Reclaiming the Heart(The Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“neither did I.”Tony said looking pale and upset as he looked at the thunder god. Clint swallowed hard blushing slightly nodding.”Yes…that is true…”he muttered smiling slightly looking amused at the look that crossed banner’s face. Especially considering that loki had had sex with some of the weirdest creatures on earth, so he wondered what exactly had gotten that response. “…Oh, don’t worry about him. He’s just sulking because the hulk had sex, which disturbs him.”hydra chirped smiling at banner and cap, elbowing loki at his near cursing.”Behave.”She muttered elbowing him again.
Loki resisted the urge to smirk, it was hard. "yes dear, i'll behave. you should be thanking me, by the way Captain. do you know how much rectal damage i had to fix?" poor Steve looked pale and sick as he turned to look at Bruce with wide, horrified eyes, mouth opened partly in shock and Frigga made a choking sound, fighting her laughter with everything she had. "...thank god it wasn't me... i'd be ruined for life. Captain seams to be more flexible than anyone anticipated..." Natasha mused quietly, well aware that Bruce was sitting close enough to her to listen. "still... i wasn't aware the Hulk could... you know..." she admitted, looking a little disturbed. "or that he liked such boyish men...." "it doesn't disturb me Hydra, it freaks me out! that... thing was COOING at the captain!" he complained with a shudder. "it was creepy!... not as creepy as what Thor did to Sif, but still creepy!"
“And we cleaned you all up.Definitely should be thanking us.Or at least him. I think I spent the whole time giggling at how horrifying the orgy was.”Hydra said the look on her face that calm serenity, that it wasn’t that really surprising she’d managed to pull off so many pranks with loki, she was a master of keeping her face under control. “I definitely want to try out the flexible soldier. Loki. How about you can show jane and Natasha how amazing you are, and I can test out the good captain?”Hydra said making sif raise her head to look at her, eyes widening slightly, but swallowing the laughter. While anyone but her and frigga would believe that hydra really was pimping him out sober, she knew her friend, knew that she wouldn’t share. Which meant her and loki were pretending, which meant none of this was probably true.

“What did he do?”Sif asked raising her eyebrows as she stretched, wincing.”Damn. I’m sore.”She muttered. Clint snorted a little at Natasha’s words, looking at his partner, “That’s disturbing…I didn’t want to think about hulk cooing or do…that.”he whined quietly.
Loki snorted as he looked at his lover. "frankly, i'm stunned you even remember last night. your worse than i am when it comes to alcohol." he teased with a grin. "and no, you can't have the soldier. he likes men apparently. how about i have the soldier, and you can find out if i really am better than my brother?" Thor choked in horror and he quickly scrambled away from Hydra, hiding behind Sif as Frigga made another choking sound. while the Avenger's where eating it up hook line and sinker, Frigga and Sif probobly knew the truth. Thor, on the other hand, had often heard rumors about Loki and Hydra being 'open', and inviting other couples into their beds. the rumors where not true, but Loki and Hydra had found them amusing, so had never done anything to deny it. at times they had even encouraged it. "well..." Loki muttered, studying her intently. "there's a reason why you're sore." he admitted with a grin, well aware that Sif was in on the joke. "you remember a little bit about last night, don't you? Thor was wearing the fake horse head... where he got it, i will never know...
Hydra smiled a little as she shifted leaning into loki, nuzzling him a little.”Hm, but he’s so pretty.”She whined before perking up, “I would like that. He’s so very blond. And not a sorcerer. The sex would be interesting.”Hydra chirped, because loki had been her only lover ever, the woman had often joked about him using magic to make sex better. Sif swallowed hard looking at the tall blond hiding behind her, smiling a little. “You know, I’m amazed you two didn’t join in on the orgy. You know at home…”Sif smirked, playing along with the rumors, though she knew that both were so rabidly loyal to each other they wouldn’t ever consider having sex with others. “Hm, but I was drunk. If I’m going to have sex with the thunder-dolt or spangles, or iron man, I want to be able to remember it.”Hydra chirped.

