Shades of Honor(Avengers)Moon-Lady

“Pizza is amazing!”Tony grinned before smirking. Clint winced a little, “We are never letting tony choose food again, I didn’t get out of bed for days, but he’s got a point about pizza. Its fairly good.”he said already reaching for his cellphone to order a pizza. “Whattt?Thor got food poisioning?Tony!How could you?”Lukas said scolding his friend looking amused as he lost the fight over the best foods.

When the pizza arrived lukas grinned as he got a piece of pizza out, holding it out towards thor.”here,you get the first piece, so loki doesn’t accuse tony of trying to poison him.”He snorted amused as clint started digging in. it was a well known secret that the addicted to any kind of pizza, even the plain cheese pizza that lukas had ordered, not wanting to scar the asgardians by getting anything truly weird on the pizza. That would be for later.
Loki chuckled. "oh he was, sick for three days, violent puking, horrible diarrhea, cramping, fever, sweats... he thought he was dying." Loki admitted with a smirk as Thor shrugged. "i'd never been sick before." he admitted. "sickness is rare in Asgard. rare enough that the few diseases we do have are usually deadly." he admitted, Loki wrinkling his nose. "not if you people would go to a proper, MAGICAL healer instead of IGNORING it until it's TOO LATE.... idiots." Loki complained rolling his eyes. "we ALL got Food poisoning Lukas, even Tony. i beleive he was down for five days. i was only down for two, Bruce was only sick for a day." "i was down for a WEEK!" Steve complained, shooting Tony a small scowl. when the Pizza arrived, neither god was willing to touch it until they saw ALL the humans eating it. only then did Thor and Loki try a nibble. there was a long pause and the Loki stood, set his piece back into the box, slammed the lid closed and ran off with it, much as he had with Bruce's Tacos. thankfully there where four other boxes. "...i guess Loki likes the Pizza." Steve muttered, looking highly amused. "is he going to eat that WHOLE pizza?" "probobly." Natasha admitted. "didn't you see how much breakfast he ate?"
Lukas smirked eyes widening a little as loki ran off with the pizza, turning to watch the man leave. “…I think him and tony can agree on pizza being the food of the gods.” “…I cant believe you just said that. I’m never going to agree with loki on anything.” Lukas smirked rolling his eyes before looking at thor. “Did he always eat this much?”He said looking amused wondering if it was because the man was sick that he was eating this much, or because he was just crazy about food. Clint snickered rolling his eyes as he eat some food, nudging Natasha a little. “We should take loki on a tour of little Italy, and the chinese quarter?he’d probably run off with all the food.”He said snickering a little thinking about it, already imagining giving loki all the food he could eat.
Thor chuckled a little before he grimaced and looked away, as if ashamed by the question. "Loki used to be starved..." he explained softly. "that's why he's so food obsessed... before he moved back in with us, when he was living in the Academy Dorms, the other students there would refuse him entrance into the dining halls." Thor admitted softly. "after... the Chitauri... they fed him scraps so he wouldn't die... and then when he was captured and brought back to us... the guards refused him proper food as well." he explained, his voice soft, ashamed, and furious. "i did not know he was being refused food so often..." he admitted softly. "he eats like that, because part of him still thinks it might be his last for a while. he stores any 'excess' in a pocket reality. sort of like how a bird might store food in it's crop, or a camel stores it in it's humps. now if he goes without food for a few days, he won't have to be hungry, because he has some stored away. his magic being so depleted also makes him need extra food. the more he eats, the more his magic can recover." Thor admitted with a small grimace. "it would be a bad idea to introduce him to public eating. he is... quite food aggressive sometimes." Thor admitted. "where you to try and remove the Pizza from his person right now, i daresay you might loose a few fingers, if not an arm."
