Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

In spite of the familiar feeling, this was probably the most amazing he's ever felt. Sena felt so tight around his shaft as he did his best to push deeper and deeper, trying to make her feel good. He wanted this to be a special night for both of them to remember.

Moving his hips faster and faster, Kodaka continued to drive his cock deep into Sena. He did his best to keep his voice down, unsure of whether anybody would be awake or could overhear them. He didn't know if Pegasus would be okay with them doing something like this while they are still in high school, or if Stella would walk in and somehow use this to blackmail them. What would be worse is if Kobato walked in while looking for Sena or to be with her brother, and then see them in the middle of this. She'd probably despise Sena.

Trying to put his worries aside though, he just focused on Sena, occasionally moaning her name or babbling about how much she meant to him. This was truly a magical moment for him, hopefully the first in many moments he'll have with Sena.
Her moans became slightly louder with each thrust as his hips moved faster into her and he went deeper. Sena tugged one of her hands out of Kodaka's grip and she pressed it over his lips to silence him from talking. She smiled at him and arched her body, using her other hand to pull him as she turned over; rolling him beneath her - putting herself on top. She gripped his shoulders and started to move.

Her head lolled back, her hands pressed on his shoulders as she moved her hips, starting slow before she sped up her movements. She raised herself up then back down on him. He felt so good inside her wet and throbbing sex. And she felt she could have gone crazy with the pleasure that built inside her, rippling from her pussy throughout her entire body.

She leaned down and kissed him deeply, her hand gripping his hip, digging into his flesh as she moaned against him; trying to keep her cries low as not to alert anyone inside the house. She wanted this pleasure to last but felt herself coming closer and closer as the sexual tension built; her sex flexed and contracted around him and ground her hips against his.
Seeing that beautiful smile of her's Kodaka shut up. He was taken by surprise when she rolled him over, putting her on top. He watched as her hips rolled back and forth, watching her breasts bounce in front of him. His hands reached up for her breasts, groping them in his hands, squeezing them tightly.

Eventually when she came, Kodaka soon followed after her, releasing his orgasm into Sena. Pumping her full of his seed, he let out a loud groan before pulling her down towards him and holding her tightly

As they caught their breath, he held Sena close to him, their bodies relaxing together. Pulling the covers over them, he wanted her to sleep with him. He wanted to feel her warm embrace against him as they enjoyed the rest of the night together. "Do you want to stay with me tonight? Or do you want to go back to Kobato?" He asked, he didn't want to force her to stay with him. Maybe she would prefer to sleep with Kobato.
Her hand braced against the bed, her entire body convulsing from her first orgasm. She almost screamed but manage to swallow it, letting out a shaky moan that sounded like a small cry as she shuddered above him still, her body still trembling. She collapsed on his chest, her breathing labored and her heart hammered loudly in her chest, drumming in hr ears.

She looked at him and rolled onto her side after he pulled the covers over them. She smiled and touched his chest, then marked a trail from his collarbone up to his lips. Nodding at his question, she came closer to him and kissed his lips. She wanted to stay; mainly due to the fact that her legs were still shaking and she wasn't sure they would be able to support her weight back to her room before giving out on her.

Sena wanted to relish the moment too. She wasn't quite ready to give it up to memory just yet. "I'll stay with you," she said softly. Did she have this over Yozora too, being Kodaka's first. She smiled at the knowledge of having something else over Yozora. She had Kodaka and now they had also had sex. But this was just between them, Yozora couldn't know. Sena knew what she was capable of doing to her, yet she wan't entirely sure what Yozora would do if extremely jealous.

She slept with him but woke well before dawn. She didn't want Stella finding her in the same bed with Kodaka. She looked at him as he slept and planted a soft kiss on his lips then quietly got out of the bed, retrieving her clothes. Between her legs throbbed from the memory of what they'd done and she hopped into her pajama bottoms then shrugged on her top, fastening the buttons as she walked to the door. She opened it and closed it gently behind her then ran back to her room quickly, being as silent as possible as she opened then closed her room door and got in the bed beside Kobato.
By the time Kodaka woke up, the sun was shining and Sena was gone. It didn't surprise him though, they weren't sure if someone would walk in on them, naked and sleeping together. He could still remember the previous night pretty clearly, and he could still feel the warmth of sleeping beside Sena. He felt like he could get use to something like this, sleeping with Sena, having magical nights like that again. Hopefully relationships with be smoother with the others, they could hopefully be a little more open with their relationship. To be honest, he had a specific person in mind, Yozora. If only she was on better terms with Sena, if only they acted friendly with each other. He'd be satisfied if they treated each other like acquaintances, but instead, they were always at each other's throats. It was rough sometimes.

