Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“What, create it, or let it shatter?”She muttered smiling a little as he helped her sit up, sighing softly as she settled back onto the pillows. “Neither, actually though. I…I didn’t mean to make it.”She sighed softly before looking up at him, studying him for a long moment, a slight blush going across the bridge of her nose, she knew he wanted to hold her hand, but she also knew he knew she needed it to. Nodding slightly she swallowed hard, “But…just sit there, holding my hand.”She demanded pointing to the edge of the bed, not able to handle him getting closer as she listened to him, frowning slightly. “…we built a life together…that consisted of just us, and no others.”She said frowning in confusion because she couldn’t understand how she could have forgotten everything when her world had been built on the foundation of them being together A tutor huh?It seems you tutored me in a lot of things.”. A slight teasing smirk tugging her lips, a glimpse of the woman she’d once been showing in the light of her amber eyes before it faded under the force of the spell holding her.

“…..Thor, I could have lived without knowing that those stories were true. I’ll never be able to look at him again.”the woman whined poking him in the side before frowning slightly as she considered that, nodding. “You better. The good doctor is more tolerable, and while I know he’s bound, Stark nor Steve are that trusting to not want someone standing guard over both him and someone who isn’t bound by magical restraints, who has a emotional connection to loki wandering free. I know I know, she’s weak but still.”she said trying to be reasonable and calm smiling a little as she leaned into him.”Loki’s a suspicious person, that’s a normal state of being for him.”She pointed out before sighing. “Go, the sooner you leave, the sooner you can come back.”
he smiled a little as he watched her, his head tilted. "it's just your magic trying to boss me about as it always does." Loki comforted, though he knew it was her Magic trying to help it's 'owner', for lack of a better word. Magic was alive, Magic was sentient, and it would do all it could to protect the one who wielded it... so long as they wielded properly. "i'll sit here in the chair." he promised her, sitting close to the bed, but far enough away that they wouldn't touch anywhere else but the hands. "we did build a life just the two of us." he agreed. "it's not hard to do, when both of us where hated for reasons beyond our control. you where ostracized because you where not a full blooded Aeser. your half Fire Giant, or Fire elf." he explained softly. "and i didn't know it at the time, but i was hated because i wasn't Aeser at all, but Jotun... Frost Giant." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "no one else wanted anything to do with us, so we clung to each other. it was Fate that let us find out Mate in each other." he admitted softly. "actually, you tutored me in more than i tutored you... you showed me how to love, and how to laugh." he admitted with a soft smile. "you showed me that life was worth living." he studied her, worried about her. he wished there was some way he could help her, but this was beyond him, and if he screwed it up, he could leave her brain dead... not something he wanted to play with.

Thor chuckled. "Loki would be delighted to have disgusted you so." Thor teased her with a grin before his grin faded. "or he would have, years ago..." he admitted with a sigh. "Loki will obey Doctor Banner too, he is afraid of the man." Thor admitted. "will you call him for me, while i speak to Tony and Steve?" he asked hopefully. "i do not think Loki would handle enemies in his territory very well right now. not when he is overly protective like this. i doubt i could even go into her room right now. he admitted with a sigh. "Hydra, from what i remember, was never dangerous. she would prank you in a heartbeat, but never anything traumatizing or painful. she was always good at keeping Loki under control." Thor admitted. "i will be back soon." he promised, giving Jane a lingering kiss before leaping out of the building to talk to Steve and Tony, who would in turn talk to the rest of the Avengers.
Hydra blushed a little at his words as she looked around the room rrlaxing as he took her hand. Fingers closing gently around hid,something tight and aching relaxing in her chest at the touch of almost cold skin against her heated skin, both relaxing for that and that he was staying away from her. Looking doen as she considered his words she smiled sadly."I am sorry I can't be the woman you knew."she said,her usual compassion showing. Though he terrified her, she could tell the absence of who she'd been hurt him no matter that he'd tried hiding the fact from her. Quiet as she sat with him in contented silence before turning her head to look at the door,pressing back into it as she drew away curling her hand into a loose fist even as sparks of fire danced between her fingers. Loki should be glad she wasn't at full strength otherwise she'd already be out investigating the arrival of bruce banner.

"Hey bru e."jane said smiling slightly at the doctor."thanks for coming."

tony raised his eyebrows at the blond asgardian as the man walked into the room,smirking a little at thor before looking at steve."are you zure I can't have her?"the womanizer already trying to get out of steve's demand he leave the female sorceress alone.
he offered her another smile, as if he knew exactly what she was feeling. "You do not need to be the woman i knew." he assured her. "it is heart-lifting simply to know you are alive... i loved you even when you where dead, i can love you as you are now with little difficulty." he offered her a sly grin. "it's not as if you are boring. in fact, i find it exciting to get to know you all over again." he admitted, smirking. "plus, you don't remember the time i accidentally died your entire body pink." he pointed out. "so you can't yell at me for it anymore." it had been a prank meant for the Warriors three after they had insulted Loki's love for Sorcery, but he'd... missed. "...oh joy.. the beast is here..." he grumbled, shooting a hate filled look at the door. "i see your as curious as ever though." he teased her with a chuckle.

