Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Bruce nodded a little. "thats a lie. but i'll let you have that lie." Bruce promised with a chuckle. "i'm not about to go prying." he admitted. "i'm not nosy like you are." he pointed out with a chuckle. "it is a good sign that hsi magic is also healing himself. it gives him a bit more time, and more time for us to try and heal him as well." he admitted. "we might be able to save him, we just have to figure out whats causing this." Bruce muttered, watching the lone blood cell come completely apart. "the problem is Lukas, is that we just saw what was causing the problem." Bruce admitted, indicating the screen. "from what we can see, some form of energy, magic, crashes through them and causes the cells to disintegrate, then another pulse comes through and heals what it can. it's like Loki's magic is struggling to fight off what's happening, but it can't heal everything anymore. we can't decide if it's his own magic causing the damage, or a foreign magic." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i don't know how to stop that." Bruce admitted before looking at the other. "it looks like cancer." he explained to Lukas. "this is what cancer looks like on MRI." he explained softly. "only cancer, by the time it reaches this stage, is a lot bigger than that. so this isn't cancer... at least, i don't think so." he admitted. "it's... frustrating working on a creature with such strange physiology." "hey! i have to pee!" Loki complained, still in the MRI. "and this bed is really uncomfortable!" once Loki was out he scratched at his arm and Bruce frowned. "Loki what is that?" "what is what?" Loki asked, examining himself. "it's a shirt..." "no... this." he ordered, lifting the sleeve to reveal a large red patch, which looked more like a sunburn than anything else. "...what is this?" "...huh, i don't know... it itches a bit though." Loki admitted. "i guess i hadn't noticed..."
Lukas frowned looking over the tests, sighing softly. “Its like…just exploding.”he said frowning annoyed at the idea almost finding the answers he was looking for before perking up a little. “Oh that-“He stopped his thoughts stuttering to a stop at loki’s interruption, the thoughts lost at the new problem. “Don’t scratch it.”Lukas ordered as he moved to the other’s side, sitting down on the edge of the bed, fingers gently pressing against his skin, trying to decide what was going on, careful not to irriate the skin more, but needing to figure out what it is.”Any ideas bruce?”Lukas said looking bemused, almost knowing what it was, but not.
"it's more like a tidal wave smashing at rocks, dissolving everything it crashes into..." Bruce corrected before blinking at Loki's half-hazard scratching. "'s..." he frowned. "it almost looks like... but that's not possible... is it?" he asked, muttering to himself. "Gamma... it's Gamma radiation, that the Tesseract lets off... we need to get Clint here." Bruce ordered. "he might be having symptoms too... i think i know what's wrong with him." Bruce admitted. "i need to run some tests... but i just don't understand... he's not reacting the way he should be.." Bruce muttered, peering into the microscope again. "if it's not reacting... don't know if..." Bruce muttered, more thinking aloud to himself than anything else. "loki just blinked at him, no doubt thinking that the Hulk of a man was insane. "right... i still have to pee..." "pee in this cup." Bruce ordered. "i need a urine sample." " need my pee?" Loki asked, looking shocked. "yes... and a saliva sample, and a skin sample too..." he muttered, Loki looking rather stunned. "you're going to take my skin!?" "no, just a few cells." Bruce muttered as he started gathering what he needed, swabbing Loki's mouth, ignoring the sputtering protests at being manhandled before Bruce carefully scraped Loki's skin, a healthy patch, and then the red rash, peering under them with a microscope as well as Loki complained about Bruce being a brute all the way into the bathroom. he didn't get far by himself. he was suddenly too dizzy to stay upright and collapsed halfway there.
“I’ll call clint. Get your tests done with reindeer games.”Tony said teasing loki a little as he picked up the phone looking worried about the master assassin. Because if the man was indeed having symptoms, he knew two things. That he was human and gamma would hurt him a lot quicker then loki, and two that the man was stubborn enough to not seek help right away. Not bothering to try hawkeye, he called nastasha, quickly explaining what was going on and knowing that the woman would be forcing clint into the lab soon enough.

“Just let him talk to himself, its easier then trying to follow.”Lukas said though the man was following fairly well, understanding what was going on. Looking amused at loki’s surprise he sighed.”Its just so he can run tests on your body. It’ll okay.”He muttered immediately at the man’s side as he fell, propping him up.”Come on, loki.I got you.”he muttered holding him up and holding the cup so the man could pee before helping him do up his pants again and walking out. Handing the cup to bruce looking at loki.”You want to stay here and lay down on the exam table as we look over the results and see to clint, or do you want to go rest upstairs?”
