Haganai Eroge RP (Charlmeister & HeartOfTheDarkness)

Feeling the probe of his tongue, Yozora allowed his to touch hers. She matched his movements, flicking her tongue over his, and taking small nips at his lower lip. She tasted him and her fingers curled in his hair, grabbing a fistful. She almost forgot that all she wanted to do was kiss but not in a way that actually roused him from sleep.

He woke up though and she held on to him when he pulled her with him off the bed. She looked down at him, bracing one hand beside his head on the floor as she looked down at him. She was straddling him and was seated directly on his crotch, where there was no barrier to stop most of the sensations that spread through her from the direct contact to her...she blushed and watched him lean in closer. She angled her head back slowly but his lips still captured hers.

She allowed him to kiss her because she liked it. She wasn't going to pretend and push him away, slap him for being so forward then act as if nothing happened. It was just them, a facade wasn't necessary now. And she realized then he'd done something on his own initiative. Kiss her. Probably because he was still half asleep.

Her hands wrapped around his neck as she pressed into him, her hips rocking slightly against his as she pulled his tongue into her mouth. Maybe in the morning, she could convince him that it had all just been a dream.
He wasn't entirely sure whether this was a dream or not, but he liked it. With his mind all hazy, he was pretty much acting on instinct. And with Yozora allowing him to kiss her, he just wanted more and more of her.

His hands reached for the shirt she was wearing and began pulling it up, revealing her naked body. While she wasn't as curvy as Sena, she still had a beautiful figure, and very soft skin. His hands reached for her breasts, gently rubbing her nipples. It didn't take long for him to lean into her breasts and begin suckling her nipples.

As he was getting intimate with Yozora, he started getting hard, and it began to bulge from his boxers, rising in between Yozora's legs as she straddled him. His hips began to rock along with her's grinding the bulge against her pussy, causing him to let out faint moans.
She didn't want him to stop. She didn't want any of it to stop; his kisses and soft touches, his mouth against her body. She gave a soft moan of approval when his mouth closed around her breast. Each time his lips pulled at it, a sensation pierced the pit of her stomach that went down to her clit, bringing her an immense pleasure she'd never experienced before. And she wanted to feel it again and again.

The evidence of his arousal pressed hard and firm beneath her, swelling against her own flesh that became more sensitive and damp against him. Yozora pulled the shirt over her head and flung it aside, then reached for his. She thought that maybe, this was a reality that actually took place in her dreams. It felt real but not, at the same time; as if she was just a spectator but not actually apart of this.

She smoothed her hands down his bare chest then brought one hand up to cup his jaw and tilted his head back as she kissed him deeply. She moaned into his mouth, her hips rocking harder against his erection. She thought she'd be satisfied with just kissing but feeling his bare chest against her nakedness, she wanted more.
It felt nice to have her pressing against his bare chest, but he wanted to go further. Pulling down his pants, he finally revealed his erect cock and it began rubbing against Yozora's slit. He couldn't tell if this was a dream or not. It felt too real to be a dream, but there was no way Yozora would act this way towards him. Whether it was a dream or reality, he liked it quite a bit.

With his cock lined up, he slowly pushed into Yozora's pussy, feeling her tight virgin walls wrapping around him. His moans got a little louder as he pushed into her, but he did his best to keep quiet, just in case since Kobato might overhear them.

Once he was inside of her, he rolled over, putting Yozora underneath him. His hips began moving at a steady pace, pushing deeper and deeper into her. Leaning into her, he kissed her passionately, letting out a few moans in her mouth. His hands went back to playing with her breasts, he did everything in his power to try and have Yozora enjoy this intimate moment together.
When Kodaka pushed inside her, Yozora moaned loudly in surprise and pain. She'd been distracted by the kissing, the rush of her emotions and excitement, and her own thoughts to pay attention to Kodaka's movement beneath her as he released his erection and entered her. Her muscles tightened reflexively around him, seeking to push his cock out but pulled him in deeper.

She gasped when he flipped her beneath him and started to move. Using her feet, she pushed his boxers away and off his legs then wrapped her legs around him, undulating against him. She'd never thought too much about sex. Her thoughts concerning Kodaka usually started and ended with kissing; a little petting and that was it. She never thought this far ahead. More was happening than she intended but she liked it.

