’ve just struck moron over there dumb by showing him your legs. You should wear it more often, I’d get more work done without lukas yapping in my ear.” “Hey!I’m not the one who distracts you. Talk to pepper about your sexual activities if you want more work done.”Lukas said looking amused before nodding. “I do, its fairly amusing. And yes, I’m fairly sure that is proof he’s a idiot.”He nodded.

“Lukas, why don’t you just go have sex. I know you don’t do sex anymore, but you need to and who better than loki to remove that stick from your ass and beat you with it?”Tony smirked looking at his friend, having every intention of getting the man in so much trouble lukas would be forced to be part of the world again. After…the incident with his ex, lukas had withdrawn to the point that tony worried that sometime he’d return to new York and find lukas dead in his apartment and not one would notice. So…that’s why tony allowed loki to stay here. Because he was going to use the godling to drag his friend kicking and screaming back into the world. "....shut up Stark."
Loki smirked a little. "well he doesn't seam all that interested in me, so i shall simply have to set my sights a little lower." Loki teased, complimenting Lukas and insulting Tony all at once. insinuating that Lukas was perfect and Tony was... not. "oh, i much prefer leather." Loki admitted with a smirk. "handcuffs, ropes, and collars too for that matter." he admitted with a chuckle. "i like being... helpless." Loki purred playfully at Lukas, wondering how the man was going to react to that. "Yes Lukas, come have sex." Loki purred, licking his lips. "you know you want to." he purred happily. "although, if you prefer, i would happily replace that 'stick' with something else." he promised, his eyes glittering with laughter. Loki was clearly enjoying himself, immensely. "uh... is this a bad time?" a voice asked from the door of the Lab, revealing Bruce Banner, back from Eurasia a week early. " it's the beast..." Loki grumbled, Bruce lifting an eyebrow.

"what is he doing here?" "...hmm, when was the last time you had sex Green man?" Loki asked suddenly, Bruce staring at him for a moment before the hulk turned his attention back to Tony. "seriously, what is he doing here?" "i'm dying." Loki explained with a sigh. "Thor rescued me from the inanities of Asgard and brought me here in the hopes that Tony or Lukas might be able to save my life..." Loki snorted as Bruce stared at him and turned his attention to Tony once more. "did you brainwash him or something? he's actually being slightly pleasant." "of course i'm pleasant. i'm always pleasant. i'm also fucking sexy." he pointed out. "and looking to get laid, so again..." "i don't do men, sorry. try Lukas... or Tony." he blinked when Loki sulked. "i DID! they are ignoring me!" Loki complained with a sigh before his nose twitched and he stared at Bruce. "you have Tacos!" "i... what? hey get off! those are mine!" Bruce demanded when Loki rushed forward and snatched the bag of Taco bell out of Bruce's hands and ran off with it, Bruce hot on his heals. God of Chaos indeed.
“Hey, I’m not lower then the kid.”Tony said looking annoyed with loki’s words, nodding towards lukas who was easily 10 years younger then him. Laughing at the look on lukas’ face as loki continued talking he mused on what lukas was going to do, either run away or simply explode. “I’m sure we could make you helpless, puny god.”Tony teased looking amused at lukas face before grinning at bruce as he came in.”Hey bruce. No it’s a good time. We’re just giving Lukas a hard time for being as caste as a nun.”

“He’s dying. Thor needed somewhere to stash him, and lukas needs laid. I’m killing two birds with one stone, helping thor and helping lukas.”Tony explained looking amused at bruce’s look before smirking. “No, he’s horny. Apparently the condition makes him be pleasant.”he explained looking amused before both lukas and tony started laughing as btruce lost his tacos.