Bruce smiled at Jane and nodded. "it's no problem really... i even got Hulk to agree not to smash up the place if Loki should be overly annoying." Bruce admitted as he pulled his gloves off. "Thor said that Loki has a lover that has some possible brain damage?" he asked, wondering if he could help.

"You will leave Hydra alone." Thor ordered, rolling his eyes. "for one thing she would likely turn you into a newt. for another, Loki is so overly protective of her after he thought she was dead for thirty or more years, he might shred you to pieces before he even realizes what he's done." Thor admitted with a sigh. "besides, she will always love Loki, no matter her memory loss." Thor admitted simply. "she's very dangerous right now Tony, because she does not remember how to control herself, or her Magic. she is much too frightened for anyone but Loki to be safe around her."
Hydra was quiet as she studied him with wide amber eyes, seeing everything and nothing, a look he was long used to because it meant she was seeing more then he said, though the mind behind those eyes was damaged, her magic remembered him, made sure she could still read him as well as a lover could. “…its kind of like meeting for the first time isnt it?I mean, for me it is but…you know what I mean.”She said blushing a little before going quiet, staring at him.”….you just told me you did it. Now, did I at least prank you back?”she asked not remembering what she’d done instead, refusing to have sex with him and casting a lust charm, along with making sure he was stuck in meetings all day with not just thor and odin but the woman he wanted in the room with him?Oh yes, he’d been pranked back. While thor was right and most of her pranks weren’t harmful, they’d always been geared to driving loki insane when they were aimed at him. Frowning a little at his words she swallowed shrinking back into bed at the mention of the ‘beast’. “Beast?What is it?I don’t want to know it if it’s going to hurt me.”She said though she still held sparks at her fingertips, prepared to defend herself, not realizing she wasn’t in control.

Jane laughed a little looking amused.”It’s going ot be overly annoying. He’s being very protective. And I’m glad its you and not tony, because well…tony cant help himself with beautiful women.”Jane said snickering a little before nodding. “She’s fine physically. But she’s been in a coma for thirty years, and has no memory of him.”

Tony sighed as he looked at thor, running his fingers through his hair as he leaned back into his seat as he considered that.”Is she safe to have around loki?I mean, she has magic, and even without his own, loki’s good enough to cause some damage…could he use her to get what he wanted?”Tony said, not only because he was curious about the woman, but because he really was concerned the insanity loki they knew would try and use the woman he loved.
he nodded. "it is." he admitted with a grin. "only without the you hating me part." he admitted with a snicker. "i had a very... bad reputation when i first met you." he admitted with a smile before he cringed violently. "...yes... you got me back." he sounded almost haunted. "it was cruel, cruel, cruel what you did to me." he complained with a shudder. "but when you finally let the curse go..." a wide grin spread his lips, showing exactly what she'd done. sex, sex, and more sex. a three day marathon of nothing but sex. "oh, he's not a danger." Loki reassured her. "he has a beast inside of him, but he has it on a tight leash. it only comes out when he gets very angry, and i'm not stupid enough to piss it off again." he admitted with a shudder. "in fact, he might be able to help, he's a healer of sorts... humans are highly backwards when it comes to healing science and magic, but he might be able to help a little bit. only if your comfortable with letting him have a look of course. if you don't want him here, i will make sure he doesn't enter."

Bruce nodded. "that's why i came when you asked me to." he admitted. "Tony would never just let this lay. he doesn't trust Loki, or Thor enough to beleive that Loki's not going to be a problem. especially with this new variable involved." Bruce admitted with a sigh. "Still, Loki's terrified of me, i know that much, so long as he doesn't antagonize me, i have no need to antagonize him or his girlfriend. i won't go near her if she, or he, doesn't want me to. there's no need to pick a fight."

