Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

With a preoccupied frown, Sena tried to focus on the game while she thought of how she could get Kobato to change her mind about sleeping in the same room with her. What did she do to make Kobato fear her so much? She didn't really come on too strong with her affections - she didn't think so. And she only ever did things to make Kobato happy. Maybe she was only used to Kodaka doing those things for her and probably Kodaka wasn't really affectionate with her. That was probably why Kobato always shied away from her and was afraid of her, because she wasn't used to it.

She wouldn't push the issue though. Kobato would come to her when she was ready and she was happy that she hadn't seen the photos of Yozora. Kodaka had been weirded out by it; his sister would probably have the same reaction then would probably try to stay as far away from Sena as possible. There would be no getting through to her then. She wished that telling her about Kodaka finally reciprocating his feelings for her would somehow make Kobato like her more. It'd only make her like her less, probably outright loathe her.

For now though, she'd enjoy having Kobato play the game with her. It was better than nothing and made her happy that she was at least comfortable to play a game with her.

Pegasus walked by Sena's room and stopped when he saw Kodaka, uninvolved with the girls playing the game. He was unoccupied, now would probably be a good time to talk to him and ask him about what was going on between him and Sena. Dinner would be ready soon, so it gave them some time.

"Kodaka, come here. You can leave Sena and your sister. We haven't spoken in awhile."
Sena looked at her father, "Leave him alone, daddy." He would probably ask Kodaka about what was going on between them. She'd evaded every single question he'd ever asked her since the day she had told Kodaka her feelings. The man wanted answers and knew he could more than likely get it out of Kodaka.

"I'm not talking to you Sena. Continue playing your game." He led Kodaka down the large hallway and outside, to the back of the house where the pathway to the garden was.
What most likely made Kobato so uncomfortable around Sena was the amount of attention that's given to her by Sena. That was the reason why she doesn't really get close to any of her classmates, they all admire her, but she doesn't like being too close to people. Her brother gave her a lot of attention as well, but he was family, and it made her happy to know that her big brother loves her.

While he didn't like being too close to Sena, this was actually enjoyable. She got to play with someone of her skill level, so it made playing the game a lot more fun.

When Pegasus came in and invited Kodaka to talk to him, he got up, already knowing that he wanted to talk about his relationship with Sena. Looking back at Sena and Kobato, he smiled at them. "I won't be too long. I'll see you guys soon."

Kodaka walked with him through the garden. "What did you want to talk about sir?" He asked, still being respectful towards his possible father-in-law.
Pegasus placed his hands in his pockets as he walked alongside the younger man. "So who called who to meet up? Is everything okay between you and Sena now?" he asked. Pegasus was well involved in Sena's life, he still tried to not be too overbearing; meddling in her affairs to the point of making her uncomfortable. It was just his wish that his daughter was happy and maybe if she couldn't look back at it and realize it, she was different now that she knew Kodaka.

She was still the same loud and spoiled child, however she became conscientious about some things. She was maturing now, when otherwise she would behave a child when she couldn't get her way. He also noticed a certain vivacity about her that hadn't really been there before. Usually, she'd seemed bored with her life and her routine; going to school, coming home and talking to Stella about whatever qualms she had at school, dinner and outings with her dad. She really had no greater purpose.

Now that she had the club, she seemed a lot happier than just mosying on with her life. Especially now that Kodaka and Kobato were apart of her life, she always had something to talk about with Stella. He only eavesdropped on her conversations, the only way he could get her to talk to him about things she'd rather talk about with Stella, was if he forced her to do it - or bribed her with something she really wanted. And even then, whatever she had to report to him was always vague. So probably, Kodaka could clarify the points where Sena had been elusive and let him know exactly what was happening between the two of them.
It was what he expected, he wanted to hear about their relationship. He might as well tell him about what happened. "I'm sorry if Sena has been acting strange, it's all my fault. Sena confessed her love to me, and I reacted like a scared child and ran away from her. Because of that, I hurt your daughter. I felt terrible when I realized it, and since then, I've wanted to make things right. I called her up last night, and we arranged a meeting this morning. I apologized to her for what I did, and then confessed my feelings to her in return. So it seems things are okay between us, we are both okay with the arranged marriage."

