Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

Lukas scowled a little as he was put in bed,glaring at the frost giant."what are you doing?stop."he grumbled wanting nothing more then to turn the man into a popsicle so he could be left alone."..loki?...what am I going to do?"he said looking anxious as he glanced over at him swallowing hard as he tried to relax.

Tony frowned a little before nodding."no. That's fine...just when you areable to travel. Come to new york, and see to lukas. I wouldn't...take his words to heart. Hes not nearly as ruthless as it sounded. Hes upset,not a killer."tony said trying to reassure the man as he'd seen just how upset the elf had been at how ruthless lukas had come off with the cold blooded decision to kill the kid. It wasn't that,ony knew it had been shock and not the conscious decision to kill
Loki rolled his eyes. "i am fussing, let me fuss." he demanded. "your tired, your in shock, and you are unhappy. roll onto your belly." Loki demanded, grabbing a small bottle from the nightstand. a bottle that hadn't been there before. massaging oil, the kind that warmed up. "Pepper gave this to me, she said it makes your muscles turn to mush." Loki admitted with a grin as he stripped his lovers shirt off and poured the lukewarm oil onto the man's skin before his cool fingers stroked the back, and worked on easing all the muscle tension. "you are going to do whatever you want to." Loki stated simply. "am i not a priest? if this... Aelfdane causes a problem, i will summon the army's of Jotun to kill him. simple. and if Aelfdene is lying, using you, or trying to trick us, i will kill him too." Loki stated with a sniff. "well. i'll keep him alive long enough to teach you everything you need to know, then i'll kill him."

Aelfdene nodded a little. "it's alright, Aelfri... Lukas, is a Fey. it is in our nature to be viscous." Aelfdene admitted softly. "if that is still his decision the next time we speak, then i will obey." because one could not go against the Elf King. Lukas was not just a High Elf, his powers ensured that no one could refuse his orders. it was a power that passed from King to King, no bloodline needed, and would fully awaken when Lukas claimed the throne... if Lukas claimed the throne. Aelfdene watched them leave before he curled up onto the forest floor, hoping that Lukas was not as heartless as most Fey where.
Lukas scowled a little sighing softly. “I don’t want to.”He grumbled, even though he let loki bully him into laying on his stomach, sighing softly as he tried to relax. “…why are you talking to pepper about things to massage me with?Thats disturbing.”He grumbled but sounding sleepy as he let his lover calm him. “Yes, you are. And we could do that.”He muttered liking the idea of loki helping him figure out things, trusting the man to help him.

When aelfdene arrived, it was indeed obvious lukas wasn’t nearly as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the rest of them as even though he was arguing with the man across from him, he wasn’t using his fists to do it, or to make tony stop lecturing him. Turning his head to look up at aelfdene his eyes took a slow, cautious look. “….what are you doing here?”He said willing to listen to anything if it meant he didn’t have to listen to tony go on anymore about the next medical and technological invention the genius had thought about in the middle of sex. It was just to scarring to witness tony’s genius, because the most random things generated brilliant ideas.
Loki chuckled a little. "she thought it might be a good idea, since you tend to get overly stressed about some things." Loki admitted. "she even gave me a book on how to give a proper massage. it was very informational." he admitted. "much better than the Kama Sutra that Tony gave me, i'm pretty sure human's aren't meant to bend like that." he admitted with a smile. "exactly. you worry too much my Love." Loki admitted with a grin as he proceeded to prove just how much Kama Sutra Loki had actually read. Lukas probobly couldn't get into those positions, but Loki could. being a shapeshifter was the greatest thing ever.