Loki shook his head, stunned that the humans wanted his piss of all things. Natasha was quick to promise, and so worried that she didn't bother hanging up the phone... so Tony got to listen to Clint bitching about having to go to stark tower for some emergency that was probobly just Tony trying to decide where to put some crappy picture.

"if you say so." Loki muttered, gasping as he collapsed. "ugh... the world is spinning..." he muttered as he was helped up. "i don't feel very well right at the moment..." he admitted softly as he obediently peed in the cup. though he missed a bit because his hands where trembling. "sorry..." he muttered, feeling sluggish, sick, and dizzy. "i don't want to lay down... just get me into a chair..." Loki ordered, well aware that the spinning in his head would only get worse if he laid down. he was laying in a reclined chair when Clint showed up, completely radiation free. thankfully, the amount that Clint had been subjected to was very minimal, though Doctor Salvig was already in the hospital for radiation poisoning, and had been at the first signs. it was a minor case, and he would be fine. only Loki seamed to be having any issue. "What is HE doing here?" Natasha demanded, startled by the appearance of Loki, who was half asleep. "dying... leave me alone. uurg, why won't the world stop moving?" Loki demanded miserably, Natasha's lip twitching as she fought off a smile, clearly thinking that Loki was overreacting... until he leaned over the bed and puked... streaks of blood inside the watery bile. "uurg..." "...oh, well... i guess he wasn't joking then." Natasha muttered, stunned as Loki reclined once more, a flick of his fingers banishing the vomit. the third time in the last hour. at least he had enough control over his magic to banish it so no one had to clean it up.
“Its okay, its enough.”Lukas assured the man as he helped him move back into the reclined chair, glancing up at the two assassins as they came in. worry showing in his face, smirking a little. Glad that along with minimum contact, clint was in good shape, and less effected by the radiation then the other two. Clint raised his eyebrows as he looked at the scene in front of him, muffling laughter at natasha’s question, wincing at loki’s appearance and as he threw up. “What…is this why you wanted me in?”He said glancing at tony, looking shaken. “He was exposed to the gamma rays in the tesseract, we were worried you were to.”Tony said glancing up at them, looking pleased that they were only dealing with loki, and not three separate cases. Though dealing with loki was going to be bad enough.
Loki groaned as he leaned back and took the cool rag from Bruce and settled it onto his own forehead. it made him feel better, not as light headed. "yes, this is why we wanted you in." Bruce admitted. "Loki had enough exposure to the Gamma radiation to kill a 'normal' human. from what i can figure, his magic has been battling the radiation sickness, but overtime his magic stopped being able to fix everything and that's when he finally started having the symptoms, the longer this goes on, the weaker his magic gets, and the faster the disease progresses... from my estimates he has about three months left if we can't cure him." Bruce admitted, looking shaken as Loki groaned. "someone get me a Taco..." "you don't need Tacos, you're puking up everything we try to feed you, just lay still and the nausea should pass." Bruce promised, glancing at Lukas. "the problem is, it's not just a physical problem. even if we cure the radiation, there's something wrong with his mind. the tesseract damaged it somehow, and that's going to take intense therapy from someone he really trusts. Clint i need you top pee in this bottle. i want to make very sure that you haven't any radiation poisoning."
Lukas frowned thinking about it, “We’ll find something. I’m not going to let him die because I was to slow.”he said looking annoyed because he was feeling helpless at not being able to fix it right away. “Don’t move. You’ll get sicker, I’ll get you tacos later.”Lukas muttered weaving just enough of his magic through his voice that he hoped to make the other feel better before frowning, glancing up at bruce before down at loki again. “there’s no one…I mean…”He stuttered a little because he had no idea how to help with loki’s mind, even if they managed to heal his body.

Clint looked slightly disturbed-which considering just how much of control he had on his face- said how much it disturbed him to have loki like this, even if he didn’t like the man, it was still disturbing. Taking the cup he disappeared into the bathroom, and returning in a few minutes, handing it to bruce. “Feel sick, anything?”Tony asked glancing at the assassin before frowning, turning to look at Natasha. Knowing better then to trust anything coming out of clint’s mouth, at least when it concerned his well beign.”Have you noticed anything?”