He placed his hand on Pegasus's shoulder, smiling. "I'm sorry if I made you worry about your daughter, I promise to make her happy after she's become my wife." He also remembered a message from his father he got this morning regarding Pegasus. "Oh, I forgot to mention, my father had a message for you. He says that he'd like to know if you'd be interested in going out drinking after the wedding, that is if you're still not a lightweight." He tried his best not to laugh, remembering what happened the first time he stayed over, and he was forced to sleep with Pegasus.
Pegasus said nothing for awhile. Kodaka was a strange one. He knew there were guys dying to hear his daughter confess to them at her school - from what he'd overhear from her conversations with Stella. It was one of those reasons he trusted Kodaka; his difference from the rest. If he had any notion that Kodaka would have rsponded in that fashion, maybe he wouldn't have encouraged Sena half as much; or ask Stella to encourage his daughter to be more open about her feelings.

"Promise her that." He said and squared his shoulders, becoming physically defensive when Kodaka relayed his father's message. "I'll show him, I'm not a lightweight."
It became darker, the sun had already dipped beyond the horizon, leaving only a string of clouds in the sky, the color of it like a blanket of contrasting reds.
"Let's head back." He turned with him, leading him back up to the house.

Stella walked by the front door when he stepped in and bowed slightly.
"Dinner will be ready in the next fifteen minutes," she said and glanced at Kodaka, giving him a smile. "And it's good to see you again Master Kodaka." She almost added how much Sena had missed him but the girl wasn't there to hear it, and Stella loved teasing her. She straightened and returned to the kitchen to finish dinner.
Kodaka was relieved that Pegasus was still glad to have him with Sena. And it was kind of funny to see how he got so defensive about his father's comment. When they went inside, he smiled at Stella. "Hi Stella. It's good to see you again too." Although every time he sees her, she always manages to make him feel uncomfortable. Whether it's talking about how she sleeps naked or the time when she handed him a condom when he was with Sena, she always seemed to enjoy teasing others.

When dinner was ready, Sena and Kobato came back down. Kobato sat beside her brother, and the four of them all enjoyed their dinner together. "So, how was your time with Sena?" Kodaka asked his little sister. She turned bright red when he asked her that, not wanting to admit that she had fun with Sena. "We had fun, she's pretty good, better than you are." That's probably the coldest she's ever acted towards him, although he is making her say the truth, which she doesn't want to admit. "Then do you feel like spending the night with Sena tonight?" She looked at him with pleading eyes, but he didn't budge. They needed to bond, and if Sena could behave, she might get Kobato to love her. Looking down, she finally gave up. "Yea, sure." Kodaka then looked at Sena and smiled, she'll be able to spend the night with his sister.
Stella came by Sena's room and knocked on the door before coming in to tell her that dinner was ready. After eating breakfast at the mall when she'd been with Kodaka, she hadn't eaten much else besides getting a giant cookie to nibble on while they had walked; and her stomach gave soft rumbles, confirming just how hungry she was but it had been ignored so Sena could enjoy playing with Kobato. She paused the game and got up from the floor, her knees cracking as she straightened and she led Kobato out the room, her hands on her shoulders as she babbled on about how much she enjoyed playing with the child who just wanted to get away from her.

Sena smiled down at her plate of sukiyaki, took her chopsticks up and started to eat right after saying a "thank you" to Stella who stood by the table, waiting to be of service if they needed anything. Kodaka was given a boastful look when Kobato told him Sena was better at playing games than he was; and she almost bit her tongue when Kobato agreed to spend the night with her. She swallowed quickly, almost choking on the food in her excitement.
"You want to sleep with me tonight?" she asked, her tone almost incredulous and hopeful at the same time. She'd finally win Kobato if she said yes; even if it turned out she was only doing so to make her brother happy.

She glanced up at Kodaka, just looked at him for awhile then lowered her eyes back to her plate, playing with her food for a thoughtful moment then started eating again.
Pegasus glanced between the two and smiled as he reached for his glass of cranberry juice. "Since I didn't get to say it in the presence of you two, I'm happy you're back on good terms. She was miserable Kodaka, when you two weren't talking."