After getting dressed, he left the bedroom to go check on the girls, saying hello to Stella and Pegasus as he passed by them.

Kobato woke up in Sena's arms. While she didn't much care for being smothered in her large breasts, this kind of embrace felt kind of nice, like a mother's embrace. She didn't have many memories of her mother, but this embrace reminder her of her mother. Although there's no way in hell she'd ever let Sena see her like this. The young girl tried to break free of Sena's grip, trying not to wake her.
She had been in a deep sleep. Her romp with Kodaka had exhausted every muscle and had drained her of all energy. It felt good to just be given up to unconsciousness and silly little romantic dreams that brought a smile to her lips. The movement from Kobato stirred Sena but not enough. She moaned sleeping and released Kobato from her embrace then turned over, curling into a fetal position and squeezing her pillow to her body as she sank bank into her dreams.

Stella walked by the room to announce that breakfast was ready but seeing Sena still in bed she glanced to Kodaka then back at the sleeping girl. Sena hardly ever overslapt. By now, she would have already been on either the floor or still in bed, playing her games. Or she would be behind Stella, talking to her as she worked.
A knowing smirk came to her face. It was just an assumption but her gut led her to believe something happened between them.
"I hope you used that little thing I gave you, master Kodaka," she winked at him.

Usually Pegasus wasn't fond of eating dinner without Sena there hut he would understand her being knackered. Sure he wouldn't know the reason but his first thought would be that she stayed up extremely late with Kobato. "Come Kodaka, breakfast is ready and Pegasus is waiting."
When Kodaka looked at Stella, and she mentioned the condom, his face went bright red. She really was a scary person, and someone he shouldn't mess with. "Y-Yea, I did. Thanks for that." He actually threw it away, that was months ago. And neither of them thought about that at the time, they were both in the mood and didn't want to waste any time. Kobato went to her brother, a little confused about what Stella was talking about. She figured it was just something between adults, so she shrugged it off.

Kodaka followed Stella downstairs, with Kobato following him. When they made it to the dining table, Pegasus was already sitting at the table, waiting for you. "Good morning sir. Thank you for the breakfast." Kodaka greeted, and Kobato nodded at him. The two sat across from Sena's father, and started eating their breakfast with him.
Pegasus looked at Kodaka and his little sister as they came to join him for breakfast he smiled at them in a morning greeting but frowned slug h you when he didn't see his daughter. As he opened his mouth to ask, Stella answered quickly that Sena had stayed up late playing games. Pegasus shook his head; he wondered if she would ever tire of those games she'd stay locked in her room and play for hours.

"So did you both have a good sleep. Sena wasn't too overbearing, Kobato," he looked at the little girl and powered his cup of coffee from his mouth. He knew Sena had something of an obsessive love for the child. He'd heard her on many occasions rambling on about Kodaka' s little sister; even asking Stella advice on things to by for a child Kobato' s age.

He looked up when he saw Sena dragging herself inside the dining hall, her fingers rubbing at her eyes, rosy from sleep and her entire presence still exuded the hangover of lethargy. She mumbled a good morning as she took a seat at the table and waited for Stella to come with her plate of food.
"Actually, Kobato fell asleep pretty quickly, and that was when we all decided to head to bed. I guess Sena decided to stay up late." Kodaka answered Pegasus, thinking that it's a good idea not to tell him that he slept with his daughter last night. As long as Stella keeps quiet, he'll be fine. Kobato's face turned a bit red and she started to shiver, thinking about what Sena might've done to her while she slept. "Don't worry, I doubt she'd mess with you in your sleep, she's not that crazy." He tried to comfort his sister.

When Sena walked in, everyone looked up at her. Kobato stayed quiet, but Kodaka said good morning to her. She was probably too tired to notice though. The rest of them ate their breakfast, but stayed behind as Sena got started on her's. Kodaka hoped she wouldn't say anything while she's in a daze, like mention what they did last night in front of her father and his little sister.
Why exactly she didn't stay asleep was a question Sena couldn't find the answer to. She was still so tired that it was a little hard to keep her eyes open from how burdened they felt with the wait of exhaustion. She played with her food and rubbed at her eyes. Probably it was because her father didn't really like starting breakfast without her. She had realized that Kobato was no longer in her arms and though she had gone back to sleep, the thought had lingered in her subconscious then woke her; signalling that her disappearance must have meant everyone was going to have breakfast.

