Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon

hydra gave a laugh of startled wonder as his hair shrank smiling at him."no, i guess there isnt."she said smiling looking amused and pleased at his promise to always love her,blushing slightly as she nodded."ok.and dont forget to sleep yourself."she said smiling at peace with everything for the moment as she snuggled dpwn into the bed.

A few weeks later found hydra sitting out into the courtyard in the chilly winter air,and despite her usual dislike for it, she was just to hot to stay inside. Not ralizing what was happening to her,but thor and loki would know. While fire elves,asgardians, and jotun, were capable of getting pregnant at all time, they all had their version of going into heat, where their bodies drove them to seek out their mates so days of long sweaty sex. And while it was possible to resist, it hurt, and usually drove them to violence to resist coupling with their mates. Especially fire elves who were so much hotter then normal residents of the 9 realms, would be burned up with sexual desire as their fire ran rampant through them.
Loki was practically frantic himself, he was sitting in the kitchen, bundled up in a heated blanket as his own magic forced him to experience the equality of what she was feeling. it didn't matter to their magic what personal issues where in the way. all the magic knew was that they where both resisting and that wasn't allowed. "Hydra." Thor commented softly as he settled next to her. "i need to explain something to you." he admitted, wondering how this was going to work. "Loki would normally do this, but he's not capable of controlling himself at the moment." because as a shape shifter, his 'animal instincts' where twice as strong. he smelled his mate in heat, and every cell in his body pulsed to make love to her, repeatedly, until she was full with child. and it was getting harder and harder to resist. Thor calmly explained to her that she was going into heat, and that it would get worse until she mated with Loki. explained that Loki thought taking her now was like raping her, which was why he was avoiding her, and explained the principle of condoms, which would hopefully prevent pregnancy, and then left her to decide what she would do.
hydra looked startled then flinched as the other jooined her. No because thor scared her or anythinga.but because her body told her that it was wrong to be there with him,when she was resisting her mate.eyes widening at his explaination she was quiet as he left her, biting her lip as she considered what to do before standing and walking to the kitchen. The fire swirling through her eyes brightening her expression as much as a man dying of thirst would at water and she saw loki. Quickly crossing the room she climbed into his lap straddling his hips. To far gone in her need to mate, her desire for him that she couldnt even be afraid.while she was out of control now, she'd made the conscious decision to come to him when thor told her what was going on, knowing they were both suffering because of this.
Loki was bundled up as close to the fire as he could get, while Thor calmly emptied the house of everyone who was there, Jane, Tony, and Bruce leaving as soon as they realized that Thor wanted them to leave so that Hydra and Loki could fuck in peace... Tony's words of course. Loki gasped as she crawled into his lap. uncertainty flickered in his eyes, worried that he was taking advantage of her still, before the NEED that both of them where feeling swept him away, and he started to kiss her. even in such a state though, Loki was not a fast paced loved. he had always been focused on making his lover feel good... at least in Hydra's case. he stroked her body with the experience that only he had, touching every place that she loved, and bringing her to the height of extasy, the peek of pleasure. he braught her to oprgasm again, and again, part of him still thinking because he did summon some condoms first. he made love to her all night, only stopping for sleep when the sun rose above the horizon.
when they woke hydra shifted, snugglimg into her cooler skinned lover, pressing her face into the curve of his shoulder. While she wasnt feeling the driving need as badly now, she was still warmer then normal and it was nice to be wrapped in jotun magic as his frost giant blood fought to not let them both burn up alive."loki?"she muttered sounding worried about him."you okay?"she muttered sliding a hand up his chest,gingerly touching the bite mark she'd left in his shoulder. While she wasnt brave enough to mention him wearing a matching tattoo,she was still pleased he was wearing some proof of her claim to him,no matter how temporary.
Loki groaned as he was woken at the sound of his name and he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled in tighter. "i forgot you where a biter." Loki slurred. "you always bite me in the same place too." he complained, pouting at her. "couldn't you bite me on the other side once and a while?" he complained sluggishly as he buried his nose in her hair and took a deep breath, sighing at the soothing smell of his mate. while it was his magic soothing her heat, it was her smell that soothed Loki's. "hmm you smell wonderful." he mumbled happily as he nibbled on her neck, pressing their wrists together, the matching tattoos glittering in the light and Loki smiled at them, happily examining their bonding marks. "i'm not afraid anymore." Loki promised her softly. "i am yours, forever now." he promised her gently kissing her chin and down her neck to a matching bite mark. he decided not to mention the fingernails she'd dug into his back last night. "how are you feeling? it wasn't..." he was uncertain if he had raped her, or if she had wanted it completely. he didn't know, and he was seeking reassurances that he hadn't hurt her.
hydra blushed at his complaining,nuzzling her face against his shoulder and sighing."im sorry..."she muttered before laughing quietly before her eyes widened sitting up a little to study their marks. Despite having accepted the idea that she'd had to wait, his rejection of being bond had still hurt her,enough that even memoriless she knew it had. Smiling pleased she relaxed."forever..."she muttered before smiling again."we should have aparty or something to celebrate being tru bonded mates..."she muttered before snuggling into him"im fine loki...i could have stayed away...i knew what i was doing when I came inside."she ressured him smiling.
he snorted. "no you're not... possessive minx." he grumbled, but there was amused affection in his tone. "...a party?" he asked, looking deeply disturbed by that. "i hate the world and everything in it, and you want to invite it into our house?" he complained. he'd never been one for parties or social gatherings... but then, he'd never had... freinds, before either. it had only been him and Hydra... but now... now he had Thor, and Jane, and even Tony... Loki was really going to have to apologize tot he man of iron... he looked at her, nearly sagging with relief when she assured him he hadn't done wrong. "i love you." he whispered softly. "...but can we get up off the kitchen floor? it's highly uncomfortable, and i'd rather... consummate, our bond in a bed." he teased with a smile, silently offering her a round two... or rather a round ten.
"you like it dont complain."she teased before flushing looking worried."we dont have to..but i thought our friends would like to celebrate with us..I mean"she huffed stopping,unsure how to explain before flushing embarassed before pushing up off the floor. Having not even realizing that they were still on the floor. " you're up for more rounds?"she teased as she flounced off towards the bedroom.
he sighed. "if you have to invite the infernal annoyances, i won't stop you." he grumbled, not really all that opposed, but complaining anyway because he didn't want Tony, or Thor, to know how much he actually liked them. somehow, he knew Hydra could see right through his act... he kind of hated it when she did that mind reading thing. he had several more rounds, making sure she knew the meaning of pleasure all over again before he washed them both in a nice hot shower and hummed as he examined the stove, wondering if he could cook something without burning the house down. he decided not to try, Jane usually did all the cooking. "i wonder where that girl is? i'm hungry." Loki complained with a scowl. if he was in Asgard, he'd just go get some fruit, but one couldn't gather in midgard. "Hydra? do you know where Jane is? i want her to make food and i can't find her."
"hm?"hydra hummed as she walked into the kitchen wearing one of thor's dress shirts since loki didnt own any and thor did,and was big enough that his shirts hung nearly to her knees."oh...i dunno.but thor's not here either.maybe they went on a date?"she said.