Thor chuckled a little. "yes she does have magic, but i think your not understanding something." Thor admitted with a smirk. "Loki is the... submissive, in their relationship. for lack of a better word. Loki has never been much of a Leader, he's too unfocused." Thor admitted. "that's just part of who he is. Hydra was always the one controlling things, even when it looked like Loki was calling the shots, it was always her leading him that way. he could try to use her, but even without memories, she'd only let him use her if she wanted him to. and even then, only to accomplish what she wanted to accomplish. and she always liked humans and their freedoms." he admitted. "i doubt she would lead attack against anyone. this is the most sane that i have ever seen Loki... in a very long time. it will be fine Friend Tony." he promised, clapping the Iron Man on the shoulder. "i must go and look into who might have faked her death in such a cruel manner." he admitted, pointing at Loki with a firmness that was shocking. "do NOT antagonize my brother Tony Stark. he is recovering, but he is still, as Bruce says 'Cat full of Crazy'.. no i don't think that's right..."
“Ahhh, well, you’re to good looking to not have a bad reputation.”She mused, flushing hard at the admittance and looking away from him, biting her lip a little before flushing more at his answer, seeing what he meant. Relaxing at his reassurance, biting his lip a little as she considered before swallowing. “Well. Maybe they’re so backwards that he might know a answer us intelligent people overlooked?”She mused, like loki, the woman had been a child prodigy, easily matching loki in everything from pure magical talent to the subtle mind for thinking things through. But like loki, she had the focus and control to work for things. “Since…he is here, I would like to meet him. Though I think I shall make a illusion that I am standing over there by the window so I can observe him in peace.”She nodded thoughtful as she did, settling the illusion into place even as loki went to get bruce, the illusion that she was watching the city out of the city, where in reality she was still in bed, hidden from sight for anyone but loki.

Jane snorted a little amused before nodding.”Exactly.”She sighed softly opening her mouth to speak before her eyes went to the man walking out of the bedroom. Looking nervous but calm, wondering what in the world the man was thinking. “loki?Did you need something?’she said, calmly, not about to remind the man that he generally hated her.

Tony frowned at that, thinking it over. “Well, we shall have to hope it lasts then.”Tony said before nodding at the sight of thor pointing at him.”I will not visit if or when they want me to.”he said though he had every intention of making sure Jarvis kept sights on the woman, laughing a little. “A bagful of crazy. Now go, and find out what happened.”He said waving the man away.

“Thor?Whatever are you doing home?”Sif said as she paused outside her bedroom door, having been on her way down to see the allfather and the queen, she was bemused at the sight of her friend actually at home.
Loki nodded. "ah but my reputation was..." here he looked slightly ashamed. "i was well known for painful and deadly pranks. i was mostly ignored for all of my life, so when my slight trouble-making did not get me any attention i turned to much more dangerous pranks." he admitted with a shrug. "you toned me down a great deal because after you stopped hating me, i didn't care that the others where ignoring me." he admitted. "i will bring him then." Loki agreed. "he is a brilliant mind, when he's not a green beast anyway." he admitted with a shrug. honestly, Loki was more than a little bit impressed with Bruce Banner. the man had been one step away from accidentally creating an energy source very, very close to the Tesseract. pure, clean energy just like Tony Stark's ark reactor. being honest with himself, Loki was quite impressed with Tony Stark as well, the man was clearly a genius... not that he would ever admit that aloud. he waited until she had the illusion settled before he went to fetch Banner. "Hydra wishes to see you." Loki stated to Banner, his eyes narrowed at the doctor. "you will not interrogate her. you will not touch her, you will not insult her. if you upset her, your life will be forfeit." Bruce's lip twitched, amused. he agreed anyway and glanced at Jane before moving into the room with Loki following behind.

Thor blinked a little. "i don't care if you watch them, just don't bother them." he ordered sternly before nodding. "yes, Bagful of crazy." he agreed before vanishing into the Bi-Frost. he glanced at Sif, studying her intently. "walk with me." he ordered, heading for Frigga. he wouldn't try to speak to Odin yet. Odin was still too stung over Loki's betrayal... not realizing that he may have betrayed Loki first. he explained to Sif what was happening, feeling alright with telling her, because unlike the Warriors Three and the rest of Asgard, Sif had always thought Loki amusing, and had rather liked him and Hydra. it was thanks to Sif that the two had met anyway.
“You sound impressed, loki. You should tell him sometime.”Hydra muttered as he left the room, though it was the illusion who spoke, it was the woman on the bed who’s eyes shone with amusement. Hydra looked up when the good doctor came in, the illusion turning to look at him as considered the man in front of her, while the real hydra was also assessing how dangerous he was. “Loki says you are a…healer or something?I do not remember anything. I would like to.”She said simply, gasping quietly as the illusion shattered, the asgardian curse word leaving her lips in a reflex moment of annoyance, rather then memory. “And I have no control of things. Though Loki or Thor will be more help with that then you, healer….unless you do magic to?”She babbled a little, nervous about seeing someone else, glancing at loki, despite usually being the one in charge of things, she was vulnerable, weaker then loki at the moment, needing the protector she instinctively knew he was.