Sena slammed her hands down on the table and glared at her father. "Daddy!" she whined and looked to Stella for some help, but the young woman was preoccupied with trying to hide her smile as she refilled their water glasses.
"I wasn't miserable. I was just fine!" she said in a hostile tone, this time directing her anger at Kodaka.
"And she's so much happier now that you two are friends again."
His laughter was cut short by the legs of Sena's chair being scraped back against the tiled floor. And as expected, she fled from the room and there was silence for a moment after the fading of her rapid footsteps, followed by the sharp slam of her door.

Pegasus shook his head and continued eating. "She is so thin-skinned. Her mother was like that," he said, more to himself than to Kodaka.
Kobato nodded when Sena asked if she wanted to sleep with her. She really didn't want to though, but she knew that her brother would be happy if she did.

They tried their best not to laugh with Pegasus, but a lot of what he said was probably true. Even during the club, it was clear that she wasn't happy. When they noticed her playing her games, she wouldn't drool over the pretty girls like she usually would. And while she did love to be around Kobato, she didn't really get too excited at times. It was nice that she was happy again.

When she got up and ran away crying, Kodaka sighed. It seems that Yozora isn't the only one that can get under her skin. "Yea, she really is." Kodaka agreed with Pegasus. She really needs to learn to let things slide. Allowing Yozora to get to her like that is the reason why she picks on her so much. And it now looks like her dad is just as guilty of the same torture.

Once dinner was finished, Kobato went to take a bath with Stella. Kodaka thanked Pegasus for having them over, then went off to check on Sena. Gently knocking on her door, he called out to her. "Sena, are you okay? May I come in?"
Sena lounged in her room, trying to calm down from how embarrassed he father had made her. Kodaka didn't need to know any of that. It didn't matter and most of all, it was just plain humiliating. She took Kobato's game out and put one of her galge in; playing it just to pass the time. The time only seemed to drag on when it should be going faster. Kobato was supposed to be knocking on her door now to come in and play with her again; or they could have Ben sharing a bath right now. Sena would make sure it went better than the last time she'd shared a bath with Kobato.

Hearing the knock at the door, he chest tightened from the relief of finally getting some company. Instead of a shy, hesitant voice though, she heard Kodaka' s voice and almost frowned. She wasn't really ready to face him - not after what her dad had made him know. Didn't he know that Kodaka had a very weird way of responding to certain things. Not wanting to keep him waiting on the other side of her door, she got up from her bed and walked across her room to the door. She twisted the knob and pulled the door open just enough so she could look up at him. She almost asked him why he stood there, and not Kobato but she slowly opened the door widwe and stepped aside, allowing him in.

She closed the door after him and went back to her bed, sitting cross-legged on the white sheets. "What else did he tel you?" She grumbled begrudgingly without looking at him. Her father always wanted to embarrass her when it came to Kodaka. His intention was for them to be closer but he just had a very odd way of doing that; making jokes at Sena' s expense to make Kodaka more comfortable. She didn't like it. It almost felt the same as when Yozora would make fun of her in front Kodaka.
Kodaka's chest tightened as he entered Sena's room. They were finally alone, although probably not for long. When she asked him about what else her father said, he smiled as he sat down beside her. "Not much else. Most of our conversation was about my dad and my family. He did say that you're a lot like your mother." He wished he had more traits from his mother, but he was still proud of his patchy blonde hair. It reminded him of her and how much he loved her. He needs to keep in mind that her father should never meet with Yozora, it would be hell for her if those two could possibly get along.