“Oh.Well…that’s horrible.”Lukas said sounding pained and hurting for the man that he had been so hated that he had been denied food. Swallowing hard he nudged thor a little, looking sorry for saying something.”He doesn’t blame you. You know he doesn’t.”He muttered because he knew thor felt guilty for not realizing that loki had been hurt like that. “We’ll just have to feed him more then.”Clint decided before snickering, wincing a little.”Well, in that case, we’ll just have to bring the food to him. There’s a lot of different foods he might like. Though we’ll have to make tony eat it first, make sure it wont make him sick.” “hey!Why do I have to try things?”Tony said sulking a little. “Because you are to blame for the shawarma.” “I didn’t know what it was!” “You’re still the one who suggested it, so you can eat loki’s weird foods now that we’re experimenting and see what he likes.”lukas decided snickering.
Thor nodded. "it is... and me and Father, and mother never knew... well, i think mother suspected, but Loki wouldn't say a word... and how could he? it was the entire academy against him, what could he do when Father was all but ignoring him and i was the little prick that i was? he does not blame me... but that doesn't make me any less guilty. and if you feed him too much, no matter the pocket space, he WILL get sick." Thor warned with a smile. "and he WILL puke all over tony." he admitted, Natasha chuckling as she ate another slice of pizza. "we'll do normal things. i can't see Loki eating Escargot and Salad. he seams too fond of his junk food. we should stick to simpler things, like pasta, Chinese, Italian.." "he doesn't seam to like seafood much." Bruce commented. "i gave him a taste of my fish sandwich the other day and he said i was a disgusting heathen for eating such slop." Thor wanted to laugh at that. even sick, his brother was a bit mean sometimes. particularly when one of Loki's senses had been insulted. be it his taste, his hearing, his sight, or his emotions, Loki was always a bit cruel. at least he was being pleasantly cruel now that he wasn't being hated at every turn. "Tacos are still better." Loki stated as he walked back in, licking his fingers. there was no sign of the cardboard box. "i didn't much care for the white stuff on the bottom." ", er... ate the box?" "...was i not supposed to?" " Loki... it's paper, not food." "...well Tacos are still better."
“Now that, I would pay to see. Tony would look good in puke.”Lukas smirked. “Hey, kid. Don’t forget I can still spank you.” “….you haven’t spanked me since I was ten and drove your car. Stop being threatening.” “I’m going to get him to puke on you.”Tony threatened before smirking as he considered just what kind of food they could get loki to eat. “Well, you are a disgusting heathen, who in the world eats fish?”Lukas said making a face, because he wasn’t a huge fan of seafood himself. Clint snickered shaking his head a little. “Well, it seems loki’s found the perfect prissy boyfriend. Lukas will do him well.”He teased looking amused befbore glancing as loki walked back in. “…”Clint stared at the man before shaking his head.”I cant believe you ate the cardboard, that’s almost as bad as fish.” Lukas snickered a little before snickering. “So you’re still going to be selling tacos?Or are you going to sell a lot of different foods?”He muttered teasing loki a little.
Bruce just rolled his eyes. "i like seafood, particularly shrimp and clams." he admitted with a grin, well aware that any mention of clams made Clint want to gag. "prissy? Tony Lukas is ten times more manly than you are." Steve commented with a smirk. "and i know this because Lukas only takes ten minutes in the bathroom... you take TWO HOURS!" Natasha snickered and shook her head. "good lord Tony, i don't even take two hours in the bathroom and i'm gorgeous." she pointed out, looking highly amused. "" Loki asked, looking confused. "so... i'm not supposed to eat the crinkly stuff that comes around the Tacos?" he asked, looking rather surprised. "nope, just Tacos. Pizza is good i guess, but Tacos are better." he paused, his head cocked to the side. "Taco Pizza?" he wondered. "that could be fun." he admitted with a grin as he tucked his hair behind his ear in a rather feminine motion and Thor snickered at his brother. Loki was such a girl, and the man rarely even noticed it. Thor leaned over to whisper to Lukas. "you know, he looks just as good in a dress as he does in leather pants." "be silent Thor." Loki demanded, more amused by his brothers attempts to embarrass him than anything else.