The pain lessened, replaced by sharp sensations of pleasure the more he thrust inside her. She tilted her hips up and brought her hands down to his butt, pressing him hard against her, making sure he went deeper. She returned his kiss and her moans echoed his. She called his name on a catchment of breath and moved her hands up to his shoulders before cupping his face and kissing him again.
Once Yozora wrapped her legs around him, Kodaka began moving faster and faster. His breathing got heavier as he began muttering her name under his breath. Whether this was a dream or not, sex was amazing. For once, he understood why Rika was so horny all of the time. Doing something like this, it would be great to do this constantly. Although he assumed she only got her experiences through her books and maybe virtual games, so probably no actual experience.

He didn't expect Yozora to put her hand on his ass, although it kind of felt good, feeling her small, soft hand pushing down on him, wanting him to go faster and faster. For his fist sexual experience, he thought he wasn't doing too bad. At least Yozora seemed to look like she was enjoying it. That look of lust on her face when he made love to her, he wished he could see her look happy more often, he hated how she always seemed to angry half the time.

As expected from a young man during his first experience, it didn't last too long. Letting out a loud moan, he came inside of Yozora, filling her up with his seed. Once he was done, he leaned in and kissed her more, wanting to be close to her. He eventually pulled away and got up, then helped Yozora up. Still in a daze, he got dressed again, then handed Yozora the shirt. Once they were dressed again, he pulled her onto the bed with him, pulled the blanket over top of them both, and then he curled up next to her, holding her close to him. To Kodaka, this was all most likely a dream, something that couldn't possibly happen, and yet it would've been amazing. He may never know that what he just did was real, and he just made love to his childhood friend.
Yozora couldn't recognize herself. This wasn't her.; this panting, moaning and wanton girl who begged Kodaka for more and gasped for him to go faster. This side of herself was alien to her but she couldn't stop it, even if she wanted to because it felt so good. The games Sena played had captured the essence of sex but actually experiencing it was better than any game.

He started going faster and she arched her back, pressing up into him, meeting his thrusts with her own quick bucks. Her breaths quickened and became shallow. She pushed against him and her hands were all over him; at his shoulders, around his back and at his sides then finally came to grip around his neck. She tightened around him and felt a rush of warm fluid inside her and her muscles clenched. She convulsed beneath him and bit into his shoulder, keeping herself from screaming as her first orgasm seized her body.

Her body felt weak and tingled, her thighs were shaking and her hands trembled around him. Leaning up into his kiss, she sighed against him and almost asked him to let them do it again. He got up and dressed, she glanced up at him and took the shirt. She blushed and pulled it on over her head then allowed him to guide her back to the bed.

She rested against him, laying her hand atop his that wrapped around her middle. She smiled and closed her eyes. She probably never thought this far ahead but in her mind, she had imagined Kodaka being her first.
And it happened.
Kodaka slept very well after the fun he had with Yozora that night. When he woke up, he felt so carefree, like he was so happy about something. Maybe it was because of the strange dream he had, having to do with him getting intimate with Yozora. He felt this warm embrace as he started waking up. Opening his eyes, he saw who was giving him the embrace, and it was none other than Yozora.

His eyes shot wide open. The two of them were snuggled up together, as if they were a couple. With his face bright red, he did his best to get out of bed without waking Yozora, and luckily he managed to get out pretty easily. Once he was out of bed, he decided to head into the kitchen and make breakfast.

While in the middle of making breakfast, Kobato woke up and immediately went to the tv to watch more of her show. Honestly, it was like that show was a drug to her. Hopefully Yozora will wake up soon, if not, he'll have to go in and wake up herself, and he wasn't really sure about what she was like in the mornings.
Her first thought was, this isn't my room. Yozora turned over in the bed and looked around the room, her blurred vision clearing. Her thoughts cleared too, replaying most of what had happened the night before. She shot up in the bed, clutching the sheet to her chest as the images; like still frames her memory had captured, flickered in her mind's eye. She touched herself and a familiar spreading of warmth, sstarted from between her thighs and spread throughout her body. She and Kodakahad really...it hadn't just been one of her dreams. She remembered being conscious through it all, she remembered everything but she didn't want it to be real.

