Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon

he smiled at her, trying to offer her comfort. he frowned as he realized she was wearing an illusion and sighed as he realized she was having a panic attack. she'd had them often when they had first met one another, the cruelty of others affecting her much worse than it had him. he had been desperate for attention, and had gotten it anyway he could. she on the other hand... "i did. i found out later that Hela, my only daughter and ruler of death, was playing a prank on me. she brought the fish back to life and my magic made it sprout legs... apparently it also sprouted wings later... i don't think anyone ever did catch it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "hey, Hydra... Look at me." Loki ordered, a hand settled gently to cup her face, turning her so that he could lock his emerald eyes with hers. "it's going to be alright... i want you to breath with me now.. inhale, one two three, exhale, one two three... good, now again, inhale... exhale..." a meditative breathing that was good for learning to focus your magic, was also very useful for helping Hydra focus her mind. "there we go... your feeling better now?" he asked, looking worried. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you... i forgot about your panic attacks, you used to have them anytime i so much as pouted, but you stopped having them by midway into our relationship. i forgot. i'm sorry. i could never be mad at you." he promised her softly, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "you should never worry about pleasing me. i am happy simply to have you alive and well." he assured her. "be who you are happy being, because as long as you are happy, i am happy." he promised with a smile. "and whether we become lovers, best freinds, or simply business partners, as long as i can just be there for you, i will be happy." he promised her. "i don't expect to have what we used to have, because that is unrealistic. you are not the same person as you where, and i won't make you try to be that person. because i doubt you'd be happy that way. i'm not even the same person i was back then. so why would i expect you to be?"
“…ahhh, well that is fairly amusing.”She said smiling slightly, wincing as he touched her face having not expected it, the illusion melting until he was staring at the freaked out and panicked eyes of a woman he loved. Swallowing hard as he breathed, shuddering a little as she relaxed, slowly breathing, though still slightly worried, the woman was calming the panic. Nodding slightly at his words, she swallowed.”Yes..I am.”She said swallowing hard before tensing a little as she looked up at him.”How can I have a panic attack when I cant remember anything!?”She growled sounding annoyed and upset with herself before leaning back against the wall, looking up at him. Biting her lip as she considered what he was telling her. “….really?”She asked looking anxious that he be happy with her. Even without remembering who she’d been, the panic had been bone deep, and even if she didn’t remember, her magic did, and sought to rub against loki like a dog seeking reassurance, relaxing as his own magic twined around hers, slumping slightly.
he smiled a little. "yes, very amusing. you never let me live it down... nor the time i burned all my hair off... Thor never lets me live it down either, but he's not half as good at it as you are." Loki admitted with a grin. "though, i never let you live it down that you accidentally turned yourself into a man for three weeks... took us that long to figure out how to reverse it. you where never meant to shape shift." he admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "it is the loss of the memories, and the preconceived notions of what people expect from you that's causing your panic attacks now." he explained. "there's no need to be upset about it. could you imagine what i might be like without memories? i'd probobly be curled up in a little ball, sobbing." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "as much as i hate to admit it, you where always emotionally stronger than i was." he admitted. "i just hide my issues better... pretending they don't exist." he admitted, smiling at her. "of course." he promised her, setting his hand on hers, offering comfort. "what is the point of having you, if i make you miserable, after all?" he asked, shaking his head. "it's pointless. if you want me, inn the future, be it tomorrow, or two hundred years from now, i will gladly accept, but until your ready, unless your happy... what purpose is there?" he asked, offering her a smile. "i once told you, that my greatest joy, was in seeing you smile... that is still true, even now."
Hydra relaxed fully, giggling insanely at the idea of him burning his hair, nodding. “He told me about that.”She said smiling before flushing, “Well. I’ll suggest not doing that. Don’t want to be male.”She said relaxing as she rubbed a hand over his face, “Well, I am sure you would be okay.”She said relaxing, realizing that he was corrent, that she was going to work on having a life, and could be happy, even as she worked on recovering herself. “Well, I’ll just have to smile more.”She said blushing a little as she settled in to eat.

A few weeks later after a few more panic attacks, and one serious trying to hurt loki when he’d startled her badly enough when she’d been napping, Hydra was doing better. Still without her memories, but she had settled into knowing that sometime she would do so. And so she was outside, mediating, cracking a eye as she sensed the man approaching her. “Did you need something loki?”she muttered glancing up at him.