Bruce nodded. "we'll have to try the normal cures first, but with him reacting so strangely to the disease itself i don't know how well that will work." he admitted, biting his lip as Natasha mouthed the words 'Tacos?' at Tony, looking rather incredulous. "he trusts you." Bruce commented, blinking at Lukas. "he does, don't try to deny it. he trusts you more than he trusts anyone. he tells you things that he would normally keep hidden. you can help him through the mental issues once we fix the physical." "he's not been showing any signs or symptoms. he was dizzy a few days after the battle but i'm sure it was just the concussion." Natasha admitted as she hesitantly moved over to Loki, examining him as he rested. Lukas's voice trick had done what he'd intended and now he was half asleep again. "it's Lukas right?" she asked, offering him a smile. "Loki is a God, i'm sure he'll be just fine." she promised him, Loki breathing soft and even as he slept. "see? he even looks a bit better already." she admitted, glad to see that color was coming back into Loki's face. he didn't look so much like death warmed over now that he was recovering from his latest bout of symptoms. "so... what was that about Tacos?"
Tony snickered a little at natasha’s look, nodding a little mouthing back, “his version of pop tarts.” he said reminding her of thor’s obsession with the breakfast snack. Glancing up at bruce’s words he watched the emotions flickering through lukas’ eyes before they were quickly hidden. “Well, I’ll see whawt I can do.”Lukas said looking down at loki frowning slightly before looking pleased that clint hadn’t shown any signs of being sick.

“why ask her?I was perfectly capable of answering.”Clint said frowning a little. Tony snorted slightly, shaking his head. “No your not. You’d ignore it until you were so sick you cant stand. I’ll ask Natasha cause she wont let you get that sicl.”Tony said looking at lukas, slightly worried about the man.

“Even gods can die.”Lukas said frowning a little, for once looking his age, and torn up in a way only someone who’d lost everyone could be. Nodding a little as he offered Natasha a tentative smile.”Yes, lukas lomora. And he does….more like a few hours dead, instead of days.”he mused before snickering at her question.”He’s obsessed with them. Loves them really. Even stole some from banner over there and hid for hours just so he could eat them.”
Natasha had to bite her lip at that to keep from laughing as Loki slept. they where all being rather quiet so that Loki could get his rest, and she didn't want to be the one to wake him. "you hide things." Natasha accused Clint, offering him a glare. "and don't you dare try to deny it! you where walking on a broken leg for a WEEK before someone found out! and before that it was the broken ribs that had you coughing up blood, and then you got malaria! and you ask us why we don't ask YOU if you're feeling alright?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow at him as Bruce chuckled. "well, he's completely clear." he assured them all. "Clint isn't sick. he wasn't exposed to enough radiation, and according to the hospital, Doctor Salvig is already mostly cured." he assured them all. Natasha could only smile in relief at that, and wished Thor was here so that he could know his freind was fine "really? he stole from the one guy that literally beat him?" she asked, Bruce huffing. "and then he laughed at me while he ate them. he taunted me." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "it was rather fun actually, chasing him through the house like he was some naughty kid with a stolen cookie." he admitted with a grin. "i beleive most of those hours, he was actually taking a nap... we should make sure to have some for when he wakes up. we did promise after all... i'm going to try running a few cures through his blood to see if it does anything." he admitted, glancing at Tony. "and you, are going to go take a nap of your own Mr. Stark, i know you've been up all night."
Clint winced as Natasha glared at him, “I wont.”he muttered his shoulders hunching a little at her scolding. “And it wasn’t that bad of a break, I could still walk.”He grumbled looking annoyed but looking relieved that he wasn’t sick. “We’ll have to let thor know that Salvig is okay.”He muttered sharing natasha’s thought before snickering at the idea that loki had stolen bruce’s tacos.

“yea. Even if he did take a nap, it was fairly funny watching bruce run after him.”Lukas said looking amused before nodding.”I’ll go out and get some.”Lukas said already heading for the door. “I want some to!”Clint said smirking, “Hey,he’s already going out and I’m hungry.”he said when tony looked at him. Tony snickered slightly shrugging before looking at bruce, frowning a little.”Finnnee.Only because I’m weaker then loki, I wont be able to deal with getting beat up by hulk.”He teased smirking a little as he stood stretching.”Come on,give me a hand getting him upstairs then I’ll go nap.”he said moving to take loki’s arm.