“loki!Stop. I’ll go get you some of your own.”Lukas yelled snickering.
loki smirked. "of course you are, he isn't a loud mouthed woman fucking slut." Loki pointed out, his eyes glittering with laughter. he shuddered at the mention of 'puny God' and made a face. "please don't call me that, i am WELL aware that i was the runt of the litter, thank you." he grumbled before glancing at Bruce. "or you're flirting with fire again." Bruce commented on the 'killing birds' comment. "you shouldn't kill birds Tony, it's cruel." Loki chastised, clearly not getting the saying at all. "and you shouldn't play with fire either, it's dangerous." he stated with a sniff before getting curious. "what's a nun and why is it's chastity important?" he asked curiously, Bruce scowling at Tony's comment of Loki being horny. way too much information. the chase through the house for control of the Taco's ended when Loki barricaded himself ina tiny crawl space and ate them all. then he refused to come out because he was afraid the green beast was going to come out and smash him... then he refused to come out because he had fallen asleep in there. it was an interesting afternoon. Loki finally came out, headed into the kitchen yawning and stretching, but not in the least not sore after spending several hours in a tiny cramped space and helped himself to some water, coughing hard into his hand. his symptoms where acting up again, and he rather hated it. he could feel his magic healing the damage, even as his own magic tore him apart. he just didn't know WHY. "does Tony and Lukas know that you're coughing up blood?" Loki gasped, shocked by Bruce, who he hadn't noticed. "don't DO that!... i think they do, i'm fairly certain Lukas saw me coughing the first night. Thor doesn't know though, so don't tell him. i don't want him to worry anymore than he already is."
Tony winced at the man’s words, nodding slightly.”I wont.”He muttered refraining from calling him puny god, not wanting to upset him more before laughing softly at bruce’s words.”No I’m not. It’ll only get dangerous if lukas loses his cool, and he’s not about to do that.”Tony said smirking at the younger man who was glaring holes in the side of his head, before cracking up at loki’s words, shaking his head.”No, I wont be killing any birds. And fire’s fun,and dangerous.”He mused before snickering, “It’s one of our holy ladies for religion thing, and they don’t have sex. Ever. Lukas is in the running to be a nun, if only he had the right body parts.” “…you dressed me up as a nun once.” “I did not. You did that on your own.” “I did not!Whyever would I consent to attend a meeting dressed as a nun if you hadn’t said you needed last minute help?”Lukas scowled at his friend shaking his head as they all lost loki.

Swinging into the kitchen just in time to hear loki and bruce’s words, rolling his eyes a little. “You are a chronic pain in the ass, loki. I cant help you, if you don’t come out and tell me everything.”he whined, because while he had noticed the night before, he wanted loki to trust him and come tell him when things changed, or symptoms appeared.
Loki nodded. "good." he stated simply before he grinned a little as he watched the bickering and bantering. "oh i am very interested in seeing Lukas 'loose his cool'..." Loki admitted, proving that he did at least, know SOME of the phrases being bandied about. "and fire is not fun." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "Lukas dressed as a nun?" he asked, looking highly interested. "i might have to see that..." he admitted as he looked the other over with devious interest. he smirked a little as he enjoyed his Tacos, taking a nap full of smug feelings and content emotions. "i would love to be a chronic pain in your ass Lukas, but you keep telling me no." Bruce started choking on the bite of cereal he'd been chewing. "i'm sorry Lukas... i'm just... i'm used to people using my weaknesses against me... and i am weak, i can't even shapeshift..." he pointed out. which probobly explained why he looked slightly different than when he had been attacking earth. "if people find out i'm vulnerable, there is nothing i can do to protect myself, and just because i like you, doesn't mean that i know you... you could hate me and want me dead for all i know..." he pointed out, looking away. "i've never had someone to have faith in. not my father, not my mother, and certainly not my brother. so why should i have faith in a complete stranger?"
Lukas flushed at loki’s words swallowing hard. “Well, I uh…”Lukas stuttered looking so cutely adorable you just knew that the man didn’t have a lot of people, besides tony, teasing him. He huffed out a sigh giving the man a look for hiding things before sighing.”Well. I guess that is understandable. Though I think you should trust at least thor.”he said looking curious about the man’s complete lack of faith in everyone before shrugging.”You don’t have to, but you’ll force me to use my talent more if you get sicker, and you didn’t like me controlling your natural responses last time. If I don’t know whats going on, I cant help.”he said looking annoyed a little because while he knew it was just his voice that held magic, he could calm the other’s body like one would do to a overexcited horse. But he was worried just how much he would have to force the other into letting him help, and not sure how he could get lok ito let him help.
Loki sighed a little. "i cannot trust Thor... he abandoned me one too many times. i don't dare trust him anymore, especially when he doesn't even realize how much he hurt me." Loki stated softly as he looked away, Bruce wondering if maybe he shouldn't leave... "i... don't mind your talent so much." Loki admitted softly. "it makes me feel... nice. i was just caught off guard, that's all... it felt similar, but i can feel the difference now... like the difference between the heat of a fire or a hot cup of tea..." he muttered. "one burns and hurts, and the other is soothing and calming..." he muttered as he shook his head. "i've been pissing blood..." Loki finally admitted. "it started yesterday... before the shower." he explained softly, his eyes fixed on the floor, ashamed of his weakness, ashamed that he was sick... ashamed that he needed help. "...i'll go help Tony." Bruce decided after a moment, realizing just how bad off Loki really was. blood int he urine was very often a sign of very serious problems. even if it was only a bladder, or a urinary tract infection, if it was bad enough for him to be pissing blood, then that was bad.
“Well, I’m not going anywhere. Well.Unless you try to jump me or something without asking.”Lukas said wanting to get him to laugh, before growing serious again. “Okay. Well that’s something, at least I wont have to worry about you freaking out again.”Lukas mused before sighing softly, a soft frown on his face as he considered what it meant. Barely nodding as bruce left he swallowed hard, “I would like to take you downstairs. Do a body scan, full exam…”He said looking very serious and wanting to see just how much he had to work with.