Putting a hand to her jaw, she forked food into her mouth and chewed lazily, mumbling an incoherent thank you to Stella. Pegasus watched his daughter put up a lousy battle with sleep and shook his head. "Sena, you didn't have to come down; you could have stayed in bed."

Sena tried to answer her father but her face hit the table with a dull thud and Pegasus perked up in his seat then pushed his chair back and went around to Sena. He sighed and lifted her up. "What are you going to do with her?" He looked at Kodaka and smiled at him before carrying Sena up to her room and back in her bed.

Stellas looked at him after Pegasus walked out with Sena. "You did a number on her, didn't you?" She smiled and poured some more juice in Kobato's cup then took Sena' s plate up, leaving the dining hall for a moment.
It was actually kind of funny to see Sena look like that. The usually arrogant and refined young girl acted like a typical teenager getting out of bed, trying to stay awake, but wanting to go back to bed. It was difficult for the two siblings to keep themselves from laughing at her, at least until she was carried away. Once she was gone, they started to laugh a little louder, finding the sight pretty enjoyable.

When Stella made her comment about Kodaka's and Sena's fun last night, Kodaka's face went bright red. Kobato became confused again, wondering if Sena went to see Kodaka last night. It would explain why she slept well, but what were they doing. Was he playing a game with her? The young girl was confused as Kodaka tried his best to relax before Pegasus returned from putting Sena back to bed.
Pegasus put her in the bed and could hardly get the covers from beneath her. She became a dead weight as soon as she was put on the bed and wouldn't budge. He sighed and decided to leave her alone; she'd cover herself up if she felt the need.

Returning to the dining hall, he sat with Kodaka and his sister and finished his breakfast. He was about to ask them if they wanted to stay another night, then remembered they both had school in the morning. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and put it on the table beside his empty plate. "When are you two going to leave? I'll let the chauffeur drop you two home."

Sena woke up well into the afternoon - around 3 p.m. - and she lounged in the bed, her eyes focused on the window but not really seeing the sunlight that streamed inside her room. She was still half asleep but then finally blinked, stretched and got up. She walked out her room, to the guest room; wondering if Kobato and her brother were still here.
When Pegasus came back, Kodaka smiled and answered him. "We can stick around. Sena wanted to come over to our house for dinner, so we can wait for her." Kobato was a little surprised to hear that, but she did her best not to let it bother her. For a while, she saw home as a place to stay away from Sena, but ever since club members started coming over, it would only be a matter of time until Sena herself makes an appearance. She did also suspect that Sena and her brother might be more than just friends, especially since she confessed to him in the club and they seem to be on good terms now.

For most of the day, the siblings stayed in the guest room while Sena slept for most of the day. Kodaka was pretty surprised to see that Sena was sleeping in this late, he didn't think he would've worked her that hard. Either that or she didn't fall asleep when he did. Or she didn't fall asleep when she didn't return to Kobato. Whatever it was, Sena didn't show up until the middle of the afternoon. Kobato was sitting in her brother's lap, watching movies the whole day when Sena finally showed up. "Good to see you again." Kodaka said to her, glad that she finally decided to wake up.
She smiled, seeing Kobato and came to her giving her a tight hug. She hadn't slept too late then if they were still here, and both didn't seem ready to leave just yet. She looked at Kodaka when he spoke to her and a blush colored her cheeks a light shade of red that went across the bridge of her nose. It was a little awkward for her, especially with Kobato in the room. Because she wanted to do it again. And again.

She bit her lip and gave him a quick smile. "I thought you guys would have already gone by now. But my cute Kobato is still here." She doted on the little girl, rubbing her cheek against hers and wrapped her in a tight hug. For the moment, she forgot Kodaka's advice and did what she'd been too tired to do while in bed with her.

Sena let her go, realizing how stiff and unresponsive Kobato was being. It was too much, wasn't it? She smiled apologetically at her and stood up. "Do you want to continue playing your game? We almost unlocked a new level."
As expected, Kobato wasn't too happy to be having Sena smother her in her large chest. She was surprised however when Sena eventually backed on her own. Usually she has to push Sena off or run away. The little girl smiled and nodded at Sena's request.