Aelfdane even came in properly, walking in through the front door and informing the creepy disembodied voice that Tony had asked him to come. Jarvis could still use the intercom system after all. "i was instructed to come by your Serf." Aelfdene informed Lukas. "when i had rested enough to travel, he asked me to find him, so i did. i did not know much else to do. i've never been to the Mortal realms before. i almost didn't make it. have you always had such metal beasts roaming about?" he asked, poor Aelfdene looked completely freaked out. "and there are no trees! none at all! and no animals! how do you LIVE like this?!" he demanded, swallowing thickly. "nothing but hard rock and cold stone and metal all around you... it's horrible! i knew humans where... off, but this is madness!" now he understood what Aelfdane wanted to kill the humans. not that Aelfdene was going to help hus brother, nor agreed with him, but he could understand why Aelfdane had come to the conclusion that humans needed to be exterminated.
“….he’s my serf? Then why doesn’t he listen to me?”Lukas said loking up at the older man, looking amused that stark looked at a loss to what to say for a moment before glaring. “I am not your serf. I’m trying to tell you about the-“ “Stop.I don’t care right now.”Lukas said before frowning at aelfdene, “…no. Just in the last hundred years. And what do you mean, I know its a lot of buildings, but there’s parks and places with animals.”Lukas said frowning at the man, no wonder he was so tense a lot of the time. While he wasn’t nearly as in tune with the natural world as aelfdene was, the elf king was still trying to connect with what nature was available to him. No wonder he was happier when tony had sent him out of the city for vacations, or just got away from the city.
Aelfdene blinked a little. "oh... so he isn't your Serf? sorry he just ordered and since you seamed content to let him talk as he pleased i figured it would be alright..." he admitted, fidgeting. "a lot of buildings he says... it's UNNATURAL! there's no LIFE! there's no GREEN! there's NOTHING here! it's like the humans took the earths very SOUL and tore it away!" he gasped, shuddering. "i don't like it... this place... it's horrid..." he whispered, mortified by what the humans had done to the planet. "thank the Merciful Mother that we live more more deeply, or She would have Died a LONG time ago..." he muttered, Steve frowning. "she? she who?" "The Mother! the Earth! can't you Feel her?!... no of course not, you're just a human.." Aelfdene muttered. "human's don't know any better... they can't help but be what they are..." this was more muttered to himself in an effort to calm down. Aelfdene clearly did NOT like being in such a big city, at ALL. unfortunately, Aelfdane would be much more comfortable, as he was not connected specifically to greenery and animals like Aelfdene was. Aelfdane was at home in any darkness, be it shadows, or greed. and Manhattan was filled with both to bursting.
“Well…I guess. I mean, he helped raise me. So I trust him..”Lukas said frowning, looking confused and uncertain how to deal with the man in front of him before frowning. “…are all elves this connected to the earth?I mean…I’ve always lived in the city, but I’m much more comfortable in the country.”She said looking thoughtful watching the two, biting his lip a little. Trying to understand what was needed from him. “Aelfdene?”Tony said after a moment nodding towards lukas, “Would you be so kind to tell him about yourself.”He said trying to steer the topic to something besides how wrong the humans were, because lukas looked torn between running away and wanting to know this man that was his brother. “Yes…please. I don’t…I don’t really understand anything.”Lukas said frowning slightly.
Aelfdene blinked. "oh! he is your Drake! your Sub Father... er, adoptive Father?" he blinked. "no, not ALL elves. i am because i am the caretaker of Animals and forests. i've never been in a place that has no green and no life before." he admitted, fidgeting. "most High Elves or Upper Fey are connected to specific elements of nature. like Mab, the Queen of the Winter Court, is connected to everything that is winter. she can live anywhere, because no matter where you go, there is always cold, always snow somewhere." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i don't know what element you would be connected to, but all Sidhe prefer nature to..." he glanced around and offered a small sneer to all the cold metal and concrete that he was surrounded by. "oh, certainly!" Aelfdene agreed and Loki pondered, his head tilted. "oh i know!" Loki chirped, delighted. "i'm ruining your living room Tony." Loki warned. "we'll all go sit in there." he decided, Aelfdene blinking a little as he watched the blue man leave. "erm... what, is he?" Aelfdene asked softly, Bruce chuckling a little. "an Alien, for lack of a better word." Aelfdene blinked. "like, from space?" "sort of." "...weird, he's pretty though. he's mated to Lukas?" "yes." Aelfdene nodded, glad that his long lost brother had someone to be happy with.