Sif’s eyes were huge by the time he told her everything frowning slightly. “There are plenty that would have done either of them harm, but only the most skilled would have both tricked loki’s magic into her being dead, and to actually defeat her. Though…”Sif frowned as they walked, turning the problem over in her head. “She was poisoned. I mean…the arrow meant for you…it was poisoned.”She said turning the question over, already thinking it through. While the arrow would have killed thor, no one else had been close enough except hydra to save him. And hydra, who knew her mate, knew he would mourn thor, had saved him, not realizing she was poisoning herself. Someone who knew that, would have known how to take a powerful sorceress out of the game.

Looking up at thor as they got to frigga’s rooms he swallowing. “It is someone who knows them both well. You will tell your mother?”She asked wondering if that was what he had come to do, get his mother’s advice on things.
Loki scoffed. "i will not." he refused. "i hate him." he growled. "while he has some skills, he is as useless as any other human." he stated with a sniff, standing in-between the bed and the image, making sure he could step in front of either one in case Bruce turned out to be dangerous anyway. "i am a doctor of sorts, yes." Bruce agreed with a nod. "i know how to fix illnesses, so long as they are the right kind." Bruce admitted, speaking to the illusion, gasping and paling when panic when the illusion shattered, only to relax as he realized that he had been speaking to a fake Hydra. "god... i thought... i don't know what i thought." he admitted, clutching his chest as Loki snickered. the panicked look on the humans face had been amusing. he moved over to her and settled his hand into hers, offering her the only comfort he knew she could handle. " you mind if i run a few tests?" Loki growled and Bruce smiled. "not those kinds of tests... medical tests..." Loki looked suspicious still and Bruce sighed. "would you feel better if i did it to Jane first?" "yes. bring her in here and do it to her, and then Hydra will let you know if she wants you near her."

Thor nodded. "exactly." he grumbled. "too many suspects." he muttered as he shook his head. "i never even knew she was dead Sif. my brother was burying his woman, and i didn't even know it! someone kept the fact that Loki had lost his mate hidden from both Father and i... we where having Parties and Loki was GRIEVING!" he hissed, showing Sif just how bad the situation really was. "is it any wonder that Loki would have his revenge?! we who betrayed him so fully!? i, who betrayed him so fully!?" he sighed and forced himself to calm down. "a poison would not normally affect a sorcerer... but no one liked Hydra, and the one person who did was too distraught to check. Loki would have buried her, thinking her dead, i doubt he ever even thought to check for poison." he muttered softly. "yes, i am here to tell mother... but i won't tell Father yet. i cannot trust him with a matter like this." Thor admitted with a sigh. "will you stay with me? it would be good to have support... and i want you to tell no one... not event he Warriors Three.."
Hydra laughed softly at bruce’s reaction, sighing quietly. “I am sorry. I wished to see how long I could hold the illusion, and to make sure you were not a threat to me.”She said glancing towards loki, in a look that said more then a threat to her, she had wanted to make sure he wasn’t a threat to loki. Looking nervous at bruce’s words she swallowed glancing at loki for help. “…you know, when you say it like that loki, it sounds so perverted.”Jane said quietly, teasing him gently, wondering just how much of his mood would depend on how hydra reacted, and because, she wanted to see if hydra had a sense of humor. Hydra swallowed giggles nodding a little as she gestured towards jane.”Now, let me see these tests. Asgardian healing is different, I would like to learn the migardian way.”She mused for all the world looking like a a student waiting a teacher to start lessons.

Sif paused looking up at him, before wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tightly, her heart hurting because she knew how much this had hurt them both, had driven loki to do what he had done. “Thor, someone played you all. Someone made sure that you were blind to his grieving, asgard’s treatment of both loki and hydra just made it easier. You cant change what happened, but you can help him make sure he doesn’t lose her again. Because someone is going to be uphappy that he found her again.”Sif pointed out before nodding. He was right, while she would have appeared dead, there were few posions that could truly kill a sorceress but to make her appear dead would be simple when paired with what sounded like a sleeping spell, yes, someone had played them all, and loki most of all, taking advantage of a grieving distraught man to pull off the con of the century.

