Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

The next lukas smiled slightly as he stepped into loki's room looking nervous because he had no idea how the iv treatment was going to go but he knew it was their best option in getting loki some help. Tilting his head slightly he smiled at the man as he woke."you ready?I brought some sweatpants and a tshirt for you to wear so you'd be comfortable."he said holding out the clothes feeling awkward since it was so rare that he cared enough about others to go through this much trouble. Despite his profession the man was a doctor because he liked the puzzle of figuring out what was wrong with people,more then he liked actually liked people.
Loki groaned as he was woken and he blinked sluggishly at the other, scowling a little. "'s too early. go away... turn off the light." he ordered, unaware that said light was the sun. "'s a sweatpants?" he asked, baffled as he looked at the cloths, sneering at them because they where 'ugly' compared to the silk and leather that Loki much preferred. but he pulled them on dutifully, not even having to get undressed because for some reason, Loki liked to sleep completely nude. a habit he shared with Thor and most of the Asgardians. he did make sure that every time he bent over, that Lukas got a very good eyeful of firm, Jotun ass. once dressed he followed Lukas down to the Lab, grumbling the entire way about being tired and hating mornings and how the Avengers where evil. he nearly had a panic attack when he realized that they would be pouring what looked like cloudy water right into his blood stream. he demanded that Lukas and Tony hold his hands while Bruce inserted the needle and started the drip. Loki refused to look at the bag or his arm and just laid there, dozing while Bruce monitored everything he could, from Loki's pulse and heart rate, to his blood pressure. everything seamed to be holding well. "it's working." Bruce commented suddenly after a third blood test. "the radiation is slowing down phenomenally. it's not stopping, but Loki's magic can catch up to it now. he's basically in a stasis until we can find a cure, or he works the radiation out of his system on his own. though i don't know how well that will work."
Lukas flushed looking away from the man as he got up, but unable to resist staring at that ass for a few seconds every once in awhile before looking away again. “oh stop being such a snob, they’re comfortable.”he said looking amused at the look loki gave the clothes before heading downstairs with him. Muttering soft quiet things to the other when loki started to panic, holding his hand as he looked around. “You know, it’s a good thing he’s weak. Otherwise he might break out hands.”Tony mused as he watched the tests, smiling. “Good. Now we just have to figure out what to do next.And convince him to talk to lukas.” “but we have time now, which is what we needed.”Lukas said reaching out and gently brushing loki’s hair out of his face, not even really aware of the tender movement.
Loki huffed. "they are hideous and itchy." he countered, sneering at his clothes. he much preferred silk, but apparently silk was expensive here, so he couldn't have it all the time. Thor promised to bring back his clothes next time. he shuddered at the pinch of the needle and buried his head into the pillow, offering tony a scowl. "i am not weak... i will break you." he hissed, grouchy as he clamped his hand around Tony's, clearly trying to bring him pain... unfortunately Tony was right, Loki was too week to even cause discomfort. he was brought out of the doze at the touch to his face and he leaned into the hand, nuzzling it as Thor grinned. "Loki is very affectionate." he explained in a whisper. "he won't admit it, but he likes to touch, and be touched in all manners. be it holding someone's hand or just cuddling on them." Thor admitted. "i think it must be a Jotun thing, because most Aeser don't do a whole lot of intimacy save for in the bed." he admitted with a shrug, Natasha grinning. "he's really just a kid then. playful, mischievous, wants comfort and affection... massively spoiled." "i will turn you into a newt." Loki mumbled, making Natasha snicker.
“Uh-huh.Keep telling yourself that.”Tony teased a little. “Be careful lukas, you’re going to end up being someone’s teddy bear.”Clint said snickering a little amused at the sight of the blond blushing before looking up at thor, then at Natasha, nudging her a little.”You’d look good as a newt.”He mused. Lukas smiled a little looking at bruce, “We probably should at least move to the living room if we’re just going to let him rest. I can…uh…let him cuddle me there so he feels okay.”The doctor said blushing and looking around, as if he didn’t want to cuddle the man. He had never been one for cuddling, but watching loki want to cuddle, made him curious. Tony bit his lip swallowing hard to not to say what he wanted to, since he was worried if he teased his friend to much, lukas would just stop trying to open up more then he usually did.