She flung the sheet off her and searched around for her things. She found her bag on the floor and her uniform folded neatly on a chair beside it. She took Kodaka's shirt off and dressed in her uniform. She buttoned her skirt as she walked out the room and down the hall; the scent of breakfast hit her and she almost wanted to stay. But she didn't want to see Kodaka. it was a stupid feeling because she'd have to tell him bye when she left. She glimpsed Kobato in the living room, watching her show then she looked in the kitchen and saw Kodaka.

"Kodaka. I'm leaving. See you at school," she said, her words rushed and her tone eager. Not waiting for his response, Yozora walked to the front door and pushed her feet in her shoes, struggling to get them on right as she opened the door and walked out. Why was she even upsetabout the fact that they'd had sex? It hadnothing to do with whether or not Kodakarealized it had actually happened. She was upset because there was Sena.
"Wait, don't you...." He didn't get the chance to say anything else, she was gone. Both him and Kobato were a little surprised to see her leave like that. The rest of the morning went by like usual, the two siblings ate their breakfast, then got ready for school. Kodaka's mind was still on Yozora, about what he dreamed about, and how she rushed out of the house. Did his dream really happen? Did he and Yozora really do it? Kodaka shook his head and tried to act as if nothing happened. There's no way that would've happened, she probably forgot something at home and had to rush home and get it, that's it.

The two left for school, and Kodaka told Kobato that he would see her in the club room after school. When he got to class, he didn't get a chance to say anything to Yozora. He didn't really get to say anything to her during the whole day, it was like she was avoiding him. He hoped that she was okay, this was starting to worry him a bit.

After class, he went to the club room, but didn't see Yozora. Everyone else was there thought. "Hey guys." Kodaka announce when he entered the room. Hopefully Yozora will show up eventually, he wanted to talk to her.
There was a lot that came from just the knowledge that she'd had sex. Sex with her best friend. Yozora stayed still under the shower. After leaving Kodaka, she'd taken the train home. She couldn't go to school without cleaning herself up and apart of her didn't want to go to school but she had that homework to hand in.

Where exactly could she and Kodaka go from here? Certainly not a relationship. It'd get on Sena' s nerves that much was assured but that would put Kodaka in a terrible position, wouldn't it? And it wasn't Yozora' s wish to make him uncomfortable. Sena not existing, not ever having set foot in their club, was her wish. Because of her, things were difficult, there were certain things she couldn't let Kodaka know.

She finished her shower and dressed quickly for school. She was late for class, but only by five minutes. For the entire day, she avoided Kodaka. She walked in opposite directions when she saw him and whenever she had to use the bathroom during class, instead of walking by his desk which was a shorter route to the door, she chose the longer route.

Then school was over and she had to contemplate whether or not she actually wanted to go to the club room. And then she realized she was being stupid and immature about this. Could she really expect anything from Kodaka because they fucked? No, she had no right to. She could treat it, just as how she treated everything else. With indifference. It didn't matter. At least that's what she wanted to think.

She walked to the club room and opened the door then closed it behind her. She looked Kodaka in the eye, cold and nonchalant, before she muttered a greeting to both Rika and Yukimura. Sena, she wanted to throw out the club room.
Once Yozora entered the room, the atmosphere got suddenly awkward. Kodaka was too scared to speak to Yozora, afraid that she'd bite his head off if he accidentally said something he shouldn't say. It looked like the others were trying to keep quiet as well. Luckily Maria wasn't around today, she apparently had to help Kate out with a few things. Lucky for her, she would've been killed by Yozora if she was around. Kobato remained close to her big brother, looking as if she also wanted to say something to Yozora as well.

The club remained rather quieter than usual. Kodaka watched Sena play her games, Kobato remained by her brother's side, trying to stay away from Sena. The whole time, Kodaka wanted to gather the courage to confront Yozora about last night. The main issue though was the fact that the other girls were nearby. Going up and talking to her about it would bring too much attention to it, the same goes for taking her outside to talk. His main issue would be Rika, it was hard to keep a secret from her.

