Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“Hm, definitely pretty then most.”Hydra said laughing as she nodded, looking amused as she walked out. For a moment, feeling better.

By the time sif explained everything a hour had past, and the three of them looked like they’d been run over. Stealing a glance towards the bedrooms she sighed before looking at thor.”we cant tell him…especially with what you told me. He’ll march right back and kill Antonin without thought of who else is out there.”She said looking worried.

In the hour that it had taken hydra to settle down enough to relax, the woman had discovered that she needed something else to actually go to sleep. Pushing open the door a little poking her head in.”Loki?”She whispered, her voice sad and soft, sounding like the girl child she’d been when she first met him.
Thor nodded. "he would. simply because he hurt Hydra. Loki is extremely possessive and protective of the very few people he loves. i'm barely lucky enough to be counted on that number." Thor admitted with a shake of his head. "after Hydra 'died' i don't think he loved anything, or anyone ever again. all he knew was pain. if he found out it was Antonin who was the direct cause for everything, then he wouldn't hesitate to kill the man. how is Father handling all of this?" Thor asked, looking incredibly worried, relaxing when he realized that Odin knew diddly squat at the moment. "it bothers me that there is someone else... they have basically been doing an ethnic cleansing, anything that wasn't Aeser was either killed, tossed out, or tossed into Nifleheim..." Thor growled. "that isn't right. it started in Asgard, but whose to say it won't spread?"

Loki looked up at her, looking incredibly sheepish from behind his romance novel. "i couldn't sleep..." he muttered, sounding rather defensive. considering he was supposed to be sleeping, not reading, the defensiveness was to be expected. "are you alright? can you not sleep either?... did you have a nightmare?" he asked, looking worried. "come in, don't just sit there in the doorway, and where's your night cloak? you'll catch a chill." he gently chastised, grabbing his robe and gently draping ot over her shoulders so she wouldn't get cold.
“I agree. He wouldn’t do well with knowing now.”She said before smiling a little. “Your mother’s decided its best to not tell him everything until we know more. You know he wont be able to stop himself from hunting them out in the open. The longer this search for the ringleader stays under the radar, the better.”Sif sighed before nodding, “It will.Given time thor, it would spread to all the realms.”Jane said looking pained.”Humans will use any excuse to kill each other, being encouraged by a asgardian good at magic, would just make it worse.”

Hydra smirked, looking amused at the sight of the romance novel before nodding. “I couldn’t sleep.”She said looking down, refusing to tell him about the nightmare that had woken her crying and whimpering from a dead sleep. Smiling a little as he wrapped her up in his robe, moving into the bedroom she smiled as she sat down on the bed,”Says the frost giant.You’re always cold.”She muttered shivering though, the winter months having set in on midgaurd and the fire elf wasn’t doing well. Even only a half breed, she was cold. Shifting she leaned back against the headboard, drawing her knees up to her chest before looking over at him.”Can I stay here for awhile?I cant sleep….
Thor nodded. "that would be for the best. i doubt my Father would be any better about keeping Antonin alive if he found out either." he admitted with a small sigh. "i'm more worried about... well, keeping the different races separated is one thing... but a mass genocide is another. if this 'Master' is going for pure and total cleansing of everything, then it wouldn't just be humans dead. it would be the Jotun, the Vanir, the elves and Dwarves and even all the creatures in Valhalla and in Hel's domain." he swallowed thickly. "whoever it is, might even be cleaning out the ranks of the Aeser, leaving only pure blooded gods, or worse, only certain gods. it would be much, much worse than Ragnarok."