"thor,i dont think its a good idea to come back yet.they wont appericiate it if we interrupt them."jane said from the front hallway as she looked at her lover, though worryu for hydra and loki colored her words.
Loki frowned a little as he realized she was wearing Thor's shirt, annoyed by that before realizing that his cloths wouldn't cover her properly. he was the same pants size as she was. but she couldn't wear his shirts because she had boobs, and he did not. "they must have. good, i wouldn't want them listening to us anyway... especially when you started screaming..." he teased, his eyes narrowed playfully, dressed only in his, and her, favorite pair of pants.

Thor snorted. "they've been at it for over twelve hours then if they are still going. it's four in the afternoon after all. and they'll be hungry. i know for a fact that Loki can't cook, and i'm sure Hydra doesn't either." Thor pointed out. "and besides, i'm worried... ready as she was, i don't know if Loki knew that, and he might think he raped her." he pointed out. "if they ARE still going at it, we'll just go back to Tony's." he assured Jane, yelping as the door snapped open, revealing Loki. "THERE you are! make food! i'm hungry!" Loki complained, scowling at them. "also, Hydra desires a..." here he adopted a bit of a sour look. "a party... for her and her freinds... how does one go about making a party?"
hydra smiled a little as she saw the look he gave the shirt,tilting her head a little to look at his ass as he walked around. Blushing at his words,"loki!just because theyre loud doesnt mean I want them to here me."she snickered a little before laughing when he pounced on jane.