Pulling out his phone, Kodaka decided the best possible way to at least get to Yozora would be to send her a text. "Can I call you later? I really wanted to talk to you. I'm worried about you Sora." Hopefully she'll agree to him. The rest of the club went by as usual, and eventually it was time to leave.

Before heading out the door, Kobato approached Yozora. Luckily Rika already left, so the nosiest of the bunch was out of the way. The young girl leaned in to whisper to Yozora. "Next time you hang out with An-chan, can you be a little quieter about it. You were kind of loud when I was trying to sleep last night." Kobato did overhear the two go at it, and she hear Yozora moaning out loud as it went on, although she had no idea what the two of them were doing. And with that, the two siblings headed out to go home, like any ordinary day.
The club room was the same. Nothing was different. Everyone did what they wanted without much communication among them. Rika read, Yukimura stood by in her maid outfit and the blonde was glued to her galge. Yozora decided she'd follow suit. She took out her book and turned to the last page she'd been on.

It was difficult to read though. The memory haunted her and she could hear his voice in her head, those noises of satisfaction he'd made. She tried hard to focus on her book, to rid her mind from the flashbacks but it kept coming back. Her phone vibrated in her bag and she reached inside, feeling around for it.

Yozora glanced up at the back of Kodaka's head then back to her phone. Her chest tightened as she read the text. "Fine." was her response and she shoved the phone back in her bag and returned to pretend reading.
The time seemed to crawl along, leaving Yozora to her conflicting thoughts but then the day took pity on her and it was time to leave.

As she was about to get up, she paused when Kobato came to her and her face went read as the girl basically told her she had been too loud last night. She watched her leave with her brother then waited a while; mostly to calm herself down.

Rika was watching her closely and Yozora felt it but she didn't care to try and be defensive. She really just wanted to go home and she left without sparing anyone a second one glance.
While riding the bus home, Kodaka thought about when he should call Yozora. He also thought about what he should say to her. He was worried about whether she was feeling okay, but he also wanted to know what happened last night. He knew he accidentally grabbed her before falling asleep, and then he woke up cuddling with her. And he had a strange dream of doing something naughty with her, but it felt so real.

Once the two got home, Kobato did what she usually did and went to watch her show. Kodaka didn't feel like cooking tonight, so he ordered some delivery and relaxed in his room. At least today was Friday, he had the weekend to relax and hopefully everything will be back to normal on Monday.

Reaching for his phone, he decided to finally call Yozora. When he heard her pick up, he was a bit relieved to hear her voice. "Hey Yozora. I hope you're feeling okay. Um, do you know what happened last night? I know I accidentally grabbed you, did I do anything else in my sleep?" He asked, not sure what her answer would be. Hopefully he didn't do anything to her, but he wasn't too sure, and it was hard to really control himself when he's off in dreamland.
Yozora had already changed out her school clothes and was wearing sweatpants and a shirt twice her size inside her house. She was unwrapping a rice cake when her phone rang and her heart skipped a beat. She ran to her room to get it but seeing Kodaka's name come up on the caller ID made her hesitate.

She swallowed the morsel in her mouth and answered, her tone dull and dry. She sat crosslegged on her bed and brought the rice cake to her mouth, nibbling on it as Kodaka talked. She almost choked on a piece she swallowed too soon when he asked about what happened last night.

Wiping her lips, she thought about whether to tell him the truth or not. The plan that night was just to make it her little secret, not theirs. Kodaka would think it was a dream but Yozora would always know the difference. She scoffed at him.
"Of course nothing happened, idiot. As if I would let you touch me anyway. Pervert." Her arrogant tone died with her last word.

It was better this way, that way he wouldn't try to do anything stupid and cause her to expect anything from him. She'd get over it, anyway. "So is that all?"
Hearing Yozora scold him like that sounded normal, but he got some strange vibe as if she was keeping something from him. Then again, she was almost always keeping something from him whether it was a huge secret or just some new idea to torment poor Sena. Kodaka sighed in relief when she said that nothing bad happened between them last night.