Natasha rolled her eyes and smacked Clint upside the head. "i would not. for one i wouldn't be able to give you those blow jobs you like so much, and for two, i'd be slimy, and you know how much i hate slime." she stated, narrowing her eyes at him before smirking at Lukas, but also not saying anything as Loki groaned. "i have to get up?" he complained, even as he slowly sat up, Bruce making a pondering noise. "it looks like the medication makes him sleepy." he muttered, writing that down. "good. a hyper Loki is an annoying Loki." thor muttered, yelping as he suddenly sprouted a tail. "Loki!" Thor complained, wincing as he tried to yank the lions tail out of his rear, but it was well attached to flesh and bone, and when Natasha started to snicker he realized he had sprouted a Lions mane and ears as well. but Loki looked startled as he blinked at Thor. "....did not mean for that to happen..." Loki admitted, looking rather astonished and Thor groaned. "great... just great..." Thor complained as he sighed. "i'm going back to Asgard to have this removed." "i'm sorry Thor! i didn't mean to!" Loki complained, looking rather worried that his brother was going to be mad at him. "i know Loki. you never did have very good control over your magic when you where sick. with the disease under stasis, it looks like you have a bit of magic to spare again."
“ouch!Hey!Tasha!”Clint whined squirming away before snickering,”That’s true. Blow jobs are to good to give up for cute newts.”He mused. “No, I can carry you.Come on.”Lukas said before pausing, looking startled to find a lion thor, before starting to snicker a little. “Well, he is a king you know. He should be a lion, you know, king of the jungle and all.”Lukas said helplessly trying to make loki smile. Tony smirked a little swallowing hard, looking amused. Because lukas was just so very awkward with dealing with people. “Well, I think I’m going to avoid teasing loki. I don’t want to be wearing odd animal parts. That would lead to awkward questions at work.”The billionaire mused.
Natasha smirked at him and shook her head as Loki snuggled into Lukas, glad that Loki wasn't mad at him. "...Lions don't live in the jungle." Loki and Bruce both stated at the same time, tossing each other shocked looks before Bruce grinned. "they are the king of the grasslands, but not the jungle. it's Tigers that rule the jungles, or the jaguar maybe, it's a toss up." Bruce admitted with a shrug. Loki turned narrowed eyes at Tony. "i will make you a rabbit." he stated with a smirk. "since your always trying to fuck anything that moves." Bruce just started to laugh as Loki yawned, tucked his face into Lukas's chest, and started to doze once more as a snickering Thor left to get his new extremities taken off... and to get Loki his silk clothes so he'd stop bitching about it. he made a fuss anytime Lukas tried to get up though, so the man was stuck being a sleeping Loki's teddy bear. Loki woke without issue when Tony called them in for dinner, and he ate twice as much as everyone else. no doubt in the hopes that he wouldn't be so skinny. he was, of course, encouraged to eat by nearly everyone, it was just wrong how thin he was.
“…hey. You just ruined the whole trying to make him feel better thing. Both of you.”Lukas said sulking a little at the other two men even as tony snickered. “Hey!I don’t want to be a rabbit.”Tony sulked looking amused though as they all settled in to eating and relaxing.

“How are you feeling?”lukas said smiling as they settled onto the couch after dinner, tony and bruce off doing the typical genius things of working in the lab and the two assassins off making good use of tony’s guest rooms. He pwas pretty sure the two were going to give tony a run for his money on the pure number of times sex had happened in the tower. So the man was going to try and talk, which was awkward for him, but he was going to do it because he knew bruce was right, loki needed someone to talk to
Loki smirked, pleased that he had gotten them in trouble and hummed happily at Tony's protests, contemplating it... nah, he'd wait till later. he smiled as he settled onto the couch, curling up against Lukas with a book, simply enjoying being so close to someone so warm. "i'm feeling better actually. now that i'm not so tired. i think the Green Beast Man is right, the medication makes me sleepy... but i feel better than i have in a long time. i don't have an ache in my chest now, and i have more energy than i can remember having in months." he admitted with a smile. "i feel... good. and i feel relieved." he admitted softly. "i had accepted my imminent death because i didn't think there was hope... but now there is hope. even if i die in the end, i'll have had a real chance to have a life, to have freinds... i've never had freinds before..." he admitted with a smile. "for the first time in my life i am... content... happy."
Lukas smiled a little as he looked through a book, actually reading to loki the grimm’s fair tales ,but having paused to see how the man was doing. “Good. I’m glad you have more energy.”He said smiling slightly turning his head a little to bury his nose in the other’s hair barely aware of the move, before smiling slightly. “well, I would consider me a friend. And maybe tony, and the others.They’re…interesting.”He mused before smiling wider.”I’m glad you are content. And don’t give up yet, I’m definteily going to stop this disease, not giving up any time soon.”