“Of I’ll stay with you. And I wont tell anyone, but I will keep watch for anything.”Sif said smiling as they stepped inside. “Thor?Whatever are you doing home?”Frigga said concern on her face as she stood out of her chair, moving towards her son.
Bruce offered her a smile. "that's alright, i can understand that... i was just a bit worried when you vanished that Loki was going to eat me." "you' give me indigestion." "...right, anyway..." Bruce muttered, giving Loki strange looks, as if wondering if Loki hadn't eaten people before. "human's taste like chicken." Bruce turned a little green, and not in the going hulk way either. "...right... uh..." "i've never tried green neanderthal though, it would be an interesting taste i think. i'd have to cook it first of course because there is no way i'm putting something that filthy in my mouth." Bruce seamed to finally realize that Loki was messing with him because he snorted and set his doctors bag on the ground. some of it very fancy, medical things that Tony had made just fir him. "...i am a pervert." Loki stated simply. "i gave birth to an eight legged horse, you do the math." Bruce started choking, hard, on air at that and he nearly dropped his stethoscope. Loki looked highly pleased. once Bruce got himself calmed down he went through the motions on Jane, checking her heart, front and back, checking the eyes, ears and throat with the little light thing. running a mobile 'Cat Scan'/X-ray/ultrasound over Jane's head. "and that's all there is to it." "you just want to feel her boobs." "would you quit it!?" Bruce demanded of Loki, flushing bright red. Loki just smirked.

Thor shuddered a little. "how anyone could be so sick... so cruel." Thor whispered, swallowing thickly. "if it is an Asgardian... i will met out their punishment myself!" Thor hissed, baring his teeth as if he was some sort of rabid animal. "and i will let no one harm her again, Loki would not survive!" he admitted softly before offering Frigga a small smile. "mother... please sit down.. is the room secure? i need to speak to you in the utmost of privacy..." he warned softly, taking her hand. once he was certain no one could over hear, he told Frigga everything. how they had found Hydra in a human hospital, how she didn't remember him, how Loki had buried her and how much of the insanity had left him since her return. he told Frigga about his and Sif's theory's and then finally, asked her for her advice on how to proceed, after asking her promise not to speak of this to anyone else of course.
Hydra looked at loki eyes wide and startled as she considered what he was saying. “Really?”she said looking amazed that he was considering eating things, biting her lip a little as she thought about it. “Oh…don’t say more. Loki, please. Thor’s already scarred me for life with stories of your sex life, I don’t want to know more.”Jane teased shuddering a little looking amused as hydra looked up at loki with wide startled eyes, amused that the woman looked a little sick and confused, as if she wasn’t sure what to think. Holding still as bruce moved the cat scan she looked at loki. “You’re being pleasant, its mildly disturbing.”She teased. “This is fine. I will let you do this, I would like to see how it works.”Hydra said gesturing to the cat scan machine, looking nervous about letting him get near, but not seeing why she shouldn’t. she wanted her memory back.

Frgga listened to their story with wide eyed silence, having no idea what to say or how to figure out, staring down at her lap as she thought. Swallowing hard as she considered before looking up at thor. “I would start with allowing sif to search through the sorcerers still here, and see who most benefitted from hydra’s absence. More then just loki’s insanity, your father was ready to name her one of the guardians, for both her talent, and her relationship with loki.Someone benefitted from her disappearance, and loki's resulting withdrawl from things.”Frigga admitted eyes sad and worried, because it hurt her that someone had tricked her husband and sons so completely. The guardians were the few talented magicans within asgard, who usually relied on brute strength, that were the brightest and most talented to stand guard even as their warriors were prepared for fighting. Despite his dislike for her, odin had been willing to honor the woman his son had loved, and because she had the focus and control to be truly dangerous as a guardian to asgard’s enemies. And thor was right, the moment hydra disappeared, loki's focus had shattered, two out of the way for the cost of one.
loki just smirked at Jane, feeling more stable than he had since Hydra had left. it was making him think about several of his actions, they made him want to be sick. but he wasn't going to say anything about it until Thor got back, he could trust his brother with this, he knew that much. "of course it's disturbing, i'm a god of Chaos, what fun would it be if i stayed the same all the time?" he asked, looking even more amused. "alright, i need you to hold still then." Bruce ordered calmly as he swiped his hand across the screen that the scanner was wirelessly connected to, glancing at Jane. "Congratulations, living with Thor has not affected your brain adversely." Bruce stated, and Loki laughed, nearly frightening the hell out of Bruce, who stared at the snickering god for several moments. "o...oh kay then..." Bruce muttered, leaning over to Jane. "is he drunk?" he asked before shaking his head and moving over to the girl, running the scanner over her face and head, Loki leaning over as well, watching the images on the screen, his head cocked to the side. "this is what a brain looks like?" he asked as Bruce set the scan down and picked up the tablet. "for the most part. the brain is actually a wrinkly pink muscle. this simply shows any irregularities in the muscle mass of the brain and head." he explained.