"well!? are you coming!?" Loki demanded, coming back out when he realized no one had followed him. Aelfdene chuckled a little and followed the rest of them into the living room, where a large corner of the room had been covered in green. thick springy soft moss with wild flowers and a dozen of butterflies, all which fluttered and landed on Aelfdene who laughed. "oh it's lovely!" the Elf admitted, wings springing out as he settled into the greenery happily, the butterflies fluttering around him before settling into his hair and onto his wings. "so, what di you want to know?" Aelfdene was much more calm now that he was surrounded by greenery and insects. Loki had wanted to put a Bunny in there, but he didn't want Natasha, who was afraid of all small rodent things, to beat him up for it.
Lukas nodded a little.”Yes. He took care of me after my family died. Or..the people I thought was my family.”he sighed quietly. “Oh. Well. That makes sense. But I’ve never been connected to anything, except with loki. But doesn’t work, since winter is…mab’s…thing.”He said sounding thoughtful before looking after loki, before smiling slightly at aelfdene’s question. “Yes.He’s my mate. And fairly weird, don’t worry I know he is. So don’t think you’ll insult me.”Lukas said overexplaining because his brother made him nervous, not because he thought aelfdene wanted to hurt him or anything, but it had been so long since he’d had family, besides pepper tony and Jarvis, that he had no idea how to act.

“Lukas, would you like something to drink?”Jarvis said holding out a glass of the man’s favorite orange juice, looking concerned for the youngster he had made sure tony didn’t accidently kill. Looking up at loki’s words, the A.I. sputtered a little in laughter as lukas responded to loki’s question. “No!But if you want to fix that, you could come back here.”Lukas demanded sulking that his morning routine of having sex had been messed up in tony’s need to talk to him. Looking amused as they walked into the room, he looked around, lukas then sighed quietly, and even not as connected to nature as aelfdene was, something relaxed in him at the sight of the nature. “…what do you want from me?”Lukas said as he focused on his brother. “….you could have put a rabbit in here. They’re cute.”Clint said as he stuck his head into the room, walking in with Natasha, looking tired and mussed up, but having wanted to see what everyone was ohhhing and ahhhing over so early in the morning, and noticed that loki hadn’t put the small creatures in there…and knowing why, not that he’d ever inform Natasha that he knew that she had a fear of small rodents.
Aelfdene smiled and nodded. "they raised you, they loved you, they are your family no matter that they are not your blood, they are your family. as are these people who love you and raised you now. blood, a family does not always make. it is love that makes a family." Aelfdene promised with a smile. "some elements are more... rare than others. the King of Elves is almost always more powerful than others. my father was the King of Storms, all storms. he could call lightning, whip up the winds, make it pour or hail, he could even make tornadoes and twisters." he admitted with a smile. "the King before that, our grandfather, was connected to the earth itself. he could cause HUGE earthquakes, and even helped make the mountains to keep humans away from us, back when we where still living along side them. this was before i was born, before my father was born too. back then humans where a lot more connected to the earth. they lived in huts and traveled with the Buffalo herds. and then those silly people in boats came and we hightailed it out of here." "Indians? your talking about the Indians!" "sure, i think."