Loki smiled a little as he closed his eyes, enjoying the attention he was getting from Lukas. "i don't like Tony. he smells like sex and booze." Loki complained, well aware that Tony was spying on them. "i do like the Green Beast Man though." Loki admitted as he picked up Lukas's hand and started stroking the man's fingers, looking almost amazed as he studied the digits. "i won't give up until i'm dead." he promised, turning his head so he brushed his nose against the others neck, sighing, blowing hot air across sensitive flesh. "i like this... just sitting here with someone... no ones ever just held me before. not even Odin or Frigga." he admitted softly. "Jotun are... very tactile, i guess." he admitted. "we're very touch oriented... it seams... strange to me, that Odin would work so hard to be rid of my basic instincts, suppressing everything that made me different... when he wanted me to rule the Jotun. he didn't want me to be different, and yet everyone knew that i was, and mocked me for 'trying to fit in' even though i didn't understand why i was different..." he frowned, running the tips of his fingers over Lukas's palm. "i've never been able to do as I wanted to before... i like it."
“hm, well tony is a pain in the ass. It was disturbing when I first moved here, I was a innocent kid dealing with tony at 23. If you think he was bad then, she was worse then.”He said smiling slightly shivering as the other blew air across his neck, swallowing hard as he closed his eyes. “Ah. Well from what odin told me, I think that he does some very odd things. Like sending thor here. Or adopting and mocking you for trying to fit in.”he muttered whimpering quietly in pleasure as the other touched his palm swallowing hard. “Ah, well as long as your enjoying yourself.”he muttered.
Loki smiled a little. "ah, Loki tried his best for you. he's not a very good father figure, but at least he cared enough about you to try right?" Loki asked with a smile as he shook his head a little. "i can't imagine Tony being any worse than he already is... it's simply impossible to beleive." he admitted with a snicker before he sighed again, his breath brushing against soft skin. "Odin was never one for intelligence." Loki admitted softly. "in fact, more often then not, he makes very bad decisions and then Frigga has to fix it." he admitted with a smile at the other, looking coy and seductive as he dropped the others hand and settled his own on Lukas's belly, slowly sliding down. "shall i show you just how happy i am Lukas? shall i show you just how much i enjoy being here with you?" he asked, his hand settling onto Lukas's groin and giving it a gentle squeeze. "you want me, i know it, you know it... let me show you just how much pleasure a god can give."
Lukas laughed, looking amused.”No he’s not,but he did. He didn’t have to, I wasn’t even related to him, but he promised my brother he would if something happened to him.”he said looking amused, “oh, believe it. He’s calmer at 35 then he was at 23. It was amusing and disturbing to a 13 year old.”He snorted looking amused before groaning softly as the man slid his hand down his stomach. Swallowing hard as he rested his head back against the arm of the couch, closing his eyes.”I..uh.,..oh…”He stuttered for a moment losing track of what to think before nodding, “I…oaky.”He muttered closing his eyes as he squirmed a little.
Loki smirked at him. "i can imagine, still... at least you never had to wonder about how to make babies." he teased with a grin. "and i'm not sure he took you in simply because of a promise. Tony really cares about you i think. he's a terrible father, but he's a pretty good big brother i would think." Loki admitted with a smile, his emerald eyes glittering with delight as he made the other react. Loki purred happily, positioned the other so that he was laying flat on the couch, and then leaned down, the button and zipper to Lukas's pants undoing themselves as Loki reached in and slid out the impressive length. he stroked, and licked, and then without any warning at all, he engulfed the whole thing in one swift movement, wrapping the length in tight, wet, heat. Loki used his tongue in ways no human would have been capable, and he hummed happily as he swallowed down Lukas's pleasure before he carefully licked the limp member clean, tucked it away, did up the others pants, pressed a kiss to Lukas's belly, and then laid on top of him like he was a giant pillow, not at all interested in his own pleasure. he'd probobly have a heart attack, or puke of Lukas tried to return the favor right now. "i enjoyed that." Loki admitted with a smile. "you make the loveliest noises."
“I could have done without the visual lesson on where they came from.”Lukas whined a little looking amused before losing himself in what the other was doing, panting and blushing the whole time as obscene noises fell out of his mouth, groaning as he slumped back into the bed, blinking stupidly at the man laying on him.”Hm…don’t you want anything…??”lukas muttered frowning a little as he studied the man.