"We probably don't want to play too long. We were planning to have dinner at our house, and I still need to get the stuff to prepare it." He said the the girls. Kodaka's face was still a little red, especially when he saw Sena's face get red. While he wanted to do it with Sena again, he had to be mindful that Kobato was still in the room, and it seemed as if she was starting to get use to having Sena around. If this worked out, they would be able to be a little more open around the young girl.

After a couple hours of playing, Kodaka started to pack up their things. "Kobato, we should be heading out." Kobato got up and took her game back, then ran to her brother. "Sena, didn't you want to come too? We can get stuff for dinner." He smiled, thinking about how they could spend the night together after dinner.
Sena grinned when Kobato smiled at her, finding it almost impossible to not take her into another hug. She followed after Kobato into her room and set the game up and sat on her bed beside Kobato. She almost forgot that Kodaka had mentioned having her come over to spend the evening with them and she shut the game off.

"Sure, I'll come." She got up and went to take a shower then came back in her room. She rifled through the clothes in her wardrobe, wanting to wear something that Kodaka would like. All her clothes complemented her body but she wanted to make an extra effort just to him. She picked out a dress that had strings tied at the back, around her neck. It was thin and plaid with different shades of blue. She took cardigan down as well, she usually liked wearing them. Getting her shoes and bags she came to meet Kodaka in his room.

"We can go now." She said to him then went to search for her father, finding him in his study. She told him she was going over to Kodaka's and he nodded, telling her that he'd send Greg for her whenever she was ready to come home. She almost asked for permission to stay the night but knew he would say no because school was the next day. And she was sure that he wouldn't allow her to stay at Kodaka's - even if he trusted them. They were teens and if he ever knew what they had done. Sure, he encouraged their relationship but he still had his boundaries.

She went to Kodaka and offered to carry Kobato's bag for her as they walked outside to the car.
Kodaka was practically stunned when Sena showed up dressed the way she was. She always managed to look nice, but this was probably the nicest she's ever looked. Was she trying to look this way for Kobato? It couldn't be, she normally dressed so casually when with her. Then did that mean she dressed that way for Kodaka? His face went a little red when he thought about it, it was actually pretty sweet of her.

The three of them went out to the car and made a quick stop at the grocery store. They got ingredients to make a nice beef stew, and once they got their ingredients, they made their way home.

Once they entered the house, Kobato quickly ran into her room and shut the door. "I don't think she's running away from you. She's just going to change into her usual outfit. She hates dressing in normal clothes." Kodaka said to Sena as he took the groceries into the kitchen and began preparing things.

Just as Kodaka predicted, Kobato actually got dressed in her usual outfit, and even put her red contact back in. The moment she was finished getting dressed, she came into the living room to greet Kodaka and Sena. Putting her hand over her face like usual, she began speaking in her character. "Ku ku ku, finally I'm able to take on my true form. Behold my mortal brother, your master, Reisys V. Felicity Sumeragi, has returned." She then turned to Sena and let out a deep sigh. "And I suppose I'll allow this one to join us for the feast." She said to Sena, not trying to run away from her this time.
Sena almost frowned when Kobato dashed off to her room, thinking that she was finally able to get away from her. She looked at Kodaka as she slipped the handle of her bag from her shoulder and nodded slowly at what he said; not really sure if he was telling the truth or lying to make her feel better - though she knew Kobato loved wearing her cosplay outfit.

She followed him into the kitchen and lounged back. Their kitchen was smaller than hers back at home and because she wasn't really paying attention, she bucked her foot into the counter and let out a pained sob as she sat down to massage her foot, rubbing away the pain. Their house was small - a lot smaller than hers - but she found it to be cozy; more private even than her house that had big walls and spaces that carried the echo of her footsteps and sometimes her voice.

"So does your dad ever come to visit you guys, or are you and Kobato alone all the time?" She watched him as he prepared the food then turned her head, hearing Kobato's approaching footsteps then the little girl appear in the archway. She smiled down at her. Sena always adored seeing her in her cosplay outfit and hearing her do her favorite character's imitation; getting her voice as husky and foreboding as possible - even though her voice did seem to hold some disdain when she mentioned Sena.
"Thank you for having me, Kobato." She actually was, she hated when Kobato didn't want to be around her and it seemed she was warming up to her just a little.
Kodaka did get concerned when Sena hit her foot, but she seemed to be okay. He began to wonder if she's ever been in a normal sized home before. Since she's never had much in the way of friends, she probably just stays home most of the time. And he doubted that she ever tried hanging out with the guys that would always follow her around. Speaking of which, what would her fanboys think if they ever found out that Sena was in love with the school's delinquent.

