Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Aelfdene blinked. "i thought humans didn't like people who liked the same gender?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow as Steve snickered and wondered why Bruce wasn't sputtering denials about not being gay. Clint just smirked a little. "some humans do, but most of human society has moved past that. oh you still get Gay haters, but then you've still got people who hate the Japanese, or the blacks, or women despite our advances." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm still amazed that Women are allowed to have their own businesses now. for that matter i'm amazed that women tend to be a lot more successful. they'd only just gotten the right to Vote when i was frozen." Steve admitted with a grin. "it's so much fun, watching a woman reduce a man into a quivering mass of incompetence." Steve admitted with a snicker. "most of the people i knew would be quite horrified to know just how independent women have become." he admitted with a grin. Natasha just smirked at them all. "Clint is bi-sexual you know, maybe we could just strip him naked and offer him to this Aelfdane? maybe all the little bastard needs is a good lay?" she mused, Steve choking on his laughter as he moved to pretend to help Jarvis... not that he could do anything. "you people are highly amusing." Aelfdene admitted with a smile. "and Aelfdane doesn't do humans. he has a harem of very willing women and men to see to him anytime he wants to get laid." "...Harem?" Natasha asked, sounding slightly aroused as Aelfdene nodded. "indeed. we ARE royalty after all, those few we like enough to invite into a Harem are always exceptionally spoiled. i have four girls and five boys at home, but that's just because i haven't found someone i truly love yet. they all know if i find my True Love then they have to take a flight."
“Sometimes you get some humans like that. But I’ve been hanging around with the man-whore- “ “hey!” “-the man whore to long to really care.”lukas said ignoring tony’s protest, though there had been enough laughter in it to make it obvious tony hadn’t really been upset at the name calling. “It is quite amusing. Its why I let pepper do business meetings. Much more entertaining to watch her yell at someone then to do it myself.”Tony said smiling a little. “…are you sure clint is a good lay?” “Definitely. His arms are the size of my hips. He’d definitely be good for something.”Lukas mused smirking as he studied the assassin, more to tease his consort then in any real interest in seducing the man. Looking slightly sick at the idea of a harem, and wondering if he would be expected to keep one before looking up at loki.”Go cook for me.”he grumbled a little, feeling a little sulky because he was feeling out of his depth. “…You sound interested in the harem, Natasha. Looking for a new line of work?”Tony teased looking amused as he followed lukas towards the kitchen, knowing lukas was trying to avoid whatever emotions they’d brought up in him, and not willing to let him deal with them on his own.
Aelfdene blinked. "what is a Man whore?" he asked, his head cocked to the side curiously. "who is pepper?" "i am pepper. and you, Tony Stark, have some explaining to do!" Pepper hissed furiously. "you where SUPPOSED to be in Guatemala for that international press conference regarding the clean energy breakthrough you had!" she hissed. "so this, whatever THIS is, have better be important!" "...oh there's no real reason." Loki commented with a grin. "he wanted to have a sleepover." "...why are you blue?" "Tony put blue dye in my bathwater and glued horns to my head while i was sleeping. i can't figure out how to get them off or the blue out." Loki lied, Pepper glaring furiously at Tony. "you are SO dead Anthony Stark!" she raged, grabbing his ear and draggign him out of the room, Loki hiding his snickers as best as he could, by heading into the kitchen. he didn't know how to cook, but he figured he could blow the stove up, that would be fun. unfortunately, Natasha rescued the stove before Loki could do anything to it, and started making food for everyone. Aelfdene admitted to being a vegetarian, and he enjoyed a very lovely fruit salad. "so Lukas, any requests?" "Tacos!" "your name is not Lukas! you had Tacos this morning! we need to eat other food too you know." "...why? Tacos are everything a growing human needs." "yeah, no. no they aren't. not even a little bit." Natasha stated with a roll of her eyes.
"Pepper's my wife and-"tony winced looking at his wife with a slightly sheepish look not about to admit he'd forgotten about the conference in the rush to tell lukas about the new energy idea he'd had along with aelfsene showing up."no that's not-pepper!"he yelled as he was deagged off and you could hear him protesting his innocence the whole time.

Lukas looked amused as he started digging through the cupboards to find something looking at loki."that was mean."he muttered to he'd done similar things to the billionaire all the time. Smirking slightly he pulled out a frozen chickeb breast and some pasta to make chicken alfredo." can help me make this."he smiled at the female assasin though it wasn't his nornal self assured smile,he did look slightly more relaxed as he focused on something he could do,d cooking he could do.
