Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki snarled at Tony and seamed to... puff up, somehow. his magic was still bound, he couldn't shape shift, but there was... something, that was making him seam bigger and more menacing. something dark and dangerous... and yet while it would be cold frightening to Jane, and probobly Tony, it was warm and comforting to Hydra, wrapping tightly around her as if hugging her when Loki couldn't. Loki moved swiftly, slapping Tony hard across the face, sending the man reeling... but not to the floor and Thor winced, but made no move to stop Loki. he had warned Tony time and time again. Loki reached down, taking in a handful of Tony's hair and yanked the man's head up so that Loki's mouth was next to the other's ear. "you have saved my life twice now, Man of Iron. you stopped me from doing the worst thing i could have ever done when i tried to ruin this amazing place. and you stopped me from killing myself when my Grief ran me mad. i owe you a great debt, but that will not stop be from gutting you like a fish and hanging you from the A in your Stark Tower for the world to see if you frighten my Hydra again. do you understand me!?" he demanded, his voice soft, almost warm... and yet... frightening, terribly terribly frightening. he released Tony, offered him a warm, pleasant smile that promised so many, many things, moved back to Hydra, and started to gently guide her home. "i did warn you Tony." Thor stated calmly. "my brother is still very much a mad man. it's just that she keeps him under control now. she is the only thing he lives for and you strode in here with all the pomp and strut of a challenger trying to win his mate."
Tont glared annoyed as his hair was grabbed but didn't try to move away nossing slightly."I'll leave her alone."he said simply stepping back as loki let him go. Looking at thor he ndded a little."so you did. But I really did just want to meet her."he said turning to watch hydra and loki walk away."are they safe to be out?I mean, shes a beautiful woman,there's others that will flirt."he said for a moment foxusing on someone besides his own desire for the female asgardian.

Hydra trembled shaken,tears gathering in her eyes as she looked at him."I'm sorry...I didn't mean to panic...I've duined our daynow..."she muttered looking down so very upset as she struggled to calm both her tears and panic
Thor smiled a little. "Loki perceives you as an honest threat, because in an actual battle, he is not sure he would win against you. he would scoff at 'a mere mortal' trying to lay claim to his woman, but you are a threat to him and to his mate." Thor explained as he examined Tony's face. "hmm. he didn't hit you that hard..." not that hard!? Tony's face was a mass of throbbing pain no doubt! and it was going to bruise for sure! "he didn't break bone." Thor explained, well aware that Tony thought he was insane. "it doesn't help that Hydra was having a panic attack." Thor admitted. "the crowds got to her, and her panic got to him." Thor explained. "he's perfectly safe so long as no one tries to hurt Hydra." he promised. "which is exactly what someone is trying to do now that i think about it..." Thor admitted. "Loki's probobly still very upset about what happened..." he muttered, patting Tony on the shoulder gently. "Loki will calm down i'm sure. once he understands that you don't want to take Hydra away from him." he promised with a smile.

"Hush." Loki ordered, gently pulling her into a hug. "you ruined nothing... my instincts are just running high." he explained softly. "i shouldn't have hit him... i'll have to apologize." Loki muttered with a sigh as he stroked her hair. "we had a wonderful evening, and i had much fun." he promised her with a smile. "and you managed your fear and panic very well." he admitted softly, gently wiping away her tears. "come, we'll go home and let you recover. there where a lot of people there tonight, more than i anticipated." he admitted with a frown. "Tony certainly did not help." he growled. "stupid, nosy, interfering, technomage." he grumbled as he gently led her home and up into a hot bath where she could relax and recover from her panic attack.
tony looked thoughtful as he considered the other avenger's words that loki thought he was a real threat. And while it boosted a ego that didnt need boosting, it was also interesting that loki didnt precieve thor as a threat.and while he enjoyed the thought of seducing hydra away,his throbbing face kept him from acting of it. He'd just sit back and see how it played out. "thor,we better go..."jane said quietly looking worried because she didnt know if hydra would stay in control of her magic in herpanic. "you'll let me know if you need anything?"tony asked focusing o business.