"it doesn't look like there's any real damage here." he admitted. "there's a few things that i don't understand, but i think if i scanned Loki it would show up the same way, because Thor had similar scans." Bruce admitted, his head tilted as he examined the Asgardian brain with interest. "as far as your magic goes, it is most likely simple exhaustion. you've been in a coma, unmoving for upwards of thirty years." he admitted. "most of your muscles have atrophied, and your magic has probobly been doing it's best too keep that from happening, which weakened your magical energy, and your physical capabilities over time." Bruce explained. "a good month or so of physical therapy should have your body back to one hundred percent, and your magical control should increase with that." Bruce assured her. "if that doesn't work, then you'll have to find a Asgardian healer because honestly, i'm a little out of my depth."


Thor nodded. "that sounds good, Sif, would you mind doing that? you are the best at finding hidden secretes." Thor admitted, staring at one of his oldest freinds. "start with the Guardians. Loki was going to be placed in the Guardian program too, no matter how much it was... embarrassing, to Father, even he had to admit, Loki was amazing with Magic. see if you can't get Haindall to help you." because Heindall was loyal only to the King of Asgard, and he had been Guardian since Odin had been a young boy, Thor knew that the ancient gatekeeper could be trusted in such a matter. "i should return home, i don't like leaving Loki alone..." Thor admitted, worrying his lip. "i don't like leaving Hydra alone." he corrected. because Loki he knew would be just fine if Thor never showed up again. Hydra on the other hand, needed all the help she could get.
Jane smiled even as she zhook her head."don't say that near thor, he'll start worrying about causing brain damage with constant sex. Don't freak him out."jane said looking amused though as she looked at loki then at bruce."no,wrll maybe. Hes drunk on having her back."she muttered looking between the two asgardians who despite being a few feet apart still seemed to be touching without touching.

Hydra tensed a little as she watched the scanner waiting for it to hurt despite jane's calm reaction frowning slightly."well...that makes sense. Loki,you will tutor me."she said not a question but a demand before frowning as she looked up at bruce."nothing to explain my memory loss...loki..."the woman looked up at her mate a slight frown on her face. Despite being memoriless rhe woman was also a child prodigy, who was smart enough to put the pieces together to make a coherent picturd. But she didn't want to say it outloud,because despite wanting to trust him,he scared her and she worried it had been him to do this. Or someone close to him.

"I will. And the guardians shall speak to the gatekeeper."she sighed a little running her fingers tbrough her hair.""loki would love if you never came back..if he didn't have hydra to take care of."she teased and both women waved goodbye to the god of thunder as he left,already working on a plan of what to do next.

Bruce chuckled a little at Jane's complaint and he shook his head. "i was more worried about concussions." he teased with a grin, studying the two. despite Hydra being without memory, and Loki being... well, insane, they seamed to fit together perfectly as if they had never been apart. Bruce could almost see the magic in the air dancing with each other, soothing both Asgaurdians. "of course i will." Loki agreed. "when your better. using magic now could hinder your recovery." he admitted before he looked away. "and i can't use magic right now..." he admitted, holding his hand out and letting her see the glimmering bracelet there. one that Loki wouldn't be able to remove. one that locked his magic inside of him. it was a cruel punishment for one who viewed Magic the way Tony Stark saw Technology. without Magic, the only reason why Loki wasn't a raging mass of petulant homicide was because of Hydra... granted, before they had found her, Loki HAD tried to kill Thor three or ten times... not that the hulking idiot had noticed. "i know..." he muttered softly, taking her hand. "i suspected the second i found you... Thor is looking into it now." he admitted, looking at her. "whatever happened... someone will pay." he promised. "i buried you... so someone had to un-bury you." either that or the person he had buried hadn't really been Hydra, but a very cleverly recreated magical image. Loki had been distraught enough that he would probobly not have noticed.

"Thor smiled a little and nodded. "he's very upset with us... we did bind his magic after all." Thor admitted with a sigh. "and then tossed him on earth... Father truly is very unoriginal..." Thor grumbled. "be careful Sif. someone might notice you digging into things... we don't want you to disappear like Hydra did... and i doubt we would find you." he warned softly clasping her wrist tightly, urging her to be careful.
“Oh, yes I could see that is a problem. You will help me take a walk after these migardians leave. I wish to see the rest of this home thor has claimed as his home.”she said watching him, looking over the bracelet and being demanding to make him think about something besides his lack of magic. “I need to be better, because it seems you have been getting in trouble without me.”She said, and while she didn’t know what to think about being a woman who had no idea if he was telling the truth or not. She so wanted to believe them, that her body and soul weren’t wrong, that she belonged to him, but the genius that made her good at magic, also disallowed her to accept things easily without overthinking things. Jumping a little as he took her hand she sighed softly, nodding.”We will figure this out, as long as the thunder-dolt doesn’t get himself killed trying to find answers.”She muttered not even realizing as her thumb stroked over his knuslces.

“I will. I am not as good as either of them, but I’m going in knowing someone will be noticing things. Go thor. I will be careful.”She said smiling softly as she watched him leave.