Jane sighed as she leaned into thor’s chest as he held her, “Did sif have anything to say?”She muttered glancing towards the letter he was reading, having hidden the letter from both loki and hydra, having been worried about what it would contain.
he made a face. "of course he did." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "oh, don't worry, we fixed it." he assured her with an impish grin. "although i have to admit, the sex then was rather amazing." he admitted with a laugh. "i would be alright so long as you where there." he agreed with a nod lifting his hand and letting his magic shine. "our magic is still connected, it twines together, comforting us both." he admitted with a smile. "that's why you feel better when i'm around, because my magic is holding yours, and your magic is holding mine." he admitted with a smile. "it makes it very hard to stay mad at each other though." he admitted, shaking his head. "our fights never lasted long, no matter how furious we wanted to be with each other."

Loki looked down and offered her a small smile as he settled down next to her with a small sigh. "no. i just felt the need to come be by you." he admitted. every once and a while, Loki was stricken with a terrible fear that everything had been a dream, and he would immidiatly seek her out and just sit by her. he knew, that she knew the truth, but Loki could never bring himself to say it aloud that he was terrified he was going to wake up, and it had all been a cruel, cruel joke. "it's beautiful here... on Earth i mean." he muttered softly. "i really rather like it here." he admitted.

Thor read the letter three times before he sighed and shook his head. "it's one of three people." Thor muttered. "that's all they've been able to come up with so far. Heimdall is helping as best as he can, but apparently it's not going well. My Father is as nosy as ever, and is making it difficult for them to investigate. i have no doubt that someone has noticed, and is using father to buy time to cover their tracks." Thor admitted, frowning. "it's most troubling..."
Hydra smiled a little as she closed her eyes again, her head tilting towards him slightly, as if listening to his silent worries even if he did not speak. “It is. It is…overwhelming, but pleasant in the garden.”She said though she hadn’t ventured out further then the small garden outside her bedroom, the woman was slowly adapting to things around her. “You know, its not a dream. I’m not who I was, but I’m not a dream either.”She muttered quietly, wanting to ease his feet, the tight panicky feeling in her chest at the idea of him being upset.

Jane sighed quietly as she leaned into him, “Thor…”She stopped, biting her lip. Not wanting to say it outloud, because the thought would be to horrifying for words. “Could it be…that it is your father?I mean…he’s the allfather, he sees more then anyone else…and he benefitted from hydra not becoming a guardian. He didn’t have to name a part asgardian, or a frost giant a guardian.”She said not believing she’d said it outloud, but wondering if he’d thought of it. and if loki, in all his scheming and planning, had.
Loki smiled a little and glanced at her. "it is a bit of a shock here... all those loud beeping things." he muttered. "and loud men of Iron too for that matter." Loki had actually tossed Tony out another window when the man had shown up three days ago. Tony had thought it terribly funny, but Thor had been most displeased... with Tony. "i know it's not... but like all fears, my worries have no basis in reality." Loki pointed out with a small sigh. "all i need is to simply spend time with you, and the fear will go away." he promised her with a small smile as he closed his eyes, happy to just sit there and meditate with her. never expecting that he would find his own mind, shunted to the back of his own consciousness. aware, but unable to do anything to stop himself.

"Thor glanced at her, his head tilted. "my father?" Thor asked, startled before he hesitated. "no, it couldn't be him or my Mother would See... she has the Sight, and she See's all, or mostly so." he admitted. "the closer she is to someone, the more she Sees. no my father wouldn't have been able to do such a thing and get away with it. but it is someone close to my father." Thor admitted softly. "there are very few who could manipulate him, the three who are suspect." Thor explained softly. "see? my mother says so, right here... and she would never be involved. she could not bare to harm Loki like that, and she has always adored Hydra." but she was right on one count, Loki suspected the Allfather.
“Loki?”Hydra muttered in startlement as she felt his hand in her hair tugging her closer to him, looking at him even as he drew her in for a kiss. And from there her mind shut down, retreating into herself at each touch, barely even noticing as she responded to him, driven by a gut wrenching need to touch her mate even as her mind recoiled from the act. Barely even noticing as loki led her back into her room. Only waking up hours later trembling and sore, curled up in loki’s arms, to scared to pull away from him but wanting to get away. If only she could figure out how to move away.