Hydra clung to the other as he clung to her crying quietly even as he praised her, pressing her face into his chest.quiet the whole way home before pausing outside his door."can you read to me? At least until I fall asleep?"she smiiled, a errie echo of so many times before when she'd asked that, when she couldnt even remember that was her favorite way to calm down,listening to him
Thor chuckled a little. "Loki does not see me as a threat, because i already have a mate of my own." he explained, seeing Tony's confusion. "and don't forget, while Loki is a Jotun, who will give up his rights to a mate if he is beaten, Hydra is a fire elf, who will burn you to a crisp simply for daring to think you could simply take her as you please." Thor warned, looking amused. "we will let you know Tony." Thor promised. "oh, and thank you, Man of Iron... for saving Loki before... he is mad, Crazy as a hatter, but he is my brother and i and Hydra both love him very much. just as much as he loves us." Thor admitted with a smile. "he'll probobly thank you himself when he's not raging under her panic."

he smiled as he nodded. "of course i can. you'll have to chose a book." he decided as he led her into the house, got her into the bath, and prepared some hot tea for her and built up the fire all over again. making it a very toasty 80* some degrees in that little room. he was glad that he was used to the heat, she had taken him to the fire realms once. it had been delightful, all that HEAT! that was when he'd first discovered just how much he loved the warmth. he wasn't sure if this was a Jotun thing or a shapeshifter thing, or just a 'him' thing, but he didn't really give a damn. he smiled when she came out, gave her the tea, had her choose a book, and settled into place, wherever she told him to, and started to read aloud.
tony nodded a little wincing at the memory that they woman was a fire elf. Between his throbbing face and the threat of bodily harm he wasnt enjoying it so much anymore. "you are welcome.I'll see you guys later."he said smiling a little. Jane frowned as she watched him walk away slipping her hand into thor's as they walked."why do I think he's still plotting things?"

by the time she got out of the bath hydra was warm content and ready to be snuggled. Getting into the bed she snuggled down into her cool skinned mate, shivering just a little but content and sleepy. He didnt even get through a whole page before she was asleep. Though she woke a little when he was just reading to himself, not really awake, but her body responding to having her mate next to her, a leg sliding over his her face nuzzling his neck. Poor both of them, she was going to seduce him while asleep as her body sought to claim what was hers even if she couldnt remember it
Thor snickered a little. "because he is Tony, he is always plotting something." he pointed out with a grin. "if he tries anything again, he will be punished for it i'm sure, if not by Loki, then by Hydra herself." he admitted, not all that worried about Tony interfering.

Lok smiled as he laid down next to her and read aloud, and had to chuckle when she fell asleep almost immidiatly. he continued to read, well aware that his voice would keep her mind free of nightmares. he nearly jumped out of his skin when she moved and started to nuzzle him. "uh, Hydra?" he asked, startled. as much as he loved the attention and would love to snuggle, cuddle, kiss, and have sex with his lover. he wasn't sure either of them was ready for that step. particularly after what had just happened. he still hadn't even truly forgiven himself for letting someone else have control of himself...
hydra sighed quietly nuzzling him again, "loki..."she muttered with the word so muddled you knew she was still asleep before she started awake freezing where she was, which was half laying on top of him with her face against his neck."...loki?"she said softly not moving, her words trembling slightly with fear.
Loki stroked her hair a little. "you where having a dream i think." he admitted, fighting to keep calm and to make his heart stop racing and for his hardness to go away. "are you alright? do you need more blankets?" letting her pretend that the trembling was from the cold, and not her own terror. "do you want me to go and get you another cup of tea?"
Moon Struck Fox said:
hydra swallowed hard as she moved her head back into his hand, enjoying getting her hair stroked even as she shifted off of him.tears misting at his words,allowing he r to brush off her terror as simply being cold.he was to good for her,and the fire elf knew it. She needed to let him seemed even some self confidence and infeority complexes could survive even without her memory, because he'd had to fight had to accept him as her lover because she hadnt thought she was good enough for a man who was odin's son, thor's brother."yes a blanket and tea would be nice."she said smiling sadly at hjim as she settled fully into bed
Loki smiled a little as he continued to stroke her hair. if he was being honest, and he was always honest, except for when he was lying... he loved being able to take care of Hydra like this. reading to her, fetching her blankets and tea, it made him feel warm and important to her. the simplest smile gave him delight, especially when he knew he had put it there. "i'll be right back then." he promised, kissing her forehead, sounding content and happy just by being given something to do. it only took him five minutes to come back up with a heavy quilt and two steaming cups of tea, one her favorite, the other his. Loki had a strange love of Chamomile Tea. and had often made 'lesser peons' go to earth to get some for him when he was moody... but she wouldn't remember that. "shall i keep reading?" Loki offered with a smile as he crawled back into bed, on top of the covers this time as he gently laid the blanket over her. now she couldn't over exert herself in her sleep. not without a great deal of effort anyway.
hydra smiled a little as she nodded settling back into the bed to sip her tea."yes please."she smiled at him,for the moment her fear under control and shoved away as she let him take care of her.