"You want a little hint with Kobato? Try not to be too attached to her. She's not very good around other people. Let her grow attached to you, don't force your love onto her." Because their father always being out, he had to do everything for Kobato ever since she was little, which is why she became so dependent of him. She's never been very comfortable around others. She gets along with Maria because she's just a bit younger than her, and they seem to enjoy similar things. She's also fine with Yozora, since she defends her from Sena and Rika. Getting her to warm up with Rika seems to be a lost cause, but he could at least help Sena win her love. "I know you want to love her, but give her time, take it slow. When you watch something or play together, don't cuddle up with her, just keep your distance until she's comfortable with you. Maybe offer her a snack, she'll warm up to you a bit." He reached down to hold her hand, wanting to be closer to her as well. While he did want to help her with Kobato, he wasn't sure if she'd take his advice, with her thinking she's too perfect to take another person's advice.

Leaning in towards her, he tried to be a bit more forward with her. "I wouldn't mind if you tried to cuddle with me though." He said to her with a devious smile. He couldn't explain why, but ever since he confessed to Sena, he wanted to be around her more, do things that couples did. They could still date, just not all the time. He wanted to come over more often as well, maybe invite her over to his house too.
Hearing what her dad said made her forget, to some degree, what he had done. Kodaka didn't even seem to care about it, which made it easier for her to push to the back of her mind. She continued the game while Kodaka spoke, though he had majority of her attention even if her body language said otherwise. There was a light feeling in her stomach when he sat next to her. She was nervous about being close to him, even if they weren't doing anything and though she paid little attention to the erotic scene that came up in her game, she felt something that may have been induced by it.

He brought up Kobato. That took her mind off the feeling that had started to build inside her, making her throb in places that made her blush. She frowned. How could Kobato not love that kind of attention though? Sena liked it - when given to her by the right person. She shrugged nonchalantly at his suggestion, not verbally letting him know whether or not she would take his advice. She would consider it. Kodaka didn't understand how hard it was for her to see Kobato and not instantly want to cuddle her face off. He himself, probably didn't realize just how cute his sister was.

She had the game paused and looked up at him, angling her head and body back a little away from him when he took her hand and leaned into her. Color rushed to her cheeks when he suggested them cuddle - do things that a couple would do. She wanted to but instead snorted at him and pulled her hand away. "It's supposed to be a secret, right? Kobato could walk in any minute." For the first time, Sena almost wished she wouldn't. She actually wanted to be alone with Kodaka but she wouldn't let him know that.
He hoped she would take his advice. She should understand that she and Kobato are separate people. While she might like attention, Kobato didn't really care much for it. He did think his little sister was cute and he loved her, but he probably didn't see her the same way as Sena did. Sena pretty much took it to an obsession.

Kodaka wasn't really sure what was coming over with him. He just wanted to flirt with Sena, show her that he wants to be with her. It didn't help that she was in the middle of a love scene in her game. When she mentioned that Kobato could see him, he moved away from her. "You're right. She might not be too happy if she found out about us. Judging from how angry she gets with Maria, I can't imagine how angry she'd get at you. Although I would still like to be with you. Maybe we could go on a secret date tomorrow night, just the two of us." He looked back at her and smiled.

Shortly afterwards, Kobato ran into the room with damp hair and dressed in a bath robe. Now that she was cleaned up, she was ready to play with Sena again. Meanwhile, Kodaka went to take a bath himself, this time his bath was alone, thank goodness. After his bath, he joined the girls again, only to see Kobato start to get tired. They all soon headed to bed, with Kobato falling asleep in Sena's bed, Kodaka saying goodnight to the girls, then going off to the guest room to sleep himself. He stayed awake for quite sometime though, thinking about Sena and trying to think of different ways they could improve their relationship.
A secret date? What had gotten into Kodaka? Sena almost found it suspicious, her eyes nearly narrowing to slits as she regarded him. But there was not a hint of perversion in his face or body language. Maybe he was hiding it - being a sneak. Kodaka wasn't that type of person though, and she dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come to her mind. She looked away from him, her hair creating a shield so he couldn't see her flushed face that became hot from the images that taunted her mind. "Y-yeah. That sounds alright, I guess." So was this how he was when he decided to show his interest? It was a little unnerving for Sena. She had actually thought she would have to be the one to instigate things if she wanted to push their relationship forward, but he was proving her wrong.