Loki smiled a little and nodded. "no, i'm 'Never' Cold. i am physically incapable of feeling cold." he pointed out with a smile as he reached over to the fire and built up the fire so it would warm up a great deal in the room. "do you need a blanket? you never did handle winter well... the first time we came to Midgard we landed in snow country and you ended up hibernating. i was so panicked all i could do was pick you up and race off with you, i never even considered calling Heimdall." Loki admitted, looking amused. "you where so annoyed by my lack of foresight, that you gave me third degree burns in some very interesting places." he admitted with a chuckle before he offered her a smile. "of course you can stay. would you like me to read to you?" he offered. she had used to love listening to him read.
Sif nodded looking pale and even more shaken then she had been when she arrived. It was going to be bad, even more then she had thought.Frowning slightly she sighed, “You know this means that they’re going to try for those two again right?Which, is probably a good thing. If anyone can survive it, they can…and they might even figure out who it is.”Sif said looking pained at admitting that they were going to have to risk two people who had already been so very traumatized.

“Well, you feel cold to me.”She muttered smiling a little as he warmed up the room, nodding a little. A blanket would be nice.”She said smiling as he wrapped her up in another blanket, snuggling into it as she giggled. “Poor loki. Well, I’ll try not to hibernate on you this time.She said smiling before raising her eyebrows.really?I burned you?”She said looking disturbed that she’d hurt him, looking a little anxious at the idea. Before relaxing smiling at his question. “Yes please.She said shifting to lay down. Despite not remembering knowing she had loved it once, the desire to listen to him talk, to read to her was strong.
Thor scowled a little. "it's like we're using them as bait... i don't like it." he admitted softly, feeling more than a little disturbed by the thought. "whoever it is, i highly suspect they might be an Aeser." Thor admitted with a sigh. "i can't see anyone else interested in cleaning out the ranks of Asgard." he admitted softly. "we just have to figure out who. i honestly doubt Antonin even knows who his master is." Thor admitted with a shake of his head. "...we need to tell them something.." Thor muttered. "i don't want them walking into this blindly."

he smiled a little. "your hypersensitive because winter is setting in. i don't bother you most of the time." he admitted helpfully as he gently wrapped a blanket around her before he grinned. "well, you didn't MEAN to burn me, it was an accident, and you where still very half asleep. i don't know what you meant to do, but you set my balls aflame..." here he went bright red. "explaining my injuries to mother was quite the experience... i don't beleive she's ever laughed as hard before, or after the event." eh admitted, sulking a little before turning his book to the beginning. "it was a cold winters night..." he began from the beginning, all too happy to settle into a familiar routine.
“Neither do I, but do you really think they’re going to let you not use them?”Sif said frowning a little before nodding. “yes, they’d almost have to be aeser to be able to pass unnoticed for so long.”She said sighing a little before nodding.”WE’ll tell them something, but I don’t think interrupting them is a good idea.”Jane said looking amused.

Hydra smiled a little shivering a little before frowning at him.”I what?I-what could I have meant to do?”She sputtering looking amused and anxious before calming as she realized he wasn’t angry with it, smiling a little before shifting to snuggle down into the bed as she listened to him read.

Hours later Jane cracked the door a little to check on them, smiling slightly at the sight of the two snuggled up together, it seemed no matter how much the woman was nervous around him, unconscious, she trusted him to keep her safe. “They’re sleeping. We’ll tell them in the morning.”She muttered to thor as she stepped back out of the room, smiling up at her lover, worried about him as much as she was about the other two.
Loki laughed. "i have no idea, you didn't even remember doing it. i don't think you actually meant to do it at all in honesty." he admitted with a grin, reading aloud until he noticed she was asleep before flipping back to his previous location. he was asleep himself before he even made it a full page, and Jane could see the book laying open on Loki's chest as the two slept.

Thor sighed and nodded. "i know. they will want to do this. but i am afraid for them." he admitted with a small sigh. "what if they cannot survive this?" he asked softly, looking worried at Sif. "it would be best if you where gone before Loki wakes up. he might attack you, i think he knows it's an Aeser doing this, i'm lucky he even lets me in the room with them." he admitted, shaking his head as he saw Sif off and smiled at Jane, a tight, worried smile. "i wish we didn't have to tell them at all.." he admitted softly. "i wish we could find this person, so Loki and Hydra would be safe..."
“I don’t know thor, but I know they will hate you if you don’t give them a choice.”Sif said looking up at him before nodding and making her way out. Jane looked up at thor, gently kissing his cheel. “If we don’t tell him what he already knows, loki will feel even more suspicious. They’ll be as safe as we can make them thor.”She sighed quietly.