“ahhhh….well I always did say he was hung like one.”Sif snickered looking amused before looking at the pale and horror stricken faces before cracking up, she just couldn’t keep it together, hydra and loki were just so straight faced and serious she had to laugh at listening them to spout the world’s biggest con job.
Loki chuckled a little. "he IS pretty." he agreed as he studied the captain, who was red to the tips of his hair. he looked like he was choking too. "you know that Sorcerers are the best lovers." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "we actually know how to please someone." he pointed out with a grin. "i would have, but Hydra does... bad things when she's drunk and tries to have sex." Loki explained with a small wince. "which includes, but is not limited to the changing of other people's genders, coloration, and the addition of limbs." he explained with a shake of his head. he had never forgiven her for turning him a woman while in bed, and then tentacle 'raping' him like she had seen in a Japanese manga. no matter how much he'd enjoyed it. "oh, you mean the orgies from Before. we did invite Thor occasionally but he always refused. i think he was squeamish of sleeping with his own brother." Loki pointed out, Thor making a strangled noise. "Now Sif! don't laugh at the poor mortals!" Frigga finally managed to choke out. "it's not nice! you might be used to orgies but i think some of these humans are rather... virginal..." "i lost my virginity to a hulking green beast!" Steve finally wailed in horror and Bruce choked. "oh my god i raped a virgin!" "did i at least enjoy it!?" "i think so... your screams where drowned out by Tony's."
“Very.”Hydra agreed looking at the captain before looking at loki, smirking. Just because they were playing a prank on the others, didn’t mean she couldn’t play one on him to. “I dunno. You’re just telling me that since I don’t know any better. Maybe I should try out thunder-dolt, I bet he can really rock the house.”Hydra smirked at her lover as she moved over to thor’s side settling on the couch next to him, absently stroking his hair and ignoring the looks both jane and sif were giving her, as if neither woman was sure if she was being serious or not. “You enjoyed that!Dont blame everything on me!You changed me into a male once!”Hydra whined looking at loki,”At least, you told me you did. Its not fair not telling me everything I did to you, its unkind.”

“Hm, but what a lovely picture you two would make.”Sif said snickering at the idea of the brothers sleeping together.”And its not like you two are really related.”she mused before looking at frigga as she tried not to laugh more. “….poor steve.”Sif said glancing towards hydra to see if she’d give up the game eyes widening as she looked at the shocked and pained look on the woman’s face.

“Loki.”Hydra muttered looking at loki upset because steve had been a virgin and now he was all upset. Watching the two men and tony sputter about yelling she started crying and laughing uncontrollably at once, so hard in fact that she had to sit down as she gave over to helpless giggles. Tony stopped sputtered turning to look at the sorceress, frowning. “Whats wrong with her?Is she drunk again?"
Loki's lip twitched into a grin for a moment. he knew exactly what she was doing, but it wouldn't work. he knew all too well how loyal she was. she'd killed men for trying to seduce her with too much free hand. hell, just look at what had happened to the man in the park? and he hadn't even laid a hand on her. "oh he makes the house rock alright, just with the wrong hammer." Loki pointed out and Thor went bright red as he was stroked like a dog. he was beginning to suspect he was being played somehow, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. "no, YOU changed you into a male!... although that was fun too." Loki admitted with a wry grin. "and just because i enjoyed it, doesn't mean that it was any less traumatizing!" he complained with a roll of his eyes. "well... we would make a lovely image. and it's not like i'm all that worried about incest in the first place." he pointed out with a shrug before he grimaced as he realized that Steve was having a panic attack.

"oh do calm down the lot of you." Loki drawled, his eyes dancing wickedly. "she's not drunk. she's laughing because you people honestly believed us." there was a heartbeat of a pause and then. "so... i didn't rape Steve?" "i'm still a virgin?" a nod and both Bruce and Steve collapsed with relief and then started to laugh at the expression on Thor's face. not to mention Tony's. "human men can't get pregnant Thor, honestly, one would think you to be more intelligent than that." Frigga was laughing as hard as Hydra was now. "you actually thought you all had an orgy in my house, you honestly though i LET you, have an Orgy in my house!" Loki stated, laughing outright as Natasha frowned. "but... i...uh..." she glanced at Clint. "i distinctly remember kissing." "oh, yes you kissed." Loki agreed, making a face. "you had both hands down his pants before i separated you." he complained, scowling at Natasha who looked entirely too smug.
Hydra pouted a little at her lover’s grin, raising a eyebrow as she leaned into thor a little. “Hm, I’m sure I could teach him to use the right hammer. After all, I taught you to have good sex.”She mused before laughing quietly. “Well, it would be traumatizing to me to if I could remember!”She pouted looking amused before sighing softly.