Seeing Kobato enter the room, looking small and near sleepy in her bathrobe, Sena almost bounded off the bed to tackle her into a hug but remembered what Kodaka said not too long ago and sighed from the burden of the emotions she had to contain for Kobato. Kodaka left them and she put Kobato's game back in and played with her for awhile until she went to take a bath. She came back in her bathrobe and changed into her pajamas, the shirt a button-down cotton blouse, white with floral print on it. The bottoms matched the top and completely covered her toes. She had to carefully walk around her room to keep from tripping over her own feet.

Kobato soon began to fall asleep and Sena helped her into bed and planted a bIg kiss on her cheek. The child didn't seem to mind, already drifting off into a deep sleep. Sena laid beside her and watched her sleep hoping that, while she admired Kobato, sleep would come to her too. It didn't. Her thoughts kept her awake with trivial little things concerning Kodaka and the others of the club room. She closed her eyes, physically trying to shut out the thoughts but that didn't help and she opened her eyes, looking around the room, illuminated by the moonlight from outside that shone through the sheer curtains that covered her windows.

Was Kodaka already asleep? It didn't matter. He wouldn't mind being woken just to keep her company. Moving the sheets away from herself, she got out of the bed as quietly as possible, not wanting to rouse Kobato from sleep. She walked out into the dimly lit hallway and went to the guest room where he was. She didn't knock but just opened the door, closing it gently behind her. She started towards his bed and called out his name softly. "Are you asleep?" She stood at the side of the bed, looking down at him then sat on the edge of of it.
Kodaka didn't have any better luck falling asleep. He wanted to be with Sena, he wanted to know what it was like to have somebody to love. While he wanted to get close to Sena, he was happy did seem a little more comfortable around her tonight, especially since Sena appears to be taking his advice. It may be hard for her now, but perhaps one day Kobato will learn to love Sena's affections. If only he could wish for the same in the club, he wished Sena and Yozora would really get along.

When he heard his door open, he turned his back to the entrance, making it appear that he was asleep. It was probably Kobato trying to get away from Sena, or Pegasus trying to surprise him with another drink. Kodaka was actually surprised when Sena was the one that came to him. Sitting up to look at her, he smiled. "I'm awake, is there something you need?"

His mind couldn't help wandering into more perverted thoughts. Maybe she wanted to act out one of her galge scenes, maybe she was wearing something cute underneath her pajamas, maybe she wanted to spend the night with him. While he wanted something like that to happen, she probably wanted to talk. While in his mind, he wanted her to be a little more romantic, he was still happy to see her.
She shrugged at his question. "I can't sleep and Kobato' s already a sleep and there was no one else to talk to, so I came to you," she said haughtily, tossing her hair over her shoulder. It was still habit for her to treat Kodaka as someone she'd go to only as a last resort. Did it even make sense to pretend, now that everything was out in the open? Yes, she thought answering her own rhetorical musing.

Sena came closer, putting her feet up on the bed just to get comfortable without any regard for his own comfort. Her legs crossed beneath her, hands on her ankles she looked at him. "So where would you want to go for this secret date?" She asked and dropped her gaze from his eyes, knowing that she'd start blushing if she looked in them for too long.
That's nice, make it sound like talking to him is a chore. Hopefully she'll be a little more honest with herself soon, now that everything is out in the open. He knows she wanted to see him, even if Kobato was awake, she'd just stare at her while she slept. He could probably see her doing that all night long.

When she brought up the date, he thought about it for a moment. "Hmmmm, not really sure. I didn't have anything in mind. We could go out to a movie. Or we can just take you shopping again. Maybe go by an arcade together. Or if you want to keep things simple, you can just come over tomorrow night, have dinner with us and possibly stay the night." It would be nice to have her come over for one, return the hospitality that her family always provides for him.
All of his options didn't sound very secret the way Sena had imagined it would. As always, her mind soared much farther than Kodaka's suggestions and she frowned slightly. She'd been thinking they could do something like in one of her games; going by some lake or whatever and have a little picnic that would somehow change route from being an innocent romance between them to erotic play.

Going to his house didn't sound bad. She'd never been there and if she was lucky enough, maybe Kobato would let her into her room and Sena could convince her to give her something to keep in her room; just as a trinket from her favorite little sister. "Yeah, coming over doesn't sound bad. Daddy wouldn't mind."