“Loki?”Hydra muttered sleepily, tense and waiting not wanting to startle the other, but also equally wanting to get away from him. Scared enough to have him that close it was blinding her. Now that she was fully rested and thinking clearly, the woman remembered what happened. Poor loki, having to deal with a woman torn between the fierce need to be with him and a equally frightened woman needing to not be.
Thor sighed a little. "i know. i know." he muttered softly. "i don't want to hurt my brother anymore than he already has been." he agreed softly, taking Jane's hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. "i'm so tired of all of this." he admitted softly. "it's so not fair to them." he muttered. "i want to keep Antonin alive for now... Loki will recover better knowing it was him who killed Antonin... so he can see the bastard dead for himself." otherwise Loki would always be wary, in case Antonin faked his own death, like he had faked Hydra's.

Loki groaned as he heard his name and he reached down for the blankets and yanked them over his head, hiding from the world so he could keep sleeping. not sure who was calling for him, but also sure that it wasn't life threatening or important. after a moment he sat up and blinked at her, looking a little bit puzzled. "Hydra?" he asked, blinking at her. "...oh yeah... i remember.." he muttered, nodding. he had nearly panicked, thinking he'd attacked her again, but remembered falling asleep while reading to her. "i'll be right back, i have to pee." he admitted as he slid out of bed, yelping as his feet touched the floor. "damn! my legs are asleep!" he gasped, shaking his legs out to bring life back into them and to stop the tingling. his heart was racing, he could feel Hydra's terror, he hoped if he remained calm and acted as normally as he was capable of, she would calm down. "did you sleep well?" he asked, rubbing his calves, hoping they would stop tingling. he hated it when he fell asleep sitting up, his legs always fell asleep.
“Do we tell him then?killing him would require going back to asgaurd, and I don’t think Loki or Hydra are in any frame of mind for her to go there.”Jane muttered looking amused as she looked up at him, gently stroking his hair. “Soon thor, we’ll make sure they’re safe.”She muttered.

Hydra giggled a little as he pretended to not hear her even as she stayed tense watching him. “poor loki.”She giggled watching him, calming slowly as he remained calm and acted like it was a normal thing for them to wake up again, raising a hand. “I could do that?I mean, rubbing harder would wake them up faster, I mean…”She stopped looking down, wanting to help him feel better but feeling like she’d just said something inapporiate. Sighing quietly she looked over at him, “Do you need help?”
Thor shook his head. "no, we'll just keep him alive until we catch his Master, then we'll let Loki kill them both. it is only right, and fair that Loki get to deal with them, as he is the one who was hurt the most by them." he admitted with a small smile. "your right of course, neither of them is in any shape to go to Asgard. in fact, with their permission, i might even insensate that Hydra is in another Coma, and Loki has all but mentally died after what happened. it might keep them a bit more safe." he mused. "Mother will know the truth of course, and father will forgive us." he muttered with a nod.

Loki huffed a little before he turned and stared at her with wide eyes, a blush spread across his face. "i'm going to assume you have no idea what you just said." he decided with a nod. well aware that had she been her old self, the sexual innuendo would have been on purpose. but as scared as she was, he wasn't sure she even knew what sexual innuendo was. "if you want to help, i certainly won't say no. it's just poor circulation." he explained. "most Frost Giants have slow circulatory systems, it's one of the reasons why it's so hard for us to get cold. we have thicker, slower blood that's filled with almost three times as many red blood cells, which is why we don't need that much oxygen. our lungs are more effective as well." he admitted. "so while people like you and Thor could live there for short periods of time, only a Frost Giant could live there without slowly suffocating to death after about a month. human's can't go there at all." he admitted, watching her rub one of his legs. "mmm your hands are really warm." he muttered happily. quite enjoying the touch. "unlike most Frost Giants, i have always craved warmth." he admitted with a grin. "my mother once caught me sitting in bluebell flames. they are as hot as normal fire. but they can't burn." he explained. "you where an expert at the fire magic, due to my bloodline, i could never get the hang of them. of course, i didn't know why until after i found out i was a Jotun."
Jane nodded looking up at him, hugging him.”Do you want me to go with you?”she asked wanting to be whatever he wanted before stopping, frowning a little. “Your father will forgive you, since tricking him means whoever’s watching him, is tricked to.”She said.