“Yes.”Jane said watching him think about it before nodding, relaxing.”Good. That is…good.”She said relieved that thor wouldn’t have to consider that his father was responsible for this. Opening her mouth to say something before glancing towards the hallway at the sounds. Well, you could say a lot for the two sorcerers, but being quiet at sex wasn’t one of them.”….should we be worried?”She said worried about the two, wondering if they were rushing things.
Loki screamed in his mind, begged himself to stop, tried desperately to claw at the control he didn't have, but there was nothing he could do as he pulled her from the garden into the bedroom... he knew her body was reacting, but he could see the blankness in her eyes. he was raping her, raping her and there was nothing he could do! so he did the only thing he could do... as they finished, he struck his own mind with his magic, as soon as his body orgasmed the connection weakened enough that he struck, hard at the connection. up in Asgaurd, someone paid the price of their interference. but it was not a magical signature that he recognized. it left him weak, very weak, but it was worth the pain he knew the other person was in. "...H..Hydra..." he whispered before succumbing tot he darkness. hours later he woke slowly, forced his arms away from her and slowly stood up, not aware that she was awake and moved out into the hall, once he'd put his pants on anyway. he climbed up all the stairs, to the top of the building and up onto the roof. his mind and magic screaming at him for hurting his woman so badly, able to stop himself or not, it was a betrayal he could not forgive himself. so he stepped onto the top of the twenty story high rise and looked down at all the people below and smiled. "Hydra... i'm sorry... i'm so sorry..." he whispered, wondering if the Man of Iron was already on his way as he leaned forward, and fell from the building. the wind whistling through his hair and ears as he let the ground come.

"yes... though Father won't be blameless in this." Thor admitted with a sigh. "he has helped this person get away with what they did, aware of it or not, he still helped... honestly, how could he not have known she had died?" Thor shook his head. "he had to have known, and he never said a word about it, knowing that Loki was grieving alone...." he paused as he heard the yells and shouts of pleasure and frowned a little. "no i don't think so... they where always horny... perhaps they just couldn't take it anymore?" but he didn't sound too sure of that. "...i think it will be fine."
“Well, we’ll see what comes of it.”Jane sighed looking worried, and wondering what odin would do when they were confronted. “Yes…I guess so.”he said looking nervous at the idea, but willing to let it go for now.

Hydra stumbled out of the room even as she felt loki plunging off the edge of the building, nearly running into jane as the woman walked out of her and thor’s bedroom, barely noticing as jane gripped her arms, already pulling away, needing to get to loki, even as her magic told him he was stepping off the roof, despite being scared and hurting, the woman was also desperate to not lose him.”Loki!”She yelled even as jane made the stumbling, half naked, bleeding woman holding still, the sex having been rougher then they usually were, due to the other person in control, the other sorcerer having wanted to make sure loki totally destroyed her. Having not expected for loki to lash out at him.

Tony stark was indeed already on his way, diving after loki and glad that he’d gotten cameras installed in the apartment to make sure loki wasn’t playing any tricks or the like, though loki indeed managed to fall nearly the whole way before the man caught him, cursing the whole way as he took the god of mischief back to thor’s apartment, landing lightly on the balcony, and keeping a firm grip on loki’s arm to make sure he didn’t try to jump again.
Thor gasped as he examined Hydra, bleeding from various places. "Hydra!? what happened? did Loki do this!?" he demanded, stunned beyond belief that his brother had been so... cruel. this was not Loki, this was not right. "Loki!?" he demanded, looking startled as she screamed and suddenly he felt terror run through his veins. there was only one reason why she would scream like that... Loki was falling with a smile on his face, and he screamed as he felt the fall stop. his eyes snapped open and he screamed, the sound of an inconsolable madman as he fought and struggled against Iron Man, clawing at him and struggling to be free so he could leap off the building again only to break down into wild, sobbing wails as he screamed his pain into the world. Thor already racing onto the Roof, grabbing Loki's face. "LOKI! Think! Focus! what happened?! Loki!?" "I RAPED HER!" Loki screamed. "I RAPED HER!" Thor winced. "why!? Loki tell me WHY!?" "i don't know! i don't know! i couldn't stop! i screamed but no words fell from my mouth! i couldn't break free! i could FEEL everything and i could see the terror in her eyes, yet my body wouldn't stop! i couldn't make it STOP! i don't deserve to live for what i did to her! let me go that i can die! i can't live after what i did to her!!!"
“loki…”Hydra struggled, totally ignoring the thunder god as she struggled to get away from jane, ignoring as the slightly taller woman forced her into her and thor’s bedroom, not knowing what happened, but not willing to let her go. “Thor will make sure he’s fine, shhh sweet one.”Jane muttered wincing as hydra’s body, not fully recovered and already traumatized, gave out on her, barely catching her before putting her in the bed.