Tony glanced up, raising a eyebrow at the look on the good doctor’s face.”You look serious.”He mused leaning back from the microscope he’d been looking in.
Loki shrugged a little. "i might." he admitted with smirk. "i might tie you to your bed, and ride you to completion." he admitted with a sly little smirk, Bruce choking again. "of course, if i tie you up properly, you can't really flee anyway." he admitted with a sultry lick of his lips. "i might freak out." he pointed out. "i have... episodes..." he admitted, looking away. "i don't really know what happens but Thor does. they are rare but... they happen." he admitted. "i'm surprised he didn't tell you. i nearly clawed his eyes out apparently." he admitted sighing a little. "alright. downstairs." he agreed. "i'm going to need help on the stairs. my legs can't hold me up going up or down those damn things... i can handle it if i rest on each landing, but i'd rather have help." he admitted softly.

"...Loki is peeing blood." Bruce explained. "and apparently he's never trusted anyone before in his life... ever." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but Lukas seams to be... reaching him somehow. slipping behind that mask that Loki is always wearing." he admitted, shaking his head. "your working on the blood samples?" Bruce asked, peeking into the Microscope, lifting an eyebrow. "is he supposed to have that many red blood cells?"
“…I think I;’’m going to leave now.”Lukas said blushing a little at loki’s flirting, because the man was so very bad at it. Tilting his head a little he sighed softly, “Well, at least that’s something to know. Do you know what causes them?”He asked before frowning a little before laughing a little.”That would have been interesting to see, but no, he didn’t say anything. I wonder why…”he said looking thoughtful before standing and holding out a hand. “Come then.I’ll carry you.”He said waiting for the other man to get up before picking him up and heading downstairs, taking his time to walk downstairs as to not jostle loki to much.

“Fuck…”Tony cursed frowning a little at the idea, shaking his head. At both the idea of loki not trusting anyone, or that he was peeing blood. Sighing softly he ran his fingers through his hair before smiling slightly. “I knew he would be able to. Lukas has….his own problems, and his own masks. Easier to slip behind someone else’s masks if you have your own.”he shrugged looking vaguely worried about his friend though, because he knew that behind the arrogance, lukas was still a kid. “Yea. It comes from living in such a cold place normally. At least according to thor it is, but there’s…sort of splintering…its weird.”he said frowning slightly.
Loki shook his head. "no, i don't even remember them. Thor says that he can tell when they are coming because i 'go blank' for several minutes. he won't tell me what happens during the actual episode." he admitted with a sigh. "so i imagine it's fairly bad." he admitted, shaking his head. "and he probobly forgot. he's in the middle of becoming King, dealing with the guards, and finding out who tried to slip poison into my food. not to mention the assassination attempts against Odin. Thor has so much to worry about right now, and he was never all that smart or organized." Loki gasped as he was picked up rather effortlessly, and made a mental note that he needed to eat more.

"yeah." Bruce muttered as he shook his head. "Lukas is a pretty famous guy. i'm surprised you know him so well. i always heard he wasn't close to anyone." Bruce admitted as he adjusted the microscope. "he's even more 'innocent' than i am though. Loki was teasing him up there and i thought the poor man was going to pass out." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "ah i see... cold, that's what that thicker part is, it's insulation..." he muttered, scowling. "well that's interesting... have you seen this?" he indicated the screen that the microscope was attached to, showing what Bruce was seeing. there was a small wave of what looked like magic, and some of the blood cells started to disintegrate, and then another pulse and several of the cells started to regenerate, save for one or two, which continued to break down. "that's so weird... i've never seen anything like it... why in the world are you carrying Loki?" Bruce asked, gaping at Lukas and a flushed Loki who started to squirm in embarrassment.
“Ah. Well, that could be a few things.”Lukas frowned a little before sighing.”Well, I will just have to ask him about them when he checks in next time. And I can see why that would be a busy time, no wonder he forgot.”Lukas said looking worried that thor was going to get himself in trouble.