“Nope. Go on, stark. I got it.”Clint said waving the man away and easily picking up the light figure of loki, making sure not to disturb him to much as they headed upstairs.
Natasha scowled at him. "until you started walking on it, all it was was a hairline fracture! you SPLINTERED your leg walking on it you. *smack*stupid.*smack* idiot!*smack*" she stated while slapping him on the arm before sighing. "did Thor even know Dr. Salvig was sick?" she asked softly before she grinned at the mention of Loki getting the better of Bruce. it was odd, watching Loki like this, it was so obvious he wasn't the same. there was sarcasm, but it wasn't biting, there where insults, but they where friendly. he was playful, fun, and rather happy in a way. like a curious child just playing jokes on people. "so i heard a rumor that you where yellow for a day?" she asked, grinning at Bruce who smirked, shook his head and indicated the leaving Lukas. "oh he spent the day yellow? i'll have to ask him about that." she decided with a snicker. Bruce just laughed at Tony's hulk comment and made a 'fierce' face at Tony and growled. Natasha even snickered this time.

Loki groaned as he was picked up and he startled before he snuggled into Clint like a sleepy child and went back to sleep. he was entirely too light, but he was still recovering color. now he only looked a few hours dead instead of a few days dead. he settled happily into his bed, snuggling into a pillow, mumbling under his breath as he dreamed and Natasha had to chuckle as she switched the lights off and went to wait for Lukas with Clint. she nearly jumped out of her skin when Thor strode in through the front door, looking incredibly tired, but mildly happy. "Thor! welcome back!" Natasha greeted with a smile as Thor nodded. "good to be back. we have the Bi-Frost fixed now, so i should be able to come back and forth much more often now. how is Loki?"
“Hey!Dont hit me!”Clint sulked looking at the man before frowning. “I don’t know, but he’ll still want to know.”Tony said shrugging a little before smirking as he walked out of the room. “I did not!Dont let him lie to you!”Lukas said sulking as he walked out of the room, hearing natasha’s words.

“he’s to light. We’re going to have to feed him more.”Clint muttered as he settled the godling down into his bed looking over at Natasha as they walked out to the couch before snickering as Natasha jumped out of her skin. It wasn’t often he got to see his partner surprised. “Hey, its good to see you.”he said smiling, pleased to see the god before wincing a little.”Sleeping. And from what we can tell, no worse then he was. Bruce and Tony figured out what was wrong, and them and Lukas are working on trying to figure out how to fix it.”Clint explained knowing the man would want to know right away what they discovered. “You look as tired as I feel, big guy.”Lukas said looking up at the taller blond thunder god, looking amused as he walked into the room, holding up the taco bag.”Is he awake?”He asked sounding sleepy himself.
Natasha nodded, looking troubled before offering Thor a tight smile. "it is good to see you as well." Thor admitted, taking Clint's hand in his own. "you know what is wrong with him?" he asked, looking hopeful. "i am glad that they can help him." Thor admitted, looking incredibly relieved. "i am exaughsted." Thor admitted with a smile at Lukas. "while i found out why the guards where beating Loki..." Natasha gasped in horror at that. not even Shield was that cruel as to beat a dying man. "it only brought up more questions that cannot be answered..." "no, he's asleep, we just settled him into bed." Natasha promised Lukas. "Thor! it's good to see you." Bruce stated as he walked up, looking strained, but hopeful. "come and sit, i'll tell you what we found out." Thor listened intently as Bruce explained what was wrong with Loki before explaining that while the traditional methods for curing the disease wasn't going to heal Loki, it would at least slow the progress down until they could find a proper cure. Loki would have a year at minimum now, instead of a few months. "Thor, Loki said something about... Episodes." Thor wrinkled his nose. "i forgot." Thor admitted. "it started the day after i brought him back into Asgard." Thor explained. "he just... went still all of a sudden. in the middle of telling me why he did it, he just went still and stared at nothing... and then he woke up and.." here Thor shuddered. "he was like a wild beast, all snarls and claws... a frightened beast. it took us hours to get him calmed down and to fall asleep and when he woke up, he didn't remember a thing." Thor admitted. "he hasn't done it in some time, over a month now. we just assumed that it was a side affect from a concussion or something. by the time i realized he was dying, he hadn't had an episode in an entire week. by the time i brought him here, he had been episode free for an entire month." well that was a good sign at least. it didn't mean he wouldn't have another one, but it did mean that whatever had caused them was being healed most likely.