"oh i'll make you come." Loki purred with a grin. "i'll make you cum until you pass out." "it's funny how Loki has the vocabulary of a Dom, but is actually the Sub." Steve muttered, sounding amused as Natasha glanced at him. "...have you been looking up sex on the internet?" "Jarvis helped me." Steve admitted with a grin before wincing as Natasha smacked Clint for suggesting a Rabbit. "don't bring rodent pests in this house!" she demanded. "they carry filthy diseases!" Aelfdene looked affronted. "they do NOT!... well, ok maybe a few of them do..." he agreed, cowed when Natasha glared at him. "...right, in any case, you are the King, your Law supersedes all else. what you says, goes, as decided by The Mother. once you make a command, we do it, whether we like you or not. you don't have the power just yet to command all of the Fayne, it's a 'Talent' tied to the Throne. in any case, it's not what i want from you, it's what you want us to do." Aelfdene admitted with a smile. "We of the Fayne, and i in particular, are at your command. you will it, we do it."
“…you sound awfully bossy for a man who likes to be on his back.”Lukas said snickering a little as he looked up at his lover. “It is, I agree.”Jarvis said snickering a little before blushing a little as Natasha looked at them. “I did not. I just showed you how to look up things. I didn’t tell you how to look up sex.”The A.I. said blushing as clint snickered. “Ow!Nat!”Clint grumbled rubbing his stomach where he’d been sucker punched for suggesting a rabbit, sighing softly as he looked around him, snickering a little at the small rabbit sitting in lukas’ lap. Even without help, it seemed nature spoke to him, just not as loudly as aelfdene. “…I don’t want anything. I want to be left alone…there’s nothing for me to do.”Lukas said sounding anxious before looking up at loki, poking him a little. “My father could call storms. Think I could get thor to help me and see if I can play with lightening?”he asked, wanting to figure out what he was tied to. Needing to know what he was, and how it was going to affect his life.
Aelfdene smiled a little as he watched them all interacting before giving Nat an odd look when she squeaked at the rabbit and vanished from the room, Loki snickering a little as he watched her flee. "i'm afraid that you can't be left alone. the Throne is tied to you." Aelfdene admitted. "you either claim it, or we are left to our own devices, and that is ALWAYS a bad idea." he pointed out. "we are a dangerous people, we've already started trying to slaughter each other." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and even if you die, then i inherit the throne, and i'm too much of a Lukkit to lead a people, and i sure as hell am not letting Aelfdane have the throne. it's you, or the entire Fayne nation goes into a massive civil war in an attempt to take the Throne for themselves. we three are the very last of the High Throne bloodline. it's us, or nothing and me and Aelfdane are not ruler material. well, if Aelfdane wasn't psychotic he would be, but it's you or him and he wants to destroy all the humans." Aelfdene admitted. "what's a lukkit?" "oh, like a Rabbit mixed with a Cat. they're incredibly timid, very loyal, but the smallest sound can scare the crap out of them... their own shadow can scare the crap out of them..." he paused and then held his hands out, a new creature in them. the Lukkit, it was adorable! well, Loki thought so, because he was gushing over the little creature, taking it from Aelfdene and snuggling the little thing. looks like Loki and Lukas had a new pet.

"You are not playing with Lightning!" Loki ordered with a shudder. "i hate lightning..." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "i doubt you would be able to call storms." Aelfdene admitted with a smile. "our powers aren't genetic for the most part, and it's very rare for people to have identical powers in the same lifetime. sure there are repeating powers, but often it is centuries after the original died. theorists are contemplating reincarnation but no one is really sure." he admitted with a shrug. "you'll have noticed the power i'm sure, when your angry, or very frightened it will show itself. anything odd happen around him as a child?"
Lukas frowned a little before sighing softly. “I..I cant let that happen. I need you to teach me what I need to know then.”Lukas said frowning, looking up at loki, “You will help to, yes?You are a king. Well. Sort of. You grew up with kings. You can be helpful. And thor.”The man said grabbing onto the only normal rational people he knew that were capable of ruling, trusting thor and loki. Not that he didn’t want to trust his brother, it was just he didn’t know him well, and had no idea what to think. “A…lukkit…it sounds perverted.”The man said with a small sound before laughing quietly at the sight of the animal. “Natasha!Get back in here. There’s something you need to see.”Clint called snickering a little as he leaned out the door to look for her.