"Alright, I'm sorry for accidentally touching you last night. I was afraid I did something else while I was sleeping. Anyways, aside from that awkward moment we had, I had fun yesterday. We should do it more often, or I could come over to your place." He did enjoy hanging out with Yozora, even if it leads to an awkward moment between them. He just wished that she'd be a little more honest with him at times, although he knew it was still hard for her to really open up to people ever since he moved away and left Yozora all alone.

"One more thing, are you sure you're feeling okay? You seemed a little extra cold today. Did Sena do something earlier to make you angry again?" Honestly, he wished those two would get along for once. That would probably be his big dream in life, to see the two girls he loves actually get along and be happy together. While it was a nice wish, he knew it was hopeless, those two are always at each other's throat, almost as if they enjoy tormenting each other.
Yozora was almost sorry too but she didn't regret what had happened between them. Sure, there was a nagging voice at the back of her head, pleading with her to just tell him the truth but that didn't matter. She'd stopped at a pharmacy and picked up that plan B pill, so when she'd swallowed that and washed it down with water; she treated what happened last night in the same fashion.

"Yeah, you could come over tomorrow," she mumbled. "I'm gonna be home alone and there's nothing really here to do. But you don't have to come." She honestly didn't mean to blurt out that last bit but she couldn't stop herself. She wouldn't take it back either.

"I'm fine Kodaka. Stop concerning yourself with me," she said, an irritated edge to her voice. He didn't need to be concerned about her. She was always cold, it was her norm. Was he still not used to it. "Anyway, if you want to come over tomorrow then you can. I have to go, bye." She hung up and set the phone aside. Conversation with him didn't appeal to her anymore because the longer she stayed on the phone with him was the more need she felt to tell him. And it had started to depress her.
That kind of ended abruptly, he was hoping to have a little more of a talk with her. She did invite him over tomorrow, but he wasn't sure about whether he should see her or just give her some space. Part of him wanted to go see her, he always loved spending time with her. Another part of him also wanted to see Sena too, even if she can be a spoiled bitch at times.

Their fathers did want them to get married eventually, and Sena seems to be on board with the idea. Kodaka doesn't really have a problem with it either, but he would at least like to spend some actual time together, as a couple. Most of the time they were with the club, so it was hard to get close to her without any of the other girls butting in. Whenever they were alone, he would feel too shy or awkward to say anything, either that or Sena would constantly talk about Kobato. Plus the last time he was over at her house, he was still a bit shocked at that creepy collection of Yozora's pictures she has.

Looking at his phone, he tried to decide whether he should go see Yozora or try and give Sena a call. He was torn between two girls he loved, and they both hated each other, so that really didn't help.
Yozora thumbed through the newspaper and stopped at the movie listings on the entertainment page. A few shows looked worth the entire feat of getting out the house and to the cinema. She chewed on her lip as she pondered inviting Kodaka to see one of the films. The night before she hadn't rested well and by the time she'd finally been able to sleep, dawn came. She only got four hours sleep and now that she was awake, she didn't really feel the need to throw herself back in bed.

She took up her phone, her thumbs hovering over the keypad as she continued thinking about inviting Kodaka to see a movie with her. She finally let out her paused breath and tested. Hopefully, he'd be too busy to come. But then she would be mad if he couldn't make it. Yozora knew she was complicated and contradictory but she could deal with herself. Her emotions were somewhat different to take hold of.

"Come with me to the movies later. If you aren't busy." She stared at the text, wondering if she should add a smile emoji. She shook her head. That sort of gesture wasn't her and it would probably throw Kodaka off. She sent the text then threw down the phone, going back to watching TV.
It was certainly a bit surprising to see another text from Yozora, especially so soon after she hung up on him. So she wanted him to join her for a movie? It seemed innocent enough. "Sure, I'll join. As long as we don't accidentally watch another foreign erotica movie. I'll meet you at the theater later, just tell me the time." That was definitely an awkward moment they shared. Researching ideas for their movie, they decided to watch a foreign film. The film ended up being very erotic, leaving the two of them a bit horrified from the experience.

The rest of the evening went by pretty normal. Kodaka and Kobato enjoyed their dinner together, she went back to her anime, and Kodaka started getting ready for the movies with Yozora. Suddenly, he got a phone call. It was his father. "Hello?" He answered, suspicious of what his dad wanted.