Later the next morning found the woman sitting out of the front porch steps,for the first time having ventured outside of the apartment by herself, and she had left loki sleeping since he'd looked exhausted.sitting there on the steps she tried to figure out how to get somewhere, anywhere that would allow loki to let her go,so he could find the mate he deserved, that wasnt terrified of him.but she couldnt bring herself to leave,because she wanted to stay despite letting him go would be the logical and right thing to least thats what she thought. Some scars laid down in childhood, went so deep that even the loss of the actions that created them, could still drive her to leave. It wouldnt be the first tome she'd run away from loki, but at least if she did manage tpo do it,she was stuck on earth and easily found instead of like last time when she,d had all 9 realms to be in.

"thor.wake up."jane muttered as she walked back into their bedroom having past the window and seen hydra sitting outside she was concerned.
he smiled a little as he coddled her and then resumed reading. he was worried that she would do it again, and that led to a very light and fitful sleep because while he didn't want her to do it again, he also DID want her to do it again, which made him feel guilty for feeling that way, which made sleep very difficult indeed. he was so tired that he finally just clonked out because he didn't have the energy to fret anymore, and was still out of it, deeply enough asleep that he didn't even twitch when Hydra crawled out of bed.

Thor blinked at Jane, rubbing his eyes and blinking rather stupidly at Jane before he finally sighed as Jane explained what she needed him for. he got dressed, stretched and headed outside. "going to run away?" Thor asked Hydra, sounding amused. "it won't work." he pointed out. "you've done it before, about forty two times at last count actually. Loki always hunted you down and stayed with you, because you never had a good excuse for leaving." Thor admitted as he leaned against the railing, looking out at the world. "you can leave if you want, but Loki will find you." he warned. "and he won't ever be convinced that you're not good enough for him. he loves you with all his heart and soul... i know you probobly think that he deserves better. but he doesn't want 'better' he wants you. he's always loved taking care of you." Thor admitted with a grin. "you once pretended to be sick for an entire week, because he was upset. thought you wouldn't 'need' him."
hydra nearly jumped out of her skin looking guiltily up at the thunder god standing above her."...I..well...yes."she stuttered looking flushed and embarassed before stamding shoving her hands into her jacket pockets."i'm not, thor. And we both lnow it. I'm not doing hiim any favors in staying...I'll talk to you once I decide where to stay,"she decided as she stepped off the front steps aware that he'd probably follow but her inferority complex was driving her to get out now before she fell even more in love with loki. Already back in love with him even if she was unwilling to admit that she was."please thor...just let me go." the part fire elf said looking up at the asgardian as she walked out into the sidewalk.not realizing he'd let her go,only to let loki ttack her down in a bit.

A few hours later found tony stark walking into the apartment looking slightly shell shocked and annoyed."loki!"he thiundered annoyed that the godling hadnt gone after hydra right away,since jane had convinced him to give hydra some breathing space, but the results of that breathing space."yoi're needed in central"he said when the trickster appeared
Thor smiled a little. "alright." he stated simply, well aware that Loki would find her within the day and simply stay where she was staying. he was stubborn like that. "i wouldn't dream of stopping you, the last time i tried you set me on fire." he commented calmly, sounding rather amused. "Loki laughed at me for days after that." Thor admitted with a smirk. "it was quite mortifying." he admitted simply, watching her step off the porch. "have fun. make sure to watch out for traffic. and don't forget, you have bank cards, use them!" Thor ordered calmly. perfectly content to let her go have her 'pity party' as Clint Barton would call it.

Loki appeared the instant Tony called, looking strained, but not too bad. "Central park?" Loki asked, looking puzzled. "whatever for? unless it's an emergency, i don't have the time. i'm giving Hydra 'breathing space'... i don't know what that means but Jane says it's important..." Loki grumbled before he paused, looking at Tony's expression. "...Tony?... Hydra is in Central Park, isn't she?" he asked, his tone frosty before he narrowed his eyes and vanished, reappearing in the middle of Central park, his eyes raking the area, looking for anything out of the ordinary... like a Fire Elf.
tony nodded a little at loki"s question."she is. Some-"tony stopped when loki disappeared vursing silently because he knew loki was going to lose his was bad enough that someone had tried to rape her in the middle of the park, but her violent reaction to striking out was even worse. He just didnt want the people of new york to suffer loki's attention once he realized what happened.