“aww…but lightening storms could be fun.”Lukas pouted a little. “You and thunder-boy can argue about who gets to play with lightening later. I’m fairly certain that’s not your power lukas.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before looking at aelfdene, “…his voice. When he gets pissed or loses control, he can bring down a city block around him. Its…it looks like a miniature bomb went off around him…but that cant be much…its…”tony frowned sighing quietly. “He blew up more then his fair share of electrical things when he was pissed. Not like lightening or anything, but more like static shock.”
Aelfdene nodded. "i wouldn't have sought you out if you weren't our last chance... for that matter, you wouldn't have been hidden here if you weren't our last chance." he admitted, looking sheepish. "we cherish our young tot he point that we've slaughtered entire civilizations in defense of them. once, some wizard from Atlantas kidnapped a Cherrup... a youngling. wanted to try and 'breed' the kid to make some hybrid to make an army... sank the whole damn floating city." Aelfdene admitted. "so giving one up to... humans, is only done as a very, very last resort and only if there is literally no other option." he admitted with a shrug. "not all humans are bad, but not all are good either. and no offense, but your kind do tend to hate and fear anything that isn't exactly like you." he admitted. none of the humans seamed to care, they knew that first hand. "his Voice?" Aelfdene asked, looking surprised. "yes there are a few Voice based Powers, they are extraordinarily strong, because you can do almost anything with your voice. particularly with people." he admitted. "i imagine he can make you do just about anything? that is probobly Tied in with the Power he gets with the Throne. all King's have the Command." he admitted before studying the other. "static hmm? you probably have control over electricity. there's an easy way to test this." Loki teased with an impish grin. "stick a fork in the electrical socket. if it hurts, that's not your power, if you get hyper, then it probobly is." "what's a electrical socket?" Aelfdene asked, his head tilted. "in any case, electricity won't be able to hurt you if you're connected to it. just like animals and insects can't attack me, and a Fey connected to water can't drown."
“Well. That makes sense. No royal family sends their progeny away without it being desperate.”Lukas said frowning a little before smiling, “Well. At least the humans didn’t make up that whole legend. Though there was nothing about the fayne in it.”He said sounding thoughtful before nodding. “They do. Don’t worry, I’m very aware how people react to things that aren’t similar.”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “once when he was younger he got so pissed that his voice sounded like razorblades, and he made someone’s ears bleed from just snarling at them.” “…its not my fault that the bastard brought in his daughter for a exam when he just raped her. I just voiced a opinion.”Lukas said sounding annoyed before frowning at loki. “…you just want to see my hair stick up again if I react to the electric.”He said frowning before looking at clint who produced the fork from god knows where. “…why…” “You never know when you’ll need a fork.”Clint provided with a mysterious smirk waving the man over towards the wall. Snickering a little as lukas hesitantly stuck the fork into it.

“Bloody hell!”Jarvis cursed as he felt the surge of electrical power, even this disconnected the A.I. responded as one of the most powerful buildings responded to a man who could tap directly into the power source. “Shit!”Lukas cursed as he stepped back, more out of shock then harm, shaking his head a little. “That felt weird…”He muttered. Not hurt, just surprised.
he nodded. "it was pretty desperate. Mother was very, very careful about who you ended up with." he admitted. "and Uncle checked on you every year." he admitted. "he was one of the few fey who wasn't bothered by... this." he admitted, indicating the place again. "Uncle spent most of his time with humans. i think so he could better acclimate you, and help you once you finally returned." Aelfdene admitted with a shake of his head. "that Voice power is tied to the Throne. you Punished the man who..." here Aelfdene looked sick. "humans DO that!? rape little girls?" he sounded fairly weak at the very thought and Steve shook his head. "not all humans. but... well, some are very sick in the head. they are heavily punished when caught." that soothed Aelfdene a little, to know that it wasn't allowed. "you can do almost anything to a person using the Command. you can Punish, or Reward, give them pain or pleasure, even control them to an extent. it will get stronger if you claim the throne, humans are less affected than the Fey are, but we're also much better at handling it. once you put enough power into it, a Human cannot refuse you. we CAN, if we feel we need to enough." he admitted with a smile. "human's won't be able to do so once you put enough power into the Command. you could even make a human kill themselves, or others." he admitted. "you don't have the power to do so right now, but i bet you've had some fun with the power you DO have." he teased with a grin.