Hydra gasped as she struggled to calm, tears streaming down her face as she laughed. “That…that was awesome. Thor, I think I still want to jump your bones.”She said snickering, because she was still going to drive loki insane, even if she’d given up on teasing the others. “Hm, loki, you would have let them, if you could have convinced any of them to have sex with you.”Hydra teased smirking a little amused because she knew multiple people sex freaked out loki a little bit, having been hated for so long, he didn’t trust anyone but her when he was at his most vulnerable. Snickering at clint’s red face she turned to look at the two.”It was quite adorable, in a disturbing sort of way. I saw more of barton then I ever wanted to.Though he is quite fit.”Hydra mused from where she was laying on the floor, making clint snicker a little even if he was embarrassed and avoiding looking at Natasha, embossed at having everyone know he wanted his partner, but amused because he knew hydra was still playing with them all, and loki most of all. Not about to complain that loki had separated them, not about to tell anyone more then they already knew just how much he wanted to jump his partner.
Loki's lip twitched again, because Hydra hadn't taught him a damn thing. he'd been a little slut before he met her. he might never have truly 'let go' or enjoyed the sex, but he was ten times more experienced than she was when they finally reached that point. if anything, he'd taught her. "please stop teasing me." Thor groaned as he buried his face in his hands. "i honestly thought i had fucked the woman i'm in love with..." he froze and everyone turned to stare at him and Thor swallowed convulsively. "i didn't mean to say that..." so, Thor fancied himself in love with Sif and Loki and Hydra's teasing had gotten him to admit it... tricksters for the win. "...i think i might be gay." Steve admitted suddenly and Loki lifted an eyebrow at Steve. "why do you say that?" "...i wasn't all that bothered by the idea of Bruce..." here he flushed hard, coughed and looked away and started muttering under his breath and Loki snorted. "he's so cute when he's utterly mortified." he admitted with a small snicker. "come along then, i am hungry and demand someone feed me." Loki ordered, poking at the stove and yelping when one of the electrical heating parts sparked wildly and then made a popping sound. "....Tony, i think i broke the stove again." how in the hell he'd done it, no one knew, but apparently some electronic devices really hated Loki. he couldn't use a phone for example, at least, not a touch screen. they just exploded in his hand. he could use a landlines though, so long as it was actually connected to the wall. Hydra didn't even have that problem.
Thor laughed quietly, resting her cheek against thor’s shoulder.”only because you asked so nicely.”She muttered before freezing, looking at the thunder god even as sif sputtered. Flushing as she had no idea what to say. “Well…I think it is a good thing we played this trick. Thor and Sif need to speak.”Hydra decided as she got up, shooing the two into another room, wincing a little because jane was looking upset and heartbroken. As if she was trying to figure out why her lover had admitted to being in love with someone else. Swallowing hard as she looked at steve she swallowed slowly.”….I think we all need to step back from the emotional issues. Now. And get us food.”Hydra demanded as she shooed everyone but thor, sif, and jane into the kitchen before tony groaned.”Loki!Just don’t touch anything. I’ll cook.”The billionaire said starting to make something for them to eat, and dragging steve to help cook to, trying to ignore the emotional talk going on in the other room.

Both woman were actually refusing to look at each other, instead staring at the blond thunder god as they tried to figure out what to say.
Thor groaned as he buried his face into his hands, shaking his head hard before he stood up and let Hydra shove him into a room. "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!" he whispered to both of them. "i'm a horrible, disgusting bastard and i..." he buried his head in his hands. "it's so WRONG for me to love two women!" he complained. "it's WRONG and i KNOW it is but i can't HELP it!" he stuttered frantically, unable to stop himself from confessing. he just sat there, head buried in his hands. "i never thought i'd ever have a chance with Sif, so i just buried my feelings... and when i met Jane, it was like... like..." he took a deep shuddering breath. "and then Sif was being all nice and all those feelings i thought i had forgotten and gotten over with came back and i just..." he shook his head hard. "i didn't know what to do so i just tried to bury my feelings for both of you, and that didn't work so i... so i just kept seeing Jane, because she made me happy and i could make her smile and i figured if no one knew but me then it wouldn't hurt anyone but me... i never meant.. i'm sorry..."