Hydra sighed softly closing her eyes for a moment before looking at loki, her slight frown on her face. “Thor’s home?”She asked, because she wasn’t sure about her extra senses yet, she needed him to help her regain her sense of self.
Loki smiled a little as Bruce chuckled. "i don't know if you'll be able to walk yet. humans who have atrophied can't... but i don't know how an Asgardian God would fare." she'd probobly be alright. easily tired, managing only a few steps on her own, but she'd probobly be able to walk. Loki flinched violently when she mentioned getting into trouble and he stared out the window. "i would have my revenge..." he explained simply. "it failed... badly... and i am... glad that it did. when you died i... there was a part of me that wanted to see the world burn, as it had made me burn... i nearly succeeded." he admitted softly. "i understand now that Thor and Odin did not know, did not understand, but that did not make it any less painful back then." he admitted, his voice filled with pain. "i will see my punishment through to the end. and then i will see to it that whoever used us, will meet a very, very painful, and long lasting end." he muttered, relaxing as she stroked his knuckles, sighing a little as he relaxed, enjoying being with her. "i highly doubt Thor would do this himself, he will get Frigga involved. she will keep him safe." he smiled as he felt Thor's reappearance. "yes, that was Thor. i'm glad he's finally learned not to smash through the roof. Stark was most unhappy about having to come in every week to repair the roof."
“well, we’ll just have to try. And if not, I will make loki carry me.”She mused before wincing as he flinched, swallowing hard.”I am sorry loki,…”She whispered her face going soft and sad, both that she’d been forced to leave him alone, and because she had brought it back. Jane swallowed hard as she watched the two, nervous that loki was going to go insane before smiling as she stepped out to greet thor. “Come join the party. Loki’s been freaking us out with stories of his sex life.”She said snickering a little. Hydra looked at the man beside her, before a slight frown curled her lips, pulling away from him even as the thought came to her. Pulling away as she considered loki’s sex life, and trying very hard not to fear that she was simply something different, something new that had been in his adventurous sex life, looking disturbed as she stared down at the blanket covering her legs, hating that she couldn’t remember anything, and that it was making her feel insecure.
Loki smiled at her. "it was not your fault, you have no need to apologize." he promised her softly. "i was young." Loki stated with a shrug. "i didn't know that i could stop myself from getting pregnant." he admitted. "it wasn't like there was anyone to tell me, Odin didn't bother with me and Frigga didn't realize i didn't know..." he blinked as she pulled away and he flushed, looking almost hurt. "i did tell you i had a reputation Hydra... i was so desperate for attention that... i looked for it anyway i could." he admitted softly. "after i met you, i never slept with another person... i haven't had sex in over thirty years." he admitted, looked away from her. "what was the point of physical pleasure, when my heart and soul was gone?" Thor stared at Loki. "you've been Celibate for Thirty years?!" "...yes." "good gods no WONdER you've been so Grumpy!" "...don't make me castrate you." Loki hissed at his brother, Thor wincing as he covered up his 'man bits' and hid behind Jane, hoping Loki wouldn't attack him while he was hiding behind a helpless female.
“Stop, stop, this is getting weirder and weirder.”Jane whined as she studied the asgaurdian, shuddering a little at the idea that loki had been pregnant. That was a interesting, almost cute picture though, a little freaky. Hydra flinched at his words, swallowing hard as she stared down at the blankets, blinking rapidly, trying to stop the tears. Jane laughed quietly as she looked at the tall thundergod standing behind her, shaking her head in amusement that he was hiding before looking at the other couple.