"it's FUN!" Loki teased with an impish grin. he'd electrocuted most of the people in the house, by 'accident' of course, but Loki thought it was hilarious the way they'd jerk, curse, and how their hair stood up on end. "...Clint, i worry about you sometimes." Natasha admitted, looking amused as she stroked the cute little Lukkit. they all watched intently and Loki laughed as Jarvis cursed, Steve looking at the A.I. "you ok?" he asked, worried about his blue haired Friend. "electricity it is then." Aelfdene muttered, looking highly amused. "touch the big man there and let the power flow out of you." he suggested. "you can feel it, right?" if Lukas did as suggested, thor would promptly be electrocuted and he broke into furious curses while rubbing the spot that Lukas had touched. the Fey magic was much stronger than Thor's was.
Lukas smiled slightly, enjoying the thought of his real mother. Enjoying the thought that he had been loved, even if he hadn’t known her, it touched a heart that was usually frozen to know that he had been looked after. Looking vaguely sick himself he nodded.”Sometimes. Humans can be…sick. They are punished, and this one even worse. I don’t think he ever did get his hearing back.” “He didn’t. But that might because everyone refused to heal him after they found out.”Tony pointed out before sighing quietly. “…so I wont have to worry about accidently ordering one of you to do something?”Lukas said a slight anxiety to his words, because he had accidently gotten a ex killed, actually gotten them to commit suicide, and only after he had realized what he had done. That was the trauma that had led tony into enlisting loki into helping lukas when thor showed up with the sick jotun. Having been at his wit’s end to figure out how to bring the terrified, emotionally shut down lukas out of his guilt ridden haze. Looking slightly pale he smiled wanely at aelfdene before nodding.”Yes…loki has had the most interesting things to make me order the others to do.”he said, though it was hard for him, because after messing up so badly with his ex, the man was absolutely terrified of ordering people around, even if he did it on occasion, much like he had done to clint. Though these days he was careful to not make the order to strong.

“…why?You should carry a fork. I’ve used it as a weapon before.”Clint said frowning at his lover looking at the lukkit, and resisting the urge to tease her about cuddling the little rodent. “Yea, I’m fine. But that stung, you are not allowed near electrical outlets anymore, lukas.”Jarvis said frowning at the amused looking man smiling at steve. “He just overloaded the system for a few minutes. I’m actually surprised he didn’t blow a breaker.”he mused. “I can. Its like standing at the edge of a thunderstorm.”Lukas said frowning a little as he touched thor’s arm, cursing as he jerked his hand back, rubbing his fingertips. Though he was the stronger, it still stung to be confronted with the raw power of a thunderstorm.
Aelfdene grimaced a little. "well, as long as they are brutally punished. the Fey do not condone Rape, or force. anyone caught raping, or forcing another into sexual service, is immidiatly put to death, and all their belongings then go to the victims, regardless of wills, freinds, or family." he admitted simply. "the family is then questioned and anyone who is caught knowing, or aiding the rapist, is immidiatly exiled from the Fey realms to live amidst the humans." he admitted, shrugging. "the only thing we hate more, is people who harm children. anyone caught purposefully hurting a child, ANY child, is immediately tortured to death. usually by the parents of said child." no wonder Aelfdene was so mortified, with punishments like those, Rape and child abuse was probobly completely nonexistent. "well, you might accidentally order us to do little things, like go away, or take a hike, or pick up a spoon." he smirked. "my father once had the unfortunate idea to tell someone who he was annoyed with to 'go fuck themselves and then walk in on them doing so." he snickered. "that was funny." he admitted with a grin. "but anything major, like telling us to go jump off a bridge, or kill ourselves, or attack someone isn't likely to happen." he admitted with a shrug. your Blue man is quite able to defend himself against your Voice as well." "he can make me relax." Loki pointed out ad the Elf nodded. "yes, because that is a function your body is willing and ready to do, his voice just triggers it. i doubt he could even Command you to do anything if you didn't already wat to do it." "...well..." Loki's smirk turned sly and he grinned at Lukas, remembering the exhilaration of Lukas Commanding him in the bedroom to suck this, lay like that... it was kinky, sexy, and all together a hell of a turn on.

" did you turn a fork into a weapon?" Loki asked, looking impressed despite himself as Steve rolled his eyes and gently rubbed Jarvis's arms to comfort him. it was a touch Steve had worked very carefully to acclimate his freind to. "it might take a bit to get used to." Aelfdene admitted with a smile. "it's a large amount of power you have, and the more you use it, the easier it will be to control and acclimate yourself to it. we'll have to find a safer place for you to practice though. the last thing we need is you accidentally blowing up an entire city block."
“That is good to know. I would like a rule book or something, so I can see all the laws I am expected to help with.”Lukas said looking thoughtful, he was a geek. The man was quite willing to read and study anything, as long as he knew that he wasn’t going to mess things up because he wanted to make sure things were okay. And making sure that his newly found kingdom was well run and with the rules enforced, was something he’d enjoy. Flushing a little at the idea of someone walking in on someone fucking themselves he smiled a little. “Well, that does sound amusing.”he said relaxing as he realized that his mistake wouldn’t be repeated. That with the avengers, they were all different enough that his voice wouldn’t work as well, and that his new people wouldn’t be hurt as he learned. “So…it’s easier to convince someone to do something if they were already open to it.”Lukas mused. “Like clint kissing Natasha. He would have done it anyways, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.”Tony mused looking thoughtful at the idea before raising a eyebrow at the look on lukas’ face as loki grinned at him. The man looked ready to pass out he was blushing so hard.