"...yeah. yeah no more emotions..." Steve agreed firmly, looks like spangles was going to dive straight into the river Denial and pretend nothing at all had happened. "but how am i supposed to take care of myself if everything i try to touch explodes!?" Loki demanded, yanking at his hair. "i want to learn how to cook so i can make Hydra her favorite breakfasts and i CAN'T because your Technology keeps EXPLODING!!!" he complained, scowling at Tony with a sulk. "i demand you FIX IT!"
Both women stared at him, for a loss for what to say. While jane wanted to be angry with him, seeing him so upset made it impossible. Moving to sit next to him, both women took a side, wrapping their arms around his broad frame, and even with two of them, they were small enough they were like sitting next to a mountain. “Its okay thor. We understand.”Jane muttered rubbing his back. Sif nodded a little looking at a loss for words, before balling up a fist and punching him in the shoulder.”You’re a idiot. You need to take lessons from loki. He knows how to talk to someone. You needed to talk to us.”Sif decided looking pleased with the solution and smirking a little, “So, are you as straightlaced as your refusal of orgies would suggest?”Sif said the asgardian woman looking bemused wondering what he would say even as jane muffled laughter. While it wouldn’t be easy, both woman loved the thunder god, and were willing to work on it.

“Well, you could just be the entertainment, and create fireworks.”Tony decided smiling a little before sighing. “We’ll get a fireplace put in. a real one, you could cook things over the open fire.”He said sighing softly. “Calm down loki.”Hydra muttered knowing he was upset they’d upset thor with their joke, gently rubbing a hand over his back leaning into him.
Thor wanted to cry. he had ruined everything. he had just wanted to love someone the way Loki did, but he was wrong and sick. he loved more than one woman, and that was wrong, and horrible, and awful. he nearly jumped when the both sat next to him,a nd he swallowed thickly, gathered up his courage and looked up out of his hands with wet eyes. "i... but..." Thor complained, confused and hurting and not at all understanding. "i...w..what!? O..Orgy, i d..don't..." he sputtered and spluttered, completely confused and well out of his element. and was it such a surprise? Odin had kept Thor very sheltered as a child. while Loki had been a whore, Thor hadn't had sex at all until Jane. Thor honestly didn't understand that a man could love two women equally, and that it didn't make him wrong or perverted.

Loki narrowed his eyes at Tony. "i could still impregnate you." he warned with a growl before pausing at the idea of a fireplace. that would certainly make Hydra feel better. so far they only had the fireplace in the room that they slept in. if they had fire in other parts of the house as well, she'd be a lot more comfortable. "yes. i like that. can we place fireplaces in other parts of the house as well?" he asked, already forgiving Tony for his crass remark. he did feel bad for hurting his brother like that... at least he hadn't ruined anyone elses life...
Jane looked pained gently rubbing his back, looking upset that instead of helping him, they’d just confused him more. She hadn’t thought about him not having sex before her, so the fact that he hadn’t considered they could work something out. “You can love more then one person thor, even have a relationship with more then one, as long as you all agree to it.”Jane said looking worried for the man. “Your father did you no favors in sheltering you.”Sif muttered sighing softly, looking at a loss on how to make this better. “We could be together thor, the three of us, if you wanted to.”She said gently stroking thor’s hair out of his face.