Loki smirked at Lukas. "oh like you haven't done the same thing." he teased with a snicker. "it's his own fault for not calling her when important things happen." he stated simply as he studied the Chicken breast and pasta. "ugh, that looks disgusting, what is it?" he asked, prodding the frozen chicken. "Chicken." Natasha answered, laughing at Loki's horrified look. "it's frozen Loki, it looks much better after it's cooked." she promised him with a laugh. "don't let Loki near the stove Lukas!" she complained, chasing Loki back into his seat with a glare. "he blows the damn thing up!" she complained as she helped Lukas prepare the meal. Pepper moved back into the room twenty minutes later and popped Loki on the back of the head with her newspaper, Loki just laughed. apparently Pepper had let Tony explain himself, one didn't just take Loki at his word after all. "and you are?" she finally demanded of Aelfdene who smiled at her. "Aelfdene, biological younger brother to Lukas, you must be his Doe? er... adoptive mother?" he asked with a smile as Pepper blinked at him. "yes i am." she admitted, looking very pleased to be thought of as Lukas's mother. in a sense, she was. she had done most of the parenting, Tony had always been more of the 'cool older brother whose gone a lot'. it had been Pepper and Jarvis who had done most of the parenting.
“I promise, its better when its cooked.”lukas said snickering at the other’s horrified look, kissing loki’s cheek before smirking at Natasha. “But its so amusing when he does that. Tony freaks out so much.”he said rolling his eyes as he helped Natasha cook. Nodding at aelfdene’s words, he blushed ever so slightly. While he hadn’t ever called her mother, everyone knew that pepper was the only person he’d ever accepted to have that role. “She is.”He said before looking at pepper and the sulking tony who was nibbling on his alfredo. “So, did you get the conference rescheduled?”He said looking at pepper looking curious. Because he knew tony had to get work done, otherwise all of them would be going insane as they waited for aelfdane to make his move, or for Jarvis to find him.
Loki shrugged. "it looks disgusting." he stated simply before beaming as he was given a kiss, Aelfdene chuckling a little. "it IS fun!" Loki agreed, eying up the stove. "not when i want food it isn't. and we all nearly died eating that Pizza Tony ordered the last time Loki blew up the stove." she reminded them with a roll of her eyes. "so no, he can't blow up the stove anymore, find something else." "fine." Loki complained with a pout. "yes we did, and this time Tony WILL be there." she stated, narrowing her eyes at him. "even if i have to be here to drag him there myself." she stated, her eyes narrowed. "you might have had a reasonable excuse this time, but the last twenty times was you being lazy and irresponsible." she stated with a sniff. "if you miss one more, you won't have sex, ANY sex for three months!" and she could enforce that law too. "now. have we yelled at Fury yet?" she asked, looking amused as Loki perked up. "no! no we haven't!" "we'll do it after Lunch, keep the old bastard away from Lukas will be a lot harder once he realizes that Lukas is the reason these Elf things are here. not that it's your fault Lukas, but Fury isn't known for caring whose at fault and who isn't. he'll point the finger at you just so he can get better control over you."
“…I had important things to do all those other times. The world needed saving.”Tony sulked looking up at the woman, looking sulky, before swallowing. “We’ll deal with aelfdane after the press conference.”Tony decided. “…please, skip it. It would be awesome to watch pepper enforce the no sex thing, when I’m having sex.”Lukas said snickering al ittle because it was such a rare event that their roles were reversed, and lukas was having sex when tony wasn’t. Wincing slightly he shuddered, “I’ll deal with fury.”She said quietly, because she just knew that there wasn’t going to be any good that came from this. He knew fury was going to try to use him, and he didn’t know how to handle that. Tony had protected him to the point that he’d never had to consider how to handle someone trying to use him, so it made him nervous to consider what to do. Tony sighed softly before nodding.”We’ll go see to fury. And if he considers trying to use him, I’ll dump him off stark tower and not even consider catching him.”Tony said sighing quietly looking worried himself as he started to eat, smirking. “Loki, this is better then it looked. Eat.”he teased the jotun amused at the man’s reaction to the frozen chicken.
Pepper rolled her eyes. "honestly Tony, the world did NOT need saving when you missed that press conference in New York, or when you where supposed to be in China for that legislative meeting to start up a tower in Hong Kong, nor where you even saving someone from being mugged the last twelve times you missed something entirely." she complained with a roll of her eyes. "you wont deal with Fury." Loki corrected, his eyes blazing. "i will turn the man into something unpleasant if he even THINKS about it. and if he actually tries, i'll kill him." Loki stated, baring miniscule fangs as Aelfdene shuddered. "violent, isn't he?" Aelfdene asked with a wicked little smirk of his own. "can i help with the killing?" well, Aelfdene had said that the Fey where rather more violent than humans where. "i suppose it's alright." Loki muttered, not entirly sure he liked Alfredo. it tasted funny. he couldn't decide if he liked it or not, but he didn't want to upset Lukas by saying so, so he picked out all the chicken and ate that instead.
“I’m sure I was saving someone during those times.Surely.”Tony said looking amused at his wife, tugging her over for a kiss, “Don’t look so upset. I promise I’ll be there.”He muttered wrapping a arm around her waist.”Does that mean I don’t get to come and watch you talk to him?”Lukas said smiling slightly at his lover, before looking at aelfdene nodding. “He is. And no, neither of you get to kill him.he’s not worth it.”Lukas said before watching loki, rolling his eyes as he ate.”If you don’t like it, don’t eat.”He grumbled at his lover before sighing, finishing his food. “Lets go deal with fury.”he said because confronting fury, and convincing the man to leave him alone, made him nervous.
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