“Its pointy. Made a fairly good knife to jab someone’s eye out.” “….why didn’t you just use a knife?”Jarvis asked the assassin even as he leaned into steve a little, curious despite pretending not to. The A.I. usually didn’t want to know about the bloody details of clint and natasha’s work, but….using a fork was just to interesting. “I was in Thailand. They don’t have knives, so I used a fork.” “…Is that supposed to make sense?” “I was trying to blend in...” “No, what he means was he’d gotten bored with normal methods of execution, so he used a fork.”Lukas said snickering a little before looking at aelfdene. “Maybe we should all go on vacation. You said aelfdane wouldn’t do as well in nature?Like out in the woods?”
he smiled a little. "there isn't any Law books. save for a few. you make the laws." he explained simply. "there are only three true Laws, as dictated by The Mother, that all the Fayne are bound to honor, even the King. the first, you know. no rape, or force. the second you know, harm no children. the third is just as easy to obey 'respect the Earth'. which means, no destroying the earth, no littering, no killing just to kill. respect nature, the earth and The Mother. most Fayne do this institutionally though, so i doubt you'll have trouble with it. the other laws are for you to dictate, though we are following the previous laws laid down by the last King. i can get the list for you." he admitted. "if only to give you something to work from." he admitted with a smile. "they're fairly general though, mostly it's just 'no stealing, don't beat up your neighbor, don't bother me before i've had my morning coffee you annoying peons... i'm not sure he actually intended that one to be a law though..." Aelfdene admitted, contemplating that for a moment.

"they do have knives in Thailand. your less likely to find a fork." Bruce commented, who had spent a few years in Thailand, examining some of their radiation energy experiments. "they have Chopsticks, not forks. granted they don't have knives on the table either, they do have them in the kitchens and food preparation areas." Bruce corrected before turning his attention to Aelfdene. "no. Aelfdane is a Fey, he will ALWAYS be more comfortable in the forests, but he will be much less uncomfortable in the city than I, or most others would be." he admitted. "unfortunately, Aelfdane has a very high advantage over most of the Fayne, besides you perhaps. where you are connected to electricity, you would be just as comfortable here as in the forest. unfortunately, the same can be said of Aelfdane."
“That’s not helpful. I do better when I can read things. I don’t always remember them.”Lukas said frowning a little looking annoyed with the idea that he couldn’t just have a list of everything that he needed to know. smirking a little he nodded. “Well, if its not a law, its going to be. I am hereby making it a law that ‘no one, including one Anthony Edward stark, cannot interrupt my morning to inform me on things he thought of during sex or before I have had breakfast, and therefore interrupting my morning sex.” “…Does anyone but him do that?”Jarvis said sounding amused. “No, but I’m stretching it to include everyone I know, since I know he would probably put someone else up to interrupting me.”Lukas decided looking bemused and snickering at tony’s wordless protest.

“…Geek.”Clint declared rolling his eyes at bruce’s comments on forks, and refusing to admit that he’d been so bored on his mission that he’d actually gone looking for a fork in a country where forks were rare. “Oh.Well.”Lukas made a face, looking annoyed as he tried to figure out what to do with his brother before huffing out a sigh.”…do you have a good idea on how to deal with him?”he asked having no idea what to think about the man coming to kill him.
Aelfdene shrugged a little. "i'm sorry, i can't help you anymore than that, anytime there's a new king, the laws change." he admitted with a smile. "one King even banned certain human clothing. he thought we would all get confused if the men started wearing dresses too." "he banned Kilts?" "yes." Steve started to laugh hysterically at that. "so no more interrupted morning sex! great!" Loki chirtped, already happy with his lover being a King. Aelfdene had to snicker. "i see you have the vaunted Fey libido. we're hornier than rabbits, the lot of us." he teased with a grin. "i am not a geek, i lived in Thailand for two years you idiot." Bruce teased, looking like he wanted to laugh at Clint. "it's not my fault you stole a fork from an Americanized restaurant and then proceeded to terrorize poor harmless innocent people with it." he stated simply before sobering at the return of the original topic.