Hydra sighed softly watching them, shivering a little in the cool air shifting away from loki. Despite the man not being to cold, winter was setting in, and the woman was more sensitive to chill. “That would be nice.”She said looking interested. “Yes, we can.”Tony said looking at loki, before sighing as he slid a plate of food in front of everyone. Hydra munched on the bacon frowning a little as she looked at loki.”They both love him you know. They’ll figure something out.You didn’t mess up his life, loki.”Hydra muttered seemingly reading her lover’s mind, showing that even without a memory, she knew him. Frowning slightly as she tried to remember what growing up in asgard had been like, and wondering if poor thor could even understand they needed to do. Wincing in pain before sighing softly as she ate
Thor blinked, looking stunned, opening and closing his mouth for several minutes and then, finally. "i... i'm not... sick?" he asked, sounding so relieved you almost wanted to laugh at him. "so we... i can love you both?" he asked, eyes wide. "marry you both? have kids with both?" he asked, trying to understand. "and you... you won't hate me for it?" he asked, looking stunned. "i... i didn't know..." he frowned after a moment and then. "but how would that work? sex i mean... i only have the one... do you... take turns, or... like, i have Sif on Tuesday and Jane on Wednesday or?..." well at least he was accepting that they didn't hate him for this. it did show just how much he trusted them though, they said it, he believed it.

Loki didn't even seam to care that she had moved away from him. anyone else would have been upset by that, but he just summoned a blanket from somewhere and wrapped it around her shoulders absentmindedly, as if it was such an old habit it garnered no thought. "thank you Tony." Loki stated, examining the Bacon. " looks like Jerky, only wet." he muttered curious. he'd never been served Bacon before. he took a nibble and then grinned. "oh i like this.." he muttered before looking at Hydra. " really think so? i hurt him... i know i did. i didn't know he loved them both..." he admitted with a sigh. "Sif and Jane will work things out, i don't know if Thor knows enough to do it himself."
“No, oh no love.”Jane muttered biting her lip to keep from laughing at just how relieved the man was. “You can. We will just all have a life together.And no, its very touching that you were this worried, thor, but it is unnecessary. We wont hate you.”Sif reassured the man before laughing at his words, a slight smirk on her face. “I don’t know, you should ask loki about that. He’s the one who ventures into weird sex.”She teased him a little before growing serious. “We’ll figure something out thor. We don’t have to know everything right now.”Jane said smiling.

Hydra smiled a little amused that the man wasn’t upset that she’d moved away, figuring he was probably used to her moving away during the winter, smiling as she wrapped up in the blanket. “Yes, it is good.”Hydra agreed. Tony laughed softly, “Well, jerky is sometimes made out of pork.”tony said looking amused before nodding.”You’re welcome.” Hydra sighed softly, “Only because we didn’t know. Its sort of like him not knowing I was gone…you both hurt the other, but its not horrible. I mean, yes it is, but it’ll work out. And they do. Which is why I am sure they will work it out…though now I do feel bad for hitting on him…”She said biting her lip trying to distract loki from his worry.
he smiled shakily, his hands trembling from the release of emotions and he pulled them both into a tight hug and uttered a short little sob, struggling to control himself and his emotions. to go from thinking he had made the women he loved hate him, to realizing that he could have them both was just too much for the God of Thunder. "i am NOT asking Loki!" Thor gasped in horror. "who KNOWS what will come out of his mouth!"

Loki nodded as he chewed on the piece of bacon before reaching for a hash-brown. "i suppose that's true." Loki muttered softly. "i'm not, did you see the look on his face!?" Loki asked, choking on his laughter. "it was even better when you suggested i get involved! i know he's not related to me by blood, but good lord you are a sick and twisted little thing." he teased her with a chuckle.
Both women helped as they were hugged, surprised at the emotional response, and surpressing giggles. “probably ask if you want hydra to give you pointers.”Sif muttered smirking.”You know him and her enjoyed those orgies…”she just couldn’t help it. all of asgard already believed the two sorcerers had the orgies not just for their own personal pleasure, but because they could use the emotional charge to boost magic. She knew better, they were to rabidly loyal to go beyond the light flirting they’d done with the others, if they did illusion to more, it was all just a game. “We should go get breakfast. Tony made bacon.”Jane muttered smelling the food.