Indeed it was easy enough to find the frightened fire elf, like thor said a frightened uncontrolled fore elf could easily set fire to things. Hydra was backed up against the zoo, crouched down against the wall, her hands pressed against her ears rocking slightly, oblivious to loki's arrival in her panic as she knelt in a smallfire, about fifty feet around her the grass smoldering ashes,the fire banked for the moment but leaping beyyond her control any time someone tried approaching. Beside her as a smoldering corpse of her attacker, but even the kind people trying to help her where having problems reaching her and hung warily at the edge of the smoldering grass, the kind woman who worked at the zoo trying to help hydra,her tone smoothing as she talked to the woman even if she wasnt getting through the woman's panic. Despite loki's reputatuin for hating humans, the human looked relieved as he stalked towards them
Loki snarled as he stalked towards his panicked mate and flicked his hand in a dismissive gesture at the crowd that had gathered. they dispersed, wary of the Trickster who approached the woman who was trying to calm Hydra down. "please explain." well at least he was being nice about it. "and step back a little bit." he ordered, gently 'herding' the woman back a little bit, well aware that the woman was too close for Hydra's comfort. as he had suspected, with the massive crowd gone, and the 'threats' further away, the wild fires calmed somewhat. Loki was practically trembling with fury by the time the woman finished explaining and he took several deep breaths, forcing himself to calm down. it was bad enough that HE had raped her, but to have it nearly happen again... well the man was dead, he would pay for his crimes in Nifelheim. his daughter Hel would see to it. much to Loki's surprise, he felt the 'band' on his magic crack under the force of his rage, and then shatter and he let his Magic do as it wanted, rushing outwards, freezing the ground in front of him, dousing the fires as he stepped forward. the fires sprang back up, melting, destroying his icy protection, but he was protected from the burning flames for now. he settled five feet away from Hydra and did the only thing he could think of... he started to sing. Loki had always had a beautiful voice, and while he was embarrassed, she was the only one who had ever gotten him to sing in public. it seamed that was true here as well.