Clint nodded as he shook thor’s hand as he settled back in his chair.”WE do.”He reassured the thunder god, looking up at lukas as the man came in, paling with anger at the idea of someone beating a dying man. “Okay.”Lukas said frowning a little, but heading into the kitchen to put loki’s food in the fridge to keep until he woke and settling back into the chair to think. Wondering about the episodes himself, “Well…his magic has been keeping him alive. Maybe it healed what was causing the episodes…though until we get rid of the disease completely, we’ll have to keep a eye on him just in case.”he said thoughtfully, wondering if his voice would be able to convince loki calm during a episode before frowning a little, glancing at thor. “You said the questions you asked left more questions then answers?”
Thor nodded a little. "i didn't realize his magic was healing him, is that why his magic has been 'draining away'? because he's using too much of it, it's getting weak?" he asked, Bruce nodding. "we beleive so, yes. the gamma radiation has energy signatures almost identical to Loki's own magic, which is why it looks like his magic is both destroying, and repairing, but if you look close, there is a difference between the two 'waves' of power." Bruce admitted, shaking his head as Thor nodded. "yes... too many questions... when i finally got answers out of the guards, they told me they where beating Loki to keep him weak, and helpless, so that the Tesseract could resume control over my brother. they where instructed by their master to get Loki tot he tesseract, so that he could later be blamed for 'everything'... that is all i managed to get out of them, as they swallowed poison not long after. i am beginning to suspect that Loki's initial interaction with the tesseract was orchestrated so that Loki could murder me and my father... and rightfully be blamed for it. leaving whoever is truly in charge and to be blamed, free to take command of Asgard and the nine realms..." Thor admitted. "but that does not help me know who they are, how they can control the tesseract, why they would want control and how they managed to turn good soldiers against their king and both princes. i know the Aeser never liked Loki to begin with, but there was never such HATRED before... it's like a spreading disease..."
Lukas nodded looking thoughtful as he considered those questions. “That…doesn’t make sense.” “Actually it does.”Clint said frowning, the master assassin looking thoughtful. “Someone is making sure your attentions divided, and hiding themselves. They want control, and want it blamefree. With someone everyone already disliked framed, they can get it.”He said sighing softly. “But it would mean someone had access to the tesseract. Which means this was longer in the planning then you would think.”Lukas said frowning s he considered the effort of planning it took to pull of something like this.
Thor sighed a little as he nodded. "it would mean that either the Frost Giants are involved, or they where used just as much as Loki was." Thor muttered, rubbing his temples. "which means Loki might have been in their sights since he was first rescued from Jotunheimer as a baby." Thor admitted with a sigh. "it's just not fair... Loki was abandoned for being a runt, and then tormented his entire life, and now he's dying all because someone decided he would make a good scapegoat..." Thor grumbled, scrubbing his face before he cocked his head. "Loki's awake." he muttered after a moment, and a few seconds later, a sleepy Loki did indeed walk into the room, looking much, much better than he had when he'd been downstairs puking. "Thor! you're back." Loki stated, looking quite happy to see his brother. "did you bring me a present?" Thor snorted at that and shot his brother an incredulous grin. "what are you, six? for goodness sakes Loki." "but i want it!" Loki complained, scowling at his brother who laughed and tucked his hand into his pocket and tossed a package to Loki who grinned in delight and pulled open the goatskin pouch and inhaled deeply. "mmmhmmm Banco leaves... wonderful." he breathed happily. "Banco is like Tobacco from what i understand." Thor admitted with a smile. "Loki smokes the pipe." Thor explained. "but he will smoke outside if it bothers you." "Banco is heaven." Loki admitted with a grin. "it's not as... acrid, as cigarettes are."
Lukas turned his head at thor’s words, glancing towards the door, a smile curling his lips as he looked at a sleepy loki, amused at the sight of the man, but glad to see him feeling better. “You are such a child.”The doctor said looking amused at how happy loki was. “…don’t bother. After all the things I bet tony’s smoked in this tower, it wont matter if loki smokes in here.”Clint said snickering a little amused as he watched the man. “True.”Lukas said looking amused before looking at loki.”Your tacos are in the kitchen if you want them.”he said smiling slightly.