Tony swallowed as the suit melted down into its backpack, for once looking shaken at the idea of what loki had done, watching the brothers for a moment before nudging them both further away from the edge of the building. “Loki, calm. It wasn’t you. You need to calm down. You’re doing neither of you any good.”Tony said for once, being the voice of reason. And….he wanted to meet the woman, and see how much damage he was. Enough of a genius to have a basic medical understanding, and wondering if he needed to call a doctor for them both.
Loki screamed and clawed at his brother, leaving long bloody trails where his nails dug into his brothers flesh, Thor didn't even wince, he just gathered Loki's hands into his and pinned the god of chaos down so he could do no damage to himself or others. "No NO! i hurt her! i hurt my Hydra!" Loki wailed, Thor looking up at Tony. "go and see to Hydra. help Jane, she is a doctor." Thor explained. "she will know what to do, i will deal with my brother." he promised, Loki simply curling up into a tight little ball and began to sob. knowing he had hurt his Hydra, knowing he had made her worse, and not knowing how to fix it. it took Thor an hour to get Loki to calm down enough to carry the smaller man down the stairs and he carefully sat with his brother, stopping Loki every time the man tried to get out of bed. knowing that if he gave Loki the chance, he would try another way to kill himself. Thor could only thank Odin that his magic was bound, or there would have been no controlling Loki in this state. his very magic would kill him, as it was, all his magic could do was scream at him, it couldn't actually manifest itself to hurt him as he so desperately wanted it to.
A day later jane looked tired and upset as she stepped into the room with thor, looking at loki before sighing softly.”Did he manage to hurt himself?”She asked quietly, worried about him. Having gotten hydra calm enough to sleep for a bit, and wanting to check in with the brothers since she hadn’t been able to leave hydra, the woman having spiraled between being depressed and panic attacks to quickly to chance being left alone. “Loki?”She said softly as she moved over to the bed to look him over.
Thor shook his head. "no. he hurt me more than he hurt himself.." Thor admitted, lifting his arms, which had scratches all up and down them. "for such a tiny man, he packs a big punch." Thor admitted, grinning through a busted lip and a black eye. "how is Hydra?" he asked, looking worried. "i haven't gotten him to sleep yet." he admitted with a grimace as Loki turned towards Jane, pale as ice, and trembling he looked miserable, and awful, and just plain like he wanted to die. "i raped her." he whispered to Jane. "don't you understand? death is the only payment for such an atrocity... i raped her... i hurt my precious Hydra..."
Jane sighed shaking his head a little worried for her lover, but looking amused to. “Well, at least you’ll know to not try and beat him up.”She said leaning down to kiss his cheek, wincing as she looked at loki. “I drugged her to sleep, because she kept wanting to come see loki, but I didn’t think he’d do well with that.”Jane muttered because while the woman was traumatized and hurting, she also wanted to be with loki, while her body was pained, her mind and soul had recognized that something was wrong. “It wasn’t you loki, it was the sorcerer who harmed her.”Jane muttered not sure how to fix this, but knowing that it needed to be done.
Thor snorted. "i thought about it." he admitted, making a face. "especially when he told me that i didn't love him, that i gad never loved him, and that i was a traitor to him... he even said i wasn't his brother anymore... then he burst into tears told me he was sorry and proceeded to try and make it to the window... again." Thor grumbled. "he's completely inconsolable..." he admitted. "seeing Hydra in the state she's in now, would indeed make it worse." Thor admitted that last part in a whisper, so that Loki couldn't hear. Loki himself wasn't paying the least bit attention to them, he was looking for something sharp so he could stab himself. "No!" Loki snarled as he turned his attention to Jane. "I let him in! i Let him take me! i let him rape her!" he raged, angry again. "I fought as hard as i could, but i WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH!" he swiped at her, trying to make her hurt as much as he was hurting, but Thor intercepted and was soon struggling with a furious, raging monster. "i don't suppose you have any other drugs?" Thor asked, grunting as Loki planted his knee into Thor's midsection.
Jane winced at thor’s words, “Wow.He’s…”She muttered looking pained beause it was hard to see the man she’d seen nearly taking over the world, so upset. Wincing as loki turned his attention to him she swallowed hard before jumping back away from the man as he lunged for her, “Yea. Hold him.”She growled as she rushed out of the room before coming back dodging around the man to stab loki with the syringe, swallowing hard as the man slumped.”Damn.”she said slouching, knowing that nothing good was going to be good about this.