She still wasn't very sleepy - if at all - and she glanced around the room. There wasn't much else that she had to say to him. She'd ask him to tell her a joke but then Kodaka failed miserably at that. Maybe he could bore her enough into making her want to sleep.
"Tell me a joke," she said and stretched herself out beside him, her body facing up as she stared at the ceiling then turned her head to look at him. There wasn't much moonlight that filtered in from the curtains but what light rested on Kodaka's face made him look...
She averted her gaze, looking back to the ceiling.
He wasn't very good at doing things romantic, and he didn't have the imagination that Sena had, especially since all of her expectations came from her galge games. Maybe he should play some, just to get an idea as to what to do for Sena. She always did make him play the ones she enjoyed the most, but he never really cared to actually pay attention, he'd just humor the girl and play them just to say he played them.

If she did come over, she'd probably have to sleep in the guest bedroom if she spent the night, especially since Kobato would probably hate having her in her room.

When Sena stretched out next to him, he couldn't help looking at her body, her perfect figure as she relaxed beside him. His face became red, and he'd often try to avoid looking at her. What happened to the flirty courage he had before? Now that she was lying in front of him, and practically asking for it, he was suddenly having trouble going through with it. He got nervous when she asked him to tell her a joke. He did his best to tell her one, but he kept having to repeat himself for wording it wrong, followed by the stuttering, it was a complete mess. Just watching him act in such a way might be a joke itself.
A telltale smile played with her lips and she giggled at his stuttering and turned over on her side to face him. Her face was a little close to him, if she went closer, there would be nothing but a hair's breadth distance between them. "You're so stupid. You should learn to tell a good joke," her voice was made soft by how close she was to him, and how quiet the room felt overall.

Sena continued looking at him and she bit her lip. Her mind, for a reason she couldn't identify, went back to the time they had played the King' s game; when she and Kodaka had almost kissed. She shifted a little, moving the soles of her feet against the soft sheets.
"Hey, Kodaka...remember that time we played thatgame at club and we almost...we almost," she trailed off, unable to finish but hoping he could for himself.

She came a little closer to him and rested her hands on her stomach, her fingers idly playing with each other; circling and interlocking, tugging and scratching.
"Do you want to try it again? Just for fun. Maybe it'll make me fall asleep,"she said quickly, trying to use an excuse to cover up why she wanted them to kiss.
At least she giggled, that's more than he got from any of his usual jokes. When she mentioned the King's Game, Kodaka blushed a little more when he remembered the time when they almost kissed. Back when they weren't being honest with their feelings, back before everyone was just friends. Even now, when he kissed her after his confession, he still felt nervous about kissing her. At that time, it was kind of in the heat of the moment, he wasn't thinking. Now thinking about it, he wasn't sure how to do it right.

"S-Sure." He answered when she asked him about wanting to do it again. Kodaka began to lean in, his face getting closer to her's. With their lips just inches apart from each other, Kodaka closed the gap and their lips locked. It was a wonderful feeling, kissing the girl he loved, showing her how much he feels about her with just one action.

When he broke away from the kiss, he looked at her, unable to say anything. He couldn't think of any words to say. Instead, he leaned in and gave her another kiss, this one a more passionate one as his tongue began to slide in and roll around in her mouth.
Sena watched him get closer and almost held her breath with eager anticipation. Her eyes met his for a brief moment before they closed when his lips pressed against hers and her chest became tight from a surge of excitement; her face felt hot and her lips tingled slightly. When he pulled back, she opened her eyes slowly to focus on him; the edges of her vision clouded by the effects of a dreamlike, hazy state. She moved one hand, her fingers touching him, a shy and silent message that she wanted him to do it again. This wasn't making her sleepy but instead invoked a desire for the things she always saw in her games.

He kissed her again and she leaned into his body for the reassurance that this was okay, and was something they both wanted. She turned her body fully to face his and pressed her palm flat against his chest then slid it over his shoulder and around his neck as she responded to his kiss, matching his movements. Her tongue rubbed against his, her lips tugged at his lower lip, sucking on it then she slanted her lips over his as her palm came to rest on his cheek.