Hydra smiled looking amused before rolling her eyes. “I did, and I am not. You’re the one who enjoyed being turned into a woman.”she muttered wincing as a bolt of pain hit her, raising a hand to press her fingers against her temples trying to relieve the sudden pounding headache eyes going unfocused as she trembled the whole world narrowing down to the pain and her mate.
Thor snorted a little as he shook his head. "i'd rather not." he muttered dryly. "there are times when Hydra is worse than Loki." he grumbled with a shake of his head. "and i'm beginning to suspect about those orgies." he admitted with a shake of his head. "in any case, i do like bacon." he agreed with a smile hesitating before taking both their hands, holding Jane's as he always had, and holding Sif's the way he'd always wanted. it made him feel quite pleased to be able to hold their hands as if they where a real three way couple. as if everything really was going to be just fine. "...thank you." he whispered softly. though if he was talking to the girls or to the fates, no one knew. not even himself.

Loki narrowed his eyes at her. "tonight, i am going to turn you int a man, and rape you with tentacles, and see how YOU like it." he grumbled, Clint and Bruce both choking on their bacon. "...hydra?... Hydra!?" Loki asked, shocked as he gathered her into his arms as she practically fainted. "Fuck! call a doctor!" "i am a doctor!" Bruce stated, carefully aiming a light into her eyes, checking for pupil dilatation. "Hydra what's wrong!?"
Jane looked startled as they walked into the kitchen, paling at the commotion that was going on.”What happened?”She asked, the good doctor moving to hydra’s side, looking her over, wincing the woman’s eyes. “Her eyes aren’t dilating right.”She muttered looking worried.”Take her to the bedroom. Lay her down. The kitchen is no place to have a impromptu doctor’s office.”Tony said still being the calm voice of reason as they got her settled into bed.

Hours later hydra stirred, wincing as the soft light, much lower then normal, but still to strong for her dilated eyes hit her, “Loki?”She whispered, brushing the mountain of blankets piled on her aside, struggling to focus through the pain as she looked for her mate.
Loki was laying next to her when she woke and he jerked and fell off the bed when she spoke. "Hydra! you scared the hell out of me." he admitted breathlessly. "how are you feeling? do you remember what happened?" he asked softly. "you where as cold as ice... leave the blankets on." he ordered, piling them back onto her before he took her hand, holding it. "Loki? i've brought tea." Frigga's voice commented softly. "how is she?" "awake now." Loki admitted as he gently stroked Hydra's hair away from her face as Frigga stepped over and gently checked Hydra's temperature. "she's still a little cold, can you build up the fire anymore?" she asked, Loki nodding as he threw more logs onto the fire, using his magic to heat the blankets like they where electric. seeping her in even more warmth.
“Sorry…”Hydra muttered quietly, wincing as the sound made her head ache, shivering as she snuggled into the blankets, shivering as she held his hand. “I…I was remembering the last time we played a prank on thor…we got him hurt. Badly.”She said frowning slightly, wincing as the memories tugged at her pain flairing in her temples. “He fell out of a window…”She said frowning a little before sighing softly as she shivered, snuggling into the bed as she started to get warm again.”I…I remember things…and it hurts.”She muttered whimpering quietly.
Loki looked shocked and then grimaced. "yeah. it went bad." he admitted. "we let loose a Troll in the castle, thinking it would just wander around and smash things. we never expected Thor to go after it with a hammer. i mean he was stupid, but not THAT stupid... at least, that's what we thought anyway. the Troll didn't even break stride, it just batted him aside like a pest." Loki admitted, settling his hands to her temples and letting his magic seep in. it had helped her before, when she'd had horrific migraines. "he came out without a scratch, surprisingly enough. stupid, but tough, and we where only on the first floor... though he was annoyed when he had to pick rose thorns out of his ass for the next hour. no one found out it was us, but we more than made up for it to Thor. we showered him in stuff. mostly food and ale. he got me back quite well too. he hid every stitch of clothing i owned while i was in the bath, and took all the towels too so i had to stalk buck ass naked through the halls of Asgard, screaming for my brother to give me back my clothes."
Hydra sighed softly as she closed her eyes as he touched her temples, the pain easing as she leaned into him, giggling a little. “Well, at least we didn’t get him hurt that badly.”She said looking relieved before snickering a little. “To bad I cant remember that. It would be something to see…you bare ass naked.”She smirked at the thought before shuddering as she got another kaleidoscope of images, a jigsaw set of memories, like the spell was starting to fracture. His own magic, her own, and the stress that was being put on the actual caster still in asgard, was starting to push the boundaries, and she was so close to being free again.
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