"Ahhh...bruce you just ruined pizza."clint whined looking annoyed with the man for mentioning clams. Tony frowned looking annoyed before smirking."that's because lukas is usually alone in his showers. I'm not." "...even withour pepper 'helping' you,you take forever."lukas pointed out shaking his head."it takes time to look this amaxing. I'm more amazing then you I guess romanoff."tony smirked a little before wrinkling his nose."no,your not supposed to eat the wrapper."

Lukas tilting his head at thor's words smirking as he looked loki over,amused by thr girlish hair tuck even if loki wasn't aware of doing it."...I think I'm going to have to take him shopping."
Bruce smirked. "good, more for me." he stated happily as he took another piece. "there's no way you are more 'amazing' than me Stark, considering that i am not only more beautiful than you, but i am also capable of kicking your ass." she pointed out, Loki tilting his head a little. "oh, i guess i hadn't realized it wasn't part of the meal... it does make sense though, the crinkly part never tastes as good." he admitted with a small smile. "shopping? for clothes?" Loki asked, looking delighted. "i love clothes." "...girl." Bruce muttered under his breath, Loki lifting an eyebrow. "have we not settled this? i already told you i was a Male Type B. that means child bearer... that means, in your words, woman." Loki reiterated and Bruce blinked. "...your right, i do remember that." "" Loki asked, looking excited again.
"Well maybe but-" "stark if the next words out of your mouth are we'd make amazing babies together,I'm going to kick your ass."clint voiced from around a mouthful of pizza,despite his complainkng the man was hungry."I would never suggest that. Now you and her...amazing spy babies that would be." "..."

Lukas snickered shaking his head at loki's obliviousness to the insult,leaning over to kiss his cheek."do you feel up to going shopping?e could go this afternoon,maybe even get thor something so he doesn't look like he just stepped out of a movie."the doctor teased looking at thor's normal outfit
Natasha looked highly, highly amused as she looked at Clint. "what, you don't want to have babies with me?" she asked, pouting her lip at him in the way she KNEW made him hornier than all hell. Loki just snorted at them before smirking at Lukas. "yes, i want to go shopping. we'll take the wheelie seat in case i get tired." "wheelchair." "silence you green brute. it is a wheelie seat. i sit on it and wheel around." Loki stated with a sniff, Bruce snickering. he found Loki's insults highly amusing. "whats a movie? is it as tasty as Tacos?" Loki asked curiously.

later that day, Loki threw the term 'diva' out the window. the man was well beyond a Diva. once he had a price limit from tony (which was nothing, the man had simply said 'have at it reindeer games') the man went completely undone. he went into every store, bought so many clothes that even Thor was having trouble with the bags, and was now in the Bed, Bath, and Beyond sniffing at soap from his 'wheelie seat'. Tony had been smart enough not to come with, Natasha was having almost as much fun as Loki was, especially when the two found the silk and leather. "Lukas!" Loki called suddenly, examining a clothes iron curiously. "what is this?" he asked, examining the flat metal bottom and the plastic top and the little buttons.
Clint turned to look at his lover, growling quietly.”I enjoy the act of trying to have babies, but I’m not ready for one yet.”he growled even as he stood and ushered her out of the room and ignoring any protests.

Lukas shook his head,“tony could have least given him a spending limit…”lukas muttered snickering a little at thor, holding the bags. But he was having fun, even if he was considering calling tony to come and get some of the shopping bags. “Why are you encouraging him to buy me things natasha?I wont look good in any of it.”Lukas said eyeing the clothes the two had found, before snickering as he looked at the iron.”It’s a clothes iron. To heat up and press into clothes so that it removes the wrinkles.”
she smirked at him and laughed brightly as she was ushered away. "maybe in five or ten years." she agreed, kissing him brightly as she skipped away, letting him follow her, she wanted to 'practice' making babies.