Kissing did nothing to satiate her building need and her body began to throb, especially between her legs. She rested her thigh over his leg then pulled it between her legs. She looked at him and brought him to come on top of her, she looked up at him, her thumb passing over his soft lips and leaning up, she kissed him again.
Kissing didn't really do anything to satisfy him either. While it felt amazing to kiss her, it just made him want more. He let her pull him over top of her, holding the young girl beneath him.

Seeing her underneath him, looking so defenseless yet so beautiful, he wrapped his arms around her and held her body close to his, kissing her. Briefly breaking away from the kiss, he whispered to her. "I love you Sena." And then he went back in for another kiss. His hands started to instinctively move down her back and begin to grab her ass, pushing her hips towards him and forcing her to feel the bulge growing in his pants because of his arousal for her.

Leaning up from the kiss, he pulled his shirt off, revealing his bare chest. The kissing got more intense as his breathing got heavier, wanting to have Sena more and more. He rolled over, pulling her on top this time, then he tried to unbutton her top, but having difficulty with getting the buttons undone.
She blinked at him, licking her lips, tasting their kiss as they paused. She ran her hand up his chest, her nails scratching slightly at his nipple and she looked him over, her body heating up from just seeing his naked chest. His skin felt warm and soft beneath her touch and a short gasp left her when he moved her on top.

He fumbled with her buttons and she smiled and moved his hand, mumbling a light tease, calling him an idiot as she pulled each button free. She blushed when she shrugged the piece of clothing off and brought her hand up to cover her breasts. Feeling his bulge pressed up into her, she moaned softly. Her pajama bottoms was thin and her underwear was just as, making her feel every sensation of his covered hard flesh beneath her.

She continued rolling her hips against him, doing what felt right and good to her. She leaned down and kissed him again, her hand bracing beside his head, her fingers gripping the edge of the bed. "I love you too." It just slipped out. She was determined never to let him know her feelings again but it felt natural for her to say it.
Kodaka lifted his hips and pulled his pants down, revealing his hard member. Right afterwards, his hands reached under Sena's bottoms, pulling down her pajamas and panties. Hearing her say that she loved him did make him very happy. He knew she felt the same, but since his mishap, he was afraid that she wouldn't want to ever say that to him again.

Rolling back over, he was on top of Sena again, holding her down with his weight. With his shaft lined up against her pussy, he moved his hips and pushed himself in, finally entering Sena. This was amazing, being inside of the girl of his dreams, finally becoming one with her. His hands reached up and locked with her hands, his lips still pressed against her's, letting out little moans in between kisses as his hips began to move, pushing deeper and deeper into his lover.

Kodaka began to faintly moan her name, loving the feeling of sex. While it was a wonderful feeling, it was also a familiar feeling for some reason. Sort of like that dream he had when Yozora spent the night with him, he's been having strange and vivid dreams about her, and even with the other club members. Although that didn't matter now, he was finally one with Sena, they were going to get married in the future, and have a happy life together.
Goosebumps prickled her flesh from the cool air that passed through the room from the slightly open windows. She licked her lips when he settled her beneath him and kicked her feet free of her bottoms and panties, both hitting the floor with a rustle. She gripped his hips and looked between their bodies as he guided himself inside her.

She clenched reflexively when he pushed inside her and wrapped her hands around his back, her fingers pressing into his skin as she arched her back and rolled her hips. Her mind registered the pain and she moaned in slight agony, twisting her body and using her thighs to keep him still between her legs; giving herself time to adjust to his size and let the pain subside.

Sena shuddered beneath her, her exhale tremulous as he started to move inside her. Her hands smoothed up his back then rested flat - palms up - on either side of her head and she interlocked her fingers with his when he held her hands. She leaned up to return his kiss, her hips meeting him thrust for thrust as she gloved him tight inside her. Her imagination couldn't even glance the surface of how good this felt. Her feet were planted against the mattress as she lifted into him and she called his name on a broken and hoarse moan.
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