Jane blushed a little at thor's words and indeed looking at the two they did look like they'd spent hours in bed. "okay okay I'll cook"she said starting to cook before smiling."we'll have a dinner party.just a small thing."she said looking at the traumatized two knowing they wouldnt want something huge,and wondering what had brought on the urge to have a party but not brave enough to ask.
Loki snickered a little. "oh they would have left. Thor is considerate like that." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he kissed her. so happy, and content just to have his mate back. sure it wasn't the one he remembered, but he loved her all the more. there where different parts to Hydra's personality, that Loki was sure she'd kept hidden from him the first time around. it was like he was learning about his best freind all over again. "Dinner party?" Loki asked, horribly suspicious and Thor grinned. "dinner parties here are not like the dinner parties at home Loki." Thor promised. "we will invite only who you and Hydra know and like." he promised and Loki narrowed his eyes at his brother before nodding. "ask Elizabeth. i don't like anyone." Loki stated with a sniff, and Thor smirked, well aware that his brother was lying before he gasped. "LOKI!" Loki paused and then smirked, a sly little smirk as he offered his wrist to Thor. "you really did it!? i'm so pleased for you!" Thor stated, utterly delighted. "look Jane look! he has bonded himself to Hydra! these marks basically mean that he has married her!" Thor explained to the baffled Jane. "My baby brother..." "HEY!" "is Married!!!" Thor howled in delight, beaming at Loki. "we'll tell the world!" "you will NOT! were DEAD remember!?" Loki demanded and Thor's face fell. "oh... right..." "not to mention everyone HATES us." Loki grumbled, crossing his arms and Thor winced. "...forgot." he muttered before brightening. "well we can tell the Avengers!" Loki just groaned.
hydra smiled a little as she listened to them, pleased that the two were getting along before flushing in embarassment at thor's excitement."thank you,brother."she said smilimg at her brother in laugh laughing quietly as jane hugged them both before finishing their food."omletes and bacon. Ear up you two.I am sure you are starving."jane said smoling at them in a wickedly amused teasing smile. Looking up at thor she shook her head in amusement at her lover,"I am sure thats why they want to have the party thor.dont ruin the surprise.lshe warned looking amused.
Thor beamed at her, looking FAR too elated. "Jane! Jane! she called me BROTHER!" he howled, pulling Hydra into a tight hug before yelped, dropping her, and fleeing the room, holding his ass where Loki, had apparently, stabbed him with a steak knife. "over-excitable BUFFOON!" Loki roared at his brother who was wailing that Loki had stabbed him with a knife in the other room. "we are starving." Loki stated happily as he made sure Hydra had her own food before he tucked into his, Thor sulking at Jane. "i won't ruin the surprise." he promised, much more calm now as he rubbed his bum. "you didn't have to stab me Loki." "you frightened Hydra." "oops... i'm sorry Hydra."
jane raised her eyebroes looking amused."so I heard."she said laughing harder as hydra yelped in startlement as she was picked up then dropped."loki!dont do that!"hydra roared back at her mate annoyed with him for hurting thor before watching the two smiling a little."its okay thor. And ignore loki.he's just annoyed I'm wearing your clothes instead of his. He'd have found a reason to stab ypu somehow."she teased her mate leaning over to kiss him lightly.
Loki scowled at Hydra, not in anger, but in confusion. why shouldn't he stab Thor? he always stabbed Thor... granted, as thick skinned as Thor was, it was more of a 'poke'. "no, Loki is always stabbing me!" Thor complained, rubbing his ass. "i think i'm bleeding! Loki!" Thor whined as Loki narrowed his eyes, completely unrepentant. "you're not bleeding you big baby, i barely touched you with the knife... the DULL side of the knife!" granted, the tip was still pretty sharp, but it was about as effective as a needle. "he would have found a reason to stab me, he's always stabbing me." Thor complained with a sulk. "granted... he doesn't usually try too hard." he agreed, still rubbing his but. considering there was no damage to his pants, it probobly didn't hurt THAT bad. "Jane? will you use the... phone, to call people for a dinner party?" Loki asked, examining the cellphone intently. "Hydra likes people so check with her on who to invite." "could we invite Sif?" Thor asked hopefully and loki hesitated. "if Hydra wants her here." Loki agreed before he smiled. "mother too maybe?"
both woman laughed amused that the two men were bickering like children before looking at hydra.hydra bit her lip thinking before nodding." would be good to invite the avengers...and sif...and your mother."the fire elf said looking down at the table because despite both woman's acceptance and friendship, hydra was still nervous about meeting them for the first time. Jane smiled as she called everyone befroe looking at thor."go see if your mother and sif can come. Everyone else will be here in about two hours."she said looking amused and hydra crawled into lokiks lap and snuggled into him as if she was seeking comfort.
Loki sighed. "must we invite ALL the avengers?" he complained, looking highly put out by the thought. "some of them aren't so bad, but the man of iron is so loud and annoying, and that Captain fellow is always looking at me like he wants to yank my kidney's out with his bare hands." he complained with a small sulk. he wouldn't tell Hydra no though. he wrapped his arms tightly around his wife and nuzzled the top of her head as Thor left the room to go to Asgard. the 'cover story' would be that he was taking his mother and Sif to Loki's grave. he needn't have bothered, no one cared. and so, twenty minutes later, Sif and Frigga where standing in the human abode, simply amazed at the things they where seeing.