“His elder brother was my best friend at boarding school. When his family died in a plane crash he didn’t have anyone. By that time I was running Stark corp, and gave him a internship, and he never really left, even if he says he hates it here.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before looking down at the table before nodding. “He’s not…innocent. But my life’s left its own scars, and his own childhood….there’s reasons Lukas is as withdrawn as he is.”he sighed worried about his friend, worried that if he didn’t make a emotional connection to someone, he would be lost. Frowning at bruce’s words he shook his head before frowning, eyes widening slightly. “What in the…”he stopped watching the wave pass. “Neither have I.”He said before smirking a little at loki and lukas.

“he was having problems with stairs. So I carried him.”Lukas said simply ignoring the two men and the squirming godling as he set him down on the MRI table.”Lay down.”
Bruce's eyes widened a little. "oh man, the poor guy." Bruce muttered softly. "well, he probobly does hate it here. everyone hates it here." he pointed out with a small smile. "but it's still a home to come back to." he admitted. "everyone has scars Tony... i get the feeling that his soul wasn't so much scarred as it was ripped apart piece by piece and then shoved back in... just like Loki. they would be good for each other if they could get over their own fear of one another anyway. your a good freind, you know?" Bruce asked with a small smile. "do you think this has to do with the Tesseract, or Loki's magic, or something else?" Bruce asked, his head tilted. "we should set up a 'screen'.. see how often this happens. i don't know if Loki would tell us." he admitted before blinking as he watched Loki and Lukas come down the stairs.

"my legs are weak." Loki explained as he was settled on the 'bed'. "i can handle flat surfaces just fine, but after running away from a hulking beast of a man over Tacos i may have used up more strength than i meant to. even with my nap." Bruce just smirked and told Loki not to move an inch while he was in the MRI. the machine kicked on and Loki squeaked in surprise before humming in awe as the massive 'arm' scanned him up and down. Loki had a very interesting makeup. his lungs where twice as big, he had two hearts, he was missing a kidney (which would explain why he didn't drink) and his liver was much smaller. all of his organs where... thicker, each layered in 'levels' of skin, then as many blood vessels as could be held there, then another layer of flesh with as much blood vessels... the rest of his body had duel the amount of veins as well, side by side exactly the same as a humans, but doubled. and his muscles where interesting as well. they where... stretchy, for lack of a better word, and his ribs where flexable. instead of breaking, they would simply bend, like hard rubber, they would only bend so far before snapping, but it would make taking a beating much safer... as interesting as his body was, you could see the still small patches where his organs where dying. his hearts where unaffected, but there where two quarter sized patches on one lung, and a patch the side of a silver dollar on the other. as well as on his bladder and kidneys. it was where the body was 'decaying' faster than could be healed. it was a terrible sign.
“Not everyone. I don’t.”Tony sulked making a face before looking down at his work, shrugging a little. “Not that great…He was a rich kid. Couldn’t really leave him to the system.”He muttered not about to admit that he’d been so upset that his friend had died that he’d adopted the 13 year old kid on a whim, a need to reconnect with the world again. Before nodding at bruce’s words.”It was. But that’s not my story.”He said neatly side stepping the story that only lukas had the right to tell, and even he, who’d known the kid since he was knee high, didn’t know everything. It was frustrating for a man who was used to knowing everything, to be holding only pieces of a puzzle that he knew lukas could tell him the answer to if he just would talk. “I’m hoping it’s the tesseract. If its that, then its something we can force out of him, if its his own magic, we’re fucked.”Tony said simply before glancing towards the door.”he’ll tell lukas. I think.”he muttered.

“He’s not that big. At least not as a human.”Lukas teased rolling his eyes a little looking amused at loki’s awe, frowning as he looked over what he was seeing. “If we could stop these spots from decaying, or at least not getting worse, we could halt it until we find a answer.”he frowned tilting his head, looking annoyed. “I’ve seen something like this before, I just have no idea where.”Lukas said sounding frustrated, because he was so well read, so good at remembering things, it sometimes was hard for him to remember certain things like where they were or what was going on. Which made him horrible at directions or flirting, because it was hard for him to remember the simple things, when his head was stuffed with the complex ones.
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