Hydra flushed looking away from him, blushing herself before swallowing hard.”I was just trying to help.”She muttered looking embarrassed, almost knowing what she was saying but not understanding why it made her blush before nodding as she crouched down to rub at his legs. “Ah, I see. Well that makes sense, even if it sucks more when your legs go to sleep.”She said thoughtfully blushing a little at his praise.Well, I’m a fire elf, it sort of comes with the territory of being warm.”She mused before giggling at the idea of him sitting in the fire before looking up at him, squeezing his ankle in a comforting touch.”I’m sorry loki.”She muttered before looking up looking easier in his company.”Better?”
he smiled at her. "i don't want you to go to Asgard." he admitted softly. "if this person is attacking people like Loki and Hydra... can you imagine how he would react with a human in Asgard? i don't want to risk you like that." he admitted softly, giving her a kiss. "at the moment, i am in no danger." he promised her. "once things are safe, i will take you to my home." he promised her, well aware of how much she wanted to see Asgard. but he didn't dare, not now.

Loki chuckled and nodded. "i know. i think it's just my own perverse mind making me think weird things when you speak." he admitted with a chuckle. "it does suck. quite a bit. it's why you'll usually see a Jotun standing, instead of sitting at parties and the like." he admitted with a smile. "there's nothing to be sorry for." he promised her with a smile. "much better. i can feel my toes again. will you do the other?" he asked hopefully, wiggling his toes at her in an attempt to make her giggle. "i like the sound you make when you giggle." he stated suddenly. "you've never giggled before. i've heard you laugh, and snicker, but i really like your giggle." he admitted with a smile. "it makes you seam.. happy." he admitted, watching her. "what do you say we do something fun today? Thor told me about this thing called a Movie Theater, where they put massive plays up on flat screens. they have all kinds of things to watch too, from action and adventure, to romance, and comedy, and all sorts of things." Movies where not something that most of the Nine Realms where familiar with. Loki had only ever experienced traditional Theater. like the telling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, that he and Hydra seen the last time they where on Midgaurd.
Jane looked thought before nodding.”Ah, well that makes sense.”she sighed before smiling kissing him back. “I would love that, someday.”She sighed softly glancing towards the hall.”Think they’re awake?”