(i forgot who was playing Sif and who was playing Frigga ^^; are we repeating the Avengers? me playing Nat, Captain and Bruce and you playing Tony and Clint?)
when they arrived hydra fidgeted with her clothes looking up at her mate."what if your mother'4 angry with me?"she muttered worried that the one person she'd look to as a mother figure after her own had died when she was young would e upset with her. "hydra?"sif said quietly looking at the woman as she approached.looking amazed before hugging both outcast asgardians tightly,never so glad to see loki and hydra then she was right then. With most of asgard celebrating their deaths, it had driven her to need to reassure her that it was all a lie."you two look well,l

"we are well."hydra said blushing a little looking amused as she heard the others arriving shifting closer to loki when she heard the avengers arriving. Even if they were friends now, she was to protective to be completely relaxed for the first few minutes in their company because they'5 beaten the man she loved.
Loki looked at Hydra, a little startled. "why would she be angry with you? you never did anything wrong." he assured her. "she's always loved you like a daughter." he promised her with a smile before looking up at Sif, slightly worried about how the woman would react. she had never really liked him, she had liked Hydra, but like most Asgardian's, Sif had been very uneasy around Loki... well now he understood why at least. "i'm glad that you are here." he admitted, embracing his mother, without feeling pain while he did it. having Hydra well and whole was simply heart mending, and he found himself finding joy in things again. he welcomed the Avengers as gracefully as he could, and gently pulled Tony aside after everyone was distracted and apologized for hitting him and offered to heal the massive bruise that was still covering most of Tony's face. explaining that he'd been very upset because of the unsettled bond, his mate going into heat, and Hydra's panic. once Loki felt better about himself he kept himself close to Hydra, comforting her while she handled the strangers.
by the time they settled at the table hydra was pleasantly drunk. Both at frigga and sif's welcoming back, but also on alcohol and good company. Poking loki in the shoulder when they finished eating she smiled. "you had something to tell everyone."she said needing him to admit it in front of everyone.after so long waiting for him,she needed to hear him say it. Clint smiled a little looking at the two happy people and giving a sad smile, wishing he could have that,and knowing it wouldnt happen. Tony smirked looking amused having caught a glimpse of loki's wrist he suspected what the news was and was already mentally preparing the gift he wanted to give the happy couple.
Loki was also feeling much better about the people around him. he refused all alcohol, claiming that a drunk sorcerer was NOT a good idea, let alone TWO of them. he was actually sort of enjoying himself as he spot about thermal nuclear physics with Bruce. Loki hated to admit it, but the inroads the human race had made in technology and energy was nothing short of amazing. he turned to Hydra when she spoke, looking almost betrayed and he nearly flinched when he saw all those eyes on him and for moment he felt like he was six again, when he didn't understand why none of the other children wanted to play with him and why the Adults always ignored him. "i..." he swallowed, glancing around and nearly jumped when Frigga laid a hand on his arm and he relaxed a little. "i have bonded to Hydra." he explained softly. "we are mates. married, i suppose you would call it..." he admitted, flushing brightly at having to admit to such a loving sentiment in front of people who where practically strangers. but he'd done it, and he'd done it for her, and really, that was a shock in and of itself.
hydra flinched at the look on his face as he looked at her, staring down at the table. Even sober she hated upsetting loki, drunk she was just that much more prone to mood swings and being upset. Her lower lip trembled a little even as sif leaned over to huug her before heistating and hugging loki to."I guess that means I'm stuck with you doesnt it?"the woman teased her friend'4 mate,amused and happy. It made her happy that though it made him uncomfortable he loved her enough to do it. Hydra needed that.

Tony whistled a little looking amused and got up and reached into the messager bag pepper brought,having figured they were celebrating something and pulled out the good bottle of whiskey, opening it and pouring them all some."congradulations guys."iron man said smiling slightly.
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