"as dangerous as Alfdane is, imprisonment would probobly be best. you can't strip a Fey of it's powers, it's simply impossible. we can, however, lock him in a cage of Cold Iron... which weakens a Fayne incredibly, lock him in silver shackles, which we cannot break, and hope for him to stop being insane once we have a proper king. if he's still insane after that, then... well death might be a mercy upon him." Aelfdene admitted in a whisper, looking quite upset by the thought, even if it was the only way.
Lukas sighed looking put out but willing to go through the rules to see what he needed to do. Looking amused at loki he nodded,”I agree. This is a good thing. Tony should never get to interrupt my mornings.” “Why not?You interrupted mine all the time” “…I was 10 at the time.”Lukas frowned looking amused before nodding slightly. “Though it seems confined to loki, before this I was pretty much celebate.”He said looking amused. “…You can talk to tony, and understand what comes out of his mouth. You are a geek.”Clint said making a face as he realized the other man wanted to laugh at him, not about to let anyone make him admit he was that bored.

Lukas frowned looking annoyed at the idea of having to imprison someone before nodding, “We will try. I wont kill him if I don’t have to aelfdene, I promise.”Lukas said looking at his brother before sighing quietly, looking defeated with the idea that he might have to destroy a brother he didn’t even know. “…how do we find him?”
Loki smiled a little. "i'm pretty sure he learned his lesson after that. unlike you, Stark, Lukas is intelligent." Loki commented simply as he played with the Lukkit. the little thing really was a push over, it did anything Loki made it do without a single protest, even when Loki started dressing it up in various cute costumes which appeared out of nowhere. "really? celibate!?" Aelfdene asked, looking stunned. "i hate other people and i'm not even celibate!" he complained, stunned. "how did you survive!?" "that's enough." Loki demanded, offering Aelfdene a sharp glare. while he didn't know what had happened, he knew that a past lover caused Lukas deep pain. "no, i'm well learned and intelligent." Bruce corrected. "i'll bet your illiterate?" "i am not! my mother married my father!" "...illiterate, not illegitimate... oh god.." Bruce groaned as Clint flashed tony a smirk. he knew exactly what Bruce had been saying.

"are they always like this? are they fighting or playing?" he asked Loki who shrugged. "don't know, i tune them out. they're fairly boring when they get like this." Loki admitted as he played with the ear of his new pet. Aelfdene relaxed, smiling at the other/ thank you, My Lord." he whispered softly. "unfortunately, there's not really a way to track him unless he uses the Natural energy. i know some humans can track us when we Warp in and out." "do you have a picture of him?" Clint asked and Aelfdene nodded. "yes, here, this is him." the Elf stated, pulling out the painting, which was on a loosely rolled scroll made of animal skins. "...he's kind of cute." Natasha admitted, looking amused.
Lukas rolled his eyes looking away from his brother to hide the pain the question brought up."dunno. I just did."he muttered looking amused as he petted the lukkit. "Neither. This is theur way of saying that they like each other nd want to go on a date."tony supplied in response to aelfdene's question on if they were fihting or not. Knowing clint at least was a little flexible when it came to what gender his sex partner was,even if the man was in love and a relationship with natasha, he was always interested in new things. Looking amused at natasha's words he nodded."he is. Though nothing like lukas...are you sure you three are related?"tony teased a little looking at his blond blue eyed adopted son. "Pretty sure."lukas said rolling his eyes a little as he looked at the pictire."we can use the computer system, use the video recognition and see if he shows up in the city."jarcis said looking it over aready moving towards tony's laptop to do just that.
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