"Kodaka! How's my son doing? I heard from Pegasus that his little girl finally confessed to you. How is she? Did you lovebirds go at it yet?" This was embarrassing, although it was expected of his father. "Dad?! It's not like that. We haven't gotten that far yet." "What? Come on son, you've got a beautiful girl as your fiance and you haven't had your fun with her yet? Get to it, you two are made for each other. It's your weekend right? Do something with her." If only it were that simple. If it was just Sena in the picture, then sure, he'd ask her out. But there's Yozora, Yukimura, Rika, he honestly loves all of them. "I just can't yet. I mean I think I love her back, but it's just that..." "What? Do you have another girl? I'm so proud of my son, being such a stud. You're just like your old man back in his day. I'm happy that you're getting around, but one day you'll have to settle down, like I did with your mother. Just try to set something up with her, I'm sure Pegasus is saying the same thing to her, so if you don't call her, she probably will. Anyways, gotta go. Tell Kobato I love her, bye." Figures, it's hard to believe that this is actually his father. He does have a point though, at some point, he's going to have to pick one of the girls. As much as he cares about them, it's not right to lead them on for so long.

Saying goodbye to Kobato, he left for the theater. On the way, he figured he might as well text Sena. It didn't feel right though, being pressured by his father to speed things up. It felt like things were going too fast, but he'll never hear the end of it if he doesn't do what he's asked to do. Hey, you wanna do something tomorrow?" He sent the text to Sena, hoping she would at least have a plan. He was normally clueless with this sort of thing.
Yozora's face went red as she read Kodaka's reminder of that erotic film they'd seen the last time they had gone together. Probably if Rika had been at the theater with Kodaka instead of Yozora, she'd jump at the chance to take advantage of him. Rika loved being stuck in those sort of situations and Yozora almost wished that at that point in time, she'd had tapped into her inner Rika. But they'd both been too embarrassed to let the film invoke any sexual stirrings inside them. Well...she wasn't sure about Kodaka but she knew she'd been to damn mortified to even conjure sexual fantasies at that moment.

She'd be sure that that mistake wouldn't be made again. There was a horror film out and it seemed to have some sort of promise to it. There was a picture of an old hand, wrinkled with veins bulging beneath the skin pulled tight over bent knuckles that scratched at some surface. The kanji characters for "The Complex" was written alongside the illustration in a bloody and scraggly font. It seemed much better than making the same mistake twice.

Later in the day, an hour before the theater would open, Yozora got up and got ready. Her wardrobe wasn't lacking but at the same time, she had nothing that really flattered her figure because she never cared for it...until now. She pulled out a sweatpants and a shirt with pale orange cat paw prints. The shirt complemented her upper half but her sweatpants just hung loose on her. She didn't mind it though, this was how she was most comfortable. The thought still hovered that Kodaka would still find her pretty...even if she didn't wear flattering clothes.

She looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what to do with her hair. Unlike Sena she didn't have cute pins and unlike Rika, she had no ribbons to style her hair with. What did it matter anyway? She huffed and turned away from the mirror and just got her bag then pushed her socked feet in her sneakers. "I'm leaving out now."


Sena was on her back, her head lolling over the side of her bed as she played her galge laying upside down. She was just pressing the buttons, chewing gum when she heard her phone vibrate on the table. She paused the game and sat up on the bed, crawling to her phone nd she sat back on her heels, opening the text.

She arched a brow and a smile came to her face. She'd been bored, replaying certain scenes of her game and she had been thinking about Kodaka; thinking that it had been awhile since his last trip over her house. Since the day he came into her room and saw her Yozora candid shots collection, pasted up on her ceiling. At the time, she hadn't been embarrassed about it but whenever she thought about it now, she wished she hadn't brought him inside her room - with such pride - to see her work.

"Will Kobato be there?"
Kodaka was on the bus when he saw Sena's text. Figures, she wants Kobato to join them. There's probably no chance of her joining them though, Kobato is terrified of Sena. "I was actually hoping for you and me to do something together. Maybe there's someplace you wanted to go. Or I could come over again to hang out again. I can asked Kobato though, although I can't promise anything." He sent the text over to Sena, hoping she'd respond to him with something in mind. He hoped she wouldn't give him a hard time though, asking her to do something alone with him, he could almost hear her yelling at him and calling him a pervert. Kind of odd though, since she's pretty perverted herself, and he's already seen her naked twice.