Loki grinned, delighted to be allowed to smoke inside before squealing in delight as he dove for the kitchen, Thor laughing brightly at the eagerness of his brother. "it is good to see him acting normal again." Thor admitted, looking so very, very relieved Bruce looking shocked. "you mean... this is Normal!?" "of course. he's always been a bit childish. he is chaos, what is more chaotic than a child? just be glad he's grown out of the need to ask everyone who passes where babies come from." Thor smirked. "i thought father was going to have an aneurism when Loki asked him that at the tender age if sixteen." he admitted, hiding a snicker behind his hand as Loki came back in, munching on his tacos and refusing to share with anyone. not even Clint, considering some of those Tacos where supposed to be his. "so you know whats wrong with me then? i was too dizzy to pay proper attention." Loki admitted, not looking the least bit repentant. "it's radiation poisoning." "what's radiation?" Loki asked, looking baffled as he sunk his perfect white teeth into another Taco. so Bruce had to explain what radiation was and why it was dangerous and how it was killing Loki and what they where going to do to slow the problem down so they could find a way to cure him. Loki had stopped paying attention after the first five minutes and was making paper animals out of the Taco packages. Thor was fighting not to laugh as Bruce realized he was being ignored.
Clint frowned looking at the tacos,”hey. Can I have some of those. Lukas brought me some.Hey…that’s my favorite, come on reindeer games, give me mine.”Clint demanded picking up tony’s name for the man considering his helmet before pouting when loki refused to hand them over. Lukas snickered a little at the assassin’s sulking, rolling his eyes a little before listening and helping bruce explain before leaning over to poke loki in the shoulder.”WE have a way to help you. Okay?Thats all you need to know, sincei t seems to be boring you.”He said rolling his eyes a little before sighing.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Clint and wrapped his arm more possessively around the bags of Tacos. he did eventually let Clint have his two... but they turned the man Grinch Green. Loki blinked at the poke and looked at Lukas with a shrug. "he was using big words that i didn't understand." he admitted without remorse, Bruce sighing as he shook his head. "and it's rude to interrupt." he pointed out, Natasha smirking. "a god of Chaos with good manners. how ironic." she teased, examining the emerald green clint. "will this come off?" Loki just smirked and continued making little paper animals. a bird, another bird, a cat.. or a dog maybe? several flowers, a few boxes, a lantern, a butterfly, an elephant, another dog, or was it a cat? "we're going to use IV infusions." "....using words i don't know." Loki grumbled and Bruce sighed again. "we're going to stick a needle in your arms and slowly drip the needed medicine into you." he explained. "you'll get a single I.V treatment a day, until we can figure out how to fully stop, and reverse the problem. most of the known ways to treat radiation sickness, also attack other parts of your body." Bruce explained and Loki blinked. "would my magic not stop that?" "we don't know. it's not something we can test you know."
Clint was sulking at being turned green making a face at natasha before he realized that he might be green for awhile."well at least you can give the emerald archer a run for his money."lukas teased ignoring the glare he got in return for the green arrow joke. Smirking a little at loki's question he laughed."its not like we've had a lot of sick gods running around so we could test things on. We'll just have to go day by day. But you will tell me how you are feeling. I can't help you if you don't trust me to."he said looking at loki and his sole focus was on the frost giant,proving that bruce was right,lukas had managed to worm his way into loki's trust and was willing to demand it to be able to make sure the man lived.
Loki snickered a little at Clint's sulk. the green would wash off in the shower, same as Lukas's had... but Loki was well aware that Clint would probobly not take a shower too soon. "well, i suppose that's true." Loki agreed, shrugging his shoulders a little before he grimaced, playing with the paper lotus flower he had made, biting his lip before he finally nodded. "alright. i'll tell you." he promised softly. he hated to be weak, but somehow he just knew that Lukas wouldn't use it against him. "could i have a book?" Loki asked hopefully, nervous with so many people around staring at her. "i'm still feeling tired, i'd like to lay down and read for a while." he gathered his book and settled into bed and enjoyed a good read for hte first time. he loved earth, he really did.
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