Thor grunted his agreement. "i really wish he would have... or at least that he would have come with! the lousy..." he fell silent, grumbling unhappily as he followed Loki into the 'girly' shop with a shudder. at least he'd got some nice clothes out of it, Loki did have good taste for fashion at least. "you'll look wonderful." Natasha promised as she picked up five bottles of her favorite soap and shampoo. hey if Tony was footing the bill, she was going to cash in. "...i want this." Loki ordered, setting the iron into his shopping bag with a smirk. clearly he was planning a prank. he bought well over twenty things, bubble bath, soaps, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, body glitter, chopstick, and body scent and sent Lukas to buy it all for him since Loki couldn't get to the register in his wheelie seat. several of the women where giggling at how much 'junk' Loki was buying, and the way he effortlessly ordered his 'boyfriend' about. "Lukas! Look! TACOS!" and Loki had found the joy of the food lot. several people giggled at that as well, not recognizing Loki at all, simply giggling because he was a funny man in a wheelchair ordering people about. it was definitely a good day for Loki.
“I vote that next time Tony has to come on his own shopping with loki.”Lukas said snickering a little amused that Natasha was also buying things, even if he knew that tony wouldn’t even bother glancing at the credit card bill before he paid it off. He probably wouldn’t even notice the dent they were putting in his bank account. Raising a eyebrow at the iron he wondered what his boyfriend was up to, but willing to go with it before laughing as the man found tacos.”So?Does that mean we’re stopping for food now?”Lukas teased as he shifted the bags in his arms, already heading towards the food court so they could get some tacos. Loki really did have a bottomless stomach.
Loki grinned. "oh yes! we simply must bring Tony next time! i'll buy a very impressive sports car right in front of him!" "can you even drive?" "no. but i bet Lukas can, i will simply make him drive it." he decided with a happy little nod. "and of course we're stopping to eat. i want one of everything." he ordered as he pointed at the sign, Thor groaning as he collapsed into a chair with a sagging sigh. "ugh, thank goodness." he moaned. "we've finally stopped!" but they didn't stop for long, Loki inhaled his food, eating four times as much in the same time it took everyone else to eat their single meals. thankfully Loki's last demand was a bookstore, where he bought a few dozen books, which made Thor whimper, before he allowed them all to head home. that night at Dinner, Loki gave Tony a wrapped gift, his eyes glittering with laughter, turning to talk to Lukas before he gave himself away. "i thought an Ironing Man might need the proper equipment." was Loki's calm explanation to the iron in the box that he had presented to Tony.
Lukas smiled as he talked to loki before his eyes widened as he looked at what tony was holding, swallowing hard to keep from laughing outright at the look on the billionaire’s face. “You know, I have some uniforms that need ironed, if you’re feeling up to the challenge.”CLint said calmly, looking pleased with himself that he had managed to act so calmly and not laugh outright. “I like it. You should change in the crime fighting, and hire yourself out as a ironing man. I am sure there are women world over who would be glad to let you iron their things.”Lukas said snickering. “I am NOT using that thing!Get it out of here.”Tony demanded glaring at the frost giant.
Loki was looking entirely too smug with himself. "oh. and the receipts of course." he stated, sliding the ten foot long length of clothes that Loki had bought. "i got you some too. i don't know who Armani is, but he makes GORGEOUS clothes." Loki swooned happily. "i got you two suits, since you clearly can't be trusted to dress yourself." Loki stated, looking over Tony's tank top and sweatpants with a sneer. he hated sweatpants, and put up a fuss anytime they wanted him to wear 'such inelegant clothing'. " don't like my gift?" he asked, his eyes filling with tears. "i was assured you would like it." he wondered if he could get Tony to keep it if he looked sad enough. emotional blackmail was always good, but was it enough to make Tony act even more weird. being 'sick' as he was, he didn't doubt Tony would beleive hormonal imbalances.
“…I already own some armani. Just because I don’t go wandering around my own house, doesn’t mean I cant dress myself.”Tony glared looking annoyed with the man before starting, looking anxiously at lukas, who had his head down on the table and was struggling hard to not laugh out loud at the worried look on tony’s face. “No, that’s not it. I just don’t do housework. Don’t worry, I like it.”Tony said sounding so anxious that you wouldn’t believe the man was a narcissist. But he was self obsessive enough to not want to complicate his life by having loki upset with him.