Loki chuckled a little as he shook his head. "couldn't handle an orgasm right now." he admitted. "i felt enough of your pleasure to feel very content." he promised the other. "you can return the favor when i'm not dying." he promised, nuzzling the others chest. "now shut up so i can take a nap on you... you're very comfortable." he admitted as Bruce walked in, blinking at the two on the couch, sighing, he shook his head, and walked right back out again. Loki just chuckled and closed his eyes again as Bruce came back with a blanket and a pillow. the pillow he propped under Lukas's head so he wouldn't get a sore neck, and the blanket he draped over both men before walking out again. Bruce clearly thought that Loki was asleep.
"Well, I guess that just gives me another reason to get you better."he muttered snickering quietly as bruce covered them up,hifting to get comfortable.

In the morning lukas yawned,nudging the man laying on him, nuzzling his nose into the others hair." need to move...I have to go to the bathroom.."he grumbled yaening as he stretched.
Loki groaned in the morning and looked up at the other, scowling. "you woke me up to pee?" he demanded, entirely too grouchy. "i will turn you into a newt." he grumbled, sitting up just enough so that the other could slide free before collapsing back onto the couch, yanking his blankets over his head and resumed sleeping, a small snicker from Natasha as she passed through the living room let both men know she had heard the threat. "someone's grumpy this morning." "i will turn you into a man." "Clint would enjoy that at least." she mused, Loki huffing. "i will turn you into a cactus." there was a pause and then. "...yeah he wouldn't enjoy that too much." Natasha admitted with a grimace as she left to get breakfast started.
Lukas snickered as he returned in time to hear this shaking his head."yea...I don't think clint would appriciate that. Imagine explaining that injury to your doctor." "Explain what?"clint frowned as he walked into the room running his fingers through his hair,whcih only made his bedhead hair worse instead of better."oh just how you ended up with cactus pricks in your dick."lukas said cheerfully snickering as clint rounded on the sleepy godling."stay away from me loki,I mean it."
Loki chuckled a little before he smirked at Clint, looking amused. "i only threatened to turn Natasha into a man." he pointed out. "when she informed me you would enjoy that, i threatened to turn her into a cactus instead." he admitted before he sulked. "i don't think i actually have the magical energy to do that right now... but it's an idea for the future." he admitted with a small smile. "besides, i like you Clint, why should i stay away, your warm and cuddly and smell like Fritos... maybe not as warm and cuddly as Lukas, but your tolerable enough. i think i shall crawl in bed with you tonight." he decided with a nod. "me and Lukas would love molesting you, wouldn't we Lukas?" Loki asked, his eyes dancing with mirth. they all knew Loki wouldn't touch Clint like that if Clint was the last warm blooded thing on earth.
“Ah.Well.Yes I would.”Clint said smirking a little as he looked at his lover, “But I think I enjoy her female more, and definitely not a cactus.”He mused before frowning at the man, trying to decide just how serious the asgardian was. “….If lukas sucks that much at sex and you want to join us, okay.”Clint said smirking a little snickering at lukas’ sputtering protest. “He does smell like fritos doesn’t he?You should eat better. No wonder natasha’s always worrying about you, hawk.”Lukas said rolling his eyes a little as he studied the man, amused because he knew loki had no interest in ever getting that close to clint barton.
Loki snickered a little and shook his head a little. "i can't have orgasm myself yet." Loki admitted with a sigh. "too much of a strain on my body, but Lukas can attest to how very good I am at blowjobs." Loki admitted with a smirk at Clint. "besides, i don't play with women, it's you or nothing." he stated with a pompous sniff. "actually... no, not you either, your far too girly." he stated as he snuggled into the couch to doze until breakfast was done. he was starting to feel icky again, but it wasn't so bad. "Breakfast!" Natasha called, Loki whining but sitting up anyway as he stood up, only to collapse with a gasp, looking shocked. clearly he hadn't expected that. " legs fell asleep." he explained sheepishly, wiggling his toes and wincing as tingles flared up. "ugh... the bad part about having such thick blood, is that blood flow tends to suck."
Lukas yelped as he fell, already moving towards the man as he sat up, looking worried before swallowing, calming. Oh, well at least that was a easy normal explanation instead of something truly worrying. “Yea, that would. But hold on, I can help with that.”The man said crouching down next to the other and gently picking up his leg, gently rubbing at his thighs. “Better?”He asked after a moment smiling at him.
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