The Song he's singing. i just love it!
hydra started to trmeble harder as he approached, so far gone that she didnt even recognize the 'taste' of the ice keeping her from lashing out at was a good thing that being her mate made him mostly immune to anything but the deadliest of fires, pressing tighter back into the wall as he settled near her before frowning slightly at the singing. She knew that voice,where...? Looking up she blinked slowly,focusing on the man in front of her."loki?"she whispered quietly before realizing it really was him,crawling across the burning ground to crawl into his lap,her plan to leave him for the moment forgotten in her need to be safe,to know that he would protect her. Starting to cry as she clung to him it would take him a few moments to realize she wasnt crying tears,but fire, showing just how truly frightened she was because fire elves only shed fire when there was life threatening danger, even when loki attacked her she hadnt cried fire. At the moment she was beyond even the simplelist of controls.unable to stop her tears.
Loki smiled a little as she seamed to come to, and he simply continued to sing, this time in Aeseric, the language of the gods, her favorite song as she crawled into his lap. he sang softly to her, and the people watching from the gathered crowd was stunned that Loki of all people could be so soft and gentle as he wrapped his arms around her, and rocked her slowly. ignoring the burning tears that left scarred skin in their wake. the scars would be gone by morning, and it didn't hurt that much. she was more important than flawless skin anyway. he sang song after song until she was asleep, and with a twitch of his fingers, he froze her flames, and then stood, never once putting her down. he narrowed his eyes on the crowd before huffing, shoving his nose in the air and stalking off, cradling her more gently than one might a baby. he vanished in a swirl of magic, and settled her onto their shared bed, carefully tugging off her shoes and the remains of her clothes before gently dressing her in her favorite nightgown before he built up the heat to the hundreds in his room, his magic keeping him nicely chilled against the heat as he settled onto a chair next to the bed, cracked open Hydra's once favorite book, and began to read aloud so that he would still be talking when she woke up.
it was hours later when she stirred,turning her head slightly towards the spund of his voice,sighing in pleasure to hear it before cracking her eyes half open to study the man in front of her, even widening at the sight of red raw skin over his shoulder where she'd pressed her face as she cried, figuring it had been to painful to put a shirt on over it she whimpered quietly at the thought of causing him pain. Even as upset as she was though,she could admire just how good looking he was. "loki?did I hurt you badly?"she muttered sitting up slowly her head pounding at both crying as much as she had and at having expanded so much magic to deal with her attacker. Looking at the other mage as she sat up she pressed her fingertips against her temples and rubbed trying to relieve the pain."...I feel horrible.."she said both meaning her physical being and the damage she'd caused to him.
Loki blinked as she whimpered and he looked around the room with an almost baffled expression, as if he forgot he wasn't alone before his eyes landed on hers and he smiled at her. "hurt?" he asked, looking confused as he examined himself. he'd forgotten all about the raw burns on his shoulder. his icy magic was keeping it numb, so long as nothing touched the injuries anyway. "no, not really." he promised her once he recalled that she'd cried on him. "it's not the first time i've been burned." he promised her with a chuckle. "in fact, i once went to Nifelheim, and my daughter pushed me into a lava pit because i was complaining about not having any granbabies." he admitted with a smirk. "she's such a little bitch." but he said that quite fondly. "i imagine you do." Loki admitted as he handed her some water and some painkillers. "you nearly burned down Central park. your not used to using that much magic." he admitted. "and don't worry about the man who tried to hurt you, i've already killed him." he didn't want her to know she'd done it. she'd always been slightly sensitive, and was always feeling guilty about thing's she had no right feeling guilty about. "i'm sorry." he muttered after a moment. "i was going to go after you as soon as i found out you'd left." he scowled at her. "i don't know if you aer aware, but someone, i'm not naming names here but someone cast a sleeping spell on me as she was leaving. i didn't wake until NOON!" he complained, utterly scandalized. Loki was the kind of person who thought getting up at eight was sleeping in. "and then Jane convinced me that you needed the chance to be free... i never should have listened to her." he grumbled. "although, i did burn through the bind on my magic." he was rambling. it was something he always did when he was really upset and trying to hide it. the near Rape of his mate, was making him want to go out and kill the entire human race again.
hydra looked relieved at the news she hadnt hurt him to badly before giggling at like."you shouldnt tease hel like that.she'll have kids when she wants.lshe said logically,the relief in her voice at him not hurt him obvious before flushing looking away from him and nodding."thank you...lshe muttered both because she really was gratefully but not looking at him because she felt guilty for leaving.flushing harder at his words she muttereed."...i hadnt meant to...I just wished you'd stay asleep....I didnt realize my magic tookc are of that..."she muttered before looking glad as she took both paim killers and water sipping the drink before swallowing the pills. Sitting there in silence for a few moments before swallowing hard.Listening to him for a few mometns she frowned. Wincing as the almost memory came to her as she fought the memory spell holding her, remembering the last time he'd done this when they were in asgard...almsot remembering why he'd been so nervous. The almosy memory making her smile wistfully at him."you're rambling loki."she muttered hoping to help him be calm.
Loki smiled a little. "of course you didn't mean to." he stated, narrowing his eyes. "i wasn't talking about you. you're magic has a will of it's own sometimes, i was yelling at IT." he stated with a sniff. "it's always setting me on fire against your will." he grumbled, well aware that she hadn't MEANT to, but he couldn't help but tease her, just a little. he flushed brightly, the last time he'd been this worried, had been the time he'd asked her for a date. asked her to be his mate. he'd rambled on and on and she'd been so amused that he'd FINALLY asked, that she just let him continue rambling. "sorry... i'm finding it hard to focus." he explained. "i'm FURIOUS that some filthy HUMAN tried to hurt you." he admitted, his eyes flickering with the shining edge of madness that had never truly left him. "it's taking a great deal of focus to not go racing out and start blowing up cars, mostly because i know you'd be upset with me if i did that."
hysra blushed a little before smiling."ohhh...I see..." she said blushing at his teasing and looking down trying to get her bearings before smiling slightly,biting the inside of her lip to stop the pain of trying to remember show on her face before wincing at his words looking up at him."no...that would not be good."she decided thifting to the edge of the bed next to his chair and sitting up,reaching out to gently brush his hair out of his face."you need a haircut.I like it short..."she muttered before nodding."that wpould be upsetting she agreed resting her hand on his cheek before hesitating,flushing a little as she lowered her head to kiss him gently despite how she trembled with nerves.needing him,badly,but also so twisted up by the only things she remembered, that she couldnt bring herself to ask for more."thank you for coming for me."she muttered,not even noticing the sexual overtone to the words,just glad he'd coome and found her.
he smiled a little and nodded. "haircut?" he asked, startled by the sudden topic change as he ran his hand through his hair before it suddenly shrank down, as if it was growing in opposite. after barely a second, it was just the way she liked it. "no need for haircuts when your a shape shifter." he pointed out with a small chuckle. "yes, which is why i'm not doing it." he agreed, already starting to calm down now that he was certain she was safe and unhurt...well, for the most part anyway. "i will always come for you." he promised, deciding to ignore the sexual undertones as he leaned over and carefully, gently pressed his lips to hers. "i will always love you." he promised with a smile. "now. go back to sleep. you need to rest after all that magic use." he warned, giving her forehead a kiss before he pulled his book open again and began to read some more letting his voice fill with magic to sooth her to a nightmare free sleep.
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