When Kodaka got the the movie theater, it looked as if he beat Yozora. It didn't matter though, he just waited patiently outside for her. He was curious about what she wanted to see. As long as it wasn't a repeat of the last movie, he was fine.

"I'm outside of the theater." He sent to Yozora, just so she would know where to look for him. As he waited outside for her, he had a smile on his face, excited to be hanging out with Sora, hanging out like normal friends would.
Sena hadn't really been able to approach Kodaka the same way. Not since the day she outright told him she loved him, in front of everyone at the clubroom. It was also why she never invited him over on her father's say so that she invite his son-in-law over. Because of everything that happened between them it made it that much harder for her to ask him out like she usually would; when it should have made it easier.

She was shy about going out with him because they had never been in a setting, just the two of them. It was disappointing that Kobato would probably jot be there. Sena knew the little girl loathed her and it hurt her. She was no expert on how to act like a big sister, obviously her results with Kobato were beyond poor. And probably Kodaka wasn't impressed with her efforts. She had some inclination that he found it very weird - her also.

"Uhm okay. Call me later."


Yozora had been walking slowly, thinking she had idle time before Kodaka got to the theater. She was chewing on orange cotton candy when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She checked it and ran to the theater, not wanting to keep him waiting since she was on the same street the theater was. She spotted him outside and tripped over a rock, dropping her cotton candy.

She caught herself before she fell though and bit her lip. There were tiny cotton candy flecks around her mouth and cheek. She could be a messy eater, especially with candy and ice cream. Kodaka wasn't supposed to know that, now there was something else to know about his best friend. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked up at him.

"You're late," she scolded and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him towards the line, which wasn't too long. "I want to watch The Complex. Are you okay with that?"
"Sure thing, I'll either call you later on tonight, or tomorrow morning." He might as well ask Kobato to join them, although he's pretty sure that she would decline. Although Sena does try her best to win Kobato's affections, it never seems to work though. And it's not that Kobato hates Sena, she's just scared of her and how she acts towards her. When Kodaka avoided the club for a while, Kobato actually felt bad for Sena, seeing that her big brother broke the girl's heart. It was stupid of him to do, and he still regrets it, but it appears that everyone is happy and things are sort of back to normal. Kobato will probably learn to love Sena, although Sena needs to learn to calm down a bit.

When Yozora showed up, Kodaka just smiled when she scolded him. Was she here waiting for him this whole time? When they went inside, he was a bit surprised when she mentioned watching a horror movie. It wasn't what he expected, but it could be fun to watch a scary movie with a friend.

The two of them grabbed their tickets and snacks. In the theater, it was surprisingly almost empty, a few people spread out. The two of them grabbed their seats in the back of the theater, away from everyone else, and then waited for the movie to start.
Yozora half-expected that the theater would be near empty. If it was left up to her, she wouldn't be watching this but it was the safest thing on the movie listings. Plus, she wanted to see something new for a change. Kodaka hadn't been given much of a choice when she told him they'd be watching horror but he didn't seem to mind her picking the movie.

She bought chocolate and popcorn and a medium cup of milkshake. She wanted to by more things to eat since she didn't really eat much at home. She wasn't really a binge eater but given the opportunity, she'd consume large amounts of food. She'd wanted to do that but Kodaka was here and that caused her to be conservative on what she got to eat. Yozora didn't want him to think her a pig when it came to food.

The movie started and not even half way into the movie, she was trying to get as close to Kodaka as possible. She turned over her popcorn during a jumpscare scene and turned her face into his shoulder, not wanting to see what was happening on screen. Her hands were wrapped tight around his arm, pressing it between her breasts but she wasn't paying attention to that.
"Can I look now?" she mumbled into his arm. As a matter of fact, she wanted to go home. Where'd she even get the idea she was brave enough for a horror movie; when she couldn't even bear to read a horror-themed book?
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