“Good.Of course I will.”She said giggling a little as he wiggled his toes looking up at him as she shifted, sitting down on the floor as she drew his foot into her lap, gently rubbing at his calf. Flushing at his statement she looked up at her. “Really?”She said blushing, embarrassed that he was liking a sound she’d never made before, frowning slightly.”…was i…never happy before?Did you not know you made me happy?”She said sounding sad before eyes widening at his words, nodding hesitantly.”Well…that would be okay. Hat sounds interesting.”She said sounding worried at the idea of what this visit would be, but trusting him to not take her somewhere absolutely horrible
Loki smiled at her. "no, it's not that you weren't happy. it's just... well, neither of us where really." he admitted. "we made each other happy, but we hated Asgard. we hated the people we had to live with and we hated the people around us and we hated how we where never really good enough for anyone. we loved each other, but how can you be happy when you hate everything else?" he asked, shaking his head. "you are more at peace here i think. whether it is the loss of memories, or simply knowing you have people who care for and about you i don't know. a combination probobly." he admitted with a smile. "we'll make Jane and Thor go with us." he decided with a nod, turning to the knock on the door. "speaking of Thor..." he gently pulled his leg from her, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "thank you." he murmured softly before going to open the door. "good mor..." his happiness evaporated in an instant. "something has happened." he stated, voice flat and Thor nodded. they settled into the kitchen with breakfast, and Thor explained the situation. "...So you want to tell the world that, what, we're dead?" "well, no not to that extent." "dead would be best..." Loki admitted. "if we're dead... then no one will come looking for us to finish the job." Loki mused. "we can say that i suicided... leaped off the top of a building like i was going to. and that in her grief, Hydra died too. or something. this will keep people from looking for us at all."
“oh. Well that makes sense.”She said looking thoughtful before laughing softly. “A little of both. I cant be upset with something I never knew.”She said sighing softly before flushing as he kissed her forehead, turning ot look up at the other, looking more anxious with each passing moment, worried about the plan, but trusting loki enough to let him decide what he wanted to do, since he knew the enemies the best. “And you can tell your mother the truth, so she doesn’t worry about it, or do anything stupid.”hydra said sounding calm, though the idea of doing this made her hands sweat, flames sparking in her hands, her magic, though despite her control of it, it wasn’t perfect, and was responding to her anxiety
he smiled a little and nodded. "this is true." he agreed with a small chuckle before he answered the door. he too was getting more and more panicked with every passing moment. but he couldn't let Hydra know. and they would be safer if everyone thought he was dead. if they thought they where both dead. he gently wrapped his hand around Hydra's when he noticed her hands where starting to flame, and he gently stroked the knuckles. "are you leaving tonight then?" "no. tomorrow i think." Thor admitted and Loki smiled, unable to hel the anxiety that leaked into his eyes. "i won't stay long. a day at the most. Mother will know the truth of course." "good... that's good... Odin will be... displeased when he learns the truth.." "i don't much care." that had Loki's attention. "i would rather see father unhappy, than see you harmed by whoever is doing this." Thor admitted. "Father will have to deal with it. he wants me to act a king... so i will act a king, and make a decision that will protect ALL the people, not just the one son who he hopes to 'redeem'." Thor snorted. "i will always love him... but he's turned into a fool."
Hydra jumped a little as loki’s hands closed around hers, swallowing hard as she looked at him, forcing herself to be calm.”Well, that is good. Do not stay long, you do not want to draw attention to yourself.”Hydra said desperately trying to sound calm as she swallowed hard, shifting to rest her head against loki’s shoulder, “…thank you.”She whispered as she looked up at the thunder god, who in her past had ignored her and paid attention to his own needs, now since she’d woken she had never sensed that she was a burden to him, to either of the people staring at her worried. “WE were going to go to the movies. Would you want to go?”She demanded looking up at thor, needing a different topic now they’d decided on a course of action.
Thor nodded. "i will stay only long enough to announce my brothers death... i will make little mention of Hydra." he stated. "as far as anyone knows, i never had anything to do with you." he explained, blinking at Hydra. "i am sorry i ignored you and my brother so much when we where younger. i was stupid and brash." Thor admitted softly. "it will be Sif who will announce Hydra's death. she was much closer to you and Loki than any of us where." "then why did she not care that Hydra was dead the first time 'round?" Loki demanded and Thor closed his eyes. "because no one knew. you never told anyone. we where all told that she had gone back home to be married, and we took your sullen depression as proof of that fact..." Thor admitted softly and Loki felt ice course through his limbs... this, all of this could have been avoided if he had just TOLD someone!? "we suspect that this person took advantage of you in your state and put a mild compulsion on you to avoid talking about her." oh, good, wasn't his fault then. "Movies? those are the moving people in the boxes right?" Thor asked curiously. "i would be interested in seeing a movie!" he agreed. "i will change!" he decided, hopping to his feet and leaving and Loki closed his eyes and took several, deep, calming breaths before he smiled as he heard Thor rush back down and ask what was appropriate to wear to movies? really, the man was hopeless.
Hydra looked hurt at the idea of a woman who’d been one of her friends not caring about her death before paling slightly, realizing that no one had ever known. Looking at loki she felt pain, her chest hurting badly at the idea of the man she was falling in love with, had been hurt in that way. Shifting she leaned against loki’s shoulder for a moment, “You okay?”She muttered quietly looking at him worriedly before nodding at thor’s words.” is.”Jane said snickering a little as she followed thor out to help him get ready after telling the two silent magicans that jeans and a t-shirt was fine for the movies.