"It's usually just me and Kobato. Our dad is always working, and since he's overseas, it's difficult for him to come and visit. He does send us things though, like that chili sauce I gave you guys. And he calls often, so it's not like we don't hear from him. He just tries his best to provide for us, and we're glad he cares for us." Kodaka answered Sena as he began heating up a large pot and cutting up vegetables.

Kobato ran to the couch and turned on the tv, wanting to watch the new episode of her show that she missed. Looking up at Sena, she waited for her to sit down with her, but she didn't really want to say that out loud.

It took a little while for the stew to cook, and meanwhile, Kobato watched the new episode along with a few older episodes with Sena. Once the food was ready, Kodaka got a few bowls out for the three of them, and he even prepared a salad for them to eat with the stew. "Food is ready girls." He called out to them.
At least it was good for him that he had a little sister - and such a cute one at that - to keep him company. She was a little envious of that fact because she was an only child. It wasn't something she admitted to anyone, but it did get lonely for her at home. It was easy to ignore it with her games but during the times she got bored of playing, the lonely feeling crept upon her and depressed her. So she would never admit it but she was happy that she forced her membership in the club - and she was grateful to Yozora for accepting her. But that admission would remain within the private recesses of her mind.

Bored with watching Kodaka cook, Sena followed Kobato to watch her show and sat close to her. She wasn't really interested in Kobato's Necromancer show but she'd begun to try and appreciate it; especially since that time Kobato found out she'd only been pretending to like her show and lied. Kobato had absolutely hated her for that and she really didn't want to make that mistake again.

Kodaka's preparations smelled good, the scent of it seemed to hover through their entire house. Following Kobato into the kitchen, Sena sat right beside her and looked around at the food. Their table wasn't set up with the fancy silverwares and glasses she was used to but this was okay. She didn't mind their commoner lifestyle and it seemed to suit them just fine. She could adjust to this for the day.


Yozora looked at her phone, as if willing it to go off and alert her that Kodaka had messaged her or had been calling but she'd conveniently missed the call. She bit her lip, wondering if she could try again to invite him over for dinner or to see another movie - though there was nothing out that caught her interest.

She picked up the phone after contemplating what she would say to him and decided she'd text him. If she called, she'd probably get too flustered hearing his voice and not say what she needed to coherently enough for him to understand.
*What are you doing later. Wanna go out and do something?* She stared at the text, wondering if she was to send it or not.

And instead of pressing the exit button, her finger landed over the send button. She became nervous. Part of her wanted him to say, yeah sure; I'll meet you. The other side was hoping he'd be too busy to come. And again, the contradiction of her feelings arose because she knew she'd be upset if he said no, and then a little hesitant to actually go out with him if he said yes.
They all began eating their dinner, and the two siblings enjoyed Sena's company, although Kobato wouldn't admit it. The food was delicious, and Kobato ended up asking for seconds. Once they were done eating, Kobato went back to watch her show and Kodaka went to clean the dishes. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, so he checked on it when he was done. Apparently it was Yozora.

He couldn't tell her that he was with Sena, but he didn't want to blow her off and ignore her. Thinking of an excuse, he sent her a replay.'Sorry, we actually recently got home from our visit with our dad's friends. Kobato pretty much passed out when we got home, and I don't know if I'll last much longer tonight. I can join you for something tomorrow if you'd like." He added a little smiley face to the text before sending it to her. He didn't like lying to her, but he didn't know how she'd react if he told her that he was with Sena. He was also afraid of how she'd take the news if he told her that he was planning to date Sena. She might kill her, if not throw her out of the club.

"Kobato, go ahead and take your bath." Kobato quickly ran into the bathroom to bathe before Sena could get the chance to offer to join her. Plus, their bathroom wasn't that big, so she might feel cramped if she joins.