A few days later hydra growled at the two standing at the door, leaning heavily against the doorframe just to stay on her feet, having suffered just as much as loki and both her body and magic were once against tied to the man, though the illusion that appeared in front of thor and jane made her look healthy and standing easily on her feet. “Let me see him. Please.I need to.”She said softly her voice begging, needing to see that loki was okay for herself.
Loki raged and struggled and fought, clawing at Thor who was cursing as he struggled to Pin Loki down. Loki howled in shock as he was stabbed, and turned to gape at Jane with wide eyes, as if shocked that she had just STABBED him with something... then he was out like a light and Thor sighed, relieved that Loki was finally still! "it's going to be a long, long week. i can feel it." and he was right. Loki woke up sooner than expected and tried to cut himself with a straight razor that he kept for shaving. Thor only just stopped him in time, no blood was spilled, but Loki had a nice five o-clock shadow going on because he refused to use the electric or 'those infernal plastic 'Things.' Thor looked up at Hydra, worried before he nodded. Loki was laying in bed, asleep at the moment because he'd had to be drugged again. he kept trying to attack Jane, and he was honestly getting worse. mentally anyway. "alright, but only for a little while." Thor ordered softly. "if your illusion breaks, you'll have to leave." he warned, even as Loki shifted on the bed and blinked awake, flinching away from Hydra as if she was every nightmare he'd ever had. "i'm sorry. i'm sorry... i couldn't stop it. i'm sorry..."
Hydra swallowed hard looking up at thor, “I know. But as long as he’s sick, I’m not going to get better.”Hydra muttered to the thunder god as she ran her fingers through her hair, and swallowed against the instinctive fear that was eating her up as she looked down at loki. While she was afraid of him, she was also needing him to, enough to risk everything to help him. Flinching a little as he flinched she swallowed hard, glad that her magic was strong enough for the moment, and that loki was out of it enough to not realize she was hiding behind a illusion. Moving to sit down next to him she raised a hand before stopping before she actually touched his hair.”I know sweetheart. Its not your fault, you need to get better, so we can go figure out who’s fault it is. Can you do that for me?”
Thor hesitated and then nodded. he had to admit, that was probobly true, and so long as Loki thought it was his own fault, he wouldn't get better. Loki cringed away from her touch, fearing it would hurt, even as he hoped it would hurt. when it didn't, he looked at her with an almost betrayed expression, tears gathering in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her, planted his face into her belly, and sobbed. because if she didn't blame him, then how could he possibly blame himself? he nodded, clinging to her. 'please don't hate me." Loki whispered, once he'd calmed down. "please don't leave me..." "Loki... you need to calm down... and stop scratching people." Thor ordered, scowling at his new set of injuries, that for some reason took forever to heal. " deserved every scratch." Loki grumbled as he nuzzled Hydra before finally letting her go. "i'm sorry.. i.. i completely lost it..." he muttered, looking incredably ashamed. but anyone might have done the same. knowing they had raped their lover, and been unable to do anything about it. Loki's magic wasn't screaming at him anymore, making it easier to think, and reason. "...i struck back. whoever did it.. is probobly not feeling very well right now."
Hydra winced, tears filling her eyes as the man cringed away from her, gently touching his hair, smiling softly as she curled up into his arms, and even if she trembled slightly, caught between fear and need, she held onto him.”I don’t.I wont. I’m not going anywhere.”She muttered, even if she ewas scared, she had no one else, no where else to go. If she’d had a option, she would have probably already tried to run, because always in their early relationship she’d feared upsetting him so much, of harming him that she’d run away from him. He’d spent the first 2 years of their relationship doggedly dragging her back, understanding that it wasn’t him she was running away from, but the fear that ate her alive. “Thor did not. You shouldn’t have scratched him.”She scolded him lightly smiling as she moved away, leaning back against the headboard as he let her go, sitting close but separated.