“It will be okay right?I mean going out.”She muttered biting her lip because it made her anxious, because she hadn’t left the apartment since she’d woken.
Lok sighed as he rested his head on hers and closed his eyes. "i don't know." he admitted softly. "there are so many emotions rolling around inside of me that i can't decide if i am angry or upset or just depressed..." he admitted softly. "i just don't know how to handle this..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "knowing that one person ruined my life so easily... destroyed any chance i ever had... and we don't even know why." Loki mumbled, closing his eyes. "was it simply because he hated me, or something more?" he wondered, pressing a small kiss to the top of her head. "it will be fine. Thor will be with us, and there won't be many people there." he promised. "there might be a few crowds, but we'll stay close together so that you won't get mobbed or anything. and if you start to feel overwhelmed we can leave at any time and come back home, alright?" he promised her with a smile.
Hydra was quiet as she considered his words, wrapping her arm around his,squeezing his hand,holding onto him as much as he held her. Offering silent comfort because she had words,and no clues to why anyone hate them enough to do this, even if they were different,and pransters, they had done nothing to deserve this punishment. "I'm sure itll be fine.."she muttered not sure at all,but needing to comfort him.

And it was, though feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of peopld around her, she hadnt had a panic attack at being among them,at least not yet. She wanted so much for loki to have a normal day,where he could forget for a bit that she didnt love him,and they werent together. At least not yet,though with day she was discovering just how much he meant to her, she wasnt ready to be in love with him,so she kept telling herself she wasnt.

Quiet as they left the movie theater,the woman tried not to huddle between the two asgardians, the sheer number of people around her was starting to make her panic, and when she heard a call of thor's name,it was almost enough to push her over the edge. Though she thought she was hiding it well,needing loki to not realize just how not ready she was for this, not wanting him to feel bad for suggesting it.

"Thor,loki,how are you?"tony said as him and Steve crossed the lobby, and jane gave a mental sigh. She'd known they wouldnt be able to keep tony from a beautiful woman forever, but she'd hoped that his wariness of provoking both thor and loki would keep him from actually seeking them out and wait for a invite. She should have known it was to much to ask.
Loki absolutely loved movies. simply LOVED them! they where AMAZING! he was chattering about them in delight as they finally excited the movie theater, asking Jane all about how they got the people to leap off burning buildings. weren't they afraid of dying or anything? and how did they make themselves so big? and could people REALLY shoot green light from sticks? where Dementor's real? he turned and glared at Tony, baring his teeth at the man he stepped directly in-between Tony and Hydra, protecting his mate from a perceived threat, and not even caring that he was doing it. "Loki!" Thor hissed softly. "stop that!" "no. he will attempt to seduce her away from me,. i know how men like him work." Loki hissed, his eyes narrowing at Tony. "i had her taken away from me once and i will not allow some pathetic mortal pest try it again." "i'm sorry Tony, i did try to warn you." Thor commented, carefully positioning himself in-between Tony and Loki. "Loki's instincts are running very high right now." Thor explained. "of course, who wouldn't be overly protective when the one person you ever loved, turned out not to be dead?" Thor asked, his eyes narrowed at Tony, a silent warning that Loki WOULD kill Tony if the man tried to make a move on Hydra.
Jane looked amused as she tried to explain about the movies to loki before shrugging a little realizing it might be better to just let him have the joy of something totally different and it wouldnt hurt anything to let him think what he wanted about movies. Tony smiled slightly at the two asgardians,shaking his head a little."someone else's woman,especially one that finds loki attractive, is no interest to me. "Liar liar pants on fire,but there wasn't anything that said he couldn't just wait and see what hydra would do."I heard you were all here and thought I'd stop and see how hydra enjoyed the movie."

"I-it was fine."hydra muttered stuttering a little a edge of panic creeping into her voice at being confronted with a man who'd hurt loki. While she knew all the avengers had beaten on him,she'd managed to push it aside. But there was something about the womanzing playboy that was pushing her right over into panic.
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