"So, how was tonight? I hope you still enjoyed the evening with us, even though our lifestyle isn't as nice as your's." He said to Sena as he sat down beside her. He wanted to do more of what they did last night, but he wasn't sure how much time they had, and he didn't know how long Kobato would take in the bath.
Yozora busied herself in her room, doing odd things like removing books from her book shelf then rearranging them according to size or titles; then she would wipe invisible dust from the books and shelves. It was all in an effort to keep herself occupied so she wouldn't stare at her phone, waiting for a response. It was pathetic, and she wouldn't want to put herself in that position.

Her phone vibrated on the night table and she dropped the books in her lap, going to it to see if he had said yes or...She frowned and put the phone aside after sending a single "ok". The smiley face didn't really alleviate her disappointment. He was getting pretty busy. She didn't think much of it, knowing she'd become overly paranoid if she began to overthing things. She left the phone alone. Tomorrow they had school; she would get to see him then.


Sena enjoyed Kodaka's cooking and instead of politely asking for seconds, she took what she wanted. She did remember though to thank him for dinner and inviting her over. She was actually really full and doubted she'd go home and eat ice cream before going to bed as was her Sunday night norm.

With Kobato in the bathroom, she played with her fingers and looked up at Kodaka beneath her lashes. She didn't really want to do anything since she didn't know when Kobato would come out the bathroom and probably come out and see them. It didn't stop the fact though that she really wanted to kiss Kodaka.

She nodded at his question, "Yeah, I liked it. I wouldn't be here if I didn't." He mentioned their lifestyle not being as nice as theirs but Sena thought their life was comfortable and substantial - maybe even more so than hers. She looked at him then glanced in the direction of their bathroom.
"How long does Kobato usually stay in there?" she asked quietly and looked at him.
It was a hard decision. He wanted to have more fun with Sena, but he knew that Kobato was in the bathroom down the hall. She did like to stay in there for a while. There were times she's been in there for so long that the water has gotten cold. Kodaka looked up and smiled at Sena.

It was strange to think about how their relationship was like when they first met. She was such a rude and selfish girl, always treating others as if they were below her, especially him. Rika mentioned that Sena first started to like him ever since their trip to the water park, when he taught her how to swim and saved her from those jerks. He didn't notice it before, but now that he thought about it, she did seem to get a little nicer over time since then. She's still pretty rude a lot of the time, but she's also a very sweet and caring girl, even though she doesn't show it. He could maybe see himself spending the rest of his life with her.

"I'd say about 45 minutes to an hour, she likes her baths." Kodaka pulled Sena over to his lap, holding her hips. "Did you have something in mind that you wanted to do?" He asked her, leaning in to give her a nice, long kiss.
Sena allowed herself to be pulled onto Kodaka's lap, she realized his thoughts reflected hers and she smiled down at him. She felt as if forty-five minutes was good enough time. She kissed him back and ran her hands down his shirt to his pants. She unsnapped the button and unzipped his fly; the low sound of it adding some sort of eroticism to this. The possibility of being caught excited her to some extent but also made her afraid.

She reached down beneath her skirt to shift her underwear and raised herself up on her knees, position him right at her entrance before she impaled herself on him. The familiar feeling made her moan but she kept her voice low, her moans softening to whimpers of pleasure as she moved atop him. It felt so good to have him inside her, feeling him fill her again and again.

Her hands wrapped around his neck and she kissed him deeply then dropped her lips to his neck; she tasted his skin and nipped at the flesh; her heavy breaths fanning against his skin as her hips began rolling faster and faster. She didn't know when Kobato was going to come out; and what if she somehow conveniently decided to finish her bath before Kodaka's estimated time.
Her hands ran down his sides then disappeared beneath his shirt, where she pressed her palms against the flesh of his back, pulling him into her.
Kodaka was a bit surprised to see Sena do most of the work. Before he knew it, she was mounting him and her hips rocked back and forth as he pushed deeper inside of her. He did his best to keep his moans quiet, mostly releasing deep breaths. His hands rested on Sena's hips, helping her move her hips faster and faster.

It was if no matter how many times he would do this with her, it would always feel amazing. He wanted more and more of Sena. And with the risk of them getting caught by Kobato, it was actually kind of arousing. He began to kiss her more and more, their tongues dancing together.

One of his hands reached up and began fondling Sena's breasts throught her shirt. The other hand moved down to her ass, still pushing her hips a little faster. When her head lowered and began kissing his skin, he rested his head on top of her's, his cheeks brushing against her soft hair. It was like she wanted to make sure she had her fun with time to spare. He didn't really mind though, there was always the chance that Kobato would finish her bath a little early.
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