“Well, most people would have. Even if they hadn’t thought their lover had been dead for decades.”She muttered pointing it out to him before nodding, “Well, at least you did that.”She said pleased at the idea of the person who’d damaged them both, made sure that their relationship was crippled even more then it already had been, was suffering. “At least sif will be able to tell us who wasn’t feeling well for the last week.”
he trembled and shook as he held her, listening to her promise not to leave him calmed his magic anymore. he had forgotten that his magic fed on his emotions. the more he hated himself, the more his magic hated him. with the promise that she didn't blame him, and she wasn't leaving, calmed both him and his magic until he felt almost sane again. "..i wasn't exactly in my right mind..." he grumbled. "i'm just glad my magic was bound. it would have killed me." he admitted with a shudder. "it was trying to... i've never felt anything like that before..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "whoever this is, they must have been trying to kill me. i'm sure they thought my magic would hurt me, not realizing that i can't access it..." he admitted, watching er closely. "when i say 'not feeling well' i mean he's probobly been in a coma for at least two to three days." he admitted with a smirk. "i can't externally use my magic, but he was inside, i hit him with everything i had. and not to brag, but i am one of the strongest magic users the Great Tree has ever seen in recorded history." he stated, looking entirely too smug.

and indeed, up in Asgard, one young Sorcerer was only just waking up, in a world of hurt, but certain that he'd succeeded in killing both Loki, and that bitch Elizabeth. he never anticipated waking up in the hospital, but he wasn't worried, his Lord would protect him.
Hydra smiled a little closing her eyes a little as he relaxed, feeling their magic calm even if she knew that she was still looking ragged around the edges, this was better. “Well, it’s a good thing you tried to take over the world then.”She teased him a little swallowing hard as she leaned back against the headboard, watching him watch her, careful not to show just how jumpy and frightened she was, glad that her control on her illusions had grown enough to make sure that loki in his current state couldn’t see through them. “Well, I must say, at least your ego hasn’t suffered.”She teased swallowing hard before moving to get up. “I’ll let you rest.”She said knowing she had to leave before her control snapped.

Sif looked pale and for once shaken as she accessed bi-frost to get to the human world, looking around thor’s apartment in amusement as she tried to figure out how the man stood to live so close to everyone before going in search of the man, smirking a ltitle at the sounds of sex from his room. Well. It seemed at least someone was enjoying their day. Knowing she was going to ruin their good mood she settled onto the couch to wait for one of the four to come out, wondering who'd appear first loki and hydra, or thor and jane.
Loki nodded a little as he studied her. he knew she was going to be exceptionally wary of him for a while. and he couldn't blame her for that, not in the least. "of course my Ego hasn't suffered. it's the only part of me that i like." he pointed out with a grin. "well, that and i'm beautiful." he stated smugly. "not as beautiful as you, but certainly prettier than most." he admitted before gently taking her hand. "thank you... you should rest too." he ordered softly before he snuggled into his bedding, well aware that Thor was going to have sex with Jane, simply because he could. Loki didn't want to be awake to hear it.

Sif had learned some very troubling things. the man who had attacked Loki's mind, had admitted to everything after some... persuasion. but he had refused to name anyone else. he admitted that 'his master' had worked very hard to get rid of 'the filthy half breeds' within asgard. it hadn't started with Loki and Hydra. it had started long before that. it had just been harder to get rid of Loki and Hydra than normal, because 1: they where royalty, even if not by blood and 2: they where exceptionally powerful. the man, Antonin, had been an Adviser to Odin, it had been Antonin who had suggested banishing Thor, and then Loki. it had been Antonin who commented that Loki was too dangerous to allow him his magic. it had been Antonin who had told Odin, and Thor, that Hydra had 'gone back home after the attack'. and it had been Antonin who had placed her under a memory and sleeping spell that was supposed to be unbreakable. supposedly only Antonin's 'master' should have been able to break those spells. Odin still didn't know about all this, all he knew so far was that his 'trusted adviser' had betrayed him and Asgard, it was all Frigga would let the man know. for now.
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