“Hey loki, why don’t you make some food.Thor tells me you can actually cook real food, instead of his cooking of putting a pop tart in the toaster.”Jane said studying hydra, wondering what the woman was thinking, staring at that completely blank and shut down face she frowned, having a suspicion she was looking at a illusion so strong that even loki would have problems seeing behind it, wondering just how upset the other woman was at hurting loki. Stepping back into the hallway she headed for the kitchen, intending on making food, and giving hydra privacy, having a feeling the woman was feeling overwhelmed, and having no idea how to help her trust them, besides just talking and being there for her.
Thor snickered a little. "you're picturing me pregnant right now, aren't you?" he asked with a smirk before glancing at Hydra, feeling bad for making her feel bad. Thor just wanted to go scrub his brain, he remembered the whole 'Stallion' incident that had brought the eight legged horse into being. honestly, Loki hadn't needed to go THAT far... but then, if what Thor had learned was true, then Loki had simply been desperate for any kind of attention, even that of a horses. "Food? yes, i can cook." Loki agreed, glancing at Hydra, humming a little as he wondered what best to make her before nodding. "yes. i will make that then." he decided, clapping his hands together before rolling up his sleeves, Thor snickering. "he's going to show off again." Thor admitted with a smirk as he glanced at hydra. "he learned how to cook just for you. he sequestered himself in the kitchens for WEEKS learning how to boil pasta and make sauce." he admitted with a grin. "and all because you made an offhand comment about 'hating how women where expected to go out, save the world, and then come home, clean the house and cook the dinner.' Thor snickered. "he even made sure his room was always picked up after that, so that you knew you'd never have to pick up after him... you where very impressed... although, that might have been because he accidentally burned all his hair off in one of the first attempts." he admitted with a grin. "you where most upset about Loki having children when you first met him too. but when you saw how much of an effort he was putting in to impress you, i guess you saw something that no one else did." Thor admitted, grinning a little. "he was always the happiest when he was with you, even when you fought."
“Stop, stop, its disturbing. I don’t want to!”Jane whined wrinkling her nose a little. Hydra tilted her head a little as she considered the man in front of her, “…I have a vague feeling disturbance at the idea of him cooking.”Hydra said looking amused as she watched loki leave the room, biting her lip as she considered thor’s words. “Oh….well.”She bit her lip a little blushing as she realized that even a offhand comment could influence loki so much. Laughing at thor’s words she smiled. “Now that, I would like to see. A bald loki.”she said looking amused before blushing a little at his words. “Well, we’ll see what happens then.”She said looking awkward and put on the spot now that thor had pointed out how happy loki had been. Feeling awkward at the idea and the fear that she’d never remember, that she’d never be the woman that had made loki work so hard to just cook.

By the time loki returned Hydra wasn’t in the bed, the only sign of where she’d gone was the cracked window that was making the curtain flutter in the breeze a little. Hydra, having gotten up and made the effort to get outside and away from the suffocating feeling of being trapped in the room, was sitting on the balcony, her back resting on the wall, turning her head slightly when she heard loki-or she assumed it was him bringing her food- to listen, but didn’t respond right away to his presence. Feeling suffocated despite his feelings of liking to get to know her again, of falling in love all over again. She was feeling offstep and in pain. Though it had been years since loki would have seen it, hydra had always been prone to fits of depression and panic attacks, depending on how her relationship with loki and the others in her life. Because she’d been so isolated, with the two of them having a quiet world just for themselves, moods hit her harder. “Loki?”She muttered after a few moments.
Loki smirked at Jane, clearly very amused before he turned and stuck his tongue out at Hydra when she commented on being afraid of him cooking. he was a good cook! "i have pictures!" Thor chirped, looking gleeful. "i will fetch them for you." he promised her before gently setting a hand on her shoulder. "Loki does not expect anything from you Hydra... all he wants is for you to be healthy and happy. alright?" he asked with a small smile. Later, Loki walked in with one of her favorite earth dishes. poached salmon with a white wine glaze, a bright green salad, and a dish of cold Ice-cream for dessert. he blinked, feeling panic rising up in his throat as he realized she wasn't in bed before relaxing as he realized she was just out on the balcony... he knew she had a slight case of claustrophobia, so he didn't think anything of it. she had always hated being trapped inside. he settled the tray onto the bedside table before moving outside with her. "Hydra? are you alright?" he asked softly, his head tilted. "do you want me to bring your dinner out here? it must be awful for you, laying in that bed..." he muttered, studying her. "i'll bring the food out here, and see about moving you into the downstairs bedroom. it has a patio door that leads into the backyard. much more room." he promised her as he went back inside, got her food, and came back out. "i made your favorite." he promised her with a smile. "you should be proud of me, the very first time i tried to make Fish, it flopped off the plate once i served it to you." he admitted with a grin. "it was hilarious, the entire kitchen staff was screaming, and you just sat there and laughed when the fish sprouted legs and ran off... indecently, never mix magic and cooking."
“I’m fine.”She whispered as she stared down at her hands, sighing quietly before nodding.”Yes. It would be nice to eat out here, and its warm.”She said looking over the city, smiling slightly as she looked up at loki as he stepped outside before looking away from him, shuddering a little. Guilt and pain eating her alive as she struggled to think around the pain of upsetting him, and of not being who she had been. Feeling crushed because she knew she could be so much more. Finally the circumstances of what she’d gone through was settling into her, and she was struggling to not panic. Offering him a small smile to keep him from realizing just how badly off she was being she laughed. “Well. You’re supposed to kill the fish first.”She muttered shaking her head at the mental image that made, before nodding.”I’ll remember that. No magic while cooking.”She said looking amused as she nibbled on her food, to anxious to really eat. Despite thor’s reassurance, and loki’s, the woman was beating herself up, and panicking as the circumstances of what she was, and who she was, was settling in.
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