Loki blinked at the other, his eyes narrowed. " can't dress yourself." he restated, shaking his head before his lip trembled at Tony. "so you do like it?" he asked, looking bright eyed again. "that's great! i don't know what it's fore, but Lukas assured me you'd love it!" Natasha couldn't help it, she started laughing so hard she fell out of her chair and Loki was glaring at her. "Natasha! you've ruined it! i was going to get Lukas in trouble!" he complained, sulking. he knew Tony would catch on as soon as she started laughing. "look, i had him looking all worried and panicked and everything!" Natasha was just rolling on the ground and Loki crossed his arms and sulked. "i should have bought the sports car." he grumbled, grouchy now that Natasha had ruined his good joke. "i did get you Armani though, Natasha said you accidentally ruined one of your favorite suits during a... what was it?" "drunken slobbering rampage." Natasha supplied helpfully, still giggling away.
“I do.”Tony reassured the man, glaring at lukas where the man had his head down on the table, frowning a little as he realized the man’s shoulders were shaking. Surely he wasn’t crying, so he had be be laughing. Frowning at Natasha he scowled.”That’s just unkind.”Tony sulked. Clint smirked looking down at his lover rolling his eyes, nudging her with his toes.”You have to stop laughing love, you might die from lack of oxygen.”He muttered before grinning. “You should have. I could use a new car.” Lukas laughed.”We could use another car.”He mused. Tony grinned, “We’ll go car shopping. A car I’ll actually use.”he perked up before frowning at Natasha, “I was not slobbering! The fact that pepper locked me out of the bedroom and I had to find another way in, and ruined the suit in the process, does not mean I was slobbering!” “You nearly drowned in your own drool when I woke you up in the morning, you drunk.”Lukas said rolling his eyes.
Loki chuckled a little. "it was funny! you should have seen the look on your face when i started to cry!" Loki admitted with a laugh. "i am not so sick to be THAT hormonal yet!" there was a pause. "well, alright maybe i might be..." after all Loki had cried for ten minutes just that morning because he couldn't get dressed on his own. "the... look... on... his... face!" Natasha squealed, still laughing. "he... oh god!" she gasped, Loki snickering before looking surprised. "you mean you actually have stores for Cars!? how delightful!" he blinked at the mention of the drunken incident and finally. "i am surprised Pepper puts up with you..." he admitted with a frown. "you are drunk all the time and flirt with anything that has long legs and puts out..." he muttered, studying Tony. "is pepper a pervert?"
“Yes you are.”Lukas teased loki smiling at him, before smiling softly nodding. “Yep. Lots of them actually. You can choose whatever kind of car you want.”he said snickering. “…yes.”Tony said smirking, looking amused. Lukas shuddered running his hands through his hair.”Stop there, tony. I don’t want to know anything about your sex life with pepper. Its bad enough I spent my teen years living with you two, I don’t want to know more.”He whined. “But lukas, you know you enjoyed those parties.” “…no. I really didn’t. I was trying to study!You two just kept dragging me out to visit.”Lukas whined a little looking at loki."He's cruel I tell you, cruel."
Loki grinned, looking delighted. "that sounds like fun!" he admitted. "we need to go shopping for a Car, i'll bet it's fun!" Loki decided, eyes gleaming at the idea of buying one of the pretty cars they had passed on the streets of Manhattan. "i knew it." Loki breathed, looking delightfully wicked as Tony admitted that Pepper was a pervert. "you where a cute little boy i bet. they just wanted to show you off, and you turned out alright." Loki teased Lukas with a grin. "very well adjusted, considering who raised you." he admitted. "what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger... though, perhaps killing him might have made life a little easier, hmm?" he asked with a smile as he yawned. "hmmm i'm dreadfully tired. i think i'll go and take a nap." he admitted. all that shopping had worn him out.
“…only because they went to the office most days. He had nothing to do with it. And I was fairly cute.” “Now who’s being a narcissist?”Tony smirked a little. “Not me. You know its true.”Lukas said snickering a little before nodding. “IT would have definitely made my teen years easier.”he said looking amused before getting up, nudging loki to his feet, “Come on then.I’ll read to you until you go to sleep.”He said leaning down to kiss his cheek
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